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  • Words: 16,113
  • Pages: 154
CONTENTS Spanish 2010 January, Paper 02 January, Paper 03 May/June, Paper 02 May/June, Paper 03

1 11 35 45

January, Paper 02 January, Paper 03 May/June, Paper 02 May/June, Paper 03

75 85 109 120


TEST CODE 01245020 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Paper 02 Free Response 2 hours 15 minutes 14 JANUARY 2010 (a.m.) FORM TP 2010032


Answer ALL questions in Sections I and IV. Answer ONE question in EACH of Sections II and III.

DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245020/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 02

SECTION I DIRECTED SITUATIONS ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Write in SPANISH the information required for EACH of the situations given below. Do NOT write more than ONE sentence for each situation. For some situations, a complete sentence may NOT be necessary. Do NOT translate the situations given. Do NOT use abbreviations. DO NOT WRITE EACH ANSWER ON A DIFFERENT PAGE. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. 1.

Your mother has written you an e-mail giving you some advice while you are in Caracas studying Spanish. What does your mother write?


You are spending Christmas holidays in Puerto Rico. You send an e-mail to your best friend expressing your opinion about Christmas in Puerto Rico. What do you write?


You are applying to a college overseas and must submit a statement expressing the reason you have selected that particular college. What do you write?


You need to see the school’s counsellor. Write an e-mail requesting an appointment to see him/her.


Your Spanish class is planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country. Write the e-mail you send to your teacher stating why you will not be able to go on the trip.


Your school is participating in an inter-school football competition but your school team is not doing well. A supporter sends an e-mail encouraging the players to do better. What does the message say? You were very rude to your father this morning and you are now ashamed of your conduct. Write the e-mail you send to his office.



January 2010


You take a phone message for your sister about a change of plans for the weekend. What message do you write?


You send an e-mail to your aunt who lives overseas reminding her of a promise she made to you last week. What does the e-mail say?


You have received your end-of-term report and are disappointed about a particular grade. What do you write in a note to the teacher?

Total 30 marks

SECTION II LETTER/COMPOSITION Using ONE of the following outlines as a guide, write in SPANISH a letter OR composition of NO MORE THAN 130 – 150 words. Use the tense or tenses appropriate to the topic which you have chosen. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER LETTER

You took part in a competition and won a monetary prize. Write a letter to your friend, who lives in Panama, informing him/her of the good news. You must include (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

what the competition was about how you were informed that you had won how you reacted to the news what you plan to do with your prize.

(Do NOT write your real name and address, but include the date in SPANISH and use the appropriate beginning and ending.) Total 30 marks

GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2010 -3-

Spanish | Paper 02

OR COMPOSITION Write a composition about a surprise party you have planned for a special friend. Be sure to include (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

why the friend is special to you where and when the party will take place some fun activities you have organized the biggest challenge in planning the party.

Total 30 marks

SECTION III CONTEXTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT/CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE Use the cues provided to complete EITHER an announcement OR a dialogue in SPANISH. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER CONTEXTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Use the following information to write an announcement of about 80 – 100 words in SPANISH.

A business in your school community has offered the students of your school the opportunity for holiday employment as tour guides. Interested persons must be 16 years or older and be knowledgeable about places of interest in their country.

Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the announcement to be made in your school newsletter. (i)

What the offer is


January 2010

(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Age requirements for interested persons What knowledge interested persons need to have Hours and period of employment How one can take advantage of this opportunity


Using 80 – 100 words on the INSERT provided, complete the dialogue between you and your teacher, giving your responses.

You are assisting your teacher to organize an end-of-year activity for the graduating class.

Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the completed dialogue. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

The type of activity A suitable date Choice of venue The people who should be invited A gift to be presented to the principal

Total 20 marks

GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2010 -5-

Spanish | Paper 02

SECTION IV READING COMPREHENSION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Read the following selection carefully. Do NOT translate, but answer the questions in ENGLISH. Be sure to identify by number the question to which your answer refers. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Lucita’s Birthday Gift

Anteayer Lucita cumplió diecisiete años. Su abuela le regaló una caja inmensa de chocolates que Lucita decidió llevar a la escuela para compartirlos con sus compañeros.

En la escuela, Lucita dejó la caja de chocolates sobre una mesa y fue a clases hasta el mediodía. Después de clases Lucita fue por la caja de chocolates, pero no estaba donde la había dejado. Se enfadó y comenzó a llorar. Inmediatamente se le acercó su amigo Domingo quien le preguntó qué le pasaba. Lucita le contó su problema.

Domingo había oído a dos muchachos, Lucas y Alkino, planeando hacerle una broma a ella: iban a esconder la caja de chocolates. Domingo pensó que podía ayudar a su amiga a recuperar su regalo.

Sin decir nada, Domingo fue inmediatamente en busca de Lucas y Alkino. Les encontró en la cafetería con el regalo de Lucita. Estaban para salir cuando Domingo agarró la caja y corrió rápidamente para devolvérsela a Lucita. Pobre Domingo! En el camino se tropezó con el guardia de la escuela quien acababa de hablar con Lucita y sin hacerle preguntas le llevó directamente a la oficina del director.

Use complete sentences to answer, in ENGLISH, the following questions based on the selection you have just read. -6-

January 2010


When did Lucita celebrate her birthday? (1 mark )


How old was Lucita? (1 mark )


What gift did Lucita receive and from whom? (3 marks)


Why did Lucita take her gift to school? (2 marks)


What did Lucita observe at the end of class? (2 marks)


How did Lucita react? (2 marks)


What information did Domingo have? (3 marks)


Where did Domingo go? (1 mark )


What was Domingo’s reaction when he saw Lucas and Alkino? (2 marks)


Why did the guard react in the way that he did? (3 marks)

Total 20 marks

END OF TEST 01245020/F 2010 -7-

TEST CODE 01245020 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Paper 02 FORM TP 2010032

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245020/F 2010

January 2010

Section III - Contextual Dialogue

Centre number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Candidate number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Using between 80 – 100 words, complete the dialogue between you and your teacher, giving your responses. You are assisting your teacher to organize an end-of-year activity for the graduating class. Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the completed dialogue. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

The type of activity A suitable date Choice of venue The people who should be invited A gift to be presented to the principal

Attach this INSERT to your answer booklet. Profesor:

¿Qué actividad podemos organizar para los estudiantes que van a graduarse?

Tú: Profesor:


Tú: Profesor:

……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

Me parece una buena idea. Pero tenemos que pensar en una noche apropriada para esta actividad.

Puede ser, pero muchos padres normalmente tienen algo para sus hijos después de la ceremonia de graduación. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2010 -9-

Spanish | Paper 02


……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………


Tienes razón. Lo importante es informarles con tiempo, así que esa noche quede libre. ¿Cuál es el restaurante favorito de los estudiantes?

Tú: ……………………………………………………………… Profesor: Es un buen restaurante. Sirven comida muy sabrosa allí. Hablaré con el dueño para que nos dé un buen precio. Además de los estudiantes ¿a cuáles profesores debemos invitar? Tú: ……………………………………………………………… Profesor: ¿Solamente a ellos? ¿Por qué no invitamos a los otros también? Tú: ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… Profesor:

Seguro. El director ha mostrado interés en el bienestar de los estudiantes y merece ser reconocido. ¿Qué le podemos regalar?

Tú: Profesor:



……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………


Hasta mañana.

Tú sí sabes lo que le gusta. Lo discutiremos con los otros estudiantes mañana en la reunión. ¡No olvides la reunión mañana a las 4:00 p.m. en nuestro salón de clase!

Total 20 marks END OF TEST 01245032/F 2010 - 10 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

A. Home and Family 1.

¿Con quién te entiendes mejor en tu familia?


¿Quién toma las decisiones importantes en tu familia?


¿En qué ocasiones debes pedir permiso a tus padres?


¿Todos tus parientes viven en tu país o en el extranjero? Explica.


¿Cuáles son las ocasiones principales que celebras con tus abuelos?


En tu opinión, ¿quién es la persona principal en tu familia y por qué?


¿Mantienes bien organizado tu cuarto? ¿Sí o no y por qué?


¿Crees que las reuniones familiares son importantes? Explica.

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 12 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

B. Daily Routine 1.

¿Cuáles son los ingredientes de tu plato favorito?


