Spiceants Life Thoughts And Worrys

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 15,336
  • Pages: 28
By Sander Buruma in Groningen city in Nederland Typed from July 31 to August 8 2006 Compiled on Augustus 9 to 10 Translated on August 10 to August 31 (with a 14 day break)

The life, thoughts and worry’s of spiceant, better known as “Sander Buruma”

Inhoudsopgave 1. The Writer 1.1 Reasons? 1.2 Details 1.3 “And there was light!” 1.4 To Eat 1.5 Conquered by Computer Games 1.6 Elementary school memories 1.7 going to the boat 1.8 School Projects 1.9 The Empty Depth 1.10 Less Empty Depth 1.11 Sunrise 1.12 Eye on the world 1.13 The first verse 1.14 search and thy willeth find, 2. Born Again? 2.1 Details 2.2 Lost Heart 2.3 Courage (or the lack of it) 2.4 First Contact 2.5 Poem 2.6 Not red to 2.7 End Contact 2.8 A(nother) goal in life 2.9 Jehovah, Jezus en Satan 2.10 Remarkable Verses 3. Worldy Problems 3.1 Introduction 3.2 World War 3.3 Famine 3.4 Disease, Plagues, Famine 3.5 Hate against witnesses 4. Other Thoughts 4.1 The Creation and Destruction 4.2 Affection 4.3 Worldeconomy 4.4 Quality Versus Quantity 4.5 1 Act of Worship 5. The Writers Questions 5.1 Unique? 5.2 Near Feature 6. The End 7. the petrodollar (and WW3?) 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Petrodollar War 7.3 National Debt USA 7.4 The second 9/11? 7.5 De euro and the dollar 7.6 Conclusion 8. Climage Change 8.1 Introduction 8.2 The Greenhouse effect 8.3 The sun and warmth radiation 8.4 Carbon Cycle 8.5 Water Cycle 8.6 Air pollution and the Sun 8.7 Conclusion 9. The Modern Life! 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Apathy


4 . . . . . 5 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . . . . 11 . . 12 . 13 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . . 20 . . . 21 - 22 . . . 23 24 . . . . . . 25 . . 26 . .


9.3 work, brrr 9.4 Medicine 9.5 rich/poor 9.6 Multinational Corporations 9.7 Conclusion 10. Mainstream Media 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Motivation 10.3 The Information 10.4 Conclusion 11. Quotes 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The Quotes 11.3 Bible verses 12. The End 12.1 America 12.2 And now? 12.3 Relativity 12.4 Conclusion

















. 9.4 . . . - 28 . . . . 29 . . . 30 . . . .

1. The writer 1.1 Reasons? What i wrote down here is a lot, i wrote down such a lot to give an impression who i am, why and how i wrote this text. “What is that little boy thinking?” The bible is also written and full of what (Jehovah) God has done and we can learn about him (the writer) because of this. 1.2 Details A long long time ago, before Sander Buruma was born, there were 4 people, grandmom and grandfather from dad and mom’s side. Then there were 2 people and they put me (1987) and my sister (1989) into existance, we were both born on the summer in Stadskanaal, we moved elsewhere on 2002 (I think). From fathers side i have 3 aunts and uncles and 3 aunts and uncles that happen to be married to them. I have 2 uncles and aunts from mothers side and the people they married, to. I dont know exactly how many neeces and nephews i have, but i think it is about 12. Grandfather of fathers unfortunatly died while i was young. The other 3 are alive to this moment. Disclaimer: some names might have been changed. 1.3 “En er was licht!” My first conscious memory probably was when my father was playing with me in a kindergarten somewhere in the open air. Father looked at me with such a crazy happy look on his face, probably delighted over my existance. The next memory i have was when i was a toddler (or old enough for school), I was standing somewhere in school playing with Lego and sticking it to a wall. I dont remember a lot of this. The next memory was of child care, someone had made a lot of knots in a rope and claimed he could untie them all at once, i didnt know you could untie these with a simple pull at the time. I remember having great difficulty eating my daily kiwi, my parents still remember that it took me a while to eat, childcare discarded the rule that everyone should wait untill everyone’s finished eating, for me. 1.4 To Eat I remember each meal i really did not want to eat, the Dutch saying of “met gebakken peren zitten” (stuck with bad food) exists for a reason, I had eat to one. I have never been capable of accepting strong tastes and spices, I will probably never accept many foods that have spices or sauces on them. I have always rejected many spiced and sauced foods, are they not much more then taste amplifiers? The meals content does not change a lot. I have the impression people first burn their tongues and then let themselves taste again with spices and sauces (and burning their tongues again). This illustration might be apliccable on multiple dimensions. I am particularily tall and thin for my age, believe this is a witness of my (good) appetite. 1.5 Veroverd door computerspellen Some time after kindergarten i came into contact with a computer and a game, a game they call Rayman, I don’t know the meaning of the game. In this game you are a character that goes through a lot of virtual jungles and work, crawl, puzzle and fight your way through and meet a boss scenario at the end of each “world”. Although i didn’t get through each jungle so fast, I did enjoy it a lot. I looked forward to every next world because the graphics and levels changed and were quite challenging, there were worlds like ordinary jungles, library’s and music worlds. There are more games like this one, i wont explain them all. Their all different. I entertained myself with a lot of strategy games that have open endings, where you could decide what happened. Simulation games that simulated farms, citys, the evolution theory and many more things were all marvelous to me. Computergames were what i loved for and would do a lot of things for, I could work out my fantasy in them.


Working out my fantasy in these games was important to me, (namely untill 11 months ago). My sleeping patern varried (because I could often not stop thinking about these games). 1.6 Elementary school memorys Because i spent “to much” time playing computergames my parents decided to set up rules so that i couldnt play them a lot, i ofcourse tried to avoid this rule, when my parents were away i could sometimes “ask” my sitter. Once, probably in the 5th class of elementary school my class was devided in groups of 4 and 5, with girls and boys apart. I had a problem because the pencil i used had become stamp. I asked a classmate wether i could use his Point Setter but he refused and said that I should ask the nearby group, a girls group. The image and embarrasment that entered my mind was probably the cruelist thing that had yet crossed my mind, when I asked the girls group my own group promptly started laughing. The teacher came and asked what was happening and if i had any clue what just happened, i lied so hard (and looked so innocent) I got a little upset and barely didn’t cry. During a geography class one of my group mates started nagging me while we were supposed to be quiet, when i turned around my head my teacher noticed that i did that and send me out of class for a few minutes. I got totally upset and cried there and I couldn’t speak, I (thought I) hadn’t done anything wrong. Meanwhile my mom had arranged for me to go to a gym group (for gymnastics), but the group I was in was full of girls (excluding me) and ofcourse a trainer. We did all kinds of things like jumping on trampolines and over obstacles and whatnot. Once we were going to do a play in a theatar and the devil (probably) set up for me to play Elvis in one of his songs, i felt very embarrassed each time i was standing upon the representation of a car and pointing into the crowd. During the play in the Geert Theis theatre (with 400-700 people) I felt bloody nervous. I quit this gymnastics group in the first or second class klas of school (i believe thats the school beyond elementary), because “it became to much with school”. Really, i liked being there and i regret leaving, the group and trainer was really nice. Once my elemntary school group went out into the nature (whats left of it) of Stadskanaal, we (my 4 man group) followed a pre-set trail (while turning around signs) and we met something used to gauge the rainfall and my group (excluding me) let nature take it course and we returned. The teacher came to me and asked: “Who peed In this??” and I became upset because I was gonna betray my group. The kids had come up with a game, running from one side of the field to the other. You begin with everyone on one side and someone in the middle and the middle guy tries to kick everyone to the ground. The last to fall wins. Let it be clear that I was bored to death so i played along (but not kicking too hard). The teachers actually banned this game and (Because of my character) said that they were delighted that I didnt play it, my class laughed because they knew i played along. We also used to play hide and seek and we had great fun but then there was a rich spoiled child with no brothers or sisters and i despised him. I asked him if I could play hide and seek along with them but he refused, I was 1 group higher! Once there was a special event of my gym club with several other groups (that actually had other boys) and because parents were present and space tight the girls and boys changed clothes in the same room. There was a toilet (or bathroom) at the middle of the side of the room, one girl went to use it and didn’t lock the door. Then one boy opened the door and behold it didn’t take a long time for 5 more boys to come out of nowhere and watch. I watched the phenomena in amazement because you could easily see the little girls face and


