St. Paul's News - May, 2008

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News April, 2008

Peace Be With You By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.

A few weeks ago I heard a cleric remark, “It doesn’t feel like Easter: everything is brown, where are the flowers, the [sprouting] plants, the budding trees?” While listening to my colleague explain how Easter is marked by spring I thought, “There’s a good thing Easter lasts for fifty days maybe he’ll feel like an Easter person soon.” Over the next few days I would come to reflect on my friend’s fanciful observation.

While returning from Detroit after dropping off my children at their grandparents’ house, where they would spend their spring break, in the quiet of the car as I witnessed the lifelessness of spring along the highway, my thoughts would be consumed by my friend’s comments concerning Easter. I too, began to think how it did not seem like Easter, because spring had not yet arrived. Easter and spring are two sides of the same coin, I thought. After all Easter is about all things becoming new again, right? So where are the spring flowers, the green plants, the budding trees? Then I felt it, the peace of God! The peace that had fallen upon me was not an unusual feeling, but one, which I often experienced while traveling alone in the quiet of my car. For nearly ten years I lived in the great state of Vermont. I call Vermont a great state because of the state’s natural beauty and peaceful landscape. My daily commute to work involved a twentyfive to thirty minute drive from the city of Burlington to a small town south of Burlington called Vergennes. My frequent drives from Burlington to Vergennes required me to cruise down Route 7, which was approximately a 15 to 18 mile stretch of two lane road. No one could drive faster than 25 miles an hour or so, because one had to watch out both for cows crossing the highway and for deer darting in front the car. While cows and deer made every drive along this stunning section of highway an adventure and anxious experience, what I remember most about my time to and from (Continued on page 13)

Honoring the Bishop’s Request By Sue Millar The Becoming the Household Conference was held the first weekend in April at St. John’s, Royal Oak. During Bishop Gibbs’ parting words he asked those of us who were fortunate enough to be able to attend the Household Conference to carry Dean Tracey Lind’s message about living in the Crossroads of Life back to our parishes. She was a dynamic speaker and her topic was challenging and not easily shared but I will do my best to follow the Bishop’s directive. Her vision of living in the piazza, not unlike the public square found in the center of early rural communities, grew out of her understanding and study of a an Italian 15th century sister, St. Angela de Medici, founder of the Ursulines Community of Women. Drawing upon St. Angela’s words and life, Dean Lind urged us to pursue a radical hospitality that transforms lives and communities. She shared many stories of how such a radical hospitality is being lived out in the center of Cin(Continued on page 13)

May 2008

Volume 33, Issue 4 Inside this issue: Calendar


Choir Schedule


Mission & Outreach


Prayer List


St. Paul’s News

6, 8

Upcoming 2-5 Activities Vestry News


Youth Group


Page 2

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities Activities at a Glance

Ongoing Activities • St. Aelred’s Guild • Book Cart, 2nd Sunday after 10 AM • B&PW, Tuesday, May 13, 6 PM • ECW, third Monday, 7 PM • St. Elizabeth Guild, Tuesday, May, 12:30 PM at the home of • Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5-6 PM • 4 Fs, second and fourth Mondays, noon to 2 PM • St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Prayer Group, first Tuesday, 5:30 PM, Choir Rehearsal Room • Men’s Breakfast, third Thursday, 7-8 AM, Hill Room • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon

• Ministry Fair, Saturday, May 3, 8:30 AM to 4 PM • ACTION of Greater Lansing, May 5, 6:30 PM, All

Saints, East Lansing; and May, 19, 6:30 PM, Union Missionary Baptist Church • Men’s Golf League, Thursdays, beginning, May 8, 3:30 PM • UTO Ingathering, Sunday, May 11 • Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation, Saturday, May 10, 10:30 AM, St. Michael’s, Lansing Looking Ahead • Graduation Sunday, June 1 • Parish Sunday Mass/Picnic in the Park, June 8, 10 AM, Lake Lansing • Vacation Bible School, June 23-27, 9 AM to Noon

This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • Ascension Day Outreach Dinner, Thursday, May 1

Ascension Day Dinner By Bill Fineout, Diaconal Candidate On Thursday, May 1, Ascension Day, the Mission & Outreach committee invites all members of the St. Paul’s community to gather for an evening of dinner and worship. Beginning at 6 p.m. in the Merrifield Room, the Committee will serve a delicious dinner, present a brief review of this year’s ministry and discuss plans for next year’s mission and outreach activities. Then we will celebrate the Ascension Eucharist at 7 p.m. This dinner is Mission & Outreach’s opportunity to thank the St. Paul’s community and is free to all. A free-will offering to support the MDG project chosen by the Parish, Water for Life, will be cheerfully accepted. Please respond to the church office or the signup sheet located outside the Merrifield Room. We look forward to seeing you there.


