St. Paul's News - Jan. 2009

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News Important Days in the life of the Church By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller e are in the process of celebrating Christmas. Though the season is only 12 days long, no one can deny that the entire world identifies Christmas Day as one of the most important days in the Christian year. In reality, there are probably at least two others days and seasons that are theologically more important. There is Easter, the forty day celebration of the resurrection Jesus, and Pentecost, the Day and The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller season when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. These celebrations are important because they commemorate the highlights in Jesus’ life that indicate and memorialize God’s continual love for all of Humanity.


The fact that we feel an obligation to be present on these high holy days is the corresponding indication that we recognize God’s acts of loving mercy and wish to respond. Yet, over and above our simple responses of attendance, how can we indicate and respond to the love God shows humanity? I think one very important way is to attend the Annual Meeting. We will elect new Vestry members and pass a budget, but these actions are not the most important things we do. As we gather together at the annual meeting, we remember and memorialize the things God has done in our lives in the preceding year; and we plan how we might best implement the faith that is in us in the year to come. These important activities are best accomplished with a large portion of the membership present and active in the discussion. (Continued on page 16)

Stewardship Committee Postpones Hawaii Trip By John Nevin, Vestry Member ince we have not quite yet reached our goals for 2009, the Stewardship Committee has decided to postpone its annual Hawaii Trip. Instead, the committee has decided to stay here in the Lansing area and focus its efforts on finding and inspiring a few more pledges through prayer and personal contact.


The committee is pleased to report that the response of St. Paul’s family to the 2009 campaign has been heartwarming, especially given the challenging economy and falling stock market. Indeed, both the total number of pledges and average amount given is promising. However, since the process we adopted this year is so different, it’s hard to compare this year to last year. As a result, the committee remains a bit nervous regarding the finally tally. Most importantly, the committee is so excited by the wonderful testimony we heard from Jean Shawver and Matt Ferguson and the thought-provoking message we heard from Dr. Steve McSwain on Invitation Sunday. Clearly, in this congregation, there is no shortage of passion, faith and love for our brothers and sisters and for Jesus Christ. So, if you haven’t pledged yet, we need to hear from you. Even if you can’t make a financial commitment, just fill out the card and let us know you’re praying for St. Paul’s and our many ministries. And when all those cards are in, the committee will take off for Hawaii—just kidding! Seriously, the vestry and Father Weller need to finalize the budget in time for the annual meeting at the end of January, so please let us hear from you soon.

January, 2009 Volume 34, Issue 1 Inside this issue: Calendar


Choir Schedule


Mission and Outreach


Prayer List


Upcoming Activities


Page 2

St. Paul's News Activities at a Glance

Ongoing Activities • St. Aelred’s Guild, third Wednesday, 4:30 PM • Book Cart, 1st and 2nd Sunday after 10 AM • B&PW, Tuesday, January 13 6 PM • ECW, 3rd Monday, 7 PM • Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5 PM • 4 Fs, 2nd and 4th Mondays Noon-2 PM • St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Prayer Group, 1st Tuesday, 5:30-6:30 PM • Men’s Breakfast, 3rd Thursday, 7 AM • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • Epiphany services, January 6, Noon and 7 PM • Ministry Retreat, January 8-10, 2009 • Epiphany Sunday, January 11, 10 AM, also First Communion and Sunday School resumes • Baptisms, Noah’s Pudding, January 11, 2009 • Parish-wide Book Read, beginning the week of January 11, 2009

• Martin Luther King, Jr. service, Sunday, January

18, 10 AM

• Author Mark Curriden visit, Wednesday, January

21, 7 PM

• Annual Meeting, Sunday, January 25, 10 AM • Voyaging on the Dawn Treader, Friday, January

30, 2009 Looking Ahead • Confirmation Preparation Program, beginning Sunday, February 8 during Sunday School • Sunday, February 15 and 22, ERD Used Book Sale after 10 AM service • Celebrating II, February 28, 9 AM to 4 PM, Diocesan Cathedral Center • Cabaret, March 21 • ACTION, April 28, May 12, 2009 7 PM • Godspell, May 29 & 30, Central United Methodist Church • 160th Anniversary Celebration, May, 2009

Epiphany By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

Services Noon and 7 p.m.

here are four important days in the Christian Liturgical year that are always celebrated but seldom observed. A service is always planned and held (celebrated), but the attendance is often so meager that it is obvious that most of the congregation is unaware of their importance: All Saints Day (always November 1), Ash Wednesday (always on a Wednesday in either February or March), Ascension Day (always on the Thursday 40 days after Easter) and Epiphany (always January 6).


Epiphany is a celebration of the fact that the Magi found Jesus and were the first to proclaim him Lord. The alternative name for Epiphany says it all: The Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. In the Orthodox branches of the Church, this day has more significance and is more of a time of celebration than Christmas. This year Epiphany will be celebrated on a Sunday. We have some special things planned (see elsewhere in this issue), so plan on being present.

