St. Paul's News - Apr. 2009

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan

St. Paul's News Drawing Closer to God By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller ny who were in Church on March 15 know that the response to the invitation for healing by prayer and anointing was very well received. Over 100 people were anointed. This response leads me to advertise another seldom used rite, something called Reconciliation of a Penitent. Using other terminology, it could be called private confession. As a sacrament, it is particularly appropriate in Lent when we are called to self examination and repentance.


The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller

In the Episcopal Church, almost every service of worship has some type of group confession. This is appropriate because when people present themselves before God, it is desirable to admit our human, mortal and sinful nature as well as acknowledge God's power, goodness and mercy. But the use of group confession has come at the expense of the private, personal confession which was the theology of the Church for over 1,000 years and continues even today. As we begin to conclude the season of Lent, I ask you to consider making a private confession in preparation for Easter. The format is contained in the Book of Common Prayer, beginning on page 446. Read it over to see what is required and then contact Father Byrd or me to make an appointment. These confessions will be done in the Church or Chapel and will be scheduled at your convenience. If you have never taken the opportunity to make a private confession, consider one this year. As always, these confessions are completely private and confidential.

Mindful Listening and Problem Solving By Martie Repaskey, Sr. Warden t the Annual Meeting in January, we had a healthy congregational discussion regarding our budget, which has for the last several years reflected a deficit, with reliance on the Perpetual Fund to assist with shortfalls. This was a productive conversation which embraced many opinions expressed by a variety of members who love this church. A motion was forwarded directing the vestry “to pre- If every time we met with pare and submit a plan for eliminating the parish’s operating deficit.” someone and gave them our full and complete attention Such a plan is to be delivered to the parish by May 30, 2009. for four minutes come hell or high water, it could Your vestry has assigned this work to the Finance Committee, under change our lives. the able leadership of Kirk Lindquist. He and the members of his committee—Tom Repaskey, Don Lawrence, Pete Sheldon, Jeff IrLeonard and Natalie Zunin win, and Julie Young—have begun this work in earnest. Their first The First Four Minutes task is one of collecting data to be completely accurate in tracking our history with respect to budgets, pledging patterns, attendance records, as well as external factors which have occurred beyond our control. The committee’s intent is to bring a report and recommendations to the congregation within the time period specified.


Each member of St. Paul’s Vestry and Finance Committee stands ready to listen to any member, with complete attention, to any ideas which could be helpful as we approach this very important task. If you have any ideas, please share them with members of the vestry or the finance committee.

April, 2009 Volume 34, Issue 4 Inside this issue: Calendar


Choir Schedule


Mission and Outreach


Prayer List


Upcoming Activities


Page 2

St. Paul's News Activities at a Glance

Ongoing Activities • St. Aelred’s Guild, third Wednesday, 4:30 PM • Book Cart, 1st and 2nd Sunday after 10 AM • B&PW, Tuesday, April 14, 6 PM • ECW, 3rd Monday, 7 PM • Family Night Dinner, Wednesdays, 5 PM • 4 Fs, replaced by Lenten Book reviews, see article on page 5 • St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Prayer Group, 1st Tuesday, 5:30-6:30 PM • Men’s Breakfast, 3rd Thursday, 7 AM • Mission/Outreach, first Monday, 5:30 PM • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon

• Children’s Choir visit, Sunday, April 19, 10 a.m. • Blood Drive, Saturday, April 25, 8 AM—2 PM • Spring Food Drive, Sunday, April 19 & 26, 8 & 10

AM • Family Decompression Session, Friday, April 24,

6:30 PM, at the home of the VanKoevering family • Church School Ends, Sunday, April 26 • ACTION, April 28, May 12, 2009 7 PM

Looking Ahead • Adult Confirmation Preparation, Saturday, May 2, 9 & 16, 9 AM—noon • Youth Mini Mission Trip, May 15-17 • Godspell, May 29 & 30, Central United Methodist Church This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • Bishop visit to St. Paul’s, Saturday, May 30, 10:30 • “An Evening at the Theater,” Saturday, April 4, AM Sally & Don Lawrence, BoarsHead Theater • 160th Anniversary Celebration, May, 2009 • Spring Clean-up, April 4, 9 a.m. • Special Parish Meeting, Sunday, June 7, after 10 • Maundy Thursday Agape Meal, April 9, 6 PM AM • Good Friday Services, April 10, noon, 7 PM • Sunday Eucharist & Picnic in the Park, Sunday, June • Baptism, Saturday, April 11 and Sunday, May 31 14 • Easter Egg Hunt, April 12, after 10 a.m. service • Vacation Bible School, June 15-19 • Special Diocesan Convention, April 18, 8 AM-2:30 • 2009 Youth Mission Trip, July 26-31 PM, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Detroit

