April - Thoughts For Life

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,789
  • Pages: 7

April 1

The most significant and profound virtue of mankind is not their intellectual capacity, nor their technological skill or achievements, neither their advanced modern expression and communication, but the capacity of the individual to comprehend and reflect the impression and image and likeness of God!


April 2

Your greatest feature is not your attractive face or your sexy body, nor your fame or fancy car, but His glory, His opinion reflecting in you! This persuasion becomes an awareness within you, which makes your life irresistibly attractive!


April 3

We can afford ourselves the luxury to entertain the thoughts of God concerning us, exclusively.


April 4

Mankind is the god-kind; we are God-compatible, therefore we are faith-compatible.


April 5

‘In Your presence (Hebrew: face to face with You) is fullness of joy’ Psalm 16:11. Fullness of joy is to see the Father’s face mirrored in the reflection of your own eyes. This was the moment when, in the movie, ‘the Lion King’ the cub discovered his true identity. THOUGHTS FOR LIFE

April 6

‘Of His own inspiration, God brought us forth by the word of truth… for anyone to hear this word, is to see the face of his birth reflected as in a mirror.’ James 1:18 “It was His delightful resolve to give birth to us; we were conceived by the unveiled logic of God. (The Word of truth.) We lead the exhibition of His handiwork, like first fruits introducing the rest of the harvest He anticipates. James 1:23 The difference between a mere spectator and a performer is that both of them hear the same voice and perceive in its message the face of their own genesis reflected as in a mirror; 1:24 they realize that they are looking at themselves, but for the one it seems just too good to be true, he departs (back to his old way of seeing himself) never giving another thought to the man he saw there in the mirror. 1:25 The other one is mesmerized by what he sees, he is captivated by the effect of a

law that frees man from the obligation to the old written code that restricted him to his own efforts and willpower. No distraction or contradiction can dim the impact of what he sees in that mirror concerning the law of perfect liberty (the law of faith) that now frees him to get on with the act of living the life (of his original design.) He finds a new spontaneous lifestyle; the poetry of practical living. (Understanding the mirror identity of man perfects the law of liberty; look deep enough into the law of liberty that you may see there in its perfection a portrait that so resembles the original that He becomes distinctly visible in the face of every man you behold)”


April 7

The word of truth is the word that holds the blueprint of man’s original design, and declares man’s authentic value. To see yourself this way, and then to go away and forget who you really are when you face contradiction, is to deceive yourself. To forget what manner of man you are does not change who you are, but it certainly neutralises you. This is such a waste of precious life! 2 Peter 1:8,9. It is like being blind and short sighted to everything God gifted us with. For a moment the contradiction seems more credible than the truth. It remains your choice, which influence you embrace.


April 8

‘But he who stoops down to look deeply (parakupto) into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres (parameno) being no hearer that forgets, but a doer that acts (inspired by the realisation of who he really is) he shall be blessed in his doing.’ Jam.1:23-25. Instead of struggling to do what is right out of a sense of obligation and duty, doing becomes a blessing and a joy. To struggle to do, means to fail to see. Doing spontaneously is directly related to perceiving and realising the virtue of your individual identity and value. Doing follows conclusion. I am, therefore I can!


April 9

Gazing at the reflection of the face of your genesis and true origin and seeing its perfection, as in a mirror, ignites the law of perfect liberty. It is almost like picking up an old coin that has become crusted over with dirt and age, and then upon cleaning the coin, to discover the original inscription to be still intact!


April 10

Parakupto, to lean over and stoop down so as to peer within, and to study with microscopic scrutiny. Parameno, to remain under the influence of. This suggests becoming attracted to,

to the point of addiction, and to conclusively remain within the magnetic field of the pull and gravity of this impression, regardless of the contradiction. Js. 1:25.


April 11

Any sincere student of music would sensitively seek to so capture and interpret the piece, not to distract from the original thought and heartbeat of the composer. To form an accurate conclusion in the study of our origin would involve a peering over the Creator’s shoulder as it were, in order to gaze through His eyes and marvel at His anticipation. Personal opinion or traditional belief holds no ground against the fountain freshness of His thought. The word of truth accurately preserves His original idea in the resonance of our hearts.


