South Indian Style

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 24

Dashas Dasha balance at birth Su-Ke-Ju-Ve-Me Sun MAHADASHA, AGE -4-2

Su-Su Age: -4

Su-Mo Age: -4

Su-Ma Age: -4

Su-Ra Age: -3

Su-Ju Age: -2

Su-Sa Age: -2

Su-Me Age: -1

Su-Ke Age: 0

Sat Mer

06-05-84 06-25-84

Su-Ve Age: 0 Ven 07-13-84 Sun 09-12-84 Mon 10-01-84 Mar 10-31-84 Rah 11-21-84 Jup 01-15-85 Sat 03-05-85 Mer 05-02-85 Ket 06-22-85

Moon MAHADASHA, AGE 1-11 Mo-Mo Age: 1 Mon 07-14-85 Mar 08-08-85 Rah 08-26-85 Jup 10-11-85 Sat 11-20-85 Mer 01-07-86 Ket 02-19-86 Ven 03-09-86 Sun 04-29-86

Mo-Ma Age: 1 Mar 05-14-86 Rah 05-27-86 Jup 06-27-86 Sat 07-26-86 Mer 08-29-86 Ket 09-28-86 Ven 10-10-86 Sun 11-15-86 Mon 11-25-86

Mo-Ra Age: 2 Rah 12-13-86 Jup 03-05-87 Sat 05-17-87 Mer 08-12-87 Ket 10-29-87 Ven 11-30-87 Sun 02-29-88 Mon 03-27-88 Mar 05-12-88

Mo-Ju Age: 4 Mo-Sa Age: 5 Mo-Me Age: 6 Jup 06-13-88 Sat 10-13-89 Mer 05-14-91 Sat 08-17-88 Mer 01-13-90 Ket 07-27-91 Mer 11-02-88 Ket 04-05-90 Ven 08-26-91 Ket 01-10-89 Ven 05-08-90 Sun 11-20-91 Ven 02-07-89 Sun 08-13-90 Mon 12-16-91 Sun 04-30-89 Mon 09-11-90 Mar 01-28-92 Mon 05-24-89 Mar 10-29-90 Rah 02-27-92 Mar 07-04-89 Rah 12-01-90 Jup 05-15-92 Rah 08-01-89 Jup 02-26-91 Sat 07-23-92 Mars MAHADASHA, AGE 11-18

Mo-Ke Age: 8 Ket 10-13-92 Ven 10-25-92 Sun 11-30-92 Mon 12-10-92 Mar 12-28-92 Rah 01-10-93 Jup 02-10-93 Sat 03-11-93 Mer 04-14-93

Mo-Ve Age: 8 Ven 05-14-93 Sun 08-23-93 Mon 09-23-93 Mar 11-12-93 Rah 12-18-93 Jup 03-19-94 Sat 06-08-94 Mer 09-13-94 Ket 12-08-94

Mo-Su Age: 10 Sun 01-13-95 Mon 01-22-95 Mar 02-06-95 Rah 02-17-95 Jup 03-16-95 Sat 04-09-95 Mer 05-08-95 Ket 06-03-95 Ven 06-14-95

Ma-Ma Age: 11 Mar 07-14-95 Rah 07-23-95 Jup 08-14-95 Sat 09-03-95 Mer 09-27-95 Ket 10-18-95 Ven 10-27-95 Sun 11-20-95 Mon 11-28-95

Ma-Ra Age: 11 Rah 12-10-95 Jup 02-06-96 Sat 03-28-96 Mer 05-28-96 Ket 07-21-96 Ven 08-12-96 Sun 10-15-96 Mon 11-03-96 Mar 12-05-96

Ma-Ju Age: 12 Jup 12-28-96 Sat 02-11-97 Mer 04-06-97 Ket 05-25-97 Ven 06-13-97 Sun 08-09-97 Mon 08-26-97 Mar 09-24-97 Rah 10-14-97

Ma-Sa Age: 13 Ma-Me Age: 14 Ma-Ke Age: 15 Sat 12-04-97 Mer 01-13-99 Ket 01-10-00 Mer 02-06-98 Ket 03-05-99 Ven 01-18-00 Ket 04-04-98 Ven 03-26-99 Sun 02-12-00 Ven 04-28-98 Sun 05-25-99 Mon 02-20-00 Sun 07-04-98 Mon 06-12-99 Mar 03-03-00 Mon 07-24-98 Mar 07-13-99 Rah 03-12-00 Mar 08-27-98 Rah 08-03-99 Jup 04-03-00 Rah 09-20-98 Jup 09-26-99 Sat 04-23-00 Jup 11-20-98 Sat 11-13-99 Mer 05-17-00 Rahu MAHADASHA, AGE 18-36

Ma-Ve Age: 16 Ven 06-07-00 Sun 08-17-00 Mon 09-07-00 Mar 10-13-00 Rah 11-07-00 Jup 01-09-01 Sat 03-07-01 Mer 05-14-01 Ket 07-13-01

Ma-Su Age: 17 Sun 08-07-01 Mon 08-13-01 Mar 08-24-01 Rah 08-31-01 Jup 09-20-01 Sat 10-07-01 Mer 10-27-01 Ket 11-14-01 Ven 11-21-01

Ma-Mo Age: 17 Mon 12-13-01 Mar 12-31-01 Rah 01-12-02 Jup 02-13-02 Sat 03-13-02 Mer 04-16-02 Ket 05-16-02 Ven 05-29-02 Sun 07-03-02

Ra-Ra Age: 18 Rah 07-14-02 Jup 12-09-02 Sat 04-19-03 Mer 09-22-03 Ket 02-09-04 Ven 04-07-04 Sun 09-18-04 Mon 11-06-04 Mar 01-27-05

Ra-Ju Age: 20 Jup 03-26-05 Sat 07-21-05 Mer 12-07-05 Ket 04-10-06 Ven 05-31-06 Sun 10-24-06 Mon 12-07-06 Mar 02-18-07 Rah 04-10-07

Ra-Sa Age: 23 Sat 08-20-07 Mer 01-31-08 Ket 06-27-08 Ven 08-27-08 Sun 02-16-09 Mon 04-09-09 Mar 07-05-09 Rah 09-04-09 Jup 02-07-10

Ra-Me Age: 26 Ra-Ke Age: 28 Ra-Ve Age: 29 Mer 06-26-10 Ket 01-12-13 Ven 01-30-14 Ket 11-04-10 Ven 02-03-13 Sun 08-01-14 Ven 12-29-10 Sun 04-08-13 Mon 09-25-14 Sun 06-02-11 Mon 04-27-13 Mar 12-25-14 Mon 07-19-11 Mar 05-29-13 Rah 02-27-15 Mar 10-04-11 Rah 06-21-13 Jup 08-10-15 Rah 11-28-11 Jup 08-17-13 Sat 01-03-16 Jup 04-15-12 Sat 10-07-13 Mer 06-25-16 Sat 08-17-12 Mer 12-07-13 Ket 11-27-16 Jupiter MAHADASHA, AGE 36-52

Ra-Su Age: 32 Sun 01-30-17 Mon 02-16-17 Mar 03-15-17 Rah 04-03-17 Jup 05-22-17 Sat 07-05-17 Mer 08-26-17 Ket 10-12-17 Ven 10-31-17

Ra-Mo Age: 33 Mon 12-25-17 Mar 02-09-18 Rah 03-12-18 Jup 06-03-18 Sat 08-15-18 Mer 11-09-18 Ket 01-26-19 Ven 02-27-19 Sun 05-29-19

