Statistik Kertas 1 Ting 4

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,887
  • Pages: 14
<SCHOOLNAME> <SUBJECT> : Statistic Nama Pelajar :

A 5 B 9 C 10

Kelas : Form 4


DMarkah 30 :

Instruction: 1.This question paper consists of 60 questions. 2.Answer all questions. 3.Every question is followded by four suggested answers. Choose only one correct answer.


From the following class interval, which has the size of 7 ?


The table below shows the result of students in a test.

A 1–7 B 1–8 C 2.0 – 2.6 D 2.0 – 2.7 2.

A class interval for students’ marks is 70.0 – 79.0. The lower limit of the class interval is What is the lower boundary for the lowest class?

A 69.5 B 70.0


C 79.0

A 51

D 79.5

B 50.5 C 50

The table below shows the result of the students in Form 4A in a test. The size of the class interval for the data is

D 49.5


State the midpoint of the class interval 15 -18. A 15.5 B 16.5

C 17


lower limit for the class interval 31 – 40.

D 18.5 6.

Based on the following table, find the

State the modal class by referring to the table below.

A 30.5 B 31 C 39.5 D 40

A 2.1 – 3.0 B 3.1 – 4.0


Based on the table below, the missing class interval is

C 4.1 – 5.0 D 5.1 – 6.0 7.

Based on the data given below, find the mean.

A 1.3 – 1.8 B 1.3 – 1.9 C 1.4 – 1.8 D 1.4 – 1.9 A 3 B 4.1 C 4.55 D 5


Given that the largest value for a data is 38 whereas the smallest value is 12. If there are 6 class intervals, the perfect size of class interval will be A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7


Based on the table below, calculate the size of the class interval.

A 45 – 49 B 49.5 – 54.5 C 50 – 54 A 7

D 50.5 – 54.5

B 8 C 9


D 10 12.

Based on the following frequency table, find the accumulated frequency for the class interval 50 - 54.

Based on the table below, find the lower boundary of class interval 11- 20.

A 21 B 10 A 10

C 8

B 10.5

D 9

C 11 D 11.5


Based on the following table, find the modal class.


Based on table below, find the midpoint of the modal class.

A 20.55 B 21.55 A 13.5

C 21.65

B 135.5

D 22.25

C 136 D 136.5 16.


Based on the table below, find the midpoint of the modal class.

Based on the following table, find the midpoint of the class interval 161 – 170.

A 22 B 23 C 21 D 20

A 160 B 151 C 165.5 D 141 17.

Based on the table below, calculate the mean of the marks.


The following histogram shows the statistic of a group of participants in a contest. Find the mean of the age of the participants.


The frequency polygon below shows the thickness of 100 books in a library. Find the modal class.

A 32.0 B 36.8 C 37.3 A 10.5 mm – 15.5 mm

D 38.6

B 11 mm – 15 mm 20.

The following histogram shows the statistic of a group of participants in a contest. Find the percentage of participants aged over 40 years old.

C 12 mm – 15 mm D 12.5 mm – 15.5 mm 22.

A 17 B 20 C 32 D 34

The frequency polygon below shows the thickness of 100 books in a library.

2 of the books from the 5 thickness range of 5 mm – 20 mm are written in Malay whereas the remaining are written in English. Find the books which are written in English from the thickness range of 5 mm – 20 mm.

State the size of the class interval for the above data.

Given that

A 9 B 10 C 12 D 14

A 32 B 40


C 48

The table below shows the marks gained by participants in a competition.

D 60 23.

The table below shows the height of a group of students.

Find the mode marks. A 10 B 11 C 40

Find the minimum value of x if the modal class is 160 – 169. A 19 B 20

D 280 26.

The age of workers in a factory are shown in the following histogram.

C 21 D 27 24.

The table below shows the height of a group of students.

Find the modal class.

A 30.5 – 35.5


B 31 – 35

The average jogging time per day for 100 runners are shown in the following frequency polygon.

C 35.5 – 40.5 D 36 – 40 27.

The age of workers in a factory are shown in the following histogram.

Calculate the mean of the average jogging time. Find the total number of workers in the factory.

A 2.275 B 3.65

A 45

C 4.55

B 60

D 4.65

C 80 D 90 28.

Which of the following class intervals have the same size? I II III IV

21 - 25 26 - 30 41 - 45 46 - 52


I and II only I and IV only I, II and III only II, III and IV only


The average jogging time per day for 100 runners are shown in the following frequency polygon.

Find the percentage of runners who jogged more than 5 minutes per day.


