
  • December 2019
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bfrgkl ikB& ikB&1 ;wjksi esa jk"Vªh;okn dk mn; jk"Vªokn vkSj lkezkT;okn %& vkn'kZoknh jk"Vªokn] ,d nwljs ds vuqlkj] yMus ds fy, rS;kj jgrs FksA 1-1857 dsckn ;wjksi ds ckYdu {ks=k esa ruko vkilh HkkSxksfyd vkSj tkrh; fHkUurk Lyko dk uke fn;k x;kA vkVkseu lkezkT; ds fu;a=k.k esa jk"Vªokn ds fopkjksa ds QSlys ls vkVkseu lkezkT; ds fo?kVu dk foLQksVA fofHkUu Lyko jk"Vªh; lewgksa dh igpku] vkilh VdjkoA 2-blh le; ;wjksih; 'kfDr;ksa chp O;kikj vkSj mifuos'kksa ds fy, 3-izfrLi/khZ vkSj izFke fo'o ;q)A jk"Vªoknh ns'kksa esa lkezkT; fojks/kh vkanksyu fodflr gq, lektksa dk jk"Vª jkT;ksa 4-esa xfBr fd;k tkukA 1815 ds ckn ,d u;k :f<+okn %& 1-1815 esa usiksfy;u dh gkj ds ckn ;wjksih; ljdkjsa :f<+okn dh HkkoukA jkT; vkSj lekt dh LFkkfir ikjaifjd laLFkk, & jktra=k] ppZA lkekftd Åap uhp lisfUr vkSj ifjokj dks cuk, j[kukA 2-1815 esa fcVªsu] :l iz'kk vkSj vkfLVª;k ;wjksih; 'kfDr;ksa us usiksfy;u dks gjk;kA 1815 dh fo;uk laf/k cwcksZ oa'k dks lÙkk us cgky fd;kA 3-1815 esa LFkkfir :f<+okn 'kklu O;oLFkk,¡ dh fujdqa'krk dks [kRe fd;kA T;knkrj ljdkjksa us lasljf'ki ds fu;e cuk,] Qzkalhlh Økafr ls tqMs fl)karksa dks viuk;kA iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, iz'u 1-ckYdu izns'kksa esa jk"Vªoknh ruko D;ksa iuikA iz'u 2-oha 'krkCnh ds rhljs n'kd esa ;wjksi esa mfnr vkSj fodflr gq, 19oha jk"Vªokn dk o.kZu dhft,A iz'u 3-:f<+okn ls vki D;k le>rs gks\ iz'u 4-usiksfy;u dks dc vkSj fdl us gjk;k\ iz'u 5-fo;kuk laf/k D;k Fkh vkSj blds D;k mn~ns'; Fks\ iz'u 6-1815 esa :f<+okn 'kklu O;oLFkk,¡ fdl izdkj dh Fkh\ 1 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

ikB& ikB&3 Hkkjr esa jk"Vªokn vkanksyu ds Hkhrj vyx& vyx&2 /kkjk,¡A xzkeh.k bykdksa esa fonzksg %1-vlg;ksx vkanksyu dk ;q) ds ckn xkaoksa esa izlkj] fdlkuksa o vkfnokfl;ksa ds la?k"kZ dk bl vkanksyu esa lek tkukA fdlkuksa dh fLFkfr mudh leL;k,¡ D;k FkhA mudk vkanksyu rkyqdnkjksa vkSj txhjnkjksa 2-ds f[kykQ] tks Hkkjh yxku vkSj rjg & rjg ds dj olwy djrs FksA fdlkuksa ls csxkj djokuh fdlkuksa dh ekax csxkj [kRe vkSj neudkjh tehnkjksa dk lekftd cfg"dkj fd;k tk,A vo/k esa fdlku lHkk dk xBu ¼¼1920½½ esa tokgj yky usg: us vo/k ds xkaoksa dk nkSjk 3-fd;k] 300 ls T;knk 'kk[kk,¡ cu xbZ FkhA vkfnoklh fdlkuksa us xka/kh th ds lans'k dk ^Lojkt* dk vyx eryc fudkykA 4-vaxt sz ksa dk eosf'k;ksa dk taxy esa u ?kqlus nsukA csxkj djus dk fonzkgs fd;k] vYywjh lhrk 5-jke jtw dk O;fDrRo] cy iz;ksx ds tfj, gh ns'k vkt+kn gks ldrk gSA yksxksa us vkanksyu dks dSls fy;kA flfoy ukQ+jekuh ;k lfou; voKk vkanksyu esa 'kkfey fofHkUu lewg dkSu ls Fks\ 1-mUgksaus vkanksyu esa fgLlk D;ksa fy;k\ 2-vkn'kZ D;k FksA 3-muds fy, Lojkt ds D;k ek;us Fks\ 4-xkaoksa ds laiUu fdlku %* O;olkf;d Qlyksa dh [ksrh djus ds dkj.k O;kikj esa eanh 1-vkSj fxjrh dherksa ls ijs'kkuA xjhc fdlku %& dsoy yxku esa deh gh ugha pkgrs Fks cfYd NksVs iV~Vsnkjksa ds fy, 2-tehu dk fdjk;k pqdkuk Hkh eqf'dy gks x;kA O;olk;h oxZ %& fons'kh oLrqvksa ds vk;kr ls lqj{kk pkgrs Fks vkSj :i;k LVfyZax 3-fons'kh fofu;e vuqikr esa cnyko pkgrs Fks ftlls vk;kr esa deh vk tk,A vkS|ksfxd Jfed oxZ us dgha Hkh cgqr cMh la[;k esa fgLlk ugh fy;k dqN etnwjksa us 4-lfou; voKk vkanksyu esa fgLlk fy;kA flfoy ukQ+jekuh vkanksyu esa vkSjrksa us cMs iSekus ij fgLlk fy;k] 'kgjh bykdksa esa T;knkrj 5-Åaph tkfr;ksa dh efgyk,¡ lfØ; FkhA xzkeh.k bykdksa esa laiUu fdlku ifjokjksa dh efgyk,¡A fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A csxkj fdls dgrs gS\ bl izFkk ds fo:) fdl us vkanksyu pyk;k vkSj muds fopkj D;k Fks\ 1-vlg;ksx vkanksyu ds nkSjku vYywjh lhrk jke jktw ,oa mldh dk;Zdykiksa ds fo"k; 2-esa ,d fyf[k,A flfoy ukQ+jekuh ;k lfou; voKk vkanksyu esa fdu fdu lewgksa us Hkkx fy;k vkSj D;ksAa 3-lfou; voKk vkanksyu esa vkSjrksa dh D;k Hkwfedk Fkh\ o.kZu dhft,A 4-2 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

ikB & 4 HkweaMyh;d`r fo'o dk cuuk ljka'k & 1--3 fot; chekjh vkSj O;kikj lksygoha lnh esa ;wjksih; tgkft+;ksa us ,f'k;k rd dk jkLrk <w¡<us ds ckn vesfjdk 1-igq a p s A Hkkjrh; miegk}hi] rjg rjg ds lkeku] Kku vkSj ijaijk;ksa ds vge fcanq FksA 2-[kkst ds ckn vesfjdk esa csfglkc Qlysa] [kfut vkSj fo'kky Hkwfe ls thou dk :i jax 3-cnyus yxkA is: vkSj eSfDldksa esa ekStwn [kkuksa ls fudyus okyh dherh /kkrqvksa us ;wjksi] dh laink 4-vkSj if'pe ,f'k;k ds lkFk O;kikj dks c<+k;kA iwrZxkyh vkSj Lisfu'k lsukvksa dh fot; dk flyflyk 'kq:] Lisfu'k yksxksa }kjk pspd 5-ds dhVk.kq dk QSyko vkSj vesfjdk ds yksxksa ds 'kjhj esa jksx ls yM+us dh izfrjks/kh {kerk ugha FkhA 2-- 1 fo'o vFkZO;oLFkk dk mn; & dkuZ ykW dks lekIr djukA & fczVsu esa vukt ds vk;kr ij vukt dkuwuksa }kjk ikcanhA & dkuZ ykW ds okfil ysus ds ckn de dherksa ij [kk| inkFkksZa dk vk;krA & fdlkuksa dh gkyr ij izHkko D;ksafd os vk;kfrr eky dh dher dk eqdkcyk ugha dj ldrs FksA [ksrh cUn gks xbZA & [kk| inkFkksZa dh dherksa esa fxjkoV vk;h rks fczVsu esa miHkksx dk Lrj c<+kA & vkS|ksfxd izxfr dkQh rst] vk; esa o`f)] vukt T;knk ek=kk esa vk;kr gqvkA 4-- 1 cszVu oqMl laLFkku & & fons'kh O;kikj esa ykHk vkSj ?kkVs ls fuiVus ds fy, czsVu oqMl uked LFkku ij tqykbZ 1944 esa vesfjdk ds U;w gSEi'kj esa lEesyuA & la;qDr jk"Vª ekSfnzd ,oa foÙkh; lEesyuA & varjkZ"Vªh; eqnzk dks"k vkSj fo'o cSad dh LFkkiukA & fo'o ;q) ds ckn iqufuekZ.k ds fy, iSls tqVkukA & fo'o cSd a vkSj vkbZ ,e ,Q dks czVs u oqMl fV~ou ;k tqMok¡ larku dk uke fn;kA & vesfjdk dks fo'o cSad vkSj vkbZ ,e ,Q esa ohVksa dh 'kfDrA 4-- 3 & ubZ varjkZ"Vªh; vkfFkZd iz.kkyh & N.I.E.O. & fodkl'khy ns'kksa dks vius lalk/kuksa ij fu;a=k.k feysA & fodkl ds fy, vf/kd lgk;rk feysaA & dPps eky ds lgh nke feysa] & rS;kj eky dks fodflr ns'kksa ds cktkjksa esa igq¡p feysA & N.I.E.O. ds fy, vkokt mBkbZ vkSj lewg th& th&77 ds :i esa laxfBr gks x, tc if'peh vFkZO;oLFkk ls mUgsa dksbZ ykHk u feykA izkd~ vk/kqfud fo'o esa chekfj;ksa ds oSf'od izlkj us vesfjdh HkwHkkxksa ds mifuos'khdj.k 1-esa fdl izdkj enn nh\ dkuZ ykW dks lekIr djus dk QSlyk fczfV'k ljdkj us D;ksa fy;k\ 2-cszVu oqM~l le>kSrs dk D;k vFkZ gSa\ bl dk D;k mn~ns'; Fkk\ 3-th& 4-th&77 D;k gSa\ bls czsVu oqMl dh larkuksa dh izfrfØ;k fdl vk/kkj ij dgk tk ldrk gSa\ 3 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

vkS|ksxhdj.k dk ;qx ljka'k & laj{k.k rVdj & vk;kr dh tkus okyh oLrqvksa ij muds vk;kr dks jksdus ds fy, rVdj dk yxkukA ?kjsyw m|ksxksa dks laj{k.k nsus ds mn~ns'; ls fd;k tkrk gSA laj{k.k rVdj ds }kjk ?kjsyw oLrqvksa dks fons'kh oLrqvksa dh izfr;ksfxrk ls cpkus ds fy, vkSj LFkkuh; fuekZrkvksa ds fgrksa dh j{kk djus ds fy,A & eqDr O;kikj dh uhfr & vFkZ'kkfL=k;ksa dk dguk gS fd fodkl dh xfr rhoz djus ds fy, okf.kT;okn ;k eqDr O;kikj dh uhfr viukbZ tkuh pkfg,A ljdkj dks m|ksx ,oa O;kikj esa ;k rks fcYdqy Hkh gLr{ksi ugha djuk pkfg, ;k fQj de ls de gLr{ksi gh djuk pkfg,A bl fl)kar dks 1776 esa fczVsu ds vFkZ'kkL=kh ,be fLFke us is'k fd;k FkkA & laj{k.k dh uhfr & u, m|ksxksa dks dBksj izfr;ksfxrk ls cpkus ds fy, uhfr dks ykxw djukA & 'kkgh izkFkfedrk & fczfV'k 'kklu dky esa fczVsu ls Hkkjr esa vk;kr dh tkj jgh oLrqvksa dks fo'ks"k lqfo/kk,¡ ,oa fo'ks"kkf/kdkj iznku djukA & pSacj vkWQ dkWelZ & lkewfgd fpark ds eqn~nksa ij QSlyk ysus vkSj O;olk; Bhd rjg ls pyk lds 19oha oha lnh esa bl mn~ns'; dks iwjk djus ds fy, pSacj vkWQ dkWelZ dh LFkkiuk dh xbZA Hkkjr esa igyk pSacj enzkl esa [kksyk x;kA & jk"Vªoknh lans'k & Hkkjrh; fuekZrkvksa ds foKkiuksa esa jk"Vªoknh lans'k lkQ fn[kkbZ nsrk FkkA mudk dguk Fkk fd vxj jk"Vª dh ijokg djrs gks rks mu phtksa dks [kjhns ftUgsa] Hkkjrh; us cuk;k gSaA foKkiu Lons'kh oLrqvksa ds jk"Vªoknh lans'k ds okgd cu x;s FksA iz'u %& fczVsu us laj{k.k rVdj uhfr dks viukuk D;ksa t:jh le>k\ 1-ljdkj dks m|ksx o O;kikj esa n[ky u nsus ds fy, vFkZ'kkfL=k;ksa us fdl uhfr 2-dks viukus dk lq>ko fn;k\ vkfn vkS|ksfxdj.k ls D;k vfHkizk; gSa\ 3-pSacj vkWQ dkWelZ dk igyk dk;kZy; Hkkjr esa dgk¡ LFkkfir gqvk\ bldh LFkkiuk 4-ds ihNs ,d izeq[k mn~ns'; D;k Fkk\ u;s miHkksDrksa dks yqHkkus ds fy, foKkiuksa dk D;k egÙo gSA bu ds }kjk 5-jk"Vªoknh lans'k dSls igqapk;k tkrk Fkk\ 4 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