Ra-Ma Age: 35 Mar 06-26-19 Rah 07-18-19 Jup 09-14-19 Sat 11-04-19 Mer 01-03-20 Ket 02-27-20 Ven 03-20-20 Sun 05-23-20 Mon 06-11-20

Ju-Ju Age: 36 Jup 07-13-20 Sat 10-25-20 Mer 02-25-21 Ket 06-16-21 Ven 07-31-21 Sun 12-08-21 Mon 01-16-22 Mar 03-22-22 Rah 05-07-22

Ju-Sa Age: 38 Sat 08-31-22 Mer 01-25-23 Ket 06-05-23 Ven 07-29-23 Sun 12-30-23 Mon 02-14-24 Mar 05-02-24 Rah 06-25-24 Jup 11-10-24

Ju-Me Age: 40 Mer 03-14-25 Ket 07-09-25 Ven 08-26-25 Sun 01-11-26 Mon 02-22-26 Mar 05-02-26 Rah 06-19-26 Jup 10-21-26 Sat 02-08-27

Ju-Ke Age: 43 Ju-Ve Age: 43 Ju-Su Age: 46 Ket 06-20-27 Ven 05-25-28 Sun 01-24-31 Ven 07-09-27 Sun 11-04-28 Mon 02-08-31 Sun 09-04-27 Mon 12-22-28 Mar 03-04-31 Mon 09-21-27 Mar 03-14-29 Rah 03-21-31 Mar 10-20-27 Rah 05-09-29 Jup 05-04-31 Rah 11-09-27 Jup 10-03-29 Sat 06-12-31 Jup 12-30-27 Sat 02-09-30 Mer 07-28-31 Sat 02-13-28 Mer 07-14-30 Ket 09-08-31 Mer 04-07-28 Ket 11-29-30 Ven 09-25-31 Saturn MAHADASHA, AGE 52-71

Ju-Mo Age: 47 Mon 11-13-31 Mar 12-23-31 Rah 01-21-32 Jup 04-03-32 Sat 06-07-32 Mer 08-23-32 Ket 10-31-32 Ven 11-28-32 Sun 02-17-33

Ju-Ma Age: 48 Mar 03-14-33 Rah 04-03-33 Jup 05-24-33 Sat 07-08-33 Mer 08-31-33 Ket 10-18-33 Ven 11-07-33 Sun 01-03-34 Mon 01-20-34

Ju-Ra Age: 49 Rah 02-18-34 Jup 06-29-34 Sat 10-24-34 Mer 03-12-35 Ket 07-14-35 Ven 09-03-35 Sun 01-27-36 Mon 03-11-36 Mar 05-23-36

Sa-Sa Age: 52 Sat 07-13-36 Mer 01-03-37 Ket 06-08-37 Ven 08-11-37 Sun 02-10-38 Mon 04-06-38 Mar 07-06-38 Rah 09-09-38 Jup 02-20-39

Sa-Me Age: 55 Mer 07-17-39 Ket 12-03-39 Ven 01-29-40 Sun 07-11-40 Mon 08-29-40 Mar 11-19-40 Rah 01-16-41 Jup 06-12-41 Sat 10-21-41

Sa-Ke Age: 57 Ket 03-26-42 Ven 04-19-42 Sun 06-25-42 Mon 07-15-42 Mar 08-18-42 Rah 09-11-42 Jup 11-10-42 Sat 01-03-43 Mer 03-08-43

Sa-Ve Age: 58 Sa-Su Age: 62 Sa-Mo Age: 63 Ven 05-05-43 Sun 07-04-46 Mon 06-16-47 Sun 11-14-43 Mon 07-22-46 Mar 08-04-47 Mon 01-10-44 Mar 08-20-46 Rah 09-06-47 Mar 04-16-44 Rah 09-09-46 Jup 12-02-47 Rah 06-22-44 Jup 10-31-46 Sat 02-17-48 Jup 12-13-44 Sat 12-16-46 Mer 05-19-48 Sat 05-16-45 Mer 02-09-47 Ket 08-09-48 Mer 11-15-45 Ket 03-30-47 Ven 09-11-48 Ket 04-28-46 Ven 04-20-47 Sun 12-17-48 Mercury MAHADASHA, AGE 71-88

Sa-Ma Age: 64 Mar 01-15-49 Rah 02-07-49 Jup 04-09-49 Sat 06-02-49 Mer 08-05-49 Ket 10-01-49 Ven 10-25-49 Sun 12-31-49 Mon 01-21-50

Sa-Ra Age: 65 Rah 02-23-50 Jup 07-30-50 Sat 12-15-50 Mer 05-29-51 Ket 10-24-51 Ven 12-23-51 Sun 06-14-52 Mon 08-05-52 Mar 10-31-52

Sa-Ju Age: 68 Jup 12-30-52 Sat 05-03-53 Mer 09-26-53 Ket 02-04-54 Ven 03-30-54 Sun 09-01-54 Mon 10-17-54 Mar 01-02-55 Rah 02-25-55

Me-Me Age: 71 Mer 07-14-55 Ket 11-15-55 Ven 01-06-56 Sun 05-31-56 Mon 07-14-56 Mar 09-26-56 Rah 11-16-56 Jup 03-28-57 Sat 07-23-57

Me-Ke Age: 73 Ket 12-09-57 Ven 12-30-57 Sun 03-01-58 Mon 03-19-58 Mar 04-18-58 Rah 05-09-58 Jup 07-03-58 Sat 08-20-58 Mer 10-16-58

Me-Ve Age: 74 Ven 12-07-58 Sun 05-28-59 Mon 07-19-59 Mar 10-13-59 Rah 12-12-59 Jup 05-16-60 Sat 10-01-60 Mer 03-13-61 Ket 08-07-61

Me-Su Age: 77 Me-Mo Age: 78 Me-Ma Age: 79 Sun 10-06-61 Mon 08-13-62 Mar 01-12-64 Mon 10-22-61 Mar 09-25-62 Rah 02-02-64 Mar 11-17-61 Rah 10-25-62 Jup 03-28-64 Rah 12-05-61 Jup 01-11-63 Sat 05-15-64 Jup 01-20-62 Sat 03-21-63 Mer 07-11-64 Sat 03-03-62 Mer 06-11-63 Ket 09-01-64 Mer 04-21-62 Ket 08-23-63 Ven 09-22-64 Ket 06-04-62 Ven 09-22-63 Sun 11-21-64 Ven 06-22-62 Sun 12-17-63 Mon 12-09-64 Ketu MAHADASHA, AGE 88-95

Me-Ra Age: 80 Rah 01-08-65 Jup 05-28-65 Sat 09-29-65 Mer 02-24-66 Ket 07-06-66 Ven 08-29-66 Sun 01-31-67 Mon 03-19-67 Mar 06-04-67

Me-Ju Age: 83 Jup 07-29-67 Sat 11-16-67 Mer 03-26-68 Ket 07-22-68 Ven 09-08-68 Sun 01-24-69 Mon 03-06-69 Mar 05-14-69 Rah 07-02-69

Me-Sa Age: 85 Sat 11-03-69 Mer 04-07-70 Ket 08-25-70 Ven 10-21-70 Sun 04-03-71 Mon 05-22-71 Mar 08-12-71 Rah 10-08-71 Jup 03-04-72

Ke-Ke Age: 88 Ket 07-13-72 Ven 07-22-72 Sun 08-15-72 Mon 08-23-72 Mar 09-04-72 Rah 09-13-72 Jup 10-05-72 Sat 10-25-72 Mer 11-18-72

