Solid Arguments Against Al Qur'an??

  • May 2020
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Solid arguments against the Qur'an?? Arguments from teaching: - Unlike Bible, Qur'an offers freedom-of-faith (10:108, 6:104, 10:99, 39:41, 11:121, 73:19, 43:88-89, 2:272, 76:29, 18:29, 42:48, 76:3, 3:20, 88:21-22), freedom-of-religion (2:256, 109:6, 22:67-69, 42:15, 10:41, 2:139, 42:6), and freedom-of-freethinking (15:3, 17:84, 6:110, 10:11, 11:121, 52:45). But I don't like too much freedom, you know! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an strongly condemns female infanticide (16:58-59, 81:8-9, 6:137, 6:140, 6:151, 17:31). But I don't like it, as I'm a killer of my daughters! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an strongly opposes terrorists and oppressors (4:75, 22:39-40, 9:13-14, 42:39-43, 2:190-193). But I don't like it, as I'm a terrorist and oppressor! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an strongly condemns unjust killing and suicide (5:32, 2:195, 4:29-30, 4:92-93, 17:31, 17:33, 6:151, 25:68, 3:21). But I don't like it, as I'm a killer and suicide bomber! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches self-defense and tolerance (60:7-9, 2:190, 6:107-8, 49:11, 39:3, 16:126-128, 73:10, 19:46-47). But I don't like it, as I'm an aggressor and intolerant person! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches that Islam is for everyone (2:62, 22:17, 21:107, 2:111-112, 5:69, 34:28, 103:1-3, 22:67, 10:47, 35:24, 16:36, 68:52, 49:13, 4:1, 2:213, 10:19, 17:70). But I don't like it, as I'm a racist, nationalist, and communal minded person! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches love, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness (1:1-2, 85:14, 21:107, 60:7, 4:17, 7:199, 39:53, 16:119, 3:159, 15:85, 16:119, 19:96, 2:160, 2:163, 4:27-28). But I don't like these kinds of teachings, although I don't know why! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an gives equal status and rights to men and women (4:1, 4:7, 4:124, 3:195, 16:97, 33:35, 49:13, etc.). But I don't believe in equality! Therefore,

Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an strongly condemns priesthood and religious peddlers (2:41, 2:79, 5:44, 3:187, 9:9, 9:31, 9:34, 2:174, 12:104). But I don't like it, as I'm a religious peddler! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an gives rights to orphans, needy, and widows (2:177, 2:115, 2:220, 2:240-41, 4:2, 4:8, 4:10, 4:36, 9:60, 17:26, 93:9-10, 89:17-18, 107:1-3). But I don't like these kinds of poor and vulnerable people, you know! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an strongly forbids eating up others' property (2:188, 4:10, 4:161). But I don't like it, as I eat up others' property! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an strongly discourages intoxicants and gambling (5:90-91). But I don't like it, as I'm a drunker and gambler! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches modesty for both men and women (7:26-28, 24:30-31, 33:59, 2:268). But I love nudity and Pornography, you know! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an encourages men to give dower to women as free gift whom they marry (4:4). But I don't like it, as I want to take dowry from women! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an protects women's dignity from wicked men (24:4). But I don't believe in women's dignity, as I'm a rascal! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an prescribes hundred stripes as a symbol of punishment for adultery and fornication to keep the society healthy (24:2). But I don't like it, as I'm an adulterer and fornicator! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches cutting off the hands of the thieves to keep the society healthy, if they continue their crime without any repentance and amendment (5:38-39). But I don't like it, as I lead my life on stealing and plundering others' money and property! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from

