Stafford Chamber Commerce Of Helditsannual Generameeting At Thestone House

  • November 2019
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StaffordChamberof Commerce helditsAnnualGeneraMeeting at TheStoneHouseHoteon Wednesday, 8 October. Following the breakfast, whichwasenjoyedby around50 membersandguests,the President, TimWestof WynnsLimitedin Eccleshall, spokeaboutthe Chamber's achievements duringthe pasttwelvemonthsincluding the publication of its Manifesto whichwilldrivetheworkto represent businessin the area. TimWestwasunanimously re-elected as President for a secondtermof office. RayBarnett stooddownafterhisthirdtermas DeputyPresident and StuartWaltonfromArevaT&DLtd wasnominated in hisplaceandwasdulyelectedunopposed.NewBoardmembersand thoseseekingre-election werewelcomed.NorthStaffordshire Chamber'sChiefExecutive BryanCarnesproposeda voteof thanksto Rayand presentedhimwitha smallgift. Staffordshire University's Dr lanJacksondelivereda talkentitledBubbles,Cyclesand Shocks - thecreditcrunchin contextwhichwasfollowedby questionsfrommembersaboutthe currentfinancialsituation. Members whoareinterested in findingout moreaboutthe roleof StaffordChamber's Management Boardareencouraged to contactthisofficefor moreinformation.

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