Statement Of Conviction

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 718
  • Pages: 1
Statement of Conviction by Sam Nichols My work with Christian Peacemaker Teams is motivated by my belief that love and life will overcome the forces of violence and death. Violence between people groups and between nations is one of the most harmful and destructive practices in our world. Contrary to the ideology of modern nation-states, violence doesn’t solve problems; instead, violence begets violence. Rather than the end justifying the means, I believe that the means are inextricably tied to the ends. As Dr. Martin Luther King said, “the means must be as pure as the ends that we seek.” The work of CPT is important because of the prevalence of conflict and violence in the world and the ability of love to overcome these forces. I am called to work with those in this world who are marginalized, outcast, and discriminated against. I consider it my calling and my responsibility to stand in solidarity with those who are discriminated against because of their color, disability, immigration status, birthplace, sexual orientation, age, or religion. I reject the practice of marginalization and I believe that every person should be treated with dignity and respect. Each person is created in the image of God; therefore, each life is sacred. Violence is perpetrated where the sanctity of life is not respected. Therefore, war, discrimination, poverty, hatred, and injustice are all forms of violence. The prevalence of violence in our world spurs me to bring awareness to the sanctity, the beauty, and the divine miracle of each human life. There are a plethora of divisions and rifts between individuals, groups, and nations. This reality calls for peacemakers to be present to bridge these divides. This mission requires peacemakers to live in solidarity with those around the world who are oppressed. Paulo Freire states that "solidarity requires that one enter into the situation of those with whom one is solidary.” In agreement with Paulo Freire, I see the need to be amongst those who suffer, those who endure violent acts, and those who society has neglected and discriminated against. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I am called to take up my cross and stand alongside those who suffer violence. Even further, as a disciple of Christ I believe that when structures and systems perpetuate violence, injustice, and oppression, I am called to begin to disassemble these structures and provide just and wholesome alternatives. The Holy Land The violent conflict in the Israel/Palestine region is one that has captured my attention and my heart. The effects of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank are truly devastating for many Palestinians. The most sensational acts of violence are the only stories that reach media sources, yet the more common and ordinary stories of repression are the ones that depict how daily life is challenged by the occupation. Demolishing homes, uprooting fruit trees, stealing olives from orchards, killing livestock, threatening schoolchildren as they walk to school, throwing eggs and rocks, detaining at checkpoints, denying vehicular and pedestrian traffic, poisoning wells, and limiting access to water, are all examples of the reality of the occupation for Palestinians. The villagers in At-Tuwani, a small village in the South Hebron Hills, face these realities on a daily basis as their very existence is challenged by the occupation. Their ability to farm the land, graze their flocks, collect water, and attend school, have all been challenged by Israeli settlers and Israeli soldiers that occupy the South Hebron Hills. Every parent should have the right to provide for their family and send their children to school, every child should be able to attend school and play outside without the fear of violent attacks by their neighbors or by military personnel. The villagers of At-Tuwani have asked for CPT to stand alongside them as they resist the occupation by staying on their land and continuing to live their lives. We hope to show the world the injustice being wrought in this region. Ultimately I go to the West Bank aside from any political agenda. Rather, I go to At-Tuwani to participate in God’s peace that God is bringing about. God’s peace isn’t a peace brought about through seeking the ‘greater good;’ rather, God’s peace is a just peace, brought about through acknowledging and respecting the image of God in each human being.

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