¿Prefieres llevar un almuerzo preparado en casa o comprarlo en la escuela? ¿Por qué?


¿Qué haces los domingos?


¿Cómo te preparas para ir a la escuela todos los días?


¿Qué oficio doméstico no te gusta hacer?


¿Por qué llegas tarde a la escuela algunas veces? Explica.


¿En que ocasiones llegas tarde a casa y por qué?


¿Cuál es tu rutina los sábados?

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 14 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

C. Sports and Recreation 1.

¿Qué instalaciones deportivas hay en tu escuela?


¿Cómo te diviertes con tus amigos?


¿Es divertido charlar por internet? Explica.


¿En qué pasatiempo gastas más dinero?


¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para divertirte un fin de semana generalmente?


¿Con qué frecuencia utilizas tu teléfono celular diariamente?


¿Hay alguna actividad recreativa a la que no tienes acceso? ¿Cuál es?


¿Qué cosas son necesarias para tener una fiesta de cumpleaños maravillosa?

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 16 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

D. Shopping 1.

¿Cuándo vas de compras?


En tu opinión, ¿es mejor comprar en almacenes o en tiendas pequeñas?


¿Cuáles productos prefieres comprar en el supermercado?


Generalmente, ¿qué te pide tu mamá que compres en el supermercado?


Describe tu lugar favorito para ir de compras.


¿Qué problemas hay cuando los niños van de compras con sus padres / sin sus padres?


¿Qué opinas de viajar a otro país para ir de compras?


¿Dónde compran tus padres la carne y el pescado? ¿Por qué?

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 18 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

1. A Changed Generation

Los bisabuelos siempre hablan de su tiempo y de cómo las cosas han cambiado. Discuten con nostalgia cómo ellos y sus progenitores pasaban la vida. Salían a visitar a los abuelos quienes vivían una vida sencilla en un barrio lejano. Con ellos compartían sus sueños, charlaban de su carrera preferida y sus intereses. Participaban en la preparación de sus comidas favoritas como tortillas, hojuelas y buñuelos.

Pero ¡ay! Tienen que aceptar que sus pasatiempos, sus actividades y aún sus juguetes pertenecen a aquella época antigua. La vida de los jóvenes de hoy contrasta con la de ellos. Algunos no pueden distinguir entre lo bueno y lo malo, y permiten que la moda, la música y sus pares les influyan sobremanera.

La realidad es que los valores de estas dos generaciones son diferentes. (132 words)

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 20 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

2. Fast Food

La frase “comida rápida” se refiere a los alimentos empaquetados preparados instantáneamente. Estas comidas que se fríen en abundancia de aceite contienen muchos gramos de grasa, sal y azúcar. Están llenas de carbohidratos que satisfacen el hambre.

La idea de la comida preempaquetada ha llegado a ser conveniente y atractiva. Es fácil de conseguir y coincide bien con el ajetreo de la vida diaria. Muchos trabajadores escogen comida rápida para el almuerzo. La encuentran sabrosa, llenadora, y menos cara que hacer la cena en casa. Para hacerlo más conveniente hay servicio de repartos a domicilio y no hay que fregar platos ni cuchillería.

Desafortunadamente, destruye la gastronomía tradicional y no es lo mejor para nuestras necesidades nutricionales. Existe el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades cardíacas, derrame cerebral, obesidad y diabetes. (129 words)

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 22 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

3. Creole Day Festival

En algunos países caribeños se observa el festival del “Día Criollo” el último domingo de octubre. El propósito de este festival es desarrollar una conciencia acerca del estilo de vida de nuestros antepasados y mantener viva la cultura criolla. Durante este festival la gente se enfoca en las costumbres criollas. Comienza el día con una celebración religiosa y los fieles se visten con sus trajes típicos nacionales.

Diferentes comunidades son seleccionadas como anfitrionas. Las actividades que se organizan incluyen la venta de comidas y bebidas criollas, exhibiciones de utensilios, muebles, herramientas, adornos e instrumentos utilizados por sus antecesores. También hay un concierto al aire libre donde la gente mayor canta, baila y juega. El concierto atrae a los jóvenes quienes también participan alegremente. (125 words)

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 24 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

4. On-Line Shopping

Las compras en línea son una de las nuevas oportunidades que el adelanto tecnológico ha creado. Parece ser una actividad de mérito, pero como muchas atracciones, hay que considerar las ventajas y las desventajas. Es ciertamente cómodo sentarse en una butaca en casa y hacer compras. Se puede mirar por varios departamentos sin trasladarse f ísicamente de una localización a otra. No hay colas largas, ni nadie para atropellarle o pisotearle cuando hay rebajas o descuentos.

Pero, ¿son las compras en línea realmente un privilegio? Esta actividad carece de interacción personal y no se puede utilizar el sentido del tacto para verificar la textura y la calidad de su compra. Sobretodo, es absolutamente necesario utilizar una tarjeta de crédito y quizás sufre el riesgo de hurto de identidad. (129 words)

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 26 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

A. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You are at an interview to get a visa and the official requires personal information. (a) (b)


What does the officer ask you? How do you respond?

Your parents do not think that you are responsible enough to stay at home alone.

(a) (b) 3.

You witness a crime downtown and you call the police. (a) (b)


What comment do you make to convince them otherwise? What compromise do they suggest?

Describe the perpetrator. What wish do you express?

Your school is recruiting students for leadership positions at the student level. (a) (b)

Indicate the position in which you are interested. Explain why you are well suited for it.


You are learning to dance and you step on your partner’s foot. (a) (b)

What do you say? What does your partner reply?

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 28 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

B. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You wish to buy a gift for your best friend for Valentine’s day and need your sister’s help. (a) (b)


Your family has organized a celebration on the same day as your friends’ beach outing. (a) (b)


What does your friend ask you about it? What is your response?

You and your sister have been competing with each other to see who could save more money. (a) (b)


Tell your friends what your family is celebrating. What suggestion do you make?

You have a decision to make about a school trip. (a) (b)


What do you ask your sister? What does she suggest that you do instead?

What do you ask her at the end of the month? What do you say to boast?

It is the first day of school and you are wearing the wrong colour socks. (a) (b)

What does the teacher ask? What explanation do you give?

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 30 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

C. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You are in a Spanish class and make a comment to your friend about your teacher. (a) (b)


It is your birthday and no one at home has remembered. (a) (b)


What do you say to her? What does she say to console you?

Classes have been cancelled because of bad weather. (a) (b)


What do you say to your family? What do you suggest that they do?

You are relating an unfortunate incident to your teacher. (a) (b)


What do you say to your friend? What does your friend respond?

What do you advise your friend to do? What does she suggest that the two of you do?

You are at a club meeting and receive an urgent call. (a) (b)

What do you say to excuse yourself? What explanation do you offer?

END OF TEST 01245030/F 2010 - 32 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2010033

Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

D. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You have a valid excuse for not having done your homework last night. (a) (b)


You have heard that your friend’s aunt has died. (a) (b)


What do you say to the person? What does he/she respond?

Your father is at work when he receives an urgent telephone call. (a) (b)


What do you say to express your sorrow? What do you say to console your friend?

You are standing in line waiting to get into a concert. Someone comes and stands in front of you. (a) (b)


Tell your teacher the reason. What do you offer to do?

What does the caller tell him? What is his response?

You might be excluded from the school’s basketball team because you have not complied with the coach’s demands. (a) (b)

What does the coach insist that you do? What do you promise?

- 34 -

TEST CODE 01245020 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Paper 02 Free Response 2 hours 15 minutes 20 MAY 2010 (a.m.) FORM TP 2010112


Answer ALL questions in Sections I and IV. Answer ONE question in EACH of Sections II and III.

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245020/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 02

SECTION I DIRECTED SITUATIONS ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Write in SPANISH the information required for EACH of the situations given below. Do NOT write more than ONE sentence for each situation. For some situations, a complete sentence may NOT be necessary. Do NOT translate the situations given. Do NOT use abbreviations. DO NOT WRITE EACH ANSWER ON A DIFFERENT PAGE. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. 1.

A pen pal from Spain wishes to know what the weather is like in your country during the Christmas season. Respond to his/her e-mail.


Patricia has sent you an e-mail asking about your plans for the weekend. Respond to her e-mail.


Your friend has sent you an e-mail suggesting that you both participate in an activity on the weekend. Respond, indicating an alternative as your preference.


