Spiritual Confession

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Spiritual Confession One of the most difficult losses in our time is that of the ability to confess our sins to a duly authorized priest, as the basic Catechism tells us. The loss of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is indeed a great loss, and one which cannot be measured by mere man. However, the loss of the ability to go to Confession in some ways is worse for us. This loss is worse for us, because we are not forced to take time to examine our conscience and then proceed into a Confessional and honestly tell our sins to another man, the priest God has sent to hear our confession. The Commandment of the Church requires us to confess once a year. However, this commandment does not bind, when its fulfillment is impossible. And yet, are we obliged to do nothing? All who have committed a mortal sin are obliged to repent of that sin and ask God for forgiveness. This is ordinarily done through the Sacrament of Confession, but we are instructed in the Catechism that we should repent at once and make an Act of Perfect Contrition with the resolution to go to Confession as soon as humanly possible. This repentance is required of us, even if we cannot go to Confession now or even a year from now. Pious Catholics were in the habit of going to confession on a regular basis. In fact, in order to fulfill the usual conditions to gain an indulgence, one must go to


Confession once every two weeks. Canon Law requires Religious to go to Confession once a week, and encourages the clergy to go frequently. The habit of weekly Confession by the laity has been praised by the Saints and other spiritual authors. We should look at the Laws of the Church as a bare minimum and exceed them. The question arises, how can we fulfill our part and the spirit of the Law of the Church, when we cannot fulfill the letter of the law? We would like to encourage all to adopt the practice of a weekly formal spiritual confession, omitting only that one thing, which is absolutely impossible, the actual Confession. As part of this, We would like to encourage all to pray for the restoration or Confession, since one part of the Perfect Act of Contrition is a resolution to go to the Sacrament of Confession as soon as possible. Separately We are preparing prayers, modified from those used for Sacramental Confession to enable us to make a weekly Spiritual Confession. Let us go to the Catechism: What must we do to receive the Sacrament of Penance worthily? To receive the Sacrament of Penance worthily we must do five things: 1. We must examine our conscience. 2. We must have sorrow for our sins. 3. We must make a firm resolution never more to offend God. 4. We must confess our sins to the priest. 5. We must accept the penance which the priest gives us. There are five parts to the Sacrament of Confession. The first three are always possible and indeed essential to our salvation. The actual Confession can be impossible for a time, sometimes even a long time. And finally, when we cannot go to a duly authorized priest, he does not give us an actual penance. So, we must select some penance ourselves, for the command to do penance comes from the Law of God itself. And we should not be satisfied by the Laws of the Church in regard to penance, that is fasting and abstaining. No, our penance must go further and be aimed at correcting and atoning for our faults. We recommend that all study the Catechism and read from pious books that give us advice on how to go to Confession. To this We will add some additional thoughts.

A Retreat We would like to recommend that all heed Saint Alphonsus’ advice to make a retreat once in their life in order to give up sin. Part of this will be a more thorough spiritual confession, a spiritual general confession. This is a good preparation for beginning or renewing the habit of weekly Spiritual Confession. We have provided instructions and advice on how to accomplish this elsewhere. What follows are some observations in addition to the basics in the Catechism and prayer books.

Examination of Conscience Spiritual authors recommend an examination of conscience every night immediately before going to bed. Now this is much simpler and different than the examination we make prior to going to Confession. In preparing for Confession we


examine our conscience looking back to the time of our last Confession. In fact, when we enter the Confessional, we mention that it has been a week or whatever since our last Confession. In this practice, let us examine back to our last Spiritual Confession. The proper matter for Confession is sin. It is essential to confess each and every mortal sin, so we must be very careful in this regard. While examining our conscience, let us also look at the occasions of our sins and consider how we can eliminate these from our life. We can look at our habitual sins, and take one and begin applying the remedies.

Rationalization Rationalization is the attempt to excuse our sin, because of some circumstance, which lessens or even totally excuses the sin. There is no excuse for sin, and rationalization is a very bad habit to get in to! Let us be honest, especially with ourselves. It is this lack of honesty, which leads so many souls to hell. Let us look at our reason, and then put it to the test. If I told this to an honest friend, would he let me get away with this excuse? If I told this directly to Almighty God, would He accept it? Most likely He would not, so we should not either. Remember our goal here is to find our sins and then resolve to go and sin no more.

Sorrow In the Act of Perfect Contrition, we must be sorry for our sins, because they are an offense against Almighty God. Saint Alphonsus says: An act of contrition and of love makes us friends of God. And Saint Thomas Aquinas advises us: But when there is reason for urgency, the penitent should fulfill his own part, by being contrite. 1 Let us read from the Baltimore Catechism (Q766): When will perfect contrition obtain pardon for mortal sin without the Sacrament of Penance? Perfect contrition will obtain pardon for mortal sin without the Sacrament of Penance when we cannot go to confession, but with the perfect contrition we must have the intention of going to confession as soon as possible. And in the previous question (765): What is perfect contrition? Perfect contrition is that which fills us with sorrow and hatred for sin, because it offends God, Who is infinitely good in Himself and worthy of all love. So let us meditate on the results of sin! Jesus suffered and died on the Cross, because of my sins! The Saints tell us to meditate often on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. And let us also consider that at the Agony in the Garden, Jesus saw my sins! And He sweat blood! Let us excite in ourself true contrition for our sins!

