Strat Final Requirement

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 31
COLLEGE OF OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL (P) Km. 78, McArthur Highway, Brgy. Saguin. City of San Fernando, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirement in the Strategies for Teaching Health Education: A Profile on Instructional Health Planning – “Ang Pamilya Ko, Iingatan Ko: Family Guide to a Healthy Living”

Submitted to: Mrs. Grace Lacson Professor

Submitted by: Calma, Arvie Crabajales, Jan Paulo Garon, Adora Daphne Garon, Arianne Danica Ocampo, Roan Kay Shead, Mary Ann

October 8, 2008

Table Of Contents


Introduction ------------------------------------------------ 3


Body of Health Education ----------------------------- 4

a. Modes Of Instruction ------------------------------ 4 b. Nutrition ------------------------------------------------ 4 c. Good Grooming and Hygiene------------------- 5 d. Family Planning-------------------------------------- 8 III.

Recipients of Health Education --------------------- 9


Teaching Plans ------------------------------------------- 10


Action Plan ------------------------------------------------- 14


Conclusion ------------------------------------------------- 15


Learning Insights ---------------------------------------- 15


Photos -------------------------------------------------------- 17


Personal Information of Group Members -------- 24


Copy of Certifications ---------------------------------- 30

“Anyone who sees his own occupation merely as means of earning money degrades it, but he that sees it as a service to mankind enables both his labor and himself.”


Lawrence Lowell


Health Teachings in the community is an integral part of the school curriculum that nursing students should experience. Through the exposure, each student had experienced, first hand, the opportunity to empower the people. An individual could


greatly affect the way of living of the family and even the community, thus, he has the power to affect and bring about change. This is the vision of our health teaching: the attainment of the well being of each member of the family through the promotion of health and prevention of illness and diseases. The family is the basic unit of service and is the most effective channel for most of the health education efforts, thus, we have decided to involve all members of the family in order to attain our vision.

“To make a difference”, this is what each group member wants to achieve when we started our health education. We want to impart the ideas that we have in the community, as well as elicit change with respect to the values, customs and beliefs of the clients. We, being part of the health team, have the responsibility to educate people about the importance of health, make a change in their practices toward health, and help the people help themselves. So that even after our services are completed, we know that we have instilled in them a different view, thus the continuum of achieving a high sense of wellness will be practiced.

We have decided to approach family health holistically, so we coined our project “Pamilya Ko, IIngatan Ko: Family guide to healthy living.” We focused on three important matters namely: nutrition, good grooming and proper hygiene, and family planning. These are the most neglected elements especially in families with low socioeconomic status and education. A simple malnutrition could lead to an illness just as an unhygienic practice could predispose an unfavorable health status. We want the people in our chosen community to understand that poverty is not a hindrance to achieving wellness; that it is wiser to invest in the health of their family members than waste money when the members are already sick. Cliché as it may be, but prevention is always better than cure. This is our mission: to teach every member of a family the importance of good nutrition through eating healthy and budgetfriendly foods, of good grooming and proper hygiene as part of everyday life, and of family planning as the key in being able to provide more care and needs with smallsized families.



The people were so receptive when we conducted the health education. Although we conducted the teaching in a vacant lot with limited chairs and with a not so conducive-to-learning environment, the health-seeking behaviors of the people were commendable. They were like sponge absorbing every bits of information. A. Modes of Instruction In our health teaching, we utilized an informal discussion with the use of posters that we asked from the Department of Health. The group was divided into partners and every partner was assigned to a particular topic, choosing among the three. To break the ice, we asked the people of their perception about the importance of being healthy. Afterwards, we proceeded with discussing the topics assigned to us. We had an open forum after the discussions and we tried our best to answer every question from the families. To get the attention of the children, we asked the children to demonstrate how they brush or take a bath and then we demonstrated the proper way to perform different hygienic activities. Since children are reward-oriented, we had games to test their physical and cognitive development and of course, we gave them prices. B. Nutrition According to the International Food and Agriculture Organization, “Malnutrition in the Philippines is caused by a host of interrelated factors – health, physical, social, economic and others. Food supply and how it is distributed and consumed by the populace have consequent impact on nutritional status. While reports indicate that there is enough food to feed the country, many Filipinos continue to go hungry and become malnourished due to inadequate intake of food and nutrients. In fact, except for protein, the typical Filipino diet was found to be grossly inadequate for energy and other nutrients.” Good nutrition means getting the calories we need for energy and the nutrients we need for proper growth. Variety, balance, and moderation are keys to good nutrition. The benefits of good nutrition are multiple. Besides helping you maintain a healthy weight, good nutrition is essential for the body and all its systems to function optimally for a lifetime. In fact, the benefits of good nutrition can be found in physical and mental health because a healthy diet provides energy, promotes good sleep, and gives the body what it needs to stay healthy. When you consider the benefits of good nutrition, it's easier to eat healthy.