God. - Qur'an encourages people for seeking knowledge and asking question (17:36, 39:9, 47:24, 25:33, 38:29, 17:85, 21:7, 2:215-220). But I don't like it, as I'm an ignorant and don't even know how to ask logical question! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches not to ask those types of questions, which may cause you trouble (5:101). But I don't like it, as I'm an idiot! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches not to follow conjecture (10:36). But I don't like it, as I'm a pseudo scientist! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches to ask for proof against unsubstantial claim (2:111, 6:143, 6:148, 10:36). But I don't like it, as I'm a blind believer! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an encourages traveling (29:20, 22:46, 6:11, 40:21, 47:10, 30:42, 3:137). But I don't like it, as I'm a frog in well! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an condemns bad magic that may fool some gullible people (2:102). But I use the same to earn some bucks! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches not to practice monasticism (57:27). But I like celibacy and monasticism! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches that pre-Qur'anic people will be judged according to their scriptures (2:134, 17:15, 5:44). But I heard that all the pre-Qur'anic people will go to hell! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches to strive for good works (2:148). But I don't like it, as I'm an evil minded person! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an offers practical Golden Rule that can be followed (2:44, 11:88, 41:34, 60:7-9, 61:2-3, 8:61; Sahih Bukhari 8:73:26, 1:2:12). But I don't like it, as I'm an impractical person! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation

from God. - Qur'an teaches to be kind, helpful, and respectful to your parents (29:8, 17:23, 46:15, 19:14, 6:151, 4:36, 2:215, 2:83, 71:28). But the Bible teaches to hate your parents, wife, children, brothers, and sisters to become the disciple of Jesus (Luke 14:26)! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an protects religious temples (22:40). But I don't like religious temples and I also want to destroy them! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an ensures justice in this world and in the hereafter (4:135, 5:8, 4:58, 57:25, 39:69-70, 40:17, 21:47, 36:54, 2:281, 7:29, 16:111, 17:13-15, 20:134135). But I don't like justice, as I'm a criminal! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an strongly teaches not to lie and not to mix up truth with falsehood (45:7, 2:42, 52:11-12, 3:94, 3:71, 39:3). But I don't like it, as I'm a liar and hypocrite! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an orders Muslim man to beat his innocent wife with hot iron rod without any reason and without giving her any chance for amendment (4:3435). Oh, this sounds to me a barbaric teaching just like innocent widow and witch burning, although I don't care to read the verse in context and whether there is any other interpretation of this verse! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches to invite people to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and to reason with them in ways that are best and most gracious (16:125). But I don't like this kind of logical and rational approach, you know! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches to argue with the People of the Book in the best way (29:46). But I have no idea how I do that! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an advises Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as friends and protectors (5:51). But I don't like it, no matter whether they are terrorist or intolerant or hypocrite (5:57-61, 60:8-9). Because I love those kinds of

people, you know! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches that Jesus was a human (Acts 2:22; Qur'an 5:75, 25:20) and a Prophet (Matthew 21:11, Luke 24:19; Qur'an 2:87). But I believe that he was God or the begotten Son of God! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches not to believe in Trinity (Mark 12:29; Qur'an 4:171, 5:73), as Jesus himself never preached this kind of absurd doctrine. But I believe in three-in-one God, you know; although I do not believe in five-in-one God! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches not to believe in Original Sin (Ezekiel 18:20; Qur'an 17:15, 6:164), as Jesus himself never preached this kind of irrational doctrine. But I believe that I was born with sin! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches in various ways to free the slaves that come into possession as a result of war (90:12-13, 9:60, 5:89, 2:177, 4:3, 4:25, 4:92, 24:33, 58:3, 8:67, 47:4). But I love slavery! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an allows man to have sex with slave girls (23:6), if he wishes and of course not by force (24:33), that he holds temporarily for their protection. Although I know that it's not any sort of fundamental teaching of Islam yet I feel that it's immoral to have sex with slave girls, although I don't have any 'yardstick' to measure 'morality' and 'immorality' in the first place! I also know that I randomly have sex with girls and sometimes even go to prosquarters! I just argue for the sake of argument to make Islam look bad, you know! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an forbids marrying one's mother, daughters, sisters, and many other close relatives (4:22-23). But I don't like this kind of limitations, you know, as I'm an insane! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - The suicide bombers of 9-11 event killed more than 3000 innocent people. They (suicide bombers) are true Muslims. Although dozens of American Scholars and Professors have rejected the 9-11 commission report based on many facts and logics yet I never had any doubt about it in my mind! Such a robot I am, you know! I also never bothered to know that the Qur'an has

