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Chapter 1 Introduction To Company and Industry



National Aviation Company of India Limited The National Aviation Company of India Limited (NACIL) was incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 on 30 March 2007 and is owned by the Government of India based at the Air India Building in Nariman Point, Mumbai. The Company was created to facilitate the merger of the two main state-owned airlines in India. Whilst the merger and integration process has started, and a few routes have been rationalized, a lot remains to be done before the various units start functioning as a cohesive airline. The current structure is: 

National Aviation Company of India Limited

1. Air India Air-India Express  Air India Cargoo 2 Indian Airlines  Air India Regional (formerly Alliance Air) Upon completion of the merger, there will be one primary airline, Air India, with two subsidiary carriers providing regional and low-cost, point-to-point services and a third subsidiary for cargo operations: Air India 

Air India Expresso

Air India Regional

Air India Cargo 2

Type: Government-owned Industry 

Airlines & Aviation

Airline Catering &Food service

Hotels &Hospitality


30 March 2007


Air India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai, India

Key people

Arvind Jadhav, Chairman& Managing Director

Products 


Ground Handling Services




Rs 15257.47 Crores($3.31 billion)(2007-08)

Net Income

Rs 1619.12 Crores ($351.98million) (07-08)


32,000 (2009)

Subsidiaries 

Hotel Corporation of India Limited

Air India Air Transport Services Limited

Air India Engineering Services Limited

Air India Charters Limited

IAL Airport Services Limited

Airline Allied Services Limited




J.R.D.TATA Air India is Indians national flag carrier. Although air transport was bornin India on February 18, 1911 when Henri Piquet, flying a Humber bi-plane, carried mail from Allahabad to Naini Junction, some six miles away, the scheduled services in India, in the real sense, began on October 15, 1932. It was on this day that J.R.D. Tata, the father of Civil Aviation in India and founder of Air India, took off from Drigh Road Airport, Karachi, in a tiny, light single- engine Havilland Puss Moth his flight to Mumbai (then known as Bombay) via Ahmedabad. He landed with his precious load of mail on a grass strip at Juhu. At Mumbai, Neville Vintcent, a former RAF pilot who had come to India from Britain three years earlier on a barn-storming tour, during which he had surveyed a number of possible air routes, took over from J.R.D.Tata and flew the Puss Moth to Chennai (then Madras) via Bellary.



MAJOR PROBLEMS AHEAD OF AIR INDIA Despite announcing walk-in interviews and fresh tie-ups with ground handling agencies, the chaos of Air India entered into its 15th day and likely to continue in coming days. The problem for Air India started from October 31, 2010 when they decided to shift arrival of 11 of its domestic to the newly built Terminal 3. The limited airline staff had to manage five terminals: domestic arrival and departure at Terminal 1, international arrival and departure at T3and domestic arrival at T3.The staff was staggered leading to shortage of hands. Unmindful of the staff shortage problem, Air India also went ahead and started 15 non-stop flights for international destination from eight cities. From 486 flights in a week from Delhi, Air India has gone up to 770flights a week. “The flights were increased as we wanted to make Delhi our hub. Now since there is staff shortage, we have taken interviews of experienced crew so they can be immediately pressed into service after hiring. Till then the problem will remain,” an Air India official said. In the last 15 days, Air India has operated nearly 1,500 flights from Delhi, of which over 1,000 failed to take off or land on time. The shortage of ground staff led to chaos as passengers found it difficult to trace their baggage. “Air India SATS used to handle ground operation for us. Once we announced new flights, the company started facing staff shortage and failed to recruit more staff.



Despite the company earned net profits from 1997 to2000, but now it is operating in heavy losses.

After hijack in December 1999, there is a slowdown in the volume of passengers.

The government of India has announced the disinvest of the shares of the company

AIR INDIA was forced to maintain network throughout the country, out of which 70% of the routes were loss making.

After the merger of Vayudhoot with Air India, it had to bear its losses, while absorbing 1000 of its employees.

The frequent strikes of Air India employees have resulted in heavy losses.