St. Elizabeth Guild

By Barbara Richardson

By Debby Pierce

On May 13, B&PW will gather for dinner at 6 p.m. in the Hill Room. Following dinner, we will work on our outreach projects. Please bring your cards for Dimondale and toiletries for EVE Inc. Reservations for dinner are required, so please contact Debby Pierce by May 11.

The last meeting of the year for St. Elizabeth Guild will be on Tuesday, May 27th at noon. This will be our annual salad luncheon and we will meet at the home of Debby Pierce. Someone from the calling committee will ask if you plan to bring a salad, finger sandwiches or dessert. If you are interested in the Guild or would like to attend the meeting; please call Debby Pierce at 394-4800 or 485-5446.

May 2008

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities

Page 3


Ministry Fair 2008 Saturday, May 3, 2008 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Registration $15 Lunch $10 Ministry Fair is a day of workshops providing new ideas, skills and knowledge for people of faith. Our day together will include 4 different time blocks of workshops where you might find yourself learning how to develop a website and use specialized church communications systems, or how to design bilingual worship, or find ideas for both local and global initiatives regarding the Millennium Development Goals, or how to increase giving to your church, or strengthen pastoral care, or strengthen your youth program, or …. the opportunities go on and on. Choosing from thirty (30!) offerings will be a challenge, so plan to send a team in order to bring back as many ideas and as much information as possible. By special arrangement The Youth and Family Institute, will present a one-day experience of their Passing On Faith Conference. This all-day track is designed to inspire and equip church leaders and educators with a vision for passing faith among the generations, empowering and supporting families as they become primary faith instructors for their children. Participants will go home with a wide variety of ideas and resources, all ready to adopt, adapt and apply in their home and congregation. Following are the topics and workshop session titles for Ministry Fair. For more workshop information and a registration sheet, pick up a Ministry Fair booklet in the cloister or the church office. Improve Your Communication • Church Communication in the Diocese of Michigan • Finding better ways to communicate Making Technology Work for You • Technology in Youth and Youth Adult Ministry • Diving (web) Design: Advocacy for Youth and Children • The Church and TBLG (Transgender, Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay) Youth • Outreach As Youth Ministry • Teambuilding Activities for Youth Groups • MDGs/Local: Children in Poverty in Michigan Called to Advocacy and Mission • MDGs/Global: Women and the MDGs • MDGs/Local: The Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative (MPRI) • MDGs/Global: Global Action on Extreme Poverty • The Challenges Ahead Bringing New Life to Liturgy • Deacons in the Liturgy • Say Amen: Somebody • Eucharistic trade secrets from Diocesan Altar Guild • Planning a Bilingual Liturgy

Ministry of Money • Teens, Consumerism and Values • Climbing the Stewardship Mountain • Marketing and evangelism on a shoestring Care of the Soul • Pastoral Care in Tender Moments • The Pastoral Caregiver: Care & Feeding • Praying with Body, Mind and Spirit • Spiritual Discernment in Later Years • Exploring your Spiritual Journey Adult Formation • History, Structure and Governance of the Episcopal Church, Parts One and Two • “The purity code, the Good News, and its implications for Christian ethics • Deacon Formation Program Developing Leadership Skills • A Workshop for Clergy • Sizing up the Work of the Vestry • Leadership Development Program Prevention Training • Safeguarding God’s Children • Sexual Exploitation and Harassment Prevention

May 2008

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Upcoming St. Paul's Activities UTO

The 4Fs “Taking Care of Ourselves & Others” By Nancy Sheldon The 4 F’s meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month for12 noon Eucharist,12:30 p.m. lunch, 1:00 Bible Study and the program from1:15 – 2 p.m. May 12 Year-end picnic with participants giving a brief review of the one or two of their favorite books that would make for good summer reading

Escanaba in Love By Millie Erickson, Vestry “The Gathering,” a social group of St. Paul’s parishioners has a special theater night planned for Saturday May 10. The evening starts with hearty hors d’oervres at the home of Sally and Don Lawrence at 6 p.m. The festivities continue at the BoarsHead Theater at 8 p.m. with the uproariously funny “Escanaba in Love” by Jeff Daniels. This prequel to Escanaba in da Moonlight tells the love story of Yoopers Albert Soady Jr.’s and Big Betty Baloo. The cost of tickets is $18 and we ask you to bring hearty appetizer to share. We hope you will sign up outside the Merrifield Room and join us for this funfilled evening.

