Spigit Product Brochure

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,938
  • Pages: 4
(925) 297-2600

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Purpose-Built Social Platform to Drive Profitable Innovation “One idea from that innovation event will save the company $8 million. ‘IT and senior VPs ask how we measure ROI for Spigit,’ the director says. With numbers like that, the answer is easy.” Fortune 50 Spigit client, cited in InformationWeek

Boston Consulting Group calculated that leading innovators generate 430 basis points more in shareholder return than do average companies. While the strategic value of innovation excellence is clear, companies’ approach to it is not. Ad hoc, isolated efforts cause good ideas to fall through the cracks, people with relevant knowledge to miss others’ ideas and difficulty in maintaining a healthy innovation pace. What’s needed is a common digital suggestion box that taps emergent contributions internally and externally.

The Spigit platform integrates the best-in-class collaboration tools of social software with enterprise workflow and quantifiable metrics to deliver the innovation platform companies need.

Spigit provides the most advanced platform available for companies to create, engage and grow innovation communities. Employees, customers and partners want a voice in companies’ innovation, and they are significant sources of ideas and perspective. The Spigit platform provides a dynamic, real-time environment for community interactions around ideas, surfacing the best ones through a powerful analytics engine.

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Automated Idea Graduation

Dashboard and Trend Analysis

Trading and Prediction Markets


Roles Influences Permissions

Currency and Asset Mgmt

Idea Ranking Reputation Weighted Analysis

Idea stages with configurable graduation criteria

Collaboration tools: votes, tags, forums, reviews, wikis, blogs

User reputation scores that weight feedback

Idea trading markets

Role-based workflow

Spigit has four service options: InnovationSpigit: The most comprehensive platform for employee-driven innovation. Companies use InnovationSpigit as their internal innovation pipeline, leveraging employee contributions, enterprise integration and measurable results. IdeaSpigit: The perfect platform for integrating customers and partners in the innovation process. Ideas are measured by community buzz, and engagement features include contests, polls, and surveys. PredictionSpigit: Rapidly capture the different knowledge and perspectives of communities to forecast the outcome of events. PredictionSpigit gives up-to-date, real-time information for sales forecasts, product launch dates, market shifts, and other events. WidgetSpigit: Spigit’s innovation management functionality can be embedded with other sites and applications, such as portals, intranets, external facing sites, CRM and others. WidgetSpigit is an easy way to put innovation in-the-flow of daily work.

(925) 297-2600

“It is clear when examining Spigit that significant effort has gone into designing an experience tailored to idea management. It is quite detailed in the intricacies of facilitating an idea marketplace. Spigit puts the focus of the organization on the social part of social software (that is growing and maintaining a productive community), where it belongs, and not on delivering a bunch of custom code and templates.” Anthony Bradley Managing VP, Gartner

[email protected]


InnovationSpigit In an Accenture survey of large corporations, executives identified lack of collaboration as the most significant barrier to innovation. Bringing together employee communities around ideas breaks the silos of individuals and accelerates the pace of innovation. InnovationSpigit fosters employee-driven innovation by serving as the common enterprise-wide platform for individuals’ ideas and subsequent community collaboration. The platform’s powerful capabilities surface top ideas and contributors. Easy participation: Employees will find it easy to add new ideas, and provide feedback on others’ ideas. Ideas are organized by community, category and tags. Feedback on ideas is captured through employees’ interactions, including votes, ratings and comments. Ideas are refined through employee collaboration on discussion forums, wikis and blogs.

Actionable analytics: InnovationSpigit calculates a wealth of analytics, which directly influence the movement of ideas on the platform. Metrics such as views, votes, ratings, comments and employee commitment separate the best ideas from the rest. Every employee will have a proprietary Spigit score called RepUrankTM. RepUrank is built on the feedback employees receive from their peers for their ideas and contributions. Users’ assessments of ideas are weighted by their RepUrank. Track and manage ideas’ progress: The progress of every idea will be tracked by its stage. Stages represent an idea’s progress through the innovation pipeline. Advancement through stages is based on meeting quantitative criteria calculated from community feedback, as well as role-based approvals. Up-to-date status information on an idea can be accessed at any time. Idea trading: InnovationSpigit provides a market for the buying and selling of ideas. The market lets employees set the value ideas through trades. Shares of ideas are purchased with special currency for the platform. When an idea is selected for implementation, it is closed out of the market and all shareholders are paid out at the final price per share. Rewards and incentives: Spigit integrates a company store, where employees can purchase items with their currency. Currency is earned through participation and idea trading.