B&PW January Meeting


By Barbara Richardson

n Sunday, January 11, we will mark the baptism of Jesus with baptisms of our own. Several are already scheduled. If you or someone in your family would like to be baptized, please contact Father Weller.

he Business & Professional Women’s Guild will gather for dinner at 6 p.m. in the Hill Room on January 13, 2009. After dinner, we will plan programs and dinner menus for the year. The cost of dinner is $8. Yearly dues of $7.50 will also be collected at this meeting. Please continue to bring contributions to the Food Bank as the need is great.



January 2009

St. Paul's News

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Noah’s Pudding By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller n Sunday, January 11—the next date for baptisms—we will have Turkish Muslim visitors who will introduce us to an ancient custom called Noah's Pudding. Since Noah and the flood is a story common to all Abrahamic religions, this is a good opportunity for us to both host and be hosted by our Muslim sisters and brothers. The group will bring a PowerPoint presentation and handouts to be shared, along with the pudding, at the coffee hour. It will be a children’s story that we can all share.


Nimet Alpay, spokeswoman for the Great Lakes Society for Friendship and Culture, wrote: The first month of the Islamic calendar, though it changes every year, starts at the end of December this year and ends at the end of January. During this month, we make a special pudding from different beans, spices and fruits, as we believe Prophet Noah and his believers had made this pudding to survive when they were rescued from the big flood. They made and ate this pudding as a symbol of God's blessing on them. This tradition has been carried on for centuries in Turkey. People make the pudding in very large pots and they distribute it in their neighborhoods to show their love, care and friendship for their neighbors. As the Turkish community here, we have been trying to keep the same tradition here every year. We make the pudding and distribute it among our neighbors and neighborhood churches as a way to start new friendships, conversations to understand one another, and to share this wonderful tradition with the people here in Lansing....We will bring the pudding in individual serving bowls, covered and labeled with the ingredients so people will know what is in it...Thank you again for your willingness and openness to introducing a different tradition in your church. I think it will be a wonderful opportunity for people of different faiths and cultures to come together and learn from each other. I am really excited about this." I hope we, the members of the St. Paul’s community, will be excited also.

Thank You inda and I would like to thank all the members of the parish for your cards, gifts and season’s greetings. This is truly a wonderful community and we are pleased to be a part of it.


Gordon & Linda Weller

St. Paul’s Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Sunday, January 18 Worship and Praise Eucharist 10 a.m.

Book Read Author to Speak at St. Paul’s By Millie Ericson, Vestry Member s the highlight of this year’s adult Book Read, and in conjunction with Martin Luther King Day and the inauguration of our first African-American President, St. Paul’s is privileged to have Mark Curriden, co-author of Contempt of Court as our guest and speaker on Wednesday, January 21, at 7 p.m. He will share his experiences in writing the book, his knowledge of the players in this legal drama and the implication of the issues for our current times. Those who have heard him say he is very compelling. Mr. Curriden comes from Dallas, Texas, where he is in private practice with the law firm of Vincent, Elkton. He is the former legal affairs writer for the Dallas


(Continued on page 16)

January 2009

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St. Paul's News

If You Feed Them, They will Come By Lyn Zynda, ECW President or the past few months in St. Paul’s News, and throughout this issue are numerous articles about the upcoming Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 25 after the 10 a.m. service. There is important work to be done, Vestry members to be elected, Angel and Canterbury Awards to be presented, Millennium Development Goals to be decided, and much important parish business to be discussed. Now I give you another great reason to attend the Annual Meeting: FOOD.


For the past several years the members of the ECW Steering Committee have prepared a fantastic, extraordinary, can’t-be-beat-for-the-price brunch for our fellow parishioners. We’ve done this for a couple of really good reasons; to raise money for a worthy charity and because we’ve learned from experience that, “. . .if you feed them, they will come.” You might feel as I do; I’ll sit through almost anything to enjoy a meal I didn’t have to cook. This year we are donating the money collected from the brunch ($5 per person or $15 per family) to the Food Bank. In this economic climate the need is so great; and, unfortunately because of the economic climate, donations are not meeting the increased need. We are also asking that you bring a donation of canned nonperishable food items for the Food Bank (and please watch the expiration date). It is amazing the amount of good you will accomplish by attending the Annual Meeting. You will help decide important business for your parish community, your donations will help feed hungry people in the community where you live, and you won’t have to stand in line for 20-30 minutes waiting for a table for breakfast.

