Ss Syllabus

  • October 2019
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Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School Curriculum Paper Course Title: World History Teacher: Ms. A Stewart Mission Statement: Our Mission at the Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School is to create college bound students with a deep commitment to public service and a true understanding of their leadership skills within the global community. Course Overview: This year long Social Studies course focuses on the way people interact and have interacted with one another and the world around them. Students will understand the development of the world community within the context of history by examining their connections to the past and using this information to assist students in preparing for their futures as participating members of a global society. The culture, economics, geography, government, and history of different civilizations provide the foundations of this curriculum. Opportunities for the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills are basic to the learning process. Tentative Course Outline: Section 1- Intro/Map Skills Section 2- Prehistoric Life Section 3- The Birthplace of Civilization Section 4- Egypt and Nubia Section 5- Ancient India Section 6- Ancient China Section 7- Ancient Greece and Rome Section 8- Byzantine Empire and he Rise of Islam Section 9- The Middle Ages Section 10- The Renaissance and Reformation Student Evaluation: Students will be assessed formally by way quizzes and tests, and informally within the classroom setting by way of class discussion, oral quiz games, and history write-ups, and bell ringers. All graded assignments will be kept in the classroom until the end of each quarter. Students will also be required to complete a History Fair Project. More information on the History Fair will be provided during the first few weeks. Educational Materials: History of Our World, Prentice Hall. Late Work Policy: Late work will be accepted with penalty limited to a week after the assignments were initially given. This excludes extenuating circumstances such as extended absence due to illness, etc. An assignment is considered late if it is not submitted at the beginning of class on its due date. There is a 50% deduction for late work.

Make-Up Work: Students are allowed one day to make up work per day that they are absent. Grade Recovery Policy: Students will be offered grade recovery as outlined in the Duval County Pupil Progression Plan found on the Duval County Public Schools web page ( Parent/Teacher Conferences: M – F (12:28pm – 1:33pm) during school hours or after school hours until 3:30pm. Arrangements for conferences must be made in advance by contacting Judye Cameron at (904)346-5650 extension 114. Classroom Expectatations: Students are expected to have a complex understanding and knowledge of World History. Coming to class prepared every single day is a must. In order to create a productive learning environment that is conducive to positive instructional methods, there are a few procedures in place that students are expected to follow at all times. -Students will enter the classroom quietly, place assignments in bin, and sit in their assigned seat. -Students will raise their hands to be acknowledged. -Students will not leave their seats for any reason without permission. -Students are not permitted to have gum, drinks, or food in the classroom. Student Conduct: Minor offenses (I.e. tardiness, talking or not paying attention during mini-lesson or instructions) will receive verbal warnings. After three warnings, repeated occurrences of this nature will result in a lowered conduct score followed by a studentteacher plan to rectify the situation. Serious offenses: (I.e. Horseplaying during class, non-participation, not following rules/procedures will result in a lowered conduct score and a parent-teacher plan to rectify the situation will be implemented. Parents will also be contacted regarding such incidences if the behavior persists. Zero-tolerance offenses: (I.e. Fighting, bullying, cheating/plagiarism, unauthorized exit of the classroom, indulging in any actions which could potentially harm oneself, others, or school property or that ultimately result in such harm) will be dealt with immediately and strictly for the benefit of the students. These are generally offenses that compromise the safety and/or integrity of the course and could be grounds for immediate removal from the class accompanying a referral as well as any additional sanctions placed by school administration. Depending on the severity of the offense, a parent-teacher conference may be required along with a signed behavior plan before the student is allowed to return. Tutoring Schedule: I am available to students for additional assistance by appointment.

Grading Scale: Students will be evaluated in accordance with the standard Duval County Public Schools’ grading scale. Progress Reports: In addition to report cards issued at the end of each quarter, students will receive progress reports on September 8 and 29, November 7, December 5, February 9, March 3, April 22, and May 13. Students earning a grade of “D” or “F” on a progress report will be required to return the progress report signed by the parent/guardian within two days. Other Information: If parents or legal guardians do not have access to the internet, please make sure I am aware so that other arrangements to provide you pertinent information that relates to your child are made available.

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