Stokes Audio Lesson Idea

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Audio Tools Lesson Idea Name: Sports Podcast Content Area: Physical Education Grade Level(s): 6th-8th Content Standard Addressed: Standard 4: The physically educated student exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings PE7.4.B: Exhibits task behaviors with limited supervision by self-officiating and problem solving during activities and including the safe and appropriate use of equipment Technology Standard Addressed: 3- Knowledge Constructor Selected Technology Tool: ☒ Audio (list application): ☐ Other: (list) URL(s) to support the lesson (e.g., URL for your music clip, URL for Soundcloud): Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s): ☐ Remembering

☐ Understanding

☐ Applying

☐ Analyzing

☐ Evaluating

☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level): ☐ Level 1: Awareness

☐ Level 2: Exploration

☐ Level 5: Expansion

☐ Level 6: Refinement

☐ Level 3: Infusion

☒ Level 4: Integration

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): To address Universal Design for Learning principles, students will be required to type or write out their podcast script to ensure that those who have auditory disabilities will be able to read their podcast since they cannot listen to it. To support those with visual impairments, they will be assigned a parapro to help them with creating their podcast. Lesson idea implementation: The teacher will have already created a podcast about the importance of physical education. In the podcast, it talks about the fact that some people believe that physical education is bad for students because it forces them to play sports they don’t like, which ends up making them hate sports in their opinion. For this lesson, students will be required to create a podcast at the end of the semester about 3 of their favorite sports they played in class. The podcast must be 3-5 minutes long and must incorporate the following: 3 different sports they liked, why they enjoyed it, how to play the sport, and equipment used for the sport. They will also be required to type out their script for their podcast either before or after they record themselves. They will then be required to email me their podcast along with their script at the end of the semester. Their podcast will reflect what they learned in class along with what sports they might like to participate in outside of class. To extend the learning level to a higher level, I will have students describe why they liked the sports they chose. This will give them an opportunity to explain themselves and assess themselves. Students will be told about the podcast project at the beginning of the semester to help them think about what they want to talk about in their podcast as we make our way through the semester. To provide feedback on their podcasts, the teacher will use Vocaroo. This allows teachers to record their comments and post them for the student to help them understand why they received the grade they did for their podcast.

ITEC 3300

Audio Tools Importance of technology: Using an audio recording tool is critical for the project because they must use it to record their voice to create their podcast. Students would not be able to create their podcast without an audio recording tool because to make a podcast you must record your own voice in real time. Other types of technology that will be used when students create their podcast will be Microsoft word, which is where they will type out their script before or after they record their podcast. Inspiration (optional): I created a podcast myself that students will listen to before recording their podcast. The podcast is about the debate between whether Pe should be a required course or not. Here is the link to the podcast: Internet Safety and Student Privacy: I wll instruct the students to use what’s called Audacity to record their podcast. This will minimize the risks to students and myself because the student’s podcasts will not be shared with anybody besides me. Since the student’s work will be protected this will alleviate any fears by parents and the administration. To follow common internet safety/acceptable use policies, I will double check with the administration at my school to be sure that I can have students record themselves through audacity. I will also head to common sense to see if they suggest using audacity in schools. Reflective Practice: This lesson I created could impact student learning by helping the students understand some of the sports they really enjoyed. This will encourage them to participate in these sports outside of class if they did really enjoy them. If this is the case, the lesson will encourage them to deviate from a sedentary lifestyle and to become more active not just now but throughout their life. This lesson was developed as an end of the semester project and the lessons I use throughout the semester will help the students build their podcasts.

ITEC 3300

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