Solar Operated Automatic Seeds Sowing And Ploughing Robot.docx

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A Project Report Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of technology in Department of Mechanical Engineering


Submitted By

Arun Beniwal

Piyush Garg (15ESKME126)

Assistant Professor

Mayank Jain (15ESKME099) Manoj Bairwa (15WSKME096) Mohan Devenda (15ESKME105)

Department of Mechanical Engineering Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur Rajasthan Technical University 2018-2019



A Project Report Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of technology in Department of Mechanical Engineering


Submitted By

Arun Beniwal

Piyush Garg (15ESKME126)

Assistant Professor

Mayank Jain (15ESKME099) Manoj Bairwa (15WSKME096) Mohan Devenda (15ESKME105)

Department of Mechanical Engineering Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur Rajasthan Technical University 2018-2019


CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled “SOLAR OPERATED SEEDS SOWING AND PLOUGHUING ROBOT” has been submitted by us for fulfillment of the partial requirement of B.Tech Degree in Mechanical Engineering.The work contained in this report is carried out by us under the guidance of Mr. Arun Beniwal, Assistant Professor Department Of Mechanical Engineering and under the coordination of Mr. Amit Bansal, Associate Professor Department Of Mechanical Engineering.


Group Members

Arun Beniwal

Piyush Garg (15ESKME126)

Assistant Professor

Mayank Jain(15ESKME099) Manoj Bairwa(15ESKME096)

Project Coordinator

Mohan Devenda(15ESKME105)

Amit Bansal Associate Professor


ACKNOWLEDGMENT Firstly, I take this opportunity to thank our college “Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan” for providing all the resources required to successfully complete our project work. We would like to express our deep gratitude to Dr. Ramesh Kumar Pachar Principal for extending his support. We would also like to express our deep gratitude to Dr. N.C. Bhandari HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, whose guidance and support was truly invaluable. We are very grateful to our guide, Assistant Professor Arun Beniwal Department of Mechanical Engineering, for coordinating and guiding us throughout the project from time to time. We would also indebted to our Parents and Friends for their continued moral and material support throughout the course of project and helping us in finalize the presentation. Our heartful thanks to all those who have contributed bits, bytes and words to accomplish this Project. Piyush Garg (15ESKME126) Mayank Jain (15ESKME099) Manoj Bairwa (15ESKME096) Mohan Lal Devenda (15ESKME105)



About half of the total population of our country has chosen agriculture as their chief occupation.As centuries passed, certain modern techniques were invented in agriculture due to the progress in science. These modern techniques included the use of tractors for ploughing the field, etc.These all are improved the standard of living of farmers.To improves the efficiency of the crop produced and also to develop a better Mechanical machine to help the agriculture field which reduces the amount and time of work spent on one crop. Hence in this work of project we decided to design a better mechanical machine which is available to the farmers at a cheaper rate and also which can sow and seed the crop at the same time. This project also can be oprated using cell phone,Bluetooth,to plough small land holdings, typically found in indian agriculture land scape.The robot come with multiple features such as de-weeding, sowing, Ploughing .The robot is our first step towards building a complete farmer kit.This idea if implemented on a commercial scale can benefit about 70% farmers of india and also small gardens which are coming up in cities.


CONTENTS Cover Page ………………………………………………. ………………..…….1 Title Page…………………………………………………. ……………….…….2 Certificate ……………………………………………….. ....…………………..3 Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………….4 Abstract……………….…………………………………………………….……6 List of Figure………………………………………………………………….….7 List of Table………………………...……………………………………………8 Chapter-1 Introduction….……………………………………………………..9 1.1 Major Challenges Faced By Indian Agriculture…….………….….…10 Chapter-2 Litreture Review…………………………………………………...12 Chapter-3 Design Procedure…………………………………….…………….13 3.1 Need of Seed Sowing Robot……………………………..…………13 3.2 Idea Generation………………………………………………..……13 3.3 How The Idea Is Different From Existing Solution………………………14 3.4 Components of Seed Sowing Robot……………………..……….….14

3.5 Working of Seed Sowing Robot…………………………………….17 3.6 Bill of Material………………………………………………….……20 3.7 Factors That Influence Design………………………….……………20 3.8 Scalability…………………………………………………………….21 3.9 Growth of Market………………………………………..…………...21 Chapter-4 Conclusion……………………………………………..……………22 Chapter-5 Future Scope…………………………………….………….……….23 References………………………………………………………………………..24



