Southlands Agm 2008

  • June 2020
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Southlands Elementary School Parent Advisory Council 

Annual General Meeting  Tuesday June 3, 7:00 – 8:10 PM, Southlands School Staff Room  

JUNE 3, 2008 SOUTHLANDS PAC AGM Attendees PAC Executive: Brenda Adlem, Dawn Binnington, Carole Jones, Rick Jones, Chrystal Palaty (recorder); Parents: Dorothy Bozek, Dave Carmean, Ross Ellis, Marni MacLeod, Averill Sadleir, Lennie Sargent, Jennifer Thornley, Alison Sillmans, Stephanie Wameling; Staff: Ian Cannon (Principal).

AGENDA 1. Welcome and Call to Order

PAC Chair, Dawn Binnington

2. Approval of Previous AGM Minutes Dawn Binnington Jennifer Thornley made a motion to approve the minutes, Seconded by Marni MacLeod and approved. 3. Chairperson's Report Dawn Binnington Dawn provided an overview of the year, and thanked all the people who contributed to its success, including Mr. Cannon, the excellent Southlands teachers and other staff, the Southlands School Community, the PAC Executive and Class Parents. She acknowledged the amazing level of parental involvement and support at the school and recognized each of the committee leads and thanked the many parents who were involved in these committees. Dawn also mentioned the significant loss of Grade 6 student Nathan Warren, and the impact that this had at Southlands. She commended the school community for banding together to support each other and Nathan’s family during this time 4. Principal's Report Principal, Ian Cannon a) Staffing The school currently has two postings to be filled for next year: first Nations Resource Teacher and a Grade 5 job share position. Postings will be filled in the last week of June. Mrs. Koerner is planning on being back in September and Mrs. Rose has not yet indicated her plans. Mrs. Bone is retiring and staff of temporary contracts will not be back in September. Classroom teacher assignments have not been made. b) School Plan The School Plan draft has been submitted. The goals have not been changed from the current year. The focus of the Literacy goal has shifted for focus on the success of our male students in terms of reading achievement. Next year is probably the last year that Social Responsibility will be included as a goal. Mr. Cannon has the data binder in his office which contains data from report cards, early learning and the FSA which parents are welcome to review. c) IB Program. The IB program application was successful and we are now considered an IB Candidate School. This means that the Primary Years Programme will begin next year for K – Grade 3. Southlands will need to complete 3 of the 6 IB themes. The school now has access to online IB lesson plans and learning resources, and will be assigned a mentor to assist in implementation. This is the first step in a 3 – 4 year process to get World School Status. Next year will prove to be very exciting as we plan, implement and review our lessons. The learning curve will be steep. d) Next year. Attendance is increasing and now stands at 216. While there is still space for grade 2s, there are already waitlists for grade 1 and 3. 5. Treasurer's Report Rick extended a big thank you to Dawn for her great work as the PAC Chair.

PAC Treasurer, Rick Jones

Presentation of Operating Statement to May 31/08. Although this is the AGM the fiscal year end is August 31; the statement therefore cannot be completed until that time.

Southlands Elementary School Parent Advisory Council 

Annual General Meeting  Tuesday June 3, 7:00 – 8:10 PM, Southlands School Staff Room   The Operating Statement until May 31/ 2008 was presented, including revenues and expenses. Southland PAC is forecast to have an excess of $11,090 when the books are closed for 2007-2008, mostly because of special events fundraising. Some discussion was generated about purchasing a grill, or liberating those funds for next year. Note: the school has restrictions with regards to the grill (Worksafe). Rick moved that we accept the balance statement to May 31, 2008, with the one adjustment to the yearbook amount. Ross Ellis seconded. All voted in favour. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR NEXT YEAR Rick Jones The PAC Executive was unable to review this proposed budget before the general meeting. Rick presented a budget with some minor changes from the previous year. The $5000 reserve traditionally carried from one year to another is being continued in the budget for 2008/09. There was discussion about some items that could be purchased in the next year including electronic signs, SMART boards ($2500 per classroom), new uniforms for school teams, and an emblem for the gym floor or a mural. Decisions regarding these expenditures will be left for next year’s PAC. Rick moved that the proposed budget as amended be approved. Brenda Adlem seconded. All voted in favour. Dawn thanked Rick for his great job of pulling this budget together and for all his hard work on behalf of the PAC.

6. Fundraising Report Fundraising Chair, Carole Jones a) Cookbooks – were very successful and raised about $1000 for the PAC. b) The Southlands Online Auction raised a total of $6850. Big thanks to Dave Carmean for his fabulous job with this new venture. 7. Vote on School Planning Council Ross Ellis was acclaimed for School Planning Council. Ian Cannon will look for additional council members.

8. Vote on PAC Executive for 2008-2009 All acclaimed. - Co-Chairpersons - Treasurer - Secretary - Fundraising

Dorothy Bozak and Marni MacLeod John Stekl Chrystal Palaty Carole Jones

9. New Business No new business. Stephanie Wameling extended a big thanks to the school community for welcoming their family and their son during his two years at Southlands. They are returning home to Germany.

Meeting adjourned 8:10pm

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