eqnz.k laLd`fr


vk/kqfud nqfu;k

eqnz.k Økafr vkSj mldk vlj Nkis[kkus ds vkus ls ,d u;k ikBd oxZ iSnk gqvk] dher fxjh] ikBd oxZ c`grj 1-gksrk x;kA i<+us dh ,d u;h laLd`fr fodflr gqbZA i<+dj lquk, tkrs FksA Kku dk ekSf[kd 2-ysu nsu] NikbZ Økafr ls igys fdrkcsa egaxh] Nkiuk Hkh vlaHkoA fdrkcsa flQZ lk{kj gh i<+ ldrs Fks & lk{kjrk dh nj lhfer FkhA yksxksa esa 3-fnypLih c<+h] ekSf[kd laLd`fr eqfnzr laLd`fr esa nkf[ky gqbZ] Jksrk vkSj ikBd oxZ dk esy feykiA /kkfeZd fookn vkSj fizaV dk Mj Nkis[kkus ls fopkjksa dk izlkj 1-yksxksa dk vyx& 2-vyx&2
udkjrs Hkh FksA blls ekuo dks vyx
6 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Hkwxksy ikB & 1 lalk/ku ,oa fodkl lkjka'k %& Hkkjr esa lalk/ku fu;kstu %& rhu lksiku & 1-¼d½ ns'k ds fofHkUu izns'kksa esa lalk/kuksa dh igpku dj mudh rkfydk cukukA ¼[k½ lalk/ku fodkl ;kstuk,¡ ykxw djus ds fy, mi;qDr izkS|ksfxdh] dkS'ky vkSj laLFkkxr fu;kstu
ikB & 2 ty lalk/ku lkjka'k %& izkphu Hkkjr esa tyh; d`fr;k¡ %& 1-& bykgkckn ds utnhd fJXfojk esa xaxk unh dh ck< ds ty dks lqjf{kr djus ds fy, ty laxzg.k ra=kA & panzxqIr ekS;Z ds le; ck¡/k] rel="nofollow">hy vkSj flapkbZ ra=kksa dk fuekZ.kA & dfyax] ukxktqZu dksMk] csUuqj vkSj dksYgkiqj esa flapkbZ ra=kA & d`f=ke >hy & Hkksiky >hy] 11oha oha 'krkCnh esa cukbZ xbZA bYrqrfe'k us fnYyh esa fljh QksVZ {ks=k esa ty dh lIykbZ ds fy, gkSt+ [kkl cuok;kA ck¡/k %&ck¡/k cgrs ty dks jksdus] fn'kk nsus] cgko de djus ds fy, [kM+h dh xbZ 2-ck/kk gS tks vkerkSj ij tyk'k;] >hy vFkok tyHkj.k cukrh gSA & ck¡/kksa dk oxhZdj.k mudh lajpuk vkSj mn~ns'; ;k Å¡pkbZ ds vuqlkjA & lajpuk vkSj muesa iz;qDr inkFkksZa ds vk/kkj ij ck¡/kksa dks ydM+h ds ck¡/k] rVca/k ck¡/k ;k iDdk ck¡/k esa foHkktuA & Å¡pkbZ ds vuqlkj ck¡/k dks cM+s ck¡/k vkSj eq[; ck¡/k ;k uhps ck¡/k] ek/;e ck¡/k vkSj mPp ck¡/kksa esa oxhZd`rA o"kkZ ty laxzg.k %& 3-& igkM+h vkSj ioZrh; {ks=kksa esa yksxksa us xqy vFkok dqy tSlh okfgdk,¡ cukbZA & xqy ;k dqy esa unh dh /kkjk dk jkLrk cnyk tkrk FkkA Nr o"kkZ ty laxgz .k djukA & ck<+ ty ckfgdk,¡ cukukA & x<~<s+ cukukA & jktLFkku ds ft+ys tSlyesj esa [kknhu vkSj tksgM+ cukukA & Vk¡dk ;k Hkwfexr VSad&ihus dk ikuh laxzfgr djus ds fy,A & chdkusj] Qyksnh vkSj ckM+esj esaA & vkdkj ,d dejs ftrukA & Nr dk ikuh ihus ds fy, laxzfgrA & o"kkZ dk igyk ty Nr vkSj uyksa dks lkQ djus esa mi;ksxA & o"kkZ ty dks ikyj ikuh dgukA & Vk¡dksa ds lkFk Hkwfexr dejs xehZ ls jkgr nsrs FksA & dqN ?kjksa esa Vk¡dk vkt Hkh ekStnw D;ksfa d uy ds ikuh dk mUgsa Lokn ilan ughaA & xaMk;wj xk¡o esa Nr o"kkZ ty laxzg.k fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsa %& izkphu Hkkjr esa cuh tyh; d`fr;ksa dk fooj.k nsaA 1-ck¡/k fdls dgrs gSa\ ck¡/kksa dk oxhZdj.k fdl vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk gSa\ 2-o"kkZ ty laxzg.k ds fofHkUu rjhds crkvksA 3-dqy ;k xqy Hkkjr ds fdl fgLls esa izpfyr Fks\ 4-jktLFkku esa dkSu ls fofHkUu rjhdksa ls o"kkZ ty laxzg.k gksrk gS\ 5-Vk¡dk D;k gS\ ;g dgk¡ vkSj D;ksa cuk,¡ tkrs Fks\ 6-o"kkZ dk igyk ty D;ksa ,df=kr ugha fd;k tkrk Fkk\ 7-Vk¡ds ds lkFk Hkwfexr dejs D;ksa cuk, tkrs Fks\ 8-8 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

ikB & 3 d`f"k lkjka'k & izkS|ksfxdh; vkSj laLFkkxr lq/kkj %& & Lora=krk ds i'pkr ns'k esa laLFkkxr lq/kj djus ds fy, tksrksa dh pdcanh] lgdkfjrk rFkk tehankjh vkfn lekIr djus dks izkFkfedrk nh xbZA & izFke iapo"khZ; ;kstuk esa Hkwfe lq/kkj eq[; y{;A & iSdst VSDuksykWth ij vk/kkfjr gfjr Økafr vkSj 'osr ØkafrA & fodkl dqN {ks=kksa rd lhferA & 1980 vkSj 1990 ds n'kdksa esa O;kid Hkwfe fodkl dk;ZØe 'kq: tks laLFkkxr vkSj rduhdh lq/kkjks a ij vk/kkfjr FkkA & lw[kk] ck<+] pØokr] vkx rFkk chekjh ds fy, Qly chek ds izko/kkuA & fdlkuksa dks de nj ij _.k lqfo/kk,¡ iznku djus ds fy, xzkeh.k cSadksa] lgdkjh lfefr;ksa vkSj cSadksa dh LFkkiukA & fdlku ØsfMV dkMZ vkSj O;fDrxr nq?kZVuk chek ;kstuk 'kq:A & vkdk' vkSj nwjn'kZu ij fdlkuksa ds fy, ekSle dh tkudkjh ds cqysfVu vkSj d`f"k dk;ZØe izlkfjr djukA & fdlkuksa dks fcpkSfy;ksa vkSj nykyksa ds 'kks"k.k ls cpkus ds fy, U;wure lgk;rk ewY; vkSj dqN egRoiw.kZ Qlyksa ds YkkHknk;d [kjhn ewY;ksa dh ljdkj ?kks"k.kk djrh gSA d`f"k dk jk"Vªh; vFkZO;oLFkk] jkstxkj vkSj mRiknu esa ;ksxnku %& ldy ?kjsyw mRikn esa d`f"k dk ;ksxnkuA & tu la[;k ds fy, ;ksxnkuA & vkthfodk dk lk/ku & Hkkjr ljdkj us vk/kqfudhdj.k ds fy, Hkjld iz;kl & Hkkjrh; d`f"k vuqla/kku ifj"kn o d`f"k fo'ofo|ky;ksa dh LFkkiukA & i'kq fpfdRlk lsok,¡ vkSj i'kq iztuu dsUnz dh LFkkiukA & ckxokuh fodklA & ekSle foKku vkSj ekSle ds iwokZuqeku ds {ks=k esa vuqla/kku vkSj fodklA fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, %& d`f"k esa dkSu ls izkS|ksfxdh; vkSj laLFkkxr lq/kkj fd, x, gSa\ 1-iSdst VSDuksykWth D;k gS\ 2-ljdkj fdlkuksa dks Qly chek D;ksa nsrh gS\ 3-Hkkjr esa d`f"k dk jk"Vªh; vFkZO;oLFkk esa ;ksxnku D;k gS\ 4-Hkkjrh; d`f"k dks fdl izdkj vk/kqfud cuk;k tk ldrk gS\ 5-fdlkuksa ds fy, Vsyhfotu vkSj jsfM;ksa ij ekSle laca/kh tkudkjh nsus ds ihNs D;k 6-mn~ns'; gS\ tksrksa dh pdcanh dk D;k vFkZ gS\ bl dh t:jr D;ksa iMh\ 7-ljdkj fdlkuksa ds fy, U;wure lgk;drk ewY; D;ksa fu/kkZfjr djrh gS\ 8-9 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

ikB & 4 [kfut rFkk ÅtkZ lalk/ku lkjka'k [kfutksa dh miyC/krk %& 1-lekU;rk [kfut v;Ldksa esa ik;s tkrs gSaA [kuu dk vkfFkZd egRo rHkh gS tc v;Ld esa [kfutksa dk lap;u i;kZIr ek=kk esa gksA [kfut izk;% 'kSy lewgksa ls izkIr gksrs gSaA & vkXus; rFkk dk;karfjr pV~Vkuksa esa [kfut njkjksa] tksM+ksa] Hkza'kksa o f'kjkvksa esa feyrs gSa\ eq[; /kkfRod [kfut tSls & tLrk] rkack] ftad vkSj lhlk vkfn blh rjg f'kjkvksa o tekoksa ds :i esa izkIr gksrs gSaA & vusd [kfut volknh pV~Vkuksa ds vusd [kfut laLrjksa ;k ijrksa esa ik, tkrs gSaA budk fuekZ.k {kSfrt ijrksa esa fu{ksi.k] lap;u o teko dk ifj.kke gSaA dks;yk rFkk ykSg v;Ldksa yEch vof/ k rd vR;f/kd m"ek ncko dk ifj.kke gSA & /kjkruh; pV~Vkuksa dk vi?kVu %& pV~Vkuksa ds ?kqyu'khy rRoksa ds vijnu ds i'pkr~ v;Ld okyh vof'k"V pV~Vkus jg tkrh gSA ckWDlkbV dk fuekZ.k blh izdkj gksrk gSA & igkfM;ksa ds vk/kkj rFkk ?kkVh ds jsrs esa ^Iyslj fu{ksi* lksuk] pk¡nh] fVu o IysfVueA & egklkxjh; ty esa [kfut O;kid forfjr vkfFkZd lkFkZdrk de gSA ued] eSxuhf'ke rFkk czksekbu] eSxuhtA Hkkjr esa ykSg v;Ld dh isfV;k¡ %& 2-& mMhlk & >kj[kaM isVh %& gsesVkbZV fdLe dk ykSg v;Ld E;wjHkat o dsNqa>j ftyksa esa ] >kj[kaM ds flagHkwe ftys esa xqvk rFkk uksvkeqaMh esaA & nqxZ&cLrj&pUnziqj isVh %& NÙkhlx<+ ds cLrj ftys esa csykfMyk esa gsesVkbV ik;k tkrk gS] bLikr cukus ds xq.kA & csykjh & fp=knwxZ] fpdexywj&rqedqj isVh % dukZVd esa if'peh?kkV esa vofLFkr dqnzseq[kA & egkjk"Vª& xksvk isVh %& jRukfxjh ftys esa fLFkr gSA ekekZxv q k ls fu;kZr gksrk gSA ÅtkZ lalk/kuksa dk laj{k.k %& vkfFkZd fodkl ds fy, ÅtkZ ,d vk/kkjHkwr vko';drkA jk"Vªh; 3-vFkZO;oLFkk esa izR;sd {ks=k d`f"k m|ksx] ifjogu] okf.kT; o ?kjsyw vko';drkvksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, ÅtkZ fuos'k dh vko';drk gesa ÅtkZ ds lhfer lalk/kuksa dks mi;ksx U;k;laxr ls djuk gS\ & futh okgu dh vis{kk lkoZtfud okguksa dk mi;ksxA & tc iz;ksx u gks jgh gks rks fctyh cUn djsaA & xSj ijkaifjd ÅtkZ lalk/kuksa dk iz;ksxA fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsa %& dkSu lk [kfut vi{kf;r inkFkZ ds vof'k"V Hkkj dks R;kxrk gqvk pV~Vkuksa ds vi?kVu ls curk 1-gS A fdl pV~Vku ds Lrjksa esa [kfutksa dk fu{ksi.k vkSj lap;u gksrk gS\ 2-eksuktkbV jsr esa dkSu lk [kfut ik;k tkrk gSa\ 3-vkXus; rFkk dk;krfjr pV~Vkuksa esa [kfutksa dk fuekZ.k dSls gksrk gS\ 4-Hkkjr esa dks;ys rFkk ykSgs ds forj.k dk o.kZu djsaA 5-lalk/kuksa dk laj{k.k D;ksa t:jh gS\ 6-10 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

fofuekZ.k m|ksx lkjka'k %& 1-- fofuekZ.k dk egRo %& fofuekZ.k m|ksx lkekU;r% fodkl rFkk vkfFkZd fodkl dh jh< le>s tkrs gSA & d`f"k ds vk/kqfudhdj.k esa lgk;d & d`f"k esa jkstxkj dh fuHkZjrk de djrk gSA & xjhch rFkk csjkst+xkjh mUewyu esa lgk;d & {ks=kh; vlekurkvksa dks de djrs gSAa & okf.kT; O;kikj dks c
dkj[kkuksa ls dsalj tUetkr fodkj rFkk vdky izlo tSlh fcekfj;ka gksrh gSA & /ofu iznw"k.k %& /ofu iznw"k.k ls f[kUurk rFkk mÙkstuk gh ugh cju~ Jo.k vl{kerk] gn;xfr] jDrpki rFkk vU; dkf;d O;Fkk,¡ Hkh cko nsaA 6-- dkSu lh ,stsalh lkoZtfud {ks=k esa LVhy dks ckt+kj miyC/k djrh gSA

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ikB & 6 jk"Vªh; vFkZO;oLFkk dh thou js[kk,¡ lkjka'k 1-- LFky ifjogu %& Hkkjr fo'o ds lokZf/kd lM+d tky okys ns'kska esa ls ,d gSa lMd ekxZ fuEu dkj.kksa esa ls vf/kd egRoiw.kZ gSA & jsy dh vis{kk fuekZ.k ykxr de gSA & mcM [kkcM Hkkxksa ij Hkh lM+ds cukbZ tk ldrh gSaA & vf/kd
dgykrk gS ;g jk"Vª dk vkfFkZd cSjksehVj gSA & vk;kr rFkk fu;kZr O;kikj ds ?kVd gSA vxj & fu;kZr ewY; vk;kr ewY; ls vf/kd gks rks mls vuqdwy O;kikj lUrqyu dgrs gSA & fu;kZr dh vis{kk vf/kd vk;kr vlarqfyr O;kikjA 5-- i;ZVu ,d O;kikj ds :i esa %& Hkkjr esa i;ZVu m|ksx esa egRoiw.kZ o`f) gqbZ gSA & i;ZVu jk"Vªh; ,drk dks izksRlkfgr djrk gSA & LFkkuh; gLrdyk rFkk lkaLd`frd m|eksa dks c<+kokA & lkaLd`frd fojklr dh le> fodflr djus esa lgk;dA & i;ZVu m|ksx fodkl dk ,d mTtoy Hkfo"; gSA fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsa %& 1-- lM+d ekxZ jsyekxZ ls vf/kd egRoiw.kZ foospuk djsaA 2-- egkjktekxZ dk vkfFkZd fodkl esa D;k ;ksxnku gS\ 3-- jsytky dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh foospuk djsaA 4-- ikbZi ykbZu dh D;k ykHk rFkk D;k gkfu;ka gSa\ 5-- Hkkjr esa rhu izeq[k ikbZi tkykssa dk o.kZu djsaA 6-- O;kikj larqyu ls vki dk D;k vfHkizk; gS Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa O;k[;k djsaA 7-- Hkkjr esa i;ZVu m|ksx dks cko nsaA