Go Now And Sin No More Our sorrow for our sin cannot be genuine, if we do not have the firm purpose of amending our lives, as the Catechism tells us. If we have the habit of committing adultery, if we are going to go out with our significant other again next weekend, then we 1

Supplement, Q8, A2


have no firm purpose of amendment. If we have the habit of anger, but do not work to eliminate it, then we have no firm purpose of amendment. If we are lazy and do not fulfill our duties or do not even know them, then we have no firm purpose of amendment. There are several wonderful books, that address the various habits of sin, including our own pet sin. And yes, we all have a tendency to commit one or more sin, rather than another, and this is where we need to go to work. The Sinners Guide is one such book, as is The Spiritual Combat. Let us read in the Catechism and elsewhere on what remedies we need to take for our own sins. This will make good spiritual reading throughout the week until our next Spiritual Confession, when we can examine how successful we were and can determine what further resolutions we need to make.

Modern Sins We have discussed the modern habit of Rationalization. We should also consider some of the sins people are more likely to commit today. The Examination of Conscience in the prayers is a simple generic one. Also we all have a certain sin or certain sins, which are our sting of the flesh. And lest the greatness of the revelations should exalt me, there was given me a sting of my flesh, an angel of Satan, to buffet me. 2 We all have a weakness in one area where we must apply special effort to overcome our sins. To do this, we need to study the remedy for our pet sin(s), pray for God’s assistance and then apply the remedy. As St. Augustine says a bad habit brings on a certain necessity (i.e. addiction) And according to St. Bernadine, evil habits are changed into our nature. Hence, as it is necessary for a man to breathe, so it appears that habitual sinners become slaves of sin and bring themselves into a necessity of falling into sin. I have said that they become slaves of sin. ... Let us identify our habits of sin, which are our pet sins.

Keep Holy the Sabbath Day Because we currently cannot assist at Mass, how many of us remember the Third Commandment, which is strengthened by the Commandment of the Church. We have specifically requested Catholics to make a Holy Hour on each Holyday of Obligation to make a Holy Hour for the Restoration of the Mass. And how many of us totally ignore the Ascension, Assumption, All Saints and the Immaculate Conception if they fall during the work week. If we own a business or are self-employed, to work on these days is a mortal sin, unless such is necessary. And how many of us stretch necessity too far? Mary came at La Salette to decry the misuse of the Lord’s Day as if it were our own and not to be consecrated to the worship of Almighty God!


II Corinthians 12:7


Parental Duty Many parents today totally neglect their duties to their children, and such is criminal. In a short instruction such as this it is impossible to discuss this fully. All of us should take some time, during our retreat to write down all of our duties to God, our fellow man and ourself. Parents should be especially careful to learn their duties, for to fail is to lose Heaven!

Eat to Live How many today indulge themselves and their appetites beyond all reason. To bring on ill health through eating or drinking is a sin. We are required to take the ordinary means to preserve health, and what is more ordinary than regulating what and how much we eat and drink?

Thou Shalt Not Omit Adultery Of course this is not the Commandment, but this is the maxim of the world today. How many are extremely lax in this regard. Do we not remember that every deliberate sin against the sixth and ninth commandments is a mortal sin? And how many of us cooperate by tolerating the lustful actions of our relatives rather than shunning them when they live obviously in a habitual state of mortal sin by living with a significant other. This is a habitual state of sin, which is intolerable!

Detraction and Calumny Indeed, these are two sins which are all too common today. And it is not enough to be pure in our own speech and avoid these detestable vices. We must also avoid listening to such things. And today there are several new ways to commit these sins, that is by way of the internet, television and radio. Just as it is a sin to look at impure movies, television, etc. it is a sin to look at detractive or calumnious television or websites, etc. Certain programs must be avoided altogether, because this is their main purpose is to discuss the sordid lives of celebrities.

Sloth Sloth or laziness has become so easy today. How many are busy about the wrong things, as Goffine says? Instead of doing their duty to God and their families, they are busy surfing the net or the channels. They are seeking information they think they need, when in fact they are neglecting their solemn duties. Sloth has become pandemic in these days.