Graduation Sunday By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. As is our custom, we will honor our high school, college and advanced-degree graduates on Sunday June 1. At 9 a.m., the Vestry will provide a breakfast for the high school graduates and their families. During the 10 a.m. Eucharist, there will be a short ceremony and graduates will be presented with a small gift from the congregation. Members or relatives of parishioners graduating this year are asked to contact the parish office and provide the name of the institution and date of graduation.

By Nancy Milne he next United Thank Offering collection will be Sunday, May 11. Envelopes will be available on both that Sunday and the Sunday before, May 4. For those of you who are traditionalists and put in your pennies of thanksgiving throughout the year, the boxes will be collected at that time as well.


At least three-quarters of the money collected stays in the U.S. The UTO board metes out the grants with special attention to the disadvantaged within the diocesan mission strategy. The grants are usually fairly small and some are used to provide services to smaller churches, such as getting a leaky roof replaced, plumbing repairs or building a handicapper access. All of the funds must be spent within a year. If you are feeling particularly thankful, please make a contribution to the UTO on May 11, and we will be grateful to you.

Confirmation By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller n Saturday, May 9, Bishop Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr. will visit Lansing for the purpose of Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation. The Service will be held at St. Michael’s in south Lansing and will be open to all who have been sufficiently instructed. This service begins at 10:30 a.m.


Confirmation is the sacramental rite available to all persons who have been baptized as children and now want to have that rite of initiation affirmed by the bishop with the laying on of hands. Reception is the rite of initiation that is available for all persons who have had their infant baptism affirmed by a bishop in another denomination and now want to make a statement of their intention to be a sacramental part of the Episcopal Church. Finally, Reaffirmation is the occasion that many Episcopalians take to restate their faith as Christians. If you would like to participate in any of these rites, please contact the front office or one of the clergy.

May 2008

Upcoming St. Paul's Activities

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Men Golfers!!! By William H. Fineout, Diaconal Candidate Don’t hesitate any longer. The St. Paul’s Men’s Golf League wants you! Sign up with Jim Huber or the church office immediately. This year’s Men’s League will again play at Groesbeck Golf Course in Lansing. Play will begin at about 3:30 p.m. on Thursdays, with opening night scheduled for May 8. If you have a partner in mind, let us know that information as well. Everyone is welcome to play. As we have observed in the past, skill is not a prerequisite. Just ask the diaconal candidate, Bill Fineout, who will collect your league fees this year.

2nd Annual Sunday Service and Picnic in the Park Millie Ericson, Parish Life Committee At 10 a.m. on June 8, 2008, we will meet at North Lake Lansing Park for the 2nd Annual Sunday Service and Picnic in the Park. This outdoor service will replace the usual 10 a.m. service at St. Paul’s, although the 8 a.m. service will be held at the church as usual. A signup sheet will be available soon outside the Merrifield Room. The Parish Life Committee encourages you to join the festivities and sign up to bring one of the following: potato salad, baked beans, green salad, fruit dish, or dessert. Hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and picnic ware will be provided. Fun for the afternoon will be offered by the Youth Christian Ed. Committee and the Youth Group who will be organizing games for all to play. Watch the Sunday Bulletins and the June issue of SPN for a map and directions to the site.

Miss Baylie Sanchez is going to San Antonio, Texas

St. Aelred’s Guild

The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. Baylie Sanchez’s application has been accepted by the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan and Baylie will represent St. Paul’s and Diocese of Michigan, along with several other youth from across the diocese at this year’s Tri-annual Episcopal Youth Conference (EYC) in San Antonio Texas, July 8 – July 13. The EYC brings together over 1500 youth from across the Episcopal Church USA for a week of learning, music, worship, prayer and of course, fun. “EYC serves as a celebration to inspire a deeper faith in Jesus Christ, and a renewed commitment to mission and ministry.” (YAYA Diocese of Michigan)

St Aelred’s Guild…offers spiritual friendship to members of our congregation in time of need through notes, visitation, prayer list management, Eucharistic visits, celebration of births and marriages, as well as phone calls to shut-ins. St Paul’s would like to know when one of our parishioners is in the hospital, is unable to come to church, has been moved to a special care facility or just might appreciate a card or visit to let them know we are thinking about them and praying for them. Please pick up a form for this special ministry at the Welcome Table after church or call Kathleen in the office at 482-9454. All parishioners are welcome to join us in this Ministry the Third Wednesday of each month from 5:00 – 5:30 PM in the Van Atta Room.

Congratulations Baylie!