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ukxfjd 'kkL=k ikB & 1 lRrk dh lk>snkjh lkjka'k lRrk dh lka>snkjh %& & lRrk dk caVokjk t:jh gS D;ksafd blls fofHkUu lkekftd lewgksa ds chp Vdjko dk vans'kk de gks tkrk gSA & lkekftd Vdjko vkxs c<+dj vDlj fgalk vkSj jktuhfrd vfLFkjrk dk :i ys ysrk gS blfy, lÙkk esa fgLlk ns nsuk jktuhfrd O;oLFkk ds LHkkf;Ro ds fy, vPNk gSA & yksdra=k dk eryc gh gksrk gS fd tks yksx bl 'kklu&O;oLFkk ds varxZr gSa muds chp lÙkk dks ckaVk tk, vkSj blfy, oS/k ljdkj ogh gS ftlesa viuh Hkkxhnkjh ds ek/;e ls lHkh lewg 'kklu O;oLFkk ls tqM+rs gSaA & yksdra=k dk ,d cqfu;knh fl)kar gS fd turk gh lkjh jktuhfrd 'kfDr dk lzksr gSA blesa yksx Lo&'kklu dh laLFkkvksa ds ek/;e ls viuk 'kklu pykrs gSaA & 'kklu ds fofHkUu vax gS tSls fo/kkf;dk] dk;Zikfydk vkSj U;k;ikfydk ds chp lÙkk dk caVokjk jgrk gSA & ljdkj ds chp Hkh fofHkUu Lrjksa ij lÙkk dk caVokjkA dsUnz ljdkj vkSj jkT; ljdkj vkSj lÙkk caVokjk fofHkUu lkekftd lewgksa ds chpA iz'u lRrk dh lk>snkjh dk D;k vFkZ gS\ 1-ljdkj ds vyx&vyx vax dkSu ls gSa\ 2-ns'k esa lRrk dh lka>snkjh dh D;k vko';drk gS\ 3-cgqla[;dokn dk D;k vFkZ gS\ 4-vk/kqfud yksdrkaf=kd O;oLFkkvksa esa lÙkk dh lka>snkjh ds vyx&vyx rjhds D;k 5-gSa\ buesa ls izR;sd dk ,d mnkgj.k Hkh nsaA

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ikB & 2 la?kokn la?kh; O;oLFkk & ;gk¡ ljdkj nks ;k vf/kd Lrjksa okyh gksrh gSA & vyx&vyx Lrj dh ljdkjsa ,d gh ukxfjd lewg ij 'kklu djrh gSa ij dkuwu cukus] dj olwyus vkSj iz'kklu dk mudk viuk&viuk vf/kdkj {ks=k gksrk gSA & fofHkUu Lrjksa dh ljdkjksa ds vf/kdkj {ks=k lafo/kku esa Li"V :i ls of.kZr gksrs gS a A & lafo/kku ds ekSfyd izko/kkuksa dks fdlh ,d Lrj dh ljdkj vdsys ugha cny ldrhA & vnkyrksa dks lafo/kku vkSj fofHkUu Lrj dh ljdkjksa ds vf/kdkjksa dh O;k[;k djus dk vf/kdkj gSA & dsUnz vkSj fofHkUu jkT; ljdkjksa ds chp lÙkk dk c¡Vokjk gj la?kh; ljdkj esa vyx&vyx fdLe dk gksrk gSA & igyk rjhdk gS nks ;k vf/kd Lora=k jk"Vªksa dks lkFk ykdj ,d cM+h bdkbZ xfBr djus dkA & la?kh; 'kklu O;oLFkk ds xBu dk nwljk rjhdk gS cM+s ns'k }kjk viuh vkarfjd fofo/krk dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, jkT;ksa dk xBu djuk vkSj fQj jkT; vkSj jk"Vªh; ljdkj ds chp lÙkk dk c¡Vokjk dj nsukA Hkkjr esa la?kh; O;oLFkk & lafo/kku us ekSfyd :i ls nks Lrjh; 'kklu O;oLFkk dk izko/kku fd;k Fkk la?k ljdkj vkSj jkT; ljdkjsaA dsUnz ljdkj dks iwjs Hkkjrh; la?k dk izfrfuf/kRo djuk FkkA ckn esa iapk;r vkSj uxjikfydkvksa ds :i esa la?kh; 'kklu dk ,d rhljk Lrj Hkh tksM+k x;kA & Hkkjr esa la?kh; 'kklu O;oLFkkvksa ds vius vyx&vyx vf/kdkj {ks=k gSA & la?k lwph & izfrj{kk] fons'kh] cSafdx] lapkj vkSj eqnzkA & jkT; lwph & iwfyl] O;kikj] d`f"k vkSj flapkbZA & leorhZ lwph & fookg] xksn ysuk] f'k{kk] ouA & ckdh cps & daI;wVj lk¶Vos;j & Hkkjr esa tEew&d'ehj ,dek=k ,slk jkT; gS ftldk viuk lafo/kku gSA Hkkjr esa fodsanzhdj.k 16 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

& tc dsUnz vkSj jkT; ljdkj ls 'kfDr;ka ysdj LFkkuh; ljdkjksa dks nh tkrh gSa rks bls lÙkk dk fodsanzhdj.k dgrs gSaA & LFkkuh; Lrj ij yksxksa dks QSlyksa esa lh/ks Hkkxhnkj cukuk Hkh laHko gks tkrk gS A & LFkkuh; ljdkjksa dks laoS/kkfud ntkZ fd, tkus ls gekjs ;gk¡ yksdra=k dh tM+sa vkSj etcwr gqbZ gSA & blls efgykvksa dk izfrfuf/kRo c<+kus ds lkFk gh gekjs yksdra=k esa mudh vkokt dks etcwr fd;k gSA iz'u 1-2-3-4-5-6-7--

la?kokn dk D;k vFkZ gS\ vf/kdkj {ks=k dk D;k vFkZ gS\ gekjs ns'k esa dkuwu cukus ls lacaf/kr fdruh lwfp;k¡ gSa\ fodsanzhdj.k dk D;k vFkZ gS\ 'kklu ds la?kh; rFkk ,dkRed Lo:iksa esa D;k&D;k eq[; varj gSa\ bls mnkgj.kksa ds ek/;e ls Li"V djsaA la?kokn esa fdl vk/kkj ij dsUnz rFkk jkT; ljdkjksa ds chp 'kfDr;ksa dks c¡Vokjk gqvk gS\ la?kh; ljdkj dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu djsaA

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ikB & 3 yksdra=k vkSj fofo/krk lkjka'k lekurk,¡] vlekurk,¡ vkSj foHkktu lekftd HksnHkko dh mRifÙk & tUe ds vk/kkj ij & peM+h ds vk/kkj ij lkekftd foHkktuksa dh jktuhfr & yksdra=k esa fofHkUu jktuhfrd ikfVZ;ksa ds chp izfr}af}rk dk ekgkSy gksrk gSA bl izfr}af}rk ds dkj.k dksbZ Hkh lekt QwV dk f'kdkj cu ldrk gSA & jktuhfrd ny lekt esa ekStwn foHkktuksa ds fglkc ls jktuhfrd gksM+ djus yxs rks blls lkekftd foHkktu jktuhfrd foHkktu esa cny ldrk gS vkSj ,sls esa ns'k fo[kaMu dh rjQ tk ldrk gSA & loZJs"B fLFkfr rks ;g fd lekt esa fdlh fdLe dk foHktu gh u gksA vxj fdlh ns'k esa lkekftd foHkktu gS rks mls jktuhfr esa vfHkO;dR gh ugh gksus nsuk pkfg,A & vf/kdrj ns'kksa esa ernku ds Lo:i vkSj lkekftd foHkktuksa ds chp ,d izR;{k laca/k fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA & fdlh ns'k esa lkekftd fofHkUurkvksa ij tksj nsus dh ckr dks ges'kk [krjk ekudj ugha pyuk pkfg,A ;g ,d LoLFk jktuhfr dk y{k.k Hkh gks ldrk gSA & jktuhfr esa fofHkUu rjg ds lkekftd foHkktuksa dh vfHkO;fDr ,sls foHkktuksa ds chp larqyu iSnk djus dk dke Hkh djrh gSaA iz'u %& 1-- lkekftd varj dc vkSj dSls lkekftd foHkktuksa dk :i ys ysrs gSa\ 2-- lkekftd foHkktu rFkk jktuhfr fdl izdkj varlZcaf/kr gS\ O;k[;k djsaA 3-- fdl izdkj lkekftd varjksa ls yksdra=k lqn`<+ gksrk gS\ 4-- lkekftd foHkktuksa dh jktuhfr ds ifj.kke r; djus okys rhu dkjdksa dh ppkZ djs a A 5-- lkekftd foHkktu fdl rjg ls jktuhfr dks izHkkfor djrs gSa\ nks mnkgj.k Hkh nhft,\

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ikB & 4 tkfr] /keZ vkSj ySafxd elys lkjka'k futh vkSj lkoZtfud foHkktu & Je ds ySafxd foHkktu vf/kdrj efgyk,¡ vius ?kjsyw dke ds vfrfjDr viuh vkenuh ds fy, dqN u dqN dke djrh gSa ysfdu muds dke dks T;knk ewY;oku ugha ekuk tkrk vkSj mUgsa fnu jkr dke djds Hkh mldk Js; ugha feyrkA & euq"; tkfr dh vkcknh esa vkSjrksa dk fgLlk vk/kk gS ij lkoZtfud thou esa [kkldj jktuhfr esa mudh Hkwfedk ux.; gh gSA & fofHkUu ns'ksa esa efgykvksa dks oksV dk vf/kdkj iznku djus ds fy, vkanksyu gq,A bu vkanksyuksa eas efgykvksa ds jktuhfrd vkSj oS?kkfud ntsaZ dks Å¡pk mBkus vkSj muds fy, f'k{kk rFkk jkstxkj ds volj c<+kus dh ek¡x dh xbZ ewyxkeh cnyko dh ek¡x djus okyh efgyk vkanksyuksa us vkSjrksa ds O;fDrxr vkSj ikfjokfjd thou esa Hkh cjkcjh dh ek¡x mBkbZA bu vkanksyuksa dks ukjhoknh vkanksyu dgk tkrk gSA fir` iz/kku lekt & iq:"k iz/kku lekt gS fnu izfr efgykvksa dh Hkkxhnkjh c<+ jgh gS blds ckotwn efgyk,¡ vHkh ihNs gSaA blfy, gekjs lekt dks fir` iz/ku lekt ekuk tkrk gSA & lk{kjrk nj ds vk/kkj ij & Å¡ph ru[okg okys vkSj Å¡ps inksa ij igq¡pus okyh efgykvksa dh la[;k de gSA & efgykvksa ds ?kj ds dke dks ewY;oku ugha ekuk tkrkA & iq:"kksa dh rqyuk esa de etnwjh & yM+dh dks tUe ysus ls igys gh [kRe dj nsukA & efgykvksa ds mRihM+u] 'kks"k.k vkSj mu ij gksus okyh fgalkA /keZ vkSj lkaiznkf;drk vkSj jktuhfr & ySafxd foHkktu ds foijhr /kkfeZd foHkktu ds foijhr /kkfeZd foHkktu vDlj jktuhfr ds eSnku esa vfHkO;dr gksrk gSA & tc ,d /keZ ds fopkjksa dks nwljs ls Js"B ekuk tkus yxrk gS vkSj dksbZ ,d / kkfeZd lewg viuh ek¡xksa dks nwljs lewg ds fojks/k esa [kM+k djus yxrk gSA bl izfØ;k esa tc jkT; viuh lÙkk dk bLrseky fdlh ,d /keZ ds i{k esa djus yxrk gS rks fLFkfr vkSj fodV gksus yxrh gSA jktuhfr ls /keZ vkSj bl rjg tksM+uk gh lkaiznkf;drk gSA 19 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

lkaiznkf;drk ds :i & ,d /keZ dks nwljs /keZ ls Js"B ekuukA & vyx jktuhfrd bdkbZ cukus dh bPNkA & /keZ ds ifo=k izfrdksa] /keZxq:vksa dh HkkoukRed vihyksa dk iz;ksxA & laiznk; ds vk/kkj ij fglak] naxk vkSj ujlagkj /keZfujis{k 'kklu & Hkkjr dk lafo/kku fdlh /keZ dks fo'ks"k ntkZ ugha nsrkA & fdlh Hkh /keZ dk ikyu djus vkSj izpkj djus dh vktknhA & /keZ ds vk/kkj ij fd, tkus okys fdlh rjg ds HksnHkko dks voS/kkfud ?kksf"krA & 'kklu dks /kkfeZd ekeyksa esa n[ky nsus dk vf/kdkj & lafo/kku esa fdlh Hkh rjg ds tkfrxr HksnHkko dk fu"ks/k fd;k x;k gSA jktuhfr esa tkfr & pquko {ks=k ds ernkrkvksa dh tkfr;ksa dk fglkc /;ku esa j[kuk & leFkZu gkfly djus ds fy, tkfrxr Hkkoukvksa dks mdlkukA & ns'k ds fdlh Hkh ,d lalnh; pquko {ks=k esa fdlh ,d tkfr ds ykskxa dk cgqer ugha gSA & dksbZ Hkh ikVhZ fdlh ,d tkfr ;k leqnk; ds lHkh yksxksa dk oksV gkfly ugha dj ldrhA iz'u 1-- ySafxd foHkktu dk D;k vFkZ gS\ 2-- ukjhokn dk D;k vFkZ gSa\ 3-- lkaiznkf;d jktuhfr dk D;k vFkZ gS\ 4-- fdUgha nks izko/kkuksa dk ftØ djsa tks Hkkjr dks /keZ fujis{k cukrs gSA 5-- ySafxd Je foHkktu dk D;k vFkZ gS\ 6-- fofHkUu rjg dh lkaiznkf;d jktuhfr dk C;kSjk nsa vkSj lcds lkFk ,d & ,d mnkgj.k Hkh nsaA

