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Sri Suka-saristava (Parrots praises Rädha and Kåñëa)

Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Gosvami

Chapter One Text 1 atha kñaëät tau pratilabdha-bodhäv utthäya talpopari sanniviñöau pürvaà prabuddhaù prasamékñya sakhyo yayuù sakhébhyäà saha tat-samépam atha-then; kñaëat-from that moment; tau-They; pratilabdha- attained; bodhauwakefulness; utthaya-rising; talpa-the couch; upari-above; sanniviñöau-situated; pürvam-before; prabuddhaù- awake; prasamékñya-seeing; sakhyaù-the gopéfriends; yayuù- went; sakhébhyäm-Subala and Madhumaìgala; saha-with; tatsamipam-near Them. Seeing that Rädhä and Kåñëa had awakened and risen from Their couch, the gopés, Subala, and Madhumaìgala, who had all awakened previously, approached the Divine Couple.

3 Text 2 våndäpy ayät sva-siñyau sa bälau vidyä-viçäradau kalokti-maïjuväk-samjïau gåhétvä çärikä-çukau våndä-Våndä-devi; api-also; ayat-approached; sva-her own; siñyau-students; sa-she; balau-young; vidya-visaradau-learned; kalokti-Kalokti; maïjuvak-Maïjuvak; samjïau-named; gåhitva-taking; çärikä-çukau-male and female parrots. Taking Maïjuväk and Kalokti, the learned male and female parrots carefully trained by her, Våndä-devé also approached the Divine Couple. Text 3 tatas tau paöhato namrau jaya våndävaneçvara jaya våndävaneçäni jayatälyaù prasédata tataù-then; tau-the two parrots; pathataù-recited prayers; namrau-bowing their heads; jaya-all glories; våndävana-éçvara-to the king of Våndävana; jaya-all glories; våndävana-isani-to the queen of Våndävana; jayata-all glories; alyaù-to the gopé-friends of the Divine couple; prasidata-please be merciful to us. Humbly bowing their heads, the two parrots then recited the following prayers. All glories to the king of Våndävana! All glories to the queen of Våndävana! All glories to the gopé-friends of the Divine Couple! We pray that all of You may be pleased with us, and show us Your mercy. Text 4 rädhä-dåg-iìgitäbhijïä våndä vijïä samädiçat paöheti kéraà kéro 'pi papäthänandayan sabhäm rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; dåk-by the glance; iìgita-the hints; abhijïaunderstanding; våndä-Våndä-devi; vijïa- intelligent; samadisat-instructed; patharecite; iti-thus; kiram-to the male parrot; kiraù-a parrot; api-although; papatharecited; änandayan-delighting; sabhäm-the assembly. Understanding the hint offered by Rädhäräëé's glance, intelligent Våndä-devé

3 commanded the male parrot: recite! In obedience to her order the male parrot recited the following prayers, delighting the entire assembly. Text 5 guëaiù svair hénä me yad api kavitä näti-madhurä satäà svädyäthäpy acyuta-guëa-yutatvena bhavitä ayaù çästré spåñöä mågayu-gåhagä sparça-maëinä suvarëatvaà präptä bhavati mahatäà bhüñaëa-kåte guëaiù-virtues; svaiù-of my own; hina-devoid; me-my; yat api-although; kavitapoetic prowess; na-not; ati-very; madhura-sweet; satam-by the saintly devotees; svadya-relishable; atha-then; api-even; acyuta-of the infalliabgle Supreme Personality of Godhead; guëa-with the transcendental qualities; yutatvenabecause of being filled; bhavita-will be; ayaù-an iron; sastri-dagger; spåñöatouched; mågayu-of a hunder; gåha-ga-in the home; sparça-maëina-by a touchstone; suvarëatvam-the state of being golden; präpta bhavati-attains; mahatam-of the great souls; bhüñaëa-kåte-suitable as an ornament. Even though my poetry has neither good qualities nor sweetness, because it is filled with descriptions of the transcendental qualities of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead, it will be relished by the saintly devotees, just as the iron dagger in a hunter's home, when turned to gold by contact with a touchstone, becomes an appropriate ornament for the most elevated persons. Text 6 cakrärdhendu-yavästa-kéna-kalaçais chatra-tri-koëämbaraiç cäpa-svästika-vajra-goñpada-darair ménordhva-rekhäìkuçaiù ambhoja-dhvaja-pakva-jämbava-phalaiù sal-lakñaëair aìkitaà jéyäc chré-puruñottamatva-gamakaiù çré-kåñëa-päda-dvayam cakra-disc; ardha-indu-half-moon; yava-barleycorn; asta-kona-eight-pointed star; kalasaiù-waterpot; chatra-parasol; tri-kona-triangle; ambaraiù-sky-capa-bow; svastika-svastika; vajra-thunderbolt; gospada-cow's hoofprint; daraiù-conchshell; mina-fish; urdhva-rekha-urdhvarekha marking; anikuçaiù- rod for controlling elephants; ambhoja-lotus flower; dhvaja- flag; pakva-ripe; jambava-phalaiù-jambu fruit; sat- transcndental; lakñaëaiù-with markings; aìkitam-marked; jéyat- all glories; çré-puruña-uttamatva-gamakaiù-with the signs of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; çré-kåñëa-of Çré Kåñëa; pada-of feet; dvayam-pair. All glories to Çré Kåñëa's lotus feet which are marked with the signs of the disc, half-moon, barleycorn, eight-pointed star, waterpot, parasol, triangle, sky, bow, svastika, thunderbolt, cow's hoofprint, conchshell, fish, ürdhvarekha line, rod for controlling elephants, lotus flower, flag, and ripe jambu fruit, which show that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Text 7

3 çré-kåñëaìghri-yugaà sakåc chruti-gataà sarvänya-tåñëä-haraà dhyätaà yad vipadaà vilopa-nipuëaà sat-sampadaà däyakam dåñöaà cärutayä camatkåti-padaà sarvendriyählädakaà spåñöaà yat klama-häntå nirvåti-karaà tan me kriyät kaìkñitam çré-kåñëa-of Çré Kåñëa; aìghri-feet; yugam-pair; sakåt-at once; sruti-to the ears; gatam-gone; sarva-all; anya-for other things; tåñëa-thirst; haram-removing; dhyatam-meditated on; yat-which; vipadam-of catastrophies; vilopa-in the removal; nipunam-expert; sat-transcendental; sampadam-of opulences; dayakam-the giver; dåñöam-seen; carutaya-with beauty; camatkåti-of wonder; padam-the abode; sarva-all; indriya-the senses; ahladakam-delighting; spåñöamtouched; yat-which; klama-fatigue; hantri-destroying; nirvåti-bliss; karamgranting; tat-that; me-by me; kriyat-may be; kaìkñitam- desired. May I yearn for Çré Kåñëa's feet which, once heard about remove the thirst for anything else, meditated on remove calamities and grant transcendental good fortune, seen fill with wonder and delight the senses, and touched remove fatigue and give transcendental bliss. Text 8 saubhägyänäà sad-rucaà sad-guëänäà sampatténäà prakåtäprakåtänäm lélägäraà dätå ca dhyäta-mätraà sarvasvaà naù kåñëa-pädäbjam astu saubhagyanam-of good fortune; sat-rucam-of transcendental beauty; satguëanam-of transcendental virtues; sampatténäm-of opulences; prakåta-both material; aprakåtanam-and spiritual; lélä-of transcendental pastimes; agaram-the abode; datr-the giver; ca-also; dhyata-by meditation; mätram-only; sarvasvambe-all-and-end-all; naha-of us; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; pada- feet; abjam-lotus flower; astu-may be. May Kåñëa's lotus feet, which are the home of transcendental pastimes and which when remembered grant good-fortune, transcendental beauty, spiritual virtues, and spiritual and material wealth, be the be-all-and-end-all of our life. Text 9 yasyopäsanayäpta-çakti-lavataç cintämaëitvaà çilaù käçcit käma-gavitvaà etya dhavaläù kaçcic ca kalpägatam kecid bhümi-ruhä babhüvur akhiläbhéñöa-pradäù präëinäà tac chré-kåñëa-padäravinda-yugalaà ko näçrayet svapradam yasya-of which; upasanaya-by the worship; äpta-obtained; çakti-of potency; lavataù-from a tiny fragment; cintamaëitvam-the state of being a cintamaëi gem; silaù-rocks; kaçcit-some; käma-gavitvam-the state of being wisù-fulfilling kämadhenu cows; etya-having attained; dhavalaù-cows; kaçcit-some; ca-also; kalpa-agatam-of those who approach for fulfillment of their desires; kecit-some;

3 bhümi-ruhaù-trees; babhüvuù-became; akhila-all; abhista-desires; pradaùgranting; praninam-of the living entities; tat-those; çré-kåñëa-of Çré Kåñëa; padafeet; aravinda-lotus; yugalam-pair; kaù-who?; na-will not; asrayet- take shelter; sva-pradam-which give themselves. Who will not take shelter of Çré Kåñëa's lotus feet, which generously offer themselves? With a fragment of the power obtained by worship of them, rocks become cintämaëi jewels, cows become kämadhenu cows, and trees become kalpa-våkña trees fulfilling all desires. Text 10 parimala-väsita-bhuvanaà sva-rasämodita-rasajïa-rolambam giridhara-padämbhojaà kaù khalu rasikaù saméhåte hätum parimala-with it's fragrance; väsita-scented; bhuvanam-all the worlds; sva-rasawith it's nectar; ämodita-delighted; rasajïa-connoussieurs; rolambam-bumblebees; giridhara-of Lord Giridhari (Kåñëa); pada-feet; ambhojam-lotus flower; kaùwhich?; khalu-certainly; rasikaù-person expert at relishing transcendental mellows; samihåte-is able; hatum-to abandon. What person who knows its sweetness can abandon the lotus flower of Lord Giridhäré's feet, which fills the worlds with its fragrance and delights the bumblebees tasting its honey? Text 11 lavaëima-madhu-pürëaà sväìguli-çreëi-pürëaà yuvati-nayana-bhåìga-vyüha-pétaà su-çétam nakhara-nikara-rociù-keçaraà saurabhormiparimalita-dig-antaà kåñëa-pädäbjam éòe lavanima-of beauty; madhu-with the honey; pürëam-filled; sva-own; aìguli-of toes; çreëi-by the series; pürëam-filled; yuvati-of the youìg gopés; nayana-of the eyes; bhåìga-of bumble-bees; vyüha-by the multitudes; pitam-drunk; su-sitamvery cool; nakhara-of toenails; nikara-by the multitude; rociù-splendor; keçaramfilament; saurabha-of sweet fragrance; urmi- by the waves; parimalita-made aromatic; dik-antam-all directions; kåñëa-of Çré Kåñëa; pada-feet; abjam-lotus flower; ide-I worship. I worship the cool lotus flower of Lord Kåñëa's feet and toes, which are filled with the honey of His handsomeness, honey drunk by the bumblebees of the gopés' eyes, which are splendid with the filaments of His toenails, and which flood the directions with waves of sweet fragrance. Text 12

3 païcendriyählädi-guëair mahattamai raktotpaläbjäni vadanyatädibhiù kalpa-drumänäà jitavac ca pallavaù kenopameyaà caraëämbujaà hareù païca-five; indriya-senses; ahlädi-delighting; guëaiù-with virtues; mahattamaiùgreat; rakta-red; utpala-abjani-lotus flowers; vadanyata-with generosity; ädibhiùand other virtues; kalpa-drumanam-of the desire trees; jitavat-defeated; ca-also; pallavas-blossoming twigs; kena-with what?; upameyam- comparable; caraëafeet; ambujam-lotus flower; hareù-of Lord Hari. To what may the lotus flower of Lord Hari's feet, which with many virtues and glories that delight the five senses defeats the red lotuses, and with generosity and other virtues defeats the kalpa-våkña's blossoming twigs, be compared? Text 13 nakha-siti-ruci-gaìgä kåñëa-päda-prayäge tad-upari siti-rocir bhänujä saìgatäsét aruëa-kiraëa-dhärä dhätå-kanyäpy adhastäl lasati nikhila-sarväbhéñöa-deyaà tri-veëé nakha-of His toenails; siti-fair; ruci-splendor; gaìga-Ganges; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; pada-of the feet; prayage-at the Prayaga-tirtha; tat-that; upari-above; sitiblack; rociù-splendor; bhanuja-Yamunä river; saìgata äsét-met; aruna-red; kiraëadhara-with effulgence; dhatr-kanya-the Sarasvati river; api-also; adhastatbeneath; lasati-is manifested; bikhila-to everyone; sarva-all; abhista-desires; deya-fulfilling; tri-veni-the confluence of these rivers. Meeting at the Prayäga-tértha of Kåñëa's feet, the white Gaìgä of His toenails, the black Yamunä of the upper part of His feet, and the red Sarasvaté of His soles are splendidly manifest, fulfilling all desires. Text 14 apürvaù kaàsäreç caraëa-yugalasyaiña mahimä yad äçritya dhväntaà sva-kadana-kåte präptam aruëam niyuddhe 'dhaù kåtvopari lasati yad vékñya sabhayäd vapur-vyühaà kurvann amalam uòupo 'py äçrayad idam apürvaù-unprecedented; kaàsa-areù-of Çré Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa; caraëa-of feet; yugalasya-of the pair; esaù-this; mahima-glory; yat-which; äçrityahaving taken shelter; dhvantam-darkness; sva-kadana-kåte-in his defeat; präptam-attained; arunam-the demigod Aruna; niyuddhe-in the battle; adhaùdown; kåtva-having placed; upari-above; lasati-is splendidly manifested; yatwhich; vékñya-seeing; sa-bhayat- with fear; vapuù-of Lord Kåñëa's transcendental form; vyuham-of the military phalanx; kurvan-doing; amalam-spotless; udupaùthe moon; api-even; asrayat-takes shelter; idam-this.

3 Seeing the unprecedented glory of Kåñëa's feet conquer in battle the red sunrise and throw it down into the darkness, the frightened moon surrendered to the splendid army of Kåñëa's limbs. Text 15 kaloktiù sa tataù çäré våndäyä preritä dåçä rasajïäà vasitäà cakre kåñëa-pädäbja-varëanaiù kaloktiù-Kalokti; sa-she; tataù-then; çäré-the female parrot; våndäya-by Våndädevi; pprerita-ordered; dåça-by a glance; rasajïam-tongue; vasitam-aromatic; cakre-made; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; pada-feet; abja-of the lotus flower; varëanaiùby descriptions. Signaled by Våndä's glance, the female parrot, Kalokti, made her tongue fragrant with descriptions of Kåñëa's lotus feet. Text 16 candäàçoù pluñöha-varñmäruëa iha kiraëaiù kåñëa-pädäbja-yugmaà sita-cchäyäà praviñöo 'ty-aruëa-madaà abhüd vyaptam asyäruëimnä utprekñyaà kavénäà mama tu matam idaà kåñëa-rägäti-raktaà rädhä-cittaà mamaiväspadam idam iti tad vyasnuta svasya dhämnä canda-aàsoù-of the fierce sun; plusta-scorced; varsma-whose body; arunaùAruna; iha-here; kiraëaiù-with his effulgence; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; pada-of the feet; abja-of lotus flowers; yugmam-the pair; sita-cool; chayam-shade; praviñöaùentered; ati-very; aruna-madam-red; abhüt-was; vyaptam-pervaded; asya-of him; arunimna-by the redness; utprekñyam-to be compared; kavénäm-of the poets; mama-of me; tu-also; matam-opinion; idam-this; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; raga-by the love; ati-very much; raktam-reddened; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; cittamthe mind; mama-my; eva-certainly; aspadam-abode; idam-this; iti- thus; tat-that; vyasnuta-pervaded; svasya-of Him; dhamna-by the effulgence. The idea of poets is that Kåñëa's lotus soles are red because the sunrise, burned by the sun's fierce rays, took shelter of the cooling shade there. My idea is they are red because, full of passionate love, Rädhä thinks in Her heart: "Kåñëa's feet are my only shelter". Text 17 léläravindam aravinda-dåçäà karäbje kaìkollasi-pallavam uroja-suvarëa-kumbhe raktotpalaà yad iha håt-sarasédam éòe pädäravindam aravinda-vilocanasya

3 lélä-for pastimes; aravindam-lotus flower; aravinda-like lotus flowers; dåçämwhose eyes; kara-of the hand; abje-in the lotus flower; kaìkollasi-pallavam-the asoka flower; uroja-of the breasts; suvarëa-golden; kumbje-in the vase; rakta-the red; utpalam-lotus flower; yat-which; iha-here; håt-of the heart; sarasi-in the lake; fidam-this; ide-I glorify; pada- feet; aravindam-lotus flower; aravinda-vilocanasyaof the lotus-eyed Supreme Personality of Godhead. I worship lotus-eyed Kåñëa's lotus feet, which the lotus-eyed gopés hold as a toy in their lotus hands, as s splendid bloom in the golden vase of their breasts, and as a red lotus growing in the lake of their hearts. Text 18 candrendévara-candanendu-naladäc chétaà lasat-saurabhaà rädhäyäù stana-saìga-lolupatamaà tat-päëi-samlälitam tac chré-kuìkuma-carcitaà su-lalitaà çobhäli-léläspadaà tac chré-kåñëa-padämbujaà bhavatu naù samvähanéyaà sadä candra-than the moon; indévara-blue lotus flower; candana-sandalwood; inducamphor; naladat-and the usira root; sitam-more cooling; lasat-saurabham-and fragrant; rädhäyäù-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; stana-of the breasts; saìga-contact; lolupatamam- very eager; tat-of her; päëi-by the hand; samlalitam-caressed; tatthat; çré-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; kuìkuma-by the kuìkuma; carcitam-anointed; sulalitam-charming; çobha-ali-of beauty; lélä-and playfulness; aspadam-the abode; tat-that; çré-kåñëa- of Çré Kåñëa; pada-feet; ambujam-lotus flower; bhavatu-may be; naù-by us; samvähanéyam-massaged; sada-constantly. May we always massage Çré Kåñëa's graceful lotus feet, which are more cool and fragrant than the moon, lotus, sandalwood, camphor, or uñira, which Rädhä caresses in Her hands and yearns to place on Her breasts, and which are anointed with kuìkuma, and are the playground of handsomeness. Text 19 säbhya-karëau sudhä-pürëau racayan rädhayeritaù sa-çärikaù çuko 'nyäni kåñëasyäìgäny avarëayat sabhya-of the assembled gopés; karëau-the ears; sudhä-of nectar; pürëau-full; racayan-making; rädhäya-by Çrématé Rädhäräëé; iritaù-ordered; sa-with; çärikaùthe female parrot; çukaù-the male parrot; anyani-the other; kåñëasya-of Çré Kåñëa; äìgani-limbs; avarëayat-described. Ordered by Rädhä, the male and female parrot then described Kåñëa's other limbs, filling the ears of the audience with nectar.

3 Text 20 gulphau bakärer lasato 'ti-cikkaëau lävaëya-bhaìgocchalitau su-vartulau kälinda-kanyä-tanu-véci-nirjharäd ddhväditendévara-korakäv iva gulphau-ankles; baka-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Bakasura; lasataùsplendidly manifest; ati-very; cikkanau-smooth and glistening;lävaëya-of beauty; bhaìga-ucchaitau-filled with waves; su-very; vartulau-round; kälinda-kanya-of the Yamunä river; tanu-vici-nirjharat-than the waves; dhvädita-deveated; indévara-of the blue lotus; korakau-buds; iva-like. Glorious, graceful, splashed by waves of handsomeness, more splendid than the Yamunä's turbulent current, and eclipsing the blue lotus, Kåñëa's ankles shine with great splendor. Text 21 lävaëya-dhanya-madhu-pürëa-tamäla-navyaparëäti-citra-puöike ghuöike muräreù älihya netra-rasanä-çikhayä sakåd ye mattä vighürëati sadä lalanälir ärät lävaëya-of beauty; dhanya-with the wealth; madhu-the honey; pürëa-full; tamäla-of a tamäla tree; navya-fresh; parëa-with the leaf; ati-very; citrawonderful; putike-cup; ghutike-two ankles; mura-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of the Mura demon; älihya-having licked; netra-of their eyes; rasana-of the tongue; sikhaya-with the tip; sakåt-once; ye-which; matta-intoxicated; vighurnatistaggers; sada-continually; lalana-of the gopés; äliù-the bumble-bees; aratimmediately. With the tongue-tips of their eyes once licking from afar Kåñëa's two ankle tamäla-leaf cups filled with the rich honey of exquisite handsomeness, the gopébumblebees, now intoxicated, stagger again and again. Text 22 çrémat-padämbuja-yugopari pütanärer nihnutya gulpha-yugalasya miñeëa dhäträ çré-rädhikä-nayana-kéra-yugasya puñöyai manye nyadhäyi karamarda-phale su-pakve çrémat-beautiful; pada-feet; ambuja-lotus; upari-above; putana-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of the Putana demon; nihnutya-concealing; gulpha-of ankles; yugalasya-of the pair; miñena-by a trick; dhatra-by the creator Brahmä; çrérädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; nayana-of the eyes; kira-of parrots; yugasya-of the pair; puñöyai-for the nourishment; manye-I consider; nyadhayi-placed; karamarda-phale-two karamarda fruits; su-very; pakve-ripe.

