GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT R&B – Common SSR for all Engineering Departments – Fixation of Cement and Steel Rates for the month of August 2009 (3rd month of 1st quarter) – Orders – Issued. ----------------------------------------------------TRANSPORT, ROADS & BUILDINGS (R.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No. 1029 Dated:11.09.2009. Read the following: 1. G.O.Ms.No.94, T.R & B, (R.I) Dept., Dated: 16.04.2008. 2. G.O.Rt.No.902, T.R & B (R.I) Dept., Dated:01.08.2009.. 3. From The ENC(IW) I&CAD Dept., Lr.No.ENC/IW/ P&M/EE.III/ DEE10/AE/13305/Cement & Steel/Vol-5, Dt:20.08.2009. *** ORDER: In the G.O. 1st read above, orders were issued to adopt price adjustment for steel and cement every month. Accordingly in the G.O. 2nd read above orders were issued fixing the rates of Cement and Steel for the month of July 2009. 2. In the letter 3rd read above, Engineer-in-Chief (IW) I&CAD, has communicated the rates of Cement and Steel for finalization for the month of August, 2009. 3. Govt. after careful examination of the matter hereby approve the following rates to be adopted for the month of August 2009:Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 a. b. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Material Cement STEEL 6 mm M.S.Rods M.S.Flats Mild steel, structural steel, i.e Angles channels & I-sections TMT BARS Fe-415 Fe-500 M.S.Plates P.C.drawn wire/H.T. Wire 3 mm P.C.drawn steel wire/HT wire 4 mm H.R.Sheet in coils 1.6 mm H.R.Sheet in coils 2.0 mm 5.5/6.0 mm M.S wire rod coil Foundry Grade Pig Iron (2.00 to 2.24) (Excluding Taxes)
Rates fixed for August 2009 Rate for 1 MT. Rs.3,900/Rs.30,000/Rs.30,000/Rs.30,000/-
4. All the Heads of Departments/Corporations, Universities, Agencies dealing with PWD works shall take action accordingly. 5. This order issues with the concurrence of Fin. Dept. vide their U.O.No. 023105/974/A2/Expr.PWD/09, Dated:07.09.2009. . (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) Dr.T.CHATTERJEE, PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT
To: The Engineer-in-Chief (IW),I & CAD Dept. Hyd. The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Admn. & NH, Hyd. All the HODs connected with Engineering works. Copy to Fin (Expr. Pw) Deptt. SF/SC, C.No.9742/RI(2)/09.
//forwarded by order//
GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT R&B – Common SSR for all Engineering Departments – Fixation of Cement and Steel Rates for the month of July2009 (2nd month of 1st quarter) – Orders – Issued. -----------------------------------------------------TRANSPORT, ROADS & BUILDINGS (R.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No. 902 Dated:01.08.2009. Read the following: 1. G.O.Ms.No.94, T.R & B, (R.I) Dept., Dated: 16.04.2008. 2. G.O.Rt.No.807, T.R & B (R.I) Dept., Dated:08.07.2009.. 3. From The ENC(IW) I&CAD Dept., Lr.No.ENC/IW/ P&M/EE.III/ DEE10/AE/13305/Cement & Steel/Vol-5, Dt:13.07.2009. *** ORDER: In the G.O. 1st read above, orders were issued to adopt price adjustment for steel and cement every month. Accordingly in the G.O. 2nd read above orders were issued fixing the rates of Cement and Steel for the month of June 2009. 2. In the letter 3rd read above, Engineer-in-Chief (IW) I&CAD, has communicated the rates of Cement and Steel for finalization for the month of July, 2009. 3. Govt. after careful examination of the matter hereby approve the following rates to be adopted for the month of July 2009:Sl. Material Rates fixed for No. July 2009 Rate for 1 MT. 1. Cement Rs.4,300/STEEL 2. 6 mm M.S.Rods Rs.31,000/3. M.S.Flats Rs.31,500/4. Mild steel, structural steel, i.e Rs.31,500/Angles channels & I-sections 5 TMT BARS a. Fe-415 Rs.31,000/b. Fe-500 Rs.32,000/6. M.S.Plates Rs.34,500/7. P.C.drawn wire/H.T. Wire 3 mm Rs.44,500/8. P.C.drawn steel wire/HT wire 4 mm Rs.44,000/9. H.R.Sheet in coils 1.6 mm Rs.34,500/10. H.R.Sheet in coils 2.0 mm Rs.34,000/11. 5.5/6.0 mm M.S wire rod coil Rs.34,000/12. Foundry Grade Pig Iron (2.00 to 2.24) Rs.19,000/(Excluding Taxes) 4. All the Heads of Departments/Corporations, Universities, Agencies dealing with PWD works shall take action accordingly. 5. This order issues with the concurrence of Fin. Dept. vide their U.O.No.020211/847/A2/Expr.PWD/09, Dated:30.07.2009. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) Dr.T.CHATTERJEE, PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT
To: The Engineer-in-Chief (IW),I & CAD Dept. Hyd. The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), Admn. & NH, Hyd. All the HODs connected with Engineering works. Copy to Fin (Expr. Pw) Deptt. SF/SC, C.No.7767/RI(2)/2009.
//forwarded by order// SECTION OFFICER
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