conclude that her feelings were really being hurt. The parents quickly broke up the phenomena, but the memory remains. From what I remember I didn’t make a lot of contact with other kids, my father usually worked from 9 to 17, my mom a little shorter. 1.7 Going to the boat I will enlighten you now and inform you of the fact that I absolutely hate the phenomena of, Going to the boat. I really really hated going there. Somewhere in the third of fourth group of elementary school my parents bought a boat and were delighted, we often went there on weekends and vacations. I on the the other side absolutely hated the boat, we were often ferrying around the waters of Holland or lying down somewhere, I was bored to no end. I quickly lost all friends that I did make and I couldnt keep contact because they never lived anywhere nearby. As time passed I got or bought a gameboy with some games, but the batterys werent always full and the games became dull. Do you know the “spice girls”?? My sister does! They frustrated me to no end each and every morning and although I requested she didn’t play it a loud and in the morning she would rarely listen, my parents didn’t help a lot either. On the way back and forth by car I usually became ill and tired. Traveling back and forth took 1 hour and it was a great relief to be released from it. I really appreciated the red winegummys that I could get at the gas stations, they helped my upset stomach a bit. My stomach successfully made its case against my control twice. A weekend of going to the boat was like one tiring week of school passing on to the next as if the weekend didn’t happen. “Going to the boat” ended permanently (for me) about the time (2002) that we moved from Stadskanaal to Groningen city. I wrote these texts to make things clear to myself and to share them with other people I trust enough. 1.8 School Projects Now it had become so that i did schoolstuffs at school and things i wanted to do at home (computergaming, climbing trees, burning dry plants or ants). Schoolstuffs happened as usual, but now: we got homework! Homework was absolutely something that I want to do. And i didnt tell my parents about it because I didn’t want to do homework. I had a hard time doing homework and with me being tired, homework made me depressed. I already didn’t sleep so very well because of the sun coming up into my window, motor vehicles passing by over the streets and the Sunday church ringing its bell each morning. Computer games and television were pretty much the only thing that got me moving. I followed some kinds of science fiction series but also some programs on discovery channel. But now, we had to do a project for school and for what I remember it happened that I did it about a scorpion (they live in deserts!). But I really didnt know how to do this project, i thought you were supposed to do it on your own and nobody told me to ask anyone. And with my character, I dont ask for help so fast. When I didnt finish my project my teacher phoned my parents and that evening my father became very angry with me because I couldn’t manage to tell why I didn’t finish my project. He yelled at me with such a high and loud noise that i became very upset, started sweating, got a headache and heard a loud (literally) beeping sound for 30 minutes. The following period is marked by an even worse sleep because i could hear my angry father discuss things with my mom while i tried to sleep (i heard them). My father had also made some closets in my room and they often made a lot of noise at night, they cracked very often. This period (not doing projects, father angry) only stopped at about the second class of school. My father became angry (like that) a couple more times. Practically all communication with my parents was about my homework and my


projects, I felt desolated. I almost always tried to avoid my fathers anger with lies and deception. I can tell you that lies aren’t always discovered. Sometimes I had slept so litle I couldn’t play with the friends I had or attend some classes of school. I tried very hard not to show my emotions to my parents, because I didn’t feel any love from my mom (and because I am afraid of my father) but also because I thought I’d only sleep worse if I told them (and I still believe this). 1.9 The Empty Depth The worse of this period was in the first class of school, a kind of IQ-test had put me in the highest level of education the common people go to and I was in a class with 25 classmates. There was a group of classmates that sat nearby me and they bothered me a lot, sometimes make rude remarks or mean suggestions. I didn’t do my homework a lot, I didn’t do any homework at home, at home I rested (playing computer games) and put myself together again. It didn’t take my parents such a long time to find out I didn’t do my homework and i was often practically shut in my room until I came out and managed to convince them that I had done my homework. I absolutely hated homework, it really didn’t have my interest, I was tired; I didn’t want to do homework. Not forgetting that we often went to the boat. I wanted peace and the only way I saw I could get that was by only noting the homework that I had already done (not at home…) to deceive my parents. I believe there are many cruel regulations at school, if you cant get into class because you didn’t do your homework you’ll only learn less and sensitive kids like myself (at the time) get upset because of it. (note that I often also tried to make it look like I did my homework.) The good things I learned at school, I learned AT school and not at home. I managed to pass tests well enough to not re-do any year of school. By the third class of school I had went down to the second lowest level of education (there are 4 levels). By that time I was also diagnosed with PDD-nos (persuasive development disorder, not otherwise specified). 1.10 Less empty depth In comparison the last years of school (Including when we moved over to Groningen) prosperous and i managed not to read to many books for book reports but rather to base my reports off other peoples work on the internet. The couple of times we went to verbally discuss books and book reports I took some time to read the summarys and big events of those books, the teacher probably knew I didn’t read it but he couldn’t nail me either (he probably only read the summarys to). If I remember correctly the grades I had when I finished school were barely enough to finish (this was a surprise to me). The grades for biology and chemistry were much higher though, these had my interests. The biology and chemistry teachers were very stimulating and nice people, a contrast compared to the teachers of economy class. 1.11 Sunrise Now prior to the first year of profession school (whatever the translation is) i was on vacation to Bergen-Belsen somewhere in Germany managed by the YMCA, a kind of work camp where we do all kinds of good things and learn about this burned down concentration camp (of the 2nd world war). We worked each morning and evening and at night we went back to our sleeping place and we ate and enjoyed ourselves. I managed to warm up to much while reading in my room though, I was still tired and managed to get upset over <something I don’t remember> in front of the leaders of the group. They decided I should stay back for one day. I then wrote down a lot of things that had happened in my life, I got upset over this. We held a conclusion of the day (each day…), this is a participant of the group reads to everyone else about a subject in a dark atmosphere with little candles in the middle (and a little music). I was amazed at the depressed readings people gave so I went and signed up to hold my own conclusion of the day. The next day (one day before I left for home) I read my conclusion of the day to the group, about happy moments. The previous day one old woman of a twin that had lived through the second world war told me her happiest moment while she was in


the concentration camps. It was her birthday when an entertainer with 2 Disney dolls did a play for her. After I read to everyone I had everyone write down their happiest moment of their lives and I glued those on a big piece of paper (I kept this piece of paper). At the end of my conclusion of the day a girl that I appreciated very much got to me and said she appreciated my reading and didn’t expect it, this was one of the happiest moments in my life (up until then) but I didn’t manage to say a lot back. 1.12 Eye on the World And it occurred I went to a proficiency school and it went prosperous, at the end of the second year of school (August 2005) I went on vacation to a sailing school for the second time, somewhere in the province of Friesland. And I learned a lot of good things and enjoyed myself and one of my roommates there had <some magazines> with him, namely magazines about computer games. All the while reading through these magazines I bumped onto an article about . I was surprised at what it said and I staggered in my mind and remembered all the disappointments that I had observed and experienced in my life, because what insinuated there was big but it was supported by the mentality of the people (that I know). What this article said was that modern society was very dependant on oil and that it wouldnt take long (<10 years) before we would “notice”. The supply of oil, so it seams is . When we first pumped it up it gushed out, later we could use a litle oil to pump the rest up production costs more then what you can get from it. This illustration would be catastrophic if the last were to happen worldwide. This might be better explained by saying that an oil field increases production when discovered, then meats a plateau and then peaks and begins to reduce production. This last thing is “peak oil” and when this happens globally hell breaks loose, because the economy depends on growth and thus a growing production of oil. Now this theory was to hefty for me and I turned away from it for a couple of weeks or months and I returned to my life of computergaming and school. Some months later I picked up again and began to read further, about all disaster blueprints and the like. 1.13 The First Verse One of the first verses of the bible, that I remembered was Revelation 13:18: “Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.” I am probably not the only one to be fascinated and obsessed by this verse. So to the anti-Christ but more importantly that he would be worshipped by virtually everyone, because this seemed so unnatural! I was completely alone outside of the internet on all the things that I believed, I didn’t dare to talk to anyone about it and I still think I cannot explain these things to them. About 3-4 months ago, 3 days after I had begun reading the bible and began to pray 2 Jehovah Witnesses passed by my door and the person to speak to me then now gives me Bible Study. We concluded that we both thought the world that we know now isn’t always going to be like what it is now. He left a little book about what the bible teaches. And later I began to search them because I from that moment on knew people that in the big picture believed the same things that I did and they reassembled who I was (or wanted to be) the most. I unfortunately didn’t manage to find the Jehovah’s witnesses so very fast and I met many internet sites, Also the sites of ex-Jehovahs and their followers and I was surprised at all the drama’s and all their storys. But I was also surprised at how they wrote, without empathy, arrogant, hatefull, badmouthed and slandering. And I developed an aversion for those people because they appeared to have been lost and had lost the love (not romantic love) or never had any. Except for that many of them had also turned away from the bible, or never turned to it to begin with. 1 John 2:9-11 reads, “He that says he is in the light and yet hates his brother is in darkness up to right now. He that loves his brother remains in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in his case. But he that hates his brother is in the darkness and is walking in the darkness, and he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.” I did want to know the Jehovah’s witnesses from their side, and not just the internet one. I rang up their Kingdom Hall in my city.