The Commandments of the Church Today, because of the Great Apostasy, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Confession have been taken from us for a time. Since we cannot assist at Mass or go to Confession, let us pray and work for their restoration. Although the obligation of the Church law is suspended, because it is impossible, the Divine Law has not been suspended at all. We are obliged under the Third Commandment to sanctify the Holydays of Obligation, and this includes those, which are more difficult due to neopaganism, which requires many to work on these holydays. Pope Pius IX reminded us of our solemn duty to do penance. In fact, the whole purpose of this instruction is to encourage all to adopt the practice of weekly spiritual confession. Part of this practice includes taking on penance. We cannot act as if because a Church law is impossible, we are absolved from all obligation. We must also remember that Catholics are known by their observances of the Laws of the Church. We are insultingly called fish-eaters, because we abstain from meat on all Fridays. The laws of fast and abstinence retain their full force, and we should be most zealous in their observance and even exceed them in some respects. Goffine states: "Fasting is no new invention, as many imagine", writes the Father of the Church, Basil the Great, "it is a precious treasure, which our forefathers preserved long before our days, and have handed down to us." … St. Basil, writes: "honor ever the ancient practice of fasting, for it is as old us the creation of man. We must fast if we would return to paradise from which gluttony expelled us." … to wish to feel no aggravation in fasting, is to wish not to fast at all." Let us familiarize ourselves with the current lax laws of fasting and abstinence. The law of fast obliges all age 21 to 59. Those over 59 should at least observe the spirit of the law, even if they are not bound by the letter of the law. The main provision is that meat may only be taken at the main meal. Two other meatless meals sufficient to maintain strength may be taken. It should be noted that the law of fast obliges until midnight on Holy Saturday evening and does not end at noon as some heretics assert. These heretics are leading people into a mortal sin of violation of the law of fast! Complete abstinence requires us to omit meat and things made from meat, such as gravy, etc. This obliges all from age 7. The main days of abstinence are all Fridays. There are other days as seen on the calendar. Partial abstinence also obliges all over age seven, which permits meat to be taken at the main meal only. Partial abstinence occurs on Ember Wednesday and Saturday, as well as some vigils. On Ember Saturdays we should pray especially for the restoration of the priesthood, since this is the ordinary day on which ordinations are held.


Days of Fast Fast only and Abstinence Persons All weekdays of Lent, including Holy Saturday: except Ash Wednesday; Fridays; Ember Wednesday and Saturday Under 7 No fast or abstinence Over 7 and No fast or under 21; or abstinence over 59 Over 21 and Fast, Meat Once under 59

Fast and Partial Abstinence

Fast and Total Abstinence

Abstinence only

Ember Wednesday and Saturday; Vigils of Pentecost and All Saints

Fridays of Lent; Ash Wednesday; Vigils of Immaculate Conception and the Nativity

All Fridays, except those with more obligations

No fast or abstinence No Fast, Meat once

No fast or abstinence No Fast, No Meat

No fast or abstinence No Fast, No Meat

Fast, meat Once

Fast, No Meat

No Fast, No Meat

1. On days of Fast, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals may be taken according to one’s needs; but together they should not equal another full meal. 2. On days of Partial Abstinence, meat and soup or gravy from meat may be taken once a day at the principal meal, even by those not obliged to fast. 3. On days of complete abstinence, no meat or meat soup or gravy may be taken. 4. Those not obliged to fast may eat meat several times on fast days which are not abstinence days of any kind. Our Lady said at La Salette: The world takes no notice of Lent. People go to the butchers like dogs.

Study the Faith The Great Apostasy was caused in a large part by the ignorance of Catholics. Not just the laity were ignorant, but also their pastors and Bishops! Saint John Vianney reminds us in his catechism to his people: Saint Charles Borromeo tells us explicitly that absolution cannot be given to persons who do not know the principle facts of the Christian Religion, and the duties of their state of life; particularly when their ignorance arises from their indifference concerning their salvation. The laws of the Church in this connection also forbid absolution to be given to fathers or mothers who do not teach children, or have them taught, in everything that is necessary for their salvation. 3 Catholics are bound to know the truths of the Faith and to teach these truths to their children. Then Saint John Vianney warns us: We shall find 3

Sermons of the Cure of Ars, page 240


out at the day of judgment that the greater number of Christians who are lost were damned because they did not know their own religion. 4 The Fourth Lateran Council tells us: Ignorance is the mother of all errors. And a catechism prepared to help parish priests tells us: Ignorance of Catholic doctrine is the cause of most of the bigotry and misunderstanding found among non-Catholics. Ignorance of their own religion among Catholics themselves is largely responsible for the unworthy Catholics whom worldliness estranges from God and the practice of religions duties. Even practical and devout Catholics need constant instruction lest they should stumble into serious doctrinal error. 5 Fortunately, ignorance is a curable disease. Saint John Vianney, the holy Cure of Ars told his people: A good Christian is not satisfied to simply believe in the truths of our holy religion. He loves them, he ponders over them, he tries in every possible way to acquire a knowledge of them; he loves to hear the word of God, and the more he hears it, the more he longs for it. 6