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ikB & 5 tu la?k"kZ vkSj vkanksyu usiky esa yksdra=k dh LFkkiuk yksdra=k dk vFkZ %&yksdra=k yksxksa dk yksxksa ds fy, vkSj yksxksa }jk pquh xbZ ljdkjgSA usiky esa mBs vkanksyu dk mn~ns'; %& jktk dks vius vkns'kksa dks okil ysus d sfy, ck/; djuk ftu vkns'kksa ds n~okjk jktk us yksdra=k dks lekIr dj fn;k FkkA usiky esa yksdra=k dh LFkkiuk %& & usiky esa yksdra=k 1990 ds n'kd esa dk;e gqvkA & jktk ohjsUnz us Lohdkj fy;kA & jktk ohjsUnz dh gR;k ds ckn jktk Kkusanz us yksdra=k dks Lohdkj ugha fd;kA & turk }kjk fuokZfpr ljdkj dks Hkax dj fn;k x;kA & 2006 esa tks vkanksyu pyk mldk y{; 'kklu dh ckxMksj jktk ds gkFk esa ysdj nksckjk turk ds gkFkksa esa lkSaiuk eryc yksdra=k dh LFkkiukA laln dh cM+h jktuhfrd ikfVZ;ksa us feydj ,d lsosuikVhZ vyk;al cuk;k vkSj usiky dh jkt/kkuh dkBekaMw esa pkj fnu ds can dk ,syku fd;kA & 21 vizSy ds fnu vkanksyudkfj;ksa us jktk dks vYVhesVe ns fn;kA 24 viSzy 2006 vYVhesVe dk vafre fnu Fkk bl fnu jktk rhuksa ek¡xksa dks ekuus ds fy, ck/; gqvkA & ,l-ih-,- us fxfjtk izlkn dksBjkyk dks varfje ljdkj dk iz/kkuea=kh pqukA jktk dh'kfDr;k¡ o kilys yh xbZ A bl la?k"kZ dks usiky dk yksdra=k ds fy, nwljk la?k"kZ dgk x;kA iz'uksa ds mRrj nsaA 1-- lsosu ikVhZ vyk;al D;k Fkk\ 2-- usiky ds yksxksa dh eq[; ek¡xs D;k Fkh\ 3-- usiky ds vkanksyu dk eq[; mn~ns'; D;k Fkk\ 4-- vkanksyudkfj;ksa us jktk dks vYVhesVe dc fn;k\ 5-- usiky esa yksdra=k dh LFkkiuk dSls gqbZA oxZ fo'ks"k ds fgr lewg vkSj tu lkekU; ds fgr lewg %& fgr lewg dk vFkZ %& lekt ds fdlh [kkl fgLls vFkok lewg ds fgrksa dks c
ikB % 6 jktuhfrd ny vFkZ %&jktuhfrd ny dh yksxksa ds ,d ,sls laxfBr lewg ds :i esa le>k tk ldrk gS tks pquko yM+us vkSj jktuhfrd lÙkk gkfly djus] tuer dk fuekZ.k djus dk dk;Z djrs gSaA 1-- tuer fuekZ.k esa jktuhfrd nyksa dh Hkwfedk %& vFkZ %& yksxksa dk eÙk mudh jk;A & jktuhfrd ny yksxksa esa dgs eqn~nksa dks mBkrs gSaA & jktuhfrd ny yksxksa dks ljdkj dh uhfr;ksa ds ckjs esa crkrs gSaA & ljdkj ds i{k vkSj foi{k esa vius fopkj nsrs gSA & u, dkuwu tks ljdkj }kjk cuk,s tk jgs gSa muds ckjs esa viuh jk; nsrs gSaA bl izdkj jktuhfrd ny tuer ds fuekZ.k esa viuh Hkwfedk vnk djrs gSa mlls yksxksa ds eu esa ljdkj ds izfr mlds i{k esa vkSj foi{k esa fopkj iSnk gksrs gSa vkSj lgh yksdrkaf=kd ljdkj dh LFkkiuk gksrh gSA jktuhfrd nyksa ds fy, pqukSfr;k¡ %& vke djds yksx bl ckr ls ukjkt jgrs gSa fd jktuhrd ny viuk dke Bhd
3-- tks yksx blls vyx uhfr;k¡ pkgrs gS muds fy, dksbZ fodYi miyC/k ugha gSA vPNs usrkvksa dh deh %& 3-- nyksa dks lq/kkjus ds rjhds ;k mik; %& & fo/kk;dksa vkSj lkalnksa dks ny&cny djus ls jksdus ds fy, lafo/kku esa la'kks/ku fd;k x;k gSA & mPp U;k;ky; us iSls vkSj vijkf/k;ksa dk izHkko de djus ds fy, ,d vkns'k tkjh fd;k gSA & viuh laifr vkSj vijkf/kd ekeyksa dk C;kSjk ,d 'kiFki=k ds ek/;e ls nsuk vfuok;Z dj fn;k x;k gSA & pquko vk;ksx ds ,d vkns'k ds tfj, lkaxBfud pquko djkuk vkSj vk;dj dk fjVuZ HkjukA & jktuhfrd nyksa ds vkarfjd dkedkt dks O;ofLFkr djus ds fy, dkuwu cuk;k x;k gS\ & pquko dk [kpZ ljdkj mBk, rkfd xjhc O;fDr Hkh pquko esa [kM+k gks ldsA iz'u %& 1-- tuer 'kCn dk D;k vFkZ gS\ 2-- tuer fuekZ.k esa jktuhfrd nyksa dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu djksA 3-- 'kkld ny fdls dgrs gSa\ 4-- ny&cny fdls dgrs gSa\ 5-- 'kiFki=k fdls dgrs gSa\ 6-- jktuhfrd nyksa ds lkeus D;k pqukSfr;k¡ gSa\ 7-- jktuhfrd nyksa dk dk;Z lqpk: :i ls pykus ds ljdkj }kjk D;k dne mBk, x,s gS\a 8-- fdlh Hkh jktuhfrd ny ds nks xq.k crkvksA

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ikB & 7 yksdra=k ds ifj.kke yksdra=k 'kklu lcls csgrj gS D;ksafd %& ukxfjdksa esa lekurk dks c<+kok nsrk gSA O;fDr dh xfjek dks c<+kokA csgrj QSlys Vdjkoksa dk Vkyus dk rjhdk iznku djukA xyfr;ksa dks lq/kkjus dh xqatkbZ'k gksrh gSA bldk vkSipkfjd lafo/ku gksrk gS ftlesa ljdkj fuekZ.k vkSj pquko dh fØ;k dk gksrk gSA yksdra=k esa ukxfjdksa dks vf/kdkjksa dh xkjaVh gksrh gSA yksdra=k lHkh lkekftd] vkfFkZd vkSj jktuhfrd leL;kvksa dk lek/kku djrk

& & & & & & o.kZu & & gS A mÙkjnk;h] ft+Eesokj vkSj oS/k 'kklu 2-mÙkjnk;h ljdkj %& yksdra=k ,d mÙkjnk;h ljdkj gS D;ksafd ;g yksxksa dh ljdkj gS yksxksa }kjk cukbZ xbZ gS rFkk yksxksa ds fy, gSA yksxksa }kjk pqus x, izfrfu/ k yksxkas ds izfr mÙkjnk;h gS vxj yksx muds dkeksa ls [kq'k ugha gS rks yksx vius usrk cny ldrs gSaA gj dke dk mÙj nsuk izfrfuf/k;ksa ds fy, t:jh gSA ftEesokj ljdkj %& yksdra=k ljdkj esa yksxksa dks ;g tkuus dk vf/kdkj gS fd D;k fu.kZ; iwjs dk;ns dkuwuksa ds vuqlkj fy, x, gSaA ,slh ikjnf'kZrk xSj yksdrkaf=kd ns'kksa esa ugha gSaA oS/k ljdkj %& ;g oS/k 'kklu O;oLFkk gSA ;g lqLr gks ldrh gS] de dk;Zdq'ky gks ldrh gS] mlesa Hkz"Vkpkj gks ldrk gS ysfdu ;g yksxksa dh t:jrksa dks vuns[kk ugha dj ldrh] blh dkj.k iwjh nqfu;k esa yksdra=k ds fopkj ds izfr tcjnLr leFkZu dk Hkko gSA yksx vius n~okjk pqus x, izfrfuf/k;ksa dk 'kklu pkgrs gSaA iz'u %& 1-- yksdra=k dh ifjHkk"kk nksA 2-- yksdra=k fdl izdkj ljdkj ds vU; :iksa ls csgrj gSA 3-- yksdra=k fdl rjg mÙkjnk;h] ftEesokj vkSj oS/k ljdkj dk xBu djrk gS\ 4-- yksdrkaf=kd O;oLFkk jktuhfrd lekurk ij vk/kkfjr gksrh gSA bl dFku dh i`f"V djks s A 24 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

ikB & 8 yksdra=k dh pqukSfr;k¡ yksdra=k ds lkeus pqukSfr;ka pqukSrh 'kCn dk vFkZ %& ,d ns'k esa yksdrkaf=kd O;oLFkk dh lqfuf'pr cukus ds fy, vkus okyh fofHkUu eqf'dysaA ge vkerkSj ij mUgha eqf'dyksa dks pqukSrh dgrs gS tks egRoiw.kZ rks gSa] ysfdu ftu ij thr Hkh gkfly dh tk ldrh gSA pqukSfr;k¡ %& nqfu;k ds ,d pkSFkkbZ fgLls esa vHkh Hkh yksdrkaf=kd 'kklu O;oLFkk ugha gSA bu bykdksa esa yksdra=k ds fy, cgqr gh eqf'dy pqukSfr;k¡ gS bu ns'kksa esa yksdrkaf=kd ljdkj xfBr djus ds fy, t:jh cqfu;knh vk/kkj cukus dh pqukSrh gSA & vf/kdka'k LFkkfir yksdrkaf=kd O;oLFkkvksa ds lkeus vius foLrkj dh pqukSrh gSA blesa yksdrkaf=kd 'kklu ds cqfu;knh fl)karksa dh lHkh bykdksa] lHkh lkekftd lewgksa vkSj fofHkUu laLFkkvksa esa ykxw djuk 'kkfey gSA & yksdra=k dks etcwr djuk & lHkh yksdrkaf=kd laLFkkvksa vkSj cjrkoksa dks etcwr djukA ;g dke bl rjg ls gksuk pkfg, fd yksx yksdra=k ls tqMh viuh mehnksa dks iwjk dj ldsAa & pqukoksa esa vf/kd [kpkZ gksukA pquko esa [kM+k gksuk flQZ vehjksa dk dke gh gS vke O;fDr pquko esa [kM+k ugha gks ldrkA bldk [kpkz de djuk pkfg, vkSj ;g [kpkZ ljdkj dks mBkuk pkfg,A yksdra=k esa jktuhfrd lq/kkj %& vFkZ %& yksdra=k dh fofHkUu pqukSfr;ksa ds ckjs esa lHkh lq rel="nofollow">ko ;k izLrko yksdrkaf=kd lq/kj ;k jktuhfrd lq/kj dgs tkrs gSaA & dkuwu cukdj jktuhfr dks lq/kkjukA & lko/kkuh ls cuk, x, dkuwu xyr jktuhfrd vkpj.kksa dks grkRlkfgr vkSj vPNs dkedkt dks izksRlkfgr djsaxsA & dkuwuh cnyko djrs le; bl ckr ij Hkh fpkj djuk gksxk fd jktuhfr ij bldk D;k izHkko iM+sxkA dbZ ckj izHkko ,dne myVs fudyrs gSa] tSls dbZ jkT;ksa us nks ls T;knk cPpksa okys yksxksa ds iapk;r pquko yMus ij jksd yxk nh gS blds dkj.k xjhc yksx vkSj efgyk,¡ yksdrkaf=kd volj ls oafpr gqbZA & lcls cf<+;k dkuwu gS tks yksxksa ds yksdrkaf=kd lq/kkj djus dh rkdr nsrs gSaA & lwpuk dk vf/kdkj dkuwu yksxksa dks tkudkj cukus vkSj yksdra=k ds j[kokys ds rkSj ij lfØ; djus dk vPNk mnkgj.k gSA & yksdrkaf=kd lq/kkj jktuhfrd ny gh djrs gSA blfy, jktuhfrd lq/kkjksa dk tksj eq[;r yksdrkaf=kd dkedkt dks T;knk etcwr cukus ij gksuk pkfg,A & jktuhfrd lq/kkj ds fdlh Hkh izLrko esa ;g lksp Hkh gksuh pkfg, fd bUgsa dkSu ykxw djsxk vkSj D;ksa ykxw djsxkA iz'u %& 1-- mu nks yksdrkaf=kd ns'kksa ds uke crkvksA ftUgsa foLrkj dh pqukSrh dk lkeuk djuk iM+k gS\ 2-- jktuhfrd lq/kkj D;k gSa\ 3-- lwpuk ds vf/kdkj dk egRo crkvksA 4-- pqukSrh 'kCn dk D;k vFkZ gSA 5-- yksdra=k esa jktuhfrd lq/kkj fdl izdkj fd, tk ldrs gSa\ 6-- yksdra=k dh O;kid pqukSfr;ksa dh ppkZ djsaA 25 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

vFkZ'kkL=k fodkl ikB & 1 fodkl fodkl & fofHkUu O;fDr] fofHkUu y{; & yksxksa ds fodkl ds y{; fHkUu gks ldrs gSA & ,d ds fy, tks fodkl gS og nwljs ds fy, fodkl u gksA ;gk¡ rd fd og nwljs ds fy, fouk'kdkjh Hkh gks ldrk gSA vk; vkSj vU; y{; %& T;knk vk;] cjkcjh dk O;ogkj] Lora=krk] dke dh lqj{kk] lEeku o vknj] ifjokj ds fy, lqfo/kk,¡] okrkoj.k ¼LoLFk vkSj lqjf{kr½ jk"Vªh; fodkl dh /kkj.kk,¡ % & fo'o cSad dh fo'o fodkl fjiksVZ 2006 ds vuqlkj] ^^^^2004 esa izfrO;fDr vk; ftu ns'kks esa 453000:i;s :i;s izfr o"kZ ;k mlls vf/kd le`) ;k fodflr jk"Vª dgykrs gSA ftudh vk; 37000 :i;sa izfr o"kZ ;k mlls de gS fuEu vk; ns'k dgykrs gSaA & ;w- ,u- Mh- ih- }kjk izdkf'kr ekuo fodkl fjiksVZ ds vuqlkj] ^^jk"Vªh; fodkl dk vuqeku yksxksa ds 'kSf{kd Lrj] mudh LokLFk; fLFkfr rFkk izfr O;fDr vk; ds vk/kkj ij gksrk gSA** /; fodkl %& fodkl gks ij blls ifjos'k dks gkfu u igq¡psA /;rk %& ,slh fujarj izfØ;k tks Hkfo"; dh uLy dh mRikndrk dks gkfu igq¡pk, fcuk gh orZeku uLy dh vko';drkvksa dh larqf"V djrh gSA vkSlr vk; %& ns'k dh dqy vk; dks dqy tula[;k ls Hkkx nsdj fudkyh tkrh gS ;g izfr O;fDr vk; Hkh dgykrh gSA f'k'kq e`R;q nj %& fdlh o"kZ esa iSnk gq, 1000 thfor cPpksa esa ls ,d o"kZ dh vk;q ls igys ej tkus okys cPpksa dk vuqikr fn[kkrh gSA lk{kjrk nj %& 7 o"kZ vkSj mlls vf/kd vk;q ds yksxksa esa lk{kj tula[;k dk vuqikrA fufoy mifLFkfr vuqikr % 6& &10 o"kZ dh vk;q ds Ldwy tkus okys dqN cPpksa dk ml vk;q oxX ds dqy cPpksa ds lkFk izfr'krA jk"Vªh; vk; %& ns'k ds vanj mRikfnr lHkh oLrqvksa vkSj lsokvksa ds ewY; rFkk fons'kksa ls izkIr vk; dk tksM jk"Vªh; vk; dgykrh gSA iz'u 1-- fo'o cSad fofHkUu oxksZa dk oxhZdj.k djus ds fy;s fdl izeq[k ekin.M dk iz;ksx djrk gS\ bl ekin.M dh vxj dksbZ gSa rks lhek,¡ D;k gS\ 2-- fodkl ekius dk ;w-,u-Mh-ih- dk ekin.M fdu igyqvksa esa fo'o cSad ds ekin.M ls vyx gS\ 3-- /;rk dk fo"k; fodkl ds fy, D;ksa egRoiw.kZ gSa\ 26