May 2008

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ïSt. ï ï Paul's ï ï ïï ï ïïNews ïïïï ï ï ï ïï ïï ï ïïï ïïïï ï

I Was Covered with Prayers By Sally Boron The St. Paul’s chapter of Prayers and Squares presented two quilts for blessing and prayers on March 9. The quilts were blessed at the 8 a.m. service. After both the 8 and 10 a.m. services, the quilts were available in the cloister for parishioners to say prayers while tying a knot in the quilts. I was the recipient of one of those quilts. After St. Paul’s parishioners prayed and tied knots, friends took the quilt to two schools where I used to work and also to a quilt group where more knots were tied and prayers were offered. My family also had an opportunity to tie and pray. I brought the quilt with me to the Ingham Regional Medical Center on the morning of March 14. It covered me while I waited in the pre-op area and until I was moved to surgery. My family held the prayer quilt and placed it over me immediately after my open-heart surgery. The quilt covered me all during my hospital stay and still covers me while I recuperate at home. I feel as though I was and am still truly covered, surrounded by prayer. My surgery was successful even with an unexpected tear in the aorta. I truly believe that the prayers surrounding me guided the hands of the doctors and medical staff toward the positive outcome of the surgery. I feel blessed to have been the recipient of a prayer quilt. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the parishioners of St. Paul’s who prayed for me. Please support the new Prayers and Squares ministry at St. Paul’s. It is not necessary to know how to sew. There are many ways that each of you can help. Please contact MaryLea Benson to volunteer.

St. Paul’s Prayer List We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrie & Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Grady & Dennis Letner, Clara Voges, Mason Hill, Lois Caswell, June Wyatt, Dick Siebert, Carol, Judith Jones, Becky Chamberlain, Nancy Hiscoe Clark, Charles Weaver, Ben Herbert, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas and her family, Betty Jensen, Dan Heany, Mary Ann Kelley, Ed Farmer, Ed Jones, Justin, Elizabeth, Barb Hacker, Andrew Astley, Michael Skinner, Ginny Bancroft, Darrick, Chris, Tom, Cheryl, Patricia Utter, Marjorie Belles, Edith Self, Cal, Christopher, Carrie, Sally, Kathryn & Elizabeth Senko, Daphne Such, Aleda, Rina Rister, Barb Powers, Pam Lacey, Dave, Anne Ross, Skip & Marsha Macholz, Patricia Reno, Linda, Walt Naumer, Chuck Buck, Rick Edwards, and Clem Laurion.

Prayer List

We pray for and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, Daniel Laurion, David Granger, Bill Sheldon We pray for Fr. Gordon Weller and his wife, Linda, while they are absent from St. Paul’s during Fr. Weller’s sabbatical We pray for those expecting: Kym & Matt Hall and Andrea Horton We pray for and celebrate the birth of Lillian Maria Bott daughter of Rachel and Jeff Bott We pray for and celebrate the marriage of Charles Buck and Mary Lindquist We pray for those who have died and for their families: Hugh Clarke, Sr., Margie Matthews, and Donald H. Dewey

May 2008

News from the Vestry

Page 7

Financial Information as of March 31, 2008 By Jeff Irwin We are a quarter of the way through 2008 and total pledge income was $77,003 which is nearly 26% of the budget. Operations had a loss for the month of March of $10,683 which brings the year to date operations loss to $29,187. Contributing to the loss was a large utility bill of $5,786. Through March 31, 2008 the used book sale generated $1,728.00 for the benefit of Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). Through March 31 the designated and restricted funds had net revenue of $556. However, in April we will look significantly better because we received $53,360 from the Lucille Penniman Trust in early April. Per vestry policy $48,024 (90%) has been transferred to the Perpetual Fund and $5,336 (10%) to the Mission and Outreach fund. Additionally, in March the estate of Alice Hand made a $5,000 contribution to the church. Again $4,500 (90%) has been transferred to the Perpetual Fund and $500 (10%) to the Mission and Outreach fund. The combined net loss of the church at March 31 was $28,631. As of March 31 it has been necessary to withdraw a total of $20,000 from the Perpetual Fund in order to make payroll and pay outstanding bills. At the March 18, 2008 vestry meeting the vestry approved $50,000 for future withdraws from the Perpetual Fund as is needed

Vestry Highlights At the April 15th meeting of the vestry at St. Paul's your vestry: • Shared in devotions led by Fr. Ron Byrd • Approved a bid from All Terrain Alterations, Inc.