Ke-Ve Age: 88 Ven 12-09-72 Sun 02-18-73 Mon 03-11-73 Mar 04-16-73 Rah 05-11-73 Jup 07-14-73 Sat 09-08-73 Mer 11-15-73 Ket 01-14-74

Ke-Su Age: 89 Sun 02-08-74 Mon 02-14-74 Mar 02-25-74 Rah 03-05-74 Jup 03-24-74 Sat 04-10-74 Mer 04-30-74 Ket 05-18-74 Ven 05-26-74

Ke-Mo Age: 90 Ke-Ma Age: 90 Ke-Ra Age: 91 Mon 06-16-74 Mar 01-15-75 Rah 06-13-75 Mar 07-04-74 Rah 01-24-75 Jup 08-10-75 Rah 07-16-74 Jup 02-15-75 Sat 09-30-75 Jup 08-17-74 Sat 03-07-75 Mer 11-29-75 Sat 09-14-74 Mer 03-31-75 Ket 01-23-76 Mer 10-18-74 Ket 04-21-75 Ven 02-14-76 Ket 11-17-74 Ven 04-29-75 Sun 04-18-76 Ven 11-30-74 Sun 05-24-75 Mon 05-07-76 Sun 01-04-75 Mon 06-01-75 Mar 06-08-76 Venus MAHADASHA, AGE 95-115

Ke-Ju Age: 92 Jup 07-01-76 Sat 08-15-76 Mer 10-08-76 Ket 11-25-76 Ven 12-15-76 Sun 02-10-77 Mon 02-27-77 Mar 03-27-77 Rah 04-16-77

Ke-Sa Age: 93 Sat 06-06-77 Mer 08-10-77 Ket 10-06-77 Ven 10-30-77 Sun 01-05-78 Mon 01-25-78 Mar 02-28-78 Rah 03-24-78 Jup 05-23-78

Ke-Me Age: 94 Mer 07-16-78 Ket 09-06-78 Ven 09-27-78 Sun 11-26-78 Mon 12-14-78 Mar 01-13-79 Rah 02-04-79 Jup 03-30-79 Sat 05-17-79

Ve-Ve Age: 95 Ven 07-14-79 Sun 02-01-80 Mon 04-02-80 Mar 07-13-80 Rah 09-22-80 Jup 03-23-81 Sat 09-02-81 Mer 03-13-82 Ket 09-02-82

Ve-Su Age: 98 Sun 11-12-82 Mon 11-30-82 Mar 12-31-82 Rah 01-21-83 Jup 03-17-83 Sat 05-04-83 Mer 07-01-83 Ket 08-22-83 Ven 09-12-83

Ve-Mo Age: 99 Mon 11-12-83 Mar 01-02-84 Rah 02-06-84 Jup 05-08-84 Sat 07-28-84 Mer 11-01-84 Ket 01-27-85 Ven 03-03-85 Sun 06-13-85

Ve-Ma Age: 101 Mar 07-13-85 Rah 08-07-85 Jup 10-10-85 Sat 12-06-85 Mer 02-11-86 Ket 04-12-86 Ven 05-07-86 Sun 07-17-86 Mon 08-08-86

Ve-Sa Age: 107 Sat 05-13-92 Mer 11-12-92 Ket 04-25-93 Ven 07-01-93 Sun 01-10-94 Mon 03-09-94 Mar 06-13-94 Rah 08-20-94 Jup 02-09-95

Ve-Me Age: 111 Mer 07-13-95 Ket 12-07-95 Ven 02-05-96 Sun 07-27-96 Mon 09-17-96 Mar 12-12-96 Rah 02-10-97 Jup 07-15-97 Sat 11-30-97

Ve-Ke Age: 113 Ket 05-13-98 Ven 06-07-98 Sun 08-17-98 Mon 09-07-98 Mar 10-13-98 Rah 11-07-98 Jup 01-10-99 Sat 03-08-99 Mer 05-14-99

Parashara's Light 6.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to TSRh

Ve-Ra Age: 102 Rah 09-12-86 Jup 02-23-87 Sat 07-20-87 Mer 01-09-88 Ket 06-12-88 Ven 08-15-88 Sun 02-14-89 Mon 04-10-89 Mar 07-10-89

Ve-Ju Age: 105 Jup 09-12-89 Sat 01-20-90 Mer 06-23-90 Ket 11-08-90 Ven 01-04-91 Sun 06-15-91 Mon 08-03-91 Mar 10-23-91 Rah 12-19-91


2. Birth chart II

Wed May 30,1984 07:00:00 Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Place of birth : Tiruvananantapuram Kerala India Longitude: 76E55'00 Latitude: 08N29'00

Ishtakal : 2:14:42 Sunrise : May 30,84 06:06:07 Sunset : May 30,84 18:33:33 Ayanamsha : -23:38:05 Lahiri

Birth Chart

D9 Navamsha (spouse)

11th h. 38 382.11 12th h. 20 371.66 1st h. 25 415.48 2nd h. 27 656.12 11th h. 12th h. 1st h. 2nd h.

10th h.

3rd h.

9th h.

4th h.

8th h.


7th h.


17:56 PSh

6th h.

4th h. 34 495.37 3rd h. 32 397.18

9th h. 25 357.4210th h. 32 425.94


Mo 07:30 Kri Ve 10:36 Roh 22:22 BhaRa 12:57 Roh Su 15:11 Roh As 27:56 Mrg

5th h.

SaR 17:33 Swa MaR 20:57 Vis

12:57 Anu

8th h. 26 359.24 7th h. 22 249.05 6th h. 33 276.32 5th h. 23 605.72 Birth Chart

As Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke

27:56:14 15:11:28 07:30:21 20:57:08 22:22:43 17:56:17 10:36:21 17:33:00 12:57:57 12:57:57

Mo SaR

Ve MaR Ra


Me Ke As JuR Vimshottari Ra-Ra Ra-Ju Ra-Sa Ra-Me Ra-Ke Ra-Ve Ra-Su Ra-Mo Ra-Ma Ju-Ju Ju-Sa Ju-Me Ju-Ke Ju-Ve Ju-Su

Sun 07-14-2002 Sat 03-26-2005 Mon 08-20-2007 Sat 06-26-2010 Sat 01-12-2013 Thu 01-30-2014 Mon 01-30-2017 Mon 12-25-2017 Wed 06-26-2019 Mon 07-13-2020 Wed 08-31-2022 Fri 03-14-2025 Sun 06-20-2027 Thu 05-25-2028 Fri 01-24-2031

Shad Bala

c R R c R

Tau Tau Tau Lib Ari Sag Tau Lib Tau Sco

Mrigashi Rohini Krittika Vishakha Bharani P.Shad. Rohini Swati Rohini Anuradha

Vo Vah Ay Tee Lay Dah Oh Tah Oh Noo

2,Ma/Sa 2,Mo/Ju 4,Su/Ke 1,Ju/Ju 3,Ve/Sa 2,Ve/Ma 1,Mo/Mo 4,Ra/Su 1,Mo/Ra 3,Sa/Ra

Grt.En. Exalt. Enemy Enemy Own Own Exalt. Exalt. Exalt.