B&PW Meeting By Barbara Richardson he Business and Professional Women's Guild will meet Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 6 p.m. in the Hill Room. Following dinner we will work on our Outreach Projects. Please bring your cards and magazines. Dinner is $8 and you must make a reservation with Debby Pierce by April 11th. On April 19th we will meet for our Corporate Communion at 8a.m. followed by breakfast. Please make a reservation with Debby Pierce by April 16.


It’s Spring Clean-up Time! By Stephanie Van Koevering, Vestry Member s the weather warms up, we prepare to throw open the windows of our homes and sweep out the dust and debris of wintertime. On Saturday, April 4 (weather permitting), you’ll have an opportunity to help freshen up our church home as well. We have much to do to keep St. Paul’s looking pretty both inside and out; be sure to get in on the action! Many hands are needed to keep the work light.


Sign-up sheets are available outside the Merrifield Room for those who are willing and able to take part. Mark your calendar!

April 2009

St. Paul's News

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Sunday, April 5, Palm/Passion Sunday 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist 10 a.m. Choral Eucharist & Dramatic reading of the Gospel Monday, April 6 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist Tuesday, April 7 Noon Holy Eucharist and healing service Wednesday, April 8 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist

Friday, April 10, Good Friday Noon Ecumenical Service, CUMC 7 p.m. Good Friday Liturgy Saturday, April 11, Holy Saturday 8 p.m. Baptisms and Vigil

Sunday, April 12 – Easter Sunday 8 a.m. Sunrise service and first Eucharist of Thursday, April 9, Maundy Thursday Easter 6 p.m. Agape meal, Garden Meditation, Foot 10 a.m. Choral Eucharist with Brass Washing and Stripping of the Altar

Maundy Thursday Experience Expanded By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller or the last several years on Maundy Thursday, St. Paul’s has hosted a Seder/Agape meal with readings and meditation in our garden and the ceremonial Stripping of the Altar. Last year we were joined by First Baptist Church. This year we will also be joined by Judson Memorial Baptist Church so that four congregations (including Central United Methodist) will celebrate some of our common traditions.


We will begin with an Agape Meal celebration. It will serve as our Eucharist for the evening. Added this year (after several years of absence) will be the re-creation of the foot washing. Following that, we will go to the Garden, read the lessons of Jesus’ prayer and betrayal, and consider the implication in our own lives. Then we will move to the nave of the Church and witness the Ceremonial Stripping of the Altar. Because this special evening involves a meal and much preparation, please call the Church office or sign the reservation list on the reservation Board to reserve your place.

Good Friday Services

Easter Egg Hunt on Resurrection Sunday

By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller n Good Friday, two opportunities for worship will be offered. This year’s ecumenical service will be held at Central United Methodist Church next door and Father Weller will be the preacher. It begins at noon and will last for approximately 1.5 hours. A light lunch will follow. In addition, the traditional Good Friday Liturgy from the Prayer Book will be offered at 7 p.m. that evening. As usual, parking for both services will be available in the Roosevelt Parking Structure.


By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. t. Paul’s Youth Group will host its second annual Easter egg hunt on Resurrection Sunday, April 12. The hunt for Easter eggs will begin immediately following the 10 am worship service. Plastic eggs will be stuffed with candy and other goodies and hidden in the Church Nave. Special prizes will be awarded to children who retrieve the “special chocolate Easter bunnies.” Children under the age of 10 are welcome to participate.


April 2009

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St. Paul's News

Choir to Visit St. Paul’s By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller or almost a year prior to Fr. Weller’s arrival in 1999, The Rev. Clayton Thomason was pastorally in charge of this parish as an interim. During that time, his children were born, and the Thomason’s made many friends in this congregation. After Fr. Weller was elected Rector, the Thomasons attended All Saints in East Lansing but participated in our Vacation Bible School and maintained some of these friendships. Two years ago, when the Thomasons moved to the Chicago area, remembering their time in the Lansing area, one of the prerequisites was to join a church that had a choir for children. They found such a parish (St. Michael’s in Barrington, Ill.) and will be returning to the Lansing area with their choir the weekend of April 18-19. Because they wish to share their love of God with us and praise Him with their voices, we have invited them to be a part of our 10 a.m. service on April 19. Please be in attendance to welcome them.