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for the separation of the downspouts on the east and west sides of the parish house from the sanitary storm sewer (as required by the City of Lansing) and another bid from All Terrain for reconstruction of the catch basin riser in the rear parking lot between the ramp and our entrance. Approved a bid to shorten two pews in the church to accommodate wheel chair access. Received the March 2008 financial reports (found elsewhere in this issue). Discussed the possibility of working with the Visitors & Convention Bureau to rent our facility. Signed up to assist in the parish clean up day and to serve as greeters at the Ministry Fair. Heard that Mark Doyal is preparing a proposal

• • • • • • • • •

to redo the Web site and to assist in the design of a welcoming brochure. Received committee reports. Heard about the plans for the Ascension Day dinner for the parish on May 1st. Approved a plan for St. Paul's to assist the Pines Health Care Center in establishing a chapel in their facility. Were reminded that Jo Ganzer will visit St. Paul's on Sunday the 20th and that confirmation will be held May 10th, 10 a.m. at St. Michael's. Heard from the Charlie Krupka, Sr. Warden that there are some maintenance issues around the facility and they will need to be addressed soon. Discussed recycling at St. Paul's. Learned that Fr. Byrd hopes to attend the 8th annual Black Clergy Conference planned for October in New Orleans. Received a written report from Bill Fineout. Closed the meeting with prayer

May 2008

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St. Paul's News Prayers You Can Feel! By MaryLea Benson Ever wondered what a prayer feels like; what it would feel like to wrap yourself in prayers? St. Paul’s has started a prayer ministry in conjunction with Prayers & Squares International. This ministry is about the “gift” of prayers through the tangible form of a quilt and is for the whole church, young, old and in-between; men, women and children; people who sew, those that don’t and even those how might want to learn.

The basis for the Prayer Quilt ministry is to give persons who are in need physically, spiritually or emotionally a gift of God’s prayer in which to wrap themselves. As of April 14, three quilts have been gifted to parishioners: Kaema Amachree, Sally Boron and Linda Weller. You can read Sally’s “thank you” elsewhere in this issue of SPN. The ministry is looking for the assistance of good men, women and children to help out. Time and talent are needed for washing, ironing, cutting and sewing the material for the tops and backs. And yes, your treasure is also needed to help purchase items are not donated. Donations in the form of fabric remnants at least 3 inches wide by 7 ½ inches long, get well cards or a sewing machine in working condition will also be cheerfully accepted. The ministry works on three “Commandments” 1. The Prayers & Squares motto is, “It’s not about the quilt; it’s all about the prayers.” The purpose of the ministry is to promote an active prayer life among the participants, not just to make and give away quilts. 2. We must ASK before we give the gift of a prayer quilt as surprises are not appropriate. Ask if the person to receive the quilt will accept your gift of prayer, ask what they would like you to pray for and ask what information about their situation may be shared with others. 3. The ministry does not accept any form of payment for a prayer quilt; it is a gift of love and prayer which cannot be bought or sold. Those who request or receive prayer quilts must not be made to feel obligated to Prayers & Squares in any way. Look for the box of quilt “wishes” to choose from for those who would like to like to participate by donating materials or would like to volunteer in some way.

Our Book Group Still Meeting By Sue Millar The parish’s response to the January book-read experience organized by the Parish Life Committee indicated both an interest in the chosen book (The Worst Hard Times) and a desire to meet with other parishioners, perhaps making new friends in the process. The project was so successful that our group decided to continue meeting. We are officially “The Greater Shaftsbury Reading Group” and have a place on Schuler’s table showcasing several such groups. It should be obvious by the name that we don’t take ourselves too seriously. But we do take our reading seriously. Our first choice following The Worst Hard Times was Mountains Beyond Mountains, describing the amazing work and dedication of Paul Farmer, a doctor working primarily in Haiti addressing the health needs of the very poor. Since our parish has committed to supporting a water project in Haiti, this book may be of some interest to others. The next choice, Al Gore’s book Assault on Reason, describes his deep concern over the state of communication (Continued on page 14)

May 2008

St. Paul's Choirs

Page 9

Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music It’s hard to believe that the year is beginning to wind down already, but June 1 will be the last Sunday that choristers will vest until next September. The year-end schedule looks like this: Sunday, May 11 Cherubs and Boys’ and Grace Choir will sing for Mothers’ Day. Cherubs in Second Grade will move up to Boys’ and Grace Choir during the service and will be presented with a vestment. Wednesday, May 14 Last Family Night/Rehearsals for Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, and High School Choirs. (England choristers will continue to meet at their usual time on Wednesdays through June 4.) Sunday, May 18 Choir Recognition Dinner (which will be an all-parish brunch sponsored by the England choristers) and Awards Presentation (to follow the brunch). This will also be the last Sunday that members of Boys’ and Grace Choirs will vest until next fall. Wednesday, May 21 Choir Picnic (for members of Cherubs and Boys’ and Grace Choirs) at Patriarche Park in East Lansing, beginning at 5:00 p.m. Thank you so much for your dedicated work throughout the year. Your ministry of singing has blessed the worship community on Sunday mornings in many ways. Your gift of time and talent is greatly appreciated!

