St. Paul's News - Mar. 2009

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News From a Different Perspective By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller t’s the 15th, Sunday evening at 5 p.m., and it is St. Paul’s News deadline day. This month it’s different because rather than being at home, I’m in South Carolina to have a first peek at my grandson. When it came time for Church this morning, we decided to go to the nondenominational church Sarah and Joe go to. They met at a church like this while still in college and have continued to go one like it after coming to South Carolina. I have to say that their service is not your typical Episcopal service.


The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller

The first thing you notice upon entering is that it is somewhat dark inside, and many have coffee in their hands. Most are in jeans—including the ministerial staff. There is no altar, and the chancel is a stage about 75 feet wide. The music is a seven-piece band; the choir, being members of the band with microphones attached to their ears, are very loud. The chairs are in amphitheater setting, padded, and people stroll in and out in a very informal manner. When the service starts, everyone stands and begins to follow the words printed on the three screens behind the band. They have a great sound system, and every participant alternates being (Continued on page 14)

Listening Is An Act of Love By Martie Repaskey, Sr. Warden ecently, I read the book, “Listening is an Act of Love,” a celebration of American life from the StoryCorps project. At the heart of StoryCorps is the recording and documentation of five years of conversations between people who are important in each other’s lives—a daughter asking her mother about her childhood, a couple reminiscing on their 50th anniversary, a grandchild asking about his grandfather’s history. The StoryCorps experience has been simply about helping people to connect and talk about their lives, and it has had powerful and sometimes life-changing effects on the almost 23,000 individuals who have participated. In partnership with National Public Radio and the American Folk life Center at the Library of Congress, StoryCorps is an independent, nonprofit initiative which assists its participants in celebrating one another’s lives through listening. Many of those people have reported that the act of listening to stories may be as powerful as those who are participating in the telling.


It occurred to me that we, at St. Paul’s, may experience similarities as we listen to one another telling our faith stories, relating anecdotes of our past, and reminiscing about our experiences of the “old days” as we engage in the celebrations ahead for our 160th anniversary. We all have stories to tell, and in the listening we will hear about courage, humor, faith-challenged trials and triumphs of the pilgrims walking their way through the years. No matter our years of membership in this Christian family, the experience can be enriching for all, with a reminder of our commonality in Christ, and just how precious each day can be! (Continued on page 14)

March, 2009 Volume 34, Issue 3 Inside this issue: Calendar


Choir Schedule


Mission and Outreach


Prayer List


Upcoming Activities


Page 2

St. Paul's News Activities at a Glance

Ongoing Activities • St. Aelred’s Guild, third Wednesday, 4:30 PM • Book Cart, 1st and 2nd Sunday after 10 AM • B&PW, Tuesday, February 10, 6 PM • ECW, 3rd Monday, 7 PM • Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5 PM • 4 Fs, replaced by Lenten Book reviews, see article on page 5 • St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Prayer Group, 1st Tuesday, 5:30-6:30 PM • Men’s Breakfast, 3rd Thursday, 7 AM • Mission/Outreach, first Monday, 5:30 PM • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon

• Becoming the Household of Christ, March 27-28,

Cathedral Church of St. Paul

• Cabaret, Saturday, March 28, 5 PM

Looking Ahead • “An Evening at the Theater,” Saturday, April 4, Sally & Don Lawrence, BoarsHead Theater • Baptism, Saturday, April 11 and Sunday, May 31 • Special Diocesan Convention, April 18, 8 AM-2:30 PM, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Detroit • Blood Drive, Saturday, April 25, 8 AM—2 PM • ACTION, April 28, May 12, 2009 7 PM • Adult Confirmation Preparation, Saturday, May 2, 9 & 16, 9 AM—noon • Godspell, May 29 & 30, Central United Methodist This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere Church • Lenten Book Reviews, March 2, 9, 16, and 30, • Bishop visit to St. Paul’s, Saturday, May 30, 10:30 11:30 Eucharist, Noon– 1 PM Lunch AM • Lenten Series, Wednesday, March 4, 11, 18, 25 • 160th Anniversary Celebration, May, 2009 and April 2, 6:15 PM • Baptism Preparation Classes, March 14, 21, 28, 9- • Sunday Eucharist & Picnic in the Park, Sunday, June 14 11:30 AM • Healing Sunday, March 15 This will be the first Sunday in some time since we have offered this opportunity. So please mark your calendars if you are interested. Others who may not want prayers may return to their pews in the normal fashion.