Family “Decompression Session” Scheduled By Stephanie Van Koevering, Vestry Member f your school, work and family schedules have you feeling frazzled, be sure to set aside some time for the first annual St. Paul’s Springtime “Decompression Session” on Friday, April 24 at 6:30 p.m.


Join the Van Koevering family in DeWitt for a therapeutic outdoor bonfire (weather permitting), in which grownups can while away an hour or two with relaxing conversation and light munchies. Any children who come (and we hope there are many!) will enjoy the opportunity to run off their end-of-week energies in a comfortable suburban backyard. No need to get a sitter; discipline will be set at low-key weekend levels, so you can feel free to talk, relax and enjoy (or just stare vacantly into the flames; nobody will mind). It’s all about taking it easy and bringing our extended parish family together for a few hours of well-deserved leisure and bonding. The address is 13640 Juniper Drive in DeWitt. Bring a lawn chair for yourself, any special beverages you wish to enjoy, and a snack to share. RSVP as you are able to Stephanie Van Koevering at (517) 669-9111. We hope to see you!

St. Paul’s Spring Food Drive By Nancy Sheldon s part of our ongoing Mission and Outreach efforts, St. Paul’s will again sponsor a food drive to help the Greater Lansing Food Bank feed the hungry in our community. As the economy has become weaker and more people are unemployed or homeless, the Food Bank has seen a much greater need for help from people who have never needed it before. Next door, Central United Methodist Church has one of the Food Bank sites that serves people in our neighborhood and the surrounding area. In the past, we have been able to help supply them with food and are asking you to help us do that again this spring. On Easter Sunday, April 12, we will be passing out paper bags to parishioners after the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services to fill with food and return to the church over the next two weeks. You can drop them off during the week or bring them back on one of the next two Sundays (April 19 and 26). We’ll take all of the food we collect next door to the Methodist church on Sunday, April 26 after church. Thanks you for your generosity!


ELCA to Worship at St. Paul’s By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller ur sisters and brothers from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America will use St Paul’s for their Convention Eucharist on the afternoon of May 15. We are pleased to be able to share our facilities with this church we are in Communion with.


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St. Paul's News

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4 F’s, Looking Back Helps Us to Look Forward By Nancy Sheldon


sually the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month (exceptions noted *due to Town Hall conflict): • 12 noon Eucharist, 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($4.50) • 1 p.m. Bible Study (Steve Lange), 1:15-2 p.m. Program

Anyone is invited who has time in the middle of the day! Please sign up for lunch outside the Merrifield Room or call the Church office for a reservation. The schedule for the balance of the 2008-09 season is as follows: • April 13 - No meeting, day after Easter • April 27 - We will take a trip to see the work of the City Rescue Mission. While there, someone will

talk to us about their ministry.

• May 18* - Picnic at Nancy Sheldon’s

Parish Meeting Called for June 7 By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller t the Annual Meeting in January, one of the major concerns expressed was our anticipated shortfall for the 2009 year. After discussion, a motion was made and passed that the Vestry develop a plan to alleviate our long-term problem of expense exceeding income and present it to the congregation by May 30.


At the Vestry retreat the next weekend, this motion and our financial situation were obviously a big part of our discussion and our 2009 goals. The quest for a solution was turned over to the finance committee and they have been working on a solution. This solution will be presented to the congregation before the May 30 deadline, and the congregation will be given an opportunity to assess it at an all-parish meeting scheduled for June 7, immediately following the 10 a.m. service. Please put this on your calendar and plan on attending.

Memorial Plaque to be Installed By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller fter much discussion and a year of hesitation, the Vestry voted to continue and finish the installation of a large Memorial Plaque in the garden. It will list all those interred in the Garden and will be installed on the wall underneath the windows of the Van Atta Room. There are currently 73 persons interred in our garden and all names and dates will be included. As others are interred, their names will be added.


The hesitation in continuing was caused by the expense involved. Initially it was decided that the “upfront” money would come from the Memorial Fund. This money was voted on by the Vestry, and the project was set in motion. There was reluctance to go to the families of those already interred because the contract between them and the Church was complete. The cost of all new interments was adjusted to reflect the new expense (each new interment spot costs $185), but until those spots are sold, the Memorial Fund will have to provide money for the completed project. If you have further questions, contact a member of the Vestry or one of the clergy.