1.23 1.08 0.83 1.41 0.81 1.37 1.28

4 1 3 4 2 3 5 00:02 Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa 1.23 1.08 0.83 1.41 0.81 1.37 1.28

Parashara's Light 6.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to TSRh


14. Shadbala

Wed May 30,1984 07:00:00 Timezone: -5:30:00 Daylightsaving : 0 Place of birth : Tiruvananantapuram Kerala India Longitude: 76E55'00 Latitude: 08N29'00

Ishtakal : 2:14:42 Sunrise : May 30,84 06:06:07 Sunset : May 30,84 18:33:33 Ayanamsha : -23:38:05 Lahiri

Birth Chart

Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke

Shad Bala

SB% 1.23 1.08 0.83 1.41 0.81 1.37 1.28

SB# War IshKas 4 107/121 1 81/40 3 42/56 4 57/79 2 60/32 3 70/41 5 121/90 Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa 1.23 1.08 0.83 1.41 0.81 1.37 1.28

Bhava Bala

Bhava Bala1












Rashi Tau Degree 27 From Lord451 Dig Bala 30 Drishti -5 Planets in -60 Day-Night0

Gem 27 590 50 15 0 0

Can 27 389 20 -12 0 0

Leo 27 479 0 16 0 0

Vir 27 590 20 -4 0 0

Lib 27 451 10 -65 -120 0

Sco 27 250 60 -61 0 0

Sag 27 315 40 -56 60 0

Cap 27 383 10 -35 0 0

Aqu 27 383 30 12 0 0

Pis 27 315 10 41 0 15

Ari 27 250 40 21 60 0














Parashara's Light 6.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to TSRh

Arathi ~ Nature and Temperament ~ 1 - She will be calm and firm by nature and will be devoted to her work with patience and determination. 2 - She will be physically strong and mentally tolerant and forbearing. 3 - She will generally not get enraged but in the case she does so, her anger will be as violent and dangerous as an earthquake. 4 - She will be materialistically inclined to accumulate luxurious things and will acquire the comforts of life. 5 - She will be authoritative. She may give the biggest of sacrifices for her dear ones but may never forgive those whom she hates. 6 - She will be very social. She will get pleasure in being hospitable to her brothers, friends and relatives. 7 - She will be fond of beauty, music, art and good clothes. 8 - She will prefer a happy and luxurious life-style and will always make efforts to acquire it. 9 - She will be stubborn by nature and will have the ability to successfully execute her plans. 10 - She will give a lot of thought to trivial things and this may lead to delay in all her work. 11 - She will be practical in money matters, will be desirous of earning wealth, will focus on her goals and not on the medium. 12 - She will make friends after giving considerable thought and will always be devoted to them. She will be very responsible as far as her love life and married life is concerned. 13 - She will be a show-off in her social life but very shy in expressing her love. 14 - She will be somber, thoughtful, peace loving and large hearted. 15 - She will face disappointments and will suffer from anxiety because of laziness, selfishness, sensuality, materialism and other bad habits.

 Your main Sentence I Have. Your biggest Talent Patience and devotion. Your biggest Weakness Not surrendering and willfulness. Your Ambition Fame and social status.


¬ According to the Shastras

Because of Venus being the lord of Taurus Rashi, people born under Taurus Rashi have an attractive appearance, large eyes, round face, broad facial structure, wide chest, mole on the back, face, side or shoulder, high shoulders, dense hair, broad waist, shoulders, feet, thighs and will have a beautiful gait. The person will be polite, calm natured, tolerant, liberal, pleasure loving, sensuous, sacrificing, prudent, wealthy, hardworking, bold, intelligent, devoted to parents and teachers, impressive, prominent at meetings, determined in their work, occasionally upset, suffering from cold and cough, friendly, devoid of inherited wealth and son, blessed with daughter, fortunate, famous, forgiving, capable of digesting food easily, endowed with stable and good friends, happy in middle and old age, staying away from relatives, interested in painting and music, gaining sudden wealth, fond of authority, interested in leading happy life, fearful of going to jail on false charges, favorite among males, blessed with an obedient husband and having relations with three men. There may be suffering from cold etc. eye ailments, throat or abdominal problems and ear ailments in old age.

to Modern viewpoint

According to the Modern Viewpoint

Persons born under Taurus rashi will be stable and firm natured, patient and tolerant, endowed with physical and mental tolerance and forbearing, having a dangerous and violent temper, collector of worldly comforts, capable of sacrificing everything for their beloved and unforgiving towards the people they hate. They are fond of beauty, music, art, good clothes and a happy and luxurious life. They will strive to acquire it. They will be stubborn and will have the ability to accomplish their plans and will give a lot of thought to trivial work. They will be practical about money matters and will be desirous of earning wealth and they will care about targets, not the medium. She will make friends after long consideration and will be devoted to her friends. She will bear responsibility in relation to her love affairs and family life. She will suffer disappointments and anxiety because of laziness, selfishness, sensuality, materialism and other faults.

Physical Characteristics 1. She will have a mediocre height and a good physique. 2. She will have broad and strong shoulders, a thick neck, short arms and legs. 3. She will have a round face, big eyes, a broad forehead and thick lips. 4. She may have moles on her face or her back, a birthmark in the shape of a garlic drop or 'Varna'.


¬ ~ Useful Information ~ Your main Sentence I Have. Your biggest Talent Patience and devotion. Your biggest Weakness Not surrendering and willfulness. Your Ambition Fame and social status.

Lucky Day Friday and Saturday. Lucky Colour White, Green and Pink. Lucky Number 6,5,8 are very lucky. Lucky Stone Pearl, Emerald and Beryl. Lucky Upratna White Topaz and Chandramani or Moonstone.

Inauspicious Month and Dates November of every month, 5-10-15-20 of every month and clothes or material of red Colour are not lucky. Inauspicious Tithi Panchami, Dashmi, Purnima are not lucky. Auspicious Rashi Persons born under Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius make good friends. Cancer and Leo are not lucky. Auspicious Day Saturday. Inauspicious Period 9th day of Shukla Paksha of Magha, Friday and Rohini Nakshatra are unlucky.



Nakshatra Interpretations You have been born in the fourth pada of Krittika nakshatra. Therefore, your birth rashi is Taurus and the lord of the rashi is Venus. According to the Avakahada chakra Caste - Vaishya Vashaya - Chatushpad/Four legged Yoni - Mesha Gana - Rakshasa Nadi - Antya Your birth name should start with the letter "Ae".

According to the Shastras Interpretations for a person born under the Krittika nakshatra are as follows -

tkrk HkosRL=h ;fnÑfÙkdklq Øks/kkf/kdk ;q)ijk fojDrkA ç}sf" cU/kqtusu ghuk 'ys"ekf/kdk{kkeruq% lnSoAA A woman born in the Krittika nakshatra may create conflicts and confusion everywhere due to her angry temperament. She may have a feeling of detachment and be enimical and jealous of others. She may suffer form cough, cold and other physical ailments.

ÑfÙkdk;ka leqRiUuk {kq/kkrkZ cgqHkf{k.khA dq'khyk Ñi.k dU;k L;knU;klDrekulkAA In other words, she may always make efforts to earn a living, be fond of eating and cruel at times and polite at times. She may be miserly in her daily living and may be very attracted to the male society.

According to the Modern Viewpoint A person born in the fourth pada of Krittika nakshatra is loving and liberal hearted, keen to have a friends circle, socially interactive, good at hospitality, pleasure loving, easy going, possessing a powerful personality, engrossed in creative work, inclined towards gambling and speculation, benefiting from the government and having government employees as friends. She may be associated with arts and related sciences. Her entire concentration may be towards earning more money. She will be unsurpassed at presenting original arguments but disappointed in love. She will rise in the field of acting, dramatics, modern television and politics.

Interpretations for Pada (paya) Birth in the Krittika nakshatra is considered to be in the iron paya which is inauspicious and harmful for wealth.

Health The fourth pada of the Krittika nakshatra controls the face, neck, throat, tonsils and lower jaw and ailments related to these parts may occur when afflicted by inauspicious grahas.

