Straight Talk, June 2009

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HIV basics The window period

Tobacco has 200 poisons. Th These damage the d h llung cause heart attacks and cancer, and reduce the blood's ability to carry oxygen around the bod


HIV can be transmitted during the window period.

e 2009

o.6 Jun Vol.15 N

Have y ever smoked? k d Tell story about smoki Why did you start? happened?

Girls & boys This created the false belief that boys are more intelligent than girls. Today we know this is not true. If given equal chances, girls and boys perform equally well. Girls and boys are created with equal brains to think and succeed.. So why are girls performing poorly in school? In 2008 half of all the girls either failed or got Div 4 in their O Level exam. In 19 rural districts, no girls passed in division one. Boys did far better.

In the February Straight Talk we asked you: "what is disturbing girls?" Over 137 of you from 32 schools wrote in. Thanks you so much. We value your views. You all WIN caps.

L M n c f c g L B y r v th fa

Grace Nambi and Kato Kaligo of Progessive SS Mukono. Girls are not inferior. All of society wins when girls are also helped to do well.

B se w to

is a football star who plays for Barcelona. He is from Cameroon. In the previous season Eto'o performed poorly. He was almost expelled from his club.


During the UEFA champions league final match between Manchester United and Barcelona on 26 May, Eto’o scored the first goal. Hi there, learn from Eto'o. You may not have performed well last term. You have this term to work hard. Set your record right.


New Quiz

ifted Hands byy Ben Carson is an inspiring book about a poor boy who grew up in a ghetto with his brother and mother. In secondary school, he performed poorly and thought he would fail in life. But his mother limited his television watching and playtime and told him to read two books a week. He quickly improved. "It was at this moment that I realised that I wasn't stupid", he says. This boy overcame many challenges to become a famous neuro-surgeon, a doctor who operates on the brains of children.

Win Gifted Hands

Send us your true stories of what your parents/ guardians have done and are doing to look after the family and educate you. Write to PO Box 22366 K'la.


but their letters get to Straight Talkk early. Wherever you are, write to Straight Talk, PO Box, 22366, Kampala.

2 Straight Talk, June 2009

Girls have hard times: or many years, results at almost F every level show that only about two girls feature among the best ten students in academic performance. Girls have really tough issues to deal with as teacher Omara Ronald of Crane High School explains: "Boys have less bodily or biological disturbances than girls, and so they have more time for books. Girls, on the other hand, must deal with monthly periods that in some cases disorganize them for up to four days.

TOUGH TIMES: Girls are pressured to marry & bri bring in brideprice. People e make comments about their breasts and other body changes. All this is confusing and distracting.

So give them a break! In addition, males keep pestering girls for relationships. Moreover, society places very high expectations on girls in terms of how they speak, what they do and even the places they visit. This adds more pressure on them, while the boys are left to do as they please. In spite of all their troubles, girls have challenged boys at school and in various fields. Their failure to compete with boys is largely due to biological, physical and social pressures that distract them from their goals."

Brideprice are s: Girls thought marry by parents

pressured to Tell us your who want brideprice. u have stories of what yo ice. seen about bridepr

Straight Talkers share stories of what is disturbing girls Your letters show that many girls face it rough at home, school and in the community. It takes a lot of their energy just to cope with the challenges that push them back. Menstrual periods Twenty-two Straight Talkers said that girls miss school due to menstruation. G Amooti, Blessed Mother Theresa College, Masindi says: "Dirty toilets and lack of pads for menstruation force some girls to be absent from school." An official from Ministry

of Education and Sports, Grace Ntete, says this is a big problem that leads some girls to give up on school. Negative teachers If the boys perform better than girls, some teachers tell girls to get married. Atenya E, S3, Pingire SS, Soroti. This is wrong! Teachers should encourage and not discourage students. Unsupportive parents Twenty-eight of you said some parents do not invest in girls' education. "They fail to provide their daughters with books, clothes, shoes, pocket money.