Singing Schedule Date


May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25

High School; Chancel Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, High School, Chancel High School; Chancel High School; Chancel

June 1 (Graduation Sunday)

High School; Chancel

May 2008

Page 10

St. Paul’s Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By: Youth Ministry Articles Provided in Collaboration By: Youth Christian Education and Youth Fellowship Chairperson, Kelly Gmazel Youth Group Executive Council President, Steven Kariuki Youth Group Coordinator, Barbara Heany Youth Group Advisor, Tom Foltz Acolyte Guild, Directors Patricia Bellinger & Carol Sleight The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

A Box City Experience Inclement weather may have foiled our plans to sleep outdoors in cardboard boxes however it did not dampen the spirit and focus of the night for the nine youth who participated in St. Paul’s Box City on April 11-12. The evening was filled with eye-opening information, life-learning experiences, creative team effort, and I think all would agree good fun. Box City was not a typical youth lock-in. From beginning to end the focus was on the complexities and magnitude of issues which confront homeless people daily. The evening kicked off with a presentation by Lansing Rescue Mission Executive Director, Mark Criss followed by a testimonial given by Joe, a previously homeless man who is now the Operations Coordinator of Lansing Rescue Mission. It concluded Saturday Morning with an eye-opening tour of the Lansing Rescue Mission located on Michigan Avenue. During the 16 hour event the group used their ingenuity and creativity to design cardboard box homes worthy of

inviting a very special guest (Rev. 3:20); experienced a soup-kitchen style meal; combined team effort in a scriptural scavenger hunt and participated in an inspiring and moving closing Eucharist. Once again, the youth group would like to thank everyone for your prayers and support throughout this mission outreach project. Thanks to your generous giving we were able to collect $500 for the Lansing Rescue Mission which is presently renovating the former Maplewood Elementary School into a shelter for women and children. We hope that you will find an opportunity to ask one of our youth group participants about their Box City experience. Our participants were AJ and Daniel Fletcher, Drew and Anna Krupka, Tommy Gut, Steven Walker (who brought friend Daniel Andrews), Margaret Kariuki and Maggie McDaniel.

Looking for a Babysitter?

Service Project Completed

By Courtney Irwin

By Margaret Kariuki

If you are looking for a babysitter, Daniel Crabtree, Anna Krupka, Courtney Irwin, Drew Krupka, Margaret Kariuki and Steven Walker all took the babysitting training program from the Red Cross. On Saturday May 10 special rates will be provided for church members that are planning to attend the Parish Life sponsored Spring Theater Outing to BoarsHead. Please feel free to contact anyone of these certified babysitters directly if you need a babysitter

On March 2, St. Paul's youth group cleaned the church nave. Mrs. Heany provided the sponges, wash clothes, buckets, and wood polish. Youth Group members washed, polished and restocked the pews with hymnals, bibles, and prayer books. Some people went around and put pledge cards for money in the pews, too. When we were all done the church looked great and had a fresh lemon smell. Great effort was put in to clean the church nave. I thank all the helpers that took time to make our church nice. We enjoyed helping keep our church clean!

Upcoming Youth Events: May 4

Closing Picnic 12 pm to 4 p.m. at Potters Park, with Caroline Thomas

May 2008

St. Paul’s Youth Ministry

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Calling All Heroes! By Carol Laub Ahoy, ye good-hearted pirates! All hands on deck for a whale of a good time as the "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything-A VeggiTales VBS" docks at St. Paul's from June 23-27. Kids from age three to fifth grade are invited for a fun-filled week exploring what it means to be a true hero for God. Our travels center around the verse of the week: "I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength," Philippians 4:13. Our crews will launch their day with the Yo-ho-ho opening show where we will sing lively songs, view a movie clip, learn our daily Bible theme (e.g., true heroes do the right thing), and participate in skits. Then we will sail on to adventures in The Spyglass Bible Theater, Whipcrack Island Games, Rock Monster Science Lab, Clapping Rock Crafts and Cheesecurl Cave Snacks. To book your spot on our crew, call the church office (482-9454), fill out a registration form or contact Carol Laub (349-5149) with questions. To enlist as part of our seaworthy crew (volunteers), look for inserts in the church bulletin.