Remedy Lord Fire or Agni is the Lord of the Krittika nakshatra. He should be worshipped with white sandalwood, fragrance, Juhi flowers, lamp filled with butter, incense sticks, sesame seeds etc. in order to appease him. Karpas Mool The Karpas Mool should be filled in a container and worn. Ghee (butter clarified by boiling and straining), sweets and kheer (sweet made of rice & milk) should be sacrificed. Mix sesame seeds and butter ghee in the sacrificial mixture and recite the following 108 times -

vfXuewZ/kkZfno% ddqRifr% i`fFkR;k v;e~A vikxwa jsrk xwa flftUofr ¬ vXu;s ue%AA Interpretations for the Vaishya Caste

O;kikjdk;sZ fujr% ijdeksZ|r% lnkA fu"Bqj'prqj'pSo oS';o.kZleqn~Hko%AA (Jatakotam) A person born in the Vaishya caste is a businessman, always enterprising in the work of others, clever and detached.

Interpretations for the Rakshasa Gana

mUeknh Hkh"k.kkdkj% loZnk dygfç;%A



iq#"kks nqLga cwzrs çesgh jk{kls x.ksAA (Maansagri) A person born in the Rakshasa gana is free from ailments, tremendously ugly, quarrelsome and a speaker of harsh and hurtful words.

Interpretations for the Mesha Yoni

egksRlkgh egk;ks)k foØeh foHkos'oj%A fuR;a ijksidkjh p es"k;ksukS HkosUuj%A (Maansagri) A person born in the Mesha yoni is very enthusiastic, a great, warrior, valiant, wealthy and philanthropic.

Marriage, Friendship and Partnership For people born in the fourth pada of Krittika, people of Mrigshira, Pushya, Anuradha, Jyestha, third and fourth pada of Dhanishtha and Shatabhisha nakshatra are suitable



Interpretations of Planetary Dispositions


The Sun


In the First Bhava Auspicious Results : Generally, Sun in the first house signifies progress and good fortune. One has tall height, pleasant eyes, a pronounced nose and a wide forehead. The person will be strong and healthy with a tendency of having gastric problems. One may suffer from a burning sensation in the stomach. One will be egoistic, confident, determined and may have high thoughts. One will be liberal at heart, may discard low quality work, be hard and judicious. One will believe in proper proof. One will be studious, intelligent, may not speak a lot and may settle or travel abroad. One will be famous in all fields and will independently attain a high position. The person will be cultured, knowledgeable and well behaved and will have a good character. One may be a frugal eater and brave. One may fight in the forefront in a battle. One may be interested in gardening. One will have the worldly comforts. One will be a scholar. One may be proud, eccentric and ill charactered. Inauspicious Results : One may be exploited by the opposite sex, have wicked children, wander around in the market or gardens and may be charmed by prostitutes. One may be lazy at work, wicked and unforgiving. One may suffer from gastric problems and may have a weak physique. The person may be ailing in childhood. One may have some problems with one's eyes. One's eyes will be dry. Sun in the lagna makes a person ailing. Eye ailments, headaches, gastric problems, blood infection, frequent urination and wastage of semen may occur. One may travel abroad and lose money in business there. One's financial fortunes will fluctuate and one will at times be comfortable with money and at times face a shortage of money. The person may have a few children. Due to some extra-terrestrial influences, one may not have a son or a grandson. One may be weak and spoilt by the opposite sex. The person may work for lowly people. One does not stay at one place and is always wandering. One will be short tempered, callous, energetic and having a weak physique. One may have scanty hair. One may be troubled by one's spouse, son, family, friends and relatives. One may suffer from fever in the third year. If the aspect of a benefic graha falls on the Sun then fever will not occur. There may be quarrels, conflicts and increase in selfishness. The desire to keep one's ego intact prevails.




The Moon


In the First Bhava Auspicious Results : The general interpretations are love, peace, hatred for quarrels, piousness and good behaviour. One is strong, prosperous, happy, a businessman, interested in music and instruments and a possessor of a hefty physique. One will be passionate and will be respected by the opposite sex. Sources of wealth continue to remain and status in society persists. One will be valiant and will attain wealth from the government. One will be fond of roaming around. One may walk or talk in sleep. One is wealthy, happy, rearer of many, soft spoken, strong but with a delicate physique. One is clever, good looking, wealthy, fortunate and talented. The native has a lot of wealth. Due to some special planetary combinations, the above mentioned interpretations are felt moderately only. One is knowledgeable in shastras and acts according to them also. The person would be firm, sober, devoted to work, enterprising, patient, fortunate and wealthy. Inauspicious Results : Inspite of having a fat physique, one may be poor, foolish and cowardly. One is ungrateful, lazy and foolish. The person is untruthful and untrustworthy. The person may be foolish, dumb, restless, foolish, blind, performer of ill deeds, lean and weak bodied and in the service of others. One may get troubled by cough and cold and have a weak and ailing body. One may be weak, deaf, restless and dumb. Due to illness, one may be fearful of water. One may have to travel a lot in one's fifteenth year. One may be wicked, talkative and unruly. One will be pleasure loving, fraudulent, cowardly and with a restless mind. One may have to suffer mourning for one's spouse. One may be ailing, foolish, poor, weak and deaf. One may be proud, lowly, deaf, restless, dumb and dark complexioned. One may be foolish, pitiable and always poor. The person may be deaf, handicapped, servile or an missionary. One might be short-lived. One might be ailing. One may be tainted and weak. One might be foolish, ailing and poor. One may suffer cough, cold and gastric problems. One may be injured by a horse or a similar animal. One may fear the king and thieves. One might be arrogant. One considers oneself knowledgeable about all the shastras. However, one lacks the courage to speak up in public. One may be deprived of worldly comforts and marriage. If one is married then worldly bliss is short lived due to wife's demise in middle age. One may have relations with the opposite sex.






In the Sixth Bhava Auspicious Results : The person is wealthy and destroyer of enemies. One brings fame to one's family. One will be brave, victorious and the slayer of one's foes. One's respect and influence in the state remains. The person will have a sharp hunger, will be strong, belonging to a good family, very strong, slayer of enemies and a police officer. Mars in the sixth bhava makes a person thoughtful, prudent and happy. The native's wealth may be destroyed but it is regained once again. One and one's maternal uncle may fear poison, fire and weapons. One will appreciate people and be the best in one's family. One will be religious and in the company of good people and will be responsible for promotion of one's family members. One will be victorious over enemies, slayer of foes and one's enemies are quieted. One will be honored, famous, victorious and a king. One will be wealthy, prosperous, famous and strong. One will attain fame. One will have the ability to perform work and will have plenty of energy to do work. One will have a son and a daughter in the 27th year. One may posses vehicles and may possess animals, camels : horses. One may have relations with the opposite sex, be infatuated by the opposite sex, perform pious deeds and be very strong. One will have a good appetite and a good digestion. One will mix with cultured people. One will have authority over one's relatives and may be the head of a village or group. One will be attractive and have a broad physique. One will be physically robust and mentally pious. Inauspicious Results : One may suffer from skin diseases and blood related ailments. One will be very extravagant. One may be injured in the waist with a weapon or stone. One may be ailing, angry, wounded, in debt, extravagant and suffering from blood related ailments. One may suffer due to low quality of servants. One may have very powerful enemies but they are unable to stand before him and tend to show their back and run away. One may not be fortunate for one's maternal relatives uncle and aunt etc. One might even be troublesome for them. One is always in a state of anger. One's enemies are calmed down. One will be sensuous. One's sexual desire is acute. One may die in a battle. One may be very short tempered. One may trouble one's maternal uncle. As on officer, if one takes bribes one is not caught. The first or second son expires in the age of accumulating wealth causing great mourning. Before attaining fame, one will have to pass through a lot of struggle. Planetary situations increase sexual desire. There may be a son who may die. The planetary positions peculiar to this chart generally give auspicious results. There may be a fear of fire, baldness, kidney ailments and pain in the joints. Servants are not good. Due to some special conditions, the entire results are inauspicious. One may suffer from gastric problems.