SWOT ANALYSIS For a country of continental size like India, a strong reliable and efficient civil aviation sector goes a long way in promoting and sustaining tourism. Air India being the undoubted leader in this industry cannot operate in a vacuum. It needs to keep its eyes and ears open to survive in the liberalized economy of our country, which has paved a way for any private airlines to operate along with it. The internal and external environment contained various strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats which need to be identified well in advance to take care of various situations that arise out of them.

STRENGTHS The major strength of Air India is its vast infrastructure build over last four Decades. 

Vast computerized network

Largest network

Net profits after a gap of 7 years

Creation of profit centers


Lack of personalized and customer friendly services

Overstaffing in previous years

Underutilization of human resources

Stringent rules

Proposed disinvestment

OPPORTUNITIES GROWTH OF AVIATION INDUSTRY - The recession in the west, the gulf war and Surat outbreak war, all these slowed tourist growth and consequently affected the airline’s revenue. Aviation industry is growing at the rate of 10% per annum. There is no doubt a good sign and Air India must exploit it.


CLOSING DOWN OF VARIOUS PRIVATE AIRLINES - Private airlines started operation with great zeal land enthusiasm after the revival of open sky policy but only after few years we are seeing a slowdown. Air India should take it as an opportunity and try to fill this space by expanding its market share. CLEARENCE BY THE GOVERNMENT TO OPERATEON INTERNATIONAL ROUTES - Earlier Air India was not allowed to operate on international sectors. With the liberalization of Indian economy, Government of India gave Air India a great signal to operate on long routes. This is a massive opportunity for Air India. THREATS 

Competition itself

Instability in the politics of India


Chapter 2 Introduction To The Topic



Q1-What is recruitment? Ans- Recruitments are an important part of a business human resource planning. In all business, people are vital resources and they need to be managed as such. The overall aim of the recruitment and selection process is to be obtaining the number and quality of employees that are required in order for the business to achieve objectives. The recruitment policy is considered with quantity and quality of manpower , it establish broad guidelines for staffing process.…………..DALE YODAR Recruitment is the process of searching for perspective employee and stimulating them to apply for jobs…………………………………….FLIPPO

Q2- What is internal recruitment? Ans- This refers to the felling of job vacancies from within the businesses employees are selected rather than employing some one from outside. A business might decide that it already has the right people with the right skill to do the job, particularly if its training and development programs have been effective. Q3- How it is done? Ans- Internal vacancies are usually advertised with in the business via a variety of media: 

Staff notice board


In house magazines/newsletter

Staff meetings

Q3 -Advantages of recruitment? Ans-1. Gives existing employees greater opportunity to advance their carriers in their business. 2. May help to retains staff that might otherwise leave. 3. Require a short induction training period. 4. Employer should know more about the internal candidate’s


There are Three Main Stages in Recruitment.

Identify and Define the Requirements

Attract Potential Employees

Select Employees

Identify and define the requirements - This involves the preparation of job description, job specification and person specification. Attract potential employees - There are various methods for doing this which are described in a separate revision note. Select employee - The appropriate people from the job applications it is important to appreciate that recruitment is staff departures (e.g. Retirements, sacking, resignation) 

Changes in business requirements (e.g. new product)

Changes in business location relocation often trigger the need for substantial recruitments.

Promotions, Recruitments is becoming more and more important in business. In particularly, this reflects the increasing need for a well-motivated and flexible work that requires less management supervision.

Q3- What is external Recruitment? Ans-This refers to the feeling of job vacancies from at side the business. Most business engages in external recruitment fairly frequently, particularly those that are growing strongly or that operates in industries with staff turnover.


Q4-How is it done? Ans-There are several ways of looking for staff outside the business:  Employment/Recruitment Agencies: - These businesses specialize in recruitment for specific sectors (e.g. finance, travel, secretarial). They usually provide a shortlist of candidate









They also supply temporary or interim employees. The main advantages with using the agencies are the specialist skill they bring and the agencies are the specialist skill they bring and the speed with which they normally provide candidate. They also reduced the administrative burden of recruitment. The cost is the high agency fees charged often up to 30% of the first year of any one employed.  Recruitment consultancies:-“Up market” Recruitment agent who provide a more specialized approach to the recruitment of key employees and senior management. They tend to

approach individual with

a good


rather than

Rely on long list of registered applicants often using privileged industry contact to drawn up a sort list. The cost of using ahead hunter or recruitment consultant is high. Disadvantages of Internal Recruitments :

Limits the number of potential for a job.