Healing Sunday Eucharist on March 15 By The Very Rev. Gordon F. Weller he Sunday, March 15 services will offer a healing Eucharist. This will be similar in format to the regular Tuesday noon healing Eucharist service that we now offer in the chapel.


Healing is one of the oldest ministries of the church and was a major ministry of Christ. We are all broken in some fashion in body, mind, or spirit. And our society spends billions of dollars on amazing medical remedies. Maybe it is also time to spend a few moments on a spiritual one. Take this opportunity to invite the healing presence of Jesus into your life.

For those of you who would like healing prayers and/ or the laying on of hands, you may receive them immeWe will pray for your own needs or for the needs of diately after receiving communion when you file others for whom you may be concerned. The celebrant through the cloister. We will have one or two stations and the ushers will provide you with directions at that provided for healing prayer. service.

Special Diocesan Convention By The Very Rev. Gordon F. Weller n October 2008, the Diocesan Convention set aside April 18 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Cathedral in Downtown Detroit to consider the monetary difficulties facing the Diocese. Our delegates attending will be Charlie Krupka, Martie Repaskey, and MaryLea Benson. In addition, our clergy, Gordon Weller, Ron Byrd, Chuck Millar, Bill Ericson and Bill Fineout have voice and vote. Should you wish to attend to see the Church in action, please contact one of the above and a car pool will be established.


March 2009

St. Paul's News

Page 3

Cabaret By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music abaret 2009 will be held on Saturday, March 28, with a delicious Italian dinner (including salad, roll, main course, dessert and drink) beginning at 5 p.m. in the Merrifield Room. At 6 p.m. (or close to that), the entertainment will begin in the church. The proceeds of this evening’s events will benefit the high-school choir’s study/travel trip to England this August. Tickets for dinner and entertainment are $13 for adults and $7 for children, or just $5 for the show alone. Tickets for dinner should be purchased by Wednesday, March 25; tickets for just the show will be available on March 28. Please invite friends and neighbors to attend this evening of great fun and entertainment. There will be special numbers by members of the Cherubs and Boys’ and Grace Choirs, along with delightful acts by members of the High School and Chancel Choir members. For more information, please contact Stephen Lange at 482-0369.


160 Years at St Paul’s…Where our Past Welcomes our Future

Stations of the Cross

By Nancy Sheldon Don’t forget to mark your calendars for St. Paul’s 160th Celebration! •

May 3rd - Music and Worship

May 10th – Children (it’s also Mothers’ Day)

May 17th - Mission and Outreach

(May 24th –Memorial Day Weekend)

May 30th – Heritage Dinner Theatre at St Paul’s May 31st - Homecoming Sunday

n Monday, March 30, Minister of Music Stephen R. Lange will present “The Stations of the Cross,” a collection of 14 improvisations on the 14 Stations of the Cross, written by organist Marcel Dupre. The presentation will last about one hour and will include slides of the Passion shown during the organ pieces. Between each of the numbers, Nancy Lange will read the poetry of Paul Claudel, on which the improvisations are based. The program is free of charge and will begin at 8 p.m. Please feel free to invite neighbors and friends to this presentation that will help to launch our special holy week observations.


DeWitt, "The Episcopalian Lutheran Relationship"

Lenten Series By The Very Rev. Gordon F. Weller

March 11

his year's series is entitled “The Episcopal Clergy and Parishes of the Lansing Area.” On five succes- March 18 sive Wednesdays (March 4 - April 1), we will hear from the clergy of the other parishes in the Lansing area and the interests that hold us in common. Sessions will begin at 6:15 pm and conclude at 7:30 p.m. Din- March 25 ner is available by signing the Family Night guest list and a 5:30 p.m. arrival. Listed below are the speakers April 1 and their extended topics:


March 4

The Rev. Terry Williamson - Christ United,

March 2009

The Rev. Wayne Knuckle - St Augustine's, Mason, "The Small Episcopal Church" The Rev. Richard Hamlin - St. Michael's, Lansing, "The Connection between the National Church and Individual Parishes" The Rev. Jannel Glennie, St Katherine's, Williamson, "Mysticism and the Church” The Rev. Sarah Midzalkowski, Canterbury MSU, "Campus Ministry - Local, Diocesan, and National"

