Sp11-april 8, 2009

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RECREATION, CULTURE, AND PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, April 8, 2009 commencing at 7:00 p.m. Salmon River Committee Room 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES Present: Gail Aitken, Remi Camparmo, Kristen Charlesworth, Suzan Guest, Hatti Hogeterp, Arthur Moeller, Jamey Paterson, Dan Sheel and Judith Veresuk Council Appointee: Councillor Grant Ward Staff: David Leavers, Tab Buckner, Al Neufeld and Sylvia Carneiro A



D. Leavers welcomed the members to the first official 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee meeting. There was a round table of introductions by the members. ORIENTATION


D. Leavers explained that all advisory committees have youth representation. Appointments commence in September and end in June of the following year. The Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee consists of 12 voting members and the quorum is 7 voting members. The role of the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee was circulated with the agenda package. D. Leavers explained the following: • The Chair generally speaks on behalf of the Committee. • Delegations are allowed to appear before the Committee. • The agenda is set by staff and the Chair and members can add items to the agenda at the meeting or by sending items to be added, to the Chair, prior to the meeting. • The Committee meets once a month on the second Wednesday except July and August. • The Committee will present the Work Plan to Council for approval in May. The Advisory Committee may review their Terms of Reference every two years or establish a Terms of Reference and make any suggested changes to Council for approval.

April 8, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes




Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee April 8, 2009 Moved by S. Guest, Seconded by J. Paterson, That the Council Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee approve the Agenda of the April 8, 2009 meeting. CARRIED



Election of Chair - 2009 Moved by D. Sheel, Seconded by H. Hogeterp, That J. Paterson be appointed Chair for the year 2009. CARRIED


Election of Vice-Chair – 2009 Moved by H. Hogeterp, Seconded by J. Paterson, That S. Guest be appointed Vice-Chair for the year 2009. CARRIED



Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee February 11, 2009 Moved by D. Sheel, Seconded by G. Aitken, That the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee adopt the Meeting Notes of the February 11, 2009 meeting. CARRIED





Capital Budget Program D. Leavers gave a presentation regarding the Capital Budget program. The number 1 priority in capital expenditure is the resurfacing of the McLeod Athletic Park running track.

April 8, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes G.


PRESENTATIONS Some of the other highlights of the Capital Budget program are: • Fort Langley – completion of Fort Langley Spirit Square • McLeod Athletic Park – grandstand seating • McLeod Athletic Park Stadium Fencing – 360 degree perimeter fence • McLeod Athletic Park Stadium - Scoreboard • Motorized vessel launch program study • Trans Canada Trail on Bedford Channel – an opportunity to connect Fort to Fort trail through to Marina Park • Derek Doubleday Sustainable Horticulture Centre planning • Willoughby Community Park Field No. 2 design • Yorkson Phase 1 Playground Project • Willoughby Community Park Sand Volleyball Courts • Aldergrove Community Arena dehumidifier replacement Budget open houses were held last week to receive feedback from the community. 2.

Trans Canada Trail Connection A. Neufeld gave a presentation regarding the status of the Trans Canada Trail. He explained that with the discontinuing of the Albion Ferry, the Trans Canada Trail needed to be re-routed to follow the Fort-to-Fort Trail through Derby Reach Regional Park and connect to the Golden Ears Bridge. Council approved this proposal last year. The trail will extend from Fort Langley on the West along the Fraser River Corridor to the location of the Golden Ears Bridge to provide a connection to Maple Ridge where the Trans Canada Trail continues. An open house for public input is planned and it will be advertised in the local newspapers.



Director, Recreation, Culture, and Parks Report D. Leavers reported that the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Division is going through a restructuring process and the key vacancy to be filled is that of a Manager, Recreation Facilities and Services. It is expected that this hiring will be in place by June. The Langley Events Centre is expected to receive the certificate for substantial completion by the end of this week. The 2009 BC Gymnastics Championship will be held at the Langley Events Centre from April 17-19, 2009.



April 8, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes I.



Municipal Awareness Day – April 23, 2009 D. Leavers reported that the Municipal Awareness Day is an annual event to raise awareness of the services provided by the Township of Langley. There will be approximately 1,800 elementary school students participating this year. The Township is looking for volunteers to help at the event and if anyone is interested are requested to contact Lisa Egan.



Draft 2009 Work Plan D. Leavers presented the Draft 2009 Work Plan. The Work Plan will be discussed in greater detail at the May meeting. Once the committee has approved the Work Plan it will go to Council for endorsement. Some of the highlights of the Work Plan are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Go Active Langley Program British Columbia Recreation & Parks Association Annual Symposium Willoughby Community Park Plan 2010 BC Summer Games Parks and Trails Guide partnership with Tourism Langley Derek Doubleday Sustainable Horticulture Centre Planning Motorized Boat Launch Planning Fort-to-Fort Trail Planning Langley Centennial Museum Operations Assessment S. Langley Regional Trail Design Yorkson Phase I Playground Project Aldergrove Athletic Park Trail Widening Community Storage Policy for Facilities and Parks Cemetery Bylaw Review and Amendment Arts & Culture Plan Joint Committee meetings Park/Facility Openings Sub-Committees (Task Force)

It was suggested that the Aldergrove Aquatic facility be included in the work program. 2.

Langley Events Centre/Willoughby Community Centre A joint tour of the Langley Events Centre with the Youth Advisory Committee has been organized for Wednesday, April 15, 2009 from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m.


BCRPA Symposium D. Leavers informed the members that every year one committee member and one Council member joins the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Division staff to attend the

April 8, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes J.


2009 WORK PROGRAM annual conference from May 27 to 30, 2009 at Whistler. Those interested were requested to inform D. Leavers at [email protected] to receive more details.



Regular Council Meeting dated April 6, 2009 MOTION Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee That Councillor Ward be appointed to the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee and that Councillor Bateman be appointed as the alternate. That Council appoint Suzan Guest, Artur Moeller, Judith Veresuk, Remi Camparmo, Kirsten Charlesworth, Hattie Hogeterp and James Michael Jack to a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010 to the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee.


TASK FORCE D. Leavers, S. Guest and J. Paterson will discuss representation on the various Task Forces/Sub-Committees and will present it at the next Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee meeting. 1.

Awards Committee D. Sheel reported that the Awards Committee met to select the recipients for the Muriel Arnason, Pete Swensson and Eric Flowerdew Awards.


Langley Arts Council S. Guest reported that the Langley Arts Council is in the process of coining their vision and mission statements. She suggested that the Arts Council do a presentation to the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee.


Langley Field Sport Association No report


Langley Walk Committee No report


Pool Advisory Group No report

April 8, 2009 Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Minutes M.


Arbour Day – April 26, 2009








A. Moeller reported that culture and arts are very important to the community and he would like the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee to work closely with the Langley Arts Council.


D. Leavers reported that Wendy Johnson is the School District representative on the Committee. NEXT MEETING Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Location: Salmon River Committee Room 4th Floor 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley BC Time: 7:00 p.m.


TERMINATE Moved by D. Sheel, Seconded by S. Guest, That the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee meeting terminate at 9:23 p.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:

________________ Chair, J. Paterson

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