Fear of science

"Many girls have negativ e attitudes towards science When government mad s. e them compulsory, girl s performed poorly." Kissa Lydia, St John’s Colleg Magale, Mbale. e

Thirty four of you shared Lydia's view. But Dr Angelina Kakooza, a lecturer at Makerere School of Medicine. says : "Girls, you are not poor at sciences and mat h. Sciences are simple. Change your attitudes." Dr Sophy Musana of the National Agricultural Research Organisation, says: "At university, plan t breeding and genetics was believe d to be the hardest course but I took it on. I believed in myself. I gre w up with my two elder brothers, who also did sciences. When I reache d O-level, they gave me their notes, encourage d and helped me."

Boys, support your sis ters. Girls, the gateway to opportu science is nity.

Girls feel bad and are left to get these things from men who demand for sex. Some parents first pay school fees for boys. Girls are sent back home and miss lessons. O Leopards, Amolatar SS This is sad. Girls and boys need equal support in education. Talk to someone if your parents want you to leave school to make way for your brother. Wrong cultural beliefs “Some people say that women are the weaker sex." Wekwanya F, St John’s College Magale Girls, do not internalise this harmful belief. Boys and girls are different but neither is weaker than the other.

Men disturb girls on their way to school. This consumes their time. Nanono Josephine, Mende Kalema Memorial SS, Kampala

WIN A NOVEL WITH STRAIGHT TALK nne Rukundo with her prize, the novel The olour Purple. She is doing Physics, Chemistry, Biology and athematics at Trinity College Nabbingo. Asked what she would o if she were the Minister of Education and Sports, she said: would implement programs to help girl discover and use their ilities. W We need to be empowered with life skills to work against allenges that push us back." adam Wabwemi of Pimba S, Wakiso also won The Colour rple and a cap. He saus: "I work ha make a difference in my life."

Other Colour Purple winners: Esther Atenya a from ngire SS, Soroti and Levis Onziku ropi SS, Moyo. The Colour Purple i out of girl born into a life of pover d perpetual rape. She overcomes st and discovers peace and happin in Gifted Hands. See page 1.

Straight Talk, June 2009

And girls - get serious! M

any Straight Talk wrote to us that disturbed by thei own beliefs, attitudes and behaviour.

Thirty-four of you believe girls lack confidence and fear to ask questions. JK Amony, Valley Hill SS, Kaliro says that even if have not understood, th to ask teachers. "That m them fail exams." Hey, you surely know ba who are free to ask ques Learn from them.

Build healthy self esteem Self-esteem is about fee valued and thought wel by others and yourself.. If you do not feel good d about bout yourself, searc search yourself to discover wh wha is causing this. It could b how others treat you or you see yourself. Are yo inner nner thoughts findi finding fa everything you do? Trai to have good feelings. Good self-esteem helps for help, solve problems and do well in school.

Fifty-eight of you say love confuses girls. "Some girls fall in love with boys and fail to concentrate on books," says Odongo Denish, 18, Dokolo SS. Brenda Baguma, Duhaga SS, Hoima adds: "Some girls love their male teachers, so they feel shy to ask

Dear diary, In Mayy I had an excitingg tr to Gulu with the team getti g ppeople's p suggestions gg on the HIV/AIDS Bill. (A Bill is a pproposed p law, which is yyet t be presented in Parliament) If approved, ppp this will ppunish ppeople p with HIV who maliciouslyy infect others. Some pparts of this Bill are unfair. I do not agree with them. I saw Kafu and Karuma falls enjoyed j y the beautiful rhythm their music. A friend has offered to sell myy crafts abroad. I also ggave some to myy love, Charlie. He traveled to

ns." This view is held of you. Oh dear! Do not let love disrupt your studies. If you are in a such a relationship, get help. Love with teachers is no go area.

girls lack a vision for ure. W When you ask at they want to be, t laugh. They lack odels," says Mpindi Halima, 15, S3. Valley Hill SS, Kaliro e a vision of what you to be. Place it where an see it. Identify eone you admire. Work to be like that person.

ny g girls spend their in idle ta talk discussing boy friends, holida holiday s, and going out for e, while the boys ratee on their stud studies Rukundo Anna Maria, 18, S5, Trinity College Nabbingo. Girls, time is Use it well.

Oundo Nelson, S3, 18, Busiime SS, Busia, believes adolescence affects girls' thinking. They feel eerie and out of control. Adolescence is natural stage

of growing up. Be aware of your body changes and be in control. Crispus Wanyama of Busia SS says girls are lazy and think boys have to work for their survival. "In our class we had four girls who used to say that even if they failed, men are always struggling with books to cater for them in future." Really! Today’s man wants to get hooked to an educated girl who can contribute to the family income. Anyway, let's not assume. Let's ask the boys to tell us.

