Sp Minutesmay 4

  • May 2020
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SPECIAL MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, May 4, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. Fraser River Presentation Theatre th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES Present: Mayor Green Councillors J. Bateman, B. Dornan, S. Ferguson, C. Fox, M. Kositsky, B. Long, K. Richter and G. Ward P. Catlin, C. Corfe, D. Leavers, R. Seifi, H. Tsikayi, J. Winslade and C. Wright P. Cordeiro, A. Neufeld and S. Palmer A.


Special Council Meeting – April 20, 2009 Moved by Councillor Ward, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held April 20, 2009. CARRIED





May 4, 2009 Special Council Meeting Minutes

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MOTION TO RESOLVE INTO SPECIAL CLOSED MEETING Moved by Councillor Ward, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council now resolve into a Special Closed Meeting according to Section 90 of the Community Charter for discussion of the following items identified under Section 90: Item D.1. – Section 90(1) (e) Property; Item D.2. – Section 90(1) (e) Property; Item D.3. – Section 90(1) (a) Personnel; Item E.1. – Section 90(2) (b) Inter-Governmental Relations; Item E.2. – Section 90(1) (a) Personnel; Item G.1. – Section 90(1) (a) Personnel; Item G.2. – Section 90(1) (a) Personnel; and Item G.3. – Section 90(1) (a) Personnel. AMENDMENT Moved by Mayor Green, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That the Agenda be amended by adding the following, thereto Item G.4. – Section 90(1) (3) Property. CARRIED AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Long, That the Agenda be amended by adding the following, thereto Item G.5. – Section 90(2) (b) Inter-Governmental Relations; and Item G.6. – Sections 90(1) (i) Legal, (k) Negotiations and Section 90(2) (b) Inter-Governmental Relations CARRIED MAIN MOTION, AS AMENDED The question was called on the Main Motion, as Amended, and it was CARRIED MEETING RECESSED The meeting recessed at 3:02 p.m. MEETING RECONVENED The meeting reconvened at 4:39 p.m. Councillors Ferguson and Kositsky entered the meeting at 4:39 p.m.

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PRESENTATIONS Councillor Long joined the meeting at 4:44 p.m. 1.

Agricultural Advisory Committee Annual Report and Work Plan T. Bowman, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee, provided a presentation regarding the Committees’ 2008 Annual Report and 2009 Work Plan. He commented that the Work Plan consists of such objectives as assisting the Township in the preparation of an Agricultural Viability Strategy, the 2009 Farm Tour, and providing advice regarding future Farmers’ Market proposals, Water Management Plan, Sustainability Charter, with a focus on developing a food security policy on the promotion of local food products, and other initiatives. Councillor Long left the meeting at 5:01 p.m.


Experience the Fraser Project A. Neufeld, Manager, Parks Design & Development, was in attendance and provided a presentation regarding the Experience the Fraser Project: inter-regional trails, river-based infrastructure and heritage features through the Lower Fraser River corridor. He commented that the Trans Canada Trail was supported by Council in March 1998 along the Fraser River Corridor and Council endorsed connecting the Trail form Fort Langley to the new Golden Ears Bridge in March 2007. In April 2009 the Province announced the project with funding to both Metro Vancouver Parks and Fraser Valley Regional District for planning and pilot project. He continued that an open house has been scheduled for May 7th from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the West Langley Hall. Councillor Long rejoined the meeting at 5:04 p.m. Councillor Bateman left the meeting at 5:05 p.m. and rejoined the meeting at 5:09 p.m. Councillor Kositsky commented that Metro Vancouver Parks Committee held its first meeting in mid-April and that the Hon. Rich Coleman, Minister of Housing and Social Development, on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, MLA Mary Polak, and other MLAs throughout the Fraser Valley announced funding for a portion of the Trail through Derby Reach Park. It was noted that the Township will be provided with Trail markers and that staff will provide signage along existing roads (208 Street).