Page 4

St. Paul's News

For Those Considering Baptism

Newcomer Classes

By The Very Rev. Gordon F. Weller

By The Very Rev. Gordon F. Weller

hose considering Baptism in the spring or those who were baptized in November or January and missed the corresponding instruction should plan on attending the March classes. The three Saturday morning classes will be held on March 14, 21, and 28, beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 11:30 a.m. Babysitting will be provided if needed. Please contact the clergy if interested or if childcare is needed.

hose who are new to the Parish should consider attending the Confirmation classes mentioned elsewhere in this issue. The dates are May 9, 16, and 23. They begin at 9:30 a.m. and last about two and a half hours each. The Welcome of new members will be held on May 31, the Day of Pentecost.



Opportunities for Baptism By The Very Rev. Gordon F. Weller his spring there will be two opportunities for Baptism. The first will be on Saturday, April 11. This evening Baptism will commemorate a time when Lent was the preeminent time for people converting to Christianity. After a period of study, those seeking Baptism would gather the evening before the first Easter morning Eucharist, within the context of the Easter Vigil, and be baptized. Those observing the Vigil through the night would receive their first communion on Easter morn to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.


The Second occasion this spring will be May 31. This is the Day of Pentecost and communicates the coming of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the Church. Because baptism is a time when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit into a person's life, this is a time the Church designates as an appropriate time for baptism. If you or some member of your family is considering baptism, please contact one of the Clergy.


From the Parish Life Committee

By Nancy Milne

By Millie Ericson, Chair

t the February meeting of Business & Professional Women, Ray Thibeault, Director of Loaves and Fishes Ministries, was our featured speaker. Loaves and Fishes has been a non-profit shelter and service provider for the homeless for more than 25 years. Carol Spangenberg, formerly with St. Paul’s, assisted in founding the Lansing area branch and former parishioners Calvin Andersen and Bill Kahl were longtime volunteers.

Upcoming Events


We learned that on average 270 men, women and children are helped every two hours by the organization. Clients receive assistance from social workers for shelter and referrals to Lansing area services.

pril 4, 2009 - “An Evening at the Theater,” hors d’ouevres at the home of Don and Sally Lawrence, followed by the BoarsHead Theater production of “Forbidden Broadway,” a sassy, tongue-in-cheek musical that pokes fun at all of your Broadway favorites like Les Mis, Into the Woods, Phantom of the Opera, West Side Story and so many more! More details and sign up available soon.


June 14, 2009 - “Sunday Eucharist and Picnic in the Park” at Hawk Island Park

Our next meeting is March 10, and begins with dinner at 6 p.m. followed by our guest speak Fr. Weller. Please call Debby Pierce for reservations (517.485.5446) before Sunday March 8th.

March 2009

St. Paul's News

Page 5

4 F’s, Looking Back Helps Us to Look Forward By Nancy Sheldon


sually the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month (exceptions noted *due to Town Hall conflict): • 12 noon Eucharist, 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($4.50) • 1 p.m. Bible Study (Steve Lange), 1:15-2 p.m. Program

Anyone is invited who has time in the middle of the day! Please sign up for lunch outside the Merrifield Room or call the Church office for a reservation. During Lent, 4Fs will be temporarily replaced with the Lenten Book Reviews. The schedule will be 11:30 a.m. Eucharist, 12 noon -1 p.m. Lunch. • • • • •

March 2 - Grace - Dorothy Marsh March 9 - The Emerging Church – The Rev. Ron Byrd March 16 - The Poetry of Mary Oliver - Carol Ingells March 23 - The People of the Book - Sue LeDuc March 30 - God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible - Chris Couch

The schedule for the balance of the 2008-09 season is as follows: • April 13 - No meeting, day after Easter • April 27 - We will take a trip to see the work of the City Rescue Mission. While there, someone

will talk to us about their ministry. • May 18* - Picnic at Nancy Sheldon’s

Sunday, April 5, Palm/Passion Sunday 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. Choral Eucharist & Dramatic reading of the Gospel Monday, April 6 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist Tuesday, April 7 Noon Holy Eucharist and healing service Wednesday, April 8 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist

Friday, April 10, Good Friday Noon Ecumenical Service, CUMC 7 p.m. Good Friday Liturgy Saturday, April 11, Holy Saturday 8 p.m. Baptisms and Vigil Sunday, April 12 – Easter Sunday 7 a.m. Sunrise service and first Eucharist of Easter 10 a.m. Choral Eucharist with Brass

Thursday, April 9, Maundy Thursday 6 p.m. Agape meal, Garden Meditation, Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar

March 2009

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St. Paul's News

Advancing in Another Direction A Look Back at the 2009 Vestry Retreat

of the parish, and a committee to discuss a comprehensive plan for eliminating the church’s operating deficit is already being established.