4XL] Boys, what is your take on chics who have the views expressed by Crispus? Is that your kind of babe or not? Why? Write to Straight Talk, 22366, Kampala.

"Girlss sp spend much time admiring their be beauty, dimples and bodies in the mir mirror. They get busy sharpening their heir eye brow bro pencils rather than studying. tudying. Boy Boys bath, wear their clothes lothes and are off to read," ead," says NR Winnie, 15, S3, Dabani Girls SS. Twenty-eight traight Talkers eed! Hmm, girls our outer beauty ccompanied with power and values as working hard planning your time well.


Tanzania to visit a friend. I miss ife isn't shifting. g I pplan moneyy from crafts in our aravan.

Letters to Jane ama Eric, St Charles anga College, Koboko s: What caused the fight and why did your boyfriend go away for several days? How did you get pneumonia and what advice did the doctor give you? Why did your boyfriend go to the counselor and why did he cool him down?

c. The fight g was due to e's staying y g awayy from me ays y minus a call or a text message. g I was scared that somethingg bad had happened ed to him.

Due to stress, I could hardlyy breathe. So the ppneumonia started. Myy doctor advised me to stopp worrying, y g take medicine and cover myself well when it is cold. Charles went to see the counselor because he was confused. He needed someone to talk to. The counselor cooled him down because he was angry and had not realized his mistake. It seems you have been living positively since birth. How have you been associating with other people? Explain the meaning of ARVS and how they work in one’s body and the changes they have caused in your life. Kato James, Central School, Hoima


The power of not giving up It is called perseverance. Set targets that you can achieve, such as "I must read at least two subjects every evening before bed." Make a plan and stick to it until it becomes a habit. You may fail in the short term but that is ok. Good things come to those who persevere. Do not Give up Grace Milly, Tororo Girls School, says: " Girls want easy things. They GRQ·WSHUVLVWLQGLIÀFXOW WLPHV*LUOVPDNHVXUH SHRSOHGRQRWVD\WKDWDERXW \RX

Student of Shamim High School, Bombo

Challenges help you discover strengths that you never knew you had.

James, I was born with HIV. I knew myy status in 2005 after secondaryy school. But at school I used to fall sick. I was so tiny. y I was nicknamed mosquito. q But I didn’t ggive a damn. I focused on my books. ARVs means Anti-Retrovirals. These drugs g are taken byy HIV ppositive ppeople p with a low CD4 count (too few white blood cells) and too much HIV in the blood. ARVs make the HIV virus dormant. This helps p the bodyy to pproduce enough g white blood cells to fight g disease. ARVs have made me stronger g and healthier.

4 Straight Talk, June 2009


Inspiration: Do not make your background your permanent address. What matters is not where you come from but where you are going.

STF 66

223 6 O. Box x 22 36 P.P.O. Bo L A M P A K AM P A L A K A

Love competition

e are two boys loving one girl. I don’t want him to love the girl. Brain


Kusiima, Bwikya Muslim SS, Hoima Hi Brian, there is little that you can do to stop this. Sometimes it happens. Don’t fight or hate the other boy. You may compete until the girl makes her choice. Respect yourself. Don’t be discouraged if she doesn’t choose you. It doesn’t mean you are bad or inferior. There are many babes out there. One of them will be yours.

Students of Cityland College, Matugga, Wakiso, pose for a picture during the launch of their Straight Talk club recently.

Is it true that the pulling the labia minora and majora in girls is important in reproduction? B Achom, 14, S2, Serwanga Lwanga Memorial SS, Kalangala Labia minora and labia majora are medical names for the lips of the vulva/vagina. Pulling of these lips is a cultural practice of some tribal groups in Uganda. From the medical point of view, it is not important for reproduction.

Know your body: Penis shapee Worried about the bend of your erect penis? Rest assured. An erect penis bends pointing up, down, to the left or right. It is normal. A penis is not like a non living thing like a ruler or a pen that can be completely straight . The shape of an erect penis varies from one male to another. No penis is completely straight. By Dr Edith Nakku, Mulago, STD Clinic

Remex, Namongoona High School, Kampala ARemex, It is time to back off. A A relationship is a good thing, when you care about someone, who cares too. You talk and listen to each other. You don’t force your partner to do what he hates. If one of you is not ready for sex, discuss and come to a compromise. Your friend seems to want to force you into sex. Don’t make a relationship where you are hurt.