Send an e-mail to a friend telling him/her of one of the school rules that you do not like.


You are trying to entice your cousins abroad to come to your country for a holiday. Mention one positive characteristic of the people of your country that you include in a letter to them.


You are having a meeting with the Students’ Council to discuss plans for the Graduation Ball. Write one suggestion you would like to make at the meeting.


You thought you had done very well on an exam but, in fact, you failed. Write the note you send to your teacher querying your grade. - 36 -

May/June 2010


Someone has stolen an item from you. Send an e-mail to your friend telling him/her about the incident.


You are very happy today. Send an e-mail to your friends stating the reason.


Send an e-mail to a friend telling him/her something interesting you overheard at Linda’s birthday party last night.

Total 30 marks

SECTION II LETTER/COMPOSITION Using ONE of the following outlines as a guide, write in SPANISH a letter OR composition of NO MORE THAN 130-150 words. Use the tense or tenses appropriate to the topic which you have chosen. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER LETTER

You had been studying overseas but for some reason you had to return home indefinitely. Write a letter to your Puerto Rican friend in which you include (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

information about your studies the reason for returning home how your friends at home reacted to your return the plans you have made to continue your studies

(Do NOT write your real name and address, but include the date in Spanish and use the appropriate beginning and ending.)

Total 30 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2010 - 37 -

Spanish | Paper 02


Your country has suffered the effects of a storm. Write a composition for your Spanish class in which you include (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

what preparations were made for the storm how you felt during the storm the destruction that was caused how you and your family will be better prepared in the future.

Total 30 marks


Use the following information to write an announcement of about 80 – 100 words in SPANISH.

Your pet has disappeared. Write an announcement for the local newspaper requesting assistance in locating it.

Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the announcement.

- 38 -

May/June 2010

(i) A request for assistance (ii) Description of the pet (iii) Details of its disappearance (iv) Offer of a reward (v) Your contact details Total 20 marks OR CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE

Using 80-100 words in the INSERT provided, complete the dialogue between Adriana and the television interviewer, giving Adriana’s responses.

A popular TV programme is conducting an interview with Adriana to find out if she would be a suitable candidate to participate in a talent competition to select the country’s latest young star.

Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the completed dialogue. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Greetings and salutations Personal information on Adriana Adriana’s attempt to highlight her strengths What she is looking forward to Appropriate closing remarks

Complete the dialogue in the INSERT provided. The completed dialogue should then be attached to your answer booklet.

Total 20 marks

GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2010 - 39 -

Spanish | Paper 02

SECTION IV READING COMPREHENSION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Read the following selection carefully. DO NOT translate, but answer the questions in ENGLISH. Be sure to write the number of the question which you are answering. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. The Orange Cake

El sábado por la tarde mi hermano Manuel quiso sorprender a su novia Patricia. A ella le encanta la torta de naranja y decidió hacérsela él mismo esa tarde. Buscó la receta en la red y se puso a prepararla.

Entonces quise jugarle una broma a mi hermano. En la cocina mi mamá tenía un paquete de torta instantánea de marca Chefmágico. Corté la etiqueta y cuando la torta estuvo lista para ponerla en el horno distraje a mi hermano y enterré la etiqueta en la torta. Después salí a jugar tenis. A mi regreso, Patricia y Manuel estaban conversando pero Manuel parecía triste. Frente a ellos estaba la torta cortada pero nadie había comido.

— ¿Encontraron la etiqueta de Chefmágico? –pregunté. — ¡Fuiste tú, bandido! — dijo Manuel, pero no estaba enojado. — Discúlpenme, fue una broma ¡Manuel hizo la torta él sólo! — Sí, lo sé- dijo Patricia — porque el Chefmágico siempre usa azúcar en lugar de sal en todas sus tortas!

Answer, in ENGLISH, the following questions based on the selection you have just read, using a complete sentence for EACH response.

- 40 -

May/June 2010


What did Manuel feel like doing on Saturday afternoon? (1 mark)


What did he want to do for Patricia? (1 mark)


How did he find help? (2 marks)


What did Manuel’s brother want to do? (2 marks)


What did his brother do? (3 marks)


What were Manuel and Patricia doing when Manuel’s brother returned home? (1 mark)


What did he ask Manuel and Patricia? (3 marks)


What did Manuel’s brother assure Patricia about? (2 marks)


Why was Manuel NOT annoyed with his brother? (2 marks)


Why did Patricia believe Manuel had baked the cake? (3 marks)

Total 20 marks

END OF TEST 01245020/F 2010 - 41 -

TEST CODE 01245020 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Paper 02 FORM TP 2010112

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245020/F 2010

May/June 2010

Section III - Contextual Dialogue

Centre number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Candidate number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Using between 80 – 100 words, complete the dialogue between Adriana and the television interviewer, giving Adriana’s responses. A popular TV programme is conducting an interview with Adriana to find out if she would be a suitable candidate to participate in a talent competition to select the country’s latest young star. Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the completed dialogue. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Greetings and salutations Personal information on Adriana Adriana’s attempts to highlight her strengths What she is looking forward to Appropriate closing remarks

Attach this INSERT to your answer booklet. Interviewer: Adriana, bienvenida a nuestro programa. Adriana: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Interviewer : Bueno, ¿puede hablarnos un poco de usted, por favor? Adriana: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2010 - 43 -

Spanish | Paper 02

Interviewer : ¡Qué interesante! ¿Gana mucho dinero? ¿Qué clase de trabajo hace usted allí? Adriana: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Interviewer : ¿Por qué decidió entrar en este concurso? Adriana: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Interviewer : ¿Y es verdad lo que dicen sus amigos? Adriana: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Interviewer : ¿Cómo espera beneficiarse de este concurso? Adriana: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Interviewer : Muy bien, Adriana. Muchas gracias y mucha suerte. Adriana:


Total 20 marks

END OF TEST 01245020/F 2010 - 44 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

A. Home and Family


¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia y quiénes son?


¿En tu familia, ¿cuál es tu persona favorita y por qué?


¿Qué tienes en común con esta persona?


¿Qué oficio doméstico no le gusta hacer a esta persona?


Menciona una regla familiar que no te guste obedecer.


¿Con qué frecuencia visitas a tus abuelos?


¿Cuál es la actividad favorita de tu familia?


¿Crees que la división de trabajos domésticos en tu casa es justa? Explica.

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

B. Daily Routine


¿Con qué te desayunas todos los días?


¿Qué ingredientes necesitas para preparar tu plato favorito?

3. ¿Qué platos comes los domingos a la hora del almuerzo? 4.

Describe un domingo típico en tu casa.


¿Cómo ayuda tu papá en la cocina?


¿Qué haces antes de acostarte de lunes a viernes?


¿A qué hora sales de casa todos los días para ir a la escuela?


¿Cuál sería para ti una rutina ideal?

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

C. School and Career


¿Crees que eres un buen estudiante? ¿Por qué?


¿Cuáles son las asignaturas más difíciles para ti?


¿Prefieres aprender con libros o por medio de la tecnología y por qué?


¿Cómo son los monitores de tu escuela?


¿Cuál es la regla menos popular con los estudiantes en tu escuela?


¿Qué instalaciones tiene tu escuela?


¿Qué carrera quieres seguir cuando termines tus estudios secundarios?


¿Por qué le recomendarías tu escuela a otros jóvenes?

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

D. Sports and Recreation


¿Cuál es el deporte favorito en tu país?


¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?


¿Cuándo practicas tus actividades preferidas?


¿Cuál es tu programa favorito en la televisión y por qué?


¿Qué espectáculos públicos te gustan?


¿Prefieres ser espectador de tu deporte favorito o te gusta practicarlo? ¿Por qué?


¿Comó pasa la gente un día de fiesta en tu país?


¿Te gusta que tus padres participen en tus pasatiempos, ¿Sí o no? ¿Por qué?