External candidate might be better suited/qualified for the job.

Another vacancy will be created that has to be filled.

Existing staff may feel they have the automated right to be promoted, whether or not they are competent.

Basic Step of Employee’s Recruitment :

Complete application packages must be submitted prior to the advertised closing date and time to be considered otherwise they will be excluded from consideration. Acknowledgement is sent to all applicants within a week of closing date of the application-filling period. This will be the only notification for candidate not moving forward to the testing/interview phase of the recruitment.

If a position a part of union bargaining unit, internal applicant who meets minimum requirements will be interviewed first. External application will be screened to ensure they meet the requirements for applicable position. The most qualified will be invited to participate in the interview phase of the recruitment. Notification of the time and 15

location of a test and interview will occur three to seven working days in advance by the phone, e-mail or regular mail. 

Reference check will be conducted after the testing and interviewing for the final candidates.

When the candidate is recommended for selection, approval from management must be obtained before a job offer is made.

Background/security checks and approvals from management must be obtained before a job offer is made.

Candidate that participate in the testing/interview phase that are not selected are notified upon the conclusion of the recruitment.

Advantages of external recruitment:

These are mainly the opposite the disadvantages of internal recruitment. The main one being that a wider audience can be reached which increases the chance that the business will be able to recruit the skills it need.

Promotion to selection grade will be on the basis of rigorous selection on merit from amongst the employees in grades or interlink grades below the grades concerned and shall be limited to the number of posts declared as such on the cadres according to the sectioned strength from time to time.

All cases of difference of opinion between the competent authority empowered to make appointments to the Promotion Boards shall be referred to the next higher authority is a sitting member of Promotion Board in which case the recommendation of the Promotion board shall be final.

Compensation Based Recruitments :

At the death of the employee during service, the provision to provide appointment to his spouse /children under the rules and regulations of the company. A certain procedure is followed to appoint the candidate as such circumstances.

APA Rating for employee in grade 3/9 being considered fewer than 30% selection vacancies. The value of APA marks are as followed:-

 Outstanding APA = 10 marks/year  Very Good APA = 08 marks/year  Good APA = 06 marks/year  Average APA = 10 marks/year 16

WHAT IS “PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL”? Performance Appraisal is defined as the process of assessing the performance and progress of an employee or a group of employees on a given job and his / their potential for future development. It consists of all formal procedures used in working organizations and potential of employees. According to Flip po, “Performance Appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an important rating of an employee’s excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and potential for a better job.” CHARACTERISTICS 

It is the systematic examination of the strengths and weakness of an employee in terms of his job.

It is scientific and objective study. Formal procedures are used in the study.

It is an ongoing and continuous process wherein the evaluations are arranged periodically according to a definite plan.

The main purpose of Performance Appraisal is to secure information necessary for making objective and correct decision an employee.

PROCESS The Process of Performance Appraisal: 

Establishing performance standards

Communicating the Standards

Measuring Performance

Comparing the actual with the standards

Discussing the appraisal

Taking Corrective Action


Errors in Rating

Lack of reliability

Negative approach

Multiple objectives

Lack of knowledge


METHODS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL The foregoing list of major program pitfalls represents a form id able challenge, even considering the available battery of appraisal techniques. But attempting to avoid these pitfalls by doing away with appraisals themselves is like trying to solve the problems of life by committing suicide. The more logical task is to identify those appraisal practices that are (a) Most likely to achieve a particular objective and (b) Least vulnerable to the obstacles already discussed. Before relating the specific techniques to the goals of performance appraisal stated at the outset of the article, I shall briefly review each, taking them more or less in an order of increasing complexity. The best-known techniques will be treated most briefly. ESSAY APPRAISAL In its simplest form, this technique asks the rater to write a paragraph or more covering an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, potential, and soon. In most selection situations, particularly those involving professional, sales, or managerial positions, essay appraisals from former employers, teachers, or associates carry significant weight. GRAPHIC RATING SCALE This technique may not yield the depth of an essay appraisal, but it is more consistent and reliable. Typically, a graphic scale assesses a person on the quality and quantity of his work (is he outstanding, above average, average, or unsatisfactory?) and on a variety of other factors that vary with the job but usually include personal traits like reliability and cooperation. It may also include specific performance items like ora land written communication. FIELD REVIEW The field review is one of several techniques for doing this. A member of the personnel or central administrative staff meets with small groups of raters from each supervisory unit and goes over each employees rating with them to (a) Identify areas of inter-rater disagreement, (b) Help the group arrive at a consensus, and (c) Determine that each rater conceives the standards similarly. .