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Neighbourhood Park Land Policy In-Stream Applications Report 09-57 File CD 0890-20 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council receive the report entitled “Neighbourhood Park Land Policy In-Stream Applications”, for information; and further That Council endorse the implementation strategy outlined in this report. CARRIED


DCC Frontending Agreement BFW (Willoughby) Developments Ltd. and 0746344 BC Ltd.) Report 09-58 File CD 08-24-0040 / 08-25-0074 Moved by Councillor Ward, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Council receive this report entitled “DCC Frontending Agreement, BFW (Willoughby) Developments Ltd. and 0746344 BC Ltd.”, for information; and further That Council authorize staff to execute the DCC Frontending Agreement with BFW Developments (Willoughby) Ltd. and 0746344 BC Ltd. in the substantial form of a document presented as Attachment A, for the provision of off-site drainage infrastructure for the southeast phase of the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan area. CARRIED Councillor Ward left the meeting at 5:22 p.m. and rejoined the meeting at 5:23 p.m.


16 Avenue and Zero Avenue Traffic Conditions Update Report 09-61 File ENG 5400-20-01 Moved by Councillor Ward, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council receive the “16 Avenue and Zero Avenue Traffic Conditions Update” report; and further That Council authorize traffic signal installation at 216 Street and 16 Avenue.

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REPORTS TO COUNCIL AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Long, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That the recommendation be amended by deleting the second recommendation and replacing it with “That staff continue to pursue the roundabout option as previously directed by Council”. DEFEATED Mayor Green and Councillors Bateman, Dornan, Fox, Kositsky, Richter and Ward opposed MAIN MOTION The question was called on the Main Motion and it was CARRIED Councillors Ferguson and Long opposed 4.

Healthier Community Partnership Initiative and UBCM Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Report 09-59 File CD 6440-02-01 Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Councillor Kositsky, That the following motion be divided. CARRIED Councillors Bateman, Ferguson, Fox and Ward opposed Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That Council receive the report entitled “Healthier Community Partnership Initiative and UBCM Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant”, for information; and That Council authorize staff to submit an application for a UBCM Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant and indicate a willingness to provide overall grant management. CARRIED That Council indicate its support of the Fraser Health Authority’s Healthier Community Partnership Initiative and appoint a Council representative to the steering group. CARRIED Councillor Richter opposed

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REPORTS TO COUNCIL Moved by Councillor Ferguson, Seconded by Councillor Richter, That Council appoint Mayor Green to the steering group. CARRIED 5.

Farmers’ Market Considerations Report 09-60 File CD 0540-20 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council receive this report, entitled “Farmers’ Market Considerations”, for information; and further That Council authorize staff to forward this report to the Economic Development Committee and Agricultural Advisory Committee, for review and comment. CARRIED


Building Canada Fund – Communities Component (BCF-CC) Report 09-65 File ENG 1855-035-013 Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That Council receive the Building Canada Fund – Communities Component (BCFCC) report, and That Council concur with the following two additional projects and authorize grant applications to the Building Canada Fund – Communities Component •

Zero Avenue/Bertrand Creek Bridge Reconstruction with a total estimated cost of $930,000, and • Street Rehabilitation Pavement Program with a total estimated cost of $1,200,000 o 232 Street: 56 Avenue to 72 Avenue o 96 Avenue: 224 Street to 232 Street o 216 Street: 24 Avenue to 40 Avenue CARRIED E.

CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councillor Ward, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Council receive for information the items under Correspondence as presented. CARRIED

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Request for Funding – Langley United U15 Gold File 7710-01 Letter received from Tom McQuade, Langley United U15 Gold boys soccer team requesting funding for the team to attend the Provincial Championships in Nelson, BC this summer.


Falun Dafa Month File 0630-01 Letter received from Joy Wang, Falun Dafa Association of BC requesting the month of May be proclaimed as Falun Dafa Month.


MINUTES OF COMMITTEES Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Dornan, That Council receive the Minutes of Committees as presented. CARRIED Councillor Dornan left the meeting at 6:01 p.m. and rejoined the meeting at 6:03 p.m. 1.

Langley Agricultural Advisory Committee – December 11, 2008 Minutes from the Langley Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting held December 11, 2008.