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

1. The Milk Teeth

En nuestros países tenemos costumbres peculiares y entre ellas algunas que les encantan a los pequeñuelos. Cuando ellos tienen sus primeros dientes llamados “dientes de leche”, estos dientes no son permanentes y al cabo de un tiempo se caen. Cuando esto ocurre, los niños colocan su “dientecito de leche,” debajo de la almohada con la esperanza de encontrar al otro día, dinero o un pequeño obsequio debajo de su almohada que les ha dejado el *hada madrina” o “un ratoncito”. Muchas veces el ratoncito tiene un nombre propio, como ocurre en la Argentina, donde lo llaman el “ratoncito Pérez”, que recuerda a un personaje de las tiras cómicas. Esta es una costumbre española que se ha difundido por todas partes de hispanoamérica y aún a las sociedades de habla inglesa. * Tooth fairy (130 palabras)

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

2. Cuban Cuisine

Se ha comparado la cocina cubana a un ajiaco porque tiene elementos de la cocina española, africana, árabe y china. Entre los platos típicos cubanos tenemos el congrí, plato preparado con arroz y frijoles negros. Este plato se conoce con el nombre de moros y cristianos y puede servirse también con frijoles rojos, puerco asado, yuca y plátanos fritos. Los tamales y la ropa vieja son otros platos típicos. En las comunidades pesqueras los platos a base de pescado y de mariscos son muy comunes.

Entre los postres típicos se cuentan el dulce de coco o de naranja, los casquitos de guayaba y un postre muy conocido “el arroz con leche” tan famoso que se le rinde homenaje por medio de un ronda infantil que lleva su nombre. (128 palabras)

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

3. Appreciate the Teacher

Cuando se menciona la palabra profesor, indudablemente esa palabra se relaciona con el desarrollo intelectual del estudiante. El profesor no solo cultiva la mente del estudiante, sino también es protector de su alma.

Un buen profesor tiene la pasión y el amor por la enseñanza. Inculca en sus estudiantes valores y aspiraciones para tener éxito. Planifica estrategias para asegurarse que todos los estudiantes alcancen los objetivos de una lección. Descarga su energía para dirigir al estudiante a adoptar actitudes positivas hacia el aprendizaje. Le estimula a pensar y analizar continuamente. Promueve la conciencia social de sus estudiantes en un ambiente escolar cómodo y agradable. Establece la solidaridad y cooperación, características esenciales de todo buen ciudadano. En resumen, el profesor es un tesoro raro digno de apreciar. (126 palabras)

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

4. The “bachata” Rhythm

Este ritmo originario de la República Dominicana es una mezcla de bolero con son cubano. Sus instrumentos son: la guitarra, las maracas, el bongó y la marimba. La bachata surgió en los años sesenta pero no fue aceptada por las clases sociales altas porque consideraban que era un baile de las clases pobres. Este ritmo no se escuchaba en las discotecas ni en la radio, a excepción de radio Guarachita, la única emisora que lo tocó desde sus orígenes. Sin embargo un cantautor, dominicano, Juan Luis Guerra en los años ochenta, sacó la bachata de su anonimidad y la hizo conocer dentro y fuera de su país. Con el auge de la industria turística, la bachata ganó aceptación no solo en su país sino renombre en el extranjero. (128 palabras)

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

5. Family Traditions

Las tradiciones familiares son especialmente importantes para los niños porque les permiten sentir que pertenezcan a una entidad familiar y social. Esos pequeños actos que repetimos año tras año, tienen mucha más trascendencia en el desarrollo del niño, ya que con estos rituales les transmitimos la cultura, los valores y las normas familiares.

A través de esas costumbres que practicamos en los festivales religiosos y culturales dentro del hogar, la familia crea una sensación de seguridad, de formar parte de algo que viene del pasado y que va más allá de lo que pasa en su casa. Este conocimiento es una herramienta para que nuestros pequeños desarrollen su propia identidad como individuo en la sociedad. Estas tradiciones facilitarán el porvenir estable de nuestros hijos que serán los hombres del futuro. (130 palabras)

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

A. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in Spanish as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You want to go to University overseas but your parents cannot afford to send you this year. (a) (b)


You borrowed a book from the library to lend a friend, but she has not returned it to you as promised. (a) (b)


What do you ask your father? What does he say in declining?

You and your friend are going to the movies but you want to watch different movies. (a) (b)


What do you tell your friend? What do you warn her about?

You and a classmate are working on a school project but you are having difficulties. (a) (b)


What do they promise to do? What do you offer to do in the meantime?

What do you insist upon? What do you agree to do?

You go to a party and do not meet your curfew. (a) (b)

Explain to your father the reason why you are late. What is his warning if this happens again?

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

B. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in Spanish as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You are about to do a Spanish oral examination and your teacher is encouraging you. (a) (b)


You are not able to read the instructions on your examination papers because you have lost your glasses. (a) (b)


How do you express yor anxiety? What request do you make?

A new fashion designer is recruiting models and you are being interviewed. (a) (b)


What does the concerned invigilator ask you? What does he/she suggest that you do?

You have been waiting alone at the bus stop for a long time and it is getting dark. You call home. (a) (b)


What does he/she say to you? What do you say in response?

What do they ask you? What information do you provide?

A schoolmate invites you to participate in a dangerous activity. (a) (b)

Why do you refuse? What does he/she respond?

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

C. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in Spanish as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

It is Sunday afternoon and your older brother is watching a football match on TV. You want to know about the match. (a) (b)


You have a problem because the neighbour is playing music loudly. (a) (b)


What does he/she say to you? What do you explain?

You have missed a doctor’s appointment. (a) (b)


What do you politely request? What reason do you give?

The Principal has called you to his office to reprimand you. (a) (b)


What do you ask your brother? What comment does he make?

What do you explain to the receptionist? What do you ask her to do?

There is a bomb scare at your school. (a) (b)

What does the Principal ask the students to do? What comment do you make to your friend?

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

D. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in Spanish as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You are always chatting in class with your friend and your teacher has decided to change your seat. (a) (b)


Your neighbour wants you to bring something at once but the weather is terrible. (a) (b)


What does your father say to you? What does he explain?

Your parents warn you that they will have to take certain action if you do something they have forbidden. (a) (b)


What do you propose? What is your neighbour’s response?

You would like to borrow your parents’ vehicle to drive to school. (a) (b)


What does your teacher say to you? What comment do you make to your friend?

What is their warning to you? What do you promise?

You run up behind someone at the mall mistaking him for your cousin. (a) (b)

What apology do you offer? How do you explain your error?

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

E. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in Spanish as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You don’t like what your mother is going to cook for dinner. (a) (b)


Your family has finally reached the beach after a long drive but you have forgotten something at home. (a) (b)


What do you accuse him of ? What does he say in reply?

You participated in a poetry contest but you did not win any prize. (a) (b)


What do you exclaim? What do you suggest you would do?

You are watching television with your brother and you get into an argument. (a) (b)


How do you express your displeasure? What do you offer to do?

How do you express your disappointment? What does your teacher promise to do?

You are called upon to make a spontaneous speech at school assembly. (a) (b)

What do you say to your teacher? How does he/she encourage you?

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2010

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2010113

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 03

F. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in Spanish as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

Your sister, who is overseas, called you to share good news with you. (a) (b)


You would like to borrow an item your father really treasures. (a) (b)


What do you offer to do in response to her request? What does she promise you?

You are selecting a new cell phone at the telephone company. (a) (b)


What do you ask him? On what condition does he lend it to you?

Your teacher has a clean-up project next weekend and is asking for volunteers. (a) (b)


What does she tell you? What is your response?

Enquire about a particular service. Indicate to the sales clerk your intention about the phone.

You borrowed a video from your friend to watch over the weekend, but unfortunately you were not able to do so. (a) (b)

Explain the reason to your friend. What request do you make?

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TEST CODE 01245020 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Paper 02 Free Response 2 hours 15 minutes 13 JANUARY 2011 (a.m.) FORM TP 2011034


This paper is divided into FOUR sections. Answer ALL questions in Sections I and IV. Answer ONE question in EACH of Sections II and III.


Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245020/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 02

SECTION I DIRECTED SITUATIONS ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Write in SPANISH the information required for EACH of the situations given below. Do NOT write more than ONE sentence for each situation. For some situations, a complete sentence may NOT be necessary. Do NOT translate the situations given. Do NOT use abbreviations. DO NOT WRITE EACH ANSWER ON A DIFFERENT PAGE. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. 1.

You are alone at your friend’s home in Caracas and need to leave the house. Write the note you leave telling your friend of your whereabouts.


Your neighbour wants to sell his car and requests your help to make a sign. What does the sign say?