FORCED - CHOICE RATING Like the field review, this technique was developed to reduce bias and establish objective standards of comparison between individuals, but it does not involve the intervention of a third party.

MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES To avoid, or to deal with, the feeling that they are being judged by unfairly high standards, employees in some organizations are being asked to set - or help set - their own performance goals. Within the past five or six years, MBO has become something of a fad and is so familiar to most managers that I will not dwell on it here.

RANKING METHODS For comparative purposes, particularly when it is necessary to compare people who work for different supervisors, individual statements, ratings, or appraisal forms are not particularly useful. Instead, it is necessary to recognize that comparisons involve an overall subjective judgment to which a host of additional facts and impressions must somehow be added. There is no single form or way to do this. The best approach appears to be a ranking technique involving pooled judgment.

ASSESSMENT CENTERS So far, we have been talking about assessing past performance. What about the assessment of future performance or potential? In any placement decision and even more so in promotion decisions, some prediction of future performance is necessary. How can this kind of prediction be made most validly and most fairly?


360 DEGREE FEEDBACKS Many firms have expanded the idea of upward feedback into what the call 360-degree feedback. The feedback is generally used for training and development, rather than for pay increases. Most 360 Degree Feedback system contains several common features. Appropriate parties – peers, supervisors, subordinates and customers, for instance – complete survey, questionnaires on an individual. 360 degree feedback is also known as the multi-rater feedback, whereby ratings are not given just by the next manager up in the organizational hierarchy, but also by peers and subordinates. Appropriates customer ratings are also included, along with the element of self-appraisal. Once gathered in, the assessment from the various quarters are compared with one another and the results communicated to the manager concerned. Another technique that is useful for coaching purposes is, of course, MBO. Like the critical incident method, it focuses on actual behavior and actual results, which can be discussed objectively and constructively, with little or no need for a supervisor to "play God."


Chapter 3 Research Methodology


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY Research is composed of two syllables, a prefix re and a verb search? Re means again, anew over again. Search means to examine closely and carefully. The two words form a noun to describe a careful and systematic study in some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts. Thus research may be defined as a search for knowledge or as any systematic investigation with an open mind, to establish novel facts. In this project we have use Primary data. The Primary data has been collected from various sources like Air India website, investigation, through questionnaires etc.  Secondary Data: - Secondary data is data that has been collected by others for another purpose. It is important to us because it can save considerable time and efforts in solving the research problem at hand. 1.) Secondary data is economy. As data are already available at low cost. 2.) It can be obtained quickly.  Primary Data: - It is the fresh type of data under which the data is collected by the researcher own it is used for a specific purpose. It is more time consuming but more accurate and reliable. Information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources by means of surveys, observation or experimentation or the information collected specifically for the purpose of the investigation at hand is known as primary data. We gave customers to fill up the response sheets. Research Methodology is the procedures used in making systematic observation or otherwise obtaining data, evidence or information as part of a research project or study. It is the market way of collecting data under the research methodology sample size, which data is used all such considered. But There Are Two Source of Data Collection

Primary data

Secondary data


RESEARCH APPROACH This research follows the inferential Quantitative approach. The questionnaires circulated to collect the relevant information have been analyzed on the basis of rating given to each question and then, aggregate of rating of all questions of a group has been taken to find out percentage of each response to that group. SAMPLING For the purpose of conducting the survey, Stratified plan was deemed optimum. A sample size of 50 was decided upon in agreement with the industry guide. The sampling was done as below: Category

Population (Regional

Sample Size (50)

Office) (II) 3/6-9 Grade

1500 approx.


