Some Strategies Used in Indirect Approach
What it is: A question or problem is considered as possibilities and are sifted in order to reach a conclusion or to convince. Class setting may be formal or informal, with the teacher having more or less a non-dominated role.
How used: Multiple opinion share; everyone examines and responds. Questions stimulate and focus thinking . Multiple points of view are encouraged.
Induction What it is: A reasoning approach from part to whole; or particular to general; or from individual to universal.
How used: Students use first-hand experiences to learn concepts. Lesson progresses from observations to generalizations. Teachers
What it is: Teachers and students cooperatively search for solutions and/or ideageneration by gaining experience.
How used: Problems are solved, concepts are generated systematically by exploring to gather/analyse facts; identifying problems, hypothesizing a
• Often used to develop skill in science process. • Role of teacher is mostly supervision of student activity.
• Provides a hands on experience about material or facts obtained from research,
Project Method • Involves a particular unit of activity of a problematic nature. • Includes students’ planning and completion of a certain task in a natural manner. • Develops sense of cooperation and
• An inductive strategy of teaching designed to help students reinforce their understanding of concepts and practice hypothesis testing based on positive and negative examples presented. • Used for forming generalization, definition, rule, or principle.
• What it is: A strategy that utilizes pupil knowledge and ideas, helps pupils explore creative alternatives, provides environment where pupils are free to contribute ideas without fear of ridicule of failure. • How used: Pupils are presented with a problem or situation; encouraged to share as many ideas as
• What it is: A type of group work activity in which students interact together to master a specific academic material. • How used: Information is presented; students are divided into learning terms to master lesson using worksheets, discussion, tutoring, quizzing one another; scores from tests
• What it is: Another group activity for learning a particular material. • How used: groups are formed; material is divided into sections; one member takes care of a section of the material; each member meets with those from other groups who are assigned to a similar section; members discuss/work on the material and return to their previous group to inform others in
• What it is: Students are trained to become aware of and control their own learning through the metacognitive process.
• How used: Students plan what strategies to use to meet goal, decide what resources are needed, monitor own progress,
• What it is: Process that enables individuals to continually learn from own experiences by considering alternative interpretations of experiences, actions, discussions, beliefs, using introspection and analysis. • How used: Students acquire concrete