Vestry Elections By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller ive new members will be elected to the Vestry at the January 25 Annual Meeting. One will be our youth member. This position, created in 2006, is for a one-year period and is filled by a young person nominated by a youth caucus, which will be held in early January, and then elected at the Annual Meeting. The outgoing Youth Representative is Stephen Kariuki. Thank you, Stephen, for your time and efforts. The other four positions have been admirably occupied by Sr. Warden, Charlie Krupka, and Vestry members Susan Henderson, Kelly Gmazel and John Nevin, who is completing an unexpired term. We thank them for their service as well. These four positions will be filled at the Annual Meeting. To qualify you must be:

F • • • • • •

A Baptized member At least 16 years of age Regular in attendance A contributor to the life of the congregation with time, talent and treasure Willing to attend a minimum of ten Vestry meetings a year Willing to chair a Vestry committee

Willing to attend a Vestry retreat at the Weber Center on February 6-7, 2009 If you would be willing to serve or would like to nominate someone, please confirm that person’s willingness and submit his or her name in writing through the parish office. As always, nominations from the floor of the Annual Meeting will be accepted if the consent of the person nominated has been obtained.

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2009 “One Church, Many Journeys” Parish-Wide Book Read By Millie Ericson, Vestry Member


or Adults: Contempt of Court, the turn-of-the-century lynching that launched 100 years of Federalism, by Mark Curriden and Leroy Phillips, Jr.

For families: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, by C.S. Lewis, third book in the Chronicles of Narnia, continuing the story of Prince Caspian. The books can be picked up at the St. Paul’s book cart. Discussion groups: Book groups to discuss Contempt of Court begin the week of January 11. As last year, the groups will meet in the homes of parishioners on various days and times and in various geographic locations throughout the community: • • • •

Sundays, 3-4:30 p.m., Jan. 11, 18, 25 - Max and Debby Pierce, 1424 Wellington, Lansing Mondays, 7-8:30 p.m., Jan. 12, 19, 26 - Don and Sally Lawrence, 2115 Walmar, Lansing Tuesdays, 2:30-4 p.m., Jan. 13, 20, 27 - Chuck and Sue Millar, 14818 Oakes Rd., Perry Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m., Jan. 14, 28, Feb. 4 - Barb Richardson and Libby Richardson, 1630 W. Kalamazoo, Lansing • Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. , Jan.14, 28, Feb. 4 - Kirk and Barb Lindquist, 2154 White Owl Way, Okemos Family Book Read Notes: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader continues the story of Prince Caspian as he sets out with familiar characters, including Reepicheep, Edmund and Lucy, on a great sea voyage to the Lone Islands and beyond, in search of the seven Lords. Ahoy, maties, for a great read. Families (with or without children) are invited to read the book together in their own homes this month. Pick up a copy of the Dawn Treader Resource Booklet with background information and suggestions for activities to supplement the book. Also pick up a picture-book version for reading with younger children. These are available on the Book Cart. There will be a special “Voyaging on the Dawn Treader” Family Carnival Night, on Friday, January 30, from 68 p.m. Come journey to the Lone Islands, Dragon Island and the Island of the Dufflepods. Discover games, fun, food and prizes in this Narnian adventure! You might even see some guests from Narnia. Sign up outside the Merrifield Room.

Used Book Sale ERD Fundraiser Scheduled for Next Month By Sue Millar n Sunday, February 15 and Sunday, February 22, we will see the return of our annual Used Book Sale. By this time, most of you have experienced the sale as donors for books that you are ready to pass on and as buyers of books that offer you new reading delights. I often refer to this as a win-win situation since you have a chance to create some space in your bookcase and to buy some new volumes that tweak your curiosity at bargain prices. At the same time, you are supporting the life-saving work of Episcopal Relief and Development.


You may place your books in the red bin by the elevator. Please remember that we can’t use textbooks, magazines or computer manuals; however, DVDs, VCRs and CDs are quite marketable. Thank you for your continuing support.

January 2009

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St. Paul's News

160 Years at St Paul’s…Where our Past Welcomes our Future

members of St Paul’s (living or dead) who have served in the military during our 160-year history, so we may honor them By Nancy Sheldon next spring at our Homecoming celebration. If someone in your lose your eyes for a moment and try to imagine family has served, or if you the innumerable blessings this church has beknow of someone who has, stowed upon those who have visited as well as the please call Ruth Farmer at members of our congregation since 1849. Just think of (517) 882-0404) or e-mail it! Picture the thousands of people who have worshiped Buffy Mann at buffyat St. Paul’s and received comfort and solace, hope [email protected]. In addition to the person’s and renewal, forgiveness and healing, education and name, we’d like the branch of the military in which he joy, not necessarily in this building, but in this commuor she served, the years served and rank if you know. nity of faith, during the past 160 years. Also, if you have given a talk to the congregation for Each Sunday, throughout the year, Jean Shawver will the Every Member Canvass or the Stewardship Drive be placing a little known historical fact in the bulletin on “What St Paul’s Means to Me,” please dig in your to give us a mini history lesson which we hope you will desk drawers or file cabinets to see if you still have enjoy. She will also share a special story with us each your speech. If you do, please make a copy and send month in the St. Paul’s News about an interesting piece it to Mandy Lawton at 1510 E. Oakland Ave., Lansof our history. Our committee has planned a variety of ing, MI 48906. other activities with the main focus in May. Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss these special Sundays: If you have a memory or story about St Paul’s as you or your children were growing up (and we know that • May 3 - Music and Worship there are many!) that you would be willing to share • May 10 - Children (it’s also Mothers’ Day) with us, please call Mandy Lawton (482-4316). • May 17 - Mission and Outreach Someone will then contact you to interview you or col• (May 24 - Memorial Day Weekend) lect something you’ve written to place in a memory • May 31 - Homecoming Sunday book.