1.14 search and thy will find I have since learned many things and started bible reading and stopped many habits starting from 3-4 months ago. I then started to read the bible because I believed this was the absolute fundament for welfare and wealth (not money), eternal life and all prophecy. I do my best to remember as many of the illustrations that Jesus taught along with their meaning or meanings. One of the most important is Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and for the joy he has he goes and sells what things he has and buys that field.” Its no illustration, but 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is also important to me “Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. t does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Also 1 John 4:16b “God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him.” Proverbs 3:3,4 “May loving-kindness and trueness themselves not leave you. Tie them about your throat. Write them upon the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and good insight in the eyes of God and of earthling man.” Matthew 18:3 Jezus: “and said: “Truly I say to YOU, Unless YOU turn around and become as young children, YOU will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens.”

2. Rebirth? 2.1 Details Its Monday, 1 day beyond the district congress of the Jehovah Witnesses. July 31 2006. Because I had slept so little, namely between 23:00 and 6:00. Because I slept so little I went to bed at 22:30 last night. Disclaimer: some names might have been changed. 2.2 Lost Heart The entire congress of Jehovah Witnesses in Hereveen (an ice-skating hall, Tialf) was marked by my hopelessly lost heart to one person Chantal. I got to know her to a very limited extend some time when we were in the same class in school (I believe its called: Analytical Laboratory Science), I didn’t know her any better then my average classmates then. I had great difficultys getting to speak to her, one bible verses of which I forgot the place said something like: "Don’t let the sun go down with a stirred heart", I couldn’t ignore this. I now knew her first name, she didnt have any sisters or brothers, raised a Jehovah Witness, has 2 close friends, and that she might have 2 (not so close) other friends I don’t know and that she goes to the same school, but in another stream. (Chemical, not Medical like myself). I believe I remember that she didn’t really have a hobby. 2.3 Courage (or the lack of it)


I had tremendous difficulty finding her each time I went out to find her among the Jehovah Witnesses (4500 people), the group of 3 (Her and her friends) walked around every break on every imaginable spot (where I didn’t look). And I also had a very hard time of getting to talk to her, she always happened to be near hear 2 other friends. When I did get to talk to her, I did not find a lot to talk about. To solve that problem my mind is now occupied with coming up with all kinds of topic’s. 2.4 First contact The “first” conversation was marked by frequent silences, I did find out how the 3 got into the truth. Dear Chantal, how do I get you to talk? On the second congress day i managed to start the first conversation with the 3, in one of the silences i managed to awkwardly put my 2 hands from the back to the front (totally “by accident”) hopefully demonstrating a fallen heart. I will always remember the consequent giggling of the 3, all 3 looking away and not standing upright briefly. On the way back home (on the backseat of one the Jehovah Witnesses cars) I as usual didn’t speak a lot. I wanted and would still conquer her heart, once at home i began a creative work, you call them poetry. Because I believe creative works of love should be original I made this up by myself: (in dutch) 2.5 Poem Lieve Geliefde Medemens

(dear beloved fellow human)

In de zeeen van diepe diepten Vond ik daar een een diep geheim Daar in die diepe diepten Vond ik die persoon die jij nu bent De zon die jij nu bent Schijnt licht dat in de ogen schijnt deze maakt de aarde groen en de zee blauw en de rozen rood

In the seas of There I found a There in those I found the person

deep depths deep secret deep depths you now are

The sun that you are now Shines light that shines in peoples eyes it makes the earth green and the seas blue and roses red

En alleen aan jou, denk ik op dit moment De ik die wordt genoemt "mijzelf" Diep valt deze voor jou

And only of you, I think right now The me that is called “myself” This one falls deep for you

Uit alle zure appels Of all the sour apples Is die van jou toch stellig zoet Yours is positively sweet Van alle bodemloze putten Of all the bottomless pits Is de jouwe tot de rand gevuld Yours is filled to its edge Jouw wind die waait mijn boot vooruit Your wind it blows my boat ahead En jouw water Spuwt grote visvangst uit|And your waters spits big fish-catch out Is lief hebben groots of is deze nederig? Mijn liefde voor jou is groots in mijn hart

Is the love big Or is it humble? My love for you is big in my heart

2.6 Not red to Now my heart had obviously fallen and I had learned a new verse “Don’t let the sun go down with a stirred heart” I couldn’t ignore this. Despite their being absolutely no-one taller then me I did not manage to find her during the morning. The next 13 hour break I did find her but oddly she wasn’t in the group of 3. She was walking with someone else I suppose is a friend, i had difficultys grabbing attention and starting a conversation. I walked about 7 feet backwards while grabbing attention and I asked for the unknown persons name and her entire name to, now I know her full name (as it is pronounced). I had preferred to read my poem to the entire public that are the Jehovah Witnesses so i needed that full name. But before I had spoken to the


neceserry people there was to little time to manage that, I had social difficultys with this. I decided to give my poem to her directly. From experience I could tell that she was the hardest to find, although never at the 2 coffee spots but beyond that she could be anywhere. Soon before the break ended I met one of her friends and asked her to give my poem to her. 2.7 End Contact After the closing prayer and song I went to her but she didn’t receive my poem yet so I went looking for her friend. I didn’t find her friend before her friend found her again, I noticed “the 3” from a distance some time after they had read my creative work. She was obviously in need of physical and social support as she didn’t manage to stand upright and anyone could (probably) tell that they had red <something>. They quickly got to one of the hallways where apparently a congregation of 5-6 of them were conjured out of thin air. I didn’t understand the hierarchy of this group. I didn’t know what it was but “the 3” (once again) really seemed to have a tick for avoiding me (remind yourself that I was the tallest person there), they really ignored me until I stood in front of them (read: caught up with them) and approached. The conversation couldn’t be a lot more empty, after she refused to give me her address they went moving on back to one of their parents (preassumably). Dear Harold, This is why I avoided you this once when you greeted me. She had to return to the people that drove her to the congress (I presume her parents). I didn’t manage to collect the courage to speak to her while she was in a group and I didn’t speak again. And things passed, apparantly she had already left. I will probably not meet her many more times afterwards, because school is kind of finished and we are now undergoing a “training period” out in the field of 9 to 5 work. “Don’t let the sun go down with a stirred heart” I approached her 2 friends that were left. They managed to explain to me they only marry “in the lord”, I suppose they are saying “other witnesses” with that. Then the remaining 2 friends concluded with that “she isn’t interested anyway”, I question this. It is my opinion I am a lot like average Jehovah Witnesses (by nature), using trays where applicable, full of patience and neighbourly love and slow to turn to anger. 3-4 months ago I began bible reading and praying, 1 month later I made contact with Jehovah Witnesses and bible study and attending 2 congregations per week. Likewise with that I pray that "Your will become(th) mine, if that is your will" I had already stopped a lot of bad habits. I am naturally turned into myself and I have a hard time conversing with other people. I usually speak well in speeches, when I prepare them. 2.8 (another) Goal in life For half a second I staggered while hastily walking back to the jehovah’s witnesses to go back to where I had come from, home. On the way back I thought a lot about love and the wisdoms that I had learned at the congress, once at home I began removing all computergames from my computer and after my parents went away on vacation, sorting all computer games by what could and what could not be sold. There are 2 piles of them now, one smaller pile that can be sold and one bigger pile that cannot be sold. I don’t know how I would sell them, probably over the internet. Selling the newest games solo and the older games in bundles. I don’t know how to package them. The urge to masturbate is now gone, despite being home alone. Now in the short period probably prior to big personal change I phoned a former babysitter that is very dear to me, of all the people that I personally know there is no-one as patient and loving as she, I am used to thinking of her as an aunt. I don’t know if I would do a lot of good in trying to tell her the hope of resurrection. I also phoned by grandmother from fathers side, as I see it she worrys a lot about me because of the Jehovah Witnesses, you don’t just become a Jehovah’s Witness.