Your school has embarked on a Spanish Awareness campaign. Write one important school rule which you can post on the notice board.


Anita has invited you to the movies but you would prefer to do something else. Respond to her email, suggesting an alternative activity.


Your aunt is going away for a week and you promised to look after her dog. She has left a note to remind you of something you must do. What does the note say?


You need your father’s permission to go somewhere but he is away. Write him an email requesting his approval.


There is a problem with your new cellular phone and you have taken it back to the store. Provide a written explanation of the problem to the salesperson. - 76 -

January 2011


You send an email to your teacher explaining why your group project is not finished. What reason do you give?


You would like to interview a celebrity who is visiting your city. Write him/her an email explaining why you need to interview him/her.


You have disappointed your best friend. Write an email apologising for what you have done.

Total 30 marks

SECTION II LETTER/COMPOSITION Using ONE of the following outlines as a guide, write in SPANISH a letter OR composition of NO MORE THAN 130 – 150 words. Use the tense or tenses appropriate to the topic which you have chosen. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER LETTER

You have decided to work during the summer vacation and are enjoying the job very much.

Write a letter to your friend in the Dominican Republic informing him/ her about it. Be sure to include (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

how you were informed of the job why you decided to work during the summer vacation what the job involves and what you like most about it what you plan to do with your first salary.

(Do NOT write your real name and address, but include the date in SPANISH and use the appropriate beginning and ending.)

Total 30 marks

GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2011 - 77 -

Spanish | Paper 02


Write a composition about an unexpected visitor to your home. Include (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

identification and description of the visitor purpose and duration of the visit arrangements that your family is making to accommodate the person how the visit will affect your family’s plans.

Total 30 marks

SECTION III CONTEXTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT/CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE Use the cues provided to complete EITHER an announcement OR a dialogue in SPANISH. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER CONTEXTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Use the following information to write an announcement of about 80 – 100 words in SPANISH.

As Head School Prefect, you decide to organize a new club in your school. Write an announcement for the school notice board to inform and guide the students.

ALL of the details indicated below MUST be included in the announcement.

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January 2011

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

A heading to attract readers An invitation to be a member Three advantages to be gained from joining Dates, time and location of meetings What students must do to join

Total 20 marks OR CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE Using 80 – 100 words in the INSERT provided, complete the dialogue between you and your friend by giving your responses.

You had previously agreed to go on a date with a friend, but now you realize that you are unable to keep the appointment. You telephone your friend to inform him/her.

Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the completed dialogue. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Purpose of the call Explanation for not being able to keep the appointment Apology and alternative arrangements Your reaction to your friend’s response Plans to make up for the disappointment caused

Complete the dialogue in the INSERT provided. The completed insert should then be attached to your answer booklet.

Total 20 marks

GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2011 - 79 -

Spanish | Paper 02

SECTION IV READING COMPREHENSION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Read the following selection carefully. Do NOT translate, but answer the questions in ENGLISH. Be sure to write the number of the question which you are answering. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. A Night to Remember

Manuel Pacheco, un joven de quince años, era bien conocido en su pueblo por ser muy macho. En todas sus actividades mostraba mucho valor y mucha fuerza emocional. Nunca tenía paciencia con los jóvenes de su edad que parecían débiles de cuerpo y alma. No tenía muchos amigos pero sí tenía admiradores.

En el pueblo se hacían planes para el fin del año y cuando se anunció un paseo de tres horas al bosque hacia la medianoche de la Nochevieja, a Manuel no le preocupó nada. Fue él quien animó a los otros jóvenes a participar en esa aventura que él veía como una simple caminata en el parque. A los otros jóvenes les daba miedo participar porque habían oído cuentos de cosas extrañas que se habían visto en ese bosque.

Durante el paseo, se oyeron ruidos misteriosos y se vieron figuras y sombras horrorosas. Pero lo sorprendente de todo fue ver a Manuel estirado debajo de un árbol. ¡El macho del pueblo se había desmayado de miedo!

Answer, in ENGLISH, the following questions based on the selection you have just read. Use a complete sentence for EACH response. 1.

How was Manuel viewed in his town? (1 mark ) - 80 -

January 2011


What about him encouraged this view? (3 marks)


With whom was Manuel impatient? (2 marks)


What special occasion was approaching? (1 mark )


What would last three hours? (2 marks)


How did Manuel view this activity? (2 marks)


How did his friends’ view differ from his? (3 marks)


How are the sights described in the passage? (1 mark )


What was a surprising sight? (2 marks)


In what way would Manuel’s reputation be affected? (3 marks)

Total 20 marks

GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2011 - 81 -

TEST CODE 01245020 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Paper 02 FORM TP 2011034

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245020/F 2010

January 2011

Using 80 – 100 words, complete the dialogue between you and your friend by giving your responses. You had previously agreed to go on a date with a friend, but now you realize that you are unable to keep the appointment. You telephone your friend to inform him/her.

Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the dialogue. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Purpose of the call Explanation for not being able to keep the appointment Apology and alternative arrangements Your reaction to your friend’s response Plans to make up for the disappointment caused

Attach this INSERT to your answer booklet. Amigo: Aló, buenos días. ¿Con quién hablo? Yo:

…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………

Amigo: ¿Qué tal? Yo:

…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………

Amigo: ¿Malas noticias? Dime, ¿qué pasó? Yo: …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… Amigo: ¿No puedes? Ah, qué lástima que no puedas. Y, ¿por qué?

GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2011 - 83 -

Spanish | Paper 02


…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………

Amigo: Qué pena. Tenía tantas ganas de salir contigo. Yo:

…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………

Amigo: Hmmmmm, a ver, sí, sí, está bien. No tengo nada para esta fecha. Yo: …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… Amigo: Espero que sí. Entonces quedamos en encontrarnos el próximo viernes. Llámame si hay problemas. Yo: …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… Amigo: Hasta luego. Total 20 marks

END OF TEST 01245020/F 2011 - 84 -

TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

A. School and Career 1.

¿Por qué estudias español?


¿Qué otras asignaturas estudias?


¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu escuela?


¿Cómo es la relación entre profesores y estudiantes en tu escuela?


¿Cómo sería el uniforme ideal de tu escuela?


¿Cuáles son las actividades extra-curriculares que se ofrecen en tu escuela?


¿Por qué es importante un plan de evacuación en tu escuela?


¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre la manera de vestirse de tus profesores?

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

B. Sports and Recreation 1.

¿Cuáles son los deportes más populares en tu país?


¿Hay suficientes instalaciones en tu país para practicar estos deportes?


¿Crees que cada joven debe practicar un deporte? ¿Por qué?


Tus amigos, ¿cómo pasan su tiempo libre generalmente?


¿Cómo pasas tu tiempo libre?


¿Cuándo practicas tu pasatiempo favorito?


¿Qué actividades de recreo hay para los mayores en tu barrio?


Describe una ocasión cuando saliste con amigos.

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

C. Home and Family 1.

Describe tu casa.


¿En qué cuarto pasas más tiempo?


¿Qué hay en este cuarto?


¿Quién hace más tareas en tu casa?


¿Qué hace esta persona?


¿Qué piensas de tu familia?


Describe la comida favorita de tu familia.


Describe una celebración especial que tuviste con tu familia.

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

D. Daily Routine 1.

¿A qué hora te levantas durante los días de escuela?


¿Qué tienes que hacer antes de salir para la escuela?


¿Cuándo llegas tarde a la escuela y por qué?


¿Qué haces antes de tu primera clase en la escuela?


¿Cuánto tiempo pasas los viernes haciendo los deberes?


¿Dirías que tienes una vida interesante? ¿Por qué?


¿Eres una persona ocupada? ¿Por qué?


¿Qué cambio te gustaría hacer en tu rutina diaria? ¿Por qué?

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

1. Student-teacher Relations

Las relaciones entre los profesores y los alumnos en el aula de enseñanza son de extrema importancia. La cordialidad y el buen humor han de presidir esas relaciones en todo momento y en cualquier situación. Esta convivencia cordial no se consigue a base de prohibiciones, gritos, castigos o golpes.

El aprendizaje no se consigue por miedo al castigo ni en una clase paralizada por el miedo. Aunque estos métodos puedan alcanzar orden y compostura, no tienen valor educativo.