Help Wanted: We’re looking for current and former e pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard and Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Mason Hill, Erik Lindquist, Chance Collins, Barb Hacker, Darrick, Marjorie Belles, Aleda, Dave, Kathryn Senko, Barb Powers, Patricia Reno, Skip and Marsha Macholz, Carrie, Michael Skinner, Edward Such, Judy Jones, Cambria McMillen, Ed Benson, Marguerite Upham, Christine Farr, Bonta Hiscoe, and Nancy Rudd.


We pray and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, David Granger, Bill Sheldon, and Michael Benson. We pray for comfort: for the family and friends of Audrie Hegmon, who recently passed away. We pray for those expecting: Sarah (Weller) and Joseph Evenden, Linda and Don Junger, Amanada and Darrick Alvarez, Summer (Sleight) and Jake Stevens, Brooke and Ian Broughton, and Susie and Luke Shaefer. We give thanks for: the birth of Lydia Jane Sleight to parents Jeff and Deborah Sleight.

January 2009

Choirs News St. Paul'

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Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music A big thank you goes to all of you, parents and choristers alike, for all you did to make the Christmas  services so special, especially Lessons and Carols and the two Christmas Eve services. Without your  dedication and willingness to give of your time, talent, and (singing) resources, the services would  probably not have manifested as much joy and love as they did. A very heartfelt wish for a joyous and  blessed New Year!  Special Dates to Note:  There will be no Chancel Choir or Handbell Rehearsal on January 1. Rehearsals will resume as  normal on January 7 and January 8.  Ash Wednesday: February 25  Cabaret: March 21 ‐ All choristers are asked to save this date for our evening of good dining and  entertainment: Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, and High School. Thanks. 

Singing Schedule Date


January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25

High School and Chancel High School and Chancel High School and Chancel High School and Chancel

February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22

High School and Boys’ and Grace High School and Chancel High School and Chancel High School and Chancel

Saturday, January 3 and Saturday, February 21  ‐ all rehearse from 10 a.m. until  noon; the main cast from 12:30 to 2 p.m.  Sunday, January 18, Sunday, January 25, Sunday, February 15, and Sunday, Febru‐ ary 22 ‐ all rehearse from after 10 a.m. service until 12:15 p.m.; the main cast from  12:15 to 1:30 p.m. 


Performances will be Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30, at Central United  Methodist Church  

January 2009

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St. Paul's News

Emily and Elizabeth By Rick Laub any Sundays, two young women seem magically to appear at the altar, or near the piano—usually bearing a trumpet, or a clarinet or perhaps a handbell. Often, they can be seen unobtrusively at the piano turning pages. Who are these young women who delight us with their musical talents? They are Emily and Elizabeth Rodeck, daughters of our assistant music director Mary Rodeck and her husband Dan.


Emily is in 10th grade at Grand Ledge High School and has been Emily and Elizabeth Rodeck playing trumpet since 3rd grade and piano since she was three. In addition to her performances with the Grand Ledge Wind Symphony, she can often be spotted in the orchestra pit for the musicals. Elizabeth is in 8th grade and has been playing clarinet since 5th grade. Since she doesn’t want to march with her clarinet, she is learning trumpet to play in marching band next year. She is also a pit musician, recently playing the penny whistle and recorder in “The Secret Garden.” Both Emily and Elizabeth were selected to be in the All State middle school bands and both are in the advanced pointe and lyrical ballet group at Riding Star Dance Studio. You can see Emily’s dancing in the GLHS production of “Footloose.” When they are not at St. Paul’s blessing us with the fruits of their talents and hard work, they attend Trinity Episcopal Church in Grand Ledge. A blessing indeed!

T AELRED'S GUILD offers spiritual friendship to members of our congregation in time of need through notes, visitation, prayer list management, Eucharistic visits, celebration of births and marriages as well as phone calls to shut-ins. St. Paul’s would like to know when one of our parishioners is in the hospital, is unable to come to church, has been moved to a special care facility or just might appreciate a card or visit to let them know we are thinking about them and praying for them. Please pick up a form for this special ministry at the Welcome Table after church or call Kathleen in the office at 482-9454. All parishioners are welcome to join us in this Ministry the third Wednesday of each month from 4:30 to 5:30 PM in the Van Atta Room


Preparation for Confirmation By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate


n Saturday, May 30, the Bishop of the Diocese of Michigan will be here at St. Paul’s for a service of Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation.