April 2009

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St. Paul's News

By Martie Repaskey, Sr. Warden


e welcome the following new members to the St. Paul’s parish family. Please join me in helping make them feel at home!

Richard C. Sauerzopf – Richard’s home church is St. Paul’s Cathedral, Detroit. He is now living in the Lansing area and teaching political science at MSU. Richard is a candidate for Holy Orders; he anticipates that he will be ordained to the deaconate in June 2009 and to the priesthood six months later. Christy Thrush – Christy is a retired school teacher who lives in Perry. She formerly taught 4th–8th grades in Detroit. Prior to that, she taught in Los Angeles. A friendly person, she has already gotten involved in some of our Parish Life activities! Andrej Walillo and Hillary Child – This pair will be married at St. Paul’s in April 2010. A.J. is musical, having grown up in church choirs. Hillary is a native of Lansing. They are both due to graduate from MSU in May. Note: “Comings and Goings” was written by the late, beloved Tom Shawver for many years. The following names were written in his last notes for the St. Paul’s News: Doug and Carol Miller – Longtime members of St. Paul’s who have returned to our parish family. Doug is the Director of Development for Wharton Center; Carol is a professional gardener who is the president of Friends of Fenner Arboretum. Their children are Andy, who works at Trinity College in Hartford, CT, and Kary, who is a Ph.D. candidate in Educational Policy at MSU. It is good to have the Millers among our worshipping congregation again!

March 15 Healing Service By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

Used Book Sale a Success By Sue Millar ast month’s Used Book Sale, spread over a threeweek period, brought in wonderful books and generous purchasers which made it possible to send over $900 to Episcopal Relief and Development. Thank you! Thanks to those of you who brought books and to all who purchased them. And a special thanks to the great group of women who helped sort and sell the books. This sale would not have been possible without their efforts: Karlene Bach, Barbara Hamm, Carol Ingells, Terry Junger and Carol Miller. And of course, we plan to repeat this wonderful win/win ERD fundraising sale again next year.


n March 15, at both the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services, anointing and healing was offered after communion. The response was very good. At the 10 a.m. service, over 100 people received this sacrament. Given the success and the need we all have to be healed, it will be offered again and perhaps become a regular part of our worship experience. Please give your thoughts on this to one of the clergy.


April 2009

Choirs News St. Paul'

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Choir Newsletter and Dates to Remember By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music Special Dates to Note:  Please let me know if you will be gone during the week of April 5 through April 12. It will help me  determine whether we have rehearsal on Wednesday, April 8, or not. Thank you.   Easter: There will be only one sung service on Easter, at 10:00 a.m. All of the choirs will sing at  this service.  The Choir Banquet will be held on Sunday, May 17, at noon. Please save this date for the annual  end‐of‐the‐year recognition of choristers and their contribution to St. Paul’s.  

Singing Schedule Date


April 5, Palm Sunday April 12, Easter,10 a.m. only April 19 April 26

High School; Chancel Cherubs; Bays’ & Grace; High School; Chancel High School High School; Chancel

May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31

High School; Chancel Cherubs; Boys’ and Grace; High School; Chancel High School; Chancel High School; Chancel High School; Chancel

“Godspell” Rehearsal Schedule: Sundays: April 19 April 26 May 17

Full Cast - 11:30 to 12:30 p.m.; Main Cast -12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

Saturdays April 25 May 2, 9, and 16

Full Cast - 10 a.m. to noon; Main Cast -12:30 to 2 p.m.

Final Week: Tuesday, May 26 Wednesday, May 27 Thursday, May 28

Full Cast - 6 to 9 p.m. at Central Methodist

April 2009

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Mission St. Paul'and s News Outreach

Outreach - Heifer International By The Rev. Deacon Bill Fineout ur Millennium Development Goals’ project for 2009 is Heifer International. As we begin to raise money and help others across the world, we should take a moment to look at just how Heifer is helping others.


Gender Equity In Heifer's view, gender equity is a social-justice and human-rights issue that directly leads to ending hunger and poverty. That's why our participants are equal partners in sustainable development projects.