(925) 297-2600

“Spigit is a beautifully designed ‘idea-based’ social network for any size enterprise. What’s uniquely interesting about Spigit is it is action-oriented: its sole purpose in the enterprise or within its external ecosystem of customers and suppliers is to generate good ideas that lead to better products, better usability, revenue-producing initiatives and/or cost savings recommendations”


Susan Scrupski, Founder, SoCo Partners

Multiple communities: Companies can maintain multiple communities simultaneously.

E2.0 Conference Advisory Board

Engaging customers and partners in the innovation process has two benefits. First, companies reduce risk and deliver more relevant products to customers. Second, customers and partners become valuable sounding boards and evangelists on the social web. IdeaSpigit is the platform for external innovation communities. It provides Spigit’s powerful functionality, with features built for external usage. Easy participation: Users can self-register and add ideas within seconds. Communities identify the ideas they like with votes, views and forums. Top ideas: Companies decide what criteria identify top ideas, such as simple votes or deeper analytics.

RepUrank: Every user will have a reputation score. These scores identify the customers and partners most skilled at identifying valuable ideas. Engagement events: Companies can run special events to generate ideas and feedback from communities. These include contests, surveys and time-boxed idea jams.

[email protected]


Leaderboards: Top ideas and users are easily accessible to the community. Incentives: Companies can provide currency to users based on valued contributions. This currency can be used for purchases and discounts on company products.

PredictionSpigit Capturing the opinions of large, diverse crowds is a proven basis for generating accurate forecasts of event outcomes. The forecasts can be assembled quickly, providing executives with valuable information in real-time for planning purposes. Fast set-up: Creating a prediction market for an event is easy, and requires only a few inputs. Market-based probabilities: Communities trade the different possible outcomes for an event, providing actionable probabilities.

WidgetSpigit The Spigit platform can be embedded with popular enterprise applications. WidgetSpigit allows employees to quickly add ideas as they occur, provide feedback on others’ ideas, and see the status of all ideas. Single sign-on: WidgetSpigit integrates single signon to enable seamless usage and participation.

(925) 297-2600

“Spigit allows you to tune the impending barrage of systematized social interactions toward the vetting and implementation of innovative ideas. Through their proprietary algorithms, Spigit executes a sensible market-based approach for focusing the power of your crowd to create, collaborate around, promote, buy, and sell good ideas.” Senior Consultant, BearingPoint

[email protected]


Spigit Platform Spigit’s powerful innovation management features are delivered through a robust platform built with the scalability, security and reliability enterprises require. Every day, some of the largest corporations in the world rely on Spigit as their innovation management platform. Software as a service: Spigit delivers its platform primarily through a SaaS deployment. SaaS provides several benefits to organizations: •

Fast roll-outs

No cost, no hassle upgrades

Lower cost

The Spigit platform can also be deployed on an installed basis upon request. Configurability: Administrators are provided with a wide range of options to configure the Spigit experience for their communities. Each instance is branded with a company’s look-and-feel. Every aspect of the innovation pipeline process is configured to match a company’s requirements: users, idea stages, roles, and permissions.

Platform flexibility allows companies to adjust as they learn what works for their communities. Analytics reporting engine: The Spigit platform generates thousands of metrics from community interactions. These metrics are valuable for understanding the activity, health and ROI of a company’s innovation process. Organizations can create custom reports from any of this data. REST/SOAP APIs: The individual functions of Spigit are made available through APIs. These APIs can be used to integrate employee ideas and interactions with other enterprise systems. The APIs are accessed through REST or SOAP protocols. Authentication: Spigit integrates with existing enterprise resources for secure, easy authentication. The platform works with LDAP and Active Directory. Single sign-on is supported for seamless platform usage in the enterprise environment.

Contact Us Today Ready to learn more? Contact us today: Spigit, Inc. 311 Ray St. Pleasanton, CA 94566

Portals, Social Networks, Communities

REST/SOAP (remote communication profile)

Content management service

Asset management service

Role management service

Reputation service

Configuration service

Idea Market service

User management service

Prediction market service

User Database/ LDAP

Content Repository

(925) 297-2600 http://spigit.com [email protected]

Spigit: Business driven. People powered. Technology enabled.

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