Beginning Sunday, February 8, 2008, our clergy, along with support from our Sunday school teachers, will be offering a 10-session confirmation preparation program. The program will cover a variety of topics, including the history and catechism of the Church, Church policy and practices, theology and beliefs and much more. Children ages 16 and older and adults who have not been confirmed, received or reaffirmed in the Episcopal Church are encouraged to participate in the program. Classes will run through May 17, 2009 and will be held on Sunday mornings during our normal Sunday school hour. For questions and more details, please see Fr. Weller or Fr. Byrd.

January 2009

St. Paul's News

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But I’ll be honest that I would rather be tackled by a seven-foot linebacker than make an embarrassing public faux pas at a social event. I know many of you By Stephanie Van Koevering, Vestry Member well enough to think that you might agree with me on this one. We are Episcopalians, after all, a classy here is a series of videos on YouTube under the group of intelligent individuals, with relatively good heading of “Evangelism Linebacker.” My favorite taste and breeding. In many ways, we see evangelism involves a young gentleman who runs up out of the as something that simply isn’t done in mixed company, blue, knocks people down and then yells at them about out of either politeness or tolerance or some blend of their decisions on matters of faith. The video is a runthe two. ning gag involving young people making tough choices and then getting tackled by a flying, noisy football If we’re honest, though, there’s a healthy amount of player who shouts Bible verses and spiritual advice, fear in there, too. We fear embarrassment as much (or such as, “Your mama raised you better than this, my more) than we fear physical attack. We are not going boy; don’t make me blow you up no more!” to bring up our faith out of our fear of making a social gaffe or being seen as a “Bible Thumper,” no more Sage advice, indeed! intellectual than Tammy Faye Bakker and about as The joke is a bit obvious, perhaps, but effective. How much fun at a sophisticated gathering. many of us would behave differently if we faced a But somehow we need to overcome our fear and have physical threat from someone huge, aggressive and an open discussion on matters of faith. I think it can be loud? I will speak only for myself, perhaps, in saying done without a two-by-four, a linebacker or even a that I am uncomfortable with any violent contact rela- raised eyebrow from Emily Post. It is done with kindtive to my person. I will, in fact, go to great lengths to (Continued on page 16) avoid it.

Evangelism Linebacker


4 F’s Looking Back Helps Us to Look Forward By Nancy Sheldon


sually the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month (exceptions noted *due to Town Hall conflict): • 12 noon Eucharist, 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($4.00) • 1 p.m. Bible Study (Steve Lange), 1:15-2 p.m. Program

Anyone is invited who has time in the middle of the day! Please sign up for lunch outside the Merrifield Room or call the Church office for a reservation. • January 12 - Fr. Weller will give us a presentation on the Roman Catholic Church and how it pres-

ently relates to the Episcopal Church by comparing and contrasting the two faiths.

• January 26 - We will visit the Cathedral of St. Mary and have someone there guide us and talk to

us about the cathedral and the Catholic faith.

• February 9 - Steve Lange will give us a presentation on the Wesley brothers and the relationship of

Methodism to Episcopalianism.

• February 23 - We will visit Central United Methodist church next door and tour their facilities. We

will also continue our conversation with Joe Huston, their minister, about the Methodist church and their faith. We will have Book Reviews during Lent and the schedule will be 11:30 a.m. Eucharist, 12 noon -1 p.m. Lunch. • March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 - Book Reviews • April 13 - NO meeting since this is the day after Easter • April 27 – We will take a trip to see the work of the City Rescue Mission. While there, someone will

talk to us about their ministry. • May 18* - Picnic at Nancy Sheldon’s

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St. Paul's News

Outreach By The Rev. Deacon Bill Fineout


ur 2008 Millennium Development Goal project, “Water for Life,” has been completed!

The Water for Life collection finished in December. We are in the process of counting donations as this newsletter goes to press. We will report how “deep we dug” for water as soon as we can. We are thankful to Meijer for donating the water bottles. We have been able to meet five of the eight MDG goals with this project: • Achieving universal primary education for children; with access to closer water, girls can stay in school and in

the classroom, instead of traveling miles for water

• Promoting gender equality and empowering women; women and children no longer have to leave their vil-

lages for much of the day to carry water, sometimes as far as 13 miles

• Reducing child mortality; having ready access to clean water and sanitation • Improving maternal health • Combating disease

At the 2008 annual meeting, we agreed that we would attempt an MDG project to meet each of the eight MDG goals; one project in each of eight years. This year, we will choose our second project. The Outreach team will make a recommendation at that time.

Mission and Outreach Activities: Where is Christ calling you to help others?