El alumno debe tener la seguridad de ser apoyado por el profesor quien debe saber escucharle. La convivencia florece donde hay diálogo basado en la cordialidad y en el respeto mutuo. La autoridad tiene que ser reconocida por los alumnos y se gana por el prestigio y la dedicación del profesor. (130 words)

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

2. Football in Argentina – A Means of Escaping Poverty

En casi todos los países la práctica del fútbol ha ganado un lugar importante y hoy, los futbolistas son innumerables. Los jugadores deciden practicar el juego, unos por amor y otros por necesidad económica.

En Argentina existen programas para el desarrollo a través del fútbol. Hay grupos como “El fútbol para la esperanza” y “La Asociación Civil Andar” que junto con los exploradores de nuevos talentos deportivos identifican a los jugadores del mañana. Los jóvenes desde la niñez se hacen miembros de clubes para entrenarse como jugadores y como individuos disciplinados. Luego, se convierten en estrellas jugando con equipos famosos.

El gran talento futbolístico en Argentina es enorme. Es importante señalar que allí la principal fuente de ingresos proviene de la transferencia de jugadores de fútbol a otros países. (128 words)

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

3. Christmas Traditions

Algunas tradiciones navideñas todavía perduran en el ambiente latinoamericano navideño y los aguinaldos son algunas de ellas.

Los aguinaldos, son juegos que se hacían para dar un regalo de navidad a la persona que ganaba. Hay varias clases de aguinaldos: “el beso robado”, que consistía en darle un beso a la persona con quien uno estaba jugando, mientras ella estaba descuidada. Si esa persona tenía éxito recibiría un regalo de navidad.

Otro aguinaldo era “el dar y no recibir” que consistía en no recibir nada de la persona con quien se estaba jugando, si lo hacía, usted debería comprarle un regalo. “Palito en boca” consiste en mantener una pequeña astilla en la lengua siempre y cada vez que tu amigo te pregunte por el palito debes mostrárselo. (127 words)

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

3. Sunday Lunch

Muchas familias escogen un día semanal para reunirse en una actividad especial: el almuerzo familiar. El domingo parece ser el día para esta ocasión porque todos están en casa.

Las destrezas culinarias de la madre se destacan en la variedad de platos producidos. Ella se asegura que el régimen alimenticio esté bien equilibrado en el momento de satisfacer las preferencias gastronómicas de cada miembro de la familia. Hay que proveer para los vegetarianos, incluyendo en el menú una gama de verduras como repollo, berenjena, habichuelas, alcachofas y pimientos.

Para los que tienen una predilección por mariscos, la opción es amplia. Puede ser la paella u otra cazuela con moluscos, pescado, crustáceos, mejillones y calamares. Aún un guiso sencillo de cualquier carne todavía es bienvenido en el almuerzo del domingo. (129 words)

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

A. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You forgot your lunch money at home. (a) (b)


You see a tourist going into a dangerous area. (a) (b)


What do you suggest to your classmate? What does your classmate offer to do instead?

You receive a telephone call from your uncle who was supposedly lost at sea. (a) (b)


What do you say to him/her? What do you advise him/her to do?

A friend has fallen ill in class. (a) (b)


What request do you make of the lady at the cafeteria? What do you promise to do?

What does he say to you? What comment do you make?

You need to complete a task at home but you cannot do so because you have a special meeting at school. (a) (b)

What do you ask your sister? What does she suggest?

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

B. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You arrive at a bookstore as it is about to close. (a) (b)


You want to buy tickets for a show and you call the ticket office for information. (a) (b)


What do you say? How does your classmate express his/her agreement?

You are asked to look after your 8-year-old twin cousins for an hour and you decide to be strict with them. (a) (b)


What do you ask? What does the person respond?

You have reasons why you think your class should give a farewell present to your form teacher. You put forward your main reason to them. (a) (b)


What do you say to the clerk? How do you persuade him/her to let you in?

What is the first thing you tell them? What do you promise?

You are in class and the school principal comes and calls you to her office. (a) (b)

What does she tell you? What do you respond?

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

C. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You are babysitting your little sister and she would like something she is not allowed to have. (a) (b)

What do you tell her? What do you explain to her?


Your teacher enters the classroom and sees everything in disorder. (a) What does she ask? (b) What do you explain?


You are with your friend who does not seem too happy. (a) (b)


Your mother takes you on a shopping expedition for clothing and the first thing your mother chooses clashes with your taste. (a) (b)


What do you ask? What does your friend reply?

How do you express your opinion of the item? What do you say to guide her?

You and your friend are at the beach admiring a group of attractive young people. You try to identify one of them by describing him/ her to your friend. (a) (b)

What do you say? How does your friend respond?

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TEST CODE 01245030 JANUARY 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Responses to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011035

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 03

D. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

The Spanish teacher is late for class and the students are very noisy. (a) (b)


Your father would like to watch a TV programme which is coming on at the same time as your favourite programme. (a) (b)


What do you ask your father? What do you promise to do if he lets you watch your programme?

You are enjoying a birthday meal at a restaurant when your fork falls. You call the waiter. (a) (b)


What do you say to the class? What comment does another student make?

What do you ask? What does he respond?

You’ve just got back from a wonderful trip abroad. Your friends want to find out about your activities on the trip.

(a) (b) 5.

What do they ask? What do you respond?

You are called to the school office for a message but when you get there the secretary does not know why you have come. (a) (b)

How do you identify yourself ? How do you explain your presence there?

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TEST CODE 01245020 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Paper 02 Free Response 2 hours 15 minutes 19 MAY 2011 (a.m.) FORM TP 2011117


Answer ALL questions in Sections I and IV. Answer ONE question in EACH of Sections II and III.


Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245020/F 2011

Spanish | Paper 02

SECTION I DIRECTED SITUATIONS ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Write in SPANISH the information required for EACH of the situations given below. Do NOT write more than ONE sentence for each situation. For some situations, a complete sentence may NOT be necessary. Do NOT translate the situations given. DO NOT use abbreviations. DO NOT WRITE EACH ANSWER ON A DIFFERENT PAGE. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. 1.

Your teacher has asked the students in your class to write one sentence indicating why they have chosen to study Spanish. Write your sentence.


You have just received some sad news. Send an email to a friend sharing this information.


You have won a large sum of money as a prize. Send an email to your cousin telling her of two things that you plan to do with the money.


Your sister wants to go to the beach on the weekend but you don’t. Send an email suggesting an alternative.


You have been assigned a roommate for your school trip but you are not happy about this arrangement. Write a short message to your teacher indicating why.


You are unable to attend a school outing next weekend and you are very disappointed. Write an email to your teacher making a special request.


You wish to inform your Spanish teacher of something that happened in class during her absence. Write the note you leave on the teacher’s desk to inform her of the incident. - 110 -

May/June 2011


Write a note of apology to your mother giving a reason for your misbehaviour.


You are completing an application form for a university and you are required to write one sentence indicating an activity in which you would like to get involved on campus. What do you write?


You planned an activity with your friends but you had to cancel. Write the email you send informing them about it and explain the reason why.

Total 30 marks

SECTION II LETTER / COMPOSITION Using ONE of the following outlines as a guide, write in SPANISH a letter OR composition of NO MORE THAN 130 – 150 words. Use the tense or tenses appropriate to the topic which you have chosen. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER LETTER

You were left to take care of your younger siblings while your parents went out for the day.

Write a letter to your friend in Chile relating your experience. Be sure to include (i)

when and why you were left in charge GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2011 - 111 -

Spanish | Paper 02


the responsibilities you undertook for the day


how your siblings behaved


how your parents will reward you for your good work.

(Do NOT write your real name and address, but include the date in SPANISH and use the appropriate beginning and ending.) Total 30 marks OR COMPOSITION

A newspaper is trying to promote the views of young people on the positive things they have to offer. Write a composition in which you (i)

congratulate the newspaper for its effort


express your positive opinion of young people


describe incidents or experiences which support your opinion


suggest how the older generation could encourage young people.

Total 30 marks


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May/June 2011


Use the following information to write an announcement of about 80 – 100 words in SPANISH.

Your family is opening a restaurant in your town. Write an announcement for the local radio station to promote the restaurant.

Include ALL of the cues indicated below. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

The name of the restaurant and its location Information about the opening Information on TWO promotional activities to mark the opening An invitation to attend Contact details


Using between 80 – 100 words in the INSERT provided, complete the dialogue between you and Pablo by giving your responses.