In addition, the vestry viewed a proposed website developed by Matt Ferguson and discussed the Evangelism Committee’s plans for developing a structured eneral Douglas MacArthur once said, “We are not mentoring program for new members. retreating; we are advancing in another direction.” This type of advancement was precisely what Vestry members also took time to share their personal members of the 2009 vestry had in mind when they journeys in spiritual growth with one another, shared in convened at the Weber Center in Adrian, February 6- prayer and Eucharist, and discussed their common 7, for their annual retreat. hopes for the future of St. Paul’s. The vestry will meet again on February 17, refreshed and invigorated by This year’s team-building and planning sessions inits time together and prepared to help lead the church cluded a look back at 2008 and a discussion of upcoming opportunities and challenges. Members of the during the coming year.

By Stephanie Van Koevering, Vestry Member


vestry are attuned to the financial and structural needs

Preparation for Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation By Rev. Ronald C. Byrd n Saturday, May 30, at 10:30 a.m., the Rt. Rev. Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr., Bishop of the Diocese of Michigan, will be at St. Paul’s. We will be this year’s host for the Bishop’s annual official visit to the Capitol Area Deanery. In addition to presiding over the Eucharist and preaching, the Bishop will confirm, receive and reaffirm members of our diocesan household into Christ’s holy catholic and apostolic Church. It is our hope, and certainly the Bishop’s expectation, that St. Paul’s, as well as all Capitol Area Deanery Episcopal churches, will prepare and present qualified candidates for the apostolic laying on of hands. Under the guidance of their parents, young adults 15.5 years and older who have not been confirmed in the Episcopal Church, are encouraged to discern confirmation at this time.


To prepare our young people for confirmation, Fr. Weller, along with a distinguished cast of instructors including Fr. Byrd, Deacon Bill Fineout, regular senior high instructor Lyn Kressler and interested parent Rick Laub, will lead a ninesession preparation program. These will be held on Sunday mornings beginning February 8, in place of the normal High School Church School Classes. The program curriculum will cover a variety of topics including Anglican theology, church history, the Catechism (An Outline of the Episcopal Faith) and the Episcopal Church’s policy, practices, governance, and much more.

In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop. (BCP Pg. 412)

Adult classes will be held on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. - noon on May 2, 9 and 16, in a compressed format. These three adult statements of faith are essential for all Christians. Confirmation is the opportunity for adults to confirm the vows of Christianity that may have been made for them when they were infants. Reception is essential for Christians who may have been confirmed in another branch of the Christian faith and now wish to commit to the Episcopal Church. Reaffirmation is an opportunity for an adult to make a recommitment to Jesus Christ after having been Confirmed or received at an earlier time. For more details and information, please speak with a member of clergy.

March 2009

Choirs News St. Paul'

Page 7

Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music Special Dates to Note:  Cabaret ‐ Remember that Cabaret will be Saturday, March 28 with dinner at 5 p.m. and entertain‐ ment at 6 p.m. All members of the choirs, Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, and High School will be per‐ forming as groups, in addition to soloists. Please save this date! Thanks  

Singing Schedule Date


March 1 March 8 March 15

High School; Boys’ and Grace High School; Chancel High School; Chancel

March 22 March 29

High School; Chancel High School; Chancel

April 5, Palm Sunday

High School, and Chancel

April 12, Easter,10 a.m. only April 19 April 26

High School; Chancel High School; Chancel High School; Chancel

Supper Groups By Sally Lawrence, Vestry Member t. Paul's is a large congregation, and we need to have many ways to provide for a sense of community in small intimate gatherings. In the past, five or six supper clubs, hosted throughout the area, provided just this kind of opportunity. It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Life Committee that there is some interest in reviving these groups. Each group would decide how to be organized. It could be potlucks, organized around a meat or main entree theme, or the group could go out for dinner and support the local restaurants. Whatever the format, it would be a good opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little better, have some good food and fun. If you are interested, contact Sally Lawrence at 323-7211,or sign up outside the Merrifield room, and the Parish Life Committee will help you set these up.


