Sping 2008

  • December 2019
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[the whole world]


Vol. 1, Is. 1

Totomundo: Vision and Purposes Greetings fellows, families, and friends. Welcome to the first issue of Totomundo. We are rejoicing in Christ for the unveiling of this publication. God is using our fellowship and He has brought us a long way from where we began. We are being continually restored in ambition and focus by God, and Totomundo is a direct result of that. Totomundo means the whole world. We hope to interact with Biblical spirituality in a way that can function worldwide, across cultures, times, places, and topics. There are a few intentions for this publication. One is that it would encourage us to continually seek after Christ through reflection on the basic, foundational worldview issues. God will use these articles to grow our unity in Spirit and in thinking on the essential issues of a comprehensive practicing of Biblical spirituality. Most of what will be in Totomundo this year will directly address these basic matters. This should help us put clear words to the feelings of our hearts, that through clear communication we can

help those around us better grasp Biblical living, feeling and thinking. These three elements, living, feeling, and thinking, are often not seen as equals yet they are. We need to graciously and consistently assert and show in the Scriptures that they are exactly that. Totomundo will also tighten up our community, as some articles will be written by our very own fellows. Our fellows are engaged in a wide variety of disciplines, oftentimes at an academic or professional level. Their articles will be a bold display of bringing together the disciplines under God’s Word and in connection with all the other disciplines, not as segregated, independent fields. Also related to this, appearing shortly will be an online forum for this publication that we will be able to interact through, so that even though we are spread throughout the country (and even over a few continents) we can expand our conversation and encourage one another. Continued on Page 2

What the Creation Museum Says About American Christianity I recently visited the Creation Museum located near the Cincinnati International Airport. Here are a few observations that came to mind as I considered what this museum’s existence says about the direction of American Christianity. Lessons Learned Late But Never Too Late It took 82 years from the Scopes Trial in 1925 until American Christianity had a winsome popular response to Darwinian evolution. It is a sad testimony to the pervasiveness of restricted pietism, that is, reverence for God that is limited to a few “spiritual” categories. Research has shown us that a leading cause of decline of belief in scripture, even among faithful church attendees, is due to the “accepted fact” of a naturalistic approach to science. Yet too little is done to confront this teaching as evidenced by the paucity of support for building the museum or supporting organizations seeking academic redress of these issues. These efforts, the museum and others, could potentially have a dramatic and substantial impact on the re-introduction of the gospel to the next generation. Few theologians, over the last 82 years, actually held to a clear position on the direct creation of a real Adam and Eve at the beginning of earth history.

Thankfully, recent efforts acknowledging that design in nature calls for an intelligent designer serve to bring this issue to a larger audience as well as to evangelical pastors and theologians. Ranald Macaulay of Christian Heritage Cambridge recently noted that the seminal work of Francis A. Schaeffer was largely dismissed by scientists and theologians in Great Britain due in part to his insistence on accepting an historical Adam and Eve. Those days are waning as a new generation is bolstered by a group of young scientists, leaders, filmmakers, pastors, and theologians. A Broader Vision of the Glory of God Churches catching the larger vision are making a difference across the cultural landscape by fostering such approaches in many fields and disciplines while scaling back some of the inward focus on more buildings for mega-campuses (which are rapidly becoming passé, anyway). A rising group of bright, young Christian leaders have recognized the need to be relevant to truth itself for a lost culture around them. A re-building of a more comprehensive approach from a biblical worldview is occurring. Continued on Page 2

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March-April Vol. 1 Is. 1

Vision and Purposes Cont. Also, this publication is a living out of Biblical worldview in itself. We are seeking to do all things for the Glory of God, and writing articles and doing this publication is one option. How great a freedom! This fellowship rests upon the Biblical principle that people together, in community and in complimentary effort, are much more effective and even more beautiful than individuals. Totomundo will serve our community, edify it, and allow us to work together in a much more powerful way than we could individually. The whole truly is greater than the sum of its parts, and we know that all of our individual interests, callings, and backgrounds are vital to the fellowship, and to doing this fellowship successfully. A body does not work quite right with out each part accounted for, properly connected, and in connected in the right place in the right way.

American Christianity Cont. The Connectedness of All Things Reasserted The Creation Museum, among other public and scientific efforts, clearly upholds an explicit acknowledgment that any one thing is connected to all other things. Reductionism’s negative impact is being addressed and countered to encompass a larger vision. Scientific research done to the glory of God must be fostered by the church in order to be obedient to Christ. Some leading families, Christian education heads, and a few church leaders are actually encouraging young people interested in the sciences to answer the call of God to obedience in this arena of His kingdom. Doing all to the glory of God is becoming more and more a reality as a younger generation throws off the old sacred-secular divide and sees making disciples as a comprehensive responsibility and not one restricted to a few “super-spiritual” categories. Christian Thought Making a Comeback Finally, the museum is driven by an insistence on the sufficiency and veracity of scripture as a proper foundation upon which to establish, build, guide, and discern scientific inquiry. Theologians William Alston and Russell Moore have recently defended and promoted this foundational approach to the whole of life and culture. Similarly, William Lane Craig and many other evangelical philosophers have reasserted a biblical framework which is widely noted as leading in the field, even by others who espouse different approaches. Ideas Shape Our Actions So what responses are indicated going forward?

Lastly, this publication will lead into our Chautauqua meeting in June 2008. This will be held in the Louisville, KY area from June 5th-9th. Our focus is doing all legitimate human endeavors to the Glory of God and in full obedience to Christ. These articles will spark thinking on this topic and help us be well prepared for our time together. We have planned five issues for 2008 to be released bimonthly. Overall, we are expecting God to present new opportunities and methods so that we may grow to longer issues or more frequent issues in the future. Be praying for God to better shape and guide our efforts to fit his purposes in this publication, as a fellowship and in our lives individually. Clayton Rothwell, Managing Editor Louisville, KY

Realize that restricted pietism as the most pervasive default setting in American Christianity can be effectively overcome by the rising generation of young leaders. Reject the old shibboleth of “full-time Christian service” from bringing a sense of disenfranchisement to your calling. Subscribe deeply in mind and heart to a comprehensive and historic biblical theology. Second, take action to form new efforts and organizations that will carry forward a comprehensive vision of God’s glory. One doesn’t have to wait for properly slow-moving institutions to sanction such developments. For example, the Alliance Defense Fund, a leading Christian legal firm, like the Creation Museum, was not established by institutions or academics per se, but by well-informed activist leaders who responded with theological clarity and focused action. This pattern can be repeated across the culture. Institutions will eventually catch up to provide the depth of encouragement and academic assistance needed for such leading-the-way efforts. Take heart that a few good examples at a world-class level have arisen publicly in the last ten years, even as we face the sad results of decades of ignoring the larger picture of God’s glory. Consider how God has burdened and called you to serve our families, our churches, and communities then take action in faith toward that purpose. Rejoice that God is prepared to bless and honor your efforts to bring glory to Him in all aspects of what makes up His kingdom, including establishing technologically advanced interactive museums. Ross McGary, Publisher Falls Church, VA & Nashville, TN

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