Support the Church From The Neglected Commandment by Bishop Francis Clement Kelly, Bishop of Oklahoma City and Tulsa, 1936. “There are six Commandments of the Church strictly binding on us all. Five of them, in varying degrees, are recognized and in the main obeyed by the faithful. Four are obeyed especially well. Only one is badly neglected by as many as two thirds of the whole body, even in the United States, even in this diocese. It is the Fifth: “To contribute to the support of our pastors. “The proof that it is neglected lies before me. I would fail in my duty if I did not act on my knowledge.” “What shall be said, what can be said, of those who, by their neglect of their own parish obligation, spend all they can afford on imagined civic or social responsibilities? Of those who spend all on luxuries for themselves and have nothing left for God? Are there such Catholics? There are, and they are as a class is Legion-God enlighten them and save then from themselves”! “Have you read the parable of the unjust steward? It is full of divine irony, place there to show you where you stand in His sight when you fail Him. Why should He trust you with wealth when He knows what you will do with it, rather what you will not do with it? What right have you to a success that you are sure not to appreciate? ... Think it over. Does your record show that you can be trusted? “Surely such people are not ignorant of the fact that someone has to pay for them in the end; “This is not all a matter of money. It is also a matter of mutual charity in the dealings of Christ's children with one another. It is a matter of not hurting His Church by giving bad example, by uttering unjust criticisms, by remaining ignorant of her teachings,


Sermons of the Cure of Ars page 99 A Parochila Course in Doctrinal Instruction, Callan and McHugh, 1920, page iv. 6 Sermons of the Cure of Ars page 269. There are two books by this name, this is a black hard cover. Both books are worth studying, though! 5


by being shamefully apologetic when others defame her. It is a matter of praying as well as paying, of fidelity in word and deed, of taking care of Christ's poor, ...” Pope Michael’s comments: Bishop Kelly notes how we all indulge in luxuries (and this was over a half a century ago), and neglect our solemn duty to support God’s holy Church. How much do we spend on television and internet, for instance? This can be $100 per month? Let us go over our budget, recalling that the duty to support the Church goes back to the time of Moses and was laid out as a strict law in the Old Covenant. Although specific rules are not given int eh New Covenant, this is an obligation in justice.

Cooperation In Sin There are nine ways to cooperate in the sin of another: Counsel, command, consent, provocation, praise or flattery, concealment, partaking, silence, or defense of the ill-done. Let us be zealous not only to avoid sin in our own lives, but not to cooperate in the sins of others!

A Final Thought On Sin Three-quarters of those who are Christians labor for nothing but to satisfy this body, which will soon be buried and corrupted, while they do not give a thought to their pour soul, which must be happy or miserable for all eternity. Thy have neither sense nor reason: it makes one tremble. (Saint John Vianney) True We have not covered all of the sins of the world. For this, We advise studying the Catechism and asking questions if guidance is necessary. Pope Pius IX said: You wish to know the secrets of La Salette. Well, here are the secrets of La Salette: Unless you do penance you shall all perish. 7

Penance Penance is a part of life. Above we considered briefly the minimum of penance prescribed by the Laws of the Church. However, when we go to Confession we receive a specific penance from the Confessor. This is the final part of Confession, doing penance. Since we do not have a Confessor to give us a penance, let us consider some way we can prescribe a penance for ourself. Saint Joseph Cafasso, The Priest, the Man of God: That is all very well, someone says, but I cannot go so often, I live too far away from another priest. I willingly admit that there are difficulties, but whatever the difficulties or obstacles may be, confession should not be deferred for longer than a month; and so, cost whatever it may, a priest should confess once or twice a month. In the second place, if a priest cannot confess 7

Luke 13:3. It should be noted that the alleged Secret of La Salette in circulation has been placed on the Index of Prohibited books by the Catholic Church.


every week, let him at least have the desire and will to do so; in order to keep this desire alive and sincere I suggest the following means: let the priest arrange to perform some pious exercise during that week in which he cannot make his weekly confession, a useful exercise, and one that will cost him something; such an exercise might be, for example, a day's fast or an abstinence, a Holy Hour the giving up of some excursion or amusement, especially for one who is accustomed to attend parties. Before going through Saint Joseph Cafasso’s advice, let us recall that some public sins were punished by public penance. The Cure of Ars informs us: During the whole time of penance they had to keep away from all public functions and ceremonies, and had to live in retirement, 8 to live on bread and water several days each week, and to give alms, all of these being means to give satisfaction to Divine justice. 9 He also reminds us of the penances prescribed for various public sins: For working on Sunday they had to live on bread and water for three days; for unnecessary traveling on Sunday, seven days and so forth. 10 and 11 If any one omitted to fast for one day during Lent, he had to fast for seven days. And at times public penance lasted for years prior to absolution! And then the Church relaxed and an indulgence was given, which brought reconciliation closer. Today it is a simple matter to go to Confession and be absolved. Unless the Divine or Ecclesiastical Law obliges restitution, nothing more is expected beyond the small penance prescribed by the Confessor. 1. A day’s fast or abstinence. How many of us over indulge our appetite and should consider curbing it somewhat? 2. A Holy Hour. Indeed, all of us would benefit by improving our prayer life. Reread the Requests of Pope Michael. 3. Also a possibility is a day’s fast from technology, that is from radio, television and the computer? It would not injure many of us to at least reduce our devotion to technology in this matter. We should approach this in two ways. Immediately after our spiritual confession we should say some prayers, at least the Pater, Ave and Gloria Patri. 12 Then we should prescribe some additional penance to perform before our next spiritual confession.