In the Twelfth Bhava Auspicious Results : One is intelligent, thoughtful, prudent and religious. One may be interested in pilgrimages. One will be polite, knowledgeable about the shastras, vedas and be a religious soul. One would donate clothes. One will have a tendency to spend fruitfully through yagyas and other religious rituals. One will be skilled at one's work and one's party will succeed. The native may be a speaker, a scholar and true to one's word. One will be victorious and frank. The person will be scholarly and knowledgeable. One will be skilled at pious deeds, lacking in bad habits and benevolent. One will spend according to one's gains. One will be victorious over enemies. One will be happy with brothers and friends. One's paternal uncle will be happy. The person will own a lot of land. One will have authority. The native will be wealthy. One will have spiritual knowledge, will go into depth about shastras and may attain extra-ordinary powers. The planetary positions give auspicious results according to the astrologers. Inauspicious Results : The person is lazy. One may be corrupt in the performance of one's own work. One may be abandoned by unsympathetic relatives and may be fraudulent and tainted. One will be extravagant, ailing, sinful, dependent and supporter of the opposition. One may keep away from the company of good people and from good deeds. One may be insulted, wicked and pitiable. One may be inimical towards friends and lack friends. One may be pitiable, uneducated and poor. One may not have a limb and may be greedy in the matter of other's wealth and other's money. One may visit prostitutes. One may not favor relatives. One may be unhappy due to public criticism and heated due to the king's anger.






In the Eighth Bhava Auspicious Results : Modesty, sweet voice and good culture are part of the person's nature. One will be quiet, cultured, intelligent, prudent, firm and fond of astrology and possessing a good physique. One may be engrossed in Yoga. One will follow the family customs and traditions. One will be long-lived and healthy. One will go to heaven after death. One will die in peace and will welcome death as if one has completed one's all objective in life. One will visit the best of pilgrimages. One will have the company of rich friends. One will not reside in one's father's house for long. One will be a servant and will serve among one's relatives. One will earn one's living through service. One will attain wealth as someone's heir. One will attain wealth due to somebody's will or death. One will be assailed by ailments but one's nature will not change. One will attain wealth through an inheritance. One may attain the wealth of widows (which may have been mortgaged with him), when the widows die. One will be healthy, learned in Vedas & shastras and a scholar. One will be knowledgeable and will die at a great pilgrimage spot. The king is the cause of one's death. Inauspicious Results : One will be pitiable, extravagant, lazy and weak. One will be miserly, greedy, mournful, surrounded by enemies, engrossed in ill deeds and ugly. One may always be ailing, may have deformities and may suffer ailments in the third year. One may suffer from jaundice, fever, septic infection, poverty and other anxieties and ailments. One's deeds may bring ill fame to the family name. One may not attain paternal wealth and property. One may have relations with a lowly and pitiable person from the opposite sex. One may be insulted. According to Parashara, Jupiter in the eighth house signifies bondage. Jupiter in the eighth bhava gives a long life. The position is not good and causes a very painful and pitiable death. There may be losses due to failure in the matter of a will. Death is a painful one. The life span is short. The spouse and servants are trustworthy and domestic secrets are not leaked outside.






In the First Bhava Auspicious Results : One is beautiful. One's face, mouth and eyes are beautiful, enlightened and bright. One is fair complexioned. One may have a mole on the stomach, back, waist or internal places. The person may acquire a mark on one's forehead in the twelfth year. One's body will be healthy and one will live a long life. The native will be neat and clean, decorated with ornaments and fond of clean clothes. One will be skilled at arts and crafts, will be polite, religious and will enjoy poetry. One will speak piously, give sermons to others and be happy and affectionate. The native will be fond of singing, painting and playing instruments. People will respect this person due to sweet voice and respectful behavior. One will have a stable nature. One's speech will be magnetic, behaviour sweet and nature happy and attractive. This person will be skilled at many arts, be clever, scholarly popular and a mathematician. One will be as valiant, ambitious and the gem of the family like a king. One will attain many types or ornaments, clothes and jewels. The native might have sexual relations with an attractive person of the opposite sex. One may be skilled at sexual acts and may hypnotize the opposite sex easily. One will be sexually strong and may have relations with the opposite sex. One will be pleasure loving, materialistic and passionate. One will not lack comforts. One will be wealthy, comfortable, endowed and favored by the king. One may attain honor from the governments. The person will enjoy saintly company and perform pious deeds. One's strong enemies will be easily defeated. One will live in an artistic house and will be amazing and will rely on fortune for living. The native will be fond of salty and sour eatables. One will be blessed with a beautiful spouse and sons. Business runs smoothly but hardships will be faced. One will have few children. One's son will be long lived. According to Raphael, one will be successful at dramatics or at work involving the general public. One will be a poet, dramatist, a novelist, a poet, or an artist and will attain fame. The native will occupy an administrative position. The person's spouse will be good but bad charactered. Inauspicious Results : One will be very talkative. One will suffer from gastric ailments and acidity. The native may be harmed by dogs and horned animals. One may be ungrateful. The person may suffer eye ailments. One may be thief, a cheat or may suffer from gastric problems. The person may have many children. One may have two spouses.






In the Sixth Bhava Auspicious Results : The native will be beautiful, healthy and powerful. One's appetite is strong, one's hunger sharp and one will eat a lot. When Saturn is in the sixth one will have sharp desires regarding food. Due to one's sturdy body, one will not bother about anyone. The native will be a good speaker and skilled at arguments. One is therefore dangerous for opponents. The person is best among donors, appreciative of talents and will obey the advice of scholars. One will give shelter to many, appreciate good work and will test the talent of others. One will have friends and relatives and will even rear them. This person will have many servants and followers. One will be very strong and one's enemies will be fearful of the native. One will demolish their ego defeat one's enemies. One will destroy and defeat them. Enemies will respect the native. One might be fond of four legged animals like buffaloes, cow and horses and elephants. One may have the company of sages and may have good four legged animals at home. People may gain by growing up the native. One will not perform ill deeds. One may earn one's living by practicing law. One, therefore, does not fear the king or any punishment. One may not fear thieves. The native's fame may reach far and wide One will be capable of getting work done through disciplined servants. One will be fortunate and endowed with comforts, ornaments, vehicles and will be educated healthy and happy. The king will be favorable towards the native. One will be as prosperous as a king but may be unhappy due to some problem. One will be endowed with spouse and sons. This person will be the composer of many literary and poetic works. The native may travel abroad. One may have to fight and struggle against odds and then ultimately progress. One may not get fame, wealth and power simultaneously. If one has fame then one lacks wealth and if one has wealth then one may not have authority. One may not enjoy good health before marriage. After marriage the health may improve. The enemies of the person are destroyed. The native will be capable of becoming a high official. Inauspicious Results : The native is adamant, arrogant, engrossed in worldly pleasure, independent natured and ill charactered. The planet causes troubles in one's early age. There may be obstacles at work, no help may be available and one may have to make great efforts in order to progress. One may have to face financial problems in old age. If one is in service, one may get pre mature relief from duties. This may be due to physical ailments. One may not attain happiness through migration. Transfer may not result in promotion. The native may always be ailing and lacking in strength. One's body may be ailing due to long lasting physical ailments. One may be unhealthy due to lack of food and clothes. The native may suffer pain the region round the waist. One may suffer, throat ailments and breathing problems. Also, one may suffer from secret diseases. According to Narayan Bhatt, one may lose one's maternal uncle. One's maternal uncle may expire or enmity with him may hinder the bliss attained from him. It can be stated without any doubt there would be inauspicious results for maternal uncles and aunts. Their domestic life may not run smoothly, the native may not have children or children may not survive. There may be ailments of the stomach, chest and founts. There may be ailments related to acidity and to the kidney. The native may be poor, unsuccessful, and unstable, defamed and considered to be a fool, may be under the domination of the enemy and may face long time imprisonment. The planets will result in inauspicious events.






