Sound Amplification System

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 415
  • Pages: 4
Sound Amplification System

Project Developed By: Naresh Tajinder Kumar Deepak Kumar Amritpal Singh

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Guided By: Mrs.Ekta (Science Mistress) Iqbal Singh (CF)


Sound Amplification System

What Is Sound? Sound is the form of energy, just like electricity and light. Sound Is made when air molecules vibrate and moves in a pattern called waves.When you clap hands it produces sound waves which travels to ears and then to brain.

Parts of sound Amplification System 1) Microphone 2) Amplifier 3) Loud speaker 4) Antenna These parts are explained below: 1) Microphone: Micropho ne is a transducer which detects sound signals and produce an electrical image of the sound. The most common microphones for musical use are dynamic, ribbon or condenser microphones 2) Amplifier: Amplifier is a device which converts a weak electrical signal to strong electrical signal. 3) Loud Speaker: Loud speaker is a device which converts electrical signal to sound at the receiving station

4) Antenna: Antenna is a device which sends the 2

signal at the sending station and gets the

Sound Amplification System signal at the receiving Station. 5) Modulator: Modulator is a device which is used to translate the frequency . Assumption of Sound Amplification system 1) Inverse square law- It states that with increase in distance the sound get weaker by square of the distance 2) Omni directional: The other assumption is that the microphones and loudspeakers are Omni directional, i.e. their response is equal in all directions. Working of Sound Amplification System a) At the sending station the microphone converts the sound signal to electrical signal b) Modulator sends the signal on carrier wave c) Amplifier increase the power of the signal d) Antenna at the sending station transmit the signal in space e) The Antenna at the receiving station gets the signal. f) The amplifier at the receiving station again amplify the signal g) The loudspeaker situated at the receiving station convert the electrical signal to sound again.


Sound Amplification System

Limitation Of Sound Amplification System 1) When a sound signal to microphone is amplified and used to drive loudspeaker some of the amplified sound returns to the microphone is amplified again. It reduces the maximum amplification which can be done by sound amplification system.

2) The other assumption of the Sound Amplification System is Inverse Square law, but which is not possible in real auditoriums 3) The other assumption is Omni directional Devices which is not always true in the real life problems.


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