getting there.
When you know these things, you will be able
results that you do? Do you wonder why some people
to factor that information into your decision making process to ensure you are moving closer towards your goals. Without the information, you will have no way of knowing where your decisions may lead you. The key is to remain focused on your destination and be flexible on your route. The "how" will change, just like the wind. When that happens you must be willing and able to adjust your course, reset your sail to capitalise on the change.
seem "lucky"and are able
to glide through life always achieving more while others toildaily just to make ends meet? Do you know where you want to go in life? Where you end up in life is predominantly the result of the little choices you make each day.Small, seemingly inconsequential decisions can have a major impact on your life later on. lmagine you are on a flight and the olane is offcourse byjust one degree, where would you arrive? When Jim Rohn says it is the set of your sail that
determines your destination, he is referring to the way yolive your life every moment ofthe day. Setting your sail involves knowing exactly where you want to go and having a specific plan for
The following 10 steps will help to build your personal development
roadmap and set your sail to achieve your dreams: 1. Clearly identify, in writing, the results you want to achieve (your destination).
images that represent your destination. This helps to make the visualisation of the end result more concrete. 3. ldentify the reasons why you want to achieve these results (why do you want to arrive at your chosen destination?) They must be personal and compelling and they must be your own.
What will you need to learn or do differently? What critical information or skills are you lacking that is preventing you from moving forward? 4,
What have you done in the past that can help you get to where you want to be in the future? What skills can you build on?
find pictures/
desire? 8. How will you get there? What is your plan? Think about the last step you need to accomolish before reaching your destination. Then, continue to work
backwards with each steo until you reach the present. 9. What will you do and how willyou feel when you have
reached your destination? Decide in advance how you
will celebrate and appreciate your accomplishment. Use your vivid imagination to see and feel yourself achievingl
Who will you need to help you in yourjourney?
1 0. Choose a new destination and repeat the process, always focusing on continuous imorovement and designing your future.
2. lf possible,
to achieve the results you
When do you expect to
arrive? How long will it take
Get started today, setting your sail for a successful journey and take control of your personal development.