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ikB & 2 Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ds {ks=kd vFkZO;oLFkk ds {ks=kd %& izkFkfed {ks=k %& tc ge izkd`frd lalk/kuksa dk mi;ksx djds fdlh oLrq dk mRiknu djrs gS rks bls izkFkfed {ks=kd dh xfrfof/k;k¡ dgrs gSA f}rh;d {ks=kd %& izkd`frd mRiknksa dks fofuek.kZ iz.kkyh ds tfj, vU; :iksa esa ifjofrZr djukA bls vkS|ksfxd {ks=kd Hkh dgk tkrk gSA r`rh;d {ks=kd %& ;g {ks=kd oLrq o lsokvksa dk mRiknu ugha djrk cfYd izkFkfed vkSj f}rh;d {ks=kd dh mRiknu izfØ;k esa lgk;drk djrk gSA bls lsok {ks=kd Hkh dgrs gSA ldy ?kjsyw mRikn %& fdlh fo'ks"k o"kZ esa izR;sd {ks=kd }kjk mRikfnr vafre oLrqvksa vkSj lsokvksa dk ;ksx Qy gSA mRiknu esa r`rh;d {ks=kd dk c<+rk egRo %& & fdlh Hkh ns'k esa vusd lsokvksa tSls vLirky ifjogu cSad] Mkd rkj vkfn dh vko';drk gksrh gSA & d`f"k ,oa m|ksx ds fodkl esa ifjogu O;kij Hk.Mkj.k tSlh lsokvksa dk fodkl gksrk gSA & vk; c<+us ls dbZ lsokvksa tSls jsLrjk] i;ZVu] 'kkfiax futh vLirky rFkk fo|ky; vkfn dh ekax 'kq: dj nsrs gSA & lwpuk vkSj lapkj izkS|ksfxdh ij vk/kkfjr dqN uohu lsok,¡ egRoiw.kZ ,oa vifjgk;Z gks xbZ gSA vYi csjkstxkjh %& tc fdlh dke esa ftrus yksxks dh t:jr gks mlls T;knk yksx dke esa yxs gks vkSj og viuh mRiknu {kerk ls de ;ksX;rk ls dke dj jgs gSA izPNUu rFkk Nqih csjkstxkjh Hkh dgrs gSA jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj xkjaVh vf/kfu;e 2005 & 100 fnu ds jkstxkj dh ljdkj dh vksj ls xkjaVhA & ljdkj jkstxkj miyC/k djkus esa vlQy jgrh gS rks og yksxksa dks csjkstxkjh HkÙkk nsxhA laxfBr {ks=kd & jkstxkj dh vof/k fu;fer gksrh gSA & ljdkj }kjk iathd`r gksrs gSA & ljdkjh fu;eksa
vlaxfBr {ks=kd %& & NksVh vkSj fc[kjh bdkb;k¡] vf/kdka'kr % ljdkjh fu;a=k.k ls ckgj jgrh gSA & fu;e&fofu;e rks gksrs gS ijarq mudk vuqikyu ugha gksrk gSA & jkstxkj lqjf{kr ugha gksrkA iz'u 1-- D;k vki ekurs gS vkfFkZd xfrfof/k;ksa dk izkFkfed] f}rh;d ,oa r`rh;d {ks=k esa foHkktu dh mi;ksfxrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A 2-- r`rh;d {ks=kd vU; {ks=kdksa ls fHkUu dSls gS\ lksnkgj.k O;k[;k dhft,A 3-- izPNUu csjkstxkjh ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ 'kgjh vkSj xzkeh.k {ks=kksa ls bldh ,d& ,d&2 mnkgj.k nsaA 4-- ^^Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ds fodkl esa r`rh;d {ks=kd dksbZ egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk ugha fuHkk jgk gSA** D;k vki blls lger gS\ rdZ lfgr mÙkj nsaA 5-- laxfBr vkSj vlaxfBr {ks=kdksa dh jkstxkj ifjfLFkfr;ksa dh rqyuk djsaA 6-- jk-xzk-jk-xk-v 2005 ds mn~ns;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A

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ikB & 3 eqnzk vkSj lk[k oLrq fofu;e iz.kkyh %& eqnzk dk mi;ksx fd;s fcuk oLrqvksa dk ysu nsu gksrk gSA vko';drkvksa dk nksgjk la;ksx %& fofu;e esa nksuks i{k ,d nwljs ls pht [kjhnus vkSj cspus ij lgefr j[krs gksA oLrq fofu;e iz.kkyh esa vko';drkvksa dk nksgjk la;ksx gksuk vko';d gSA fofu;e dk ek/;e %& eqnzk fofu;e izfØ;k esa e/;LFkrk dk dke djrh gS bls fofu;e dk ek/ ;e dgk tkrk gSA fdlh ns'k dh ljdkj bls izkf/kd`r djrh gSA & yksx cSadksa esa vfrfjDr udn vius uke ls [kkrk [kksydj tek dj nsrs gSA & [kkrksa esa tek /ku dh ekax tfj, fudkyk tk ldrk gS ftls ekax tek dgk¡ tkrk gSA & psd ,d ,slk dkxt gS tks cSad dks fdlh ds [kkrs ls psd ij fy[ks uke ds fdlh nwljs O;fDr dks ,d [kkl jde dk Hkqxrku djus dk vkns'k nsrk gSA cSadksa dh _.k laca/kh xfrfof/k;k¡ %& & Hkkjr esa cSad tek dk dsoy 15 izfr'kr fgLlk vius ikl j[krs gSA & bls fdlh ,d fnu esa tekdrkZvksa }kjk /ku fudkyus dh laHkkouk dks ns[krs gq, ;g izko/kku fd;k tkrk gSA & cSad tek jkf'k ds ,d cM+s Hkkx dks _.k nsus ds fy, bLrseky djrs gSA & C;kt ds chp dk varj cSadksa dh vk; dk izeq[k lzksr gSA _.k dh 'krsZ % & C;kt dh nj & leFkZd _.kk/kkj & vko';d dkxtkr & Hkqxrku ds rjhds fofHkUu _.k O;oLFkkvksa esa _.k dh 'krsZ vyx&vyx gSA Hkkjr esa vkSipkfjd {ks=kd esa lk[k % cSad vkSj lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ls fy, dtZ vkSipkfjd {ks=kd _.k dgykrs gSA Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ds dk;Z % & dsUnzh; ljdkj dh rjQ ls djsalh vkSj uksV tkjh djrk gSA & ns[krk gS fd cSad okLro esa udn 'ks"k cuk, gq, gSA & le;& le;&2 ij cSadksa ls ;g tkudkjh ysrk gS fd fdruk vkSj fdudks] fdl C;kt nj ij _.k ns jgk gSA vukSipkfjd {ks=kd esa lk[k % lkgwdkj] O;kikjh] ekfyd] fj'rsnkj] nksLr bR;kfn _.k miyC/k djkrs gS A & _.knkrkvksa dh xfrfof/k;ksa dh ns[kjs[k djus okyh dksbZ laLFkk ugha gSA & _.knkrk ,sfPNd njksa ij _.k nsrs gSA & uktk;t rjhdksa ls viuk _.k okfil ysrs gSA iz'u %& 1 - eqnzk vko';drkvksa ds nksgjs la;ksx dh leL;k dks fdl rjg lqy>krh gS\ 2 - pSd D;k gS\ pSd n~okjk Hkqxrku dSls fd;k tkrk gS\ mnkgj.k nsdj le>k,¡A a vU; cSd a ksa dh xfrfof/k;ksa ij fdl rjg utj j[krk gS\ ;g t:jh D;ksa gS\ 3 - Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSd 4 - yksx vukSipkfjd {ks=k ls vf/kd _.k D;ksa ysrs gS\ 29 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

ikB & 4 oS'ohdj.k vkSj Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk cgqjk"Vªh; daifu;ksa }kjk mRiknu ;k mRiknu ij fu;a=k.k LFkkfir djus ds rjhds %& & LFkkuh; daifu;ksa ds lkFk la;qDr :i ls mRiknu djukA la;qDr mRiknu ls LFkkuh; daiuh dks vfrfjDr fuos'kd ds /ku rFkk mRiknu dh uohure izkS|ksfxdh Hkh izkIr gks tkrh gSA & LFkkuh; daifu;ksa dks [kjhnuk vkSj mlds ckn mRiknu dk izlkj djukA & NksVs mRikndksa dks mRiknu dk vkWMZj nsukA LFkkuh; daifu;ksa ds lkFk lka>snkjh }kjk vkiwfrZ ds fy, LFkkuh; daifu;ksa dk bLrseky djds vkSj LFkkuh; daifu;ksa ls fudV izfrLi/kkZ djds vFkok mUgsa [kjhn dj cgqjk"Vªh; daifu;k¡ nwjLFk LFkkuksa ds mRiknu ij viuk izHkko tek jgh gS ftlls nwj nwj LFkkuksa ij QSyk mRiknu ijLij lacaf/kr gks jgk gSA fons'k O;kikj vkSj ckt+kjksa dk ,dhdj.k% & ,d ns'k dk nwljs ns'kksa ds lkFk oLrqvksa o lsokvksa dk vk;kr o fu;kZrA & oLrqvksa dk ,d ckt+kj ls nwljs ckt+kj esa vkokxeu gksrk gSA & ckt+kj esa oLrqvksa ds fodYi c<+ tkrs gSaA & nks cktkjksa esa ,d gh oLrq dk ewY; ,d leku gksus yxrk gSA & nks ns'kksa ds mRiknd ,d nwljs ls nwj gksdj Hkh ,d nwljs ls izfrLi/kkZ dj ldrs gSA bl izdkj O;kikj fofHkUu ns'kksa ds ckt+kjksa dks tksMus ;k ,dhdj.k esa lgk;d gksrk gSA O;kikj vojks/kd rFkk budk egRo % & os fu;e rFkk dkuwu tks ns'kksa ds vk;kr&fu;kZr ij vadq'k yxkrs gSA & ljdkj O;kij vojks/kd dk iz;ksx fons'kh O;kikj esa o`f) ;k dVkSrh djus rFkkns'k esa fdl izdkj dh oLrq,¡ fdruh ek=kk esa vk;kfrr gksuh pkfg,] ;g fu.kZ; djus ds fy, dj ldrh gSA fo'ks"k vkfFkZd {ks=k% & dsUnz ,oa jkT; ljdkjsa }kjk Hkkjr esa fons'kh fuos'k gsrq fons'kh daifu;ksa dks vkdf"kZr djus ds fy, ,sls vkS|ksfxd {ks=kksa dh LFkkiuk tgk¡ fo'o Lrjh; lqfo/ kk,¡ & fctyh] ikuh] lM+d] ifjogu] Hk.Mkj.k] euksjatu vkSj 'kSf{kd lqfo/kk,¡ miyC/k gksA Hkkjr esa oS'ohdj.k dk izHkko %& & LFkkuh; ,oa fons'kh mRikndksa ds chp o`grj izfrLi/kkZ ls miHkksDrkvksa dks ykHk 30 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

& & & &

& &

gqvk gSA miHkksDrkvksa ds le{k igys ls vf/kd fodYi gS vkSj os vc vusd mRiknksa dh mRd`"V xq.koÙkk vkSj de dher ls ykHkkfUor gks jgs gSA fons'kh fuos'k esa o`f) gqbZ gSA m|ksxksa vkSj lsokvksa esa u;s jkst+xkj mRiUu gq, gSA 'kh"kZ Hkkjrh; daifu;k¡ c<+h gqbZ izfrLi/kkZ ls ykHkkfuor gqbZ gS vkSj bu daifu;ksa us uohure~ izkS|ksfxdh vkSj mRinku iz.kkyh esa fuos'k dj vius mRiknu&ekudksa dks Å¡pk mBk;k gSA cMh Hkkjrh; daifu;ksa dks cgqjk"Vªh; daifu;ksa ds :i esa mHkjus ds ;ksX; cuk;k gS A lsok iznkrk dzifu;ksa fo'ks"kdj lwpuk vkSj lapkj izk|ksfxdh okyh daifu;ksa ds fy, u;s voljksa dk l`tu fd;k gSA

iz'u% 1-- nwljs ns'kksa esa cgqjk"Vªh; daifu;k¡ fdl izdkj mRiknu ;k mRiknu ij fu;a=k.k LFkkfir djrh gS\ 2-- fons'k O;kij D;k gS\ fofHkUu ns'kksa ds cktkjksa ds ,dhdj.k esa ;g fdl izdkj enn djrk gSA 3-- O;kikj vojks/kd D;k gS\ ljdkj O;kikj vojks/kdksak dk iz;ksx D;ksa djrh gS\ 4-- fo'ks"k vkfFkZd {ks=k D;k gS\ ljdkj budh LFkkiuk D;ksa djrh gS\ 5-- Hkkjr ij oS'ohdj.k dk D;k izHkko iMk gS\

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ikB & 5 miHkksDrk vf/kdkj miHkksDrkvksa ds vf/kdkj % miHkksDrkvksa ds fgrksa dh lqj{kk ds fy, dkuwu }kjk fn, x, vf/kdkj tSls %& & lqj{kk dk vf/kdkj & lwpuk dk vf/kdkj & pquus dk vf/kdkj & {kfriwfrZ fuokj.k dk vf/kdkj & miHkksDrk f'k{kk dk vf/kdkj miHkksDrkvksa ds 'kks"k.k ds dkj.k % & lhfer lwpuk & lhfer vkiwfrZ & lhfer izfrLi/kkZ & lk{kjrk de gksuk miHkksDrkvksa ds dÙkZO; % & dksbZ Hkh eky [kjhnrs le; miHkksDrkvksa dks lkeku dh xq.koÙkk vo';d ns[kuh pkfg,A tgka Hkh laHko gks xkjaVh dkMZ vo'; ysuk pkfg,A & [kjhns x, lkeku o lsok dh jlhn vo';d ysuh pkfg,A & viuh okLrfod leL;k dh f'kdk;r vo';d djuh pkfg,A & vkbZ-,l-vkbZ- rFkk ,xekdZ fu'kkuksa okyk lkeku gh [kjhnsA & vius vf/kdkjksa dh tkudkjh vo';d gksuh pkfg, vkSj vko';drk iM+us ij mu vf/kdkjksa dk iz;ksx Hkh djuk pkfg,A miHkksDrk fuokj.k izfØ;k dh lhek,¡ % & miHkksDrk fuokj.k izfØ;k tfVy] [kphZyh vkSj le; lk/; lkfcr gks jgh gSA & dbZ ckj miHkksDrkvksa dks odhyksa dk lgkjk ysuk iMrk gSA ;g eqdnesa vnkyrh dk;Zokfg;ksa esa 'kkfey gksus vkSj vkxs c<+us vkfn esa dkQh le; ysrs gSA & vf/kdka'k [kjhnnkfj;ksa ds le; jlhn ugha nh tkrh gSa\ ,slh fLFkfr esa izek.k tqVkuk vklku ugha gksrk gSA & ckt+kj esa vf/kdka'k [kjhnnkfj;k¡ NksVs QqVdj nqdkuksa ls gksrh gSA & Jfedksa ds fgrksa dh j{kk ds fy, dkuwuksa ds ykxw gksus ds ckotwn [kkl rkSj ls vlaxfBr {ks=k esa ;s detksj gSA bl izdkj ckt+kjksa ds dk;Z djus ds fy, fu;eksa 32 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

vkSj fofu;eksa dk izk;% ikyu ugha gksrkA miHkksDrk lqj{kk vf/kfu;e 1986 ¼dksijk½ & miHkksDrkvksa ds fgrksa dh j{kk ds fy, cuk;k x;k dkuwuA & dksijk ds varxZr miHkksDrk fooknksa ds fuiVkjs ds fy, ftyk jkT; vkSj jk"Vªh; Lrjksa ij ,d f=kLrjh; U;kf;d ra=k LFkkfir fd;k x;k gSA & ftyk Lrj ij 20 yk[k jkT; Lrj ij 20 yk[k ls ,d djksM rd rFkk jk"Vªh; Lrj dh vnkyrsa 1 djksM ls mij dh nkosnkjh ls lacaf/kr eqdneksa dks ns[krh gS A iz'u %& 1-- miHkksDrkvksa ds vf/kdkj crk,¡ vkSj izR;sd vf/kdkj ij nks iafDr;k¡ fy[ksaA 2-- miHkksDrkvksa ds 'kks"k.k ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu djsaA 3-- vius {ks=k ds ckt+kj esa tkus ij miHkksDrk ds :i esa vius dqN dÙkZO;ksa dk o.kZu djs a A 4-- miHkksDrk fuokj.k izfØ;k dh lhek,¡ D;k gS\ 5-- miHkksDrk lqj{kk vf/kfu;e & 1986 dk o.kZu dhft,A