strongly condemned killing and suicide (5:32, 4:29-30, 4:92-93, 17:33, 25:68, 3:21, 2:195)! What an ignorant chap I am, you see! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an threats to punish criminal and evil minded kafirs in the hereafter (47:32, 38:28, 16:88, 47:1, 2:23-24). But I don't like it, as I'm a criminal and I also love those kinds of people! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches to follow the middle and straight path (17:29, 2:143, 23:62, 4:171, 17:9). But I don't like it, as I'm an extremist! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an teaches to believe in the unseen God (2:3, 112:1-4, 67:12, 36:11, 42:51). But I'm a 'logical' person, and as such I can't believe in anything without seeing with my naked eyes! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an invites people from the depth of Darkness into Light (14:1, 57:9). But I prefer Darkness! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Qur'an promises eternal peace and salvation in the hereafter (85:11, 4:122, 14:23, 19:60-61, 32:19, 2:25, 2:112, 16:97, 4:124). But I don't like peace and salvation, as I don't believe in the life after death in the first place! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. Arguments from the Hadith: - According to Hadith (not sure whether it's true or not), Muhammad had no idea where the sun goes at night! LOL! Isn't funny, although I don't know the difference between Muhammad (Hadith) and God (Qur'an) in the first place! I never studied the Qur'an to know about this very important fact either! I probably think from some other religious viewpoint, you know! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - According to Hadith (not sure whether it's true or not), Muhammad had more than a dozen wives during his lifetime; although I know that all of them but Khadija came to his house at the end of his life, all of them but Ayesha were widows, and most of them were forty plus. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God.

- According to Hadith (not sure whether it's true or not), Muhammad married Ayesha when she was 9 years old. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - I can go on and on, you know! Arguments from the Bible: - Christian priests in the past have tortured and burned alive some scientists whose discoveries went directly against their established beliefs that were based on the Bible. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - According to Judio-Christian tradition, the earth is only six thousand years old. But according to established science, the earth is about five billion years old. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - I can go on and on, you know! Arguments from logic: - Argument from flat earth: Qur'an says, "God hath appointed the earth as a bed for you (20:53)". Therefore, Qur'an thought that the earth is flat! LOL! But wait a moment! Although the earth appears to be 'circular' in shape but my bed is 'rectangular'! So, Qur'an didn't intend to compare the 'shape of the earth' with the 'shape of my bed' in the first place! Anti-LOL! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. Otherwise I will be proven wrong, unless I have already made a 'circular bed' in my room secretly! Moreover, I have never read the verse 84:3-4 that talks about the Last Day, "And when the earth is flattened out and casts forth what is in it and becomes empty." So, if the earth is already flat, then how would it be flattened out again and becomes empty? LOL! What a logical person I am, you see! - When Qur'an says "Heavens and earth were joined together and We clove them asunder", it may indicates anything but the concept of Big-Bang. Because it was plagiarized from pagan belief, as Ali Sinner rightly said. But when Qur'an says "God hath appointed the earth as a bed for you, God hath made the earth a wide expanse for you, God hath made for you the earth like a carpet spread out", it must indicate the flat-shape of the earth, although I