HIV-AIDS Today, as a world community, we confront AIDS, a virus that in the past 25 years has either infected or killed over 64 million people. For Heifer, it is a prominent concern in the arena of sustainable develop“Agroecology” In a world where land is overused, community members ment. This is why Heifer is incorporating HIV/AIDS education into its community training groups. need to learn how to protect and rejuvenate their land, water and other natural resources. Heifer helps Microenterprise by teaching environmentally sound agricultural techHeifer provides both "no-interest living loans" in the niques. form of livestock, as well as small monetary loans to help people start and expand businesses that yield Animal Well-Being Before any Heifer animal is passed to a project part- big benefits for families. ner, Heifer trains the new recipient in animal management, using its strictly enforced Animal Welfare Guide(Continued on page 14) lines.

Mission and Outreach Activities: Where is Christ calling you to help others? April 25


Blood Drive

SILS Apartment Startup Collection

April 26

Sunday, September 20

Brown Bag Sunday (Food Drive)

Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk – 1 p.m.

April 28

Sunday, October 4

ACTION Rally, 7 p.m.

Heifer International Ingathering Finish



Outreach Committee meeting, second Monday, 5:30 p.m.

Manna Sundays for street ministry (busing/work boots)

Prayer Quilts

Cars INC

Habitat for Humanity

Sudanese Education Project Month, raising tuition for 2010 school year.

May 10 •

UTO Ingathering

May 12 •

Outreach dinner meeting then ACTION Nehemiah Assembly, 7 p.m.

May 18 •

LAEP meeting, 7 p.m., St. David’s, Lansing

May 21 •

Check the Newsletter articles and the Sunday Bulletin Announcements for additional details and information.

Ascension Day - Deacon's Dinner

April 2009

St. Paul's News

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Financial Information as of February 28, 2009 By Julie Young As was noted in last month’s report, St. Paul’s is slated to receive a bequest from the Georgia Thamon Trust. As is the standard practice for this type of income, the vestry has determined that 90 percent of the bequest will be placed in the St. Paul’s Perpetual Fund, and the remaining 10 percent will be placed into the Mission and Outreach fund. Through February 28, 2009, we have recorded $53,019 in pledge revenue. This is 17 percent of the total pledge revenue budgeted for 2009. There was a shortfall of $12,979 for the month, making it necessary to withdraw $20,000 from the St. Paul’s Perpetual Fund.

Vestry Highlights On Tuesday evening, March 17, your vestry: • Had Corned Beef and Cabbage for dinner and devotions on St. Patrick • Heard Paul Potts present a synopsis of and solution to the sound system in the Church (referred to the Building & Grounds committee) • Received the February Treasurer's Report (synopsis elsewhere in this issue) • Authorized a $30,000 withdrawal from endowments to cover current expenses • Received Audit update which will be ready very soon! • Approved the idea of a rotating youth representative to Vestry for this year • Created a line item in the budget for the 160th celebration • Discussed the April 18 Diocesan Convention (Caucus on March 29, 7 p.m., All Saints, East Lansing). • Discussed a Board of Water and Light energy audit

• Asked Fr. Weller to reschedule another sexual

misconduct prevention training session in this area

• Discussed ways to better utilize the "Acton Plan" • •

• • •

model Received various committee reports (results of which are contained in this issue) Received a Lansing Area Episcopal Projects (LEAP) report: 1. Deanery Picnic on July 12 if a place can be found 2. Bill Fineout elected as President of LAEP. Congratulations! Discussed and recommitted to the four times a year Vestry calling program. Next calling, just before Holy Week Received clergy reports Agreed to do a Supervised Independent Living Services youth purchase within the Vestry

Outreach - ACTION of Great Lansing By The Rev. Deacon Bill Fineout our St. Paul’s ACTION team needs your help with this year’s ACTION issue. Please make your commitment today to attend two evening meetings: the ACTION Rally, Tuesday, April 28, at 7 p.m., and especially for the Nehemiah Assembly, Tuesday, May 12, at 7 p.m. Both locations had yet to be determined as this newsletter went to press.


The research for this year’s issue is over, and a final plan was presented to your St. Paul’s team at a meeting on March 23. Please join each other and ACTION as we try to make a difference in a justice ministry in the Lansing area.