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History Lesson No. 1 Nationalism and Imperialism Idealistic liberal democratic sentiments because of a narrow creed with limited ends. Nationalist groups became increasingly intolerant of each other and ever ready to go to war. - After 1871 nationalist tension mounted in Europe in the area called Balkan’s. The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic variations. - A large part of Balkans was under the contral of the ottoman Empire. - The spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism in the Balkans and downfall of Ottoman Empire made this region very explosive. - As the different Slavic nationalist struggled to define their identity and independence, the Balkans became an area of conflict. - There was intense rivalry among the European powers over trade and colonies. - This led to a series of wars in the region and finally the first world war. - Many countries in the world which had been colonized by the European powers in the 19th century began to oppose imperial domination. - The anti-imperial movements developed nationalism and formed independent nationstates. A New Conservatism after 1815 - After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 European govts were driven by the spirit of conservatism. - Conservatives believed in traditional institutions of state & society like the monarchy, the church, social hierarchies, property and the family be preserved. - In 1815 representatives of the European powers. Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria who had collectively defeated Napoleon met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe. - The treaty of Vienna of 1815. The Bourbon dynasty which had been deposed after the French revolution was restored to power. - Conservative regimes set up in 1815 were autocratic. They did not tolerate criticism and sought to curb the activities. - Most of them imposed censorship laws to control newspapers, books plays and songs and reflected ideas of liberty and freedom. Questions : 1. Why did Nationalist conflict rise in the Balkans? 2. Describe the rise of Nationalism in the third phase of 19th century in Europe. 3. What do you understand by the term conservatism? 4. When was Napoleon defeated and who defeated him? 5. Explain the treaty of Vienna what were its objectives? 6. What type of conservative order existed in Europe in 1815? 34 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Lesson 3 Nationalism in India Differing strands within the movement. 1. Rebellion in the countryside : - From the cities, the non co-operation movement spread to the countryside. After the war, the struggles of peasants and tribal were developing in different parts of India. 2. One movement here war against talukdars and landlords who demanded from peasants exorbitantly high nets and a variety of other cases. Peasants had to its begar. The peasants movement demanded reduction of revenue, abolition of begar and social boycott of oppressive landlords. 3. Oudh Kisan Sabha was setup headed by. Jawaharlal Nehru, within a month, over 300 branches had been set up in the villagers. 4. Tribal peasants interpreted the message of Mahatma Gandhi and the idea of Swaraj in yet another way. 5. The colonial govt had closed large forest areas preventing people from entering the forests to graze their cattle, or to collect fuel wood and fruits. Alluri Sitaram Raju claimed that he had a variety of special powers. He asserted that India could be liberated only by the use of force. How participants saw the movement : 1. Different social groups that participated in the civil disobedience movement. 2. Why did they join the movement? 3. What were their ideals? What did Swaraj mean to them? 1. In the countryside rich peasant communities, being producers of commercial crops, they were very hard hit by the trade depression and falling prices. 2. The poorer peasantry were not just interested in the lowering of the revenue demand. 3. Business classes? They wanted protection against imports of foreign goods, and a rupee sterling foreign exchange ratio that would discourage imports. 4. The industrial working classes did not participate in civil disobedience movement in large numbers. 5. Another important feature of the civil disobedience movement was the large sale participation of women. In urban areas, these women were from high caste families in rural areas from rich peasants house holds. Answer the following Questions : 1. What do you mean by Begar. Who raise the voice against this and what were his ideas? 2. Write a short note on Alluri Sita Ram Raju and his work or his activities, During non cooperation movement. 3. All the different social groups which joined the non co-operation movement why they joined the movement. 4. What was the role of women in non co-operation movement. Described them.

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Lesson No. 4 The Making of a Global World Summary 1.3 Conquest, Disease and Trade : - In 16th century after European sailors found a sea route to Asia, they discovered America. - The Indian subcontinent had been known for bustling trade with goods, people, customs and knowledge . It was a crucial point in their trade network. - After the discovery of America, its vast lands and abundant crops and minerals began to transform trade and lives every where. - Precious metals, particularly silver from mines located in Peru and Maxico enhanced Europe’s wealth and financed its trade with Asia. - The Portuguese and Spanish conquest and colonization of America was under way. The most powerful weapon of the Spanish conquerors was not a conventional military weapon but germs of small pax which they carried. America’s original inhabitants had no immunity against such type of diseases. 2.1 A World Economy Takes Shape : - Abolition of the Corn law. - Under pressure from lauded groups the government restricted the import of food grains. - After the carn laws were scrapped, food could be imported into Britain more cheaply than it could be produced in the country. - British farmers were unable to compete with imports. Vast areas of land were left uncultivated. - As food prices fell, consumption in Britain rose. -

Faster industrial growth in Britain led to higher incomes and more food imports.

4.1 Bretton Woods Institutions : -

To deal with external surpluses and deficits a conference was held in July 1944 at Bretton woods in New Hampshire U.S.A.


International Mountary fund and world Bank were set up to finance post war reconstruction.


The past war international economic system is known as Bretton woods systems.


This system was based on fixed exchange rates.


IMF and World Bank are referred as Bretton Woods Twins.


U.S has an effective right of veto over key IMF and World Bank.

4.3 New International Economic Order - NIEO -

Most developing countries did not benefit from the fast growth of Western economies 36 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

in 1950’s & 60’s. -

They organized themselves as a group. The group of 77 or G-77 to demand a new international economic order (NIEO).


It was a system that would give them real control over their natural resources more development assistance, fairer prices for raw materials and better access for their manufactured goods in developed countries markets.

Questions : 1. Explain how the Global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the colonialism of the Americas? 2. Why did the British Government had to take the decision to abolish the corn laws? 3. What do you mean by bretton Woods Agreement? What was its aim? 4. What is referred to as the G-77 countries? In what way can G-77 be seen as a reaction to the activities of bretton Woods Twins?

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Lesson No. 5 The Age of Industrialization Summary : - Protective Tariff - To stop the import of certain goods and to protect the domestic goods a tariff was imposed. This tariff was imposed in order to save the domestic goods from the competition of imported goods and also to save the interest of local producers. - Laissez, Faire - According to the economists, for the fast trade a policy of Laissez Faire should be applied whereby government should neither interfere in trade nor in the industrial production. This policy was introduced by a British economist named Adam Smith. - Policy of Protection - The policy to be applied in order to protect the newly formed industry from stiff competition. - Imperial preference - During British period, the goods imported from Britain to India be given special rights and facilities. - Chamber of commerce - Chamber of commerce was established in the 19th century in order to take collective decisions on certain important issues concerning trade and commerce. Its first office was set up in Madras. - Nationalist Message - Indian manufacturers advertised the nationalist message very clearly. They said, if you care for the national then buy products that Indians produce. Advertisement became a vehicle of nationalist message of Swadeshi. Questions : 1. Why did Britain imposed protective tariff? 2. Which policy was suggested by the economists to save industry and trade from government interfere. 3. Explain what is meant by proto-industrialization? 4. What was the aim behind establishing Chamber of Commerce? Where was it established in India first of all? 5. What is the importance of Advertisement in creating new consumers? How did Indian manufacturers send Nationalist message through these advertisements?

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Lesson No. 7 Print Culture and the Modern World. The Print Revolution and its Impact. 1. Printing press, a new reading public emerged. Reduced the cost of books, now a reading public came into being. 2. Knowledge was transferred orally. Before the age of print books were not only expensive but they could not be produced in sufficient numbers. 3. But the transition was not so simple. Books could be read only by the literate and the rates of literary in most European crematories were very low, Oral culture thus entered print and printed material was orally transmitted. And the hearing public and reading public became intermingled. Religious Debates and the fear of Print. 1. Print created the possibility of wide circulation of ideas. 2. Through the printed message, they could persuade people to think differently and introduced a new world of debate and discussion. This had significance in different sphere of life. 3. Many were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to the printed world and the wider circulation of books, could have on people’s minds. 4. If that happened the authority of ‘valuable’ literature would be destroyed, expressed by religious authorities and monarchs, as well as many writers and artists, achievement of religion areas of Martin Luther. 5. A new intellectual atmosphere and helped spread the new ideas that led to the reformation. Print culture and the French Revolution : 1. Print popularized the ideas of the enlightenment thinkers. Collectively, their writings provided a critical connmentary or tradition, superstition and despotism. 2. Print created a new culture of dialogue and debate. All values, forms and institutions were re-evaluated and discussed by a public that had become aware of the power of reason. 3. 1780’s there was an outpouring of literature that mocked the royalty and criticised their morality. In the process, it raised questions about the existing social order. 4. The print helps the spread of ideas. People did not read just one kind of literature. If they read the ideas of Voltaire and Rousseau, They were also exposed to monarchic and church propaganda. 5. Print did not directly shape their minds, but it did open up the possibility of thinking differently. The Nineteenth Century (Women) 1. As primary education became compulsory from the late nineteenth century. A large numbers of new readers were especially women. 2. Women became important as readers as well as writers. Penny magazines were especially meant for women, as were manuals treaching proper behaviour and house keeping. 3. In the nineteenth century, lending libraries in England, lower middle class people. Sometimes self educated working class people wrote for themselves. Women were seen as important readers. Some of the best known novelists were women : Jane Austin, the Bronte sisters, George Eliot. their writings became important in defining a new type of woman. Discuss : 1. What was print revolution? 2. In eighteenth century Europe think that print culture would bring enlightenment and end despotism discuss? 3. Why did some people fear the effect of easily available printed books? Choose one example from Europe? 4. Give reason. Martin Luther was in favour of print and spoke out in praise of it? 5. Give reasons, the Roman Catholic Church began keeping an index of prohibited books from the midsixteenth century. 6. In nineteenth century in Europe. There was a great increase in women literature? Explain it. 39 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Geography Lesson No. 1 Resources and Development Summary : 1. Resource Planning in India : It involves : 1. Identification and inventory of resources across the regions of the country. 2. Evolving a planning structure endowed with appropriate technology, skill and institutional set up far implementing resource development plans. 3. Matching the resources development plans with over all national development plans. 2. Land use Pattern in India : - Total geographical area of India is 3.28 million sq. km. - Land use data however is available only for 93% of the total area because the land use reporting far most of the North-East States except Assam has not been done fully. - Some area of Jammu and Kashmir occupied by Pakistan and China have also not been surveyed. - The land under permanent pasture has also decreased. - Fallow land - left without cultivation far one or less than one agricultural year. - Net sown area total -total area sown in an agricultural year. - More net sown area in Punjab and Haryana. - Less net sown area in Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur and Andaman Nicobar Islands. - National Forest Policy in India in 1952. - Waste land includes rocky, Arid and desert area and land put to other non agricultural uses includes settlements, roads, railways, industry etc. - Continuous use of land over a long period of time without taking appropriate measures to conserve and manage it. Answer the following questions : 1. What are the three stages of resource planning? Describe it. 2. Why land use data is not available for whole country? 3. Why land is decreasing under permanent pastures? 4. What is net sown area? Which areas of India has more net sown area? 5. Describe waste land. 6. Describe two major causes of land degradation in India? 40 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Lesson No. 2 Water Resources Summary : Hydraulic Structure in Ancient India : - In the first century B.C. Sringaverapura near Allahabad had sophisticated water harvesting system channeling the flood water of the river Ganga. - During the time of Chandragupta Mauriya, dams lakes and irrigation systems were extensively built. - Evidences of sophisticated irrigation works have also been found in Kalinga, Nagarjuna Konda, Bennur, Kohlapur etc. - In 11th century, Bhopal lake, one of the larest artificial lakes of its time was built. - In 14th century, the tank of Hauz Khas, Delhi, was constructed by Iltutmish for supplying water of Siri Fort area. Dam : A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment. - Classification of dams according to structure, intended purpose or height. - Based on structure or material used, dams are classified as timber dams, embankment dams or masonry dams, with several sub-types. - According to the height dams can be categories as large dams and major dams or alternatively as low dams, medium height dams and high dams. 3. Rain Water Harvesting : - In hill and mountainous regions, people built diversion channels like the ‘guls’ or ‘kuls’ of the western Himalayas for agriculture. - Rooftop rain water harvesting was commonly practiced to store drinking water, in Rajasthan. - In the flood plains of Bengal, people developed inundation channels to irrigate their fields. - In arid and semi arid regions, agricultural fields were converted into rain fed storage structures that allowed the water to stand and moisten the soil like the ‘khadins’ in Jaisalmer and ‘Johads’ in other parts of Rajasthan. - Tankas - underground tanks ro tankas for storing drinking water. - In Bikaner, phalodi and Barmer. - The tanks could be as large as a big room. - Roof top rainwater harvesting as drinking water. 41 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

- The first spell of rain was usually not collected as this would clean the roofs and the pipes. - Rain water called as Palar Pani. - Many houses constructed underground rooms adjoining the ‘tankas’ to beat the summer heat as it would keep the room cool. - Some houses still maintain the tanks since they do not like the taste of tap water. - In Gendathur, a remote backward village in Mysore, Karnataka, villagers have installed, in their house hold’s roof top, rainwater harvesting system to meet their water needs. Answer the following questions : 1. Describe the Hydraulic structures made in ancient India? 2. What is dam? On which bases down are categorized? 3. What are the methods of rain water harvesting? 4. In which parts of India ‘Guls’ or ‘Kuls’ are found? 5. What are the methods of rain water harvesting in Rajasthan? 6. What is Tank? Where and why these are constructed? 7. Why first spell of rain was not collected? 8.

Why underground rooms were constructed along with Tankas?