Final Considerations Fr. Demaris says (in They Have Taken Away My Lord): Nothing silences measures which are the tests of Saints, if we cannot confess our sins to priests, confess them to God. These are indeed difficult times, but God has promised all of the graces we need to save our souls, if only we cooperate with and use them properly. If we find ourself in eternal misery, we shall know it is because we did not make use of the means God has given us. There are many other things that could be said here, and We strongly 8

And this does not mean retirement from work, but from all worldly distractions. In our days they would be forbidden radio, television and the internet. 9 Pages 118 and 19 nine of The Sermons of the Cure of Ars, Neumann Press. Given in the mid-1800s 10 Pages 118 and 19 nine of The Sermons of the Cure of Ars, Neumann Press. 11 Page 59 12 Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.


recommend studying the Catechism and pious books to supplement this instruction. Many said that the greatest saints would live in these times. The next time you look in the mirror, realize that the person looking back at you is called to be a great saint. Let us all live up to our calling! Give this 2nd Day of February, 2009 by Michael, by the grace of God, Pope Saint Alphonsus: It is true that if to obtain salvation it were necessary to retire into a desert, or to shut one’s self up in a cloister, we ought to do so. But these extraordinary means are not necessary; ordinary means are sufficient, such as the frequentation of the sacraments, the avoidance of dangerous occasions, and the frequent recommending of ourselves by prayer to God. … Let us never think we can do too much to obtain eternal salvation.

Requests of Pope Michael 1. Make a Rule of Life 2. Monthly Examination of Conscience 3. Daily duty 4. Morning prayers first thing in the morning 5. Night prayers with examination of conscience followed by silence. 6. Practice of the three Hail Marys 7. Daily Spiritual Communion. 8. Daily Meditation 9. Daily Spiritual Reading 10. Daily Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity and Contrition 11. Prayer before and after meals. 12. Sanctify the Lord’s Day 13. Study the Catechism weekly 14. Weekly Holy Hour 15. Regulate our use of time 16. Retire to solitude 17. Make a Retreat 18. Catholic Action 19. Count your Blessings. 20. Monthly Day of Fasting and Prayer 21. Support the Church. We must first be purified and then purify others; be filled with wisdom and make others wise; become light and give light; be near to God and lead others to Him; be sanctified and sanctify; guide others by the hand and counsel them with knowledge. (Saint Gregory Nanzianzen)


Spiritual Confession Prayers Fr. Demaris says (in They Have Taken Away My Lord): Nothing silences measures which are the tests of Saints, if we cannot confess our sins to priests, confess them to God. Indeed, the lack of the ability to present ourself before a priest of God, who is duly authorized by God’s Church to hear our confession and to absolve us is one of the largest tests of the saints of these days. Indeed, Apocalypse is right when it tells us to have patience in these times. However, we must follow the advice of Saint Thomas Aquinas to do our part, when we cannot receive the Sacrament of Confession. We ask all to study the Catechism, especially on the matter of the perfect act of contrition, which will restore us to grace until we can fulfill our promise to confess our sins, which we make in the most well know Act of Contrition. Let us also consecrate our efforts to the restoration of the priesthood, so that we can again confess to the priest of God! The following prayers will assist us to make a formal spiritual confession. 13

Prayer to Implore the Divine Assistance to Make a Good Confession O Almighty and most merciful God, Who has made me out of nothing, and redeemed me by the Precious Blood of Thine Only Son; Who has with so much patience borne with me to this day, notwithstanding all my sins and ingratitude; ever calling after me to return to Thee from the ways of vanity and iniquity, in which I have been quite wearied out in the pursuit of empty toys and mere shadows; seeking in vain to satisfy my thirst in unclean waters, and my hunger with husks of swine: behold, O most gracious Lord, I now sincerely desire to leave all these my evil ways, to forsake the region of death where I have so long lost myself, and to return to Thee, the Fountain of Life. I desire, like the prodigal son, to enter seriously into myself, and with the like resolution to arise without delay, and to go home to my Father – though I am most unworthy to be called His child – in hopes of meeting with the like reception from His most tender mercy. But, O my God, though I can go astray from Thee of myself, yet I cannot make one step towards returning to Thee, unless Thy divine grace move and assist me. This grace, therefore, I most humbly implore, prostate in spirit before the throne of Thy mercy; I beg it for the sake of Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who died on the Cross for my sins; I know that Thou desirest not the death of a sinner, but that he may be converted and live; I know Thy mercies are above all Thy works; and I most confidently hope that as in Thy mercy Thou hast spared me so long, and hast now given me this desire of returning to Thee, so Thou wilt finish the work which Thou hast begun, and bring me to a perfect reconciliation with Thee. I desire now to comply with Thy holy institution of the Sacrament of Penance; I desire to confess my sins with all sincerity to Thee and to Thy minister; and therefore I desire to know myself, and to call myself to account by a diligent examination of my 13