Agricultural Advisory Committee – April 16, 2009 Minutes from the Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting held April 16, 2009. MOTION Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Councillor Kositsky, That Council send a letter to Metro Vancouver and UBC conveying support of the Agricultural Advisory Committee’s position relating to retention of the UBC Farm. CARRIED


Heritage Advisory Committee – April 7, 2009 Minutes from the Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting held April 7, 2009. MOTION Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That the three sub-committees: Heritage Site Review Sub-Committee, Museum Advisory Group, and Douglas Day Sub-Committee be exempted from the 90-day Task Force limitation under Bylaw No. 4700.

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MINUTES OF COMMITTEES DEFERRAL Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Richter, That the motion to exempt the three sub-committees be deferred until such time as there has been further discussion and overall review of Bylaw No. 4700. CARRIED 4.

Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee – April 8, 2009 Minutes from the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee Meeting held April 8, 2009.


Youth Advisory Committee – March 25, 2009 Minutes from the Youth Advisory Committee Meeting held March 25, 2009.


Youth Advisory Committee – April 22, 2009 Minutes from the Youth Advisory Committee Meeting held April 22, 2009.



Municipal Finance Authority Program Dividends File 1610-01 Moved by Councillor Long, Seconded by Councillor Richter, That Council receive correspondence from Frank Leonard, Chair, Municipal Finance Authority of BC regarding the Municipal Finance Authority Program Dividends. CARRIED









Extension of Meeting Moved by Councillor Long, Seconded by Councillor Dornan, That the Special meeting of Council be extended beyond 6:00 p.m. CARRIED

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Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee – LMTAC Board-in-Brief Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Council receive the bulletin from the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee. CARRIED


Langley Care Society Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Ward, Whereas the Langley Care Society has presented a request for support in their fundraising efforts as they complete an expansion and renovation of the Langley Lodge; Be it resolved that the Township of Langley commit to a grant to the Society of $50,000 a year for a period of 20 years. DEFERRAL Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Long, That the request for support from the Langley Care Society be deferred to staff for review under the Capital Improvement Grant policy framework and related considerations. CARRIED Councillors Fox and Ward opposed

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Corporate Department Reviews Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Ward, Be it resolved that each Division engage the services of an appropriate consultant to undertake an Organizational Review, as the Fire Department has done, to review ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs provided; however, that they also advise if the Township has adequate staff levels for the Services they provide, and That each Divisional report contain both recommendations for improvements and strengths within the Division, provided that the costs are not to exceed the amount spent to date by the Mayor's Standing Committee of Finance; and further That Council Priorities Meetings be set to occur concurrently with the Mayor's Standing Committee on Finance meetings so that Council may interact with the Committee to better understand their perspective and to make for a more efficient use of resources. Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That the motion be divided. CARRIED Councillors Fox and Ward opposed AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Mayor Green, That the first motion be amended by deleting the words “Each Division engage the services of an appropriate consultant” and inserting the words “That the Township of Langley engage the services of an efficiency consultant”. REFERRAL Moved to Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Long, That all three motions including the Amendment be referred to the Municipal Administrator. CARRIED Councillors Fox and Ward opposed Councillor Richter left the meeting at 6:40 p.m. and rejoined the meeting at 6:41 p.m.

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Participation of Council Members on Local Government Associations Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Long, Whereas members of Council are encouraged to participate in the executives of the three municipal associations which the Township of Langley belongs to - the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) and the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA); and Whereas these organizations require its members to confirm that their municipality supports by resolution the participation of its members on the various boards of directors, committees, and their attendance at conferences, workshops and meetings; Be it resolved that any member of Langley Township Council be permitted to run for executive positions or to participate on these boards and their various committees, according to FCM, UBCM and LMLGA policy and requirements, and That the Township of Langley will cover the costs of attending FCM, UBCM and LMLGA board meetings, and other meetings and conferences, not covered by those organizations, and that all related costs and staff support also be covered, as required, for all three of the associations during the full term of this Council, extending to March 31, 2012. CARRIED


Aldergrove Planning Committee Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Dornan, That Council authorize staff to amend the Terms of Reference to include the following alternate positions to the Aldergrove Planning Committee membership: • 1 Youth Committee representative; • 1 Aldergrove Community Enhancement Committee representative; and • 1 Economic Development Advisory Committee representative. CARRIED

May 4, 2009 Special Council Meeting Minutes N.

TERMINATE Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Dornan That the meeting terminate at 6:46 p.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:


Deputy Township Clerk

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