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Lesson No. 3 Agriculture Summary : Technological and Institutional reforms : - Consolidation of holdings, co-operation and abolition of zamidari, etc. were given priority to bring about institutional reforms in the country after independence. - Land reform was the main focus of our first five year plan. - The green revolution based on the use of package technology and the white revolution (operation flood) were some of the strategies initiated to improves the lot of Indian agriculture. - Development in few selected areas. In the 1980s and 1990s, a comprehensive land development progreamme was initiated, which includes both institutional and technological reforms. - Provision for crop insurance against drought, flood, cyclone, fire and disease. - Establishment of Grameen Banks, cooperative societies and banks for providing loan facilities to the farmers at lower rates of interest. - Kissan credit cards and personal accident insurance schemes introduced. - Special weather bulletins and agricultural programmes for farmers were introduced on radio and T.V. - The government also announces minimum support price. - Remunerative and procurement prices for important crops to check the exploitation of farmers by speculators and middleman. 3. Contribution of Agricultures to the National Economy, Employment and Output : - Agriculture backbone of Indian Economy. - Share in the gross domestic product. - Providing employment. - Livelihood to the population. - The government of India made concerted efforts to modernize agriculture. - Establishment of Indian council of Agricultural Research, agricultural universities. - Veterinary services and animal breading centres. - Horticulture development. - Research and development in the field of meteorology and weather forecast. Answer the following Questions : 1. Describe the technological and institutional reforms done in agriculture. 2. What is package technology? 3. Why government provides crop insurance to the farmers? 4. What is the role of agriculture in Indian economy? 5. How Indian agriculture may be modernised? 6. What is the objective behind weather forecasting far farmers on TV. and Radio? 7. What is land consolidation? Why it was implemented? 8. Why government announces minimum support price for farmers? 43 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Lesson No. 4 Minerals & Energy Resources Summary : I. Mode of occurrence of Mineral : Where are these minerals found. Minerals are usually found in “Ores”. The term ore is described as accumulation of any mineral mixed with other elements, it should have sufficient concentration to make its extraction viable. The type of formation or structure in which they are found determines their relative ease of mining and cost of extraction. Minerals Generally Occur in These forms : (i) In igneous and metamorphic rocks minerals may occur in the cracks, crevices, faults or joints. The smaller occurrences are called vein and the larger are called lodes. They are formed when minerals in liquid / molten & gaseous forms are forced upwards through cavities towards earth’s surface. They cool and solidify as they rise. They include tin, copper, Zinc, lead etc. (ii) Sedimentary Rocks : No. of minerals occur in beds and layers. They have been formed as a result of deposition, accumulation and concentration. of horizontal strata eg Gypsum, potash salt & sodium salt. They are formed as a result of evaporation in arid region. (iii) Decomposition of Surface Rocks : Involves the removal of soluble constituents, leaving a residual mass of weathered material containing ores eg. Bauxite. (iv) Alluvial Deposits : Occur in sands of valley floors and the base of hills. These are called ‘Placer deposits ‘ and are not corroded by water eg gold, silver, tin platinum. (v) Ocean waters contain vast quantities of minerals but most of these are too widely diffused to be of economic significance, however common salt, magnesium & bromine are largely derived. II. Major Iron Ore Belts in India : 1. Orissa Jharkand Belt : In Orissa high grade hematite ore is found in Badampahar mines in the Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar. In Jharkand haematite iron ore is mined in Gua and Noamundi. 2. Durg - Bastar - Chandrapur belt : Lies in chattisgarh and Maharashtra high grade hematitis are found in Bailadila range of hills in Chatisgarh. 44 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

3. Bellavy Chitradurga - Chikmaglur - Tumkur Belt : In Karnataka has large reserves of iron ore. Kudermuch mines located in western Ghats of Karnataka and known to be one of the largest. 4. Maharashtra- Goa Belt : Includes state of Goa and Ratnagir district of Maharashtra. Although ores are not of very high quality yet they are efficiently exploited. III. Conservation of Energy Resources : Energy is a basic requirement for economic development. Every sector of national economy agriculture, industry, transport, commercial and domestic needs inputs of energy. There is an urgent need to develop a sustainable path of energy development. India is presently one of the least energy efficient countries in the world. We have to adopt a caution approach for judicious use. - Using public transport instead of individual. - Switching of electricity when not in use. - Using power saving devices. - Using non conventional sources of power. Answer the following questions : 1. Which minerals are formed by decomposition of rocks, leaving a residual mass of weathered material. 2. Minerals are deposited and accumulated in the stratas of which rocks? 3. Which mineral is contained in Monasite sand? 4. How are minerals formed in igneous & metamorphic rocks.? 5. Why do we need to conserve energy resources? 6. Explain the distribution of coal in India? 7. Explain the distribution of iron in India?

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Lesson No. 5 Manufacturing Industries I. Importance of Manufacturing : Manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of development in general and economic development. (i) Manufacturing industries helps in modernising agriculture. (ii) It reduce the heavy dependence of people on agriculture income by providing them jobs. (iii) Helps in eradication of unemployment & poverty. (iv) Helps in bringing down regional disparities. (v) Exports of manufactured goods expand trade & commerce. II. Iron and Steel Industry : - Iron and steel industry is the basic industry steel is needed to manufacture a variety of engineering goods, construction material, defence, medical, telephonic, scientific equipment and variety of consumer goods. - Iron and steel industry is a heavy industry because all raw material as well as finished goods are heavy and bulky entailing heavy transportation costs. Iron ore, coking coal and lime stone are required in 4 : 2 : 1 - India is an important iron and steel producing country in the world yet we lag behind because. (a)High costs and limited availability of coking coal. (b) Lower productivity of labour. (c)Irregular supply of energy. (d) Poor infrastructure. III. Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation : Industries contribute significantly to India’s economic growth and development but increase in pollution results in degradation of environment. 4 Types of Pollution : (a) Air : caused by undesirable gases such as sulpher dioxide and carbon monoxide, air borne particles such as dust, sprays, mist & smoke. (b) Water Pollution : Caused by organic & inorganic industrial wastes such as release of lead, mercury pesticides, fertilizers, synthetic chemical, plastics, rubber, fly ash, phosphogypsum etc. (c) Thermal Pollution : Caused by nuclear power plants nuclear & weapon 46 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

production cause cancers birth defects & miscarriages. (d) Noise Pollution : Cause heaving impairment, increased heart rate & blood pressure by making unwanted noise. (IV) Control of Environment Degradation : - Minimising the use of water by reusing recycling. - Harvesting rainwater to meet water requirement. - Treatment of hot water and effluents before releasing in ponds & rivers, involves 3 steps. 1. Primary treatment by mechanical means. 2. Secondary treatment by biological process. 3. Tertiary treatment by biological chemical & physical processes. Answer the following Questions : 1. Describe the importance of Industries in the Economic development of a country? 2. Why iron and steel industry is called the basic industry? 3. Name the important raw material used in the manufacturing of iron and steel. 4. Critically examine how industries causes the environmental degradation? 5. Suggest some measures to control environmental degradation?

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Lesson No. 6 Lifelines of National Economy I. Roadways : India has one of the largest road networks in the world. Its importance can be viewed. (i) Construction cost of roads is much lower. (ii) Roads can traverse comparatively more dissected and undulating topography. (iii) Roads can negotiate higher gradients of slope & as such can traverse mountains. (iv) It is economical. (v) It provides door to door services. (vi) It is used as feeder to other modes of transport. II. Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways : - The Govt. has launched a major road development project linking DelhiKolkata-Chennai-Mumbai & Delhi by six-lane super highways. - The North-South corridors linking Srinagar [Jammu & Kashmir] & Kanyakumari [T.N.] & East-West Corridor Connecting silcher (Assam) & Porbander (Gujarat). The major objective of these super highways is to reduce time & distance. III. Railways : - The distribution pattern of the railway network in the country has been largely influence by physiographic, economic and administrative factors. - The Himalyan mountains regions are unfavourable for the construction of railway lines due to high relief sparse population & each of economic opportunities. - The northern plains provide most favourable condition having high population density. - Rivers also create problem for lay down of railway tracts. IV.Pipelines : Pipelines transport network is a new arrival on the transportation map of India. Its initial cost is high but subsequent running costs are minimal. It is used for transporting crude oil, petroleum product & natural gas. 3 Important Networks : 48 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

1. Oil field in Assam to Kanpur (U.P.), via Guwahati, Barauni & Allahabad. 2. From Salaya in Gujarat to Jalandhar. In Punjab via Viramgam, Mathura, Delhi & Panipat. 3. Gas pipelines from Hazira in Gujarat connects Jagdishpur in UP via Vijaypur in Madhya Pradesh. V. International Trade : - The exchange of goods among people; states & countries is referred to as trade. Trade between two countries is called International Trade. - Exports and imports are the components of trade. The balance of a trade of a country is the difference b/w its export and import. - When the value of exports exceeds the value of imports, it is called favourable balance of trades. VI. Tourism as a Trade : - Tourism has proved itself as one of the most important. aspect of trade. Tourism in India has grown substantially. It helps as - Promotion of National Integration. - Provide support to local handicrafts - Provides support to cultural pursuits. - Development of international understanding about our culture and heritage. Answer the following questions : 1. Critically examine how roadways are more imp. than railways. 2. What is the importance of super-highways in our national economy. 3. Describe the factors affecting the distribution of Railway network. 4. What are merits and demerits of pipelines? 5. Explain the three important network of pipelines in India. 6. What do you mean by balance trade? taking into account India’s trade? 7. Suggest some measures to promote tourism in India?

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CIVICS Lesson No. 1 Power Sharing Summary Power Sharing : - Power sharing is important because it the conflict between different social groups. - Social conflicts often lead to violence and political instability, power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of political order. - A democratic rule involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise, and who have to live with its effects. People have a right to be consuloted on how they are to be governed. A legitimate gout is one ........ citizens through participation, acquire a stake in the system. - One basis of principle of democracy is that people are the source of all political power. - Power is shared among different organs of govt such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. - Power can be should among governments at different levels a general govt. for the entire country and governments at the provincial or regional level. Questions : 1. What do you mean by power sharing? 2. Name all the different organs of govt.? 3. What do you mean power sharing in a country? 4. What do you mean by majority? 5. What are different forms of power sharing in modern democracies give an example of each of these. 50 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Lesson No. 2 Federalism Features of Federalism - There are two or more levels of Govt. - Different tiers of Govt. govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration. - The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of Govt are specified in the constitution. - Require the consent of both the levels of Govt. - Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of different levels of Govt. - An ideal federal system has both aspects : mutual trust and agreement to live together. - The first route involves independent states coming together on their own to form a bigger unit. - The second route is where a large country decides to divide its power between the constituent states and the national Govt. Federalism in India - The constitution originally provided for a two tier system of Govt the union Govt or what we call the Central Govt, representing the union of India and the state Govt. later, a third tier of federalism was added in the form of Panchayats and Municipalities. - Constitution clearly provided a three fold distribution of legislative powers between the union Govt and the state Govt : 1. Union list :- Defence of the country foreign affairs, banking. 2. State List : Police, trade, commerce, agriculture. 3. Concurrent List : Education, Forest, Trade Union, Marriage. 4. Residuary Subject : Computer software - Only Jammu & Kashmir has their own constitution. Decentralization in India - When power is taken away from central and State Govt. and given to local Govt. it is called decentralisation. - The basic idea behind decentralisation is that there are a large number of problems and issues which are best settled at the local level. - Local govt. get constitutional importance in democracy. - And representation of women may also increased with this role played by 51 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

women in democracy became more stronger. Questions : 1. What do you mean by Federalism? 2. What do you mean by jurisdiction? 3. How many lists we have retated to legislative powers? 4. What do you mean by decentralisation? 5. What is the main difference between a federal form of Govt and a unitary one? Explain with an example? 6. How power shared between Central and State Govt. in Federalism. 7. Write main features of Federal Government?

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Lesson No. 3 Democracy and Diversity Summary Differences, Similarities and Divisions Origins of Social Differences (a) On the basis of birth (b) on the basis of colour Politics of Social Divisions Democracy involves competition among various political parties. Their competitions tends to divide any society if they start competing in terms of some existing social divisions, it can make social divisions into political divisions and lead to conflict, violence or even disintegration of a country. - It would be best if there are no social divisions in any country. If social divisions do exist in a country, they must never be expressed in politics. - Social divisions affect voting in most countries. - In a democracy, political expression of social divisions is very normal and can be healthy. - Expression of various kinds of social divisions in politics after results in their canceling one an other out and thus reducing their intensity. Questions : 1. When does a social difference become a social division? 2. How do social divisions affect politics? Give two examples? 3. How does social division & politics interrelate each other explain it? 4. How does social divisions make democracy stronger? 5. Discuss three factors are crucial in deciding the outcome of politics of social divisions? 53 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Lesson No. 4 Gender Religion and Caste Summary Public / Private Division - In fact the majority of women do some sort of paid work in addition to domestic labour. But their work is not valued and does not get recognition. - Although women constitute half of the humanity, their role in public life especially politics, is minimal in most societies. - Women in different parts of the world organised and agitated for equal rights. There were agitation demanded enhancing the political and legal status of women and improving their educational and other opportunities. More radical women movements aimed at equality in personal and family life as well. These movements are called feminist movements. Patriarchal Society : Mostly societies are male dominating even day to day participation of women may increase than also our society is a patriarchal society on the basis of : - Literacy rate - No wonder the proportion of women among the highly paid and valued jobs is still very small. - Her work is not paid and therefore often not valued. - Women are paid less than men. - Girl child aborted before she is born. - various kinds of harassment, exploitation and violence against women. Religion, Communalism and Politics - Unlike gender differences, the religious differences are often expressed in the field of politics. - Communalism happens when beliefs of one religion are presented as superior to thoseof other religions, when the demands of one religious group are formed in opposition to another and when state power is used to establish domination of one religious group over the rest. This manner of using religious in politics is communal politics. Communalism can take various forms in politics : - Stereo types of religious communities and belief in the superiority of one’s religion over other religions. 54 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

- a desire to form a separate political unit. - Often involves special appeal to the interests in preference to others. - Ugly form of communal violence, riots and massacre. Secular State - No official religion - constitution does not give a special status to any religion. - freedom to profess, practice and propagate any religion. - The constitution prohibits discrimination on ground of religion. - allows the state to intervene is the matter of religion. - ensure equality within religious communities. Caste and Politics : - They keep in mind the caste composition of the electorate and nominate candidates from different castes. - Political parties and candidates in elections make appeals to caste sentiments to muster support. - No parliamentary constituency in the country has a clear majority of one single caste. - No party wins the votes of all the voters of a caste or community. Questions : 1. What do you mean by division of sex? 2. What do you mean by Feminism? 3. What do you mean by communal politics? 4. Mention any two constitutional provisions that make. India a secular state? 5. What sexual division of labour? 6. State different forms of communal politics with one example each.

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Lesson No. 5 Popular struggles and Movements Establishment of democracy in Nepal. Meaning of the word democracy : - Democracy is the govt of the people, for the people and by the people. The aims of movement for democracy in Nepal : The Nepalese movement for democracy arose with the specific objectives of reversing the kings orders that led to suspension of democracy. Establishment of democracy in Nepal : - Democracy established in Nepal in 1990. - King Birendra accepted it. - King Gyanendra the new king of Nepal was not prepared to accept democratic rule after the death of king Birendra. - The king dismissed the popularly elected Parliament. - The movement of April 2006 was aimed at regaining popular control over the govt from the king and establish democracy means the govt of the people. All the major parties of parliament formed a seven party alliance. (SPA) and called for a four day strike in Kathmandu, the country’s capital. - On 21st April the protestors served an ultimatum to the king. - 24th April 2006 was the last day of the ultimatum, the king was forced to concede all the demands. - The SPA choose Girija Parasad Koirala as new Prime Minister of the interim govt. The parliament passed laws taking away most of the powers of the king. This struggle came to be known as Nepal’s second movement for democracy. Questions : 1. What was SPA? 2. What was the main demands of people of Nepal? 3. What was the aims of movement for democracy in Nepal? 4. When did the protestors served ultimatum to the king? 5. How was democracy established in Nepal? Topic - 2 Sectional Interest groups and Public Interest Group meaning of Interest Groups. 56 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Usually interest groups seek to promote the interests of a particular section or group of society. Sectional Interest Groups :- They are sectional because they represent a section of society-workers, employees, business, persons, industrialists, followers of religion, caste group etc. Features : Their principal concern is the betterment and well being of their members, not society in general. Public Interest Groups : Public interest group promote collective rather than selective goods. They aim to help groups other than their own members. Example : BAMCEF (Backward and minorities community employees federation). Questions : 1. Distinguish between sectional interest groups and public interest groups? 2. Give one example of public interest group? 3. What is public welfare groups? 4. In what ways do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics.