(III) 9A-18 Grade

700 approx.


The survey covered 4 departments viz. Personnel, Commercial, Finance and Material Management. The population was divided into 2 strata acc to their grades in the organization: Category II- 3/6-9 Grade and Category III- 9A-18 Grade Questionnaire And Data Collection Research Instrument Questionnaire No. of Questions - 18  Primary data is collected Directly from the staff of different profile with questionnaire  Secondary data used in the study collected from the companies document records, further from the in- depth interviews with employees. The main focus of our project report is to find out: 

The training patterns that are being employed in Air India

The sources of recruitment that are being searched for hiring employees

Are the employees happy with training techniques

The performance appraisal patterns employed in Air India

Are the employees getting motivated with these performance appraisal methods

Psyche of employees working in the organization

To give suggestions on the bases of the study 23

OBJECTIVES For the two months internship tenure, NACIL allowed me to study the functions and processes of the Personnel Department of the PSU; the project objective is to study training needs of Air India limited. The project will broaden the knowledge about effectiveness of training programs in Air India limited.  To study what procedures they use for recruitment of employees in their department (say technical or non-technical, internal or external recruitment).  To study the awareness and satisfaction level among employees.  The procedure used by the company at the death of the employee during service provides appointment to his spouse is they satisfied with these rules and regulation.  Study the major functions and processes of the Personnel Department. This could serve as a manual to introduce the workings of the Personnel Department to the Management Trainees etc.  To study training needs of Air India limited. The project will broaden the knowledge about effectiveness of training programs in Air India limited. Through this project it has estimated that how effective are training programs in NACIL (I). After analyzing the training programs, the shortcomings in the training programs have found out and corrective measures have been suggested to improve upon those shortcomings.  To find out the present recruitment and selection policies, if any provide appropriate recommendation.


SCOPE For the purpose of this study, the training needs of the following departments were undertaken. 

Personnel Department

Commercial Department

Material and Management Department

Finance Department

 For the purpose of this study, the scope was limited to the personal department of the northern regional office.  The population universe for the awareness survey was limited to the primarily 4 department based in the vicinity –personnel, commercial, operations and finance. Due to easy accessibility and entrance allowed in these departments.  The study helps us to know the Human Resource Policies.  This study also helps us to learn work culture in an organization.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY Research methods which are adopted are as follows: 

Identifying the marketing problem

Developing Marketing Research plan

Designing Marketing Research plan

Designing marketing research strategy

Collection of Data

Analysis of Collected Data

Preparation of Research Report


RESEARCH DESIGN Research design or model indicates a plan of action to be carried out in connection with a proposed research work. It provides only a guideline for the researcher to enable him to keep track of his actions and to know that he is moving in the right direction in order to achieve his goal. The design may be specific presentation of the various steps in the process of research. The type of research design adopted is Descriptive Research. The research objectives in this type of research are generally describing the characteristics of consumer segment, via, demographic, socio-economic, geographic, psychographic and benefits sought. Descriptive studies can also portray buyer perceptions of brands; audience profiles for media types, via, TV, radio, newspaper, journals and magazines, etc. they can also portray buying power of consumers, availability of distributors, product consumption patterns, price sensitivity of consumers, market share, etc. Descriptive research often makes use of survey research design which consists of a crosssectional research design that is, collecting data on few factors from a number of cases at one point of time. This is the most popular type of research design and is useful in describing the characteristics of consumers and determining the frequency of marketing phenomenon. Consumer research design adopted is quantitative.


Chapter 4 Data Analysis & Interpretation



Ques 4. Do you bear any expenses of SC/ST for the final interview?


Ques 5. Do you bear the transfer expenses of the outstation candidate?

Ques 6. if yes, which of the following expenses are covered of the outstanding candidate? Ans. Not applicable Ques 7. What are the monetary limits for the following expenses? Ans. a) Travel Bus fare, second class train fare are provided b) Accommodations Housing colonies are provided Ques 8. How much time does the hiring process take i.e., right from the test? Ans. less than a week for test/interviews/offer letter but otherwise up to a month Ques 9. Do you get an employment agreement signed by the new employees? Ans. It differs from category to category. It is called SERVICE BOND


Ques 10. The durations of the probationary period for a new join in your organization?