2.9 Jehovah, Jezus & Satan Jehovah’s Witnesses are expected to hold very high moral standards, and where possible they are also supposed to preach the good news (God’s kingdom on earth) A lot of Jehovah Witness beliefs are very hefty and I myself have problems explaining them to others. As a Jehovah’s Witness you are encouraged to preach the good news as much as possible and a lot of habits are looked down upon. I wonder, is this what Jesus did? He preached the heavenly kingdom many many times and also many other good things, he foretold the heavenly kingdom. At his crucifixion (I interpret) he testified that the fallen flesh (by Adam and Eve) is doomed without Jehovah God. Despite that Jesus endured a lot he (I believe) was happy with his work, God himself also was happy with what he made (but not at the moment?). It is my goal to while following Jesus and Jehovah to have a happy life, also (on the background?) learning about the miraculous things (sciences). I find my Laboratory education to be quite interesting and I hope to get interesting work from it. Grandmother from fathers side said she didn’t believe Satan ruled the world, despite that I red the following verse to her 1 John 5:19 that I red to her: "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one." I didn’t manage to find other verses fast enough, but I wonder if she is afraid of what the bible really says. She also mentioned that Jehovah Witnesses can insist a lot and sometimes encourage bible students to break connections with their family. I argued that they cant get it over their hearts to loose a bible student to “the world” of the wicked one (Satan). But rather, to save him from the world and give him or her bible study because “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ” John 17:3 2.10 Remarkable Verses I noticed some verses while reading the bible: Matthew 18:3 Jezus: “Truly I say to YOU, Unless YOU turn around and become as young children, YOU will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens” I think this is a beautifull verse because it summarizes a lot of good property’s that one can posses, summarizing a lot just like how Jesus summarized the 10 commandments. Jesus answering how he withered a fruitless fig tree, with a kind of spoken curse Matthew: 21:21 "Truly I say to YOU, If only YOU have faith and do not doubt, not only will YOU do what I did to the fig tree, but also if YOU say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen" I think this testifies that Jehovah hears ouer prayers and that if we truly have faith he will do anything we ask, but true faith excludes a lot, like with Deutronomy 6:16a “YOU must not put Jehovah YOUR God to the test” Matthew 6:15 "whereas if YOU do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will YOUR Father forgive YOUR trespasses" Matthew 7:1 "Stop judging that YOU may not be judged;" Matthew 7:18 "a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. " I value the entire mount sermon as a whole quite much too (Matthew 5-7)


Habbakuk 1:5 "See, YOU people, among the nations, and look on, and stare in amazement at one another. Be amazed; for there is an activity that one is carrying on in YOUR days, [which] YOU people will not believe although it is related." Many bad things happen on the world, that we do not want to know. Many people appear to consciously and unconsciously deceive themselves. Matthew 10:28 "And do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Ge·hen´na (Hell)." Matthew 5:10-12 “Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. Happy are YOU when people reproach YOU and persecute YOU and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against YOU for my sake. Rejoice and leap for joy, since YOUR reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to YOU.” 1 Timothy 4:16, “Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Stay by these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.” 1 Timothy 1:9 “in the knowledge of this fact, that law is promulgated, not for a righteous man, but for persons lawless and unruly, ungodly and sinners, lacking lovingkindness, and profane, murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, manslayers,” In a passion to create a virtual playground that would be popular and giving bible education on the internet, I looked up and noted down a lot of bible verses. These are randomly displayed while the playground is displayed. These verses are: Of Genesis: 1 2:3 2:15-17 2:23 3:1-5 3:14 4:7 6:5-8 9:1-3 9:13 11:1 11:3-9 18:22-23 Of Exodus: 1:8-14 2:9-14 2:23-25 4:6-9 5:1-9 5:22-23 7:14-18 8:2-3 8:2023 9:2-4 9:8-9 9:15-18 9:25-26 10:4-5 10:21-23 10:28-29 11:4-7 12:12-13 14:26-28 16:31 Of Joshua: 2:24 6:3-5 9:24-27 10:12-14 Of Judges: 2:1-5 2:10-15 3:5-8 9:33-35 15:3-5 15:13-16 16:18-30 Of Leviticus: 13:3 18:22 19:9-19 19:28 20:18 26:1-13 Of Numbers: 5:11-22 11:1-3 11:18-20 16:28-35 21:6-7 25:1-4 Of Deuteronomy: 1:28-31 1:42-44 5:6-22 7:17-19 10:17-19 15:7-9 17:7 18:10-12 21:14 24:10-13 24:16 24:19 28:15-16 32:4 34:10-12 Of 1 Samuel: 4:17-18 5:1-4 12:12-15 14:32-33 16:23 17:25 17:34-50 18:15-16 Of Psalm: 4:3 5:5 5:11 6:6 7:4,5 7:11 7:16 9:6 10:3-7 10:17 11:5 12:2-3 13:6 Of Job: 1-2 4:7 4:17 5:2-3 5:11 6:1-2 11:7-8 14:7 15:6 Of Proverbs: 1:7 1:10-19 2:11 3:13-14 3:28 4:2-9 4:19 4:24 4:26,27 5:6 6:1-3 6:27 6:30 6:32-35 7:1-4 :21-22 8:8 9:7-8 :10-11 :13-18 10:5 :17 :19 :20 :24 :31-32 11:2 :5 :7 :8 :13 :15 17,18 :24-29 12:1 :4 :9 :10-11 :13 :1516 :18 :23! :26 13:4 :8 :11 :12 :20 :25 14:2 :7 :10 :15 :21 :23 ;31 :34 :35 15:1 :15 16:6 :10 :15 :16 :22 :26 :31 17:1 :2 :7 :9 :10 :13 :14 :17 :22 :25 :28 18:2 :6 :11 :14 :19 :22 :24 19:1 :2 :6 :10 :13 :14 :19 :20 :23 :25 :29 20:1 :2 :3 :7 :9 :10 :14 :15 :17 :19 ;21 :25 :29 21:4 :5 :6 :9 :13 :14 :17 :18 :20 ;24 :29 22;2 :6 :7 :11 :16 :22 :23 :26 :27 :28 23:1 :4 :6 :7 :9 :13 :14 :18 :20 :24 :27 :35 24:3 :4 :15 :16 :17-18 ;26 :31-34 25;2 :6-7 :21-22 :28 26:1 :8 :11 :14 :20 :27 27:2 :5 :10 :15 :22 28:9 :23 :27 :28 29:11 :24 30:7-9 :24-28 31:10-20 Of Matthew: 1:21 2:1-13 3:10 4:3-4 4:6-7 4:8-11 4:21-22 5:10-12 5:13 5:22 5:28 5:30 5:39-44 5:47 6:1-8 6:9-15 6:19-20 6:22-23 6:24 6:34 7:3-5 7:7 7:9 7:12 7:13-14 7:15 7:17-18 7:21-23 7:24-27 8:22 9:13


10:16 10:17-20 10:21-23 10:28 10:34,35 11:25-30 12:11-12 12:30 12:33 13:3-9 13:24-30 13:49,50 15:14 15:16-20 16:25 18:6 18:8 18:13 18:15-17 18:21-22 19:5 19:24 19:30 20:12-15 21:12-13 21:21-22 21:31-32 22:11-14 22:21 22:39 23:12 24:4-14 24:28 25:1-13 25:24-27 26:41 26:52 26:75 Of 2 Timothy, 4:3 en 3:1-9 Of Revelation: 1:3 2:11 6:1-14 8-9 13:3 13:11-18 14:13 14:14-20 16 20 21:8 Let it be known that I didn’t read the entire bible to look up all verses, and this may be a good thing because I might still be busy at Armageddon if I did.