April 12

Jesus encouraged a level of hearing and acting on His word that would be compared to a man digging deep until the foundation of the house he builds, would rest upon rock. This house can withstand any size storm or onslaught. The rock communicates its character through the foundation, which makes the structure equal to the rock it is founded upon. Matt. 7:24-27. THOUGHTS FOR LIFE

April 13

Discover your identity, ‘look to the Rock from which you were hewn.’ The Rock preserves the mould and blueprint of our original design. Is. 51:1.


April 14

‘Simon, son of Jonah, I tell you, you are Peter, son of God, upon this rock I will build My church.’ (petros = a portion of rock from petra = a mass of rock.)


April 15

‘Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock, His work is perfect. Is not He your father who created you, who made you and established you? But you were unmindful of the Rock that begot you, and you forgot the God who gave you birth.’ Deut. 32:3,4,6,18.


April 16

The greatness of the Master craftsman is displayed in his workmanship: ‘His work is perfect!’ (Deut.32:4) ‘We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.’ We are engineered by His design, He manufactured us in Christ. (Greek, poeima, we are His poem, God finds inspired expression of Christ in us.) We are fully fit to do good. We are equipped to give attractive evidence of His likeness in us in everything we do. (God has done everything possible to find spontaneous and effortless expression of His Royal character in us in our everyday lifestyle.) Eph. 2:10. THOUGHTS FOR LIFE

April 17

‘Like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house…’ 1 Peter 2:5. ‘When the house was built, it was with stone prepared in the quarry; so that neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron was heard in the temple, while it was being built.’ 1 Kings 6:7. God entered into His rest because His work is perfect.


April 18

‘Every good endowment and perfect gift comes from above, from the Father, who is the source of all light with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth. Any man, who hears this word, is like a man who sees the face of his birth as in a mirror. But when he faces a test or temptation (:2) and then acts contrary to his design, he forgets what manner of man he is and deceives himself.’ Jam.1:17,18,23,24. Without exception God’s gifts are only good, its perfection cannot be improved upon, they come from above, (where we originate from, Jn.3:13) proceeding like light rays from its source, the Father of lights. With whom there is no distortion, or even a shadow of shifting to obstruct or intercept the light; no hint of a hidden agenda. To understand that the image of God is preserved in the spirit of man, like a watermark in a paper note, is the moment of truth. Realising and esteeming your true origin and nature makes anything inconsistent with your original design, unattractive.


April 19

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, integrity, humility and self-control are not fragile, fading emotions, produced by willpower. They are the fruit of what you know in your spirit to be true about you. Fruit is the effortless, spontaneous expression of the character of the tree. This knowledge ignites the law of perfect liberty. ‘Against such, there is no law.’ Galatians 5:13-15,22,23. These character qualities are not rewards for the most diligent and disciplined among us, neither are they ‘pie in the sky, wishful thinking’ illusions. They reflect in fact the very nature of our design and blueprint, the mirror image of our origin.


April 20

God’s desire is to reveal within you a treasure of immeasurable wealth. A wealth that surpasses all popular prayer requests! There is such a large difference between wishful thinking and truthful being. So many people are trapped in the ignorance of striving to become something they already are! Nothing will please you more than to know and believe the true testimony of you. The most attractive life you can live is a life conscious of this. Let the full implication of this truth govern your mind and conversation. Like a small rudder steers and directs a massive ship, so our thoughts and conversation about ourselves dictate our destiny on the ocean of life.


April 21

Window-shopping only teases you with dreams and desires beyond your reach. Gazing into the mirror, however, reveals the essence of your true nature, the image and likeness of God. 2 Corinthians 3:18. See within that sacred focus the face of your birth, conceived in His thought before time began.


April 22

To strive to obtain love, peace and joy etc. or to pray to God to give you these qualities is wasted religious energy. ‘My people perish through lack of knowledge...’ Hosea 4:6. The perception exists that God needs to be talked into doing things for us. To realise His presence and provision within you, is what sets you free to be who you are. The more aware we become of God in us, the more overwhelmed we are with a sense of total fulfilment and completeness. Needs disappear into insignificance; He is not a God who is a far off; Emmanuel means ‘God with us’.