In the First Bhava Auspicious Results : The planet gives both auspicious and inauspicious results. The native may have a tall and well-built physique and have physical strength and health. The native may have a black mole on the face. The person will have financial gain. One will use the wealth of others for oneself and for others. One will enjoy many comforts in life. One will wear beautiful clothes. The person will be benevolent, polite, patient, prudent and social. The native will rise from a pitiable condition to a position of great height and will excel in the eyes of people. One will not give much significance to education. One will always perform courageous deeds. One will be so skilled at practical work that one will get all one's work done through others. The native will complete whatever he/she may promise. One will be true to one's word. The native will be victorious over enemies and will win debates. One will be engrossed in one's work and will not have any enemies. One will be proud of the ancient culture and will not accept new things easily. One will be powerful, valiant, arrogant and will attain fame easily and will not bother about anyone. The native may interfere in the work of others. The native may behave in a disorderly manner. The native may occupy a position of authority, be happy and sympathetic. The native is inspired to do social service. All the problems of the native are solved. The native will marry only once. This also signifies bliss from spouse for a short period only. Inauspicious Results : The native may have facial spots. One may have a jovial nature. One may be wicked natured and may cheat one's friends and relative. The native may speak uselessly, have red eyes, one may be sinful, ungrateful, wicked, irreligious, uncultured, lacking in sympathy, ugly, lazy and quarrelsome. One may not have good nails and good clothes. Due to depression and unhappiness one may lose interest in the world. One may suffer from ailments in the upper part of one's body and may suffer gastric problem. The native may be wounded on the head in an accident and may suffer from headaches. One may suffer pain due to mental ailments and headaches. One may be dissatisfied with one's spouse and may seek relationships elsewhere. The native may have two spouses and may be characterless. One may be very passionate and infatuated by many females. Due to one's intensely passionate nature inspite of having relation with the opposite sex one may not be satisfied. The native does not enjoy the bliss of a son and spouse. The native may have a weak son. One may destroy one's wealth. One may suffer hardships in the way and be fearful of water. The native will be wicked, foolish, extremely selfish, proud, untruthful, shameless, outrageous, may delve with the depth of things, may be arrogant and may unnecessarily curse others, and may be treasure house of bad qualities. The native is always suffering from poverty.






In the Seventh Bhava Auspicious Results : The native may be blessed with a lot of wealth. Money returned is stable. The results of the planetary position are auspicious. This is always beneficial and there may be a gain of wealth. Inauspicious Results : The native is unintelligent, foolish and uncultured, may speak in a lowly manner and may sleep a lot. One may be agitated and agonized. One may be insulted. One may be deprived of the bliss of a spouse or may not have a good spouse. One may separate himself from one's spouse. One's spouse may suffer pain and hardships. One may be infatuated towards a bad- charactered person of the opposite sex. One may have problems due to one's son. One's friends may cause problems. The native may fear from travelling or may have to postpone one's travel plan. One may have many worries regarding the transit route. One may return and come back. Migration may be problematic. One may have to spend a lot of money. One's money may be destroyed. Financial worries may trouble him. Money accumulated by one's father may be lost very fast. The native may fear enemies. Enemies may destroy the person's money. The king may be displeased with him. There may be a fear of theft. There may be a lack of happiness. One may suffer gastric problems, ailments of the intestines and ailments related to one's sperms. One may fear water. One should stay away from water, because there is fear of drowning in water.



Planetary Friendship

Naisargik Maitri Chakra (Natural Relationship) Sun










Moon Mars Jupiter

Sun Mercury

Sun Moon Jupiter Ketu

Sun Venus

Sun Moon Mars Rahu

Mercury Saturn Rahu Ketu

Mercury Venus Rahu

Jupiter Venus Saturn

Mars Venus


Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Rahu Ketu

Mercury Rahu


Mercury Venus

Sun Moon

Sun Moon Mars Ketu

Sun Moon Mars Ketu

Sun Moon Saturn Rahu



Mars Jupiter Venus Saturn

Venus Saturn

Mars Jupiter Saturn Rah Ket

Saturn Ketu

Mars Jupiter



Jupiter Mercury

Tatkalik Maitri Chakra (Temporal Relationship) Sun












Jupiter Ketu

Sun Moon Venus Rahu

Mars Saturn Ketu


Jupiter Ketu


Mars Jupiter Saturn


Moon Mar Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket

Sun Mar Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket

Sun Moon Mer Ven Sat Rah

Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu

Sun Moon Mercury Ven Rah

Sun Mon Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket

Sun Moon Mar Mer Ven Rah

Sun Mon Mar Jup Ven Sat Ket

Sun Moon Mercury Ven Rah



Panchadha Maitri Chakra (Compound Relationship) Sun Fast Friends




Moon Mars Jupiter


Bitter Enemies

Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu







Jupiter Ketu

Sun Venus




Saturn Ketu


Sun Moon


Sun Moon

Saturn Rahu Ketu

Mars Jupiter Venus Saturn

Venus Saturn

Mars Jupiter Saturn Ketu


Mars Jupiter

Rahu Ketu

Mercury Rahu

Mercury Venus

Sun Moon






Mercury Venus Rahu Ketu

Jupiter Venus Saturn

Venus Saturn


Sun Moon Mars

Sun Moon Mars Ketu

Sun Moon Rahu



Vimshottari MD and AD

Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardashas Dasha balance at birth

: Sun 1y 1m 14d

Dasha at the time of birth

: Su-Ke-Ju-Ve-Me

Sun (6y)

Moon (10y)

From 0 yrs. to



From 11y1m to

















































From 1y1m to

Mars (7y)






























Rahu (18y) From 18y1m to

Jupiter (16y) 36y1m






From 36y1m to

Saturn (19y) 52y1m

From 52y1m to





















































































Mercury (17y) From 71y1m to

Ketu (7y) 88y1m








Venus (20y)

From 88y1m to




















From 95y1m to Ending







































































Influence of Grahas on Physiology Sookshma Scheme Planet

Body Part

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Neck Head Right calf Anus Left chest Neck Right chest Neck Navel

Sthoola Scheme Planet

Body Part

Body Part

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Face Face Space below navel Head Thighs Face Space below navel Face Generative organs

Head Head Hip Feet Generative organs Head Hip Head Space below navel

Nakshatra Scheme Planet


Opinion 1

Opinion 2

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Rohini Krittika Vishakha Bharani Poorvashadha Rohini Swati Rohini Anuradha

Both legs Waist The two arms Head Both thighs Both legs Teeth Both legs Heart

Both legs Waist The two arms Head Both thighs Both legs Teeth Both legs Heart



Recommendations for Gem Stones

The wearing of gems is an important consideration that can potentially change and alter many areas of your life. As this is a classical science, we give below the views of the ancient Indian astrologers.