Ques 11. What is the performance appraisal method in the organization ?


Ques 12. Which method of evaluating individual employee is used in your organisation? Ans. Parameters are laid down in the appraisal from covers technical and behaviour.


Ques 15. Is the Post Appraisal Feedback Viewed seriousely by the employee?


Ques 17. How often does your performance assessment match to your expectations.

Ques 18. How often are performance reviews take place in your organisation?




FINDINGS 1) Defense sales order of Rs. 9 cr was not there for the first quarter of 2010-12, so the sales have decreased. 2) Standard current ratio is 2:1 and for industry it is 1.33:1. Air India’s ratios satisfactory. 3) Acid test ratio is more than one but it does not mean that company has excessive liquidity. 4) Debtors of the company were high; they were increasing year by year, so more funds were blocked in debtors. But now recovery is becoming faster. 5) Inventory turnover ratio is improving from 2010-11, which means inventory is used in better way so it is good for the company. 6) Debtors turnover ratio is improving from 2010-.increase in ratio is beneficial for the company because as ratio increases the number of days of collection for debtors decreases. 7) Working capital turnover ratio is continuously increasing that shows increasing needs of working capital. 8) Interest coverage ratio is increasing from last four years. 9) Production capacity is not utilized to the full extent

Hypothesis Testing It can be said that overall financial position of the company is normal but it is required to be improved from the point of view of profitability. Hence the Hypothesis, Significantly efficient working capital management will increases company profitability stands correct Net operating cycle is increasing and is affecting profitability. Since operating cycle is dependent on industry and the hypothesis “Significantly working capital effects on profitability are industry specific” stands correct.




LIM ITATIONS Every research study has certain limitations. These could be due to s a m p l e s i z e , s a m p l i n g techniques, time available, money etc. this study has also certain limitations. The following are worth mentioning:1. As

the subject under




population size so

g e n e r a l i z a t i o n s c a n ’ t b e made. 2. Due to time and financial constrains the study is restricted to Northern region. 3. Sometimes respondents give altogether biased answers in responding to the different questions. 4. Lack of time 5. Lack of financial resources still every effort has been employed in order to reduce the impact of these limitations. 6. Errors in rating 7. Lack of reliability 8. Negative Approach 9. Lack of Knowledge 10. Multiple Objectives


Chapter - 7 CONCLUSION


CONCLUSION Aviation Industry in India is one of the fastest growing aviation industries in the world. With the liberalization of the Indian aviation sector, aviation industry in India has undergone a rapid transformation. In this era where people want to get more and more facilities, AIR INDIA is herewith its full carrier airline services. AIR INDIA is providing all possible services and policies for all its customers and employees. But still the market share of this company is going down day by day. In the first quarter of this year market share of Air India was 14.7%. On the other hand many private airline companies who learned, how to make business in the field of aviation, from Air India have more market share. Such as, Kingfisher and Jet airways, they come just few years back in the market but having higher market share and market value than this company. In the first quarter of this year, market share of Jet Airways was 22.7% which is much more than the share of Air India. After carefully analyzing this company I came to know the pros and corns of it and I want to p o i n t i t o u t t h a t f i r s t A i r I n d i a s h o u l d m o d i f y i t s w o r k c u l t u r e . A i r I n d i a h a s a l l r e s o u r c e s available with it but still they are not being utilized optimally. In terms of employees’ satisfaction, 64% respondents are satisfied, the region behind it can be job security. But as I moved further I came to know that 66% are somewhat satisfied but not fully. But among dissatisfied employees 16% are dissatisfied due to lack of personal touch, 20%are dissatisfied due to working hours and no one was dissatisfied with leaves and working hours. When I asked about attention









18%s a i d n e v e r . 1 8 % a m o n g t h e m r e s p o n d e d t h a t t h e i r c o m p l a i n t s a n d s u g g e s t i o n s a l w a ys g e t attention and 28% said sometimes.3 5 % f i n d S c h o l a r s h i p a s a g o o d p o l i c y, 4 4 % f i n d A i r p a s s a g e a s a g o o d p o l i c y, 4 7 % f i n d Housing colonies as a good policy, Holiday homes were rated as good by 51% respondents, 42%and 47% find Medical facility as excellent and good respectively, 375 find Group Insurance good.




