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Chris Leos 12/01/09 SPE 1010 Speech 3 Final Draft Outline The Gregorian Fluke 1. Proprosal: I am proposing a fact. 2. Organizational Pattern: For my organizational pattern I will be using problemsolution. 3. Persuasive Strategies: I will be using cognitive-dissonance and positive motivation for my strategies. 4. Intro: How many of you feel confused as to why we have leap years? How many of you lose track of which months have 30 or 31 days? Well my friends, I am here to testify that these awkward leaps and days are incorrect. Why have we been so lost of knowing the actual time? In modern society, we govern the use of an illogical, unscientific, and artificial timing module known as the Gregorian Calendar.

5. Thesis Statement: By switching to the 13 moon universal calendar from the Gregorian calendar, we can finally master the true definition of time.

We can be in tune with ourselves, if we are in tune with nature’s natural time. 6. Preview:

In my speech, I will explain an issue of importance for you to consider. I will go over information about our current Gregorian calendar, and introduce the Mayan calendar; which is derived from our ancient ancestors. I will persuade to you why we need to make the switch to this new calendar, so that we may be attuned with the sun, moon, and other celestial bodies around the solar system. 7. Transition: First, let’s go over the Gregorian calendar.

8. Body: The Gregorian calendar was decreed 427 years ago in 1582. Named after Pope Gregory the XIII, this calendar was a modification of the Julian calendar because too many leap days are added with respect to the astronomical seasons. On average, the astronomical solstices and the equinoxes advance by about 11 minutes per year against the Julian year. Over time, the calculated date of Easter gradually moved out of phase with the March equinox. Easter started to fall on inappropriate days. This was the main outcome of the whole reform movement to the Gregorian calendar. After what had seemed to have been fixed, the new calendar still had its fair share of issues. In Mapping Time by E.G. Richards, E.G. says: The Gregorian Calendar is not a regular calendar in the proper sense since the leap days are not intercalated at strictly regular intervals and there is no welldefined intercalation cycle (Richards, 317). Over the course of time, our calendars have became more and more out of sync with the true cycles of planets and stars. He also states the loss of the lunar aspects within our

Gregorian calendar; Perhaps because they did not want to burden themselves with 30 different almanacs, Lileo and Clavius abandoned the use of the lunar almanac as employed in the Dionysian Canon (Richards, 370). It so happened our tribal ancestors of the Indian, Hindu, Egyptians and Mayan as well as the Hebrew and Chinese have used these true lunar cycles in their calendars. 9. Transition Now that I’ve talked to you about the Gregorian Calendar and the history, I’d like to focus on the information on the Mayan calendar. 10. Body There are three calendar systems that work like gears within each other. The Tzolk’in, a 260 day calendar, the Haab, which is a 365 day calendar, and The Long Count which is formed every 52 Haab years. The Tzolk’in is the most important, using lunar and solar cycles, while the Haab uses our solar systems planets and constellations. When you add these two together you get the Long Count which represents our entire galaxy in calendar form. The Tzolk’in has 28 days every month. There are 13 months in every year, which equals to 364 days. There is an extra day that represents “Timelessness” called the day out of time (a cultural peace festival that promotes art, life, and forgiveness) which equals to the equivalency of 365 days. In these 28 days are 13 different moon cycles, which equal to 260 days, the amount of days in one year of the 13 moon natural time calendar. How does this calendar have relevancy to being accurate? According to book The Maya by Michael Coe, the Mayan 13 moon calendar is still being used in Mexico by indigenous peoples. It is also active in over 90 different countries,

mostly used in eastern Asia and Japan. 11. Transition: Now that I’ve explained about the Mayan calendar, I would like to explain why it makes more sense than the Gregorian time module we already follow. 12. Body How do we find physical proof that a calendar is real? In Time and the Technosphere by Jose Arguelles, Arguelles describes to us the definitions of the names of each month in the Gregorian calendar. January is derived from the God of the doorway; February is an obscure word referring to an animal divinatory rite; March refers to Mars, the planet and the god of war; April and May refer to goddesses of the spring; June to the wife of Jupiter; July and August are named after the two most prominent Roman Emperors, Julius and Augustus Caesar. As for the remaining months, September, the ninth month, means seven; October, the tenth month, means eight; November, the eleventh month, means nine; and December, the twelfth month, means ten (Arguelles, 201).

With Julius and Augustus Caesar having their own months of July and August, is it enough credible evidence of being a natural calendar? That answer should be a definite no. A calendar that tries to depict time by the celestial bodies above should not take names of months after humans of cultural importance. Pope Gregory the XIII also got his own two cents in by naming it the Gregorian Calendar. I mentioned earlier how Lileo and Clavius abandoned the lunar aspects of the Julian calendar in the reformed Gregorian

calendar. The 13 moon calendar steps out of the boundaries of the Gregorian, by not only using lunar and solar cycles, but using numerology as well. This numerology works with the 13 moon day cycle. Which ever moon number you were born on, is supposed to explain who you are and how you work. This number is called a tone. This is also your “special” number, which is a more thorough formation of your own zodiac. In the actual 13 moon natural time calendar, it describes the tones and use: Each tone presents qualitative and numeric meaning in itself, and in relationship to the other tones…the 13 Tones portray the movement of creation, showing the progression of life in interconnected stages. These universal energies govern the unfolding sequence of the recurring 13-day cycle, as well as the 13 moons of the year, and also correspond to the 13 major joints which allow our body movement (2 ankles, 2 knees, 2 hips, 2 wrists, 2 elbows, 2, shoulders, and 1 neck/spine) (5).

Since I was born on December 22, 1987, my tone is 1. After December 21st, 2012 (known by uneducated people as our doomsday), marks the 1st day of our new Golden Age. As stated by Synthia and Colin Andrews from 2012: An Ancient Look at a Critical Time, 2012 is meant to bring us back into alignment with natural time (154).

13. Conclusion: In closing, in order for our civilization to understand the time and flow of our nature, we must follow these solar and lunar cycles. Have you ever thought of the sun as the male aspect and the female as the lunar aspect? One cannot exist without the other. To prove the validity of women being the lunar aspect, a woman’s average menstrual cycle is

every 28 days. There are 28 days in one month of the universal calendar. Irony? No. Truth? Yes. I have proved how incorrect our current calendar system works by showing how two months and year were named after humans, and have proved the validity of the universal calendar by explaining the same constant cycle every year, without having LEAP YEARS. The 13 moon calendar does not take names of months after humans of cultural importance. Not only that, I have tied the relevancy of the calendar to you by describing who we are through numerological means; like our own zodiac, except it is on our actual BIRTHDAY, not through a certain time frame of days like each one of our horoscopes. I hope this speech has made you contemplate on how we count time, and give you more awareness on how to solve this global concern. Now, does it make more sense to follow solar and lunar cycles, or living through the named months of cultural leaders? There is a much bigger picture than a pope and two emperors, and it happens to be our solar system above.

Works Citied: Andrews, Synthia and Andrews, Colins. 2012 An Ancient Look At A Critical Time. New York: Penguin Books, 2008. Print. Arguelles, Jose. Time and the Technosphere. Rochester: Bear & Company, 2009. Print. Coe, Michael. The Maya. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2005. Print. Richards, E.G. Mapping Time: The Calendar and its History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Print. The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar. Skytime, 2009. Print.

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