3. The worldly problems 3.1 introduction (for others and…?) for us Jehovah God made all things, the waters and the fish, the air and the birds, the sun and the lpants, the earth and the animals, the stars and the planets around them, the mountains and the depths of the oceans, cold and warm, dark and light. It may be known that we will unfortunately never know everything, but happily we can always learn new things. Like that there Is the invention of the wheel, thanks to the wheel large-scale transport is possible, enabling faster transport, of more and for less energy. The modern sail is another miraculous invention, suddenly we weren’t dependant on the direction of the wind anymore, we could sail against the wind! The invention of the triangle is another such wonder, being one of the most sturdy shapes in life, we can now package lots of stuff in seemingly weak materials. Who’d think of that? The steamboat righteously surprised Napoleon: “What, sir, would you make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her deck; I pray you excuse me. I have no time to listen to such nonsense.” Since the invention of the telephone and internet the world can be put on a virtual pinhead, phoning from the south to the north-pole is possible! Many people were amazed at the stars and they came up with celestial navigation, strongly based off the sun but also the stars themselves. It became possible to go to the unkown and back! Navigation conquered the waters. Thanks tomodern inc and industrial production methods it became possible to educate all humanity, not just about all the miraculous things but also the bible! In compliance with that god created us in his image we are also creative and we slowly absorb knowledge of everything there is, which is in accordance with that god knows everything, and we tend to absorb it.Despite many inventions the world is undergoing a catastrophic period. All these inventions seem to be introduce the downfall of humanity by itself, with ofcourse nuclear physics as its prime example. Albert Einstein correctly said:”Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal” and as a witness to that we have the Nuclear Bomb. Altough the scenario of “Mutually Assured Destruction” or the becoming uninhabitable of planet earth by nuclear bombs is unlikely “For this is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the [true] God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: “I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.”–Isaiah 45:18. Although the use of big atomic bombs is excluded which gives a sigh of relief, America is busy creating “Mini-Nukes” to use as against underground bunkers. Very likely against terrorists. It is already known that nuclear bombs are absolute catastrophys by themselves. Since the invention of e=mc2 and consequent nuclear explosions and disasters the world has become more radioactive and related diseases have increased practically permanently. I say, It’s not to the humans to govern themselves. –Jeremiah 10:23 It is my opinion that the creativity and godlessness of people is going to cause a big turning around, I initially wrote this to explain the 7 seals of revelation, in chapter 6. But I do not have the confidence to say that they explain it anymore.


3.2 World War III? America, the biggest oil consumer on earth (and the most powerfull nation) has put oil on the military map (under the flag of national security), especially since 1970-1973 when American oil production began to decrease and America become more and more dependant upon and according to G W bush junior, from unstable parts of the earth. America has over the last few generations a lot of military bases in the Middle-East, this might be new, but this could be synomynous for the war on Afghanistan, Iraq and future(?) Iran. Coincidence wants that the regions near these places hold a lot of oil. Habbakuk 1:5b “for there is an activity that one is carrying on in YOUR days, [which] YOU people will not believe although it is related. It appears to be neceserry to fight for the lifeblood of modern society. Revelation 6:4 honestly foretells (specifying the rider with a big sword on a fiery horse of the second seal) “and to the one seated upon it there was granted to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another; and a great sword was given him.” I say again, its not to people to govern themselves –Jeremiah 10:23 3.3 Famine? In my opinion one of the biggest technological disasters to strike humanity, is oil. Since the discovery of oil and its potential, cars have become so numerous you’d be better off counting (all) your hair! With the introduction of the car it become suddenly possible for the world population to discard the farmers life, because oil was so cheap. And lo and behold, it was practically free. People only payed a fraction of the oil to get a unit of it. With the introduction of oil an ongoing explosion of miracles (??) occurred, like for example the green revolution. There suddenly came a techno-fix for many of agricultural problems, fertilizers allowed for constant cultivation, pesticides for plague free growing and machinery to pump water anywhere. But now the entire inhabited earth is practically fed with food of very little variations of plants. In the past practically every farmer had his own variation of plant and if one variation was destroyed others usually survived, not now so no not anymore. Plagues so it seems, now adapt to the countless pesticides that are produced, in the future it might become impossible to fight all these plagues. The historic farmers might have been better off, because they had complete ecosystems in their fields, worms plowing the earth, insects in balance (preventing plagues), bacteria in the earth took care of the Nitrogen cycle, so called cankers (flat hard animal faeces) were used to fertilize the fields. Products of oil like gasoline and petroleum were seen as heritage, yet they didn’t come a falling out of hot air. The oil most probably came out of plants that existed since the first plant ever known, having died off and at places sinking way down and being pressurized into oil. The energy that was caught of fotosyntheses was compressed in the thick plates of earth. An exploding gas station or tanker is most probably one of the most marvellous displays of the energy that is stored in these products. One must imagine what one can learn of this with the energy constant in mind. These days oil seems to become more and more expensive, the gushing flow of free abundant energy appears to have an end after all. I say again, people shouldn’t govern themselves –Jeremiah 10:23 3.4 disease, plagues, famine? With the arrivel of small particles and gases that come out of car exhausts, cheap but monotone food, poisoning of the earths waters and modern hygene, the human population seems to become more unhealthy. Today it is totally normal to have medication. The age of hygene probably began when a girl snuck her showered friend past her parents, whom couldn’t smell him! The modern hygene has most probably with the arrival of sope and showers and other cleaningstuffs become a very strong aspect in the modern society’s of Americans, Europeans and most recentely Azians. On average people in these modern societys shower more then 3 times a week, the house is often cleaned once a weak and all spilled stuffs quickly cleaned up thoroughly! A detesting attitude to ugly things has conquered many souls. Because we isolate ouerselves so strongly from all these germs ouer bodys are growing totally unused to them.


If we now become ill by one of these, we can become very ill! Aforemost effective antibiotics are also running out, diseases are becoming resistant! A more subtile problem is ouer smelling sense, now it has become a shame to be smelled ouer feromones have been curses, someone caught unaware by heavty love instantly repels whomsoever is near him! I say again, people shouldn’t govern themselves –Jeremiah 10:23 3.5 hate and hate to the witnessing “The family” is one of the holyest institutes that God has intituted, and unfortunately it has been undermined eversince, too. Where familys used to be (long ago) epi-centres of mutual care cities have grown full of criminality, divorces, hate, egotism and many other detestable things. These times many baby’s are almost constantly split away from their mothers and fathers, where parents fullfill the lives of their young children with good goals in their lives, their loving presence and heartfelt love. Mothersmilk, the healthiest food a baby can get, is slowly being replaced by milk from a bottle with many kinds of catastrophic results. Mothersmilk has many of healthy advantages, it gives the baby a preference to usefull foods (that of the mother), it also helpts it to accept alternative foods once its teeth break though. With the rise of feminism many mothers began working separated from their children causing them without the loving attention that used to be normal. Many young children watch more and more television, with programs about for example a fantasy world, where young heros and heroins venture into a fantasy world full of evil, where they fight it with violence! Amazingly, they need no food and when they do it falls out of hot air. These characters are often very undependant always know more then their environment! Many parents nowadays are painting a miserable example, rarealy happy with their work and sometimes pessimistic and especially individualistic. A couple of months ago my sister began to bake a cake, but she didn’t have any eggs en it cost her 15 minutes to contemplate going to the neighbours to ask for a few! In a society where we are expected to have any degree of courage left, the masses shrink and shrivel at the sight of asking help! Are we so naïve to believe that one of the most courageous things to do is a sign of weakness? I myself too, have great difficultys respecting my parents. In Mark 13:12 the bible truly foretells:” Furthermore, brother will deliver brother over to death, and a father a child, and children will rise up against parents and have them put to death;” but also Matthew 24:12 “and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.” And also, of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.”. Many grow up in a tight youth in for example a strict faith. Even for as far as I know in the Jehovah Witnesses. It might be worthwhile to consider that “worldly ideas” has impaled the Jehovah’s Witnesses from many sides, to. If you push against a wall, it pushes back, if you push harder, it pushses harder. Ought we not to find the door first? God created us in his image, he gave us free will. When people rebelled (Adam and Eve) he didn’t immediactly replace the sinning couple but allowed them to see that life without God is not possible. As God’s creation, is it not an idea to imite him? God truly created us in his image, with a free will. Jehovah’s Witnesses are known for their high standards and perhaps overzealous witnessing of God’s kingdom on earth to all nations (Matthew 24:14) and then “the end shall come”. With a simple combination of Jehovahs Witnesses and Murder you can easily find some saddening results. One title reads: “Denying blood transfusion constitutes first-degree murder”. Nevertheless Jehovah’s Witnesses have caused non-blood alternatives, many doctors see the use of them and even