March 2009

Page 8

Mission St. Paul'and s News Outreach

St. Paul’s MDG Project for 2009

By the Rev. Bill Fineout, Deacon


eifer International will be our 2009 Millennium Development Goals project.

Beginning next month and culminating with the Feast of Francis of Assisi and a “blessing of the animals” on October 4, 2009, we will attempt to fill an “ark” of animals for Heifer International. In 1944, Heifer International sent Faith, Hope, Charity and 15 other heifers by ship to struggling families in Puerto Rico. That voyage marked the start of a new life for those families and for others like them around the world. Today, Heifer provides more than 30 different animals, from ducks and camels to llamas and geese. Other animals become part of Heifer’s ark as project participants make important environmental improvements on their land. Some Heifer projects form a buffer zone around endangered nature reserves.

eggs and meat Income for housing, health care, school fees, and other needs Motivation to plant trees and grasses and make other environmental improvements A catalyst for community development

The ark is also about multiplication. God told Noah, “Bring with you every living thing—birds and animals and every creeping thing—so that they may abound on the earth and be fruitful and multiply.” (Gen. 8:17). Today Heifer animals are spreading over the earth as each participating family passes on the gift of one or more of their animal’s offspring to another family in need. This miracle of birth creates a chain of giving that continues for years.

The most urgent question facing our world is whether we can act quickly enough to save the earth and its inhabitants. Noah faced a similar question thousands of years ago. In biblical times, the actions of people brought on God’s flood. Today, we are the ones who threaten to destroy God’s creation. Today’s flood As it was for Noah, so it is for today; the ark is about takes the form of war, environmental destruction and hope and a new beginning. For Heifer project families, massive poverty and hunger—all problems created by farm animals can provide: greed and injustice. (Continued on page 11) • Nutritious food for the children through milk,

Mission and Outreach Activities: Where is Christ calling you to help others? March 1—October 4, 2009

May 12

Episcopal Relief and Development or Heifer International

March 22 •

Cooking dinner for Canterbury/MSU

ACTION Nehemiah Assembly, 7 p.m.

May 21 Ascension Day - Deacon's Dinner

April 12-26


Food Drive—Food Bank

April 25 •

Blood Drive

April 28 •

ACTION Rally, 7 p.m.

May •

Sudanese Education Project Month, raising tuition for 2010 school year.

May 10 •

UTO Ingathering

• • • •

Outreach Committee meeting, second Monday, 5:30 p.m. Manna Sundays for street ministry (busing/work boots) Heifer International Prayer quilts Cars INC Habitat

Check the Newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin Announcements for additional details and information.

March 2009

St. Paul's News

Page 9

Financial Information as of January 31, 2009 By Jeff Irwin At the annual meeting on January 25, 2009, the congregation accepted the operating budget for 2009 showing an operating loss of $120,973. While this is again a very large number, it is slightly lower than the 2008 budget deficit. In addition, the designated and restricted funds are not part of the operating budget. At the time of the annual meeting, it was believed that no significant unrestricted gifts would be forthcoming in 2009. However, we have been blessed by a bequest of over $130,000 from the Georgia Thaman Trust. The funds from this bequest are unrestricted as to the purpose for which they are to be used. With January being the first month of the church’s fiscal year, it is difficult to report any meaningful financial results. However, it is noteworthy that through January 31, 2009, we recorded $31,459 in pledge revenue. This is 10 percent of the total pledge revenue budgeted for 2009. This amount includes $12,260 of 2009 pledge payments received in 2008.

Vestry Highlights At its February 17 meeting, your vestry: • Shared dinner together • Did devotions with the Rev. Deacon Bill Fineout • Approved the January minutes • Accepted the January treasurers report (synopsis elsewhere in this issue) • Noted that the Audit will be completed by the end of the month • Received notification that the Thaman bequest will be forthcoming • Assigned the Deficit Reduction Study to the finance committee • Voted to continue to completion the Garden Memorial plaques • Voted to make this year's youth representative position on the Vestry a rotating position • Agreed to have the new Web page in place by March 1

Vestry Assignments Following are the committee assignments for Vestry members: ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼

Building and Grounds - Stephanie VanKoevering Communications - Matt Ferguson Christian Ed, Adult - Larry Clark Christian Ed. - Youth - Barb Heaney Evangelism - Sally Lawrence Finance - Kirk Lindquist Parish Life - Millie Ericson

∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼

• • • • • •

• •

Reminded all Vestry Members that the Sexual Misconduct Policy must be read and the signature page turned in by the next Vestry Meeting Reviewed the Action Plan and discussed its implementation this year Noted Kathleen's recovery Welcomed Julie Young as our new treasurer Made new Committee Assignment Building and Grounds noted ∼ The new ice maker in the kitchen ∼ Continuing Roofing problems ∼ Church Sound System requested upgrades Approved a budget line item for the 160th celebration Discussed and moved to committee the goals for 2009 as discussed at the Vestry Retreat

Pastoral Care - Martie Repaskey Personnel - Kristi Thompson Service/Mission & Outreach - MaryLea Benson Stewardship - John Nevin Worship & Music - Roger Fowler

New Vestry Officers for 2009 ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼

Senior Warden - Martie Repaskey Junior Warden - Stephanie VanKoevering Treasurer - Julie Young Secretary - Pam Irwin

March 2009

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St. Paul's News

Narnia Comes to St. Paul’s By Millie Ericson, Vestry Member n Friday, January 30, the Merrifield Room was transformed into the Land of Narnia as about 50 people, children and adults alike, went for a “Voyage on the Dawn Treader.”A carnival atmosphere prevailed and the events in the book came alive as children took a turn at the ship’s wheel on the deck of the “Dawn Treader.” With passport in hand, they then traveled to the Lone Islands to play “Capture Lucy, Edmund and Reepicheep the Mouse” in a ring toss game; Golden Island to fish for gold and meet the Golden Knight; and Dufflepod Island to hop Dufflepod-like along a path on one foot. At Dragon Island, they freed Eustace from his dragon skin by breaking the Dragon Piñata. On the Island of Aslan’s table, everyone feasted from a great banquet and three sleeping Lords snoozed. Characters from the book wandering the route included Edmund, (Tom Laub), Lucy, (Kaitlyn Narezo), Reepicheep, (Anna Krupka), Eustace, (Drew Krupka), Lord Bern, (Antonio Clarke), the Lady, (Emily Laub), Ramandu, (Kirk Lindquist), the Golden Knight, (Parker VanVorhees), a Narnian resident, (Margaret Kariuki), the three sleeping Lords, (Fr. Gordon, Fr. Ron, Fr. Bill Ericson) and Aslan, (Deacon Bill).


Pictures from the evening are posted on the St. Paul’s Group site on Facebook (go to, sign up— it’s free—then search in “groups” for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing, MI). If you are intrigued by the descriptions of characters and islands, check out the book and all of the Chronicles of Narnia. Thank you once again to everyone who helped make this evening a success.

The three sleeping Lords, from left, Fr. Gordon Weller, Fr. Ron Byrd and Fr. Bill Ericson

Kaitlyn Narezo as Lucy sails the Dawn Treader Voyagers on the Dawn Treader prepare to free Eustace from his dragon skin at the Dragon Piñata

March 2009

St. Paul's News

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2009 Annual Meeting By Christine Caswell, Assistant Editor


he Congregation gathered on January 25 to elect new vestry members, give out awards and discuss the issues of the church.

The newly elected vestry members were Barbara Heany, Sally Lawrence, Matt Ferguson and John Nevin. The outgoing vestry members who were recognized included Sr. Warden Charlie Krupka, Sue Henderson, Kelly Gmazel, and John Nevin (who had finished an open position before being reelected). Lyn Zynda gave a very moving speech about this year’s posthumous Angel Award recipient, Vivien Toomey, who Lyn said “through hard work, dedication and selflessness has made an outstanding contribution to the church….She really is an angel now.” Fr. Weller gave out two Canterbury awards to two long-time and very active members of the church: Pete Sheldon and Jeff Irwin. Pete has provided his lawyering skills over the years as the church’s counsel and on numerous committees. Jeff has provided his CPA skills as treasurer for the past five years. Two new members, Jim Bay and Paul Beckett, were also recognized as being in attendance. After the election, Pete Sheldon explained the formation of the St. Paul’s Society for those who make monetary contributions to the church either through annual pledges or by gifts made either during one’s lifetime or after death through planned giving. Much discussion was then held about the budget deficit and ways to combat it. After deciding the vestry would form a committee to bring a proposal to the congregation on how to best address this, the meeting was adjourned.

