Stakes Are High

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,025
  • Pages: 3
The Stakes are High. Right now, pro-abortion forces are lining up in Washington to turn back the clock on every pro-life gain made in America over the past 36 years. President Obama told pro-abortion groups that the first bill he wants to sign is the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), a federal law that would overturn every current restriction on abortion, including:

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laws in 44 states that preserve a parental role when minor girls seek abortions; laws in 40 states that restrict late-term abortions; laws in 46 states that protect the right of conscience for individual health care providers; laws in 27 states that protect the right of conscience for institutions; laws in 38 states that ban partial-birth abortions; laws in 33 states that require counseling before having an abortion (Informed Consent laws); and laws in 16 states that provide for ultrasounds before an abortion.

It is important that our Texas leaders not only stand firm against abortion but also against FOCA. We encourage you to read the comparison below, and then act on the three steps at the bottom of this piece. Sincerely, Kerby Anderson (POINT OF VIEW RADIO SHOW) David Barton (PRESIDENT, WALLBUILDERS) Mark Cole (CHAIRMAN, HOUSTON AREA PASTORS COUNCIL) Richard Ford (PRESIDENT, HERITAGE ALLIANCE) Rick Green (NATIONAL RADIO HOST; FOUNDER OF PATRIOT ACADEMY) Ann Hettinger (STATE DIRECTOR, CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA) Stephen F. Hotze (PRESIDENT, CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS OF TEXAS) Colleen Parro (EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COALITION FOR LIFE) Alice Patterson (PRESIDENT, JUSTICE AT THE GATE) Joe Pojman (EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, TEXAS ALLIANCE FOR LIFE) Rick Scarborough (PRESIDENT, VISION AMERICA ACTION) Kelly Shackelford (PRESIDENT, FREE MARKET FOUNDATION) Dave Welch (EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, U. S. PASTORS COUNCIL) (* The groups listed are for identification purposes only. The names appear in alphabetical order.)

The Stakes are High. Senator John Cornyn Supports the Yes. Pro-Life Plank of the Republican Platform Opposes Yes. In 2003, Senator Roe v. Wade Cornyn voted against a

Governor Rick Perry Yes.


Opposes Embryonic Stem Cell Research Supports Pro-Life Judges


President Barack Obama

No. Senator Hutchison supports legal No. President Obama supports abortion until viability and has called for the removal or weakening of the pro-life plank of the Republican Platform.

the Democrat Party pro-abortion platform.

No. In 2003, Senator Hutchison

No. President Obama supports

supported a resolution that said, “Roe v. Wade was appropriate and secures an important constitutional right… (It) should not be overturned.”

Roe v. Wade.

Yes. Governor Perry has

No. Senator Hutchison served for

No. President Obama promised

always been active in his support of the pro-life movement.

many years as an Honorary Advisory Board Member of the WISH List, whose mission is to raise money to identify, train and elect pro-abortion Republican women at all levels of government. No. Senator Hutchison opposes President Bush’s embryonic stem cell research policy.

Planned Parenthood that he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act should if Congress would pass it.


resolution that said, “Roe v. Wade was appropriate and secures an important constitutional right… (It) should not be overturned.”

Supports Pro-Life Groups

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison


No. President Obama opposes President Bush’s embryonic stem cell research policy.

Yes. Senator Cornyn

Yes. Governor Perry has

Mixed. Senator Hutchison voted

No. Obama voted against

voted to confirm President Bush’s nominee, Leon Holmes, the former President of Arkansas Right to Life.

appointed conservative men and women who interpret the law, not write it, to all levels of the Texas judiciary.

against President Bush’s nominee, Leon Holmes, the former president of Arkansas Right to Life, but voted for Justices Roberts and Alito.

President Bush’s nominees to the Supreme Court, John Roberts and Samuel Alito.

Here’s what you can do to promote a pro-family agenda in Texas and stop President Obama’s attempts to turn back our efforts! (1) Write a short email to U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison asking her to reverse her support of Roe v. Wade. In 2003 she strongly endorsed Roe, by voting for the following resolution: (1) the decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade was appropriate and secures an important constitutional right; and (2) such decision should not be overturned. There are rumors that she may even run for another office one day, maybe even Governor. The last thing we need in Texas is a new leader over our state who supports Roe v. Wade. Sample Message Send emails through Sen. Hutchison’s website — (click “How to Contact Me”). Dear Senator Hutchison, Please reverse your support of Roe v. Wade and the destruction of innocent babies on demand in Texas and in this nation. Your position and votes have to change. Sincerely, Your name and address

President Obama has talked about doing three things: A. He promised, and has already reversed the "Mexico City policy" reinstated in 2001 by President Bush that prohibits U.S. money from funding international family planning groups that promote abortion or provide information, counseling or referrals about abortion services. It bans any organization receiving family planning funds from the U.S. Agency for International Development from offering abortions or abortion counseling. B. He will take away limits on embryonic stem cell research regardless of when the stem cell lines were created. C. President Obama has said that he will sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) should it pass Congress. FOCA would eliminate restrictions on abortion nationwide including parental consent and waiting periods, for example. Senator Cornyn has stated emphatically that he is against the Freedom of Choice Act. However, Senator Hutchison has not spoken out against this terrible piece of legislation! (2) Write a short email to U.S. Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn asking them to work against any attempts by the Obama administration to weaken families across the nation and specifically Texas. You can contact Senator Hutchison using the address above and you can contact Senator Cornyn by going to (click “Contact”).

Please ask them to work against the Obama administration’s attempts on the three items above. Also, please be sure to thank Senator Cornyn for standing against the Freedom of Choice Act and ask Senator Hutchison to do the same!

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