Sst Homework

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 503
  • Pages: 7
The Ancient Greek Government Made by Harlan and Aran Mostly Harlan.

The Ancient Greek Government Ancient Greece was a Democratic government, a style of government that Ancient Greece created themselves, as the word democracy comes from the Greek word demos (people) and Kratos (Rule). It refers to the system of government which allows ordinary people to have a say in how they want to be governed. Democracy was first used in ancient Greek 2500 years ago, in Athens.

How was this Government elected? Greek cities were all originally monarchies, but the King of Athens, Pisistratus, was overthrown and the leader of the constitution, Cleisthenes brought forward the idea of Democracy and established the world’s first Democratic Government, with power being held by all the male citizens over the age of 18(excluding slaves and nonAthenians) in 500BC. After this occurred, other Greek cities decided to follow this example and became Democratic Governments.

How were laws made? As Athens was ruled by the people as a Democracy, they believed that no group of people should be able to make the laws and so citizens could vote for or against new laws. So to make laws they held large meetings on a hill in Athens where any citizen could speak, and tell the government what it should be doing. This was called the Assembly, which was made up of only male citizens. There had to be at least 6000 citizens at every assembly, or else it wouldn’t take place.

How was Law and Order kept in the Society? In order to keep law and order in Ancient Greece, the Ancient Greeks created the court system much like we use today. It was a system made to ‘convict’, and ‘sentence’ guilty people who have committed crimes. This usually lead to a vote on either the person was guilty or not guilty, and if found guilty, another vote by the jury which would decide the punishment. Common punishments included:  Death  Imprisonment  Loss of Civil Rights  Exile  And Fines

What Type of Laws did this Government Make? The first ever law in Ancient Greece was made by a man called Draco around 620 BC. It was called the Homicide law. The person guilty of homicide would be exiled from the city. Greece had many laws that fit into the four basic categories of Greek Law.  Tort Law- When someone does damage to you or your property (e.g vandalism and murder)  Family Laws- Laws that regulated the behavior of men and women (e.g marriage and adoption)  Public Laws- Laws that dictate how public services were to be provided. (e.g restricting the amount of land a man could own)  Procedural Laws- These were guidelines to tell judges how to use other laws and how the law should be enforced. (e.g how many witnesses should be called forward for someone to be guilty of homicide)

THE END!!!!!!!!111 Made By Harlan and Aran. Bibliography is on the summary sheet. That’s Aran, btw.  X3

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