160 Years at St Paul’s…

April 1—December 13, 2009

Where our Past Welcomes our Future

Did You Know That…?

Episcopal Relief and Development or Heifer International

By Jean Shawver

April 12-26 •

Food Drive—Food Bank

n 1894, John Zimmerman was engaged to reorganize the music of the church and expressly to form a choir of men and boys. The male choir became the first vested organization in Lansing and attracted much favorable comment for its singing. You can see a photo of this St. Paul's choir in the north hallway of our church. It is above the needlepoint pew in the History Hallway, leading to the parking ramp.


May 21 •

Ascension Day - Deacon's Dinner

May •

Sudan Education Project for 2010

Ongoing: • • • • • •

Outreach Committee meeting, second Monday, 5:30 p.m. Manna Sundays for street ministry (busing/ work boots) Water for Life Heifer International Prayer quilts Cars INC

(Source: To a Goodly Heritage by Robert Coleman.)

Check the Newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin Announcements for additional details and information.

January 2009

St. Paul's News

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Financial Information as of November 30, 2008 By Jeff Irwin The total pledge and nonpledge revenue received as of November 30, 2008 was $267,072, which is 89.5% of the annual budget. November 30 is 91.7% of the year. It is expected that total 2008 pledge revenue will be close, if not equal to, the total 2008 budget. The operating loss through November 30, 2008 is $135,959, including $10,577 recorded in the month of November. The 2008 operating loss was budgeted to be $135,998. Based on information now available, it is expected the actual loss will approximate that amount. The designated and restricted funds recorded an overall loss of $1,804 in November. For the first 11 months of 2008, there has been a net gain of $21,374. The combined net income of the operations and the funds is a loss of $114,585. Through the end of November, it has been necessary to withdraw a total of $120,000 from the Perpetual Fund in order to make payroll and pay outstanding bills. An additional $3,200 has been withdrawn from the Perpetual Fund for special purposes authorized by the vestry.

Vestry Highlights At its December 16, 2008 meeting, your vestry: • Shared a meal in the glow of the Christmas tree • • • • • • • • • • •

in the Merrifield Room. Considered Ember Day traditions as part of its devotions. Approved the November 18, 2008 minutes. Accepted a bequest in the amount of $240,000. Details will be disclosed at a later date. Accepted the treasurer's report as presented. Passed a motion to write-off $3,713.86 from the balance sheet as un-received Organ Restoration monies. Passed a similar motion to take $3,713.86 from the Music Fund to cover this shortfall. Passed a motion to make an additional $30,000 available to the treasurer for the operating accounts. Reviewed an updated draft of the 2009 budget. The final version will be distributed at the January Vestry meeting. Accepted with great regret the resignation of treasurer Jeff Irwin, effective following the Annual Meeting of January 25, 2009. Received a Stewardship report. We are on target for at least equal last year's totals. Approved a report from the finance Committee to

• • •

• • •

present a "Planned Giving" concept to the parish at the Annual Meeting. Discussed the status of the Memorial Plaque for the Memorial Garden with the question, "Do we continue?" Martie Repaskey will contact StampRite. Established a Shawver Fund Oversight Committee consisting of Rector Gordon Weller, Jr. Warden Martie Repaskey and Jean Shawver. Discussed the Web Site - Stephanie Van Koevering needs a Vestry response to the proposal distributed last month. Received various Committee reports which said, in part, the following: ∼ Some roof leaks still exist and the roofer will be contacted ∼ Confirmed that Mark Curriden will be our Book Read/MLK celebration speaker. ∼ Approved this year's Millennium Development Goals project as raising money to purchase an "Ark" through the Heifer Project. ∼ The Personnel committee has met with all staff. Discussed and planned the Vestry calling to take place in January. Reviewed the Diocesan Sexual Misconduct policy and the Vestry's compliance responsibility. Received Clergy reports.

January 2009

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St. Paul's News

Christmas Hymn 84 By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music n Sunday, November 23, as part of the Intergenerational Pentecost/Advent/Christmas program, people gathered in the choir rehearsal room to write a hymn of their own for the Service of Lessons and Carols. The following are the hymns that were created during this meeting. They were sung at the Service of Lessons and Carols on December 21 to the tune of hymn 84.


Gifts came down at Christmas, Gifts received and gifts we share Gifts of hope and loving, Lifting weights of hurt and care Sue Millar Life afresh, burst upon us. Break our bonds that cramp and kill. Life anew, surge through us. Bring us joys that lift and thrill Chuck Millar Peace came down at Christmas; Peace so difficult to find. Jesus' peace is what we crave, Peace of heart and soul and mind. And He will not fail us or forget or walk away. God's peace is for us all Thank You, on this Christmas day. Carol Ingells Joy at Christmas coming, joy so beautiful, joy divine. With this joy to brighten, all on earth will shine.