ekf.kD;a rj.ks% lqtkR;eeya eqäkQya 'khrxksekZgs;L; p foæqeks fuxfnr% lkSE;L; xk#Rera A nsosT;L; p iq"ijkxelqjkpk:;Zl; otza 'kusuhZya fuEeZyeU;;ksÜp xfnrs xksesnoSnw¸;Zds AA “Ill Planets and how to propitiate them by bestowal of gems: When the Sun is hostile, a pure ruby; when the Moon, a good pearl; when Mars, a coral; when Mercury, the emerald; when Jupiter, the topaz; when Venus, the diamond; when Saturn, the (blue) sapphire; when Rahu, the gomedha; when Ketu, the cat' s-eye, should be given.”– Mani Mala, Part II, 79

/kU;a ;'L;ek;q";a Jhen~ O;lulwnua A g"kZ.ka dkE;ekstL;a jRukHkj.k/kkj.ka AA xzgn`f"Vgja iqf"Vdja nq%[kç.kk'kua A ikinkSHkkZX;'keua jRukHkj.k/kkj.ka AA “The wearing of gemmed ornaments brings respect, fame, longevity, wealth, happiness, strength and fruition. Over and above this, it wards off evil astral influences, makes the body healthy, removes misery and fortune and washes away sin.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 121-122.

Life Stone The gem for the lagna lord is a good stone to wear at all times. It gives health, vitality, general success and wellbeing. Wearing it supports all other areas of life. Your lagna lord is Venus, therefore wearing Venus' stone will be beneficial. The stones for Venus are : Diamond, White Zircon, White Topaz and Clear Quartz. “The diamond contains all the six tastes, cures every kind of disease, is good in indigestion, is a blessing, and brings robustness” – Mani Mala, Part II, 67. “The man who carefully keeps about him a sharp pointed, spotless and genuine diamond is blessed with life-long possession of riches, good fortune, sons, corn, kine and other beasts.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 102. “A man who wears a sterling Rock Crystal (quartz) set on gold acquires success in life.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 447. “The Crystal(quartz) gives strength and cures biliousness, morbid heat and fistula. It' s rosary is infinitely more efficacious than any other.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 74. Wearing instructions: The gem for Venus is best set in platinum, white gold, or silver. If a ring, it should be worn on the middle or small finger. Begin to wear it on a Friday at sunrise. Mantra to purify and energize Venus' s gem:

¬ 'kqa 'kqØk; ue%A

“Aum shum Shukraya namah.”



Punya (Lucky) Stone The gem for the fifth lord is particularly lucky, while also being good for creative energy, and children. Your fifth lord is Mercury, therefore wearing Mercury's stone will be beneficial. The stones for Mercury are : Emerald, Peridot and Jade. “The emerald is cool, good in poisoning, sweet and purgative, helps digestion, cures biliousness, removes disrelish, is nutritious, and wards off spectral influence.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 70. “Such emeralds cleanse men of all sin.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 375. “According to the authorities the emerald causes increase of wealth, brings about success in war, cures cases of poisoning and renders successful the rites performed according to the Atharva-Veda.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 376. Wearing instructions: The gem for Mercury is best set in gold. If a ring, it should be worn on the small (pinkie) finger. Begin to wear it on a Wednesday, two hours after sunrise. Mantra to purify and energize Mercury's gem:

¬ caq cq/kk; ue%A

“Aum bum Budhaya namah.”

Bhagya (Fortune) Stone The gem for the ninth lord particularly brings fortune. Your ninth lord is Saturn, therefore wearing Saturn's stone will be beneficial. The stones for Saturn are : Blue Sapphire, Blue Spinel, Lapiz Lazuli and Amethyst. “The (Blue) sapphire is bitter, warm and good in cold and biliousness, and alleviates the rage of Sani (Saturn) when worn.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 68. “The man who wears a (blue) sapphire of spotless chastity, finds favor with Narayana and acquires longevity, family dignity, fame understanding and wealth.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 419. “The lapis lazuli is tender, deliciously cool, and curative of biliousness and is auspicious.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 69. Wearing instructions: The gem for Saturn is best set in gold, alternately iron can be used. If a ring, it should be worn on the middle finger. Begin to wear it on a Saturday 2 hours and 40 minutes before sunset. Mantra to purify and energize Saturn's gem:

¬ 'ka 'kuS'pjk; ue%A

“Aum sham Shanaiscaraya namah.”

General Instructions Generally it is always best to purchase the best quality gemstones that you can afford. The stones of lesser potency have been found to work very well and are less costly, though they need to be worn in a larger size in order to give the same strength of effects. To derive the best effects of a gem, begin to wear it after cleansing it in fresh milk and rinsing it in purified water. Then, holding and concentrating on the gem, perform the mantra given 108 times.


¬ Results of Annual Dasha The annual dasha predictions according to the position of the Grahas in the annual chart are as follows – Saturn Dasha: from May 31,2007 to Jul 28,2007 Results of Saturn in the fourth house – – Land and vehicles may cause tension. – You may suffer from mental anguish, and from fear of thieves and opponents. – Illness may plague your mother. – Travel is a probability. Mercury Dasha: from Jul 28,2007 to Sep 17,2007 Results of Mercury in the third house – – Frequently you may travel. – Through your personal courage you will be able to dominate over your opponents. – You will have peace of mind. – Comforts will come from your spouse and children. – Business activities will provide you with income. – You will gain in wealth and fame. Ketu Dasha: from Sep 17,2007 to Oct 9,2007 Results of Ketu in the fifth house – – Some sudden calamity may befall you. – Wealth may be lost and your studies may be interrupted. – You may have a lack of discrimination and may also associate with the wicked. Venus Dasha: from Oct 9,2007 to Dec 8,2007 Results of Venus in the fourth house – – Wealth and vehicles are acquired, and you gain from lands and business. – Generally you will have material comforts. – Your mother will enjoy comforts. – The government, or those in high positions, may favor you. – There is some chance of wasteful expenditure, dissociation of near and dear ones, and instablity of temper. Sun Dasha: from Dec 8,2007 to Dec 27,2007 Results of the Sun in the second house – – The expenditure will be excessive and there would be financial troubles. – Dispite that the flow of income would be there. – There would be strife with the family members. – You may acquire diseases of the throat or eye during this period. – There may be disappointments of varied kinds. Moon Dasha: from Dec 27,2007 to Jan 26,2008 Results of the Moon in the eighth house – – There may be loss of earnings and wealth. – You may be inclined towards unscrupulous deeds. – There may be a grave illness and suffering. – You may have fear of drowning. – Your opponents would dominate you. – You may pass through mental anguish during this period. – Abdominal pain, eye disease, cough and cold may affect you. Mars Dasha: from Jan 26,2008 to Feb 16,2008


¬ Results of Mars in the twelfth house – – Wealth may be lots and you may suffer some disappointments. – Your health may suffer and you may have trouble with your eyes. – You may have an injury due to fire or weapons. – Illness may plague your children. – The government or those in high positions may be a source of trouble. Rahu Dasha: from Feb 16,2008 to Apr 11,2008 Results of Rahu in the eleventh house – – Your health will be good. – Earnings are good, business and travel will yeild gains. – There may be a rise in professional status. – Your spouse and children will be a source of comfort. Jupiter Dasha: from Apr 11,2008 to May 30,2008 Results of Jupiter in the eighth house – – You may suffer from injury or accident, fever, and eye disease. – There may be losses in business and travel. – Generally there are disappoinments, and you may be seperated from near and dear ones. – Your spouse may enjoy some monetary gains.

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