Putting food on the table is a daily struggle for Filipino families. A survey on purchasing behavior showed that the top ten regularly consumed substitute viands of income class D and E households in Metropolitan Manila are soy sauce, coffee, pork oil, salt, brown sugar, bagoong, condensed milk, powdered milk, soft drinks and powdered chocolate drinks. With the exception of condensed milk, the same viands are used in urban households in Cebu and Davao. Also, more and more families rely to instant foods to fill up their empty stomachs. These instant foods contain no less than sodium and monosodium glutamate which are detrimental to one’s health when taken in high amount. There are different food groups: 1) Fruits and Vegetables - cooked vegetables, raw or cooked fruits and juices are in this group. They supply many of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Eat four servings or more each day. 2) Protein Foods -

Meats, fish, poultry, eggs and cheese are in this group. They give you protein as well as many vitamins and minerals. Eat three servings or more each day. 3) Carbohydrates-rich foods - Bread, grains and cereals are in this group. They have a variety of vitamins, minerals and some protein in them. Eat four servings or more each





Milk, cheese and yogurt are in this group. They give you protein, vitamins and a lot of calcium. Eat two servings or more each day. Financial constraint should not be an issue in choosing and serving nutritious meals to your children, there are many substitutes that are affordable. Planting vegetables in the backyard will be a good source. Breastfeeding is the main source of nutrition of infants. Science has proved that breast-fed babies have a healthier start in life. Human milk contains a balance of nutrients that closely matches infant requirements for brain development, growth and a healthy immune system. Human milk also contains immunologic agents and other compounds that act against viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Since an infant's immune system is not fully developed until age 2, human milk provides a distinct advantage over formula.

b. Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming


Personal hygiene may be described as the principle of maintaining cleanliness and grooming of the external body. It is in general looking after yourself. Failure to keep up a standard of hygiene can have many implications. Not only is there an increased risk of getting an infection or illness, but there are many social and psychological aspects that can be affected. Children should be taught the importance of hygiene as early as possible, with oral care, washing, toilet hygiene and hair care being taught as part of everyday routines. Singing songs or making a game out of the activities will help to ensure that they enjoy looking after themselves. Bath time can provide an ideal opportunity for spending quality time together, and for teaching about the importance of cleanliness. Toys such as dolls can be used to educate children in correct bathing techniques.

Hair should be washed at least thrice a week using soap or mild shampoo. Avoid shampoos with borax or alkalis. Rinse well. Brush hair three to four times a day with a soft bristled brush or a wide toothed comb. Wash hair brush and comb every time you wash your hair. There are no completely safe or permanent hair dyes as of now. Apart from causing scalp allergies, dyes can also cause allergic colds and throat conditions.

Soap and water are essential for keeping the skin clean. A good bath once or twice a day is recommended, especially in tropical countries like the Philippnes. Those who are involved in active sports or work out to a sweat would do well to take a bath after the activity. A mild soap will do the job adequately. Germicidal or antiseptic soaps are not essential for the daily bath. You can use a bath sponge for scrubbing. Back brushes and heel scrubbers are available. But do not use abrasive material.

The genitals and the anus need to be cleaned well because of the natural secretions of these areas, in unhygienic conditions, can cause irritation and infection. Wash off well after soaping. Drying with a clean towel is important. Avoid sharing soaps and towels. Change into clean underwear after bath. Around middle age the skin tends to go dry a bit. A moisturizing oil or cream can be used. It is better to use this at night, because if you go out in the sun or commute on dusty roads when the skin is wet, dust sticks to it and oils may also give you a tan.