3 I think the creator Brahmä, on the pretext of placing ankles above Kåñëa's handsome lotus feet, placed two ripe karamarda fruits there to feed the two parrots of Çré Rädhikä's eyes. Text 23 babhau hareù çré-ghuöikä-yugaà tat su-çliñöha-pärçvaà yad aväpa çaçvat rädhä-mano-våtti-kumärikäleù kumärayantyä laghu-kaëòukatvam babhau-manifested; hareù-of Lord Hari; çré-ghutikä-of ankles; yugam-pair; tatthat; su-sliñöha-attached; pärçvam-to the side; yat-which; avapa-attained; çaçvateternally; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; manaù-of the mind; våtti-activities; kumarikä-of young girls; aleù-of the multitude; kumarayantyä laghukaëòukatvam-the condition of being small balls for playing. The young girls that are Rädhä's thoughts imagine that Lord Hari's ankles are two small balls for playing. Text 24 gokula-kula-yuvaténäà dhairyodbhaöa-vinañöaye 'sty atanoù hari-jaìgha-yuga-dambhäl laghu-parigha-yugaà tamäla-särasya gokula-of gokula; kula-yuvaténäm-of the pious youìg girls; dhairya-of composure; udbhata-of the soldiers; vinastaye-for the destruction; asti-is; atanoùof the cupid; hari-of Lord Hari; jaìgha-of shins; yuga-a pair; dambhat-on the pretext; laghu-small; parigha-clubs; tamäla-sarasya-of Lord Kåñëa, who is like the best of tamäla trees. In order to rout the strong soldiers that are the chaste composure of the pious young girls of Gokula, the demigod Käma made two small tamäla-wood clubs, and disguised them as the shins of Lord Hari. Text 25 marakata-maëi-rambha-stambha-sambhedi dhäträ bhuvana-bhavana-müla-stambhatäà lambhitaà yatyuvati-nicaya-cetaù-pélunéläsma-kélaà praëayatu hari-jaìgha-yugmam aìgho-vighätam marakata-maëi-of emeralds; rambha-plantain trees; stambha-columns; sambhedi-combined; dhatra-by the creator Brahmä; bhuvana-of the three worlds;

3 bhavana-of the building; mula-at the foundation; stambhatam-the state of being a columns; labhitam-attained; yat-which; yuvati-of young gopés; nicaya-of the multitude; cetaù-of the minds; pila-of the elephants; nélasma-sapphire; kilamelephant goads; praëayatu-may accomplish; hari-of Lord Hari; jaìgha-of the shins; yugmam-the pair; aìghaù-of sins; vighatam-the destruction. May Lord Hari's shins, which are two emerald plantain-tree columns placed by the creator Brahmä to support the palace of the three planetary systems, and which are two sapphire goads to control the elephants of the gopés' hearts, destroy my sins. Text 26 divyato lavaëimämåta-bhaìge cäru-haàsaka-kalä-lalitänte deha-känti-yamunä-laghu-dhäräsan-nibhe muraripoù prasåte te divyataù-glistening; lavanima-of beauty; amåta-of the nectar; bhaìge-with waves; caru-beautiful; haàsaka-of swans; kala-lalita-with sweet sounds; ante-on the shore; deha-of the body; känti-of the beauty; yamuna-of the Yamunä river; laghu- little; dhara-inundation; sat-being so; nibhe-like; mura-ripoù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of the Mura demon; prasrte- flowed; te-they. Like a Yamunä-current of the glory of His body, filled with nectar waves of handsomeness, and charming with the warbling of graceful swans, Kåñëa's shins are splendidly manifest. Text 27 saundarya-sauñöhava-vilokanataù pralubdhe jaìghe mitho militum asya samutsuke ye te veëu-vädana-kåte sthiratäà gate 'smin labdhäntare 'nuparirabhya harau ciraà staù saundarya-of beauty; sauñöhava-excellence; vilokanataù-from seeing; pralubdhe-greedy; jaìghe-shins; mithaù-together; militum-to meet; asya-of that; samukñuke-eager; ye-who; te-they; veëu-vadana-kåte-during the playing of the flute; sthiratam-an immobile condition; gate-when attained; asmin-this; labdhaattained; antare-the opposite conditin; anuparirabhya-having embraced; harau-on Lord Hari; ciram-for a long time; staù-situated. From seeing each other's sublime handsomeness, Lord Hari's two shins became very eager to meet. When, stunned in ecstasy, Lord Hari played the flute, they, not at all stunned, embraced for a long time. Note: When Lord Hari became stunned, His shins trembled.

3 Text 28 mädhurya-lakñmyä ruciräsana-dvayaà lävaëya-vally-aguru-parva-yugmakam çobha-çriyo-'laìkåti-peöikä-yugaà jänu-dvayaà bhäti manoharaà hareù mädhurya-of sweetness; lakñmya-with the opulence; rucira-glistening; asana-of thrones; dvayam-pair; lävaëya-of beauty; vallya-with the creeper; aguru-of the fragrant aguru tree; parva-knots; yugmakam-two; çobha-of splendor; çriyaù-of the opulence; alaìkåti-of ornaments; petikä-chests; yugam-pair janu-of knees; dvayam-pair; bhäti-is manifested; manoharam- enchanting; hareù-of Lord Hari. Lord Hari's charming knees, which are sweetness' two glorious thrones, two knots in a fragrant aguru tree embraced by a vine of handsomeness, and two jewelry chests holding the ornaments of gracefulness, are splendidly manifest. Text 29 ramyoru-parva-dvayam adbhutaà harer mahendra-nélaà laghu sampuöa-dvayam asaìkhya-go-saìkhya-kuläìganätanes te citta-cintämaëayo 'tra bhänti yat ramya-delightful; uru-parva-of knees; dvayam-pair; adbhutam-wonderful; hareù-of Lord Hari; mahendra-nélam-made of sapphires; ;laghu-small; samputa-of jewelry chests; dvayam-pair; asaìkhya-countless; go-saìkhya-kula-aìganä_-of pious gopés; ataneù-of the multitude; te-they; citta-of the thoughts; cintamanayaù-cintamaëi jewels; atra-there; bhanti- shine; yat-which. Lord Hari's charming knees are two wonderful sapphire jewelry chests filled with the cintämaëi jewels of the thoughts of countless pious young gopés. Text 30 prasara-raëe yad balimän nikuïcane çré-pädayor nirvalitaà su-maàsalam çré-rädhikä-çrékara-lälitaà hares taj jänu-yugmaà ruciraà çriye 'stu naù prasara-rane-in the pitched battle; yat-which; baliman-with folds of skin; nikuïcane-in contraction; çré-padayoù-of the feet; nirvalitam-gone; su-maàsalamfleshly; çré-rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; çré-kara-by the hand; lalitamcaressed; hareù-of Lord Hari; tat-that; janu-of knees; yugmam-pair; rucirambeautiful; çriya-for transcendentral opulence and auspiciousness; astu-may be; naù-for us. May Lord Hari's gracefully bent, broad knees, sprouted from His feet, and now

3 embraced by Çré Rädhikä's lotus hand in Their ferocious battle, grant auspiciousness to us. Text 31 üru-dvayaà su-valitaà lalitaà bakäreù pénäà su-cikkaëam adhaù-krama-karñya-yuktam kandarpa-vånda-vara-naröaka-läsya-raìgaà lävaëya-keli-sadanaà hådi naç cakästu uru-of thighs; dvayam-the pair; su-valitam-beautiful; lalitam-charming; bakaareù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Bakasura; pénäm-fleshly; su-cikkanam-smooth; adhaù-lower; krama-part; karsya-thinness; yuktam-endowed; kandarpa-of cupids; våndä-of the multitude; vara-excellent; nartaka-of dancers; lasya-dancing; raìgam-arena; lävaëya-of beauty; keli- of the pastimes; sadanam-the abode; hådiin the heart; naù-of us; cakästu-may be manifest. May Lord Hari's charming, graceful, broad, smooth, tapering thighs, which are handsomeness' playground and many Kämadevas' dancing arena, be manifest in our hearts. Text 32 jambhäri-ratna-ghaöitaà kim ajäëòa-çälastambha-dvayaà kim atanor makha-yüpa-yugmam kià vedam asti lalanä-hådayebha-bandhaläna-dvayaà na tad idaà hari-çakthi-yugmam jambhari-ratna-of sapphires; ghaöitam-fashioned; kim-is this?; ajanda-of the universe; sala-of the palatial building; stambha-of posts; dvayam-the pair; kim-is this?; atanoù-of cupid; makha-for the sacrifice; yupa-os posts; yugmam-the pair; kim-is this?; va-or; idam-this; asti-is; lalana-of the young gopés; hådaya-of the hearts; ibha-of the elephants; bandha-for binding; alana-of posts; dvayam-pair; na-not; tat- this; idam-this; hari-of Lord Hari; sakthi-of thighs; yugmam- the pair. Are these two sapphire columns holding up the palace of the universe? Two sacrificial stakes for the worship of Kämadeva? Two posts to bind the elephants of the gopés' hearts? No. They are the two thighs of Lord Hari. Text 33 üru-cchaläc chroëi-varäïjanoccasthalé-bhavädho-mukha-néla-rambhe ete harer ye lalanäkñi-kérapuñöyai sva-mädhurya-phalair alaà staù uru-of thighs; chalat-on the pretext; sroni-of hips; vara-excellent; aïjana-with the ointment; ucca-loftly; sthali-plaace; bhava-being; adhaù-mukha-beneath;

3 néla-blue; rambhe-two plantain trees; ete-these two; hareù-of Lord Hari; yewhich; lalana-of the beautiful young gopés; akñi-of the eyes; kira-the parrots; puñöyai-for nourishing; sva-His own; mädhurya-of sweetness; phalaiù-with the fruits; alam- sufficiently; staù-they are. Disguised as Lord Hari's thighs, two tall and dark banana trees grow to feed fruits of sweetness to the parrots of the gopés' eyes. Text 34 rambhäli-garva-bhara-däraëa-sanniveçe mattebha-hasta-mada-mardana-mardave ye çré-rädhikä-karabha-santata-sevyamäne kenopamantu kavayo hari-çakthiné te rambha-of plantain trees; äli-of the host; garva-of pride; bhara-the abundance; daraëa-tearing apart; sannivese-nearby; matta-mad; ibha-elephant; hasta-the trunk; mada-the pride; mardana-breaking; mardave-softness; ye-which; çrérädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; karabha-by the hand; santata-constantly; sevyamane-being served; kena-with what?; upamantu-may compare; kavayaùthe poets; hari-of Lord Hari; sakthiné-the two thighs; te-they. To what may poets compare Lord Hari's thighs which, always served by Çré Rädhikä's lotus hand, tear apart the banana trees' pride and crush the mad elephants' pride in their trunks? Text 35 vistérëa-pénam ati-sundara-sanniveñäà räsa-sthalaà sarati-käma-naöärbudänäm abhéra-dhéra-ramaëé-kamanéya-çobhaà çré-çroëi-maëòalam alaà vilasaty aghäreù vistirna-pénam-broad; ati-sundara-sanniveñäm-very beautiful; rasa-of dancing; sthalam-the arena; sa-accompanied by Rati-devi; käma-of cupid; nata-of dances; arbudanam-of millions; abhira-of the cowherd men; dhira-saintly; ramaëé-girls; kamanéya-desireable; çobham-splendor; çré-sroni-maëòalam-hips; alam-greatly; vilasati-shines; agha-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Aghasura. A dancing arena for millions of Kämas and Ratis, and their handsomeness the object of the saintly and beautiful young gopés' yearning, Kåñëa's very handsome broad thighs are splendidly manifest. Text 36 kaöéra-bimbaà lasad-ürdhva-käyatamäla-néläsma-kåtälavälam

3 kåñëasya lävaëya-jaläli-khelatkäïcé-maräli-valitaà vibhäti katira-of the hips; bimbam-circle; lasat-splendid; urdhva-upper part; kaya-of the body; tamäla-of the tamäla tree; nélasma-sapphire; kåta-fashioned; alavalamirrigation treïch; kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; lävaëya-of beauty; jala-ali-in the waters; khelat-playing; kaïci-of the Lord's belt; marali-the swan; valitam-attracted; vibhäti-is manifest. Circling the roots of the sapphire tamäla tree of His torso, and the swan of His belt playing in the waters of its handsomeness, the irrigation trench of Kåñëa's hips shines with great splendor. Text 37 kåñëäìga-siàhäsana-santatopaviñöasya rädhä-hådayasya räjïaù dhäträ kåtaà çroëi-miñät sukhäptyai néläàçuka-sthüla-vidhüpadhänam kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; aìga-of the body; siàha-asana-on the throne; santatacontinually; upaviñöasya-seated; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; hådayasya-of the heart; räjïaù-of the monarch; dhatra-by the creator Brahmä; kåtam-created; sroniof being hips; miñät-on the pretext; çukha-of happiness; äptyai- for the obtainment; néla-blue; aàçuka-cloth; sthüla-large; vidhu-charming; upadhanampillow. On the pretext of fashioning Kåñëa's lap, the creator Brahmä made a great blue cushion to please Rädhä"s royal heart, which always sits on the throne of Kåñëa"s limbs. Text 38 ye gopikä-dåk-çapharäli-kelaye lävaëya-vanyämåta-pürëa-palvale ye rädhikä-citta-mågendra-kandare te sundare naumi hareù kakundare ye-which; gopéka-of the gopés; dåk-of the eyes; çaphari-of the çaphari fishes; ali-of the multitude; kelaye-for the pastimes; lävaëya-of transcendental beauty; vanya-of the flood; amåta-of the nectatr; pürëa-full; palvale-the ponds; ye- which; rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; citta-of the mind; mågendra-of the lion; kandarethe cave; te-they; sundare- beautiful; naumi-I offer my respectful obeisaïces; hareù-of Lord Hari; kakundare-to the two hips. I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Hari's hips, which are a cave for the lion of Rädhikä's heart and a nectar pool of handsomeness for the playing of the çapharé fishes of the gopés' eyes.

3 Text 39 adhas-tiryag-rekhä-sarid-upari sä näbhi-sarasi tayor madhye västir dhruvam agha-ripor asti pulinam sadä räsa-kréòäà yad iha nija-våtty-adbhuta-naöicayaiù çré-rädhäyä hådaya-naöa-räjaù praëayati adhaù-below; tiryak-curved; rekha-line; sarit-the stream; upari-above; sa-that; nabhi-of the navel; sarasi-lake; tayoù-of the two; madhye-in the middle; vastiùthe lower part of the abdomen; dhruvam-certainly; agha-ripor-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Agha; asti-is; pulinam-the shore; sada-continually; rasa-kridam-the pastime of the rasa dance; yat-which; iha-here; nija-her own; våti-activity; adbhuta-wonderful; nati-of dancers; cayaiù-with a host; çré-rädhäyäù-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; hådaya-of the heart; nata-of dancers; räjaù-the king; praëayatiperforms. In between Lord Hari's navel-lake and the river that is the lower line of His abdomen is a plain where the king of dancers, Çré Rädhä's heart, performs a räsa dance with her many wonderful associates. Text 40 çré-vasti-romäväli-näbhi-dambhän nipäna-sad-rajju-sudhoda-küpän tåñärta-gopé-gaëa-go-gaëänäà pänäya dhätäsåjad acyutäìge çré-vasti-the lower abdomen; roma-of hairs; ävali-line; nabhi-navel; dambhaton the pretext; nipana-for drinking; sat-transcendental; rajju-with ropes; sudhäuda-of nectar; kupan-wells; tåña-by thirst; ärta-afflicted; gopé-of gopés; gaëa-of thehost; go-of cows; gaëanam-of the host; panaya-for drinking; dhata-the creator Brahmä; asrjat-created; acyuta-of the infalliable Personality of Godhead; ange-on the body. On the pretext of fashioning a navel and lower abdomen decorated with a line of hairs, the creator Brahmä placed on the body of the infallible Personality of Godhead a series of nectar watering-places to slake the thirst of the surabhi cows that are the vraja-gopés. Text 41 gopé-mano-dhanya-cayänya-väsanätuñäpahärottara-saàskåtau vidhiù nélopalolükhalatäà ninäya yat kåñëävalagnaà hådi me cakästu tat gopé-of the gopés; manaù-of the thoughts; dhanya-of grain; caya-of the abundance; anya-other; vasana-of desires; tusa-the chaff; apahara-for removing;

3 uttara-saàskåtau-in the matter of the final perfection; vidhiù-the creator Brahmä; néla-upala-sapphire; ulukhalatam-to the state of being a mortar; ninya- brought; yat-which; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa's body; avalagnam-the middle part(the abdomen); hådi-in the heart; me-my; cakästu- may be manifested; tat-that. May Lord Kåñëa's abdomen, which the creator Brahmä transformed into a sapphire grinding-mortar to remove the chaff of material desires from the granary of the gopés' thoughts, appear in my heart. Text 42 kåñëävalagnasya miñäd umä-pater visphardhayärädhanayärdite muhuù pürväpara-sthüla-vibhäga-samyuto dhäträ vitérëo òamaruù smaräya kim kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; avalagnasya-of the middle part of the body; miñät-on the pretext; uma-pateù-of Lord Siva, the husband of Uma; vispardhaya-with rivalry; arädhänaya-with worship; ardite-afflicted; muhuù-at every moment; pürva-first; apara-and second; sthüla-large; vibhaga-with parts; samyutaù-endowed; dhatraby the creator; vitirnaù-presented; damaruù- damaru drum; smaraya-to cupid; kim-how is it? Why, on the pretext of fashioning Lord Kåñëa's waist, did the creator Brahmä gave an excellent damaru drum, broad at both ends, to the demigod Käma? Käma attained this gift by always worshiping Brahmä, and now that he has it, he is able to challenge Lord Çiva himself. Text 43 harer vakñaù-kakudmatyor visargam antarästhitam madhya-dambhäd dvayor navyaà jaihva-müläkñaraà vyadhät hareù-of Lord Hari; vakñaù-of the chest; kakudmatyoù-of the hips; visargamcreation; antara-between; asthitam-situated; madhya-of the waist; dambhat-on the pretext; dvayoù-of both of them; navyam-new; jaihva-mula-akñaram-the letter jihvamuléya; vyadhat-placed. On the pretext of fashioning a thin waist, the demigod Brahmä placed a jihvamuléya letter between Lord Hari's broad chest and hips. Note: In this verse the Lord's waist is compared to the jihvamuléya letter: )(. Text 44

3 dåñövä bakärer avalagna-sauñöhavaà nijävalagnasya ku-kérti-çaìkayä durgäsu durgä-janakasya bhü-bhåto daréñu päréndra-gaëa vililyire dåñöva-having seen; baka-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Bakasura; avalagna-of the waist; sauñöhavam-excellence; nija-of their own; avalagnasya-of the waist; ku-kérti-defemation; saìkaya-fearing; durgasu-inaccessible; durgajanakasya-of the Himalaya mountains; bhu-bhåtaù-of the mountain; darisu-in the caves; paréndra-of lions; gaëaù-the community; vililyire- disappeared. Seeing the handsomeness of Kåñëa's thin waist, and fearing their own waists would no longer be glorious in comparison, the lions became embarrassed and fled, disappearing into Himalayan caves. Text 45 lävaëya-vanyä-bhrama-bhaìga-pürëe baké-ripor näbhi-hrade gabhére tåñärta-gopé-hådayebha-pälimagnaiva nonmajjati sä kadäpi lävaëya-of beauty; vanya-the flood; bhrama-with a whirlpool; bhaìga-and waves; pürëe-full; baki-ripoù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Putana; nabhi-of the navel; hrade-in the lake; gabhére-deep; tåña-by thirst; ärta-afflicted; gopé-of the gopés; hådaya-of the hearts; ibha-of elephants; päli-the herd; magna-drowned; na-not; unmajjati-to emerge; sa-they; kadapi-at any time. Drowning in Kåñëa's deep navel-lake filled with whirlpools and waves of handsomeness, the thirsty elephants of the gopés' hearts will never rise again. Text 46 çré-kåñëa-vigraha-tamäla-sura-drume 'smin çobha-maranda-bhåta-näbhi-sukitaro 'sti lobhäd vadhü-dåg-ali-pälir iha praviñöä yat sä punar na hi nireti rase nimagnä çré-kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; vigraha-of the form; tamäla-tamäla; sura-drume-in the desire-tree; asmin-in this; çobha-of transcendental beauty; maranda-honey; bhåta-held; nabhi-of the navel; sukotaraù-the hollow; asti-is; lobhat-out of greed; vadhu-of the young girls of Vraja; dåk-of the eyes; äli-of bumble-bees; päliù-the swarm; iha-here; praviñöaù-has entered; yat-because; saù-they; punaù-again; nanot; hi-certainly; nireti-will emerge; rase-in the nectar; nimagna-immersed. In the tamäla desire-tree of Çré Lord Kåñëa's form is a navel-hollow filled with the honey of handsomeness. Entering there and greedily drowning in the honey, the bumblebees of the gopés' eyes will never come out again.

