St Felix Rc Parish Newsletter - 5th Sunday Of Easter 2009

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THE TOGETHER CLUB will meet at the Convent at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday 14th May for their outing to Beccles returning back at approx. 5.00 p.m. A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY The Parish B.B.Q will be held on Sunday 2nd of August in the Parish Garden PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS ALL WHO ARE SICK AND THOSE WHO HAVE DIED RECENTLY OR HAVE ANNIVERSARIES: Leonora Chevailier, Kenneth Carter, Sr Bernadette Meikle, James Soames, Francis Waite, Maurice Kersham, Francis Versey, Sr Maria Thérèse Carlos, Madge Hallinan, Janette Eaple, Agnes Condon, Mary Cuddon, Mary Moore, John Davy. RIP

8, Gainsborough Rd., Felixstowe IP11 7HT 01394 282561 E-Mail: [email protected] Parish Priest: Fr David Hennessy Website : Facebook Group gid=112120055384






Convent Monday: 10.00am Tuesday: 10.00am ( John King Snr+ )

( Intentions of Phyllis and Colin Payne ) There is so much frustration in the world because we have relied on gods rather than God. We have genuflected before the god of science only to find that it has given us the atomic bomb, producing fears and anxieties that science can never mitigate. We have worshipped the god of pleasure only to discover that thrills play out and sensations are short-lived. We have bowed before the god of money only to learn that there are such things as love and friendship that money cannot buy and that in a world of possible depressions, stock market crashes, and bad business investments, money is a rather uncertain deity. These transitory gods are not able to save or bring happiness to the human heart. Only God is able to do that. It is faith in Him that we must rediscover.

May 10th 2009

SUNDAY 9am ( Patricia Ashby+ )

10.30am ( Convent ) 11.30am ( Trimley )

Wednesday 11.45am ( Sr Ursula’s 90th B’day ) Thursday 10.00am Eucharistic Service

( Helen Richards+ )

Friday: 10.00am Saturday: 10.00am FRIDAY 12noon at St Felix

Martin Luther King, The Words of Martin Luther King, selected by Coretta Scott King


CHRIS O’BRIEN, a parishioner, is a carpenter and general builder, warmly recommended by all he works for in the parish. If you have any jobs that need doing, please contact him on Fx 277883 or 07985481147, and he will be pleased to quote and help.


CHILDREN’S SUMMER CAMP – Each year the Diocese of East Anglia organises a camp for children aged between 8 yrs and 14yrs. The camp offers a mixture of faith and fun. Over the past years, many children from our parish have attended these camps and enjoyed them so much they have returned year after year. The camp this year will be held at Eccles Hall in Norfolk from Friday 28th August until Monday 31st August at a cost of £70 per child. It would be a great experience for any child who is able to go. Please contact Monica Macdonald as soon as possible for a booking form or more information about the camp as bookings must be in by 30th June at the latest. CHILDREN’S PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM – This annual event will take place on Tuesday 26th May. The pilgrimage begins with the procession led by the Bishop, from the village to the shrine for mass at 12.00 noon. It may be possible to organise a coach or minibus if there are enough families who would like to go. Please speak to Monica ASAP if you are interested.

SUMMER FETE SATURDAY 20th JUNE 2pm to 4pm. YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOU *************************

We are fast approaching our fete. Next week we will be handing out raffle tickets. 1st Prize £100 + many more. Please try and sell as many as possible, as this is an easy way for the parish to make money. Perhaps you could volunteer to help on a stall. A list is up in St. Felix Porch. If you can help in this way please put your name on the list. Lists are up at St. Felix, St. Cecilia's and the Convent, if you would like to donate a raffle prize. More details about the fete will follow. Your support is always appreciated. Any queries please speak to Sylvia (phone: 275370) or Jenny (phone: 671217).


needs your help in order to develop a Parish Welcome Pack. How can you help? If you are involved in running a group or activity in our parish, then please contact Mark Jones (Tel: 07875 115250 / email: [email protected]) with details of when and where you meet and how to get involved.

CHRISTIAN AID UNITY SERVICE on Sunday 10th May at 6pm. at Trinity Methodist Church (opposite Bank Corner) Felixstowe. Guest speaker on the work of Christian Aid. Please join us, all welcome. CHRISTIAN AID HUNGER LUNCH FRIDAY 15th MAY Noon - 1.30pm. Salvation Army, Cobbold Road, Felixstowe. Minimum donation £2. All welcome at this friendly venue.


You may have wondered why we had no winners or even horses this year . The answer I am afraid that the all the counterfoils from East Anglia were lost by the Post Office on their way to Glasgow . Each council has been refunded the money sent on and we now have to deal with the matter locally. If you have your tickets and would like a refund please see John King or any KSC member and we will arrange this. Any money not reclaimed will go to the KSC funds for charitable use.

KSC Members are reminded their meeting is this Thursday at St. Felix 7.30pm and annual fees are payable .


A disciple asked the Master what was the first requirement for becoming a saint.‘You must be prepared to be ridiculed, ignored and starving until you are forty-five.’ ‘What will happen when I’m forty-five?’ ‘You’ll have got used to it.’ ANTHONY DE MELLO SJ (193 1-1987)

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