Brush teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal. Brushing before going to bed is important. (Especially recommended for people with a sweet tooth). For normal teeth this is adequate. While brushing, pay attention to the fact that you are getting rid of the food particles stuck in between the teeth and in the crevices of the flatter teeth at the back, the molars and pre molars. Brush down on the upper teeth and brush up on the lower teeth. Use a circular motion. Pay attention to the tongue and the inner surface of teeth as well. The brush should have resilient bristles. It should be rinsed well and left to dry after use. There are no perfect toothpastes or powders. Use one without harsh abrasives or strong antiseptics.

The world around us swarms with microorganisms. Some bacteria are found on our bodies. In our country where food is eaten and prepared with bare hands, extra attention has to be paid to the cleanliness of hands. Hands must be washed thoroughly with soap and water before and after every meal and after visiting the toilet. Soaping and rinsing should cover the areas between fingers, nails and back of the hand. Hands should be dried with a clean towel after wash. The towel at the wash stand has to be washed and changed everyday.

While cooking, especially when

packing lunches, you can prevent food from spoilage and minimize contamination by keeping your hands clean. While handling food avoid scratching, or touching the ears, nose, mouth or other body orifices. If you need to use a handkerchief or tissue, wash your hands after that. Keep your nails short. Clip nails short, along their shape. Don't cut them so close that it pinches the skin.

Those who use shoes constantly need to slip them off now and then. This airs the socks a bit and makes them less smelly. Wear cotton socks. Wear a clean pair everyday. Many people have sweaty feet, and socks and shoes can get quite smelly. If possible do not wear the same pair of shoes every day. Keep atleast one more pair and use it alternatively. Give importance to wearing comfort in the choice of footwear. For those who go barefoot indoors, door mats must be cleaned or changed frequently. Extra foot care is required for diabetics.

No woman feels completely comfortable when she has her period. If it is not pre menstrual tension or stomach cramps it is the problem of dealing with the menstrual flow. Technology offers sanitary pads, tampons or menstrual cups or caps to deal with the flow. The user has to decide what suits her best. Absorbent pads may


be noticeable in form fitting clothes. They cause some soreness on the inner thighs. Whatever the preference, washing is important. There need be no taboo about bath on these days. Some people have the problem of odour during menstruation. Cleanliness and change of pad/tampon as often as is necessary reduces this problem. It is not advisable to use perfumed pads or tampons. In fact, using powder in the genital area is not recommended.

c. Family Planning The Philippine family planning program began in the 1970s and reflected a concern with rapid population growth and inadequate maternal and child health (MCH). Over the past two decades, the program has had varying degrees of political support and, consequently, somewhat erratic implementation. In the past six years, there has been an attempt to revive training of MCH and family planning workers and increase the choice of contraceptive methods. For example, injectables have been introduced.

Among the benefits of family planning often cited by contraceptive users are improvements in women's health and the family's economic status. In research conducted in Western Visayas, the Philippines, women said family planning allowed them more freedom to participate in the work force and more time to participate in community activities. Women who used family planning were generally more satisfied with their lives and more likely to share in household decision-making.

There are various forms of contraception, ranging from natural family planning methods which are least invasive, to intrauterine devices which require a doctor's intervention: (a) Natural family planning methods: These methods are based on the principle that conception can be avoided by abstaining from sex during the woman's most fertile period. The two most popular methods are the temperature method and the rhythm method. These have a very high success rate when combined with other forms of contraception. (b) Artificial barriers: These methods mechanically block the sperm from entering the uterus. These include condoms, diaphragms (soft rubber cup-like devices used with sperm-killing cream, inserted into the woman's vagina before intercourse), intrauterine devices or IUDs (inserted into the woman's vagina and kept there for the entire time she does not wish to conceive), vaginal insert


contraceptives, etc. In addition to contraception, the advantage of these barrier methods is that they prevent the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. (c) Spermicides: Creams, foams, jelly and similar substances with special spermicidal chemicals can be useful contraceptives. These substances are inserted into the vagina before intercourse, and essentially immobilize the sperms and make them

ineffective. (d)




Birth control pills are specially designed to control the hormone levels of the woman. These pills need to be taken daily, for the entire duration that the woman is sexually active and does not wish to conceive. If taken correctly, success rate is close to 100%, but the drawback is that one needs to remember to take it daily, else it loses its effectiveness.