April 2009

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St. Paul's News

Province V Young Adult Conference Held in Plymouth, MI By Stephen Kariuki he youth Christian conference was held at Plymouth, Michigan in St. Johns Episcopal Church. The conference lasted from February 27, 2009 to March 1, 2009. College campus ministries from all around mid Michigan attended the conference, including Northwestern, University of Chicago, Kenyon, University of Illinois, Purdue, Bowling Green, Northern Illinois, University of Michigan, and Michigan State. Each morning and afternoon consisted of a mass and prayer. The first day was an orientation to the program, and ended with an evening prayer mass. On the second day, the different college ministries were separated and divided into small groups. What is the future of the church? What burden from an individual should be given to benefit the church community as a whole? And what should be done to build up the community in college ministries? These were among the questions discussed between different groups. Having a strong, diverse, care community answered some of the questions. A jazz mass Eucharist was held on Saturday afternoon, which consisted of a pianist, saxophonist, and a drummer. The combination of music and prayer made the service really intensifying and powerful. The Saturday evening ended with an epsico dance; this was probably my highlight of the trip. There is nothing better to see than some Episcopalians breaking it down to “Thriller” by Michael Jackson or “Superfreak” by Rick James. On the third and final day, a morning mass was held and the trip for back home was set to go. This was very informative and fun Christian conference for young adults to join. I would really recommend it to any young adult, really involved in Christian ministries.


Excitement Builds over Upcoming Mini-Mission Trip to Stony Lake

Vacation Bible School Expected to be a Wild Ride!

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr.

By Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr

t. Paul’s Youth Group will join other volunteers on May 15 through May 17 for a mission retreat at Living Waters Ministries Stony Lake Camp. Our kids will assist in the annual spring clean-up and seasonal preparation of Stony Lake Camp. Stony Lake is one of several camps in Michigan shared by the Lutheran ELCA and The Episcopal Diocese of Michigan.

he time is quickly approaching to begin planning for this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS). This year’s theme is “Avalanche Ranch-A Wild Ride Through God’s World.” Last year’s program was a success in large part due to the many parishioners who dedicated their time, talent and treasure towards the needs of the program and our children. The success of this year’s program will also depend on the efforts of our entire church community.


Our weekend plans include lots of cleaning, great food, camp fires, worship and a huge brunch on Sunday morning. Our itinerary involves departing from St. Paul’s on Friday May 15th at 4:00 pm and returning Sunday evening May 17th at 4 pm. There is no cost for members of St. Paul’s youth group. Kids ages 10 and up are encouraged to share their elbow mussels and participate in this weekend of fun and service. The youth group council will address planning and logistical details for the trip to Stony Lake at their upcoming May 3rd meeting.


This year’s tentative program dates are June 15 – June 19. If you are able to able to lend a helping hand the week before, the week during or the week after VBS, please be sure to complete and return a volunteer pledge form. Forms are located in the sign-up racks just outside the Merrifield room. Interested individuals will be contacted before May concerning the day and time for our first program planning meeting. Additionally, if you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can continue to improve our VBS program, please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Ron.

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Youth Group Plans 2009 Mission Trip By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. t. Paul’s youth group will travel to Cairo, Illinois July 26 – 31, to work with younger children and seniors. Cairo is located about 2.5 hours southeast of St. Louis at the southern tip of Illinois and is approximately a 9.5 hours drive-time from Lansing. Cairo is a small town that was founded in 1818 and is notable for providing an important link in the Underground Railroad for both free and enslaved Negroes, traveling between the north and south during the civil war. Today Cairo is home to more thirty-one hundred residents, where the median income is $24,680, and one in three live below the poverty line. Cairo’s unemployment is one the highest in the county hovering around 15%.


Our mission trip is being planned and coordinated through Youth Works. Youth Works is an organization out of Minneapolis, Minnesota, whose mission is to, “Provide life changing, Christ-centered youth mission opportunities.” Six core values influence and stand at the center of Youth Works mission trip planning and execution: Youth Minded, Servant Leadership, Relationship Oriented, Life Changing, Multi-Denominational and Ministry Focused. Youth entering the 7th grade in the fall of 2009, through students who are currently in grade 12th are eligible to participate in this year’s mission trip. Unfortunately spaces are limited and interested St. Paul’s Youth Group members are encouraged to reserve their seat as soon as possible.