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Lesson No. 6 Political Parties Meaning : A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in govt and make public opinion among the people of country. Topic : The role of Political Parties to Shape Public Opinion : - They raise and highlight issues. - The parties clear the policies of govt. to people. - The parties clear the policies of govt. to people. - Political parties give their ideas in favour and against the govt. - Political parties give their ideas about the new laws made by the govt. - In this way the political parties help to create public opinion in people. So it is necessary for people if they want to establish democratic govt. they have to analyze for and against democracy. 2. Topic : Challenges to Political Parties Parties are for the working of democracy parties are the most visible face of democracy. It is natural that people blame parties, criticise them. Parties have to face many challenges :1. Lack of Internal democracy :1. Concentration of powers in one hand. 2. Parties do not conduct internal election. 3. Leaders assume greater power to make decision in name of party. - The second challenge of dynastic succession is related to the first one. Those who happen to be the leaders are in a position of unfair advantage to favour people close to them or even their family members. Growing role of money and muscle power in parties : 1. The parties tend to nominate those candidates who have or can raise lots of money. In some cases parties support criminals. - The fourth challenge is that very often parties do not seem to offer a meaningful choice. In order to offer meaningful choice, parties must be significantly different. - There has been a decline in the ideological differences among parties. - The difference among all the major parties on the economic policies have reduced. 58 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

- Those who want really different policies have no option available to them. - Lack of good leaders. 3. Topic : Reforming the Political Parties - The constitution was amended to prevent elected members from changing parties. - The supreme court passed an order to reduce the influence of money and criminals. - Now it is mandatory for every candidate who contests elections to file an affidavit giving details of his property. - The election commission passed an order making it necessary for political parties to hold their organizational elections and file their income tax returns. - A law is made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties. - The govt. should give money to parties for election so that every one who wants to participate in elections can do the same. Questions : 1. What is public opinion? 2. Explain the role of political parties in making public opinion. 3. What is ruling party? 4. What is defection? 5. What is affidavit? 6. What are the various challenges faced by political parties. 7. What steps have been taken by the govt for the smooth functioning of political parties. 8. Give two merits of any political party.

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Lesson No. 7 Outcomes of Democracy Democracy is better than others We felt that democracy is better because it : - Promotes equality among citizens. - Enhance the dignity of the individual - Improves the quality of decision making. - Provides a method to resolve conflicts. - Allows room to correct mistakes. - The countries which have formal constitutions, they hold elections and form govts. - They guarantee rights of citizens. - Democracy solves the social and political and economic problems of the country. Topic - 2 : Accountable responsive and Legitimate Govt. Accountable Govt. : Democracy is a accountable govt because it is the govt. of the people and made by people and for the people. The representatives elected by the people are responsible to them. If the people are not happy with the govt they can change the leaders in coming elections. Responsive Govt. : A citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find this out. She has the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This type of transparency is not available in non democratic govts. Legitimate Govt. : Democratic govt is legitimate govt. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean. But a democratic govt is people’s own govt’s can not ignore the needs of people. So people wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them. Questions : 1. Give the definition of democracy? 2. How democracy is better than other types of govt.? 3. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate govt. 4. “democracy depends on political equality”. clarify this statement. 60 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Lesson No. 8 Challenges to Democracy Topic : 1 : Challenges to Democracy : The serious challenges that democracy face in a country for smooth running of govt is called challenges. A challenge is not just any problem. We usually call only those difficulties a challenge which are significant and which can be overcome. Challenges : At least one fourth of global is still not under democratic govt. The challenge for democracy in these parts of the world is very stark. These countries face the foundational challenge of making the transition to democracy and then instituting democratic govt. - Most of the established democracies face the challenge of expression. This involves applying the basic principles of democratic govt across all the region, different social groups and various institutions. - Challenge of deepening of democracy is faced by every democracy in one form or another. This involves strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy. They should happen in such a way that people can realise their expectations of democracy. - Elections are very expensive. The only rich persons can elect elections. The common man can not stand in elections. The govt should minimise the election expenditure. The govt should prepare budget for elections. 2. Topic : Political Reforms in Democracy Meaning : All the suggestions or proposals about overcoming various challenges to democracy are called democracy reform or political reform. - Reforming politics by making new laws. - Carefully devised changes in law can help to discourage wrong political practices and encourage good ones. - Any legal change must carefully look at what results it will have on politics. Sometimes the results may be counter productive. For example, many states have banned people who have more than two children from contesting panchayat elections. This has resulted in denial of democratic opportunity to many poor people and women. - The best laws are those which empower people to carry out democratic reforms. - The Right to Information Act is a good example of a law that empowers the people to find out what is happening in govt. - Democratic reforms are to be brought about principally through political prac61 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

tice. - Any proposal for political reform should think not only about what is a good solution but also about who will implement it and how. Questions : 1. Name the two democratic countries who face challenge of expansion. 2. What is political reforms. 3. What is the importance of Right to Information Act. 4. What is the meaning of word ‘challenge’. 5. How we can make political reforms in democracy. 6. Evaluate the main challenges faced by Indian democracy.

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Lesson No. 1 Development Development Different People, Different Goals. - Different persons can have different development goals. - What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may be destructive for the other. Income and Other Goals : More income; equal treatment; freedam; Job security; facilities for family; environment (healthy & secure). Concept of National Development : - World Development Report 2006, “In 2004 countries with per capita income of Rs. 453000 per annum are called rich or developed countries. Those with per capita income of Rs.37000 or less are called low income countries. - Human Development Report 2006 published by UNDP, “Development is based on per capita income, educational levels of the people and their health status. Sustainability : The regular process without harming the productivity of future generation and satisfy the need of present generation. Sustainable Development : Development without damaging surrounding. Average Income : Total income of the country divided by its total population. Also known as per capita income. National Income : Sum of value of final goods produced within the country and income from foreign factors. Infant Mortality Rate : The number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year. Literacy Rate : The proportion of literate population in the 7 and above, age group. Net attendance Ratio : the total number of children of age group 6-10 attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group. Questions : 1. What is the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries? What are the limitations of this criterion, if any? 2. In what respects is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development different from the one used by the world bank. 3. Why is the issue of sustainability important for development? 63 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

Lesson No. 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy Sector of Economic Activities : Primary Sector : When we produce a good by exploiting natural resources. It is an activity of the primary sector also known as agriculture and related sector. Secondary Sector : Natural products are changed into others forms through ways of manufacturing. Also known as Industrial sector. Tertiary Sector : These activities , by themselves, do not produce a good but they are an aid or a support for the production process. Also known as service sector. Gross Domestic Production : the total value of final goods and services produced in each sector during a particular year provides the total production of the sector for that year. Rising importance of the Tertiary Sector : - In any country several services such as hospitals, educational institution, defence, transport, banks etc. are required. - The development of agriculture and industry leads to the development of services such transport, banks are required. - The development of agriculture and industry lends to the development of services such as transport, trade, storage. - As income levels rise, certain sections of people start demanding many more services like tourism, shopping, private hospitals and private schools etc. - Over the past decade or so certain new services such as those based on information and communications technology. Disguised unemployment : More people engaged in than the people required for work. People do less work than their efficiency. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 - 100 days work guarantee in year by the government. - If government fails in its duty to provide employment. It will give unemployment allowances. - Types of work given to improve production of land. Organised Sector : - Terms of employment are regular - Registered by government 64 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

- Follows various rules and regulations - It has some formal processes and procedures. Unorganised Sector : - Small and scattered units which are largely outside the control of the government. - There are rules and regulations but these are not followed. - Employment is not secure. Questions : 1. Do you think the classification of economic activities into primary, secondary and tertiary is useful? Explain . 2. How is the tertiary sector different from other sectors? Illustrate with a few examples. 3. What do you understand by disguised unemployment? Explain with an example each from the urban and rural areas. 4. “Tertiary sector is not playing any significant role in the development of Indian Economy”. Do you agree? Give reason in support of your answer.

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Lesson No. 3 Money and Credit Barter System : Goods are exchanged without use of money. Double Coincidence of wants : In exchange of goods both parties have to agree to sell and buy each others commodities. In a barter system double coincidence of wants is an essential feature. Medium of Exchange : Money act as an intermediate in the exchange process. Currency is authorised by the government as medium of exchange. - People deposit extra cash with the banks by opening the bank account in their name. - The deposits in the bank accounts can be withdrawn on demand, these deposits are called demand deposits. - A check is a paper instructing the bank to pay a specific amount from the persons account to the person in whose name the cheque has been made. Loan Activities of Banks : - Banks in India these days bold about 15% of their deposits as cash. - Kept as provision to pay the depositors who might come to withdraw money from the bank on any given day. - Bank use the major portion of the deposits to extend loans. - Difference between the interest rates is the main source of income for banks. Terms of Credit : - Interest rate - Collateral - documentation requirement. - the mode of repayment. the varying terms of credit in different credit arrangements. Formal Sector Credit in India Loans from banks and co-operatives Functions of Reserve banks. - Issues currency notes on behalf of the central government. - RBI monitors the banks are actually maintaining cash balance. - RBI collect information from banks, how much they are lending to whom, at what interest rate etc. Informal Sector Loans 66 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

The informal lenders, traders, employers, relatives and friends etc. - There is no organisation which supervise the credit activities of lenders. - They can lend at what ever interest rate they choose. - Their is no one to stop then from using unfair means to get their money back. Questions : 1. How does money solve the problem of double coincidence of wants? Explain with an example. 2. What is check? How payments made with cheques? Explain with example. 3. How does RBI control the functioning of other banks? Why it is important 4. Why people take more loan from Informal Sector. 5. Compare the employment conditions prevailing in the organised and unorganised sectors. 6. Explain the objective of implementing the NREGA 2005.

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Lesson No. 4 Globalisation and the Indian Economy VArious ways By which MNCs set up or control production in other countries : - Set up production jointly with some of the local companies. Joint production provides money for additional investment and latest technology for production. - To buy up local companies and then expand production. - Place orders for production with small producers. - By setting up partnerships with local companies, by using the local companies for supplies, by closely competing with the local companies or buying them up, MNCs are exerting a strong influence on production at these distant locations. As a result, production in these widely dispersed locations is getting interlinked. Foreign Trade and Integration of Markets : - Exchange of goods - purchase and sale - across geographical boundaries of the countries. - Goods travel from one market to another. - Choice of goods in the market rises. - Prices of similar goods in the two markets tend to become equal. - Producers in the two countries closely compete against each other even though they are separated by thousand of miles. Thus foreign trade results in connecting the markets or integration of markets in different countries. Trade Barriers and its importance : - Various restrictions which are used by the government to increase or decrease Foreign Trade. - Government uses trade barriers to increase or decrease Foreign Trade and to decide what kinds of goods and how much of each, should come into the country. Special Economic Zones : - Setting up of industrial zones by the central and state governments to attract Foreign Companies to invest in India which have world class facilities, electricity, water, roads, transport, storage, recreational and educational facilities. Impact of Globalisation in India : 68 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

- Greater competition among producers - both local and foreign producers has been of advantage to consumers. - There is greater choice before these consumers who now enjoy improved quality and lower prices for several products. - Foreign investment has increased. - Increased competition has encouraged top Indian Companies to invest in newer technology and production methods and raise their production standards. - Globalisation has enabled some large Indian Companies to emerge as Multinational. - Created new opportunities for companies providing services particularly those involving Information Technology. Questions : 1. What are the various ways in which multinational companies set up, or control, production in other countries? 2. What is Foreign Trade? How does Foreign Trade lead to integration of markets across countries? 3. What are trade barriers? Why does Government uses Trade Barriers? 4. What are special economic zones? Why is the government setting up special economic zones? 5. What is the impact of Globalisation in India?

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Lesson No. 5 Consumer Rights Rights of Consumers : Rights which are provided by law : - Right to safety - Right to be informed - Right to choose - Right to be heard Right to seek redressal - Right to consumer education. Factors causing exploitation of Consumers : - Limited information - Limited supplies - Limited competition - Low literacy Duties of Consumers : - To purchase quality marked products such as ISI, AGMARK etc. - To ask for cash memo for the items purchased whenever possible. - To make complaint for genuine grievances consumers must know their rights and must exercise them. Demerits of Consumer Redressal Process : - The Consumer Redressal Process is becoming cumbersome expensive and time consuming. - Many a time, consumers are required to engage lawyers. These cases require time for filling and attending the court proceedings etc. - In most purchases cash memos are not issued hence evidence is not easy together. - Most purchases in the market are small retail sales. - The enforcement of laws that protect workers, especially in the unorganised sectors is weak. - Rules and regulations for working of markets are often not followed. Consumer Protection Act - 1986 (COPRA) - To protect and promote the interest of consumers. - Under COPRA a three-tier quasi-judicial machinery at the district, state and national levels is set up for redressal of consumer disputes. - The district level court deals with the cases involving claims upto Rs. 20 lakhs; The State level courts between Rs. 20 lakhs and Rs. 1 crore and the national level court deals with cases involving claims exceeding Rs. 1 crore. Questions : 1. Mention the Rights to consumers and write two sentences on each. 2. Explain the factors which cause exploitation of consumers. 3. Describe some of your duties as consumers if you visit a shopping complex in your locality. 4. Mention the demerits of consumer redressal process. 5.

Explain Consumer Protection Act - 1986. 70 PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::





Prepared Under the guidance of Principal SH. S. K. SHARMA K.V. I , Patiala Class - X , 2008-09 SUBJECT - SOCIAL SCIENCE CO-ORDINATOR :



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INDEX S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

NAME OF LESSION HISTORY Rise of Nationalism In Europe Nationalism In India The Making Of A Global World The Ag Of Industrialization Print Culture And The Modern GEOGRAPHY Resources And Development Water Resource Agriculture Mineral And Energy Resources Manufacturing Industries Life Line Of National Economy CIVICS Power Sharing Federalism Democracy And Diversity Gender, Religion And Caste Popular Strength And Movements Political Parties Out Comes Of Democracy Challenges Of Democracy ECONOMICS Development Sectors Of The Indian Economy Money And Credit Globalization And The Indian Economy Consumer Rights

PAGE No. Hindi English 1 34 2 35 3 36 4 38 5 39 7 8 9 10 11 13

40 41 43 44 46 48

15 16 18 19 21 22 24 25

50 51 53 54 56 58 60 61

26 27 29 30 32

63 64 66 68 70

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