III. Recipient of Health Teaching Barangay Panipuan is one of the 34 barangays of the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. We chose to hold our health teaching in Sitio GInebra, where the poorest populaces of Barangay Panipuan reside. After securing permit from the Barangay Hall, we conducted a house-to-house invitation on September 17, 2008. Our target was 5 families with four or more members. Most of these families are composed of young parents who first had a child at age 16-19 and are graduates of up to high school only. They live in small houses with very limited furnitures. When we arrived in the place, some of the families we invited cannot make it so we had to call on other families residing near the area. They have the same demographic profile as our target audience. There were about nine mothers and one pregnant, 18-year-old lady present. There were also about 20 children and 5 fathers listening. Due to limited knowledge of the recipients, we spoke in tagalong and used very simple words for them to understand us clearly.



IV. TEACHING PLANS Topic Purpose Goal Venue Date Participants

: Nutrition : Besides helping children maintain a healthy weight, good nutrition is essential for the body and all its systems to function optimally for a lifetime. : To impart knowledge to parents, mainly responsible for the nutrition of their children, to serve foods that are rich in the different nutrient needs of the body. : Sitio ginebra, Brgy. Panipuan : Sept. 22, 2008 : 10-12 fathers and mothers, residence of Brgy. Panipuan

Learning Objectives 1. Parents will be able to understand the importance of good nutrition. 2. Parents will be able to utilize the food pyramid in choosing foods to serve to their children. 3. Parents will be able to prepare meals that are nutritious. 4. Children will be able to appreciate nutritious foods such as vegetables. 5. Children and all

Content/ Outline Introduction The benefits of good nutrition are multiple. Besides helping you maintain a healthy weight, good nutrition is essential for the body and all its systems to function optimally for a lifetime. In fact, the benefits of good nutrition can be found in physical and mental health because a healthy diet provides energy, promotes good sleep, and gives the body what it needs to stay healthy. Food Groups: Fruits and Vegetables Salads, cooked vegetables, raw or cooked fruits and juices are in this group. They supply many of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Eat four servings or more each day. Protein Foods Meats, fish, poultry, eggs and cheese are in this group. They give you protein as well as many vitamins and minerals. Eat three servings or more each day.

Methods/ Strategies Method that will be used is the discussion method.

Time Frame 15- 20 mins

Resources Posters and pictures about good nutrition.

Evaluation Both parents and children understood the importance of good nutrition and will carry out ways to provide healthy foods to their families.

family members will demonstrate an improvement in health.

Bread and Cereal Group Bread, grains and cereals are in this group. They have a variety of vitamins, minerals and some protein in them. Eat four servings or more each day. Dairy Foods Milk, cheese and yogurt are in this group. They give you protein, vitamins and a lot of calcium. Eat two servings or more each day. Financial constraint should not be an issue in choosing and serving nutritious meals to your children, there are many substitutes that are affordable. Planting vegetables in the backyard will be a good source. Breastfeeding is the source of nurtrition of infants. Advantages: 1. It helps protect the baby against: - diarrhea - cough - colds - malnutrition - other common illnesses 2. There is no need to prepare breastmilk. 3. It is always available at no cost. 4. It helps babies grow up with close bond to their mother. 5. It is easy to digest. 6. It is clean and has the right temperature.


Topic Purpose Goal Venue Participants Date

: : : : : :

Grooming and Hygiene To educate the children regarding proper grooming and hygiene For families, especially children, to learn the importance of proper grooming and hygiene Sitio Ginebra, Brgy. Panipuan 20+ children September 22, 2008


To let the children learn the value and importance of proper grooming and hygiene.