Parishioners enjoy brunch before the Annual Meeting

The ECW Steering Committee, Brittany Irwin, Leigh Henrys, Annette Irwin, Libby Richardson, Lyn Zynda, Sally Lawrence, Nancy Milne, and Debby Pierce, prepared and served brunch before the Annual Meeting.

(Continued from “MDG Project,” page 8)

God told Noah to build an ark and to take every kind of animal into it. To save the earth for our children and future generations, we too must build an ark of refuge. As Noah drew upon faith and hope, so we must draw upon faith and hope to build a future with no hunger and a healthy environment. We would like to fill our St. Paul’s ark by purchasing for Heifer the equivalent of two pigs, two cows, two trios of rabbits, two donkeys, two beehives, two sheep, two llamas, two flocks of geese, two goats, two oxen, two flocks of chicks, two trios of ducks, two trios of guinea pigs, two water buffalo, and two camels. We will be announcing our how we will do this in the coming month.

March 2009

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St. Paul's News


Diocese of Michigan 

January 16, 2009 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Please plan to join me on Friday night and Saturday, March 27 & 28, for the twelfth annual Becoming the Household of God conference at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. The topic this year is “Millennium Development Goals - Working and Praying to Alleviate Poverty.” Ms. Abagail Nelson, Senior Vice President of Episcopal Relief and Development and The Rev. Dr. Mark Anschutz, board member of Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation, will help us explore this important effort to change the world of the poorest of the poor. Dr. Anschutz will focus on the theology underpinning the goals while Ms. Nelson will explore practical responses to the Goals. The annual Becoming the Household gathering is an important part of the on-going life and ministry of the diocese - every year for different reasons but always centered around the idea that stewardship is what we are and what we do after we say “I believe.” It is my hope that every congregation will send at least three representatives to this 2009 Becoming the Household of God conference. However, because I believe that you will not want anyone to miss the opportunity to hear these gifted speakers, I encourage you to gather many more than three. Youth and young adult members of your congregation are especially welcome to come. The enclosed brochure has more details about the event and about the speakers. Please contact Nanette Lutz at the Whitaker School of Theology for more brochures, sponsorship and registration information at (313) 8334423 or email [email protected]. I look forward to spending Friday evening and Saturday, March 27 & 28, with you at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Detroit. Faithfully, The Right Rev’d Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr. Tenth Bishop of Michigan

Used Book Sale - First Day By Sue Millar he first day of the book sale, February 15, ended with many happy customers carrying home bags of exciting choices. These parishioners donated over $500 to Episcopal Relief and Development when they purchased these books! (It always helps, of course when some folks pay more than the actual asking price – sometimes as much as $50.) THANKS TO ALL WHO DONATED BOOKS AND ALL WHO BOUGHT THEM. In the next SPN we’ll have the complete report from the sale that will include the total from the February 22 sale.


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St. Paul's News

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Youth Group Sledding & Tobogganing Trip By Courtney Irwin n the first Sunday of January, the youth group went sledding at Burchfield Park in Eaton County. While sledding we held onto each other’s sleds and went down as a group. We also raced on the toboggan trails. Drew Krupka found a big box at the church before we left and tried sledding down on that. Surprisingly, it didn’t fall apart, but it didn’t go very fast either. There were at least ten kids who attended. A big thank you goes out to Mr. and Mrs. (Rick & Carol) Laub for chaperoning, and especially to Mr. Laub for being our sledding starter and for pushing us down the hill!


Nightwatch: Detroit By the Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. AYA, Youth and Young Adult Ministries at the Diocese of Michigan, is sponsoring Nightwatch: 2009, March 21-22. Nightwatch is a diocesan wide event designed to bring together junior high school age Episcopalians for a weekend of adventure, community, worship and mystery. Buses will pick-up (and drop-off)


Youth Group Launch Major Fundraiser

participants from All Saints Episcopal Church in East Lansing and take them to the Cathedral Church of St. Paul’s for an overnight Christian experience, not soon to be forgotten. We are planning to take a contingency of St. Paul’s youth group members to Nightwatch. If your child is interested in participating in Nightwatch: 2009, please contact Fr. Ron for more details. Parents are invited to attend our upcoming March youth group business meeting where details and plans for Nightwatch will be finalized.