for non-witnessess. (Full)bloodtransfusions bring a couple of now-known problems with them, namely the immediate transfusion reaction that could be fatal (when the patient gets wrong blood). If nothing goes wrong immediactly the immume system weakens because another persons (full)blood is still always different. Blood types A and B are not the only facial marks, there are many more (weaker) facial marks, even for blood. Other peoples blood will always be strange to ouer body. Strange stuffs have a habit of activating ouer immume system. Beside that it is still impossible to beyond doubt declare blood free of all known diseases and as a cause of that, many people are infected with nasty irrevocable diseases. Jehovah’s Witnesses are also known for tearing apart familys. 1 John 2:15 reads:” Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him;”. A bible student that undergoes pressure to return to this world, is most probably encouraged resist and this might just about mean separating from the pull. I imagine many Jehovahs Witnesses cannot get it by their hearts let anyone go back to this “world” which the bible says is ruled by Satan. One of the teachers I converse with at school remarks that Jehovahs Witnesses have the most success with people that don’t have a lot of contact, like people as myself. And rightly so, this is not a strange thing because these people are the least likely to have an idea of these arguments. The prosecution of godfearing people like some Jehovah’s Witnesses, profets, Jesus Christ and many other god-fearing people manys the fifth seal of revelation possible Revelation 6:9: “And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the witness work that they used to have.”. I say again, people shouldn’t govern themselves. –Jeremiah 10:23

4. Other Thoughts

4.1 The creation and destruction Jehovah (God) created us, in his image evidently shown in Genesis 1:27: “And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.” This really ought to mean god wanted us to be like him. Because God himself is very responsible he probably gave his own creation, the humans a great responsibility to. Genesis 1:28 reads: “Further, God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.” It may be obvious that humanity might have handled its responsibility better by any remote stretch. Ecpecially beginning from medieval times the largscale disaster of civilization really began, annoying bushmen like the legend of Robin Hood refused to pay taxes and became a thorn in the governments eyes. In sieges the trees were all much to handy to besiege citys. This situation ought to be bad for the trees and behold, by the 19th century many forests had already disappeared into thin air. In these times rainforests started to burned off by piece by piece already, this can be compared to burning a library (of God) before you read its books. Biodiversity is sacrificed for the sake of economy, in the end we will loose both. Ought it an idea that people not ruled themselves? 4.2 Affection By countless influences in the “modern society” natural affection seems to be seeping away away, only small bits and pieces are given off surpluss anymore. I met a homeless fellow human being somewhere out of the Islamic world and he spoke to me, I gave him half the cash I had with me (good for 2ish days of shelter/food) and I used the last half to do what I was going to do in the city. Because my home isn’t mine I didn’t give him more. He remarked that the people he spoke to refused to give him anything or only the pay of up to 15 minutes work. Is it people’s right to rule to inaffectionatly? 4.3 Worldeconomy


In my opinion the world economy ruins the world. This might be explained by saying that the world economy grows on consumption (sales). It’s gooood for the economy if it sells, if the consumer, consumes. And just like that, the consuming population is important for the economy and is heavily intertwined, so heavy that at people it may be impossible to get rid of it. The economy needs a consuming consumer, many advertising strategys are devised to let the consumer, consume and to turn people, into consumers. Wether it needs the product or not! If a “good” company especially takes care of a good product in the right quantitys like it used to (long time ago) happen. But now there are televisions, billboards and many other marketing devices to get the consumer, to consume. In the commercials the products are displayed as if you actually need them! Nowadays we often buy what we really don’t need or even, is bad for us! 4.4 Quantity and Quality In the past (long time ago) there were markets with all kinds of different foods and different variations of food and people could cultivate experience with a food’s taste, tasting which was good and which not. Like that the farmers did their best to sow the best of products. Spices were yet to become abundant, like that the past is now history. After the second world war the reconstruction became important and it occurred that food was neceserry and in one or another way it appeared to be neceserry to grow enough of it and the economy began to favour quantity. Now we can witness that by comparing fruit from the grocery store to fruit from the garden, more then it ought to gardened food really tastes a lot better! This might be best explained by that bigger pieces of fruit make more money because evidently, you pay more for more weight but they weigh more because they contain more water! It occurred that time passed beyond August 2005 and I struggled over an article about a primitive society, I believe somewhere in Tasmania. This relatively primitive society held pigs and they were very usefull, the faeces was a good fertilizer and the flesh tasted good. It occurred however that a disease broke out and the pigs were destroyed and this happened with a lot of weaning and tears. Foreigners offered to help compensate the loss by giving them some of their pigs, all problems seemed to be solved, but the opposite came true! These modern pigs could not bear the primitive society’s “dirty” water and the flesh didn’t taste like much either! This was a blow this society has yet to fully overcome. 4.5 1 Act of worship Matthew 4:9 reads: “and he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” Many are familiar with this satanic offer and as righteous as Jesus was he resisted. I however believe that this verse also means that anyone that worships Satan can yield great power on earth, as long as Satan rules it.

5. Questions of the writer 5.1 Unique? Of all people I know, I never met anyone like me. This might be a selffullfilling thing because I don’t go out a lot, but I don’t meet any other people like me on the internet either. Is there anyone like me? 5.2 Near future I have all hope that the foretold paradise situation is coming, of Revelation 21:4 “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” But that time has obviously, not yet come. What do I do until then?


6. The End I love you all, for god we are all equel, you might now know the person that I have become to this moment. I hope that I gave you knowledgle about the person that I am, revealing the sun behind the cloud. May all go well with us and may all things godlike be with us, namely: love. This letter was in the first instance send to a teacher at school, 2 Jehovah’s Witnesses and the person I subconsciously think of as an aunt. I consider all 4 of them friends. I might send this text to more people. We might wonder, where does the spiceant summon his thoughts from? I can among other things tell you that marshmen have no part in beaming these thoughts down to me. I visited these and many other sites (in no order): www.globalissues.org www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net www.peakoil.com (the forums) www.watchtower.org www.biblegateway.com In the following part I will continue about the problems in the world

C'est le commencement ou la fin This is the beginning or the end


I once again worry, The following text is a resume of a text I wrote a few days ago

7. The Petrodollar (and WW3?) 7.1 Introduction The last 3 days I have been worrying a lot, the news from “The Middle-East” doesn’t make me a lot happier, all kinds of bible-prophecy sites are doing overhours and honestly I am not very hopefull about the near 2 years, either. But before it gets to that, there is a period of uncertaintity. Namely, I have none. The world around me celebrates vacation, I wont see my parents back within 21 days because it is planned that I go away 2 weeks on the 13th of August. There I plan on following the news closely. I don’t believe the situation in “The Middle-East” will unpack well. I followed CNN for the last 2 days and I noticed infrastructure is being ruined. Inbetween it was remarked Iran and Syria support Hezbollah. I hold these thoughts. 7.2 Petrodollar warfare “Petrodollar warfare”

Meanwhile I hear little news about Iran, although it was a focal point. I suspect that the situation in the area can escale because the USA so it seems, is going to use smaller nuclear arms as conventional weapons which only needs the same moral principles as a stick of dynamite. I remember that the USA absolutely doesn’t want that Iran proceeds with its nuclear ambitions. Iran wants to change its oilbourse from the PetroDollar, to the PetroEuro. On an economic level this means war on the PetroDollar and its nation. Iraq also used to plan the PetroEuro, but we might remember <someone> prevented that. I hold these thoughts. 7.3 National debt USA “USA debt”

IT appears that America has changed from the biggest creditor to the biggest credit receivers on the world. It happened that the USA’s debt got up to$ or aprox 30.000$ per USA citizen (baby to elder). What can be done against this? But ofcourse the federal reserve bank of the USa kan print more money and sell It so the world can use the petrodollar! Right now the world needs the USA because of the PetroDollar. But what if you don’t need the petrodollar nomore? It may be noteworthy that when Iraq tried stepping off the USA titanic, the USA got her back on board (and how). Now an even bigger oil producer steps to the euro, it is suddenly demonized! I hold these thoughts. 7.4 The Second 9/11? Back in 2001 when I was 14 years old I can remember well when I turned on the telly at 4 in the afternoon and watched the 2 Towers stand and fall, it didn’t take long until Bush declared an eternal war on terror! Neither did it take long to get to Afghanistan! It seems 9/11 is all to handy in the actions of G W bush junior. After all, the terrists of 9/11 were in Afghanistan! The eleventh September of 2001 was undoubtly a horrible day for ouer fellow human beings of American heritage. Though I have little good hope for Americans. My biggest problems with 9/11 are the following. • The towers collapsed and the ruins (crime scene!) were taken away and molted!! • Practically nothing was found back of the supposed airplane that flew into the pentagon, the crazy conspiracy theorists claim it vaporized! The spot where it supposedly flew in, has no marks of the 2 big engines, they supposedly foled into the hole with the plane! • There are no trustworthy camera recordings of the pentagon during the impact, not even of camers that weren’t related to the pentagon (from buildings far away!). The pentagon is a top security structure, mind you people!


