Stool Culture all thing in this color is done by me وعين الصقر ميزانة و سبحان من ل يخطأ
Stool or Rectal swab culture *macConky plate (NLF) *XLD agar (shigila→???/ salmonila→black) *EMB agar → E - mythylen blue *HE *TCBS (y.colores) → vribo & cholera → yellow color *alkaline peptone water (APW) → cholera *selenite F broth *selective media for campylobactor (skirrow &blaser with suplements) campylobactor microaerophilic (42C-O2 5%Co210%-N2 85%-48hr)
selenite F broth For salmonila
suspectef organisms 1- E-coli (infant &NLF) it not a normal flora in infant
2- salmonella & shigella 3-campylobactor jejuni most common human pathogen indol&citrate (+) urease (- ) oxidase (+) nalidixic acid (S) s= sensitive
cephalo thin
(R) r/
4-V.cholerae serogroup -01 catalse (+) oxidase (+) motile (+) lactose (NLF) sensitive to (dry – sunlight – acid pH) TCBS (thiosulfate citrate bile sucrose agar –yallow colonies)
Vibrio cholerae TCBS
The End