Youth Group Upcoming Activities: March 1

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. he youth group is selling fundraising discount cards to support their 2009 mission trip to Stony Lake, Michigan and Cairo, Illinois. Each fundraiser card offers 15 incredible freebies and discounts to local area business. Each card sells for $20 and we are hoping every parishioner will purchase at least one card. Mission trip fundraiser discount cards also make for excellent birthday and Mother’s Day gifts. Don’t delay, get your card today and help support our youth in their mission to help support others. Cards maybe purchased on Sundays during coffee hour in the Merrifield room or at anytime from members of St. Paul’s Youth Group.


Fr. Byrd, Kayla Byrd and Ramon Byrd at Burchfield Park

Ronald McDonald House - Helping Hands Service Project

March 21-22 Nightwatch – The Cathedral Church of St. Paul/Diocesan Center April 5

Scheduled Meeting Cancelled – Palm Sunday

April 19

Monthly Meeting & Bowling Outing at MSU (Rescheduled)

May 15 - 17 Mini-Mission Trip to Stony Lake, Michigan June 15 – 19 Youth Group Volunteer for Vacation Bible School July 26 – 31

March 2009

Mission Trip to Cairo, Illinois

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St. Paul's News

(Continued from, “A Different Perspective” page 1)

on camera. Everyone but me seems to know the songs and joins right in. After several “Praise Music” selections, it begins to wind down and the lead singer performs a selection from the Psalms that he has put to music. An offering is taken, and someone else reads the scripture of the day while music gently provides background. Finally the room goes even darker; the pastor comes out, sits on a chair in the middle of the stage and begins. The next 40 minutes are a mixture of PowerPoint presentations and Biblical exhortations designed to have people accept the responsibility of being Christian. The preacher enumerates the many opportunities that are available within the congregation and reminds the people that there is nothing to fear; God’s already done most of the work. We just need to join in. Finally, he asks any who feel so compelled to stand and take a personal oath to a renewed effort to serve Christ and the world in new and chance-taking ways. I stood and joined in; at least half the congregation did not. The congregation joins in one more song, and it’s over. The lights come on and the crowd pours out. Coffee and refreshments are right outside the door, and the coffee hour begins to take place. They are friendly and well organized in inviting the various age groups to join something that might interest them. We had the new baby, so we didn’t linger. We headed for home so the “kid” could nap, and we could have breakfast. After breakfast I had to stop and think, “Was that worship?” and admit I wasn’t sure. There was little to no liturgy as I/we might identify it. Certainly no Eucharist. The congregation knew the order and joined in on the songs, but there were no “old chestnuts.” Sarah and Joe said it was very familiar; they were used to it and felt comfortable. My immediate response was to think how much I missed home and the Episcopal Church. As I continued to think about it through the early afternoon, I realized it did make an impact. I remembered the lessons and the sermon. The songs, though not familiar, had catchy tunes, and I found myself humming several later in the day. I had to admit the congregation was enthusiastically involved to the point of clapping hands and almost dancing in the aisles. “Jesus” and “God” seemed to be words used in every other sentence. Most importantly, they obviously cared for one another and had many good things happening in their congregation. God appeared to be in their midst. The bottom line to this is that by the time you read this, we will be several days into the season of Lent, the very heart of our liturgical season. In many ways, we will repeat the traditions of a thousand years and seek in our own way to rediscover the community we have celebrated for many years. I have no doubt we will be successful. But, as the opening collect of Lent asks us to “read, learn, mark, and inwardly digest” all that Lent means, I ask you to see if you can find at least one new experience to participate in this season. Bishop Gibbs is fond of using the cliché, “If you always do things the same old way, you will always get the same old results.” I have to admit I was moved by today’s experience. Perhaps something a bit different might move you, too.

(Continued from “Listening,” page 1)

Research on the subject of church growth tells us that one of the most important reasons people are involved in churches today has to do with their friendships and their relationships. Roy Oswald, of the Alban Institute, says that each new member should be able to identify at least seven friends in the church within the first six months. The cementing of friendships in the church community is one of the key factors in identifying a healthy church. With that in mind, let us all enjoy the conversations with one another that build relationships, foster friendships and nurture the spirit!

March 2009


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan 218 W. Ottawa Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-482-9454 Fax: 517-485-8621 Choir Room: 517-482-0369 Website:

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing Michigan. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff Christine Caswell, Editor Lyn Zynda, Acting Editor

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