Youth Group Upcoming Activities: April 5

Scheduled Meeting Cancelled – Palm Sunday

April 19

Monthly Meeting & Bowling Outing at MSU (Rescheduled)

May 3

Youth Group Meeting

May 15 - 17 Mini-Mission Trip to Stony Lake, Michigan June 15 – 19 Youth Group Volunteer for Vacation Bible School July 26 – 31

Mission Trip to Cairo, Illinois

Youth Group Sells Discount Cards

Church School Ends Early By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. ue to St. Paul’s 160th Anniversary Celebration and the youth group’s mini-retreat in May, Sunday school will end this year on April 26th, two weeks earlier than usual. The nursery will continue to be open on Sunday’s between 9:45 and 11:30 am.


This year we will be saying good-by to Kelsey Booth our nursery childcare provider. Kelsey has provided loving and attentive care to our “little ones” for the past several years and she will be sorely missed. Please join Fr. Weller and me in thanking Kelsey for her dedicated ministry and service to our children. We are in the process of searching for a new nursery attendant. Interested applicants are asked to contact, Kristi Thompson our Personnel Committee Chairperson or Fr. Ron.

By The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr. he youth group is selling fundraising discount cards to support their 2009 mission trip to Stony Lake, Michigan and Cairo, Illinois. Each fundraiser card offers 15 incredible freebies and/or discounts to local area businesses. Each card sells for $20.00 and we are hoping every parishioner will purchase at least one card. Mission trip fundraiser discount cards also make for excellent birthday and Mother Day gifts. Don’t delay, get your card today and help support our youth in their mission to help support others. Cards maybe purchased on Sundays during coffee hour in the Merrifield room or at anytime from members of St. Paul’s Youth Group.


April 2009

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St. Paul's News

Think Spring and Go Green!!! By The Rev. Sarah Midzalkowski, Canterbury MSU his semester and Canterbury MSU has been busy and blessed. We have many activities planned for our students including college ministry retreats, concerts, movie nights, special worship services and of course our Alternative Spring Break Mission Trip!


Due to the help and generosity of folks in this parish we had one of our most successful Fall Feast Fundraisers last October and raised over $8,000 dollars to fund our mission trip. This year we are going to Kingston, Jamaica to work with St. Andrew’s Parish Church doing clean-up, construction of new outreach buildings and running youth camps for kids in their parish. Kingston is the center of St. Andrew’s Parish and is home to many of the people who do hospitality work in the famous beach resorts along the Jamaican coast. Their lives are dramatically different from those of the guests they serve and we get to work with and serve these folks and their families while we are there! In July of 2009 Chaplain Sarah and several CMSU students will be attending The General Convention of the Episcopal Church held this year in Los Angeles, CA. We will be staffing the “Ministries With Young Adults” booth in the exhibit hall at Convention and the students will attend the Young Adult Festival as well. We need special funding for this special event for plane tickets to L.A. since it’s a bit far to drive the Bustang! So we are hosting a Spring Fundraiser during the month of March and first half of April. CMSU will be taking orders for high-quality, Michigan-made mulch next month. The mulch will be delivered on Saturday, April 18th just in time to spread it around your yard and garden! Order forms and sign up sheets will appear soon in this church with information on ordering and delivery. There will be a discount for pre-orders as well as mulch for sale on April 18th. So please SAVE THE DATE and buy your mulch from CMSU this year to help us go to General Convention this summer. As always thank you for your continued support of this ministry. Your contributions, meals are wonderful but we cherish above all your love and prayers and the great relationship we have with this parish.

e pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard & Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Mason Hill, Erik Lindquist, Chance Collins, Barb Hacker, Marjorie Belles, Aleda, Dave, Kathryn Senko, Barb Powers, Patricia Reno, Skip & Marsha Macholz, Carrie, Michael & Gwen Skinner, Edward Such, Judy Jones, Nancy Rudd, Melinda Naumer, Tom Foltz, Cheryl Ann, Vivian Hawkins, Perce Guilder, Lydia Sleight, Tamara Sleight, John, Linda, Marilyn, Kay, Kaema Amachree, Betty Lorenz, Deena McClain, Bill, and Andy Zynda.