3 Text 47 viñëor gaìgäjani bali-nutän nicagägre 'ìghri-padmät tan-mätsaryät tri-bali-mahitäd ürdhvagä näbhi-padmät çaureù kåñëäjani tanuruhäli-cchalät paçyatäà yä tasmin prétià janayati paräà väsanäà samvidhüya viñëoù-from Lord Viñëu; gaìga-the Ganges river; ajani-became manifested; baliby Bali Maharäja; nutat-glorified with prayers; nicaga-descending; agre-from the tip; aìghri-padmat-of His lotus feet; tat-of that; matsaryat-out of envy; tri-three; bali-by the Bali Maharäja's of the three folds of skin at the Lord's waist; mahitatglorified; urdhvaga-ascending; nabhi-padmat-from the lotus-navel; saureù-from Lord Kåñëa; kåñëa- the Yamunä river; ajani-was manifested; tanuruha-of hairs; ali- of a multitude; chalat-on the pretext; pasyatam-one may see; ya-which; tasmin-for Him; pritim-love; janayati-creates; param-other; vasanam-desire; samvidhuya-cleansing. The Gaìgä descended from Lord Viñëu's lotus feet, which were praised by Bali Mahäräja. Impelled by jealousy, the Yamunä appeared as a line growing up from Kåñëa's lotus navel, which is praised by three Balis. One who sees this becomes free of material desires and attains pure love. Note: "Bali" also means fold of skin." The {.sy 168}three Balis" are the three folds of skin at the Lord's waist. Text 48 näbhi-bilät sämi samutthitä harer yä bhäti romävali-kåñëa-pannagé svaà paçyatäà sükñmatamäpy ahar-niçam cittänilän saïculuké-karoti sä nabhi-of the navel; bilat-from the hole; sami-half; samutthita-emerged; hareùof Lord Hari; ya-which; bhäti-is manifested; roma-of hairs; avali-line; kåñëa-black; pannagi- snake; svam-own; pasyatam-one should see; sükñmatam-most clever; api-also; ahaù-day; niçam-and night; citta-of thoughts; anélan-the winds; saïculuki-karoti-makes into mosels of food; sa-that; snake. See the line-of-hairs black snake half-emerged from the hole that is Lord Hari's navel! This clever line-of-hairs snake lives by day and night swallowing the breezes that are our thoughts. Text 49 lavaëima-madhu pitvä näbhi-padmän murärer vraja-yuvati-janänäà netra-bhåìgärbha-keliù

3 udara-nalina-patre yä papätoccalanti tanuruha-tati-dambhät saiva sete pramattä lavanima-of beauty; madhu-the honey; pitva-haviìg drunk; nabhi-of the navel; padmat-from the lotus flower; muräreù-of Lord Kåñëa, the killer of the Madhu demon; vraja-of Vrajabhümi; yuvati-janänäm-of the young girls; netra-of the eyes; bhåìga-arbha-of the young bumble-bees; keliù-pastimes; udara-of the abdomen; nalina-lotus; patre-on the petal; ya-which; papata-falls; uccalanti-rising up; tanuruha-of hairs; tati-series; dambhat-on the pretext; sa-that; eva-certainly; sete-rests; pramatta-intoxicated. After drinking the honey of handsomeness from the lotus flower of Kåñëa's navel, the playful young bumblebees of the vraja-gopés' eyes become intoxicated, and although they try to fly away, they fall onto the lotus petal of His abdomen, where they stay disguised as a line of hairs. Text 50 jita-cala-dala-nélämbhojiné-parëa-jälaà mädhuréma-håta-paçyal-loka-neträli-mäläm tilakitam iva loma-çreëi-käliyakena tri-bhuvana-jaya-lakñmyä bhäti govinda-tuëòam jita-defeated; cala-moving; dala-with petals; néla-blue; ambhojiné-of the lotus; parëa-of petals; jälam-network; mädhuréma-by sweetness; håta-enchanted; pasyat-looking; netra-of eyes; äli-of bumble-bees; mäläm-with a garland; tilakitam- marked with tilaka; iva-as if; loma-of hairs; çreëi-käliyakena-with a line; tri-the three; bhuvana- worlds; jaya-defeating; lakñmya-with beauty and glory; bhäti- is manifest; govinda-of Lord Govinda; tundam-the abdomen. Defeating a host of trembling blue lotus petals, garlanded with bumblebees of the gazing eyes of devotees enchanted by its sweetness, and ornamented with the tilaka mark of a line of hairs, Govinda's abdomen shines with a splendor that conquers the three worlds. Text 51 kästürikä-lipta-tamäla-navyadalosma-håt-saurabha-märdaväbham atuëòilaà tuëòilitäkhiläkñibhåìgäli divyaty udaraà bakäreù kastürikä-with musk; lipta-anointed; tamäla-tamäla; navya-fresh; dala-of the leaf; usma-burning pride; håt-removing; saurabha-with it's fragrance; mardavaand delicate beauty; abham-appearance; atundilam-thin; tundilita-filled; akhila-of everyone; akñi-of the eyes; bhåìga-of bumble-bees; äli-with th multitude; divyatiis splendidly manifest; udaram-the abdomen; baka-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Bakasura. Decorated with the bumblebees of the devotees' eyes, and with it's delicate handsomeness and sweet fragrance cooling the burning pride of a fresh tamäla

3 leaf anointed with musk, Kåñëa's slender waist shines with great splendor. Text 52 hådy ucchalat-tanuruha-cchala-niùsåta-çrénäbhi-hradänupatitädi-rasa-pravähaà alpocca-pärçva-yugalaà dara-nimna-madhyaà madhye mano mama harer udaraà cakästu hådi-on the chest; ucchalat-rising; tanuruha-of hairs; chala-on the pretext; niùsrta-flowing; çré-nabhi-navel; hrada-to the lake; anupatita-falling; äditranscendental; rasa-of nectar; praväham-river; alpa-a little; ucca-high; parvasides; yugalam-two; dara-a little; nimna-deep; madhyam-in the middle; madhyein the middle; manaù-the mind; mama-my; harer-of Lord Hari; udaram-the abdomen; cakästu-may be manifest. May the stream of nectar, it's banks a little shallow, and it's middle a little deep, that descends from the mountain of Lord Hari's chest and falls in the lake of His navel, and is disguised as a line of hairs, flow into my thoughts. Text 53 rädhä-citta-marala-dåk-çapharikä-çaçvad-viläsäspadaà käïcé-sarasa-päli-nisvani-tataà lomäli-çaivalakam lävaëyämåta-püritaà tribalikä-sükñmormi-vibhräjitaà çré-näbhi-nalinaà lasaty agha-ripoù çré-tuëòa-sat-palvalam rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; citta-of the mind; marala-the swan; dåk-of her eyes; çapharikä-of the çaphari fishes; çaçvat-eternal; viläsa-of pastimes; aspadam-abode; kaïci-of the Lord's belt; sarasa-of the cranes; päli-of the host; nisvani-of the cooing sounds; tatam-on the shore; loma-of hairs; äli- series, or bumble-bees; saivalakam-with saivalak plants; lävaëya-of beauty; amåta-with the nectar; puritam-filled; tri-bälikä-of three folds of skin; sükñma-little; urmi-with waves; vibhräjitam-manifested; çré-nabhi-of the navel; nalinam-with the lotus flower; lasati-is splendidly manifest; agha-ripoù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Agha demon; çré-tunda-of the abdomen; sat-transcendental; palvalam-pond. A playground for the swan of Rädhä's thoughts and the çapharé fish of Her eyes, its shores filled with sounds of the cranes of His sash of bells, its moss a line of hairs, filled with the necatar of handsomeness, handsome with gentle waves of three folds of skin, and glorious with the graceful lotus of a navel, the lake of Kåñëa's abdomen shines with great splendor. Text 54 çré-rädhikä-pärçva-mattälikä-yugasva-preyasi-sparça-samutsukau sadä çré-pärçva-san-nagara-tallajau hareù

3 su-vartulau snigdha-mådu viräjataù çré-rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; pärçva-of the sides; mattälikä-excellent; yuga-pair; sva-own; preyasi-beloveds; saprasa-the touch; samustsukau-eager; sada-always; çré-pärçva- the sides; sat-transcendental; nagara-gallants; tallajauexcellent; hareù-of Lord Hari; su-very; vartulau-round; snigdha-smooth, glistening, and beautiful; mådu-soft; viräjataù-are splendidly manifest. Yearning for the touch of the two beautiful girls that are the sides of Çré Rädhikä, the two handsome, gentle, and affectionate heroes that are the two sides of Lord Hari's torso shine with great splendor. Texts 55 and 56 rekhä-svarüpa-ramayäçrita-väma-bhägaà çrévatsa-sac-chavi-viräjita-dakñinäàsam kaëöhastha-kaustubha-gabhasti-viräjamänaà çaçvad-viläsa-lalitaà vana-mälikäyäù çré-ballavé-hådaya-dohada-bhajanaà çrérädhä-mano-nåpa-harinmaëi-siàha-péöham trailokya-yauvata-manohara-mädhurékaà vakñaù-sthalaà su-vipulaà vilasaty aghäreù rekha-of a line; svarüpa-in the form; ramaya-by the goddess of fortune; äçritasheltered; vama-left; bhagam-side; çrévatsa-of Çrévatsa; sat-transcendental; chavi-splendor; viräjita-shining; dakñina-right; aàsam-side; kaëöha-on the neck; stha-situated; kaustubha-of the Kaustubha jewel; gabhasti-effulgence; viräjamänam-maëifested; çaçvat-eternal; viläsa-with pastimes; lälitam-charming; vana-mälikäyäù-of the garland of forest flowers; çré-ballavé-of the gopés; hådayaof the heart; dohada-bhajanam-the kilking pail (or the object of desires); çrérädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; manaù-of the mind; nrpa-for the king; harinmaëisapphire; siàha-pitham-throne; trailokya-in all the three planetary systems; yauvata-for the young girls; manohara-enchanting; mädhurékam-with sweetness; vakñaù-sthalam-the chest; su-very; vipulam-broad; vilasati-is splendidly manifest; agha-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Agha. On its left the goddess of fortune's mark, on its right the splendid Çrévatsa, on its neck the glory of Kaustubha, decorated with a forest-flower garland, the milkpail of the gopés' hearts, a sapphire throne for Rädhä's regal heart, and its sweetness charming the hearts of young girls in the three worlds, Kåñëa's broad chest is splendidly manifest. Text 57 muktävalé-suradhuné-tanu-roma-räjibhäsvat-sutä-tarala-känti-sarasvaténäm saìgena maìgala-karaà tri-jagaj-janänäà kåñëasya naumi tam uraù-sthala-tértha-räjam

3 mukta-of pearls; avali-the necklace; suradhuni-the celestial Ganges river; tanuof His body; roma-of hairs; räji- the series; bhasvat-suta-the Yamunä river, the daughter of the sun-god; tarala-the central gem in the necklace; känti-the splendor; sarasvaténäm-the Sarasvati river; sangena-by the touch; maìgalaauspiciousness; karam-granting; tri-jagat-in the three planetary systems; jananam-of the people; kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; naumi-I offer my respects and praise; tam-to that;l uraù-sthala-of the chest; tirtha-of holy places; räjam-to the monarch. I praise the regal holy place of Kåñëa's chest, which with its meeting of the white Gaìgä of His pearl necklaces, the black Yamunä of His line of hairs, and the red Sarasvaté of His ruby ornament, brings auspiuciousness to the people of the three worlds. Text 58 doù-stambha-yugmam anu känti-vati-nibaddhä vakñaù-sthalé-lavaëimocchalitä muräreù açränta-dolana-vihäri-ratéça-yünor doleva jiñëumaëi-saìghaöitä vibhäti doù-of the Lord's arms; stambha-of pillars; yugmam-pair; anu-following; käntisplendor; vati-the ropes; nibaddha- bound; vakñaù-sthali-of the chest; lavanimabeauty; ucchalita- risen; mura-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of the Mura demon; asranta-constant; dolana-swinging; vihari-with the pastimes; rati-isa-Rati and Cupid; yunoù-of the youthful couple; dola-a swing; iva-like; jiñëumaëi-of sapphires; sanghaöita-studded; vibhäti-is manifest. His arms its two pillars and His bodily luster its ropes, the sapphire swing of the handsomeness of Kåñëa's chest, where Käma and Rati enjoy pastimes again and again, is splendidly manifest. Text 59 vakño harer madana-säkunikasya manye gopäìganä-nayana-khaïjana-bandhanaya çrévatsa-kundalikayänvitam aìka-kélalävaëya-jäla-vitati-sthalataà prapede vakñaù-the chest; hareù-of Lord Hari; madana-of cupid; sakunikasya-of the hunter; manye-I consider; gopa-aìganä-of the gopés; nayana-of the eyes; khaïjana-the Khaïjana birds; bandhanaya-for binding; çrévatsa-of the Çrévatsa mark; kundälikaya-with the rope; anvitam-endowed; aìka-of the mark of Lakñmidevi; kila-post; lävaëya-of beauty; jäla-net; vitati-expansion; sthalatam-state of being the place; prapede- attained. I think Lord Hari's chest is a trap, its net of flowers His handsomeness, its post His mark of Lakñmé, and its noose His mark of Çrévatsa, set by Kämadeva to capture the khaïjana birds of the gopés' eyes.

3 Text 60 vakñas-chalat su-laghu-kélaka-yuk-stanäkhyaçré-cakrikä-khacita-pärçva-yugaà bakäreù çré-rädhikä-yuvati-ratna-viräji-cetaùkoçälayasya hariratna-kapäöam asti vakñaù-of being a chest; chalat-on the pretext; su-very; laghu-small; kilakaposts; yuk-endowed; stana-nipple; akhya-named; çré-of beauty; cakrikä-circles; khacita-endowed; pärçva-sides; yugam-two; baka-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Bakasura; çré-rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; yuvati-of young girls; ratna-the gem; viräji-splendid; cetaù-of the mind; kosa-alayasya-of the treasury; hariratnasapphire; kapatam-set of doors; asti-is. Disguised as Lord Hari's chest, two sapphire doors with two small, handsome doorknobs disguised as nipples guard the treasury holding youthful Çré Rädhikä's jewel heart. Text 61 gopälikä-hådaya-väïchita-pürtaye çrétapiïcha-kalpa-taru-sundara-kaëòalau yau sädhvétva-garva-çaça-ghäta-kåte saténäà tapiïcha-sära-parighau smara-lubdhakasya gopälikä-of the gopés; hådaya-of the hearts; vaïchita-the desires; purtaye-for fulfilling; çré-tapiïcha-tamäla; kalpa-taru-desire tree; sundara-beautiful; kandalaunew shoots; yau-which; sädhvitva-chastity; garva-pride; sasa-rabbit; ghaöa-kåtekilling; saténäm-of the pious gopés; tapiïcha-tamäla; sara-best; parighau-clubs; smara-of cupid; lubdhakasya-of the cruel hunter. Taking two handsome branches the tamäla desire-tree of Çré Kåñëa'S arms sprouted to fulfill the gopés' heartfelt desires, the cruel hunter Kämadeva made two clubs mercilessly to slaughter the helpless rabbit of the gopés' chastity. Text 62 gopäìganä-hådaya-taëòula-khaëòanäya mahendra-néla-muçalau kuçalärgale yau rädhädi-hån-nilaya-vasta-kapäöikäyäù rädhädi-citta-çuka-païjara-daëòike ca gopa-aìganä-of the gopés; hådaya-of the hearts; taëòula-khandanaya-for threshing the rice; mahendra-néla-sapphire; musalau-clubs; kuçala-beautiful; argale-two bolts; yau-which; rädhä-ädi-of the gopés, headed by Çrématé Rädhäräëé; håt-of the hearts; nélaya-vasta-to the residence; kapatikäyäù-of the door; rädhä-ädi-of the gopés, headed by Çrématé Rädhärnai; citta-of the mind; çuka-the parrot; païjara-of the cage; dandike-the bars; ca-also.

3 Lord Kåñëa's arms are two sapphire pestles for threshing the chastity-husk from the rice of the desires in the gopés' hearts. They are two hnadsome bolts on the door to the hearts of Rädhä and the gopés. They are two bars on the cage holding the parrot of Rädhä's mind.. Text 63 pénäyatau lavaëimocchalitau su-våttau padmädi-viçva-ramaëé-kamanéya-çobhau péna-stané-hådaya-dohada-bhäjanaà tau çrémad-bhujau manasi me sphuratäm aghäreù péna-broad; ayatau-and long; lavanima-ucchalitau-full of beauty; su-våttaucharmingly round; padma-of Lakñmi-devi; ädi- beginning with; viçva-of the universe; ramaëé-by the beautiful women; kamanéya-the object of desire; çobhau-whose beauty; péna-stani-of the gopés, who have beautiful swollen breasts; hådaya-of the heart; dohada-bhajanam-the fulfilment of desire; tau-they; çrémat-bhujau-the two arms; manasi-in the mind; me- of me; sphuratam-may be manifested; agha-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Aghasura. May Lord Hari's long, broad, handsome, graceful arms, which Lakñmé-devé and the other beautiful women in the universe yearn to attain, and which fulfill the desires of the Vraja-gopés, who have beautiful large breasts, appear in my heart. Text 64 taruëima-madhu-phulla-çré-hares tanv-araëye mädhurima-madanäkhyau kià praviñöau madebhau su-bhuja-yugala-ñuëòa-päëi-sat-puñkaräbhyäà niravadhi caratas tau jänu-ruk-pallaväni tarunima-of youthfulness; madhu-in the spring; phulla-blossoming; çré-hareù-of Lord Hari; tanu-of the body; aranye-in the jungle; mädhuréma-sweetness; madana-coïjugal love; akhyau-named; kim-how is it?; praviñöau-entered; madamad; ibhau-two elephants; su-bhuja-beautifully curved; yugala-two; sunda-with trunks; päëi-hands; sat-excellent; puskaräbhyäm- with lotus flowers; niravadhiwithout obstruction; carataù-they graze; tau-both; janu-at the knees; ruk-of the splendid beauty; pallavani-on the blossoms. Are these the two elephants named Sweetness and Passion now holding excellent lotus flowers in their graceful trunks and feeding on the flowers of handsomeness at the Lord's knees as they roam in the jungle of the body of Lord Hari now blooming in the springtime of youth? Text 65

3 çré-kåñëa-dor-yugma-miñeëa vedhasä tan-mädhuré-dolikayä samanvitau ramädi-yoñin-mati-dolanäya kim khambhau vicitrau hariratna-jau kåtau çré-kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; doù-of arms; yugma-pair; miñena- on the pretext; vedhasa-by the creator Brahmä; tat-of the Lord; mädhuré-of the sweetness; dolikaya-with the swing; samanvitau- endowed; rama-by Lakñmi-devi; ädiheaded; yosit-of women; mati-the minds; dolanaya-for swinging; kim-is it?; khambhau-two pillars; vicitrau-wonderful; hariratna-jau-made of sapphire. Did the creator Brahmä create two wonderful sapphire posts disguised as Çré Kåñëa's arms and fitted with a swing of charming sweetness to swing the minds of Lakñmé and all other women? Text 66 smara-nåpa-kåta-gopé-dhairya-näçäbhicärakratu-harimaëi-yüpau dor-miñät kåñëa-dehe lasata iha kavénäà kavyam etan mataà me praëaya-çuci-rasäbdher nirgatau sat-pravähau smara-cupid; nrpa-by the king; kåta-performed; gopé-of the gopés; dhairyachaste composure; nasa-of destruction; abhicara-activity; kratu-in the sacrifice; harimani-sapphire; yupau-two posts; doù-of being arms; miñät-on the pretext; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; dehe-on the body; lasataù-splendidly manifest; iha-in this matter; kavénäm-of the poets; kavyam-the poetry; etat- this; matam-the opinion; me-of me; praëaya-of love; suci- pure; rasa-of the nectar; abdheù-from the ocean; nirgatau- manifest; sat-transcendental; pravähau-two currents. Poets say King Käma placed in Kåñëa's body two sapphire posts, disguised as arms, for a sacrifice to destroy the gopés' peacefulness. My idea is they are actually two currents in the nectar ocean of transcendental love. Text 67 saìkhärdhendu-yaväìkuçair ari-gadä-cchaträ-dhvaja-svästikair yüpäbjäsi-halair dhanuù-parighakaiù çré-våkña-méneñubhiù nady-ävärta-cayais tathäìguli-gatair etair nijair lakñaëair bhätaù çré-puruñottamatva-gamakaiù päëé harer aìkitau saìkha-conchshell; ardha-indu-half-moon; yava-barleycorn; aìkuçaiù-rod for controlling elephants; ari-gada-club; chatra-parasol; dhvaja-flag; svastikaiùsvastika; yupa-sacrifical post; abja-lotus flower; asi-sword; halaiù-plow; dhanuùbow; parighakaiù-parigha club; çré-vrkña-desire tree; mina-fish; isubhiù-arrows; nadi-avarta-of whirlpools; cayaiù-with a series; tatha-in that way; äìguli-on the fingers; gataiù- placed; etaiù-with these; nijaiù-His own; lakñaëaiù-marks; bhataùsplendidly manifest; çré-puruña-uttama-gataiù-in relation to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; päëi-the two hands; hareù-of Lord Hari; aìkitau-are marked.

3 Lord Kåñëa's hands are splendidly marked with the signs of the conchshell, half-moon, barleycorn, rod for controlling elephants, club, parasol, flag, svasti mark, sacrificial post, lotus flower, sword, club, bow, parigha weapon, kalpa-våkña tree, fish, and arrow, and His fingertips are all marked with the sign of the whirlpool, all marks that prove He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Text 68 hastau sva-bhäva-måduläv api karkaçau tau çaurer mahä-puruña-lakñmatayocur eke tan nänåtaà yadi tadä kamaöhi-kaöhoragopé-stanänéça-vimardanam atra hetuù hastau-the two hands; sva-bhäva-by nature; mådulau-soft; api-although; karkasau-hard; tau-they; saureù-of Lord Kåñëa; mahä-puruña-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; lakñmataya-with the indication; ucuù-say; eke-some; tatthis; na-is not; anåtam-untrue; yadi-if; tadä-then; kamathi-of turtles; kathora-as stiff; gopé-of the gopés; stana-the breasts; anisa- constantly; vimardanamafflicting; atra-here; hetuù-the reason. Some say that because Lord Kåñëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, His hands must be very soft and gentle, and others say that for the same reason His hands must be very hard and strong. Both statements are true. We may understand that the Lord's hands are supremely hard because they have such a devastating effect when touch the gopés' breasts, which are as stiff and hard as turtles' shells. Text 69 anaìga-sara-jarjara-vraja-navéna-ramäli-hådviçalya-käraëauñadhi-prathama-pallavau santatau rasocchalita-rädhikorasija-hema-kumbha-dvayivibhüñaëa-navämbuje vraja-vidhoù karau divyataù anaìga-of cupid; sara-by the arrows; jarjara-wounded; vraja-of Vraja; navina-the young; rama-of goddesses of fortune; ali-the multitude; håt; the hearts; visalyakaraëa-for curing; ausadhi-from the medicinal herb; prathama-the first; pallavaushoots; santatau-manifested; rasa-in the nectarean waves of pure love of Kåñëa; ucchalita-heaving; rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; urasija-of the breasts; hemagolden; kumbha-water pots; dvayi-two; vibhusana-the ornaments; nava-fresh; ambuje-lotus flowers; vraja-vidhoù-of Lord Kåñëa, the moon of Vraja; karau-the two hands; divyataù-are splendidly manifest. As two freshly sprouted medicinal plants to cure the hearts of Vraja's young goddesses wounded by Käma's arrows, and as two new lotuses in the golden vase breasts of Rädhikä now helplessly tossed in waves of nectar, Kåñëa's hands are splendidly manifest.