A separate instruction is also being prepared to accompany this.


conscience. Since I cannot now confess to Thy minister in the holy Sacrament of Penance, I desire to confess my sins to Thee. I humbly beg of Thee to restore the priesthood to Thy Church, so that I can once again confess to Thy minister as Thou willest. I offer all of my efforts, prayers and penance and consecrate myself to do all in my power to bring about the restoration of the priesthood for the salvation of souls and my own salvation. But, O my God, how miserably shall I deceive myself if Thou assist me not in this great work by Thy heavenly light. O then remove every veil that hides any of my sins from me, that I may see them all in their true colors, and may sincerely detest them. O let me no longer be imposed upon by the Enemy of souls, or by my own selfcenteredness, so as to mistake vice for virtue, or in any way to make excuses for my sins. But, O my good God, what will it avail me to know my sins, if Thou dost not also give me a hearty sorrow and repentance for them? Without this my sins will be all upon me still, and I shall be still Thine enemy and a child of hell. Thou dost require that a contrite heart, without which there can be no reconciliation with Thee; and this heart none but Thyself can give. O then, dear Lord, grant it unto me at this time. Give me a lively faith, and a steadfast hope, in the Passion of my Redeemer; teach me to fear Thee and to love Thee. Give me, for Thy mercy’s sake, a hearty sorrow for having offended so good a God. Teach me to detest my evil ways; to abhor all my past ingratitude; to have in myself now with a perfect hatred for my many treasons against Thee. O give me a full and firm resolution to lead henceforward a new life; and to unite me unto Thee with an eternal band of love which nothing in life or death may ever break. Grant me also the grace to make an entire and sincere confession of all my sins, and to accept the confusion of it as a penance justly due to my transgressions. Let not the Enemy prevail upon me to pass over anything through fear or shame; rather let me die than to consent to so great an evil. Let no self-love deceive me, as I fear it has done too often. O grant that this confession may be good; and for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who died for me and for all sinners, assist me in every part of my preparation for it; that I may perform it with the same care and diligence as I should be glad to do at the hour of my death; that so, being perfectly reconciled to Thee, I may never offend Thee again. Amen.

Prayer Before Examination of Conscience O Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth, King of kings, and Lord of lords, Who hast made me out of nothing in Thine image and likeness, and hast redeemed me with Thine own Blood; whom I a sinner am not worthy to name or call upon Thee; I humbly pray Thee, I earnestly beseech Thee, to look mercifully on me, Thy wicked servant. Thou Who had mercy on the woman of Chanaan and Mary Magdalene; Thou Who didst spare the publican and the thief upon the cross, have mercy upon me. Thou art my hope and my trust; my guide and my succor; my comfort and my strength; my defense and my deliverance; my life, my health, and my resurrection; my light and my longing; my help and my protection. I pray and entreat Thee, help me and I shall be safe; direct me and defend me; strengthen me and comfort me; confirm me and gladden me; enlighten me and come unto me. Raise me from the dead; I am Thy creature, and the work of Thy hands. Despise me not, O Lord, nor regard my iniquities; but according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies have mercy upon me, the chief of sinners, and be 13