Light arrived on Christmas and drove the darkness away, No more despair nor doubt, or light shone on Christmas day. Joy appeared at Christmas, All sorrows were banished then. When joy came at Christmas, The world shone brightly for them. Zoe Beckett Peace was born on Christmas, Banishing all war away. Peace will live through Christmas, Peace, my friends, is here to stay. Joy is here this Christmas; the world will no more be sad. Joy springs forth from Christmas, Rejoice my friends and be glad. Paul Beckett Hope came back at Christmas, Doubt, it couldn’t bear to stay. Hope was born on Christmas, Banishing all fear away. Claire Beckett

Truth at Christmas coming, God’s truth, the truth of God’s Love Hear the angels singing, His Love gentle as a dove. MaryLea Benson

January 2009

St. Paul's News

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Celebrating II – Becoming a whosoever church that can, by grace, grow everywhere xpanding Hospitality and Discipleship,” or increasing the number of visitors and new members, is the theme of this year’s joint day of workshops and worship with the Southeast Michigan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. Begun last year, “Celebrate II – Becoming a whosoever church that can, by grace, grow everywhere” is a collaboration to pool the wisdom and best practices of the two denominations.


Celebrate II will be held at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul on Saturday, February 28, 2009, from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Registration is $15, and a box lunch may be ordered ahead of time for $10. Congregations are encouraged to bring a team to gather as much information and as many experiences as possible. Questions and registration information can be directed to Beth Rowley, [email protected] or at (313) 833-4421. The speakers, workshops and liturgy are all designed to help congregational teams consider what they can do to make their church a “whosoever kind of place.” The morning will begin with two keynote speakers: the Rev. Lottie Jones Hood, who renewed and repopulated the historic First Congregational Church of Detroit, and the Rev. Stephen Bouman, the executive director of the ELCA’s Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission office. The mainline churches are concerned about church growth and the development of a spiritual depth that will help newcomers decide to stay. Certainly Bishop John Schreiber, the late bishop of the Southeast Michigan Synod, had this in mind when he coined the phrase that became the title. A “whosoever church” would welcome, nurture, engage and employ all comers in the work of the kingdom. (Continued on page 16)

January 2009

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News Ministry St. Paul's Youth First Communion Sunday

Upcoming Youth Group Events

n Epiphany Sunday, January 11, Fr. Gordon will be welcoming children to their first communion. On Saturday, January 10, from 10 a.m. to noon, a two-hour workshop will be conducted to prepare children for this very special day. If you are interested in having your child receive his or her first communion on January 11, please contact Fr. Ron.


January – Sledding/ice skating or Laser Tag

February – Red Cross training & Valentine’s Day babysitting for families

March – Lock-in, bowling and feeding the homeless

April – Host Easter Egg hunt for young children

May – Overnight mission trip (within Michigan)

Please note: In January, the youth group will not meet on its regularly scheduled first Sunday of the month. The first meeting for the group in the new year will be on Sunday, January 11.

Sunday School Program Swings into Second Semester unday school will resume on Sunday, January 11, 2009, for all classes, except Sr. High School. To provide our Sr. High School students with an opportunity to attend special 10 a.m. services on Epiphany Sunday, Martin Luther King Sunday and Annual Meeting Sunday, high school classes will not resume until February 8, 2009. Don’t worry seniors, we have something really special for you when classes start again!


The second semester will not mean any changes for most classes. However in the first-, second- and third-grade classes, Kathy Gut and Jill Walker will replace Dr. Judi Brown Clarke as teachers. Judi will continue her service as a substitute teacher for all classes. As you consider your stewardship offering to St. Paul's in the upcoming year, please consider giving your time and talent to our children as a substitute Sunday school teacher. As you may notice, the individuals who volunteer to teach Sunday School continue to miss a large portion of the worship service. It would be a blessing to have a pool of substitute teachers so that our core teacher can have some respite Sundays. For more information on how to become involved in St. Paul's Sunday school program please see Dr. Judi Brown-Clarke or Fr. Ron.

Thank You for Your Kindness

Looking for a Babysitter?

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate ennifer and I would like to thank the members at St. Paul’s for all of the wonderful gifts, goodies and greeting cards. While we have said this before, please know we feel profoundly blessed to be here at St. Paul’s, and thank you all so very much for bringing us into your family. May our ministry together continue to grow in God’s grace and may God’s blessing be with us all.


By Courtney Irwin f you are looking for a babysitter, Daniel Crabtree, Anna Krupka, Drew Krupka, Margaret Kariuki, Steven Walker and myself all took the babysitting training program from the Red Cross. On February 13-14 (Valentine’s Day weekend), special rates will be provided for church members. Please feel free to contact anyone of these certified babysitters directly if you need a sitter at any time.