3 Text 70 çré-kämäìkuça-tékñëa-çuddha-mukuöaiù pürëendu-san-maëòalaiù çliñöänyonya-milad-dalävali-çiraù päçcäd vibhäge kvacit abje ced abhaviñyatäà vikasita-çyämämbujäntar-gate çré-päëyor upamaà tadätra kavayo 'dasyän amubhyäà hareù çré-käma-of cupid; äìkuça-with the goads; tékñna-sharp; suddha-pure; muktutaiù-with points; pürëa-full; indu-of moons; sat-being so; maëòalaiù-with circles; slista-touching anyonya-mutually; milat-meeting; dala-of petals; avaliseries; siraù-heads; pascat-behind; vibhage-two parts; kvacit; in a certain way; abje-two red lotus flowers; cet-if; abhaviñyatam-could be; vikasita-blossoming; syama-blue; ambuja-lotus flowers; antaù-gate-within; çré-panyoù-of the two hands; upamam-metaphor; tadä-they; atra-in this connection; kavayaù-poets; adasyat-would give; amubhyäm-for them; hareù- of Lord Hari. If it were possible for them to say it, poets would say that Lord Hari's hands are red lotus flowers growing in blossoming blue lotus flowers with petals embraced by both full moons and Kämadeva's glistening, sharp goads. Text 71 våñabha-kakuda-nindi-skandhayos tuìgatäà satpuruña-varatayaivety ähur eke bakäreù mama tu matam idaà çré-rädhikä-dor-måëälisatata-milana-modät phullataivatra hetuù våñabhä-of bulls; kakuda-the hump; nindi-chastizing; skandhayoù-of the shoulders; tungatam-status of being broad and raised; sat-puruña-varatayabecause of being the Supreme Personälity of Godhead; eva-certainly; iti-thus; ahuù-they say; eke-some; baka-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Bakasura; mama-my; tu-but; matam-opinion; idam-this; çré-rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; doù-of the arms; mrnäli-of the lotus stems; satata-constant; milana-touch; modatbecause of happiness; phullata-blossoming; eva-certainly; atra-in this matter; hetuù-the reason. Some poets say that because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kåñëa's broad shoulders rebuke the bull's great hump. My idea is that because Çré Rädhikä's lotus-stem arms always touch them, His shoulders have blossomed with happiness. Text 72 aàsau harer ullasataù samunnatau manye lasat-kaustubha-kaëöha-mädhurém drañöuà sadodgrévikayotsukena taà pärçva-dvayenonnamitau sva-mastakau

3 aàsau-the two shoulders; hareh; of Lord Hari; ullasataù-are splendidly manifest; samunnatau-raised; manye-I think; lasat-glistening; kaustubha-with the Kaustubha gem; kaëöha-of His neck; mädhurém-the sweetness; drastum; to see; sada-always; udgrivikaya-with neck raised; utsukena-with eagerness; tam- that; pärçva-sides; dvayena-with both; unnamitau-raised; sva-mastakau-its own heads. I think that Lord Hari's splendid shoulders are broad because His shoulders's heads always crane their necks, eager to see the sweetness of His neck decorated with the glittering Kaustubha gem. Text 73 ürdhve su-viståtam adhaù krama-kärñya-yuktaà mädhurya-bhümi-bhuja äsanam aindranélam lävaëya-püra-vahanäd dara-nimna-madhyaà iñöaà dåçäà måga-dåçäà hari-påñöham éòe urdhve-above; su-vistrtam-very broad; adhaù-below; krama-gradually; karsyawith slenderness; yuktam-endowed; mädhurya-of sweetness; bhümi-bhujaù-of the king; asanam-the throne; aindranélam-sapphire; lävaëya-of beauty; puravahanat-from the flood; dara-slender; nimna-depressed; madhyam-middle; istamworshipped (or desired-the words may also be divided madhya-mistam, which means "whose waist is full of sweetness"); dåçäm- by the eyes; måga-dåçäm-of the gopés, whose eyes are as beautiful as those of the does; hari-of Lord Hari; prñöham-the back; ide-I glorify. I praise Lord Hari's back, which is very broad at the top, which gradually tapers, which is a great sapphire throne for the monarch of sweetness, which is a charming current in a flood of handsomeness, and which is worshiped by the eyes of the deer-eyed gopés. Text 74 su-sthüla-müläd dala-kärñya-maïjulä sva-mädhuré-siàha-çirodhi-darpa-håt çré-keça-jüöasya viläsa-khaööikä su-vartulä bhäti mukunda-kandharä su-sthüla-very broad; mulat-from the base; dala-a little; karsya-with thinness; maïjula-charming; sva-own; mädhuré- sweetness; siàha-of lions; sirodhi-of the necks; darpa-the pride; håt-removing; çré-keça-jutasya-of the hair; viläsa-of pastimes; khattika-couch; su-vartula-nicely round; bhäti-is splendidly manifest; mukunda-of Lord Mukunda; kandhara-the neck. Graceful, slightly tapering, robbing the lions of pride in their own necks' sweetness, and an exquisite couch where the hairs of His head rest, Lord Mukunda's neck is splendidly manifest.

3 Text 75 pika-tata-suçiräli-näda-nindi-svarormis tri-bhuvana-jana-netränandi-rekhä-traya-çréù nava-nava-nija-käntyä bhüñita-çré-maëéndro vilasati baka-çatroù kaëöha-néläsma-kämbuù pika-of the cuckoo; tat-the vina; susira-the flute; äli-and of the bumble-bees; nada-the sounds; nindi-chastizing; svara-of sound; urmiù-with waves; tri-bhuvanain the three planetary systems; jana-of the poeple; netra-of the eyes; änandi-the delight; rekha-of line; traya-three; çréù-with beauty; nava-nava-ever new and fresh; nija-with His own; käntya-beauty; bhusita-decorated; çré-mani-éndraùKaustubha, the king of jewels; vilasati-is splendidly manifested; baka-satroù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Bakasura; kaëöha-of the neck; nélasma-the sapphire; kambuù-conchshell. Its supremely new splendor decorating the king of jewels, the handsomeness of its three lines delighting the eyes of the people in the three worlds, and its waves of sound rebuking the sounds of the cuckoos, bees, flute, and véëä, Lord Hari's sapphire-conchshell neck shines with great splendor. Text 76 kaëöho harer lasati kaustubha-räja-haàsalélämåtäkñaya-saraù satataà yato 'smät lävaëya-narma-kavita-vara-gaëa-sampaddivyäpagaù pratidiçaà kila niùsaranti kaëöha-the neck; hareù-of Lord Hari; lasati-is splendidly manifest; kaustubha-of the Kaustubha gem; räja-regal; haàsa-of the swan; lélä-of pastimes; amåtanectar; akñaya-imperishable; saraù-lake; satatam-always; yataù-from that; asmat-from that; lävaëya-of beauty; narma-of pastimes; kavita-poetry; varaexcellent; gaëa-songs; sampat-opulence; divya- transcendental; apagaù-rivers; pratidisam-in all directions; kila-indeed; nihsaranti-flow. An eternal nectar lake where the regal Kaustubha swan enjoys pastimes and many splendid rivers of charming jokes, beautiful poems, and sweet songs always flow in all directions, Lord Hari's neck shines with great splendor. Text 77 näsa-hanv-adharoñöha-gaëòa-cibuka-çroträdi-divyad-dalaà çré-dantävali-keçaraà smita-madhu bhräjy-ullasat-saurabham çré-netra-dvaya-khaïjanaà bhramarikair bhrü-bhåìgi-kälyävåtaà çré-jihvädbhuta-karëikaà vijayate çré-kåñëa-vakträmbujam nasa-nose; hanu-jaw; adhara-oñöha-lips; ganda-cheeks; cibuka-chin; srotraears; ädi-beginning with; divyat-resplendant; dalam-with petals; çré-danta-of teeth; avali-series; keçaram-with the filament; smita-of the smile; madhu-with

3 honey; bhräji-ullasat-splendid; saurabham-fragrance; çré-netra-of eyes; svaya-of the pair; khaïjanam-with kha{.sy 241}jana birds; bhramarikaiù-with the bumblebees of curling locks of hair; bhru-of the eyebrows; bhåìgi-of the bumble-bees; kalya- with blackness; aavåtam-endowed; çré-jihva-of the tongue; ädbhutawonderful; karëikam-whorl; vijayate-all glories; çré-kåñëa-of Çré Kåñëa; vaktra-of the face; ambujam-to the lotus flower. Glories to Çré Kåñëa's splendid and fragrant lotus face, where the nose, jaw, lips, cheeks, chin, and ears are the glistening petals, the tongue is the wonderful whorl, the handsome teeth are the filaments, the smile is the honey, the eyebrows and curling locks of hair are the black bumblebees, and the eyes are two khaïjana birds resting there! Text 78 agha-ripu-mukha-räkä-näyako niñkaläìkaù samajani nija-lakñmä nyasya gopé-küle kim iti tu ku-kavi-väkyaà man-mataà såëv akarñét sahaja-vimala eña sväçritaà tat sva-tulyam agha-ripu-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Aghasura; mukha-of the face; rakanayakaù-the full moon; niskalaìkaù-free from spots; samajani-was born; nija-His own; lakñma-marks; nyasya-abandoning; gopé-of the gopés; kule-in the family; kim-is it so?; iti-thus; tu-but; ku-kavi-of bad poets; vakyam-the statement; matmy; matam-opinion; såëu-just hear; akarsit- was; sahaja-by nature; vimalaùspotless; esaù-it; sva-äçritam- by taking shelter of it; tat-that; sva-tulyam-equal to it. Bad poets say the full-moon of Kåñëa's face became spotless by taking birth in a family of gopés. Listen to my opinion: It is pure by nature and those who take shelter of it become as pure as it. Text 79 bandhüke mukurau su kunda-kalikä-pälyo natat-khaïjanavardhenduà öila-puñpakaà smara-dhanur loläli-mäläm api pürëendor yadi tat-kalaìkam udapasyaitäny adhasyad vidhiù çré-kåñëasya kaviçvarä mukham upämasyaàs tadaivämunä bandhuke-two bandhuka flowers; mukurau-two mirrors; su-nice; kunda-kunda; kalikä-of buds; palyaù-a series; natat-dancing; khaïjana-of khaïjana birds; vardhaenthusing; indum-moon; tila-sesame; puñpakam-flower; smara-of cupid; dhanuùthe bow; lola-moving; ali-of bumble-bees; mäläm-series; api-even; pürëa-full; indoù-of the moon; tat-that; kalaìkam- spots; udapasya-rejacting; etani-these; adhasyat-would have given; vidhiù-the creator Brahmä; çré-kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; kavi-éçvaraù-the best poets; mukham-the face; upamasyan-would have described in metaphors; tadä-then; eva-certainly; amuna- by that. If the creator Brahmä had furnished the moon not with spots, but with two

3 bandhüka flowers, two mirrors, a series of nice kunda buds, two dancing khaïjana birds, a half-moon, a sesame flower, Käma's bow, and a garland of moving bumble-bees, then the best of poets would have described Lord Kåñëa's face by saying that the moon of Lord Kåñëa's face has two bandhüka flowers that are His lips, two mirrors that are His cheeks, a series of beautiful kunda buds that are His teeth, two dancing khaïjana birds that are His eyes, a half-moon that is His forehead, a sesame flower that is His nose, a Käma's bow that is His eyebrows, and a garland of moving bumblebees that is His curling locks of hair. Texts 80 and 81 bälye janany-aìguli-lälane yadaìguñöha-saìgäd dara-nimna-madhyam adho-'ìguli-dvandva-kåtonnateç ca sv-alponnatägräàsam ameya-çobham nélotpalasyodayad-indu-käntiphullaika-paurasya-dalopamardi lävaëya-vanyocchalitam-manojïaà tac chré-hareù çré-cibukam cakästi balye-in childhood; janani-of His mother; aìguli-by the fingers; lalane-in the caress; yat-of whom; aìguñöha-of the thumb; saìgat-from the contact; daranimna-small; madhyam- middle; adhaù-below; aìguli-of finger; dvandva-by a pair; kåta-done; unnateù-raised; ca-also-su-very; apla-small; unnata-raised; agra-front; aàsam-part; ameya-unlimited; çobham-with beauty; néla-blue; utpalasya-of the lotus flower; udayat-rising; indu-of the moon; känti-the splendor; phulla- flower; eka-a single; paurasya-previously described; dala- petal; upamardi-chastizing; lävaëya-of beauty; vanya-of the waters; ucchalitam-risen; manojïam-charming; tat-that; çré-hareù-of Lord Hari; çré-cibukam-chin; cakästi-is manifested. Flooded with handsomeness, rebuking the rising moon and the blue lotus petal, and in in childhood caressed by His mother, who placed her thumb in its middle and two fingers beneath it, Lord Hari's slightly raised and limitlessly glorious chin shines with great splendor. Text 82 çravaëa-cibuka-müla-sparçi sat-sanniveñäà jana-nayana-vihaìgäkarñi-mädhurya-jälam vilasati hanu-yugmaà çré-hareù stoka-dérghaà pravitata-mukha-bimbasyänukulya-pravénam sravana-ears; cibuka-of the chin; mula-and the root; sparçi-touching; sat-of the devotees; sanniveñäm-the object of worship; jana-of the living entities; nayana-of the eyes; vihaìga-the birds; akarsi-attracting; madhura-of sweetness; jälam-the net; vilasati-is splendidly manifest; hanu-of jaws; yugmam-pair; çré-hareù-of Çré Hari; stoka-a little; dirgham- long; pravitata-manifested; mukha-of His face; bimbasya-of the circle; anukulya-in making favorable; pravénäm-expert.

3 Slightly long, touching His ears and chin, making His face more handsome, worshiped by the devotees, and a net of sweetness that traps the birds of the people's eyes, Lord Hari's jaws are splendidly manifest. Text 83 svakara-mardava-vinirjita-çañkulékaà sväìgäti-citra-ghaöanä-jita-vistaräbham svéyäàçu-jäla-gilitäkhila-loka-netracittollasan-makara-kuëòala-maëòala-çri sva-akara-of its own form; mardava-with the delicateness; vinirjita-defeated; saskulikäm-pastry; sva-aìga-of its own form; ati-very; citra-wonderful; ghaöanaactivities; jita-defeated; vistara-of a handful of kuça grass; abham-the appearance; sviya-with its own; aàsu-of splendid beauty; jäla- by the net; gilitaswallowed; akhila-of all; loka-living entities; netra-the eyes; citta-and minds; ullasat-glistening; makara-shark-shaped; kuëòala-of earrings; maëòala-of the area; çré-the beauty. With their fineness they defeat the çañkulé pastry and with their gracefulness they defeat kuça grass. With their net of splendor Kåñëa's glistening, sharkshaped earrings swallow the people's eyes and hearts. Text 84 çré-karëa-bhüñaëa-bharäd dara-dérgha-randhraà viçväìganä-nayana-ména-manoja-jälam gopé-mano-hariëa-bandhana-vägurä yat çré-rädhikä-nayana-khaïjana-bandha-päçaù çré-karëa-of the ears; bhüñaëa-bharat-from the decoration; dara-slightly; dirgha-long; randhram-opening; viçva-of the entire universe; aìganä_-of the women; nayana-of the eyes; mina-for the fishes; manoja-of cupid; jälam-net; gopé-of the gopés; manaù-of the minds; harina-of the deer; bandhana-for binding; vagura-trap; yat-that; çré-rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé;nayana-of the eyes; khaïjana-for the khaïjana birds; bandha-for binding; pasaù-ropes. A little distant from His earrings are His slightly long ears, which are Kämadeva's net to catch the fish of all women's eyes, traps to capture the deer of the gopés' hearts, and ropes to bind the khaïjana birds of Çré Rädhikä's eyes. Text 85 gändharvikä-sa-parihäsa-sa-garva-nindakhaïjad-vaco-'måta-rasäyana-päna-lolam çoëäntaraà su-ruciraà sama-sanniveñäà tan me hådi sphuratu mädhava-karëa-yugmam

3 gandharvikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; sa-with; parihasa-joking; sa-with; garvapride; ninda-criticism; khaïjat-warbling; vacaù-of words; amåta-nectar; rasayanatonic; pana-beverage; lolam-eager to drink; sona-reddisù-antaram-within; su-very; ruciram-handsome; sama-sanniveñäm-nicely proportioned; tat-that; me-my; hådiin the heart; sphuratu-may be manifest; madhava-of Lord Madhava; karëa-of ears; yugmam-pair. May Lord Mädhava's handsome and graceful ears, which are red within, and which thirst to drink the nectar of Çré Rädhikä's arrogant joking rebukes, appear in my heart. Text 86 kåñëasya pürëa-vidhu-maëòala-sanniveñäà rädhädharämåta-rasäyana-seka-puñöam gaëòa-dvayaà makara-kuëòala-nåtya-raìgaà bhäténdranéla-maëi-darpana-darpa-häri kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; pürëa-full; vidhu-of moons; maëòala-sanniveñämcircle; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; adhara-of the lips; amåta-rasayana-of the nectar; seka-by the sprinkling; puñöam-nourished; ganda-of cheeks; dvayam-pair; makara-shark-shaped; kuëòala-of earrings; nåtya-of dancing; raìgam-arena; bhätiis splendidly manifest; éndranéla-maëi- sapphire; darpana-of the mirror; darpapride; hari-removing. Splendid as two full moons, a dancing arena for shark-shaped earrings, robbing sapphire mirrors of their pride, and nourished with nectar sprinkled by Rädhä's lips, Kåñëa's cheeks are splendidly manifest. Text 87 paryucchalan-mädhurimämåta-nimna-gäyä ävärta-garta-nibha-såkva-yugäti-ramyam çrékänta-danta-visarat-kiraëäbhiñiktaà dugdhäbhidhauta-nava-pallava-nindi-rociù paryucchalat-manifesting; mädhuréma-of sweetness; amåta-of nectar; nimnagayaù-of the swiftly moving mountain stream; avarta-garta-whirlpools; nibha-like; srkva-the corners of the mouth; yuga-pair; ati-very; ramyam-charming; çré-känta-of Lord Kåñëa, the master of the goddess of fortune; danta-from the teeth; visarat-emanating; kiraëa-by the effulgence; abhisiktam- bathed; dugdhaof milk; abhidhauta-whitened; nava-fresh; pallava-of blossoms; nindi-chastizing; rociù-whose splendor. Bathed in the effulgence of His handsome teeth, rebuking the splendor of new flowers washed in milk, and its corners whirlpools in a gushing stream of the nectar of sweetness, Kåñëa's mouth is splendidly manifest.

3 Text 88 oñöhopari-çvasana-nirgamanälpa-nimnaà bandhüka-jic-chavi-darocchväsitauñöha-madhyam çré-çyamimäruëimayor milana-pradeçe stokonnatäyata-manohara-séma-çobham oñöha-the lips; upari-above; svasana-of breathing; nirgamana-expulsion; nimnam-depression; bandhuka-the bandhuka flower; jit-defeating; chavi-splendor; dara-small; uccvasita-breath; oñöha-the lips; madhyam-middle; çré-syamima-of the color blue; arunimayoù-and of fthe color red; milana-meeting; pradese-place; stoka-a little; unnata-raised; ayata-extended; manohara-beautiful; sima-boundry; çobham-splendor. He breathes through His slight opening of His lips. Meeting there, the colors red and blue defeat the bandhüka flower's glory. Slightly raised and expanded, they stand at the pinnacle of handsomeness. Text 89 bimbäti-maïjv-adhara-madhya-gatälpa-rekhaà svaà paçyatäm itara-räga-hara-svabhävam çaçvan-nijämåta-suväsita-maïju-vaàçésükñmäyata-dhvanibhir ähåta-viçva-cittam bimba-than the bimba fruit; ati-more; maïju-beautiful; adhara-lips; madhya-in the midst; gata-gone; alpa-small; rekham-line; svam-own; pasyatam-of the beholders; itara-for anything else; raga-attraction; hara-removing; sva-bhävam-by its own nature; çaçvat-eternally; nija-own; amåta-nectar; su-vasita-amoratic; maïju-charming; vaàçé-of the flute; sükñma- elegant; ayata-expanded; dhvanibhiù-with sounds; ahåta- enchanted; viçva-of the universe; cittam-the mind. Those who see Lord Kåñëa's lips, which are more handsome than the bimba fruit, lose all attraction for anything else. Playing beautiful melodies on a flute aromatic with the nectar of His lips, Kåñëa enchants everyone's heart. Text 90 sarvasva-ratna-pitako vraja-sundaréëäà jévätu-sédhu-casakaà våñabhänujäyäù tac-chré-lasad-daçana-lakñaëa-lakñitaà çrékåñëädharoñöham aniçaà hådi me cakästu sarvasva-entire wealth; ratna-jewels; pitakaù-chest; vraja-of Vrajabhümi; sundarénäm-of the beautiful girls; jévatu-of the life; sidhu-of nectar; casakamcup; våñabhänu-jayaj-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé, the daughter of Maharaja Våñabhänu; tat-that; çré-with beauty; lasat-shining; dasana-with teeth; lakñaëacharacteristics; lakñitam-characterized; çré-kåñëa; of Lord Kåñëa; adhara-