• • •

The investigative commity that investigated the disaster, had a budget the size of your local grocery store, less then the commity of the Titanic. The titanic is evidently less important. Many members of the commity were distatisfied with the investigation and cooperation they got and left The inventigation in general was treated as if 9/11 wasn’t worth investigating

General Herman Goering, President of the German Reichstag and Nazi Party, Commander of the airforce during WW2, on April 18 1946 said: Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger. (This is a lesson of the nazi’s) I believe it looks like America needs a second 9/11 to attack Iran, in the event of a terrist attack the scale of 9/11 it will attack Iran even if it isn’t responsible. Habbakuk 1:5 reads: “See, YOU people, among the nations, and look on, and stare in amazement at one another. Be amazed; for there is an activity that one is carrying on in YOUR days, [which] YOU people will not believe although it is related.” I hold these thoughts


7.5 Te Euro and the Dollar “USA military spending” or “Preemptive nuclear”

Since the euro materialized a couple of countrys were encouraged to use it in the oil trade, as this happens the dollar gradually looses its function as the Petrodollar. If everyone goes to the euro, the USA is alone with her debt to the world, then the dollar will be onpopular because it cannot be used anymore. The USA is obviously “not happy” with this scenario and it tries to prevent it. The pentagon is breeding New Plans to in the case of a second 9/11, attack iran with nuclear arms! It might be remarked that the military expenses of the USA is greater then that of every other nation combined! I hold these thoughts. 7.6 Conclusion With all thoughts that I have held unto now, I expect big changes for the USA and because it is deeply entrenched in the world, for the world. I hold chapter 7 in my thoughts.

8. Climate Change 8.1 Introduction “Climate Change”

It may be clear that climate change gets a little worse each year, forests are chopped and many species of life are becoming extinct. The adaptability of many ecosystems is incapable of keeping up with all the change and as a result the world has and is becoming somewhat barren (middle east anyone). Various places on earth are becoming and have become much hotter. I hold these in my thoughts. 8.2 The Greenhouse Effect “Global Warming” of “Greenhouse effect”

Each one of us has probably heard of the greenhouse effect that gets worse a litlebit each day. It is also quite known that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. There have always been greenhouse gases and this is a good thing, without greenhouse gases planet earth would be another block of ice like Pluto. I will now try to explain what happens with the climate. I hold these in my thoughts. 8.3 Sun and Infrared “Greenhouse Effect”

The sun now already shines for a couple of billion years, on the earth thereby heating it. A lot of this radiation goes straight through ouer atmosphere, touches the surface and warms it up. Because the earth is warm it radiates heat, this heat sometimes meets a molecule of greenhouse gas molecule and bounces back. Alltogether the sun and the greenhousegases have caused quite a fortunate temperature for the fuzzy little creatures we are. I hold these in my thoughts. 8.4 The Carboncycle “Carbon Cycle”

Carbon is a quite known kind of atom, it is present in one of the most valuable materials we know such as diamond and In more abundant materal such as grafite. Carbon is also present in forms of life and is by virtue on of the most important building blocks of life. Carbon is present on earth in rockformations, forests, the waters, air, fossiel fuels and many other neat things on earth. Carbon is in many ways fixed by forms of life. People contineually burn and use an amount of fossil fuels. Each day aprox liters of oil are borned, about 150.000 per second. This alone translates to a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere. I hold these in my thoughts. 8.5 Watercycle “Global warming” “Water Cycle”

Water is one of the most commonly known substances to exist, about 70% of the earth is under it and the about 70% makes up our bodys. Water is probably quite an odd substance because it is made of an oxygen atom with only 2 protons surrounding it. Oxygen as a gas (O2) is a totally different thing, it makes life


and fire possible. I can preach on and on about interesting details of water but I wont for the sake of this text. Beside that water is a greenhouse gas, it surprisingly also causes rain. Water is as a fluid present in rivers, groundwater, oceans and rivers but also as a solid in both the poles of the earth and many mountains. The liquid en melting forms of water migrate from the mountain tops and clouds through the rivers back to the big waters where they vaporize and repeat the cycle, along the way causing all kinds of weather. Because the earth warms up more water vaporizes causing more water to exist in clouds and as gas “soluded” in air. On some spots of earth more water vaporizes causing droughts and on others more falls. In general, climates deviate more causing for more “interesting” types of weather compared to what used to be (long time ago). It might be noteworthy that the worldwide deforestation has made ground looser causing it to slide with heavy rainfall. The warming surprisingly also causes ice to melt. The warming up in general causes the water of the earth to move around a lot more. I hold these in my thoughts. 8.6 Airpollution & The Sun “Global Dimming”

The followers of fossil fuels are burning it up by using it, pumping all kinds of noteworthy things into the beautifull atmosphere. And like that also little particles that reflect the sunrays back! This may seem like the ironic savior of for the greenhouse effect but it isn’t. Altough It reduces heat intake at day, It also reduces heat outgoing at night. There is another problem going on in the oceans. The greenhouse effect that conserves heat over land doesn’t have a lot of effect on the oceans because the oceans absorb the heat, but doesn’t directly send it back! The oceans vaporize and this is how they loose a lot of their heat causing them to bypass the greenhouse effect. However, the effect described in the first paragraph is not bypassed, this causes less water to vaporize in turn already causing droughts and having caused droughts. Air pollution, or the more overly being present of particles in the air also causes bigger cloudformations because water condenses on these particles, reflecting sunlight back. The airpollution that causes this was clearly displayed on 9/11, when all airplanes landed the temperature went up by several degrees celcius or about 10 fahrenheit! I hold these in my thoughts. 8.7 Conclusion Many processes described in these chapters stick in my thoughts. Climate change will and has already rendered many countrys uninhabitable and caused many disasters, flushing lands. Lester brown once said:”Socialism failed because it didn’t tell the economic truth; capitalism can fail becaue it cannot tell the ecological truth” I hold chapter 8 in my thoughts.


9. The Modern Life! 9.1 Introduction I am no historian, I only know a few details of history, no specific precise details. Since the beginning of man countless of unfortunate things have happened. In the middle-ages for example there were priests and other religious leaders that tought their people that they shouldn’t read the bible but also that their sins could be forgiven by paying the church. Under the flag of crusades, the bible and holy war many people have most unfortunately been killed, despite that practically all religions condemn murder solely by men. Under the flag of the bible people have deviated from it the bible all to often. The verse of do not envy your neighbours stuffs and by happy with what you are given were probably used to keep the poor farmers at bay, not looking at the rich nobels at the top… The rich people are historically apathic to the people that they don’t observe as interesting (being usefull) to them and has coerced unsympathetically a many times to bring unloyal people back to work. If they went to far an uprising occurred with the famous beheadings of kings and nobels. In my opinion the situation of the rich and poor is the same today, only religion is not used as much anymore. Now the rich & apathic are in the 1st world, and the poor farmers in the 2nd and 3rd world. 9.2 Apathy The dictionary calls apathy: “state of unsensitiveness to phychological stimulants”. In my opinion this property persists in many people in ouer modern societys. Evidently I present you the homeless fellow human being: If people see a homeless person on streat begging with a box in front of him it is only rare that people give a littlebit of their excesses, they are often ignored. It occurs time passes and wether it is true or not, this person enters a store and really wants a <product> and buys it. I can be amazed at this. When this person gets home and zaps past all the amazing channels on his new 160 inch flat plasma tv he comes upon a Greenpeace, unicef or another similar commercial and ignores it. Now it isn’t neceserry to deny the existence of the poor fellow human-being, because the distance is so big we do not realise he exists. The modern economy makes us believe that egotism is good, you after all will become happy if you buy their products, right? In my opinion the economy breeds apathy. 9.3 work, brrr I think that the mentality of “education, work and retirement” is becoming dominant. This mentality probably also betrays the unquenchable thirst for pleasure, because retirement symbolizes this. Many people work to enjoy their retirement and lo & behold the economy sometimes uses this. People would rather celebrate vacations all their lives long. The car makes it possible to live practically everywhere where you want and people now much less consider the consequences of living somewhat far away from work. Now that growth continues commute times are becoming longer and longer, slowed down by the presence of more and more traffic. Many people return from their work and would rather sleep all day long, not being present for their familys anymore. Some people even call in sick when they are in fact healthy. Employers must now commit effort to find good employees. 9.4 Medicine Of all the existent diseases, AIDS gets the most attention. Not coincidentally this is also one of the primary diseases that afflicts the “modern” world. A lot of research can be done to cure much deadlier and much bigger diseases in other countrys, but does that make you rich? Like that there are many other modern diseases and modern methods to cure these: Cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart failure, high bloodpressure, impotence, allergys and more. Diseases that afflict the world population are hardly