don't bother whether it talks about the 'shape' of the earth in the first place! It cannot have any other interpretation. Period. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Other ancient holy books have been proven to be unscientific. Qur'an is an ancient holy book. Therefore, Qur'an must also be unscientific. I don't bother what Muslim scholars say about the Qur'an; although I care what Christian scholars say about the Bible, what Hindu scholars say about their scriptures, what Darwinists say about evolution theory, what Physicists say about physics, what Chemists say about chemistry, what Scientists say about science, and so on. Because Muslim scholars are all dishonest and liar! They can't be trusted you know, although I have profound faith on Ali Sinner and Evangelist Christians on this subject! - I never wrote a book myself and gave full credit to an imaginary deity. Yet I believe that Muhammad wrote a Book (Qur'an, the only Book) and gave full credit to an imaginary God! Because he was a liar! Or he was deceived by Satan! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. It could be the revelation from Satan though, as Salman RushDie said. - America is a rich and technologically developed nation. Majority of Americans are Christians, although I know for sure that they do not follow the true teachings of the Bible; otherwise America would have been a real hell long ago! On the other hand, Afghanistan is a poor and technologically backward nation. Majority of Afghanis are Muslims, although I know for sure that they do not follow the true teachings of the Qur'an. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Christian Missionaries repeatedly say that Islam is false (like Goebbels's theory), as they are aware of the vitality of Islam! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Argument from Ali Sinner: Ali Sinner claims to be ex-Muzlim who left Izlam. He has been attacking Muhammad and Muslims like a rabid dog from his rat-hole since 9-11 drama. Many non-Muslims believe that he is a nightmare of Islam and Muslims, although they have never seen him! He has also been employed to eradicate Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth within a span of 25 years. Although, unlike Hirsi Ali, he is a coward; yet he repeatedly says from his rat-hole that Islam is false, the way he has been taught. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God.

- Unlike other religious books, Qur'an offers falsification test and challenge for the skeptics (4:82, 17:88, 2:23-24, 10:37). But I don't think this kind of logical approach can be offered in an ancient holy book, and I don't like mental gymnastics either! I would rather believe in the words of my idols like Ali Sinner and Christian Missionaries! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Unlike other religious books, Qur'an very emphatically and probably uniquely claims to be the revelation from the Lord of the Worlds (4:82, 17:88, 2:23-24, 10:37, 32.2, 26.192-4, 16.102, 2:2, etc.). But I can't believe in this kind of BOLD claim, you know! I would rather believe in a book as the word of God that doesn't claim to be so in the first place! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Unlike other religious books, Qur'an offers various logics for the unbelievers of Creator (22:5, 75:36-40, 22:73, 23:91, 2:28, 17:99, 19:66-67, 21:22, 29:46, 6:99). But it's too heavy for me to shallow, you know! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. Special arguments from Atheists: - Scientists can explain how a watch was manufactured and how it works. They do not require any 'data' of the maker of the watch to explain all these. Therefore, the maker of the watch doesn't (?) exist! Similarly, scientists can (hypothetically) explain how the natural universe came into existence and how it works. It's then obvious that the Maker of the universe doesn't (?) exist! Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. - Oxford Prof. Richard Dawkins is a very logical, rational, and intelligent man. He says that God doesn't exist. Therefore, Qur'an cannot be the revelation from God. How could it be in the first place when God Himself told an Oxford Professor that He doesn't exist? Does it make any sense? I can go on and on, you know! Yet some people not only believe in God but also believe in a book as the revelation from God! You see, how deluded they are! They also believe that this temporal world is a test for the hereafter (18:7, 67:2, 2:155, 2:214), and each and every individual will be judged perfectly according to his/her own deeds and actions including Prophet Muhammad (11:35, 46:9, 36:54, 4:85, 40:17, 21:47, 36:54, 2:281, 7:29,

16:111, 17:13-15, 20:134-135). They even believe that people like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Bush, Saddam, Modi, and all those terrorists, rapists, killers, and suicide bombers must be judged and punished according to their own deeds and actions! And these kinds of teachings come from their ancient Holy Book! Oh my Gosh! You see, how backdated, barbaric, merciless, and tribal minded people they are! Not only that, they are also ignorant about Modern Science and Technology, you know! Look at Afghanistan, for example, and see the truth yourself with your naked eyes what I'm talking about. Solid evidence, man! Assalaamu manit taba’al huda (May peace, development and safety from guile be upon who follow the guidance). Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh (May peace, development and safety from guile and Allah’s mercy and His blessings be upon thee).

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