3 oñöham-lips; aniçam-day and night; hådi-in the heart; me-of me; cakästu-may be manifested. May Çré Kåñëa's lips, which are decorated with splendid teeth, and which are a chest of jewels that are the treasure of Vraja's beautiful girls and the cup of nectar drunk by King Våñabhänu's daughter, always appear in my heart. Texts 91 and 92 sväkära-sauñöhava-vinindita-kunda-våndäsat-korakän çikhara-héraka-mauktikänäm çobhäbhimäna-bhara-maëòala-känti-leçän väma-bhruväm adhara-bimba-çukäyamänam jätyaiva paktrima-sudädita-béja-maïjün çaçvat-priyädhara-rasäsvadanena çoëän käntauñöha-çonamaëi-bhedana-käma-öaìkän çréman-mukunda-daçanän subhagaù smaranti sva-their own; akara-of the form; sauñöhava-by the excellence; vininditachastized; kunda-of kunda flowers; våndä- of the multitude; sat-of excellent; korakan-buds; sikhara- sikhara gems; hiraka-diamonds; mauktikänäm-of pearls; sobha- luster; abhimäna-pride, bhara-abundance; mandala-of the area; kantisplendor; lesan-fragment; vama-bhruvam-of the beautiful-eyebrowed gopés; adhara-of the lips; bimba-for the bimba fruits; sukayamänam-turning into parrots; jatya-by birth; eva- certainly; paktrima-ripe; su-nice; dädima-pomegranate; bijaseeds; maïjun-charming; çaçvat-eternal; priya-of the dearmost Çrématé Rädhäräëé; adhara-by the lips; rasa-nectar; asvadanena- by tasting; sonanreddened; kanta-of His beloved Çrématé Rädhäräëé; oñöha-lips; sonamani-rubies; bhedana-breaking; kama-of cupid; taìkan-chisels; çrémat-mukunda-of Lord Mukunda; dasanan-teeth; subhagaù-those who are fortunate; smaranti- meditate. Those who are fortunate meditate on Lord Mukunda's teeth as with their handsomeness rebuking jasmine buds and reducing the diamonds', pearls', and çikhara gems' pride in their own glory, as charming as pomegranate seeds, as trasnforming the beautiful-eyebrowed gopés into parrots that yearn to taste the bimba fruits of His lips, as becoming red by always tasting the nectar of His beloved's lips, and as Kämadeva's chisels for cutting the ruby of Her lips. Text 93 jéyän nija-praëayi-våndä-manas-tamo-ghné çré-rädhikä-praëaya-sagaram edhayanté ätma-prasada-kaëikokñita-viçva-lokä gopé-priyänana-vidhoù smita-kaumudé sä jiyat-all glories; nija-His own; praëayi-of loving devotees; våndä-for the multitude; manaù-of the mind; tamaù- darkness; ghni-removing; çré-rädhikä-of Çrématé Radhrani; praëaya-of the love; sagaram-the ocean; edhayantiincreasing; ätma-own; prasada-of mercy; kanikä-with drops; ukñita- sprinkled;

3 viçva-the entire; loka-world; gopé-to the gopés; priya-of the most dear Kåñëa; anana-of the face; vidhoù-of the moon; smita-of the smile; kaumudi-the moonlight; sa-that. All glories to the moonlight of Lord Gopépriya's smile, which destroys the darkness in the devotees' hearts, sprinkles His mercy on the world, and makes turbulent waves in the ocean of Çré Rädhikä's love! Text 94 padmädi-divya-ramaëé-kamaëéya-gandhaà gopäìgaëä-nayana-bhåìga-nipéyamänaà kåñëasya veëu-ninadärpita-mädhurékaà äsyämbuja-smita-marandam ahaà smarämi padma-with Lakñmi-devi; ädi-beginning; divya-celestial; ramaëé-beautiful women; kämanéya-yearned after; gandham-the fragrance; gopa-aìganä_-of the gopés; nayana-of the eyes; bhåìga-by the bumble-bees; nipéyamänam-drunkkåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; veëu-in the flute; ninäda-in the sound; ärpita-placed; mädhurékam-sweetness; asya-of the face; ambuja-of the lotus flower; smita-of the smile; marandam-honey; aham-I; smarami- meditate. I meditate on Kåñëa's lotus face's smile's honey, which He places in the sound of His flute, and which the bumblebees of the gopés' eyes drink and Lakñmé and other beautiful celestial goddesses yearn to smell. Text 95 nänä-rasäòhya-kavitä maëi-janma-bhümir açränta-sad-vidha-rasäsvadana-pravinä viçväya viçva-rasadäpi hare rasajïä rädhädharämåta-rasäsvadanäd yathärthä nänä-various; rasa-with mellows of interpersonal relationships; adhya-enriched; kavita-of poetry; maëi-of the gems; janma-of birth; bhümiù-the place; asrantawithout experiencing fatigue; sat-six; vidha-kinds; rasa-of tastes; asvadanarelishing; pravina-expert; viçvaya-to the universe; viçva-complete; rasatranscendental bliss; da-granting; api-also; hareù-of Lord Hari; rasajïa-the tongue; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; adhara-of the lips; amåta-of the nectar; rasa-the taste; asvadanat-because of relishing; yatha-ärtha- appropriately named. Lord Hari's tongue is a jewel mine of many nectar (rasa) poems. It is expert at tasting the six nectars (rasa). It gives nectar (rasa) to the world. It tastes the nectar (rasa) of Çré Rädhä's lips. Its name rasajïä (the knower of nectar) is apt. Text 96 antaù-prema-ghåta-smitottama-madhur narmaikñavaiù samyutä

3 çabdärthobhaya-çakti-sücita-rasädéndullasat-saurabhä äbhéré-madanärka-täpa-çamané viçvaika-santarpaëé sä jéyäd amåtäbdhi-darpa-damané väëé rasälä hareù antaù-in the heart; prema-pure love; ghåta-ghee; smita-of hte smile; uttamabest; madhuù-honey; narma-of joking words; aékñavaiù-with sugar; samyutaendowed; sabda-relating to the sound of words; artha-relating to the meanng of words; ubhaya- both; çakti-power; sucita-indicated; rasa-mellows; ädi- beginning with; indullasat-of camphor; saurabha-fragrance; abhiri-for the gopés; madana-of cupid; arka-the sun; tapa-the heat; samani-subduing; viçva-of the universe; ekasole; santarpani-delight; sa-that; jéya-all glories; amåta-of nectar; abdhi-of the ocean; darpa-the pride; damani-quelling; vani-the words; rasala-curds mixed with sugar and spices; hareù-of Lord Hari. Glory to the curds of Lord Hari's nectar words, which are prepared with the ghee of His love, sweetened with the honey of His smile and the sugar of His jokes, and spiced with the camphor of methaphors, alliterations and other literary ornaments, and which delight the world, curbs the nectar ocean's pride, and cool the gopés tormented by the sun of amorous desires! Text 97 arvaì-mukhendramaëé-såñöa-öila-prasünakäntiù smaräçuga-viçeña ivendranélaù néläsma-kalpa-çuka-caïcu-vinindi-rociù çré-näsikocca-çikharä vilasaty aghäreù arvak-downwards; mukha-placed; indramaëé-sapphire; såñöa-fashioned; tilaçeñame; prasuna-flower; käntiù-splendor; smara-of cupid; asuga-arrow; viçeñaùspecific; iva-like; indranélaù-sapphire; nélasma-of sapphires; klpta-constructed; çuka-of a parrot; caïcu-beak; vinindi-chastizing; rociù-whose splendor; çré-nasikä; of the nose; ucca-raised; sikhara-tip; vilasati-is splendidly manifest; agha-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Aghasura. Glorious as a sapphire sesame-flower tilted downwards, like a sapphire Käma's arrow, and its glory rebuking a sapphire parrot's beak, the handsome tip of Lord Kåñëa's nose is gloriously manifest. Text 98 lolendukänta-maëi-golaka-baddha-caïcadindräsma-golaka-samäna-kaëénike ye antar-bhramad-bhramara-phulla-sitäbja-koçasaubhägya-garva-bhara-khaëòana-paëòite ca lola-moving; indukänta-maëi; of moonstones; golaka-balls; baddha-bound; caïcat-moving; indrasma-sapphire; golaka-balls; samäna-like; kaninike-pupils; yethat; antaù-within; bhramat-moving; bhramara-bumble-bees; phulla-blossoming; sita-white; abja-of the lotuys flower; kosa-whorl; saubhagya-good fortune; garvapride; bhara-abundance; khandana-breaking; pandite-learned; ca-also.

3 Lord Kåñëa's eyes, which are like moving moonstone globes studded with moving sapphires, are expert at breaking the pride of two white lotus whorls where two black bumblebees wander. Text 99 pränte 'ruëimnä paritaù sitimnä madhye 'sitimnä ca yute vilole çobha-çriyaù kaëòuka-golake te su-citrite çré-vidhi-käruëä kim prante-in the corners; arunimna-reddness; paritaù-around; aitimna-whiteness; madhye-in the middle; asitimna-blackness; ca-also; yute-endowed; vilole; moving; çobha-çriyaù-of beauty; kaëòuka-golake-two balls for playing; te-they; su-very; citrite-wonderful; çré-vidhi-of the creator Brahmä; karuna-the mercy; kim-is it so? How merciful is the creator Brahmä expertly to make for personified handsomeness these two toy balls, red on the edges, white within, and black in the center! Text 100 lävaëya-sära-samudäya-sudhäti-varñaiù käruëya-sära-nicayämåta-nirjharoghaiù kandarpa-bhäva-visarämåta-vanyayä ca samplavya sarva-jagad ullasati samantät lävaëya-of beauty; sara-of the essence; samudaya-abundance; sudhä-of nectar; ati-varsaiù-with the monsoon rains; karunya-of mercy; sara-of the essence; nicaya-of the abundance; amåta-of nectar; nirjhara-of the gushing mountain stream; oghaiù-with the floods; kandarpa-of cupid; bhäva-of the love; visara-of the abundance; amåta-of nectar; vanyaya-with the inundation; ca-also; samplavya-having slooded; sarva-the entitre; jagat-universe; ullasati-is splendidly manifest; samantat-in all directions. Flooding the world with monsoons of nectar handsomeness, gushing streams of nectar mercy, and a flood of nectar love, Kåñëa's eyes shine with great glory. Text 101 atyäyate su-vipule masåëe su-çoëe su-snigdha-péna-ghana-caïcala-pakñma-ramye täruëya-sära-mada-ghüsåëa-maëöhare ca netre harer mama hådi sphuratäà sadä te ati-ayate-wide open; su-vipule-large; masåëe-beautiful; su-sone-nicely reddish; su-snigdha-glistening; péna-large; ghana-of clouds; caïcala-moving; pakñma-

3 eyelashes; ramye-delightful; tarunya-of youthfulness; sara-the essence; madaghusåëa-of saffron; manthare-two treasures; ca-also; netre-the two eyes; hareù-of Lord Hari; mama-my; hådi-in the heart; sphuratam-may become; manifested; sada-eternally; te-they. Large, wide-open, handsome, red, charming with glossy, thick, restless eyelashes, and opulent with the saffron of youth and passion, may Lord Hari's eyes always appear in my heart. Text 102 sädhvé-sva-karma-dåòha-dharma-vibheda-dakñakämeñu-tékñëa-kaöùino vilasaty aghäreù svapne 'pi durlabha-samasta-daridra-goñöhéväïchäbhipüraëa-vadänya-varaù kaöäkñaù sädhvi-of the pious gopés; sva-own; karma-of activities; drdha-firm; dharmareligious duties; vibheda-breaking; dakña-expert; käma-of cupid; isu-arrows; tékñna-sharp; kathinaù-and hard; vilasati-is spkendidly manifest; agha-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Agha; svapne-in dream; api-even; durlabha- difficult to attain; samasta-all; daridra-goñöhi-of the poor conditioned souls; vaïcha-desires; abhipuraëa-fulfilling; vadanya-generous; varaù-best; kata-akña-sidelong glances. Sharp and hard as Käma's arrows, expert at breaking the pious gopés' firm chastity, and generously giving charity beyond what the poor can dream, Lord Kåñëa's sidelong glance is splendidly manifest. Text 103 yä viçva-yauvata-vilola-manaù-kuraìgän ävidhya ghürëayati nartana-margaëaiù svaiù sä bhrü-latä mura-ripoù kuöiläpi kértyä kandarpa-puñpa-tåëatäà tåëatäà ninäya ya-that; viçva-of the universe; yauvata-of the young girls; vilola-moving; manaù-of the minds; kuraìgan-the deer; avidhya-piercing; ghurnayati-cause to writhe; nartana-dancing; margaiù-with motions; svaiù-own; sa-that; bhru-of the eyebrows; lata-creeper; mura-ripoù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of the demon Mura; kutila-curved; api-even; kértya-with its fame; kandarpa-of cupid puñpa-trnatamthe flower-bow; trnatam-to the state of being as insignificant and a blade of grass; ninaya- led. The curving vine of Kåñëa's eyebrows, which by their fame alone make Käma's flower-bow insignificant as a blade of grass, with many dancing arrows wound the deer of the young gopés' hearts and make them stagger and writhe. Text 104

3 kià käliyena haraye sva-sutä visåñöä tenärpitä bhruvi hriyäpa tad-ätmatäà yä sapatnyato vraja-vadhü-hådayäni sarpé dåñövaiva sä vitanute 'tra vimürchitäni kim-how is it?; käliyena-by Käliya; haraye-to Lord Hari; sva-sutäs-his daughters; visåñöa-given; tena-by him; arpita; placed; bhruvi-between the eyebrows; hriyashyly; apa-attained; tat-ätmatam-His own mark; ya-who; sapatnyataù-out of rivalry; vraja-of Vraja; vadhu-the girls; hådayani-the hearts; sarpi-the snake; dåñöva-having seen; eva-indeed; sa-she; vitanute-made; atra-in this connection; vimurchitani-fainted. Why, when they saw the serpent daughters Käliya gave to Lord Hari shyly attain the Lord's mark on their eyebrows, did the vraja-gopés' hearts faint with envy? Text 105 cillé-latälaka-varüthaka-ramya-pärçvaà kaåñëäñöamé-çaçi-nibhaà giri-dhätu-citram rädhä-mano-hariëa-bandhana-käma-yantrakäçméra-cäru-tilakaà hari-bhälam éòe cilli-of the eyebrows; lata-creeper; alaka-of curling locks of hair; varuthakamultitude; ramya-charming; pärçvam-sides; kåñëa-astami-on the eight day of the waning moon; sasi-the moon; nibham-like; giri-of Govardhana Hill; dhatu-with the mineral pigments; citram-colorfully decorated; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; manaù-of the mind; harina-the deer; bandhana-for binding; käma-cupid's; yantram-rope; kasmira-made of kuìkuma- caru-beautiful; tilakam-with tilaka markings; hari-of Lord Hari; bhalam-the forehead; ide-I praise. I glorify Lord Hari's forehead, bounded by His curling locks of hair and the two vines of His eyebrows, splendid as the Kåñëäñöamé moon, decorated with colorful designs and pictures drawn in Govardhana's mineral pigments, and bearing splendid kuìkuma tilaka that is Kämadeva's trap to catch the deer of Rädhä's heart. Text 106 alaka-madhupa-mälä çréla-bhälopariñöhäd vilasati lalitä yä ballavé-vallabhasya nayana-çaphara-bandhe jälatäm aìganä_näà alabhata kila seyaà käma-kaivartakasya alaka-of curling hairs; madhupa-of bumble-bees; mälä-swarm; çréla-beautiful; bhala-forehead; upariñöhat-above; vilasati- is splendidly manifest; lalitacharming; ya-that; ballavé-of the gopés; vallabhasya-of the dear lover; nayana-of the eyes; çaphara-the çaphari fishes; bandhe-for catching; jälatam-the state of being a fishing net; aìganä_näm-of the girls of Vraja; alabhata-attained; kila-

3 indeed; sa iyam-that; käma-of cupid; kaivartakasya-of the fisherman. The graceful black bee garland of locks of hair that plays above Lord Gopénätha's forehead has become a great net where the fisherman Kämadeva catches the çapharé fishes of the gopés' eyes. Text 107-108 çläghyäyato bhramara-gaïjana-cikkaëäbhaù sükñmaù su-kuïcitataro 'ti-ghanaù samagraù kästürikä-yug-asitotpala-gandha-hådyaù käma-dhvajäsita-su-cämara-cäru-çobhaù cüòä-dviphala-kavarärdhaka-jüöa-veëéjüöädi-käla-kåta-bandha-viçeña-ramyaù yo håt-sudhä-rucé kuraìgati rädhikäyäç citte sa naù sphuratu keçava-keça-päçaù çläghyayataù-glorious; bhramara-bumble-bees; gaïjana- chastizing; cikkanaglistening; abhaù-appearaïce; sükñmaù- fine; su-very; kuïcitataraù-curly; ati-very; ghanaù-thick; samagraù-all; kastürikä-with musk; yuga-endowed; asita-blue; utpala-lotus flower gandha with the fragrance; hådyaù-charming; käma-of cupid; dhvaja-the flag; asita-black; su-splendid; camara-of a camara fan; caru-beautiful; çobhaù-splendor; cuda- of the crest; dvi-two; phala-sides; kavara-of strands of hair; ardhaka-half; juta-veni-of hair; juta-locks of hair; ädi- beginning with; kalablack; kåta-done; bandha-bond; visesa- specific; ramyaù-delightful; yaù-that; håtof the heart; sudhä-ruci-on the moon that is full of nectarean effulgence; kuraìgati-has become a deer; rädhikäyäù-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; citte; in the mind; saù-that hair; naù-of us; sphuratu-may be manifested; keçava-of Lord Kåñëa; keça-pasaù-the locks of hair. May Lord Keçava's hair: fine, thick, glorious, curling, glistening with a luster that rebukes the black bees' splendor, aromatic as a blue lotus flower anointed with musk, splendid as Kämadeva's flag and black cämara, gracefully parted, and now become a deer-mark on the nectar moon of Rädhikä's heart, appear before us. Note: In Sanskrit literature the shadows on the moon are considered to resemble a deer. For this reason Lord Kåñëa's hair is compared to the "deer in the moon". Text 109 apara-mädhurya-sudhärëaväni nänä_ìga-bhüñä-caya-bhüñaëäni jagad-dåg-äsecanakäni çaurer varëyäni näìgäni sahasra-vaktraiù apara-limitless; mädhurya-of sweetness; sudhä-of nectar; arëavani-oceans;

3 nänä-various; aìga-of the limbs; bhüñä-of the ornaments; bhüñaëani-decorations; jagat-of the entire universe; dåk-of the eyes; asecanakani-sprinkling nectar; saureù-of Lord Kåñëa; varëyani-describeable; na-not; aìgani- the limbs; sahasravaktraiù-by Lord Ananta, who has thousands of mouths. Even Lord Ananta with His thousands of voices cannot describe Lord Kåñëa's limbs, which are limiltless oceans of nectar sweetness, which decorate their ornaments, and which shower nectar on all eyes. Note: Lord Kåñëa's limbs are so handsome that they decorate the ornaments instead of being decorated by them. Text 110 itérayitvä virate sukeçe sa-çärike gadgada-ruddha-kaëöhe tad-väk-sudhämbhodhi-nimagna-cittä kñaëaà sabhä sa stimitä tadäsét iti-thus; irayitva-having spoken; virate-stopped; suka-ise-when the king among parrots; sa-with; çärike-the female parrot; gadgada-ruddha-choking in ecstasy; kaëöhe-when his throat; tat- of him; vak-of the words; sudhä-of the nectar; ambhodhi-in the ocean; nimagna-immersed; citta-whose mind; kñaëam-for a moment; sabhä-the assembly of gopés; sa-that; stimita-stunned; tadä-then; äsétbecame. Then the two parrots, their voices choked with ecstasy, stopped speaking, and the gopé-audience became momentarily stunned, their minds drowning in the nectar ocean of the parrots' words. .pa


Chapter Two Text 1 çré-rädhikä-preritayätha våndäyä samalälitaù svästhyam upägataù çukaù diñöaç ca kåñëasya guëänuvarëane sa-çärikaù präha sabhäà sa nandayan çré-rädhikä-by Çrématé Rädhäräëé; preritaya-asked; atha-then; våndäya-by Våndä-devi; samlalitaù-stroked; svasthyam-happiness; upagataù-attained; çukaùthe parrot; distaù-instructed; ca-also; kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; guëa-of the transcendental qualities; anuvarëane-in the matter of describing; sa-along with; çärikaù-the female parrot; praha-spoke; sabhäm-the assembled gopés; saù-he; nandayan-delighting. Then the two parrots, stroked by Våndä-devi on Çré Rädhikä's request, now calm and happy, and now ordered to glorify Kåñëa's transcendental qualities, spoke, delighting the assembly. Text 2 kavibhir anavagahyaà taà mahadbhir varäko 'py aham ajita-guëäbdhià jihvayä leòhum éhe yad api phalam abhedyaà laìgaléyaà su-pakvaà spåçati tad api caïcvä tan muhur lubdha-kéraù kavibhiù-by poets and philosophers; anavagahyam-unfathomable; tam-that mahadbhiù-by the great; varakaù-insignificant; api-although; aham-I am; ajitaunlimited; guëa-of transcendental qualities; abdhim-the ocean; jihvaya-with my tongue; ledhum-to drink; ihe-I am trying; yat api-although; phalam-fruit; abhedyam-unbreakable; laìgaléyam-of the coconut tree; su-pakvam-perfectly ripe; spåçati-touches; tat api-nevertheless; caïcva-with his beak; tat-that; muhuù-constantly; lubdha-greedy; kiraù-parrot.

