Stem Cells Anila Habib Roll # 67
Contents What are stem Cells ? Unique properties of stem cells Types of stem cells Sources of stem cells Difference between ESCs & ASCs Why are Stem Cells so very important? Potential uses of stem cells The Controversy over Stem Cells?
What are stem cells ? ØWhich have potential to regenerate over a life time . ØThey have the remarkable potential to develop into many different types in the body during early life and growth .
What are properties of stem cells ? • They can divide and make identical copies of themselves over and over again (SelfRenewal) • stem cells are Unspecialized . • stem cells can give rise to Specialized
Types of stem cells ØTotipotent ØPluripotent ØMultipotent ØOligopotent ØUnipotent
Sources Of Stem Cells ØEmbryonic stem cells ØAdult stem cells ØFetal stem cells
Embryonic stem cells ØDerive from embryos Ødevelop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro ØDerive from 4 or 5 days old embryo ØHollow microscopic ball of cells (blastocyst)
Adult Stem Cells ØRefer to any cell division which is found in any developed organism . Ø ability to divide and create another cell like itself Ø Divide and create a cell more differentiated than itself
Where the Adult are found ? ØSkin ØBone marrow ØBrain ØBlood vessels ØLiver ØSkeletal muscles
Stem Cells
Fetal Stem Cells Primitive cell types found in the organs of fetus
Advantages and Disadvantages to Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells.
Why is Stem Cell Research So Important to All of Us?
üStem cells allow us to study how organisms grow and develop over time. üStem cells can replace diseased or damaged cells that can not heal or renew themselves. üWe can test different substances (drugs and chemicals) on stem cells. üWe can get a better understanding of our “genetic machinery.”
What Human Diseases are Currently Being Treated with Stem Cells? ØParkinson’s Disease ØLeukemia (Bone Marrow Transplants) ØSkin Grafts resulting from severe burns Stem Cell Therapy has the Potential to: ØRegenerate tissues/organs ØCure diseases like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, etc.
Why the Controversy Over Stem cells ØEmbryonic Stem cells are derived from extra blastocysts ØExtracting stem cells destroys the developing blastocyst (embryo).
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