SUGGESTIONS As most of the employees find Retirement gifts poor, so I want to suggest modifying it. Group Insurance and community center should also be communicated among employees because I find that most of the employees are unaware with it.

Thus what I want to suggest that Air India should market all those facilities which are


provided by the company

t o i t s e m p l o ye e s . I n t h i s w a y

e m p l o ye e s w i l l r e a l i z e w h a t t h e i r company is giving to them and they will feel a sense of responsibility towards it .I don’t find as such any big problem with this company except lack of motivation. So company should work in this direction. One thing for policy makers that they should assign task to employees with a deadline connected with PLI.I want to suggest something to Commercial department related to the scheme of corporate houses. Currently for different corporate houses we have a discount scheme that we revise on y e a r l y b a s i s . E v e r y y e a r n e w a g r e e m e n t s f o r m w i t h n e w t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s a n d r a t e o f discount, depending on the bargaining power of business house and company. We treat every customer in a same manner whether it is with us from past one year or 15 years. We should change the way of treating different customers, especially those who have been given a huge profit from last so many years. For this we can have something like BEST CUSTOMER OF THE YEAR or may be of three years. To give them honor we can display something about them in our in-flight magazine, this will be a both way beneficial decision. Same award treatment we can do with employees to motivate them.



Kothari C.R., Research Methodology New Age International (P) Ltd., 2005

Malhotra N.K., Marketing Research Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 2007

Kotler & Keller, Marketing Management A South Asian Perspective, 2007

Gupta S.P., Business Statistics Sultan Chand & Sons, 2005


SWAGAT, in flight magazine of AIR INDIA. June 2008.

XPRESSIONS, in-flight magazine of Jetlite.May 2008

Namaskaar, in-flight magazine of AIR INDIA.





QUESTIONNAIRE Q.1 Potential candidates in your organization are generated through the following: (tick and rank them based on the number and quality of candidates generated)

i) Direct consultants ii) Job portals iii) Employee referral iv) through temporary staffing v) Head hurting vi) Body shopping vii) Any other sources, please specify Q.2) Are technical and professional interviews conducted separately in the organization? I) Yes ii) no Q.3. a) Do you conduct background checks? I) Yes ii) no b) If yes, is it for all levels of employees or only for senior position? Q.4) Do you bear any expenses of the SC/ST for the final interview? If yes please specify a) yes b) No


Q5) Do you also bear the transfer expenses of the outstation candidate (with in India a) yes b) no Q6) If yes, which of the following expenses are covered of the outstation candidate, a) travel b) transportation of household goods c) accommodations d) all of the above Q.7) What are the monetary limits for the following expenses? a) Travel b) transportation of household goods c) accommodations Q.8) Ideally, how much time does the hiring process take i.e., right from the test/in the stage? ............................................................................................................................. Q.9) Do you get an employment agreement signed by the fresher’s? If yes what is the agreement? ............................................................................................................................. Q.10) The durations of the probationary period for a new joinee in your organization a) 6 months b) 1 year c) 2 years


Q.11) The performance appraisal method followed in the organization is a) balanced scorecard method b) MBO c) any other method, please specify Q12) An individual employee is evaluated on the basis of his/her a) technical b) behavior c) adaptability in the organization d) any other, please specify Q.13) The appraisal is conducted a) once in 6 months b) once in a year Q.14) Is the appraisal feedback communicated to the respective employee? a) Yes b) no Q.15) Is the post appraisal feedback viewed seriously to the employee? a) Yes b) no Q.16) Are the employees satisfied with the appraisal system adopted currently? a) yes b) no Q.17) How often does your performance assessment match to your expectations? a) Never b) rarely c) sometimes 47

d) often e) every time Q.18) according to you how often should the performance review take place? a) once in a week b) once in a month c) every 3 months d) every 6 months e) once in a year


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Air India
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April 2020 30
December 2019 43
June 2020 26
June 2020 29

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