3 Insignificant I try with my tongue to lick up the limitless ocean of the unconquerable Lord's qualities, which even the great souls cannot fathom. Again and again this greedy parrot strikes an unbreakable ripe coconut with its beak. Text 3 ihäninéçämi kareëa bhäskaraà mürdhnä bibhétsämi sumeru-parvatam dorbhyäm titérñämi mahärëavaà yato guëän vivakñämi harer apatrapaù iha-in this matter; aniniçami-I desire to fetch; kareëa-in my hand; bhaskaramthe sun; murdhna-with my head; bibhitsami-I desire to break; sumeru-parvatamMount Sumeru; dorbhyäm-with my arms; titirsami-I desire to cross; mahä-the great; arëavam-ocean; yataù-because; guëan-the transcendental qualities; vivakñami-I desire to describe; hareù-of Lord Hari; apatrapaù-shameless. This shameless person aspires to describe Lord Hari's transcendental qualities. It is as if I wished to swim across the great ocean by the strength of my own arms. It is as if I wished to smash apart Mount Sumeru by striking it with my head. It is as if I wished to carry the sun in my hand. Text 4 yä yä jätä hari-guëa-lava-sparça-püöä rasajïä sä sä jätu spåçati nitaräà kväpi värtäà tad-anyäm mäkandéya-prathama-mukuläsväda-puñöänya-puñöaçreëi yä sä rasayati kathaà kudmalaà paicu-mardam yä ya-whatever; jata-born; hari-of Lord Hari; guëa-of the transcendental qualities; lava-of a drop; sparça-by the touch; puta-purified; rasajïa-tongue; sa sathat; jatu-ever; spåçati-touches; nitaram-certainly; kvapi-at all; värtam-topics; tatthan those; anyam-other; makandéya-of the mango tree; prathama-first; mukulafruits; asvada-by the taste; puñöa-nourished; anya-another; puñöa-nourished; çreëi-series; ya-that; sa-that tongue; rasayati-relishes; katham-how is it possible?; kudmalam-the ripe; paicu-mardam-bitter nimba fruit. Any tongue purified by tasting a single nectarean drop of Lord Hari's transcendental qualities can never again taste anything else. How can a tongue that tastes the first sweet mango fruits ever try to taste the sharply bitter nimba fruit? Text 5 yad uktaà gargeëa vraja-pati-puras te 'sya hi çiçor guëais tais taiù samyaà labhata iha näräyaëa iti

3 guëänäm änantyaà parama-çubhatä gokula-vidhor mahattvaà gämbhéryädikam api ca tenaiva kathitam yat-what; uktam-was spoken; gargena-by Garga Muni; vraja-of Vraja; pati-the king; puraù-in the presence; te-they; asya-of Him; hi-certainly; sisoù-the child; guëaiù-with qualities; taih taiù-with these; samyam-equality; labhata-attained; iha-in this matter; narayane-with Lord Narayana; iti-thus; guëanam-of qualities; anantyam-infinity; parama-supreme; subhata-auspicious beauty; mahattvamgreatness; gambhirya-depth; ädikam-beginning with; api-also; ca-and; tena-by him; eva-certainly; kathitam-were related. Garga said to the king of Vraja: "Your boy has qualities like Lord Näräyaëa." He said that Kåñëa, the moon of Gokula, has limitless transcendental qualities and is supremely handsome, glorious, profound, and filled with all virtues. Text 6 sva-bhakte vätsalya-praëaya-vaçatäder guëa-tater anantatvät saìkhyä danuja-jayino naiva ghaöate bahutvät palyänäm aniçam uru-våtteù samudayäd ihäpy ekaikasyäpi hi bhavati samyäì na gaëanam sva-bhakta-to His devotees; vatsalya-parental affection; praëaya-to the love; vasata-submissiveness; adeù-beginning with; guëa-of transcendental qualities; tateù-of the series; anantavat-because of the infinity; sakhya-complete enumeration; danuja-jayinaù-of Lord Kåñëa, the conqueror of the demons; na-not; eva-certainly; ghaöate-occurs; bahutvät-because of the largeness; palyanam-of the devotees under His protection; aniçam-day and night; uru-with great; våtteùendeavor; samudayat-from the manifestation; iha-in this matter; api-also; ekaekasya-one by one; api-even; hi-certainly; bhavati-is; samyak-complete; na-not; gaëanam-counting. Because they have no end, Lord Kåñëa's transcendental qualities such as His being conquered by His devotees' love, cannot be counted. Because they are so many, even though the devotees earnestly try, day and night, to count them one by one, it is not possible to count them all. Text 7 rüpaà bhüñaëa-bhüñaëaà nava-vayaù kaiçora-madhya-sthitaà véryaà kaëòukitädri çélam amalaà lélä jagan-mohiné audaryaà sva-samarpaëävadhi dayä yasyäkhila-plävikä kértir viçva-viçodhiné katham asau kåñëo 'stu varëyaù kñitau rüpam-beauty; bhüñaëa-of ornaments; bhüñaëam-the ornament; nava-vayaùyouthful age; kaiçora-madhya-in the full bloom of youth; sthitam-situated; viryamprowess; kaëòukita-became like a toy ball; adri-a great mountain; çéla-character; amalam-spotless; lélä-pastimes; jagat-the universe; mohini-enchanting; audaryam-generosity; sva-Himself; samarpana-giving; avadhi-up to; daya-mercy; yasya-of whom; akhila-the entire world; plavika-inundating; kértiù-fame; viçva-the

3 universe; visodhini-purifying; katham-how is it possible?; asau-He; kåñëaù-Lord Kåñëa; astu-may be; varëyaù-described; kñitau-on this earth. His handsomeness is the ornament of ornaments. His age is the prime of youth. His strength turns mountains into toy balls. His character is spotless. His pastimes enchant the world. His generosity is willing to give even Himself as a gift. His mercy floods the world. His fame purifies the world. How can Lord Kåñëa be described in this world? Text 8 tat kaiçoraà sa ca guëa-cayaù sa ca gopäìganä_liù sä veña-çréù sa ca mädhurimä sa ca kandarpa-lélä sä vaidagdhé sa ca çuci-rasaù sä ca cäpalya-lakñmir aìgé-käräd ajani saphalä çréla-gopendra-sünoù tat-that; kaiçoram-youthfulness; saù-that; ca-also; guëa-of virtes; cayaù-a multitude; sa-that; ca-also; gopa-aìganä_-of gopés; äliù-a host; sa-that; vesa-çréùbeauty; saù-that; ca-also; mädhuréma-sweetness; sa-that; ca-also; kandarpaamorous; lélä-pastimes; sa-that; vaidagdhi-experties; saù-that; ca-also; sucirasaù-purity; sa-that; ca-also; capalya-restlessness; lakñmiù-opulence; angi-karatbecause of being accepted; ajani-have become; sa-phala-fruitful; çréla-gopaindra-sunoù-by Lord Kåñëa, the son of the king of the cowherds. Youthfulness, the gopés, handsomeness, sweetness, amorous pastimes, intelligence, purity, charming restlessness, and a host of transcendental virtues all attained supreme success because they were accepted by Lord Kåñëa, the prince of gopas. Text 9 çré-kåñëasyäkhiläìgän mågamada-rasa-samlipta-nélotpalänäà kakña-bhrü-çroëi-keçad aguru-rasa-lasat-pärijätotpalänäm çré-näsä-näbhi-vakträt kara-pada-nayanäc cendu-liptämbujänäà sat-saurabhyämåtormiù prasarati jagad äplavayanté samantät çré-kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; akhila-all; aìgat-from the limbs; mågamada-rasawith musk; samlipta-anointed; néla-blue; utpalanam-lotus flowers; kakña-under His arms; bhru-of His eyebrows; sroni-of the middle part of His body; keçat-from the hairs; aguru-rasa-with aguru; lasat-splendid; parijata-utpalanam-of parijata flowers; çré-nasa-from His nose; näbhi-navel; vaktrat-face; kara-hands; pada-feet; nayanat-and eyes; ca-also; indu-with camphor; lipta-anointed; ambujanam-of lotus flowers; sat-transcendental; saurabhya-of aroma; amåta-of nectar; urmiùwith waves; prasarati-flows; jagat-the universe; aplavayant-inundating; samantatin all directions. Fragrant nectar waves of the musk-anointed blue lotus flower frgrance coming from all of Çré Kåñëa's limbs, the aguru-scented pärijäta flower fragrance from His eyebrows, armpits and waist, and the camphor-anointed lotus flower

3 fragrance from His nose, navel, face, hands, feet, and eyes, now flood the world in all directions. Text 10 guëä hi gopé-tati-häriëo harer gopé-tatiù prema-pariplutasaya premä harer indriya-citta-härako hariç ca tasya vaçatäm upägataù guëaù-the qualities; hi-certainly; gopé-tati-the gopés; harinaù-enchants; hareùof Lord Hari; gopé-tatiù-the gopés; prema-with pure love of Kåñëa; pariplutadrowned; asaya-with the aspiration; prema-pure love; hareù-of Lord Hari; indriyathe senses; citta-and mind; harakaù-enchants; hariù-Lord Hari; ca-also; tasyaù-of the gopés; vasatam-the state of being submissive; upagataù-has attained. Lord Hari's transcendental qualities enchant the gopés' hearts. The gopés become plunged in an ocean of love for Him. Their love charms Lord Hari's mind and senses. Lord Hari is conquered by them. Text 11 vaàçé-svanair gopa-vadhü-gaëahåtir gopé-håte räsa-mahä-mahotsavaù räsotsaväd väïchita-pürtir éçitus tat-pürtito 'bhüt sukha-sambhåtaà jagat vaàçé-of the flute; svanaiù-by the sounds; gopa-vadhu-of gopés; gaëa-the multitude; ahåtiù-attraction; gopé-of the gopés; håteù-from the attraction; rasa-of the rasa daïce; mahä-mahä-utsavaù-the great festival; rasa-of the rasa daïce; utsavat-from the festival; vaïchita-of desires; purtiù-fulfillment; isituù-of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tat-of them; purtitaù-from the fulfiment; abhüta-became; sukha-of happiness; sambhåtam-full; jagat-the universe. The gopés were enchanted by the sounds of Kåñëa's flute. Because the gopés were enchanted the great great räsa-dance festival was performed. Because räsadance festival was performed the Lord's desires were fulfilled. Because the Lord's desires were fulfilled, the universe became full of joy. Text 12 babhau vrajeçorasi yä murärir nélotpaläli-dala-mälikeva tanau mamus tatra kathaà guëäs te sahasra-vaktreëa sadäpy agaëyäù babhau-is manifested; vraja-of Vraja; isa-of the king; urasi-on the chest; muraariù-Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Mura; néla-blue; utpala-of lotus flowers; äli-of the

3 multitude; dala-of petals; mälika-a garland; iva-like; tanau-on the body; mamuùlimited in space; tatra-there; katham-how is it possible?; guëaù-qualities; tethese; sahasra-vaktreëa-by Lord Ananta, who has thousands of voices; sadacontinually; api-even; aganyaù-indescribable. Playing on the king of Vraja's chest, Kåñëa is like a garland of blue lotus petals. How can He have limitless qualities Lord Ananta cannot describe with thousands of voices? Text 13 tathä tanor antar aloki mäträ viçvaà kare 'driù kamalatvam äpa çré-rädhikäsyämbuja-darçanotthä mudo mumus ta na harer batäsyam tatha-in that way; tanoù-the body; antaù-within; aloki-seen; mätra-by His mother; viçvam-the universe; kare-in His hand; adriù-Govardhana Hill; kamalatvam-the state of being a lotus flower; apa-attained; çré-rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; asya-of the face; ambuja-the lotus; darçana-from seeing; utthaù-arisen; mudaù-happiness; mumuù-measured; taù-they; na-are not; hareùof Lord Hari; bata-indeed; asyam-in this matter. Even though His mother saw the universe inside His body, and even though a mountain became a lotus in His hand, when He saw Çré Rädhikä's lotus face, Lord Hari's happiness had no limit. Text 14 lävaëya-vanyotsalile 'gha-vidviño rädhätma-mürtià pratibimbitaà hådi dåñöväìganäà sväà pratikurvatéà paraà niçcitya roñäd vimukhé sma vepate lävaëya-of beauty; vanya-of the flood; utsalile-in the waters; agha-vidviñaùLord Kåñëa, the enemy of Aghasura; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; ätma-own; murtim-the form; pratibimbitam-reflected; hådi-in the heart; dåñöva-seeing; aìganä_m-girl; svam-personally; pratikurvatim-replacing; param-another; niçcityaconceiving; rosat-our of anger; vimukhi-averse; sma-certainly; vepate-trembles. Kåñëa gazed at Rädhä's form reflected in the ocean of beauty in His heart, but when one of Rädhä's rivals suddenly stood in Her place, He became horrified and trembled with anger. Text 15 çré-rädhayänanya-samordhvayähåtaà

3 mano harer dhävati näparäìganäm sarojiné-san-madhu-lampaöaù sadä vallià paräm icchati kià madhuvrataù çré-rädhäya-by Çrématé Rädhäräëé; ananya-without another; ama-equal; urdhvaya-or better; ahåtam-stolen; manaù-the mind; hareù-of Lord Hari; dhavatiruns; na-not; apara-after another; aìganä_m-girl; sarojini-of a pond full of lotus flowers; sat-transcendental; madhu-honey; lampataù-eager to taste; sadaeternally; vallim-a creeper; param-another; icchati-desires; kim-is it so?; madhuvrataù-a bumble-bee. Captivated by unparalleled Çré Rädhä, Lord Hari's mind does not chase after any other gopé. Will a bumblebee, eager always to drink the honey of a great colony of lotus flowers, ever yearn to go to a small vine? Text 16 üñëo raviù çétala eva candraù sarva-sahä bhüç capalaù saméraù sädhuù su-dhéro 'mbunidhir gabhéraù sva-bhävataù prema-vaço hi kåñëaù usnaù-hot; raviù-the sun; sitalaù-cool; eva-certainly; candraù-the moon; sarvaof everything; saha-tolerant; bhuù-the earth; capalaù-fickle and unsteady; samiraù-the wind; sädhuù-the devotee; su-dhiraù-sober and saintly; ämbunidhiùthe ocean; gabhéraù-deep; sva-bhävataù-by nature; prema-by love; vasaùcontrolled; hi-certainly; kåñëaù-Lord Kåñëa. By nature the sun is hot, the moon is cool, the earth tolerates anything, the wind is fickle and unsteady, the devotees are saintly and peaceful, the ocean is deep, and Lord Kåñëa is controlled by love. Text 17 gabhéro 'pi sthira-matir api kñaëti-pürëaù su-çélaù çré-kåñëo 'yaà sukha-maya-vapuù sa-trapo nirvikäraù çré-rädhäyäù praëaya-vivaças tan-mukhäloka-jätair bhävair lolo madana-vikalah sambhramäd bambhraméti gambhiraù-deep; api-although; sthira-fixed and steady; matiù-with mind; apialthough; kñaëti-patience; pürëaù-full; su-çélaù-with impeccable good character; çré-kåñëaù-Lord Kåñëa; ayam-this; sukha-of transcendental bliss; mayaconsisting; vapuù-whose form; sa-trapaù-shy and humble; nirvikäraù-without change; çré-rädhäyäù-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; praëaya-by the love; vivasaùhaving lost all composure; tat-her; mukha-+face; aloka-from the sight; jataiùborn; bhävaiù-with ecstatic love; lolaù-trembling; madana-with amorous love; vikalaù-agitated; sambhramat-because of agitation; bambhramiti-repeatedly wanders.

3 Although Lord Kåñëa is very steady-minded, patient, shy, and humble, although He is the greatest exemplar of impeccable good character, although His transcendental form is by nature full of all transcendental bliss, and although all of these good qualities are eternally present within Him and they never decay or lessen, nevertheless, when He sees the face of Çré Rädhä, He becomes beside Himself with love for Her. He trembles with love for Her and wanders aimlessly as a madman. Text 18 rämädikänäà dhåti-dharma-baddhaà mano håtaà kåñëa-guëaiù su-dürät däseyam äsäm api cet tad etä vrajäìganäù kaù praëayärdra-cittaù rama-ädikanam-of the goddesses of fortune, headed by Lakñmi-devi; dhåtichaste composure; dharma-by piety; baddham-bound; manaù-the mind; håtamcaptivated; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; guëaiù-by the transcendental qualities; sudurat-even though observed from a distance; dasa-condition; iyam-this; asam-of them; api-although; cet-if; tat-then; etaù-they; vraja-of Vrajabhümi; aìganä_ù-the girls; kaù-who?; praëaya-with love; ardra-melted; cittaù-whose minds. If even the chaste hearts of Lakñmé and other goddesses are captivated by a distant glimpse of Kåñëa's virtues, then what is the condition of the girls of Vraja, whose hearts are always melting with love for Him? Text 19 prasvedotpulakädarokty-amåta-sat-saurabhya-manda-smitaiù padyärgyäcamanéya-gandha-kusumäny äjahrur ärädhane kåñëasya vraja-subhruvas tv iha parirambhädi-lélä_måtam naivedyaà ca tadä sudhädhara-rasas tämbülam äsäm abhüt prasveda-perspiration; utpulaka-hairs standing up in ecstasy; udara-respectful; ukti-of words; amåta-nectar; sat-transcendental; saurabhya-fragrance; mandagentle; smitaiù-with smiles; padya-padya water; arghya-arghya water; acamanéya-acamanéya water; gandha-incense; kusumani-and flowers; ajahruùoffer; arädhäne-in worship; kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; vraja-of Vraja; subhruvaù-the gopés, whose eyebrows are very beautiful; tu-also; iha-here; parirambha-with embraces; ädi-beginning; lélä-of pastimes; amåtam-the nectar; naivedyamoffering of foodstuff; ca-also; tadä-then; sudhä-nectar; adhara-of the lips; rasaùnectar; tämbülam-betel-nuts; asam-of them; abhüt-was. The beautiful-eyebrowed girls of Vraja worship Lord Kåñëa, offering their perspiration, their hairs standing up in ecstasy, the nectar of their respectful speeches, the fragrance of their bodies, and their gentle smiles as padya water, arghya water, äcamanéya water, incense, and flowers. The nectar of their embraces and amorous pastimes is the offering of foodstuff they place before the Lord, and the nectar of their kisses is their offering of betelnuts.

3 Text 20 vadänyeças tåñëä-nicaya-cita-cittaiù karuëa-räò vipannaiù kandarpo yuvati-nikarair måtyur aribhiù adhéçaù sad-bhaktaiù sahaja-nija-bandhur vraja-janaiù pratétaù kåñëo 'säv iti vividha-lokair bahu-vidhaù vadanya-of philanthropists; isaù-the king; tåñëa-of thirsts; nicaya-with multitudes; cita-collected; cittaiù-whose minds; karuna-of mercy; rat-the monarch; vipannaiù-by those who are distressed; kandarpaù-cupid; yuvati-of young girls; nikaraiù-by hosts; måtyuù-death; aribhiù-by His enemies; adhisaù-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sat-saintly; bhaktaiù-by the devotees; sahajanija-bandhuù-own relative; vraja-of Vraja; janaiù-by the people; pratitaù-believed; kåñëaù-Kåñëa; asau-this; iti-thus; vividha-various; lokaiù-by persons; bahu-in many; vidhaù-ways. Considered the king of philanthropists by those whose hearts are filled with thirst, the king of mercy by the distressed, Kämadeva by the young gopés, death personified by His enemies, the Supreme Lord by the pious devotees, and their own friend and relative by the people of Vraja, Kåñëa is thought of by different people in different ways. Text 21 sammukhyät svapaco dvijo 'sti vimukhaç ced yasya vipro 'ntyajo yat-premäpy amåtäyate praëayinäà hré-kälakütän api kértiù kåñëa-rucén karoti viñadé-kurvaty açeñän janän indur yad-virahe 'gnir agnir amåtaà kåñëäya tasmai namaù sammukhyat-because of being favorably disposed; scapacaù-an outcaste; dvijaù-a brahmana; asti-becomes; vimukhaù-averse; cet-if; yasya-to whome; vipraù-a brahmana; antyajaù-becomes an outcaste; yat-for whome; prema-love; api-also; amåtayate-makes into nectar; praëayinam-of those who have love; hri-of humbleness; kalakutan-bitter poison; api-even; kértiù-fame; kåñëa-for Kåñëa; rucin-with attraction; karoti-does; visädi-kurvati-makes insignificant; açeñan-all other; janan-persons; indhuù-the moon; yat-of whom; viraghe-in the separation; agniù-becomes fire; agniù-fire; amåtam-becomes nectar; kåñëaya-to that Lord Kåñëa; tasmai-to Him; namaù-I offer obeisances. Obeisances to Kåñëa! By becoming His devotee an outcast becomes a brähmaëa. If averse to Him, a brähmaëa becomes a degraded outcast. Love for Him turns the bitter poison of humbleness into the sweetest nectar. His fame attracts everyone to Him and makes everyone else seem insignificant. Separation from Him turns the cooling moon into a blazing fire and a raging fire into nectar moonlight. Text 22

3 baké-mukhänäà hi harer aréëäà daurjanya-våndäny amunä hatänäm sa-häsya-käruëya-mukhair guëaughair géyanta ke 'dyäpy aniçaà kavéndraiù baki-by Putana-mukhanam-headed; hi-certainly; hareù-of Lord Hari; arénäm-of the enemies; daurjanya-of wickedness; våndäni-abundance; amuna-by Him; hatanam-killed; sa-hasya-smiling; karunya-mercy; mukhaiù-headed by; guëa-of transcendental virtues; aughaiù-with many floods; géyanta-glorified; ke-that?; adya-today; api-even-aniçam-day and night; kavi-indraiù-by the best of poets. If someone claims Lord Kåñëa was cruel to kill Pütanä and so many other enemies, then I say why do great poets and philosophers always glorify Him for His smiling compassion and host of virtues? Text 23 na vapur idam aghärer eña kåñëä-praväho na vadanam idam abjaà näkñiëé utpale te na vitatir alakänäà seyam eñäli-mälä_ sakhi nayana-yuge te dhävataù kià pralubdhe na-not; vapuù-the form; idam-this; agha-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Agha; esaù-this; kåñëa-pravähaù-the Yamunä river; na-not; vadanam-face; idamthis; abjam-a lotus flower; na-not; akñini-two eyes; utpale-two lotus flowers; tethey; na-not; vitatiù-the mass; alakanam-of curling locks of hair; sa-this; iyamthis; esa-this; äli-of bumble-bees; mälä-line; sakhé-O gopé-friend; nayana-of eyes; yuge-pair; te-they; dhavataù-run; kim-why?; pralubdhe-greedy. This is not Kåñëa's form. it is the Yamunä river. This is not His face. It is a lotus flower. These are not His eyes. They are two lotus flowers. This is not His curling hair. It is a garland of black bees. O gopé-friend, why do your greedy eyes chase these things? Text 24 nänä-vikäraà vraja-subhruväà manaù praviñöa ädau madanas tatäna käläyataù çré-vraja-räja-sünor viveça päçcän muralé-ninädaù nänä-various; vikäram-with ecstatic transformations; vraja-of Vraja; subhruvam-of the girls who have beautiful eyebrows; manaù-the mind; praviñöaùentered; adau-first; madanaù-cupid; tatana-expanded; kala-yataù-expertly played; çré-vraja-raja-sunoù-of Lord Kåñëa, the son of the king of Vraja; vivesaentered; pascat-afterwards; muräli-of the flute; ninadaù-the sound. First Käma entered the beautiful-eyebrowed vraja-gopés' ecstatic hearts, and then flute melodies sublimely played by the prince of Vraja also entered.