You have been in trouble quite a lot recently in school and realise you must change your approach to your studies to ensure a bright future. Your best friend Pablo shares some ideas with you on how you should improve.

Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the dialogue. (i) (ii)

Greetings and expressions of feelings Explanation for your feelings at the moment GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2011 - 113 -

Spanish | Paper 02

(iii) (iv) (v)

Description of the nature of your problem Details of the plan for improvement Expressions of appreciation to your friend

Complete the dialogue in the INSERT provided. The completed insert should then be attached to your answer booklet.

Total 20 marks

SECTION IV READING COMPREHENSION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Read the following selection carefully. Do NOT translate, but answer the questions in ENGLISH. Be sure to write the number of the question which you are answering. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS.

Marisa’s Wig

Marisa era una mujer simpática, alegre y tenía un cuerpo que todo el mundo admiraba. Un día ella fue a la playa con un compañero de trabajo que le gustaba mucho. Era su primera cita y realmente quería darle una impresión muy positiva.

Aunque no tenía ninguna intención de nadar, se puso un vestido de baño muy colorido. Al llegar a la playa, ella y su compañero se sentaron en la arena. Charlaron y bebieron jugo por un rato pero las aguas estaban tan atractivas que la pareja decidió nadar. Marisa fue la primera en entrar al mar. Apenas Marisa se tiró al agua, se vio algo negro que flotaba en la superficie del mar. El compañero muy sorprendido, le gritó: ¡Marisa, mira allí! ¡tu cabello está flotando! - 114 -

May/June 2011

La pobre Marisa muy avergonzada, salió corriendo del mar. ¡Qué vergüenza! Había olvidado quitarse la peluca, y este hombre a quien estaba tratando de impresionar, ahora se había enterado de su secreto. El compañero, al verla avergonzada le dijo:-No te preocupes, ¡tengo secador en casa!

Answer, in ENGLISH, the following questions based on the selection you have just read. Use a complete sentence for EACH response.


Describe Marisa’s personality. (2 marks)


What did people admire about her? (1 mark )


With whom did she go out? (2 marks)


Describe Marisa’s outfit. (2 marks)


Mention THREE things that Marisa and her companion did on the beach. (3 marks)


Why did they decide to go for a swim? (1 mark )


What happened when Marisa dived into the water? (2 marks)


What was her companion’s immediate reaction? (2 marks)

GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/F 2011 - 115 -

Spanish | Paper 02


How did Marisa react to her companion’s comment? (2 marks)


Explain why she reacted in that way. (3 marks)

Total 20 marks

END OF TEST 01245020/F 2011 - 116 -

TEST CODE 01245020 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Contextual Dialogue–Paper 02 FORM TP 2011117

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245020/F 2010

Spanish | Paper 02

Using between 80 – 100 words, complete the dialogue between you and Pablo by giving your responses.

You have been in trouble quite a lot recently in school and realise you must change your approach to your studies to ensure a bright future. Your best friend Pablo shares some ideas with you on how you should improve.

Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the dialogue. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Greetings and expressions of feelings Explanation for your feelings at the moment Description of the nature of your problem Details of the plan for improvement Expressions of appreciation to your friend

Attach this INSERT to your answer booklet.


Hola, ¿qué tal?

Yo: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Pablo:

¿Por qué? ¿Qué te pasa?

Yo: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Pablo:

Continúan tus problemas con el profesor de matemáticas, ¿verdad? Cuéntame.

Yo: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Pablo:

¿Por qué te envió a la oficina del Director ayer? - 118 -

May/June 2011

Yo: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Pablo:

¿Y qué te dijo el Director ayer cuando fuiste a su despacho?

Yo: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Pablo:

¿Cómo puedo ayudarte?

Yo: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Pablo: Eso es facilísimo. Tu sabes que me encantan las matemáticas. Si quieres, puedo ir a tu casa los sábados para darte explicaciones y ayudarte a revisar los ejercicios de matemáticas. Yo: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


Llámame para saber si tus padres están de acuerdo.

Yo: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Total 20 marks

END OF TEST 01245020/F 2011 - 119 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

A. Home and Family


¿Cuántos nenes hay en tu familia?


¿Con cuál miembro de tu familia compartes tus secretos y por qué?


¿Por qué el día domingo es diferente en tu familia?


¿Prefieres tener tu propio dormitorio? ¿Por qué?


¿Puedes hablarme un poco del pariente más viejo de tu familia?


¿Cuáles son las diferencias de personalidad entre tú y tus hermanos?


¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu familia?


Describe un fin de semana típico en tu casa.

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

B. School and Career


¿Cuándo es la graduación en tu escuela?


¿Tienen ustedes un baile de fin de curso?


¿Dónde tendrá lugar?


¿Cómo vas a vestirte para la ocasión?


¿Cuál es la profesión que te parece más atractiva? ¿Por qué?


¿Cuáles son las materias que más te prepararán para esa profesión?


¿Crees que algún día tú serás buen/a profesor/a? ¿Por qué?


¿Cuáles son las características de un buen estudiante?

01245030/F 2011 - 123 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

C. Shopping


¿En qué temporada del año haces más compras y por qué?


¿Es difícil seleccionar regalos para tu familia? ¿Por qué?


¿Qué regalo deseas comprarle a tu pariente favorito para su cumpleaños?


¿Cómo obtienes tu dinero para hacer compras?


¿Qué tipo de ropa prefieres comprar y por qué?


¿Cuáles son las ventajas de hacer compras en un centro comercial?


Aparte del supermercado, ¿dónde se pueden comprar frutas y verduras en tu ciudad o pueblo?


¿Recomiendas hacer compras por Internet? ¿Por qué?

01245030/F 2011 - 125 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Conversation – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

D. Travel


¿Cuánto pagas en transporte público todos los días?


¿Tienes que viajar a la ciudad/al campo con frecuencia? ¿Por qué?


¿Cómo es el servicio de transporte público en tu comunidad?


¿A qué horas hay más embotellamientos en la ciudad? ¿Por qué?


De lo que sabes, ¿por qué es eficiente el metro como medio de transporte?


¿Cuáles son los documentos necesarios para ir de viaje al extranjero?


¿Cómo se puede comprar un boleto de viaje y hacer reservaciones en un hotel sin salir de casa?


Si tuvieras la oportunidad de visitar un país latinoamericano, ¿qué país visitarías y por qué?

01245030/F 2011 - 127 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

1. Nostalgia for National Dishes

“¡Ah que rico! Me huele a yuca frita.” Esta sensación olfativa que recibimos es suficiente para avivar nuestra necesidad de volver a degustar los platos de nuestra casa materna. Esta sensación la experimentamos cuando estamos lejos de nuestro terruño.

Para los latinos que han emigrado al extranjero, la mejor manera de mantener contacto con sus países, es saborear las comidas que fortalecen su identidad nacional y su patrimonio gastronómico. Para hacer esto, se valen de varios métodos: visitan los restaurantes donde se preparan esos platos típicos tan añorados; compran en “bodegas” los productos étnicos que se expenden cada vez más y forman la dieta de la nostalgia. Otra manera muy común también, es haciéndole un ‘encarguito’ al amigo que viaja a su país porque usted tiene un *antojo. (129 words)

01245030/F 2011 - 129 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

2. Universal Secondary Education

La educación es un instrumento dominante en la reducción de la pobreza. La oportunidad de recibir una educación secundaria fue en la época antigua, privilegio para poca gente.

Hoy, con la introducción de la educación secundaria universal cada ciudadano tiene derecho a un lugar en la escuela secundaria. La intención no es animar una actitud displiciente con respecto al trabajo escolar, ni tampoco promover un sistema donde los estudiantes rindan por debajo del nivel exigido. El propósito es proveer institutos de enseñanza que contribuyen al desarrollo total del individuo. Tales institutos ayudan a adquirir una formación de tipo práctico para desenvolverse en la vida diaria.

La intervención educativa trae con ella el desarrollo de pensadores críticos, responsables, independientes y autorizados para emprender papeles de liderazgo en un ambiente desafiante. (130 words)

01245030/F 2011 - 131 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

3. Prom Night

Después de presentar el examen final, los estudiantes que finalizarán el bachillerato se preparan para el acontecimiento tan esperado: el baile de fin de curso. Esta reunión les da una oportunidad de divertirse con sus pares sin los ojos vigilantes de los profesores.