We pray and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno and Michael Benson We pray for: the family and friends of Margaret (Peg) Dickman and The Rev. Gerald W. Smith, who recently passed away. (Rev. Smith retired in 2001from St. Augustine’s in Mason) We pray for all those whose jobs and livelihoods are in jeopardy. We pray for those expecting: Amanda & Darrick Alvarez, Summer (Sleight) & Jake Stevens, Brooke & Ian Broughton, Susie & Luke Shaefer, and Tara & Norman Farhat and Jill & Clif Schneider (Deacon Bill’s daughter). We pray for and celebrate the birth of twins to: Linda & Don Junger (names unavailable at press)

April 2009

St. Paul's News

Page 13

160 Years at St Paul’s… Where our Past welcomes our Future By Nancy Sheldon hy are we celebrating our 160th Birthday? It seems a bit odd, since celebrations of this nature usually take place at 50 or 100 year intervals. I asked the same question of Father Weller when he asked me to co-chair this event with Pam Irwin last spring. There didn’t seem to be any particular earthshaking reason; it was just a good thing to do. After all, we built our first church building 150 years ago, and the city of Lansing is having its yearlong 150th birthday party. The fact that we were an established parish 10 years before the city was even chartered, and continue to be a vibrant part of the religious community in this city, is definitely reason for celebration! This, then, is our story.


When the state capitol of Michigan was moved from Detroit to Lansing Township, its first session of the Legislature was held in 1848. Permission was given for Episcopal services to be held in this building and the first recorded group meeting was in the Senate chambers on February 17, 1849. After the service, those present organized an Episcopal Society and elected trustees. The record continues, “it was then and there duly determined that the said trustees and their successors in office forever should thereafter be called and be known as rectors, wardens and vestrymen of St. Paul’s Parish, Lansing.”* They continued to meet in the legislative chambers of the state capitol for the next 10 years until they built their first church building in 1859, the same year the city of Lansing was chartered. Outgrowing this church happened fairly rapidly, so they built their second church on our current site and held their first service in the new church on October 20, 1873. Coincidentally, on October 2, 1873, the cornerstone was laid for a new state capitol building in the center of the square directly across Ottawa Street from the new Episcopal Church. We’ve shared our corner of the square ever since! In the forward of his book, To a Goodly Heritage, Robert Coleman wrote, “As is inevitable in the life of any church, [St. Paul’s] has encountered periods of extremely hazardous conditions when its very existence has been threatened. It also has enjoyed seasons of phenomenal growth and prosperity. It has survived both.”* The Reverend William Hill, a long-time rector of St Paul’s once wrote, “The past is a prologue; and this record of the past of our beloved church is but the prelude to the chapters that will one day be written by those who come after us. And as we pay our respects to those who have gone before, so do we salute the parishioners of tomorrow.”* Taking the time in 2009 to pay our respects to those who have ministered and served this community for the past 160 years is why we are celebrating this marvelous milestone and celebrating you, our congregation today. As we celebrate the heritage of our church, “conceived in the hearts of a few devout pioneers,”* let us give thanks and praise for the bountiful gifts God has bestowed upon us; let us also respect our past and reflect on it and the role it has played in who we are today and who we will be tomorrow. Don’t forget to mark your calendars and join us for St. Paul’s 160th Celebration! • • • • • •

May 3 - Music and Worship Sunday (to coincide with the city of Lansing’s Worship Weekend) May 10 – Children’s Sunday (it’s also Mothers’ Day) May 17 - Mission and Outreach Sunday May 24th - Memorial Day Weekend May 30 – Heritage Dinner Theatre at St Paul’s with the performance of Godspell May 31 - Homecoming Sunday and special reception

* Robert Coleman, To A Goodly Heritage.

April 2009

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St. Paul's News

Deacon Bill prepares pancakes for Shrove Tuesday while Gordon Milne and Larry Clark supervise Preparing the palms for Ash Wednesday

Fr. Gordon, Kirk Lindquist, Tom Spencer and Tom Repaskey at the regular Thursday Morning Prayer Breakfast

(Continued from “Heifer International,” page 8)

Urban Agriculture Heifer is reconnecting city-dwellers with their food sources, building strong alliances and instilling an entrepreneurial spirit among adults and youth through its Urban Agriculture projects. Young People's Initiative Heifer weaves youth-focused programs through all of its project work and emphasizes young people's needs. Can we stock an Ark for Heifer? Between now and October 4, 2009, we will attempt to fill an “Ark” with animals we purchase with our donations. We will have more details in the weekly bulletin and future newsletters.

April 2009


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan 218 W. Ottawa Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-482-9454 Fax: 517-485-8621 Choir Room: 517-482-0369 Website:

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing Michigan. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector The Rev. Ronald C. Byrd, Sr., Curate Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff Christine Caswell, Editor Lyn Zynda, Acting Editor

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