addressed, unless afflicting the first world. And even then, they are only truly cured there. 9.5 Rich/Poor a a couple of facts die that might be to small right now: 1. people entered the 21st century unable to read 2. half of the world population lives on less then 2$/day, 1.300.000.000 with less then 1$/day. 3. the people of the poorest countrys must pay debts that they didn’t incur. 4. the 20% of in of world population in developed countrys consume more then 86% of the worlds goods. 5. In 1960, 20% of the population of rich countrys had 30 times the income of 20% of the people of poor countrys — in 1997, 74 times as much. 6. Developed countrys pay back 13$ for each $ they receive in grants. a. Poor people give more to the rich then the rich to the poor 7. About 790.000.000 people in developing countrys are chronically underfed. 9.6 Multinational corporations The modern economy is dominated by Multinational corporations that no longer respect borders and have their loyalty in profit. Governments must take corporations into account instead of corporations taking government into account. Now corporations have grown so big and independent their biggest goal apparently is <profit>. This may seem quite logical because this is what makes corporations big, if they don’t make profit someone else will come along that does. Now transport is (still?) cheap, it is possible to have work occur where it is cheap and to sell the product on the other side of the planet where you can earn money from it. It is profitable to produce where it is cheap (3rd world) and sell where it is priced (1st world). The production in 3rd world countrys is usually accompanied by extremely low wages and very bad working conditions (and no environmental laws that are enforced). Big pharmaceutical companys have on multiple occasions prosecuted smaller firm’s from poor country’s that were producing cheap usefull medicine, because they threatened their expensive but very profitable medicine! 9.7 Conclusion The disparing cliff between rich and poor is growing rapidly, poor live in very bad conditions and form beside an ongoing humanitarian disaster also a potentially lethal breeding ground for disease. Many big companys conduct business unfairly to their fellow weaker human beings and strangle them in their pit of suffering. Perhaps the prophet Habbakuk saw this when he wrote Verse 3:16: I heard, and my belly began to be agitated; at the sound my lips quivered; rottenness began to enter into my bones; and in my situation I was agitated, that I should quietly wait for the day of distress, for [his] coming up to the people, [that] he may raid them. I hold these thoughts


10. Mainstream Media 10.1 Introduction "After you've had somebody say to you for the thousandth time, “How come we never hear about these issues in the media,” you start to realize that the media itself is an issue." –Svend Robinson 1997 Now companys do not respect the borderys of countrys, have grown and becoming big they cannot be thought away out of the modern life. Corporations are often nations of their own, only not with borders but still with a variable people, the consumer that they cant loose. Big corporations have extended their power over unimaginably many aspects in the modern life, now they have even begun to own media outlets, especially in the US but increasingly also elsewhere. Media outlets are often payed to broadcast certain topics. There isnt a lot left of journalism, much is censored and most of the news is prepackaged and delivered to the news agencies front door. 10.2 Motivation “Everywhere in America, there are offices which represent newsrooms, in these offices there are people whom represent journalists, but do not practice journalism. It isn’t journalism, because it does not regard the viewer – or in the case of newsbroodcasts, doesn’t serve the viewer as master” -John S Caroll 2004 (een Los Angelos Times Editor) I consider the thought that the loyalty of the mainstream media is not with the viewer or listener but with anyone backstage, advertisers? 10.3 The Information I am personally very distatisfied with the news we do get from the Middle-East, we practically only get death counts of both sides (note, Israelis get killed, Lebanese just die) and what leaders say. But we hardly ever get to hear where Hizbollah at all gets it rockets and neither where Israel gets them from, neither where the weapons are produced or even which pathological criminal manufactured them, produced them and delivered them. Apparantly, the USA does all this for Israel. The ratios of the news also seem immensely unbalanced, the sportspage count above 10 daily, including a 2 page photograph of the local football team while the messages about the crises in the middle-east do not even go over half a page! I have yet to see any mainstream article to tell us about interesting aspects about the situation there. I have to commit a lot of my effort to my own research, looking up hard to find alternative news to in the remotest distance make any sense of it. It probably is impractical for the common people, to get remotely well informed about it themselves, certainly if they are stuck to leasure time (television & etcetera). My own effort is made possible by the vacation I currently enjoy. 10.4 Conclusion The information we get does not get through to the majority of the people, to people that matter and the mainstream media doesn’t appear to want this to happen either. I hold chapter 10 in my thoughts.


11. Quotes 11.1 Introduction Some words of famous people are very well recorded in history books, because these sayings often have a hardcore truth from which we can learn a lot. I will now try to share some wisdoms. 11.2 The quotes Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. -G M Trevelyan 1924 George Washington had a vision for this country. Was it three days of uninterrupted shopping? -Jeff Melvion America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair. –Arnold Toynbee The thing that impresses me the most about America is the way parents obey their children –King Edward VIII Isn't it interesting that the same people who laugh at science fiction listen to weather forecasts and economists? –Kelvin Throop III In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.. -Warren Buffett Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word. –Charles De Gaulle If god wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates –Jay Leno Politicians are the same everywhere, they promise to build bridges even where there is no water –Nikita Khrushchev The people that need love the most deserve it the least -someone Albert Einstein: I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. It is a miracle curiousity survives formal education. The important thing is to never stop questioning. The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves. 11.3 BibleVerses John 8:32 “and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.” John 8:34 Jesus answered them: “Most truly I say to YOU, Every doer of sin is a slave of sin.


Mark 12:41-44 And he sat down with the treasury chests in view and began observing how the crowd was dropping money into the treasury chests; and many rich people were dropping in many coins. Now a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins, which have very little value. So he called his disciples to him and said to them: “Truly I say to YOU that this poor widow dropped in more than all those dropping money into the treasury chests; for they all dropped in out of their surplus, but she, out of her want, dropped in all of what she had, her whole living.” John 15:18,19 If the world hates YOU, YOU know that it has hated me before it hated YOU. If YOU were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because YOU are no part of the world, but I have chosen YOU out of the world, on this account the world hates YOU. Matthew 24:12 “and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.”

12. The End 12.1 America I have begun to understand that respect for America has diminished since the 2nd world war, after the cold war and especially after G W Bush began his reign. In my opinion America has become the epicentre of disaster on earth, because it causes this on multiple dimensions. 12.2 And Now I don’t know the future, I don’t know her at all. I don’t know what the future looks like. But I cannot imagine that there will be any child that will not grow up and not be witness of catastrophy, if we aren’t already. I have hope because I believe in the good will of Jehovah God and the future kingdom of heaven, but we’r not there yet. 12.3 Relativity Everything is relative, if there werent an intelligent being, there would be nothing that was thought about. By ouer perception and intelligence we can pull conclusions, are these the right ones? If we look outside we can witness the earth being flat, yet with knowledge we know that it is round. 12.4 Conclusion It is now known that I have grown an aversion for modern society. It seems that the world will “end with all her desire” in my life. But what about it anyway? What can I do? I am this little person on my little chair sitting under these little lights, watching the little click tick away bigtime. I held all these thoughts and I centomplate them, I look around me and conclude, This isn’t a simple matter. What do I do?

Je suis seulement la poussière I am only the dust


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