St. Paul’s Easter Egg Hunt

Recognition Sunday The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. The last day for St. Paul’s church school this year will be Sunday May 18. We will be recognizing all of the teachers who have worked so hard preparing and nourishing our children in their Christian journey. We have a wonderful group of teachers who regularly sacrifice their time, talent and personal treasure towards ensuring our children healthy spiritual growth in the Christian values we all hold dearly. Please mark your calendars for this important day when we say thank you to our Sunday school teachers for their love, care and Christian instruction to kids. The Youth Christian Education and Fellowship Committee is also in the process of planning next year’s Sunday school program. It is our hope to recruit a few more teachers and substitute teachers. Please consider offering your gift to God, by giving a gift to God’s children. The committee will convene on Sunday May 4 at 9 a.m. to discuss this year’s Vacation Bible School program and next year’s Sunday school curriculum and staffing concerns. (Committee members please note date and time change.) If you are interested in becoming a Sunday school teacher/substitute or would like to offer suggestions or comments please contact Fr. Ron or Kelly Gamazel

May 2008

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Mission & Outreach

ACTION of Greater Lansing By William H. Fineout, Diaconal Candidate Last year, St. Paul’s was an active member of ACTION, a justice ministry coalition in Ingham County. This year the St. Paul’s justice ministry team has been even more involved, helping with research on the 2008 topic, equitable housing. Parish members, Sue LeDuc, Fred and Terry Junger, Dorothy Marsh, Brad Deacon, and Ed and Pat Meier are a few of those who have been attending the meetings and asking the important questions. A final report, which include suggestions for the projects emphasis and a plan for implementation, will be presented at the ACTION Rally, on Monday, May 5, at 6:30 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church in East Lansing. On Monday, May 19, the 2008 ACTION plan will be presented to the appropriate community leaders at the Nehemiah Action Assembly to be held at Union Missionary Baptist Church, 6:30 p.m. These two meeting are where the St. Paul’s justice ministry team and the Mission & Outreach committee would like your support. We are asking you to attend both the Rally and the Assembly meetings. Last year more than 400 people from 12 churches (37 persons from St. Paul’s or nearly 10% of the total) attended the Assembly. The more people that attend from our Parish, the more we demonstrate our commitment to justice to our community leaders. We encourage you to, Stand up and be counted!

I encourage you to mark your calendars today. You will not be asked for a donation, just your presence. Your attendance will make a public statement about the importance of equitable housing in our community. Each of these ACTION events is exciting and enjoyable. Being united with like-minded churches, in the name of Christ, working for justice is a wonderful and fulfilling way to spend a couple spring evenings. You can car pool, drive alone, or let a member of the Mission and Outreach Committee know if you need a ride. For two nights this spring, it is crucial that we join our “St. Paul’s” voices with those of the other member churches and fulfill our covenant with Christ while letting Greater Lansing know we care and are willing to work for our community. Rally - Monday, May 5, 6:30 p.m. All Saints Episcopal Church 800 Abbott Rd. (across from the Hannah Community Center) East Lansing Nehemiah Action Assembly - Monday, May 19, 6:30 p.m. Union Missionary Baptist Church 500 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Lansing

Mission & Outreach Activities: Where is Christ calling you to help others? May 12, 7pm

May 1 •

Ascension Day Outreach Dinner/Eucharist

May 3 •

Ministry Fair for the Diocese of Michigan – At St. Paul’s; see article on page 3 for Workshop overview

May 5 •

ACTION – Rally, 6:30 p.m. All Saints, E. Lansing

May 11 •

UTO Ingathering

LAEP (Lansing Area Episcopal Projects) Mtg. St David’s

May 19 •

ACTION – Nehemiah Action Assembly, 6:30 p.m. Union

May—December •

Water for Life and Heifer International

Check the newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin Announcements for additional details and information.

May 2008

St. Paul’s News

Page 13

(Continued from “Peace Be With You,” page 1)

work was the time I spent in the presence of God’s peace. It was always easy to feel and taste God’s peace when I traveled down route 7, because the road that I traveled included beautiful scenery and a serene majesty. You see, as I would look out of my window, on one side I could see the magnificent Adirondack Mountains and the sixth largest Lake in country, Lake Champlain. When looking out my other window, sitting less than ten feet from the road was the base of Vermont’s own Green Mountain chain. Irrespective of the weather, time of day or the season of the year, the mood and magnificence of God’s peace would be consistently clear. Sometimes God’s peace could be sensed in the majestic snowcapped mountains and the frozen lake occupied by ice fishermen. At other times the presence of God’s peace would be revealed through my panoramic view of some of the most brilliant fall foliage colors the eyes could imagine. The array of stunning sunsets and frequently changing weather patterns would also tell of God’s peaceful presence. In the beauty of God’s creation I was and continue to be reminded of God’s presence with us. In the Glory of God’s masterful work I can always feel and taste the peace of God, and it is in this everyday experience, I find and feel Easter. Easter, although only recognized on our liturgical calendar for fifty days, is an everyday experience, exemplified in the peace of God’s presence. Regardless of weather, time of day or the season of the year, we are Easter people, being in spiritual communion with Christ, vestured by the peace of God’s presence. During this season of Easter, and always, my hope for every one of you is that you may taste and feel the fragrance and peace of our living God, given to us in the breath of the Holy Spirit, through the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus the Christ. Jesus said, “Peace be with you, peace I leave with you, my own peace I give to you.” Taste and feel God’s peace, a peace which surrounds us and invites our understanding and witness. (Continued from “Honoring the Bishop’s Request,” page 1)