CONTENT OUTLINE I. Proper hygiene a. Taking a bath b. Tooth brushing c. Hand washing II. Grooming a. Proper Clothing b. Cutting of nails c. Combing of hair


TIME FRAME (hrs/ days/ wks)

Discussion with some recitations from the audience Do demonstrations on the proper hygiene, such as taking a bath, tooth brushing, and hand washing.



Books For atleast 15-20 minutes of health teaching.

Flow Charts Internet

EVALUATION After teaching the children of proper grooming and hygiene: They will be able to apply it on a daily basis. They will be able to prevent the risk of acquiring illnesses obtained from dirt.

Topic Purpose Goal Venue Participants Date

: : : : : :

Family Planning To educate people regarding Family Planning For families, especially parents, to learn the importance of Family Planning Sitio Ginebra, Brgy. Panipuan Parents of the six familes September 22, 2008


To let the parent learn the value and importance of proper family planning.

CONTENT OUTLINE Family Planning d. History e. Methods 1. Natural - Lactating amenorrhea methods - Mucus/ Billing - Sympto- thermal method - Rhythm/ calendar - Basal body temperature 2. Artifical - Condoms - Pills and injectibles - Vasectomy - Tubal ligation


Discussion with some recitations from the audience Do demonstrations in the proper use of several family planning methods


TIME FRAME (hrs/ days/ wks)


EVALUATION After teaching parents of the proper use of family planning methods:

For atleast 15- 20 minutes of health teaching.

Books Flow Charts Sample Products

They will show interest in using contraceptives to reduce the incidence of having more children. Will be able to utilize natural methods to prevent contraception.

V. ACTION PLAN Health Service Provision of Health Education

Activity “Pamilya Ko, Iingatan Ko: A family guide to healthy living” - Discussions - Open forum - Live demonstrations - Games for children - Feeding

Objectives To impart valuable knowledge about nutrition, personal hygiene and grooming, and family planning.

Target Date September 22, 2008

Parents will be able to understand the importance of good nutrition and will provide nutritious yet budget-friendly food to their children. To let the children learn the value and importance of proper grooming and hygiene carry it out as part of their everyday lives. To let the parent learn the value and


Resources/ Materials Needed - Posters - Letters for permit and certificate - Video camera and camera - Prices for games

Persons Responsible Mary Ann and Daphne – Nutrition Danica and Roane – Personal Hygiene Arvie and Paulo – Family Planning

Recipients 6 families from Sitio Ginebra, Brgy. Panipuan

importance of proper family planning.


VI. CONCLUSION After conducting the health teaching, we fed the families with rice porridge and orange juice. We decided to do this so that the families can at least taste healthy foods. We saw how hungry the people are and our hearts melted when we saw the children ate the porridge as fast as they can so they can get another round. We also gave out baskets of groceries and rice to chosen families. We saw how they were so happy to receive such early Christmas gift. We believe that in doing that, may it be a small thing, we have touched the hearts of our recipients. Truly, teaching is a basic component in a nurse’s everyday task. We impart our learning to those whom we think need it the most and at the same time we learn from those experiences. One duty of a nurse is to impart knowledge to patients and people regardless of their social status in life. Because of this matter, our group was able to commence a similar yet different kind of teaching. Though fully equipped with the knowledge taught during our lecture days, we still require more information about the things we are to teach. It is people whom we are teaching information and giving misled information taught by any one of us could put the health status of a person at risk. Smoking, Contraception, Balanced Diet, and Family Planning are some of the major topics that we’ve discussed during our sessions. Though it may seem uninteresting at first, somehow we were able to take their attention when it comes to complications and how to manage such. You can see from the looks of their faces that they were really interested in listening. This Health teaching that we conducted showed us that we were more than mere students. This proves that we are able to teach people the value health and wellness. VII. LEARNING INSIGHT In this particular health teaching, two kinds of people were able to learn: the people of that community and those who conducted the teaching session. We came to impart knowledge and health teaching to people; give information regarding health and wellness, and avoid/ prevent any risk that may alter their health. We learn to value our fellowmen. Being concern for their health is one reason that we nurses are here for. We train so that we could serve other people, and we study in order to attain knowledge and impart it to them.