If you have sex with an infected person and he does not release sperms in you, do you get pregnant? Gloria

My friend loves a teacher. She says she only fears pregnancy but not HIV. She is persuading me to love a teacher and get free marks.


I have been with my boyfriend for two years. One day I went swimming with some male friends. When he saw them, he got angry. When I went to his house, he refused to talk to me. I apologized. But he said before he forgvies me, I should first kiss his penis because whenever he see me he erects. Should I do it or I should back off? Pedox

Pre-ejaculate and pregnancy

In love with a teacher

Sophia Namukuve, Ndege College, Iganga Dear Sophia, it seems very easy to go into a relationship and say one does not fear HIV. But having HIV is a very serious complication of life. Getting pregnant when you are young is a big challenge. Free marks may seem easy, but you are risking. Do not fall into that trap. Wait to start sex until you have better control over your life. Do not risk complicating your life and regret for the rest of the time. Concentrate on your books and finish studies. Your friend has made a bad decision.

Should I back off?

Members of Bunya SS Straight Talk club, Mayuge. The club has 360 members. Does your school have a Straight Talk club? Form a club.


In Straight Talk April, Bob said: “I had a girlfriend who wanted me to have sex with her. I refused. She got another boyfriend. They had sex. She got pregnant. When her parents asked who made her pregnant, she said I did. I am expected to provide for the child. What can I do?” A Sydney, Kisubi High School, Wakiso says: "Sorry Bob. Discuss the problem with your parents, who will free you from the mess. If they fail, wait until the child is born and carry out a Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) test. This test can

show the exact biological father of the child." Nabukalu Shamim 16, S4 Kazo SS, Nakayenga Mary Gollet, have the same view with Sydney and also win prizes. "I think the girl is trying to protect her boy friend from being taken to prison. Get advice from a counselor." J Ssengendo, Kazo SS UYWEFA club, Kampala "Ask for a meeting with both the girls’ parents and yours. Let her be in the meeting." J Kiryowa, UYWEFA club Kampala

Readers - advise Prossy y

Myy boyfriend y feels bad when I talk to other boys. y He thinks that I love them, yet y theyy are just j friends. When I explain to him, he doesn’t believe. Namigadde Prossy, S3, 16, Premier High school, Kampala


Plot 4 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, P. O. Box 22366, Tel: 0312-262030/1 Kampala (U), E-mail: [email protected], Web:, Executive Director: C. Watson, Director Print T. Agutu, Editorial Manager: M Akello, Editors:J. Abongowath, F. Ouma, P. Kiwuuwa Photo Editor: G. Awekofua, Writer: J. Nafula, Chief Designer: M. eB Kalanzi, Designers: G.B Mukasa, A.B Dentine, Funded by DANIDA, DFID, SIDA A Printer: The New Vision

Nakajubi, Mandela SS, Hoima By infected person, do you mean a person with HIV? You could be impregnated by a man who is HIV positive and one who is HIV negative. When a man is excited and erects, a fluid called pre-cum (pre-ejucalute fluid) comes from his penis. Pre-cum has very few sperms. But since you need only one sperm to become pregnant, this pre-cum can make you pregnant. It also has HIV. So even when the man does not ejaculate (release sperms), the possibility of getting pregnant is there. You can also get HIV. Gloria, there are very good reasons for you to delay sex until you are ready. Dr Paul Semugoma, International Hospital Kampala

Science exam There is a lot of wrong information about growing up & HIV/ STDs. Test how much you know and WIN a cap. Draw diagrams if necessary. Send your completed quiz to PO Box 22366, Kampala. 1. If someone is HIV positive and pregnant, they can take medicines to reduce the chances of the baby catching HIV. True or false? 2. Why do STDs that cause sores on the private parts of a person with HIV make it easier for that person to transmit HIV? Explain. 3. Where does HIV stay in the male's fluid - the sperm cell or semen? 4. Describe healthy vaginal fluids. 5. What changes will a girl see in her vaginal fluids if she has an infection?

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