Generalmente, el baile tiene un tema y los estudiantes salen apropiadamente vestidos en trajes de fiesta que perfectamente representan el tema que puede ser chistoso. Realzan sus conjuntos con joyas y accesorios elegantes.

La parte más emocionante de esta experiencia es escoger su pareja. Es responsabilidad del joven comprarle flores a su pareja. Normalmente es una pulsera de hermosas flores. Al concluir el baile todos están llenos de felicidad y tristeza cuando se despiden de sus amigos. Nunca olvidarán esta última ocasión tan maravillosa que pasaron juntos. (130 words)

01245030/F 2011 - 133 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

4. Marketing a Tourist Destination

Con una economía global decreciente, los países del Caribe tienen que buscar nuevas estrategias adecuadas para vender sus países como destinos turísticos.

Es una necesidad absoluta colaborar con socios interesados en la industria turística y tomar medidas para estabilizar el volumen de visitantes a las islas. Los hoteles pequeños que no tienen suficientes recursos para inyectar en promociones y publicidades dependen de un plan de estímulo para la supervivencia. Este plan proveerá apoyo financiero para la campaña de mercadeo de su propiedad y para mantener el nivel de empleo en la hotelería.

Los gobiernos tienen la responsabilidad de crear una mayor conciencia del producto turístico que su país ofrece. Para atraer a los extranjeros hay que asegurarse que el país sea más visible en la prensa regional e internacional. (130 words)

01245030/F 2011 - 135 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

5. Calypso

La música caribeña tiene sus raíces en muchos acontecimientos históricos y en la fusión de diversas razas y culturas. Entre los varios géneros musicales originados en el Caribe están el calypso, el ritmo “soca”, el “reggae”, la rumba y la salsa. Todos estos ritmos tienen en común su carácter único y estimulante.

El calipso , originario de Trinidad, es una forma de comentario social de la región y la letra de cada calipso destaca las realidades de la política: el soborno, la corrupción, y otros aspectos de la sociedad como las malas prácticas de las autoridades encargadas y la existencia de la hipocresía y la mediocridad. El calipso también puede incluir insinuaciones sexuales. Estos calipsos adquieren popularidad debido a su difusión en la radio y en la televisión. (128 words)

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Reading Passage – Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

6. Haggling

En México, como en otros países, la costumbre del regateo está muy arraigada. El regateo es un juego de habilidad de palabra, sensibilidad y amabilidad.

El regateo es posible en ciertos negocios y en algunos casos es obligatorio ya que el mismo vendedor lo espera. Sólo hay que seguir algunas reglas. Es absolutamente necesario negociar con la persona que tiene el poder de decisión, o sea, el dueño del negocio y hay que ser amable pero firme al ofrecer un precio, sonriéndose constantemente.

El regatear no es solamente solicitar reducción de precio, sino también puede ser pedir un ascenso a primera clase al chequear el equipaje en el aeropuerto, o que nos den un mejor cuarto en el hotel.

¡Regatear nunca ha empobrecido a nadie! (127 words)

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TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Response to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

A. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

It is the first day at school and a new Form 1 boy is clearly going into the wrong washroom. (a) (b)


You are travelling on a crowded bus downtown and you need to get off but you can’t reach the bell.


(a) (b)


What do you shout to the driver? What do you say to the passengers as you try to get by?

A stranger is asking for directions to the nearest pharmacy. She wants to know if she must turn right or left. She must do neither. (a) (b)

What do you say to her? How does she express her doubt?

You visit the Argentinian consulate to apply for a visa. They need information about your trip. (a) (b)


What do you say to him? How does he respond?

What do they ask you? What is your response?

You are asked to look after your 8-year-old twin cousins for an hour and you decide to be strict with them. (a) (b)

What is the first thing you tell them? What do you promise them?

01245030/F 2011 - 141 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Response to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

A. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

It is the first day at school and a new Form 1 boy is clearly going into the wrong washroom. (a) (b)


You are travelling on a crowded bus downtown and you need to get off but you can’t reach the bell.


(a) (b)


What do you shout to the driver? What do you say to the passengers as you try to get by?

A stranger is asking for directions to the nearest pharmacy. She wants to know if she must turn right or left. She must do neither. (a) (b)

What do you say to her? How does she express her doubt?

You visit the Argentinian consulate to apply for a visa. They need information about your trip. (a) (b)


What do you say to him? How does he respond?

What do they ask you? What is your response?

You are asked to look after your 8-year-old twin cousins for an hour and you decide to be strict with them. (a) (b)

What is the first thing you tell them? What do you promise them?

01245030/F 2011 - 143 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Response to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

B. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You call your neighbour because you are worried about her dog. (a) (b)


Your best friend didn’t come to school today so you call him at home. (a) (b)


What do you ask your sister? What does she suggest?

You meet a visitor who seems lost in a busy street in town. (a) (b)


What do you ask him? What do you offer to do?

You need to complete a task at home but you cannot do so because you have a special meeting at school. (a) (b)


What do you tell her? What do you offer to do?

What do you ask him? What does he respond?

One of your school mates is in town wearing an ugly dress. (a) (b)

What do you tell her? What do you suggest to her?

01245030/F 2011 - 145 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Response to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

C. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You want to buy tickets for a show but you need information and you call the ticket office. (a) (b)


You are watching a movie and your brother makes a comment. (a) (b)


What does your father respond? What does he explain to you?

Classes have been cancelled due to bad weather. (a) (b)


What does he say? What do you reply?

You call your father because you forgot an item you need for your next class. (a) (b)


What do you ask? What does the person respond?

What does your Spanish teacher advise you to do? What does she warn you about?

Your parents are planning an outing for the summer. (a) (b)

What do you suggest? What does your father respond?

01245030/F 2011 - 147 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Response to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

D. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

You have a dental appointment and the dentist is late. (a) (b)


You and your sister are planning a celebration for your parents’ wedding anniversary. (a) (b)


What does your teacher say to you? What does he/she say to reassure you?

Your father receives a telephone call and seems very upset. (a) (b)


What do you suggest? What reason does your sister give for disagreeing?

You have to address the students’ assembly and are very nervous. (a) (b)


What do you say to the receptionist? What does the receptionist suggest?

What does your mother ask him? What does he respond?

You wish to go overseas to study but your parents do not agree. (a) (b)

What does your father say to you? What does he explain?

01245030/F 2011 - 149 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Response to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

E. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

Your class asks your Spanish teacher if she would give the students 100% in the end-of-term exam even if they don’t do the exam. (a) (b)


There is an all night dance which you want to attend but you have strict parents. Your friends call to find out why you’re not there. (a) (b)


What do you tell them? How do they respond?

Your mother takes you on a shopping expedition for clothing and the first thing your mother chooses clashes with your taste. (a) (b)


What does your teacher exclaim? What do you say to your friend next to you?

How do you express your opinion of the item? What do you say to guide her?

Your best friend has done a chef ’s course over the long vacation. You want to find out more about the course.

(a) (b) 5.

What do you ask? How do you request your friend’s help for an upcoming event?

You have been presented with a gift but you do not like it. (a) (b)

What does your sister suggest that you do? What reason do you give for disagreeing?

01245030/F 2011 - 151 -

TEST CODE 01245030 MAY/JUNE 2011

Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate Examination


General Proficiency Oral Response to Situations/Instructions Paper 03 FORM TP 2011118

Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® All rights reserved. 01245030/F 2011

May/June 2011

F. Five situations are described below. You are required to respond to EACH one in SPANISH as indicated by the Examiner. 1.

Your friend would like to watch a movie on the weekend but you prefer to do something else. (a) (b)


You broke the windscreen of your neighbour’s car while playing outdoors. (a) (b)


What do you ask your mother to do to help you? What does your mother promise the neighbour?

Your mother has left instructions for the gardener. (a) (b)


What activity do you suggest? What reason do you give?

What do you say to him when he arrives? What does he ask you?

You return home from shopping and realise that you have forgotten an item in the store.

(a) (b) 5.

What do you say to your mother? What does she suggest that you do?

You do not wish to join the school choir but your parents think otherwise. (a) (b)

What does your mother say to you? What does she explain?

01245030/F 2011 - 153 -

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