gracious to me. Turn Thou unto me, O Lord, and be not angry with me. I implore Thee, most compassionate Father, I pray Thee meekly, of Thy great mercy, to bring me to a holy death, and to true penance, to a perfect confession, and to worthy satisfaction for all my sins. Amen. O Lord God, Who enlightens every man who comes into this world, enlighten my heart, I pray Thee, with the light of Thy grace, that I may fully know my sins, shortcomings, and negligences, and may confess them with that true sorrow and contrition of heart which I so much need. I desire to make full amends for all my sins and to avoid them for the future for Thy honor and glory, and for the salvation of my soul, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I believe in Thee, O God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, my Creator, my Redeemer, and my Sanctifier; I believe that Thou art all-holy, just, and merciful. I believe that Thou art willing to pardon and save me, if I repent and forsake my sins. O my God, strengthen and increase my faith, and grant me the grace of a true repentance, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. I hope in Thee, O my God, because Thou art almighty, faithful, and long suffering. I humbly trust that Thou wilt pardon my sins for the sake of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, Who suffered and died for me upon the Cross; and that Thou will cleanse my sinful soul in His precious Blood and make me holy, and bring me safe to everlasting life. O Lord, in Thee have I hoped, let me never be confounded. Amen. I Love Thee, O my God, above all things, because Thou hast been so good, so patient, and so loving to me, notwithstanding all the sins by which I have so grievously offended Thee. I love Thee, O Blessed Jesus, my Saviour, because Thou did suffer so much for love of me, an ungrateful sinner, and did die on the Cross for my salvation. O make me love Thee more and more, and show my love to Thee by faithfully keeping Thy Commandments all the days of my life. Amen. O Mary Immaculate, Mother of Fair Love; obtain for me that love of God, which is so necessary for true contrition. Amen. O Lord, help me to remember my sins, so that I can be sorry for them and root out their cause and resolve to sin no more. R/Amen. Goffine comments on the dumb devil: The literal meaning of this is the evil enemy, who some times so torments those whom he possesses that they lose the power of speech; in a spiritual sense, we may understand it to mean the shame which the devil takes away from the sinner, when he commits the sin, but gives back again, as false shame, before confession, so that the sinner conceals the sin, and thereby falls deeper. "Be not ashamed to confess to one man," says St. Augustine, "that which you were not ashamed to do with one, perhaps, with many." Consider these words of the same saint: "Sincere confession subdues vice, conquers the evil one, shuts the door of hell, and opens the gates of paradise."


Examination of Conscience These are the commandments which God gave to man to guide him to happiness in this life and in the next: I. I AM THE LORD THY GOD: THOU SHALT NOT HAVE STRANGE GODS BEFORE ME. Commands: faith, hope, love, and worship of God; reverence for holy things; prayer. Forbids: idolatry, superstition, spiritism, tempting God, sacrilege, attendance at false worship. II. THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN. Commands: reverence in speaking about God and holy things; the keeping of oaths and vows. Forbids: blasphemy, the irreverent use of God's name, speaking disrespectfully of holy things, false oaths, and the breaking of vows. III. REMEMBER THOU KEEP HOLY THE SABBATH DAY. Commands: going to Church on Sundays and holy days, 14 keeping the day holy by prayer, Holy Hour, spiritual reading, studying catechism and instructing one’s family in the catechism. Forbids: missing Church through one's own fault; unnecessary servile work; public buying and selling; court trials. IV. HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER. Commands: love, respect, obedience on the part of children; care on the part of parents for the spiritual and temporal welfare of their children; obedience to civil and religious superiors. Forbids: hatred of parents and superiors; disrespect, disobedience. V. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Commands: safeguarding of one's own life and bodily welfare and that of others. Forbids: unjust killing, suicide, abortion sterilization, dueling, endangering life and limb of self or others. Anger and gluttony are also forbidden by this Commandment. VI. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. Commands: chastity in word, and deed. Forbids: obscene speech; impure actions alone or with others. VII. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. Commands: respect for the property and rights of others; the paying of just debts; paying just wages to employees; integrity in public officials. Forbids: theft; damage to the property of others; not paying just debts; not returning found or borrowed articles; giving unjust measure or weight in selling; not paying just wages; bribery; graft; cheating; fraud; accepting stolen property; not giving an honest day's work for wages received; violation of contract, usury. VIII. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR. Commands: truthfulness, respect for the good name of others; the observance of secrecy when required. Forbids: lying, injury to the good name of others, slander; talebearing, rash judgment, contemptuous speech, and the violation of secrecy. Calumny and detraction are also forbidden by this Commandment. IX. THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE. Commands: purity in thought. Forbids: willful impure thoughts and desires. X. THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR'S GOODS. Commands: respect for the rights of others. Forbids: the desire to take, to keep, or to damage the property of others.


Impossibility excuses, but we are required by the Divine Law to sanctify Holy Days!


The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth. Commandments of the Church 1. To hear Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation. 15 2. To fast and abstain on the days appointed. 3. To confess at least once a year. 16 4. To receive the Holy Eucharist during the Eastertime. 17 5. To contribute to the support of the Church. 6. Not to marry persons who are not Catholics, or who are related to us within the third degree of kindred, nor privately without witnesses, nor to solemnize marriage at forbidden times. 7. To learn the truths of the Faith. 18 There are nine ways to cooperate in the sin of another: Counsel, command, consent, provocation, praise or flattery, concealment, partaking, silence, or defense of the ill-done. Final consideration: How much have I done to overcome my own pet sin, that is the sin I am most prone to commit? What sin did I specifically resolve last week to work on eradicating? How well have I done? What sin shall I work on next week? O God, give me the grace to eliminate sin from my life.