Whatever these people learned from us, we hope that they are able to apply everything that we’ve taught them. As for our part, we hope to learn more so that we are able to impart more to fellowmen.



Barangay Captain Maglalang signing our certificate.

Picture with Kap. Smile. 

We started the teaching with a prayer.


Meet our excited and expecting students.

Mommies and kids.

The families listening attentively.


The children are pitiful.

Us… showing the Food Pyramid.


Gift Giving…



Group Picture….




“Do unto others what you want them to do unto you”



: #21 Blk-24, Lot 16, M.R.C., Mabalacat, Pamp.


: 18 y/o


: January 7, 1990


: City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Civil Status

: Single


: Roman Catholic


: Filipino

Cellphone #

: 09167149807

Favorite colors: Red, blue, white, green Favorite foods : sinigang, tocino, “any yummy”

What is Love? “Love is not blind; it sees but it doesn’t mind” Who is your crush? all the girls that pass by the corridor.  Who is your love? Roane Kay Who is your first kiss? Mother and my ex’s. hehe

Jan Paulo Mangalino Crabajales “Learn something out of everything”



: 296 San Andres St., San Angelo Subdivision, Angeles City


: 19 y/o


: May 10, 1989

Civil Status

: Single


: Born-Again Christian


: Filipino

Favorite #


Favorite Character: Jack Frost Personality

: Quiet- noisy person. I like to make friends but avoid making enemies,

if so, I make it certain before the day ends, we’re friends. I’m quiet when thinking and very vocal when sharing my ideas. I’m a jolly person. Likes

: Attend youth fellowship at church : draw, draw, and draw : Science and math : cook : watch cartoons and anime : play video games, puzzles, and mind games


: cramming and people who are pressured : celery and bellpeppers : bad hair day : jokes that pierce

Adora Daphne Lagman Garon 27

“Carry yourself in such a way that when the people in the world are sitting, you would be standing. And when the world is standing, you will stand out. And when the world stands out, you’ll be outstanding. And when the world dares to be outstanding, you will be the standard.” Address

: 01 Clifford St., Rowland Subd., San Sebastian, Tarlac City


: 20 y/o


: July 7, 1988


: Mabalacat, Pampanga

Civil Status

: Single


: Filipino


: Born-Again Christian

Favorite foods : Japanese and Italian cuisine Favorite drink : Gatorade pink lemonade and blue bolt Favorite color : black and pink Likes

: cooking : food and wine tasting : food styling : surfing the net : film-making : photography : books – fiction, inspirational, textbooks, and the Bible : music : rain : traveling


: awkward moments : irrational and acerebral people : rats

Arianne Danica Lagman Garon 28

“I am not what I think I am. I am not what others think I am. I am what God thinks I am.” Address

: 01 Clifford St., Rowland Subd., San Sebastian, Tarlac City


: 21 y/o


: December 10, 1986


: Angeles City, Pampanga

Civil Status

: Single


: Filipino


: Born-Again Christian

Favorite Color : blue, green, black, red, yellow, purple, white, brown Likes

: Photography


: You know those “maartey” and “mayabangs”.. they’re so ewww talaga,,,as in… whatevah… hehe

Roane Kay Villaroman Ocampo 29

“Try and try until you succeed!” Address

: Blk 151, Lt 19. Bulaon Rest. City of San Fernando, Pamp.


: 18 y/o


: November 7, 1989

Civil Status

: Single


: Filipino


: Roman Catholic

Cellphone #

: 09167149806


: watching movies

Favorite foods : sinigang and tocino Favorite color : green Favorite #

: 07, 17


: singing.. ehe : spending time with my family : having some fun with my t’heArt’


: person who is “moody”.. ehe..


Mary Ann Romano Shead “In everything you do, put God as the center and he will direct you with love!” Address

: Anita Rd., Essel Park Subd., City of San Fernando, Pampanga


: 35


: March 15, 1973

Civil Status

: Married


: Roman Catholic


: Filipino


: friendly, responsible, and compassionate


: watching Hollywood movies : window shopping : visiting other places : decorating the house : cooking : spending time with my family : Christmas and New Year


: dark room, places : typhoon : stressful events


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