April 23

Nothing you can seek to do or wish and pray for could qualify you more for life. Nothing can make your life more significant than to simply become aware of His nature and presence in you and His favour towards you.


April 24

Our prayers and worship now blend in harmony with the eternal reflection and ascension of earth’s praise, the adoration not of men only but of all created things. E. Goudge. Like bird-song or the fragrance of flowers and incense, every minute molecule and vibrating atom has a voice, saluting the Maker. Listen up! Beyond the silence their voice echoes like the sound of many waters and like mighty thunder.


April 25

God takes pleasure in mankind. His reference exceeds anything that could possibly disqualify man. In Christ He has broken down every wall of hostility and every excuse we have to feel distant from Him. Seven hundred years before Christ the prophet Isaiah proclaimed: ‘…in the wilderness prepare the highway of the Lord; every valley shall be lifted up, every mountain and hill be made low, the uneven ground shall become level, every crooked place shall be made straight, even the rough places shall be made smooth. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. And all flesh shall see it together.’ Is.40:4,5, Luk3:4-6. The wilderness is the fruit of the curse, it was never meant to be man’s destiny.


April 26

God speaks a language that all flesh understands. In Christ God reveals the new and living way: The word made flesh makes the invisible God visible and in the same breath reflects the authentic mirror image of man. Col.1:15-23. The Incarnation is God’s Highway! Now any excuse we could possibly have to continue in a life of spiritual drought, isolation, sin, unworthiness, guilt and inferiority is cancelled. Mankind is no longer trapped in a wilderness; In Christ God has made a highway of escape.


April 27

In John 14:2 Jesus prophesies how through His death and resurrection would prepare a place for us so that we may be where He is, one with His Father, wrapped up in union with Him. By the way, Jesus was not about to become a building contractor in heaven. He is not in the mansion building-business, as some translations will imply! In His death and resurrection He prepared a place for us of intimate oneness with Himself and the Father.


April 28

Philip feels that if he can persuade Jesus to reveal the Father to them it would be enough. Jesus replies: ‘If you have seen Me you have seen the Father...in that day you will know that I am in My Father and you in Me and I in you! John 14:2,8-12,20. Sometimes the thought of a Triune God confuses us. The Incarnation did not interrupt or split up God’s oneness. In some of the Pentecostal traditions we have taught on the Holy Spirit in a way that has almost distracted from God the Father and God the Son. When Jesus introduces us to the Holy Spirit, He reveals Him as the mirror reflection of Himself in the same order that He Himself is the mirror reflection of the Father! He says in John 14:18 ‘I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you! The mirror image gives such an accurate account;

the one reveals the other, without distraction! Eternal Oneness. In a symphony orchestra, every individual instrument reflects the other.’ For unto us a Child is born, and His Name shall be called: ...the Everlasting Father!’ Is.9:6. The revelation of God as Father, the true Origin of man, is the central theme of the Gospel. All that Jesus is and accomplished confirms this.


April 29

‘The light of the gospel is the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God. And we all beholding the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, are being changed into His likeness. The God who said: Let light shine out of darkness, has shone into our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory (opinion) of God in the face of Christ!’ In the face of flesh, Christ reveals God’s opinion of man! 2 Cor.3:18,4:1-7.


April 30

The Incarnation reveals that when the word became flesh, God took back the territory Adam lost. God restored His manifest image and presence in a tabernacle of clay. There is nothing wrong with the clay pot! The human body is not plan-B, an inferior excuse that will have to do in the absence of something better. ‘In Christ there is all of God in a human body!’ Kenneth Taylor. ‘It is in Him that we find our completion; He is the fountainhead from which all dominion and power proceed. Knox. Col.2:9-10. ‘Of His fullness have we all received John 1:14,16. The vessel takes its value from the treasure it holds! ‘We have this treasure in clay pots’. God sees your flesh as a worthy vessel! I sold my son’s Isuzu Bakkie for R18 000 recently. When I delivered the vehicle the man paid me with the cash in an old brown envelope. I folded the envelope and stuck it in my pocket. The Khaki pants I wore, I bought at Mr Price for R79.99; they were now suddenly worth R18 079.99!! This truth and its fully realised consequence will conquer the world!

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