Prayer After Examination of Conscience O My God, I cry unto Thee with the prodigal son: Father, I have sinned against heaven and before Thee; I am no longer worthy to be called Thy Son. I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost. O seek Thy servant, for I have not forgotten Thy commandments. Enter not into judgment with Thy servant, O Lord. O spare me for Thy mercy’s sake. Prove me, O God, and know my heart; examine me, and know my paths. Thou Whose property is always to have mercy and to spare, O meet me in pity, embrace me in love, and forgive me all my sin. I confess my sins unto Thee, O Christ, Healer of our souls, O Lord of Life. Heal me, heal me of my spiritual sickness, Thou Who art long-suffering and of tender mercy; heal me, O Lord Christ. Accept my supplications, O Thou Holy Ghost, unto Whom every heart is open, every desire is known, and from Whom no secret is hidden, and Who gives life to our souls; hear and answer, O Spirit of God. 15

Note the first, third, and fourth commandments of the Church are currently (January, 2009) impossible to fulfill, but are included for completeness. 16 Saint Thomas teaches that when we cannot confess, we should have the desire to confess as soon as possible, as discussed in the separate instruction. 17 Again impossibility excuses, but again we must have a strong desire to communicate and should at least make a Spiritual Communion, when we are unable to actually receive our Lord in Holy Communion. 18 Added by Pope Michael


O Heavenly Father, Who wills not that any sinner should perish, give me true repentance for my sins, that I do not perish! To what misery am I come by my own fault! O merciful God, pity and forgive me for Jesus’ sake. Thine eyes, O God, are as flames of fire searching my inmost heart. O pardon my sin, for it is great! Thou, God, seest me in all the foulness of my sins! Blessed Jesus, speak for me, plead for me, come between my soul and my offended God, that I perish not. Amen.

Prayer Before Confession Accept my confession, O most loving, most gracious Lord Jesus Christ, on Whom alone my soul trusts for salvation. Grant me, I bessech Thee, contrition of heart, and give tears to my eyes, that I may sorrow deeply for all my sins with humility and sincerity of heart. O good Jesus, Saviour of the world, Who gave Thyself to the death of the Cross to save sinners, look on me, a miserable sinner who calls upon Thy Name. Spare me, Thou Who are my Saviour, and pity my sinful soul; loose its chains, heal its sores. Lord Jesus, I desire Thee, I seek Thee, I long for Thee; show me the light of Thy countenance, and I shall be saved; send forth Thy light and Thy truth into my soul, to show me fully all the sins and shortcomings which I must still confess, and to aid and teach me to lay them bare without reserve and with a contrite heart; O Thou Who lives and reigns with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. O most gracious Virgin Mary, beloved Mother of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, intercede for me with Him. Obtain for me the full remission of my sins, and perfect amendment of life, to the salvation of my soul and the glory of His Name. Amen. I implore the same grace of thee, O my Angel Guardian; of you, my holy Patrons, insert their name(s) here; of you, O blessed Peter and holy Magdalene, and of all the Saints of God. Intercede for me a sinner, repenting of my sins, firmly resolving to confess them as soon as this is possible, consecrating myself to bring this day closer, and firmly resolving to avoid my sins and the near occasion of committing them in the future with the help of Almighty God. Amen.

Here Confess Your Sin to God Just As You Would to a Priest Act of Perfect Contrition My God, because Thou art infinite goodness, I love Thee above all things, and because I love Thee above all things I am sorry for the offences I have offered to Thee, O Sovereign God! My God, I purpose never more to offend Thee. I would rather die than offend Thee more. O my God, I resolve with the help of Thy grace to avoid sin and the near occasions of sin. Amen. 17

O God, Who doesn't reject anyone that comes unto Thee, but in pity are appeased even with the greatest sinners who repent, mercifully regard our prayers in our humiliation, and lighten our hearts, that we may be able to fulfill Thy commandments. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thanksgiving After Confession O Most merciful God, Who according to the multitude of Thy mercies dost so put away the sins of those who truly repent that Thou remember them no more: look graciously upon me, Thine unworthy servant, and accept my confession for Thy mercy’s sake; receive my humble thanks, most loving Father, that of Thy great goodness Thou hast given me pardon for all my sins. O may Thy love and pity supply whatsoever has been wanting in the sufficiency of my contrition, and the fullness of my confession. Help to be able to one day confess to Thy minister as Thou willest and to consecrate myself to bring this day closer and dedicate my life to Thee. And do Thou, O Lord, vouchsafe to grant me the help of Thy grace, that I may diligently amend my life and persevere in Thy service unto the end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer For the Restoration of Confession Almighty God, I implore Thee to restore to us true priests with authority from Thy holy Church to absolve me from my sins. Until that time, I beg Thee in Thy infinite mercy to forgive me my sins. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Further I will devote my prayers and efforts to bringing about the restoration of the priesthood, so that all may have the opportunity to approach Thy ministers and to be reconciled with Thee. Amen.


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