3 Text 25 kämotpattir dhåti-dhana-håtiù saàhåtir loka-bhéter dharmocchittaù kuvalaya-dåçäm ähåtiù patyur aìkät kampodbhütiù sthiram anucare stabdhir apy äpagänäà yä sa jéyän madhura-muralé-kakalé gokulendoù käma-amorous desires; utpattiù-arisal; dhåti-of composure; dhana-wealth; håtiù-stealing; saàhåtiù-removal; loka-of popular opinion; bhiteù-of the fear; dharma-the rules of piety; ucchittaù-cutting at the root; kuvalaya-dåçäm-of the lotus-eyed gopés; ahåtiù-attracting; patyuù-of their husbands; aìkat-from the side; kampa-of trembling; udbhutiù-arisal; sthiram-stationary living entities; anucare-in relation; stabdhiù-stunning; api-also; apaganam-of moving entities; yathat; sa-that; jéyat-all glories; madhura-sweet; muralé-of the flute; kakali-sound; gokula-indoù-of Lord Kåñëa, the moon of Gokula. Glory to Kåñëa's sweet flute-music, which arouses the lotus-eyed gopés' amorous desires, plunders the treasury of their calmness, removes their fear of public opinion, cuts at the root their pious chastity, drags them away from their husbands' laps, and makes motionless beings tremble and moving beings stunned! Text 26 guëa-gaëa-rasa-lélaiçvarya-ratnair lasanto bahava iha jagatyäà santi dhanyä yadéttham vadata vadata lokä äkaraù kintv amiñäà vraja-pati-suta eko niçcitaù çré-munéndraiù guëa-of virtues; gaëa-of multitudes; rasa-oof nectarean mellows of love; lélä-of pastimes; aisvarya-of opulences; ratnaiù-with the jewels; lasantaù-shining; bahavaù-many; iha-here; jagatyam-in the material world; santi-are; dhanyaùopulent men; yadi-if; ittham-in this way; vadata-just tell; vadata-just tell; lokaù-O people; akaraù-the form; kintu-however; amiñäm-among them; vraja-of Vraja; pati-of the king; sutaù-the son; ekaù-alone; niçcitaù-is distinguished; çré-muniindraiù-by the best of the sages. O people, if you say that in this world many men are splendidly decorated with many jewel virtues, nectar sweetnesses, charming pastimes, and great riches, (and therefore Kåñëa is not very important among them), then I say to you the greatest sages have decided that Lord Kåñëa, the prince of Vraja, is the greatest and no one is like Him. Text 27 näda-vyäjät kñipasi kaöhine gäralém amåtià vä dhäräà vaàçé praëaya-sakhi no jévanaà vä måtià vä

3 täbhyäà nänyaà vitara viñamaà hä daçäm aty-asahyäà gopyaù kåñëa-praëaya-vikalä vaàçikäm ittham ähuù nada-of a sound; vyajat-on the pretext; kñipasi-you emit; kathine-O cruel-one; garalim-poison; amåtim-nectar; va-or; dharam-a flood; vaàçé-O flute; praëayasakhé-O dear friend; naù-our; jévanam-life; va-or; måtim-death; va-or; täbhyämfor them; na-not; anyam-anything else; vitara-You extend; visamam-mysterious; ha-indeed; dasam-condition; ati-very; asahyam-intolerable; gopyaù-the gopés; kåñëa-of Kåñëa; praëaya-with love; vikalaù-agitated; vaàçékam-to the flute; ittham-in this way; ahuù-spoke. Overcome with love for Kåñëa, the gopés said to His flute: "Dear friend, cruel flute, is it a flood of poison or a flood of nectar you give us disguised as these sounds? Do these floods kill us or give us life? They create a mysterious condition we can neither understand nor bear." Text 28 bhogepsavaù sakala-kämadam artha-lubdhaù sarvärthadaà sukha-tåñaç ca sukha-svarüpam lokädhipatya-lasitä jagad-éçvaraà taà kåñëaà dviñanti danujäù ku-dhiyo bataite bhoga-sense-gratification; ipsavaù-desiring; sakala-all; käma-desires; damgranting; artha-after wealth; lubdhaù-gredy; sarva-all; artha-wealth; damgranting; sukha-after happiness; tåñaù-thirsting; ca-also; sukha-of happiness; svarüpam-the personification; loka-over the entire world; adhipatya-sovereignty; lasitaù-desiring; jagat-of all the universes; éçvaram-the master; tam-Him; kåñëam-Lord Kåñëa; dviñanti-hate; danujaù-the demons; ku-dhiyaù-not very intelligent; bata-indeed; ete-they. The demons yearn after sense-pleasures, yet they hate Lord Kåñëa, who gives all pleasures to His devotees. The demons greedily run after money, yet they hate Lord Kåñëa, who gives all wealth to His devotees. The demons aspire for a happy situation in life, yet they hate Lord Kåñëa, who is the personification of all happiness. The demons desire sovereignty over the world, yet they hate Lord kåñëa, the master of all the universes. The demons are not very intelligent, for they have become bitter enemies of the only person able to fulfill their desires. Text 29 tat-tal-lélä_måta-rasa-jharair bhävitätmä mågäkñibälä käcit sva-sadana-gatäpy agrato vékñya våddhäm bhétä pärçve sva-bhuja-çirasi nyasta-hastaà sphurantaà kåñëaà prähäpasara dayitä-loka-yaträgateyam tat-tat-various; lélä-of pastimes; amåta-of nectar; rasa-mellows; jharaiù-with the gushing mountain streams; bhavita-filled; ätma-whose mind; måga-akñi-lotuseyed; bala-young girl; kacit-a certain; sva-from her own; sadana-home; gatagone; api-even; agrataù-before her; vékñya-seeing; våddham-an old woman;

3 bhita-frightened; pärçve-at her side; sva-her; bhuja-sirasi-on the shoulder; nyastaplaced; hastam-hand; sphurantam-manifested; kåñëam-to Kåñëa; praha-she said; apasara-go; dayita-beloved; loka-person; yatra-journey; agata-arrived; iyam-this. Her mind flooded by the swiftly flowing mountain stream of Lord Kåñëa's transcendental pastimes, a certain doe-eyed girl traveled a little distance from her home. Seeing an old woman, and feeling a hand touch her shoulder, she became frightened, until she realized Kåñëa had come to her in disguise. She said to Him: "Ah, now the rendezvous with my lover is successful." Text 30 nikhila-guëa-gabhére kñmädharoddhära-dhére sakala-sukhada-çéle kñälitäçeña-péòe subhaga-nava-kiçore viçva-cittäkñi-caure mura-jiti yuvaténäà hån-nimagnaà saténäm nikhila-all; guëa-transcendental qualities; gabhére-with depth; kñmadharaGovardhana Hill; uddhara-lifting; dhire-the hero; sakala-everyone; sukhadadelighting; sile-whose exemplary character; kñalita-washed away; açeña-all; pidesuffering; subhaga-auspicious; nava-fresh; kiçore-youthful; viçva-of the entire world; citta-the minds; akñi-and eyes; caure-stealing; mura-jiti-in Lord Kåñëa, who defeated the Mura demon; yuvaténäm-of the young girls; håt-the heart; nimagnam-immersion; saténäm-saintly. The thoughts of the pious young gopés drown in Kåñëa, who is deep with all virtues, who lifted Govardhana Hill, whose good character pleases everyone, who washes away all sufferings, and who, sublimely young and handsome, has stolen everyone's eyes and hearts. Text 31 präëäpahäraà harir apriyaà dviñäà makhäpahäraà ca baläc chacé-pateù sthänäpahäraà phaninaç cakära yat tenaiva teñäà vihitaà su-maìgalam praëa-life; apaharam-removal; hariù-Lord Hari; apriyam-unpopular; dviñam-of His enemies; makha-of the sacrifice; apaharam-removal; ca-also; balat-forcibly; saci-pateù-of Maharaja Indra, the husband of Saci; sthana-home; apaharamremoval; phaninaù-of the Kaliya serpent; cakara-did; yat-because; tena-by Him; eva-certainly; teñäm-of them; vihitam-granted; su-maìgalam-great auspiciousness. Lord Hari forcibly took away the demons' lives, Indra's sacrificial offering, and Käliya's home. Although superficially displeasing to them, these acts become the source of great auspiciousness for all of them.

3 Text 32 lakñäìka-pälir alike giri-dhätu-citre vakñasy uroja-mada-lakñaëam ambudäbhe rädhälayäd upagatasya hareù prabhäte kaiçcin na néti-nipuëair api paryacäyi lakña-of red lac; aìka-of markñ; päliù-a multitude; alike-on the forehead; giri-of Govardhana Hill; dhatu-with mineral pigments; citre-colorful; vakñasi-on the chest; uroja-of the breasts; mada-with the musk; lakñaëam-the mark; ambuda-of a rain-cloud; abhe-with the appearance; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; alayatfrom the residence; upagatasya-come; hareù-of Lord Hari; prabhate-is splendidly manifest; kaiçcit-by some; na-not; niti-at material morality; nipunaiù-expert; apieven; paryacayi-worshipped. Marks of red lac shine on His forehead decorated with pictures and designs drawn in mineral colors from the hills, and marks of musk from Her breasts shine on His monsoon-cloud chest. For this reason some proud moralists do not worship Lord Hari, who has just come from Rädhä's place. Text 33 kåñëasya rädhä-praëayocca-sampadä mädhurya-sampat saha vardhate 'niçam tayoç ca kuïjeñu viläsa-santatiù särdham sakhénäà sukha-sampad-äptibhiù kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; rädhä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; praëaya-of the love; ucca-great; sampat-opulence; mädhurya-of sweetness; sampat-opulence; sahawith; vardhate-increases; aniçam-day and night; tayoù-of Them; ca-also; kuïjesuin the groves of Våndävana; viläsa-of pastimes; santatiù-abundance; särdhamwith; sakhénäm-of their gopé-friends; sukha-of happiness; sampat-of the opulence; äptibhiù-the attainment. The treasury of Kåñëa's sweetness, the treasury of His love for Rädhä, Their pastimes in the forest groves, and the bliss of their gopé-friends increase day and night. Text 34 saundaryaà padayoù sarojavad aho käntaà tathendur mukhaà ramyä bhrür bhramarävaléva madhuraù péyüña-tulyo 'dharaù loläbjena same cale su-nayane çubhrä radäù kundavat kaàsärer amåtaà yathä su-lapitaà jyotsneva häsa-dyutiù saundaryam-beauty; padayoù-of the feet; saroja-a lotus flower; vat-like; ahoOh; käntam-beautiful; tatha-in that way; induù-the moon; mukham-face; ramyabeautiful; bhruù-the eyebrows; bhramara-of bumble-bees; avali-a swarm; iva-like; madhuraù-sweet; péyusa-nectar; tulyaù-equal to; adharaù-lips; lola-moving;

3 abjena-with a lotus flower; same-equal; cale-moving; su-beautiful; nayane-two eyes; subhraù-beautiful; radaù-teeth; kunda-jasmine buds; vat-like; kaàsa-areù-of Lord Kåñëa, the enemy of Kaàsa; amåtam-nectar; yatha-just like; su-lapitamsweet words; jyotsna-moonlight; iva-like; hasa-of His smile; dyutiù-the effulgence. Kåñëa's feet are handsome as two lotus flowers, His face is radiant as moon, His delightful eyebrows are like a swarm of bumble-bees, His sweet lips like nectar, His handsome restless eyes are like two moving lotus flowers, splendid teeth are like jasmine buds, His sweet words are like nectar, and effulgence of His smile is like moonlight.

the are His the

Texts 35-36 çré-päëé nava-pallavena sadåçau pürëendu-tulyä nakhä gaëòau darpanavad dyutir nava-ghana-çyämä ca yasyäìganäù dåñövämbhoruha-darçam äsyam ali-saïcäraà caranty uttåñaù sädhau candrati yaù sutéyati naöan kuïjeñu saudhéyate yo daityeñv açaëéyatéha ramaëé-vånde manojäyate dätä yena samaù kvacin na hi na yat-tulyo 'sti çüraù kvacit yal-lélä sadåçé kvacin na hi na yenäste samäne 'pi vä cumbanty änana-padmam eëa-nayanä yasyaiña kåñëo 'vatu çré-päëi-hands; nava-fresh; pallavena-blossoms; sadåçau- like; pürëa-full; induwith the moon; tulyaù-equal; nakhaù- nails; gandau-cheeks; darpana-mirrors; vatlike; dyutiù- bodily luster; nava-a fresh; ghana-ain-cloud; syama-blackisù- ca-also; yasya-of whom; aìganä_ù-the gopés; dåñöva-having seen; ambhoruha-of a lotus flower; darçam-with the appearance; asyam-the face; äli-of bumble-bees; saïcaram-a swarm; caranti- move; uttåñaù-very thirsty; sädhau-to the saintly devotees; candrati-is like the moon; yaù-who; sutéyati-treats like His own sons; natan-those who surrender to Him and offer obeisances to Him; kuïjesu-in the groves of Våndävana; saudhéyate-He is like an ocean of nectar; yaù-who; daityesu-among the demons; asanéyati-becomes like a thunderbolt; iha-here; ramaëé-of the beautiful gopés; vånde-in the multitude; manojayate-becomes cupid; data-philanthorpist; yena-with whom samaù-equal; kvacin-somewhere; nanot; hi-certainly; na-not; yat-with whom; tulyaù-equal; asti-there is; suraù-a hero; kvacit- ywhere; yat-of whom; lélä-the pastimes; sadåçi-like that; kvacitsomewhere; na-not; hi-certainly; na-not; yena-with whom; aste-there is; samanein equality; api-even; va-or; cumbanti-kiss; anana-of the face; padmam-the lotus flower; ena-like the deer; nayanaù-whose eyes; yasya-of whom; esaù- He; kåñëaù-Lord Kåñëa; avatu-may protect. May Kåñëa, whose hands are like two blossoming flowers, whose fingernails are like a line of full moons, whose cheeks are like two mirrors, whose bodily luster is like a dark monsoon-cloud, whose face is like a lotus flower at which thirsty gopés gaze and become like bumblebees, who is like a pleasing moon to His devotee, who treats as His own sons those who surrender to Him or offer obeisances to Him, who is like an ocean of nectar flooding the forest groves, who is like a thunderbolt to the demons, who is like Käma to the beautiful gopés, who is charitable without equal, who is a hero without equal, whose pastimes have no equal, who has no equal, and whose lotus face is kissed by the deer-eyed gopés, protect us.

3 Text 37 stanair iva phalaiù puñpaiù smitair iva su-pallavaiù adharair iva kåñëasya nava-vallyo mude 'bhavan stanaiù-with breasts; iva-like; phalaiù-fruits; puñpaiù-with flowers; smitaiù-with smiles; iva-like; su-pallavaiù-fresh blossoms; adharaiù-with lips; iva-like; kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; nava-fresh; vallyaù-creepers; mude-for the delight; abhavan-were. Their fruits like breasts, their flowers like smiles, and their new blossoms like lips, the new vines pleased Kåñëa. Text 38 yogeçvaräëäm iva yoga-siddhir upäsakänäm iva viñëu-bhaktiù näräyaëasyeva cid-äkhya-çaktiù kåñëasya vaàçépsita-siddhi-däbhüt yoga-of the yoga system; éçvaraëam-of the masters; iva-like; yoga-of yoga; siddhiù-the perfections; upasakanam-of the devotees; iva-like; viñëu-for Lord Viñëu; bhaktiù-devotional service; narayanasya-of Lord Narayana; iva-like; cittranscendental; akhya-named; çaktiù-potency; kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; vaàçéthe flute; ipsita-desired; siddhi-perfections; da-granting; abhüt-has become. As yogic perfections fulfill the wishes of the masters of yoga, as devotional service to Lord Viñëu fulfills the wishes of the Vaiñëavas, as His transcendental cit potency fulfills the wishes of Lord Näräyaëa, so His vaàçé flute fulfills the wishes of Lord Kåñëa. Text 39 sudhä dhareva madhurä kaumudéva su-çétalä kértiù çré-kåñëacandrasya gaìgeva jana-pävané sudhä-of nectar; dhara-a flood; iva-like; madhura-sweet; kaumudi-moonlike; iva-like; su-very; sitala-cooling; kértiù-the fame; çré-kåñëacandrasya-of Lord Kåñëacandra; gaìga-the Ganges river; iva-like; jana-the people; pavani-purifying. Çré Kåñëacandra's fame is sweet as a flood of nectar, cooling as moonlight, and purifying as the Gaìgä.

3 Text 40 kåñëasyänupamäìga-çrér aìga-çrér iva mädhuré mädhuréva guëäly asya guëäléva su-çélatä kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; anupama-incomparable; aìga-of the body; çréùbeauty; aìga-of the body; çréù-beauty; iva-like; mädhuré-charming sweetness; mädhuré-charming sweetness; iva-like; guëa-of good quälities; äli-series; asya-of whom; guëa-of good qualities; äli-series; iva-like; su-çélata-exemplary good character. The handsomeness of Kåñëa's limbs is beyond compare. His sweetness is like His handsomeness. His many virtues are like His sweetness. His exemplary good character is like His virtue. Text 41 käntävalé-prema-pariplutä hareù käntävaléva pracurä vidagdhatä vidagdhatevasya rasajïatottamä rasajïatevänupamä vilasitä känta-of gopés; ävali-the multitude; prema-with love; pariplutaù-drowned; hareù-of Lord Hari; känta-of gopés; avali-the multitude; iva-like; pracura-great; vidagdhata-expertise; vidagdhata-expertise; iva-like; asya-of Him; rasajïataknowledge of transcendental mellows; uttama-supreme; rasajïata-knowledge of transcendental mellows; iva-like; anupama-incomparable; vilasita-splendidly manifest. Lord Hari is flooded with love for the beautiful gopés. His expert intelligence is like that love. His knowledge of transcendental mellows is like His intelligence. His splendid knowledge of transcendental mellows has no equal. Text 42 sakhyaà vicitraà subalädikänäà kåñëasya vijïäya nigüòha-tåñëam çayyäà nikuïje viracayya yatnäd änéya käntaà ramayanty amuà ye sakhyam-friendship; vicitram-wonderful; subala-ädikanam-of the cowherd boys, headed by Subala; kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; vijïaya-understanding; nigudhaconfidential; tåñëam-desire; sayyam-a couch; nikuïje-in the grove; viracayyaconstructing; yatnat-with great endeavor; anéya-bringing there; käntam-their lover; ramayanti-delight; amum-Him; ye-those who.

3 Understanding Kåñëa's wonderful friendship with Subala and the other boys, and also understanding the secret thirst in Kåñëa's heart, the gopés carefully made a couch in a forest grove, brought Kåñëa there, and delighted Him. Text 43 dhanyaà våndäraëyaà yasmin vilasati sadaiva ramaëébhiù prati-kuïjaà prati-pulinaà prati-giri-kandaram asau kåñëaù dhanyam-opulent; våndä-aranyam-the forest of Våndävana; yasmin-in that; vilasati-performs pastimes; sada-eternally; eva-certainly; ramanibhiù-with the beautiful gopés; prati-kuïjam-in every grove; prati-in every; pulinam-place on the Yamuna's shore; prati-in every; giri-of Govardhana Hill; kandaram-cave; asau-He; kåñëaù-Lord Kåñëa. The forest of Våndävana is supremely opulent and fortunate, for there in every grove, in every place on the Yamunä's shore, and in every cave of Govardhana Hill, Lord Kåñëa enjoys pastimes with the beautiful gopés eternally. Text 44 käntäìga-saìgama-vilagna-vilepanäni çañpeñu bhänti patitäni hareù padäbjät älipya yäni hådaye vijahruù pulindyas tad-veëu-géta-mukha-darçana-kämajädhim känta-of the gopés; aìga-of the bodies; saìgama-from contact; vilagnacontacted; vilepanani-ointments; saspesu-on the grass; bhanti-splendidly manifest; patitani-fallen; hareù-of Lord Hari; pada-abjat-from the lotus feet; älipya-anointing; yani-that; hådaye-on their breasts; vijahruù-were able to give up; pulindyaù-the aborigine girls; tat-of Lord Kåñëa; veëu-of the flute; géta-from the song; mukha-of His face; darçana-from the sight; käma-of amorous desires; ja-produced; adhim-anxiety. The kuìkuma powder from the gopés' bodies that fell from Lord Hari's lotus feet shone on the grass with great splendor. Placing it over their hearts, some Pulinda girls became cured of the Käma sickness they contracted by seeing His face as He played the flute. Text 45 våndävanam ati-dhanyaà yasmin kusuma-smitaiù phalorojaiù pallava-kulädharair api sukhayati kåñëaà latä-päliù

3 våndävanam-Våndävana; ati-very; dhanyam-opulent; yasmin-in that; kusumaof flowers; smitaiù-with smiles; phala-of fruits; orojaiù-with breasts; pallava-of new blossoms; kula-of a host; adharaiù-with lips; api-even; sukhayati-please; kåñëam-Lord Kåñëa; lata-päliù-creepers. Våndävana forest is supremely fortunate and opulent, for there the vines, with the smiles of their flowers, the breasts of their fruits, and the lips of their new blossoms, delight Lord Kåñëa. Text 46 çuçubhur acala-däryo yäsu lénä ramaëyo hari-hata-danujänäà cäëòa-raëòaù pulindaiù açaëa-surata-satraiù poñitas toñam äptas tad-amala-guëa-gaëaiù çré-harià täù stuvanti susubhuù-appear very splendid; acala-of Govardhana Hill; daryaù-the caves; yasu-in that; linaù-entered; ramanyaù-beautiful; hari-by Lord Hari; hata-killed; danujanam-of the demons; canda-angry; randaù-widows; pulindaiù-with aborigines; asana-feasts; surata-orgies; satraiù-attained; tat-His; amala-pure; guëa-of transcendental qualities; gaëaiù-with songs; çré-harim-Lord Hari; taùthey; stuvanti-glorify with prayers. Govardhana's caves are glorious, for in them the beautiful and passionate widows of the demons slain by the Lord celebrate great feasts and orgies with a band of aborigines, and after concluding these horrible activities nevertheless offer prayers praising the spotless transcendental qualities of Lord Hari. Text 47 devendra-jitsu påthukät påthukopamadbhir asmäsu satsu na taveti giräsuräëäm kaàsasya yo hådi madaù sa tu teñu sarveñv äpteñu tat-påthukagaà kva gato na jäne deva-of the demigods; indra-of the leaders; jitsu-the conquerors; påthukat-from a child; påthuka-a child; upamadbhiù-comparing; asmasu-among us; satsu-being so; na-not; tava-of you; iti-thus;l gira-by the statement; asuraëam-of the demons; kaàsasya-of Kaàsa; yaù-who; hådi-in the heart; madaù-false pride; saù-that; tubut; tesu-among them; sarvesu-all; äptesu-attained; tat-påthukagam-that child; kva-where?; gataù-gone; na-not; jane-I understand. The asuras said to Kaàsa: "My dear king, when you are surrounded by us, who are so powerful that we have defeated even the leaders of the demigods, what do you have to fear from this Kåñëa, who is simply a helpless child?" When Kaàsa heard these words his heart became filled with pride and confidence, but now that Kaàsa has met Kåñëa, I do not know where that pride and confidence have fled?