January 2009

St. Paul'sSt. Youth Paul'Ministry s News

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Youth Ministry Articles Provided By: Youth Group Council President, Ms. Emily Laub Youth Christian Education Ministry Chairperson, Dr. Judith Brown-Clarke The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate

Second Annual Sunday School Holiday Project unday school students, hoping again to spread a little holiday cheer, created wonderful cards for distribution to members of St. Paul’s. On December 14, students from first grade to high school worked together in an assembly line, producing 60 Christmas cards for members of St. Paul’s homebound, center bound and shut-in community. This is the second year the Sunday schoolchildren have teamed up with St. Aelred’s Guild to express, on behalf of our entire parish, our love and thoughts for our Church family members who are Sunday school hard students at work on cards for unable to be present with distribution by St. Aelred’s Guild us for worship and fellowship. Fourth- and fifthgrade Sunday school teacher Kim Hall remarked, “Matt and I had a great time with the kids yesterday! The card making is always organSunday school teacher Kim Hall and stu- ized craziness, but it's so fun! Hope the cards are enjoyed!”


dents make cards for St. Paul’s members

Youth Group Brings Smiles and Song to Residents of TenderCare West n Sunday, December 14, the St. Paul’s Youth Group traveled to TenderCare West nursing home to sing Christmas carols. The kids were warmly welcomed and met with big hugs and bright smiles. I remarked to Dr. Judith-Brown Clarke and Barbara Bellinger Heany, how proud Dr. Lange would be of our kids. Our young people sung impressively well and exchanged hugs and holiday cheer with TenderCare West residents. Clara Voges, a longtime pa- Members of St. Paul’s Youth Group, along with Fr. Byrd and Barbara Bellinger rishioner of St. Paul’s, was Heany, surround parishioner, Clara Voespecially pleased to see our ges, at a visit to TenderCare West young people. Clara guided the group from room to room, St. Paul’s Youth Group make new friends at a where the kids passed out candy canes, recited poems and revisit to TenderCare West sponded to special song request from residents. A great time was had by all!


January 2009

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St. Paul's News

(Continued from, “Important Days” page 1)

I invite you all to be present on January 25, following the 10 a.m. service. A meal will be served and child care for all ages will be offered. Our attendance in past years has been good and averaged perhaps 115 people. But, this number represents only about 14% of the listed congregation. If our average Christmas or Easter attendance is over 500, it only represents 22 %. I would like to see better representation at the annual meeting, so I ask you to make every effort to be there. This meeting is a huge part of our corporate and spiritual life together. (Continued from, “Book Read Author to Speak,” page 3)

Morning News. His presentation is made possible by The Shawver Fund. Join us for the Family Night dinner (reservations required), and stay for the presentation. Contempt of Court is a real-life legal/courtroom thriller every bit as compelling as anything written by John Grisham. The book tells the story of a case that was, in the words of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, “Perhaps the first instance in which the [Supreme] Court demonstrated that the Fourteenth Amendment and the equal-protection clause have any substantive meaning to people of the African-American race. The…case served as a foundation for many cases to come…a moment of courage by the Court.” The Dallas Morning News says of the book that it should be “required reading for anyone who wants to understand how the Constitution protects individual citizens.” The New York Times Book Review suggests that it “brings into focus a grim, critical time in American history.” Importantly for us, it is a story of Christians acting out their witness to seek justice, even in the face of great risk to themselves, their families and their careers. It is the story of a simple man, whose epitaph reads, “God bless you all, I am a [sic] innocent man. Farewell until we meet again in the sweet by and by.” It is a story of sacrifice and redemption. Sign-up sheets are available outside the Merrifield Room. (Continued from, “Evangelism Linebacker,” page 9)

ness, intellectual consideration and a smile. And, when done in the sanctuary of our home at St. Paul’s, we know it will be welcomed. Our visitors and guests would not be here if they didn’t want to share some aspect of our faith with us. (Here’s what the Evangelism Linebacker has to say about that, by the way: “Let me talk to you about fear! Fourth and one, Jerry Rice, what you gonna do? That don’t compare to fourth and one in eternity!”) So while we may not knock anyone over physically or verbally with our ideas, I think it’s worth letting them show. Whether we are in church or outside of it, we can all benefit from the sharing. It’s fourth and one, and eternity awaits. (Continued from, “Celebrate II,” page 13)

Attendees will have the opportunity for a short Q & A session following their dialogue about what it might take to become a “whosoever kind of church.” Two rounds of workshops will follow on topics like fast growing congregations, engaging men in the life of the church, making worship a welcoming place for families, adult spiritual formation, what are they doing? and many more. (A complete listing of workshops will be on the Website by February 1.) The day will close with a Lent-appropriate Eucharist that models liturgical hospitality.

January 2009


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan 218 W. Ottawa Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-482-9454 Fax: 517-485-8621 Choir Room: 517-482-0369 Website:

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing Michigan. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff Christine Caswell, Editor Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader Lyn Zynda, Acting Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454, any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.

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