The ogive in the following figure shows the weight in kg of a group of students in a class.

A 25% B 50% C 45% D 55% 31.

The ogive in the figure below shows the weight in kg of a group of students in a class.

The first quartile is A 12.5 kg B 37.5 kg C 45.5 kg D 57.5 kg 33.

Find the median.

The ogive in the figure below shows the weight in kg of a group of students in a class.

A 50 kg B 50.5 kg C 57 kg D 60.5 kg

Find the number of students whose weight is at least 57.5 kg.

A 4


The ogive in the figure below shows the

B 6

marks scored by a group of students in a

C 10


D 40 34.

The ogive in the figure below shows the marks scored by a group of students in a test.

Find the interquartile range. A 30 B 40 Find the median.

C 47 D 70

A 20 B 25


The table below shows the frequency and

C 50

accumulated frequency for the length of

D 53

leaves collected by Ahmad.

Find the value of x. A 29 B 31 C 40 D 50


The table below shows the frequency and


accumulated frequency for the length of

The table below shows the points gained by a group of students in a quiz.

leaves collected by Ahmad.

Find the mean of the length of leaves. A 4.3 cm Find the mode of the data.

B 4.7 cm C 5.1 cm

A 2

D 9.4 cm 38.

B 3

The table below shows the frequency and

C 4

accumulated frequency for the length of

D 5

leaves collected by Ahmad.


The table below shows the points gained by a group of students in a quiz.

If the frequency table is represented by a pie chart, calculate the angle of the sector which represent the frequency of the length in the range of 4.1 cm to 4.9 cm. A 50 0 B 99


C 110 0 D 180 0

Find the number of students who scored three points. A 6 B 7 C 8 D 13


The table below shows the points gained


by a group of students in a quiz.

Given a set of numbers as 4.8, 3.2, 1.6, 5.0, 7.2 and 1.2. Find the range of the data. A 3.6 B 5.6 C 6.0 D 6.2


Find the number of students who took part in the quiz.

A 6

A 21

C 10

B 25

D 12

C 40

B 8


D 68 42.

Determine the mode of the data below. 8, 6, 8, 6, 12, 12, 8, 10.

Determine the median of the data below. 3, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 10, 8, 10, 8. A 6

Given a set of data 2, 3, 4, x, y, 11 arranged in ascending order. If the mean is 6 and the value of y is equal to x, find the median.

B 6.5 C 7.5 D 8

A 4 B 6 C 7


Referring to the table below, determine the size of the class interval.

D 8 43.

Given a set of numbers as 1, 5, 3, 8, 7, 15 and 12. Find the range of the data. A 10 B 14 C 16

A 3

D 20

B 4 C 5 D 6


Referring to the table below, state the value of the lower boundary for the class interval 416 - 420.


Based on the histogram below, state the modal class.

A 415.5 B 416


C 416.5

A 18.5 - 28.5

D 420.5

B 18.5 - 28 C 19 - 28

In the table below, find the modal class.

D 19 - 28.5 52.

Based on the accumulated frequency table below, find the value of x.

A 36 - 40 B 36.5 - 40.5 C 41 - 45 D 41.5 - 45.5 50.

In the table below, calculate the mean of the weight.

A 20 B 26 C 36 D 54

A 36.15 B 38.33 C 41.32 D 42.35


The frequency table below shows the distance travelled by teachers from their houses to the school. Calculate the mean distance travelled by the teachers from their houses to the school.


Based on the table below, calculate the size of the class interval.

A 10.5 B 11.25 C 15.4

A 4

D 16.5 54.

Complete the table below cumulative frequency is 50.

B 8 if

C 9


D 10 57.

Based on the table below, calculate the size of the class interval.

A 33 B 20 C 42 D 47 55.

Based on the table below, find the value of x.

A 0.5 B 1 C 2 D 4

A 9.5 - 16.5 B 17 - 23 C 24 - 30 D 23.5 - 30.5


The pictograph below shows the number of visitors to Museum Sultan Abu Bakar,


The table below shows the marks scored by a group of students in a Geography test.

Pekan, Pahang on a particular day.

Given that the total marks for the test is 5 marks, find the number of students who scored 5 marks. A 3 Given that the number of women visitors is 37.5 % from the total number of visitors on that day, find the number of man visitors. A 80 B 120 C 240 D 280 59.

The table below shows the marks scored by a group of students in a mathematic test.

If the median is 15, find the value of x. A 5 B 6 C 7 D 8

B 2 C 4 D 1

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