3 Text 48 evaà hi kåñëasya guëä anantä léläpy anantä mahimäpy anantaù tat-tat-kaëa-sparçanam ätma-väcaà viçuddhaye tad-gaëanäçayälam evam-in this way; hi-certainly; kåñëasya-of Lord Kåñëa; guëaù-the transcendental qualities; anantaù-are limitless; lélä-the pastimes; api-also; ananta-are limitless; mahima-the glories; api-also; anantaù-are limitless; tat-tatvarious; kana-tiny particles; sarsanam-the touch; ätma-my own; vacam-of the statements; visuddhaye-for purification; tat-of them; gaëana-complete enumeration; asaya-with the hope; alam-enough. Kåñëa's virtues are limitless, His pastimes are limitless, and His glories are limitless. To purify myself I have touched a small fragment of them with my words. How can I hope to count them all? Text 49 itthaà hares tad-guëa-varëanämbudhau nimajjanonmajjana-phulla-mänasau çäré-çukau svepsitam éçvarau nijäv äyäcatäà tad-guëa-varëanaiù punaù ittham-in this way; hareù-of Lord Hari; tat-of Him; guëa-of the transcendental qualities; varunana-of the description; ambudhau-in the ocean; nimajjana-diving; unmajjana-and surfacing; phulla-blossomed with happiness; manasau-whose minds; çäré-çukau-the male and female parrot; sva-own; ipsitam-aspiration; éçvarau-to the two lords (Çré Çré Rädhä and Kåñëa); nijau-own; ayacatambegged; tat-of Them; guëa-of the qualities; varëanaiù-with the descriptions; punaù-again. Their hearts blossoming with happiness by thus diving and surfacing in the ocean of describing Lord Hari's virtues, the male and female parrots, again describing His virtues, spoke the following requests of their master and mistress. Text 50 ambudäïjanendranéla-nindi-känti-òambaraù kuìkumodyad-arka-vidyud-aàçu-divyad-ambaraù çrémad-aìga-carcitendu-pétanäkta-candanaù sväìghri-däsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù ambuda-of the clouds; aïjana-black aïjana ointment; indranéla-sappires; nindicriticising; känti-splendor; òambaraù-abundance; kuìkuma-reddish kuìkuma powder; udyat-rising; arka-sun; vidyut-lightning; aàsü-beams of light; divyatshining; ambaraù-the sky, or the garments; ñrémat-beautiful; aìga-limbs; carcitaanointed; indu-like the moon; pétana-yellowish; akta-anointed; candanaùsandalwood paste; sva-His own; aìghri-feet; däsya-of the devotional service; daù-

3 the giver; astu-may become; me-to me; saù-He; ballava-of the cowherd men; indra-of the king (Nanda); nandanaù-the Son (Çré Kåñëa). May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, whose handsomeness rebukes monsoon clouds, black aïjana, and sapphires, whose garments are splendid as suns and lightning flashes anointed with kuìkuma, whose handsome limbs are anointed with sandal paste fair as the moon, give me service to His feet. Note: Here begins the Çré Kåñëäñöaka. Text 51 gaëòa-täëòaväti-paëòitäëòajeça-kuëòalaç candra-padma-ñaëòa-garva-khaëòanasya-maëòalaù ballavéñu vardhitätma-güòha-bhäva-bandhanaù sväìghri-däsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù gaëòa-on the cheeks; täëòava-in dancing; ati-very; paëòita-learned; aëòaja-içain the shape of sharks; kuëòalaù-earrings; candra-the moon; padma-the lotus flower; ñaëòa-the multitude; garva-the pride; khaëòana-destruction; asya-of the face; maëòalaù-the circle; ballaviñu-amongst the gopés; vadhita-increased; ätmato the self; güòha-concealed; bhäva-by the love; bandhanaù-bound. May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, on whose cheeks shark-shaped earrings expertly dance, whose face destroys the pride of many moons and lotus flowers, and who is bound by the great and hidden love of the gopés, give me service to His feet. Text 52 nitya-navya-rüpa-veña-harda-keli-ceñöitaù keli-narma-särma-däyi-mitra-vånda-veñöitaù svéya-keli-känanäàçu-nirjitendra-nandanaù sväìghri-däsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù nitya-eternal; navya-youthful; rüpa-form; veña-appearance; härda-affectionate; keli-pastimes; ceñöitaù-performed; keli-pastimes; narma-joking words; çarmahappiness; däyi-giving; mitra-of friends; vånda-community; veñöitaù-surrounded; svéya-His own; keli-pastimes; känana-forest (Våndävana); aàçu-splendor; nirjitadefeated; indra-of King Indra; nandanaù-heavenly Nandana garden.

May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, who in His eternal youthful form enjoys blissful pastimes, who with playful jokes delights the cowherd boys around Him, and whose pastime forest eclipses Indra's Nandana gardens, give me service to His feet. Text 53

3 prema-hema-maëòitätma-bandhutäbhinanditaù ksauëi-lagna-bhäla-lokapäla-päli-vanditaù nitya-käla-såñöa-vipra-gauraväli-vandanaù sväìghri-däsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù prema-of pure love of God; hema-by the gold; maëòita-decorated; ätma-self; bandhuta-by friends and relatives; abhinanditaù-delighted; ksauëi-the earth; lagna-touching; bhäla-forheads; loka-of the planets; päla-the protectors; palimultitude; vanditaù-offered obeisances; nitya-eternal; käla-time; såñöa-created; vipra-by the brahmanas; gaurava-by the gurus; äli-by the multitudes; vandanaùobeisances. May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, who is delighted with His friends and relatives decorated with golden ornaments of love, to whom the great demigods protecting the planets bow down, touching their foreheads to the ground, and to whom the brähmaëas and gurus eternally offer respectful obeisances, give me service to His feet. Text 54 lélayendra-käliyoñëa-kaàsa-vatsa-ghätakas tat-tad-ätma-keli-våñöi-puñöa-bhakta-cätakaù vérya-çéla-liläyätma-ghosa-väsi-nandanaù sväìghri-däsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù lilayä-easily; indra-King Indra; käliya-of Käliya serpent; uñëa-violent anger; kaàsa-King Kamsa; vatsa-Vatsasura; ghätakaù-destroying; tat-this; tat-and that; ätma-own; keli-of pastimes; våñöi-with the rainfall; puñöa-nourished; bhakta-of the devotees; cätakaù-Cätaka birds; vérya-of heroism; çéla-nature; lélayä-by the pastimes; ätma-own; ghoña-väsi-of the inhabitants of Våndävana; nandanaùdelight. May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, who playfully crushed the burning anger of Indra and Käliya, who killed Kaàsa and Vatsäsura, who with showers of many pastimes nourishes the cätaka birds of His devotees, and who with noble and heroic pastimes delights the people of Vraja, give me service to His feet. Text 55 kuïja-räsa-keli-sédhu-rädhikädi-toñaëas tat-tad-ätma-keli-narma-tat-tad-äli-poñaëaù prema-çéla-keli-kérti-viçva-citta-nandanaù sväìghri-däsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù kuïja-in the groves (of Våndävana); räsa-keli-of the pastimes of the Räsa dance; sédhu-with the nectar; rädhikä-adi-the gopés, headed by Çrématé Rädhäräëé; toñaëaù-pleasing; tat-this; tat-and that; ätma-own; keli-for sport; narma-joking words; tat-tat-äli-the many gopés; poñaëaù-nourishing; prema-of pure love; çéla-

3 of the nature; keli-of the pastimes; kérti-the fame; viçva-of the entire universe; citta-the mind; nandanaù-giving joy. May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, who pleases Rädhä and the gopés with the nectar of räsa-dance pastimes in the forest groves, who nourishes the gopés with playful jokes, and who gladdens the world's hearts with the glory of His loving pastimes, give me service to His feet. Text 56 räsa-keli-darçitätma-çuddha-bhakti-sat-pathaù svéya-citra-rüpa-veña-manmathalé-manmathaù gopékasu netra-koëa-bhäva-vånda-gandhanaù sväìghri-däsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù räsa-keli-of the pastimes of the rasa dance; darçita-shown; ätma-own; çudhäpure; bhakti-of devotional service; sat-eternal; pathaù-path; svéya-His own; citrawonderful; rüpa-with the form; veña-and with the decorations; manmatha-of cupids; äli-multitude; manmathaù-the cupid; gopékaçu-among the gopés; netra-of the eyes; koëa-of the corner; bhäva-love; vånda-abundance; gandhanaùspreading the sweet fragrance. May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, who in His räsa-dance pastime revealed the eternal path of pure devotion, whose wonderful handsomeness makes Him the Kämadeva of Kämadevas, and who is fragrant with sidelong glances at the gopés, give me service to His feet. Text 57 puñpa-cäyi-rädhikäbhimarña-labdhi-tarñitaù prema-vämya-rämya-rädhikäsya-dåñöi-harñitaù rädhikoraséha lepa eña hari-candanaù sväìghri-däsyado 'stu me sa ballavendra-nandanaù puñpa-of flowers; cäyi-by the multitude; rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; abhimarña-the touching; labdhi-by the attainment; tarñitaù-pleased; prema-of pure love; vämya-with the crookedness; ramya-delightful; rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; asya-of the face; dåñöi-by the sight; harñitaù-jubilant rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; urasi-on the breasts; iha-here; lepaù-ointment; eñaù-He; hari-candanaù-sandalwood paste. May the gopa-prince Kåñëa, who was happy to touch Rädhä as He decorated Her with flowers, who was happy to see Rädhikä's face beautiful with the contrariness of love, and who became sandal paste anointing Rädhikä's breasts, give me service to His feet. Text 58

3 añöakena yas tv anena rädhikä-suvallabhaà saàstavéti darçane 'pi sindhujädi-durlabham taà yunakti tuñöa-citta eña ghoña-känane rädhikäìga-saìga-nanditätma-päda-sevane añöekena-eight verses; yaù-who; tu-indeed; anena-with these; rädhikä-to Çrématé Rädhäräëé; su-vallabhaà-Çré Kåñëa, who is very dear; saàstavéti-prays; darçane-in the sight; api-even; sindhu-ja-for Lakñmé-devé; ädi-and others; durlabham-very difficult to achieve; tam-to him; yunakti-engages; tuñöa-satisfied; cittaù-mind; eñaù-He; ghoña-kanane-in the forest of Våndävana; rädhikä-of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; aìga-of the form; saìga-by the contact; nandita-delighted; ätma-own; päda-of the feet; sevane-in the service. Pleased at heart with a person who reads these eight prayers to Rädhikä's beloved, whom Lakñmé and other goddesses cannot even see, He who is delighted by the touch of Rädhikä's body gives him service to His feet in the forest of Vraja. Text 59 kuìkumäkta-käïcanäbja-garva-häri-gaurabhä pitanäïcitäbja-gandha-kérti-nindi-saurabhä ballaveça-sünu-sarva-väïchitärtha-sädhikä mahyam ätma-päda-padma-däsyadästu rädhikä kuìkuma-with kuìkuma powder; akta-anointed; käïcana-golden; abja-lotus flower; garva-pride; häri-removing gaura-golden; bhä-splendor; pétana-with saffron; aïcita-anointed; abja-of the lotus flower; gandha-sweet aroma; kérti-fame; nindi-criticizing; saurabhä-pleasant fragrance; ballava-of the cowherd men; ésä-of the king (Nanda); sünu-of the Son (Kåñëa); sarva-all; väïchita-desires; artha-for the purpose; sädhikä-fulfilling; mahyam-to me; ätma-your own; päda-of the feet; padma-lotus flowers; däsya-da-the giver of service; astu-may become; rädhikäÇrématé Rädhäräëé. May Çré Rädhikä, whose golden form anointed with kuìkuma robs the golden lotus' pride, whose sweet fragrance anointed with kuìkuma rebukes the lotus' fragrance, and who can fulfill all the gopa-prince Kåñëa's desires, give me service to Her lotus feet. Note: Here begins the Çré Rädhikäñöaka. Text 60 kauravinda-känti-nindi-citra-paööa-çäöikä kåñëa-matta-bhåìga-keli-phulla-puñpa-väöikä kåñëa-nitya-saìgamärtha-padmabandhu-rädhikä mahyam ätma-päda-padma-däsyadästu rädhikä

3 kauravinda-of rubies; känti-the splendor;l nindi-chastizing; citra-amazing and colorful; paööa-çäöikä-exquisite garments; kåñëa-Kåñëa; matta-maddened; bhåìga-bumble-bee; keli-pastimes; phulla-blossomed; puñpa-flower; väöikägarden; kåñëa-Kåñëa; nitya-eternal; saìgama-association; artha-for the purpose; padma-bandhu-the sun-god (friend of the lotus flowers); rädhikä-worshiping. May Çré Rädhikä, whose wonderful and exquisite garments rebuke the ruby's splendor, who is a garden of blossoming flowers where the maddened bumblebee Kåñëa plays, and who worships the sun-god to attain Kåñëa's eternal association, give me service to Her lotus feet. Text 61 saukumärya-såñöa-pallaväli-kérti-nigrahä candra-candanotpalendu-sevya-çéta-vigrahä sväbhimarña-ballavésä-käma-täpa-bädhikä mahyam ätma-päda-padma-däsyädastu rädhikä saukumärya-with delicateness; såñöa-provided; pallava-of blossoming flowers; ali-of the multitude; kérti-the fame; nigraha-supressing; candra-the moon; candana-sandalwood paste; utpala-lotus flowers; indu-and camphor; sevyaworshippable by; çéta-cool; vigraha-form; sva-own; abhimarña-by the touch; ballavé-of the gopés; ésä-of the Lord (kåñëa); käma-of the desires; täpa-the heat and distress; bädhikä-removing. May Çré Rädhikä, whose charming delicateness suppresses the fame of blossoming flowers, whose cooling form is served by the moon, sandal paste, lotus flowers and camphor, and whose touch relieves Lord Gopénätha's amorous sufferings, give me service to Her lotus feet. Text 62 viçva-vandya-yauvatäbhivanditäpi yä ramä rüpa-navya-yauvanädi-saàpadä na yat-samä çéla-härda-lélayä ca sä yato 'sti nädhikä mahyam ätma-päda-padma-däsyadästu rädhikä viçva-by the universe; vandya-revered; yauvata-by the multitude of young gopés; abhivandita-reverentially worshipped; api-even; yä-who; ramä-goddess of fortune; rüpa-beuty; navya-yauvana-fresh youthfulness; ädi-etc; saàpadä-with the opulences; na-not; yat-to whom; samä-equal; çéla-own nature; härda-of pure love; lélayä-with the pastimes; ca-and; sä-she; yataù-from whom; asti-there is; na-not; nädhikä-greater. May goddess Çré Rädhikä, who is worshiped by all glorious youthfulness, whose treasure of beauty, new youthfulness and other virtues has no equal, and who has no superior in loving pastimes, give me service to Her lotus feet.

3 Text 63 räsa-läsya-géta-narma-sat-kaläli-paëòitä prema-ramya-rüpa-veña-sad-guëäli-maëòitä viçva-navya-gopa-yoñid-älito 'pi yädhikä mahyam ätma-päda-padma-däsyadästu rädhikä räsa-rasa; läsya-in the dance; géta-singing; narma-joking; sat-transcendental; kala-in the arts; ali-the multitude; paëòita very learned; prema-love; ramyabeautiful; rüpa-form; veña-ornaments; sat-transcendental; guëa-of qualities; aliby the multitudes; maëòita-decorated; viçva-by the universe; navya-to be praised; gopa-yosit-of gopés; alitaù-than the multitude; api-even; yädhikä-best. May Çré Rädhikä, who is learned in the arts that begin with joking and singing in the räsa-dance, who is decorated with transcendental virtues that begin with love, beauty, and artistic dressing, and who is the greatest of the young gopés, give me service to Her lotus feet. Text 64 nitya-navya-rüpa-keli-kåñëabhäva-sampadä kåñëaräga-bandha-yauvateñu kampadä kåñëa-rüpa-veña-keli-lagna-sat-samädhikä mahyam ätma-päda-padma-däsyadästu rädhikä nitya-eternal; navya-yothful; rüpa-beauty; keli-pastimes; kåñëa-of Kåñëa; bhäva-love; sampadä-with the opulences; kåñëa-of Kåñëa; räga-by love; bandhawith bonds; yauvateñu-to the young gopés; kampadä-causing trembling; kåñëa-of Çré Kåñëa; rüpa-beautiful form; veña-garments and ornaments; keli-pastimes; lagna-attached; sat-transcendental; samädhikä-engaged in meditation. May Çré Rädhikä, who owns a treasury of eternal youth, beauty, pastimes, and love for Kåñëa, who makes the gopés, who are all in love with Kåñëa, tremble, and who is always rapt in meditation on Kåñëa's form and pastimes, give me service to Her lotus feet. Text 65 sveda-kampa-kaëöakäçru-gadgadädi-saïcitämarña-harña-vämatädi-bhäva-bhuñaëäïcitä kåñëa-netra-toñi-ratna-maëòanäli-dädhikä mahyam ätma-päda-padma-däsyadästu rädhikä sveda-perspiring; kampa-trembling; kaëöaka-standing up of hairs on the body; açru-tears; gadgadä-choking up of the voice; ädi-and other symptoms of ecstasy; saïcitä-accumulated; amarña-impatience; harña-joy; vämata-crookedness; ädiand others; bhäva-of ecstatic love of Godhead; bhuñaëa-with the ornaments; aïcita-bent; kåñëa-of Kåñëa; netra-the eyes; toñi-delighting; ratna-jewels; maëòana-ornaments; ali-with the multitudes; dädhikä-wearing.

3 May Çré Rädhikä, who has ecstatic symptoms beginning with trembling, perspiring, standing up of bodily hairs, tears, and choking up of the voice, who is decorated with ornaments of ecstatic emotions beginning with impatience, joy, and contrariness, and who wears jewel ornaments that delight Kåñëa's eyes, give me service to Her lotus feet. Text 66 yä kñaëärdha-kåñëa-viprayoga-santatoditäneka-dainya-cäpalädi-bhäva-vånda-toditä yatna-labdha-kåñëa-saìga-nirgatäkhilädhikä mahyam ätma-päda-padma-däsyadästu rädhikä yä-who; kñaëa-moment; ardha-half; viprayoga-by separation; santataextended; uditä-arisen; aneka-many; dainya-of suffering; cäpala-unsteadiness; ädi-and other; bhäva-ecstacies; vånda-multitudes; toditä-struck; yatna-with great endeavor; labdha-attained; kåñëa-of Kåñëa; saìga-association; nirgata-gone; akhila-all; ädhikä-anxieties. May Çré Rädhikä, who when separated from Kåñëa for half a moment becomes struck with suffering, unsteadiness, and many other symptoms of love, and who becomes free from all troubles when with great effort she regains Kåñëa's company, give me service to Her lotus feet. Text 67 añöakena yas tv anena nauti kåñëa-vallabhäà darçane 'pi çailajädi-yoñid-äli-durlabham kåñëa-saìga-nanditätma-däsya-sédhu-bhajanam taà karoti nanditäli-saïcayäçu sä janam añöakena-eight verses; yaù-who; tu-indeed; anena-with these; nauti-glorifies; kåñëa-to Kåñëa; vallabham-she who is dear (Çrématé Rädhäräëé); darçane-in sight; api-even; çailaja-Pärvaté; ädi-and others; yoñit-of wemon; äli-for multitudes; durlabham-very difficult to attain; kåñëa-of Kåñëa; saìga-by the association; nandita-delighted; ätma-own; däsya-service; sidhu-of the nectar; bhajanam-the recipient; tam-to him; karoti-makes; nandita-jubilant; äli-gopé friends; saïcaya-multitude; açu-quickly; sä-janam-that person. To a person who reads these eight prayers to Kåñëa's beloved, whom Pärvaté and other goddesses cannot even see, Çré Rädhikä, who is surrounded by joyful gopé-friends, and who is delighted by Kåñëa's company, gives the nectar of Her service. Text 68 iti tan-mukhataù kåñëaguëäli-varëanämåtam

3 pétvä magnä sabhä säséd aparänanda-väridhau iti-thus; tat-of them; mukhataù-from the mouths; kåñëa-of Lord Kåñëa; guëa-of the transcendental qualities; varëana-of the description; amåtam-the nectar; pitva-having drunk; magna-immersed; sabhä-assembly of gopés; sa-that; äsétbecame; apara-limitless; änanda-of bliss; väridhau-in the ocean. As they drank from this river flowing from the parrots' mouths, a river filled with nectar of the description of Lord Kåñëa's virtues, the assembled gopés fell in a shoreless ocean of bliss. fulfill all desires, I always hold in my heart.

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