cinnati, flowing out from and bringing people into the Cathedral. Dean Lind believes that this radical hospitality functions as an operating principle, as a way of being the church. It is hopeful and reflects openness. With such hospitality and openness as our guide, we discover God’s abundance, and additionally are led to care for God’s created world. She suggests that we consider the earth our home, not a hotel. Sabbath practice and honoring elders soon becomes a part of this “operating principle.” This way of living brings stability in our world that knows primarily transience. She sees this path as leading us to stand before the cross, an expression of incarnational living when we experience brokenness and interconnection. This opening of our hearts and our churches creates excitement and engagement with others, offering people “what they are hungry for.” Dean Lind encourages us to be “peace-willed” and to remember that we are “knitting things together” while we seek diversity rather than sameness. Next month I plan to write Part 2 as I seek to follow the Bishop’s suggestion. Greg Wortley also heard the Saturday presentation and he shares the following observations that help expand my summary. “Dean Lind had various ways of characterizing her “piazza,” or, ”living at the crossroads,“ metaphor for the life of faith. She stated it’s “living like a house with doors wide open,“ being open and welcoming to the stranger. She stated it‘s “living a life of stability amongst all that is transient about us,” being a fixed presence amidst the flux of life. She stated it’s “standing as reconciling agent within the rich mix of our society,” being a centering presence amongst the wide diversity of life. And furthermore, she stated that it’s not just a matter of seeing Christ in others, but of deliberately seeking out and actively greeting that Christ in all persons we encounter in the thick, “the crossroads” of our daily living. No matter how she explained it, though, I found it all highly instructive, both in terms of how I personally can live out my faith as I step into the world each day, as well as how we corporately at St. Paul’s can live out our faith amidst the rich mix of the greater Lansing community each day. Dean Lind was truly thought provoking and inspirational!”

May 2008

Page 14

St. Paul’s News

(Continued from “Our Book Club’s Still Meeting,” page 8)

in our country. Because of the influence of radio and particularly with the impact of television, participation in our local and national governing process has moved from being participatory with the citizens maintaining a sense of empowerment and involvement, to the present circumstances when communication is passive with little free exchange of opinion and ideas. Gore sees this as a serious threat to our democracy as he spells out how we got to where we are. He does, however, end on a note of hope. Our current selection is Jim Wallis’ newest book, The Great Awakening. He describes in compelling language how our faith commitment requires energetic response and engagement in today’s world. As our parish family currently focuses on responding to the MDGs, Wallis’s prophetic message fits well. If you are interested in joining us, see Terry or Fred Junger at the 8 a.m. service or me at the 10 a.m. You would be most welcome. Thanks to the Parish Life Committee for getting our group launched.

St. Paul’s Altar Guild Prepares Palms

St. Paul’s News Available On Line By Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor The staff of St. Paul’s News makes every effort to assure you receive each monthly issue well before the first of the month. Christine Caswell, editor and I browbeat the writers to get their articles in on time, we often work late into the night to get the material edited and formatted, and Kathleen Johnson, Vivian Toomey and the other worker-bees in the office work diligently to get each issue printed, addressed and off to the Post Office in plenty of time for early delivery. Unfortunately, this is where the delay occurs. The Post Office has the option to delay the distribution of non-profit bulk mail by up to four days which is why some people get their newsletters on time and some people don’t. Very annoying, especially when there are activities during the early days of the month. However, there is some good news and a solution of sorts. For those of you with internet access, the newsletter is available at our web site: Our apologies to our readers who aren't yet connected. We will continue to do our utmost assure your issue arrives in a timely manner.

May 2008

May 2008


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan 218 W. Ottawa Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-482-9454 Fax: 517-485-8621 Choir Room: 517-482-0369 Website:

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing Michigan. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music Mr. William H. Fineout, Diaconate Candidate Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff Christine Caswell, Editor Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader Tom Shawver, Staff Writer Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454, any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.

May 2008

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