Fig. 3.1 Seed Tray


Fig. 3.2 Seeds And Sowing Machine


Fig. 3.3 Working Of Seeds And Sowing Machine




Table 2.1 Comparision Of Litreture Review

…………………..14 …………………..18

Table 3.1 Specification Of Frame


Table 3.2 Specification Of Seed Tray Table 3.3 Bill Of Material



CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy and it will continue to remain so for a long time. Agriculture is a branch of applied science. Agriculture is the science and art of farming including cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising livestock. Over the years, agricultural practices have been carried out by smallholders cultivating between 2 to 3 hectare, using human labor and traditional tools such as wooden plough, yoke, leveler, harrow, mallot, spade, big sikle etc. These tools are used in land preparation, for sowing of seeds, weeding and harvesting. Modern agricultural techniques and equipments are not used by small land holders because these equipments are too expensive and difficult to acquire. By adopting scientific farming methods we can get maximum yield and good quality crops which can save a farmer from going bankrupt but majority of farmers still uses primitive method of farming techniques due to lack of knowledge or lack of investment for utilizing modern equipment. Hence in this work of project we decided to design a better mechanical machine which is available to the farmers at a cheaper rate and also which can sow and seed the crop at the same time. This project also can be oprated using cell phone,Bluetooth,to plough small land holdings, typically found in indian agriculture landscape.The robot come with multiple features such as de-weeding, sowing, Ploughing .The robot is our first step towards building a complete farmer kit.This idea if implemented on a commercial scale can benefit about 70% farmers of india and also small gardens which are coming up in cities.

1.2 Major Challenges Faced By Indian Agriculture 1.2.1 Stagnation in Production of Major Crops: Production of some of the major staple food crops like rice and wheat has been stagnating for quite some time. This is a situation which is worrying our agricultural scientists, planners and policy makers. If this trend continues, there would be a huge gap between the demand of ever growing population and the production.


1.2.2 High cost of Farm Inputs: Over the years rates of farm inputs have increased. Farm inputs include fertilizer, insecticide, pesticides, HYV seeds, farm labour cost etc. Such an increase puts low and medium land holding farmers at a disadvantage. 1.2.3 Depletion of Fresh Ground Water: Most of the irrigation in dry areas of Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh was carried out by excessive use of ground water. Today fresh ground water situation in these states is alarming. In the coming few years if this type of farming practice continues, these states are going to face water famine. 1.2.4 Impact of Globalization: You can see the effect of globalization on the farm sector in India. All developing countries have been affected by it. The most evident effect is the squeeze on farmer‘s income and the threat to the viability of cultivation in India. This is due to the rising input costs and falling output prices. This reflects the combination of reduced subsidy and protection to farmers. 1.2.5 Farmers Suicide: Every suicide has a multiple of causes but when you have nearly 200,000 of them, it makes sense to seek broad common factors within that group. The suicides appear concentrated in regions of high commercialization of agriculture and very high peasant debt. Cash crop farmers seemed far more vulnerable to suicide than those growing food crops. Yet the basic underlying causes of the crisis remained untouched. Commercialization of the countryside along with massive decline in investment in agriculture was the beginning of the decline. Withdrawal of bank credit at a time of soaring input prices and the crash in farm incomes compounded the problems. Shifting of millions from food crop to cash crop cultivation had its own risks. Privatization of many resources has also compounded the problems. The devastation lies in the big 5 States of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. These states accounted for two-thirds of all farm suicides during 2003-08.Some of the major factors responsible are indebtedness, crop failure and deterioration in economic status. Decline in social position, exorbitant charges by local money lenders for the vulnerable farmers, chronic illness in the family, addiction etc. have made life of farmers difficult.



Gaganpreet Kaur at all [1], according to this litreture review minimizing man power as well as cost of the equipment in agriculture. It is used in agriculture field for increasing yield of crops. Flexibility of automation system is high than traditional system. In this work a robot is built and established to carry out automatic and manual seeding, de-weeding, Fertilization in an agriculture field. The functioning of the robot is performed by renewable energy like solar energy. It is expected that the robot will support the farmers in improving the efficiency of operations in their farms. Prof. Pranil V.Sawalakhe [2] in this paper Solar powered seed sowing Machine according to this review paper. The ability and function of the Multi purpose agriculture robot have been extended on large scale and there are many indefinite problem associated with it. After comparing different seed sowing mechanism it can be concluded that the solar powered seed sowing machine can be advanced for sowing seeds in firm with particular distance between seed is adjusted. It can be made automatic additive of multi hopper can be attached side by side for sawing of layer farm, Planting distance and plant population are crucial factors in maximizing the yields of crops. Abdulrahman, Mangesh Koli at all [3] in this paper multipurpose agricultural equipment can be used for tilling, fertilizing, sowing, leveling and also used for weed removal purposes. All the parts are connected in such a way that in every stage of agriculture the equipment can be rearranged or easily assembled with fasteners to required length and specifications of field operation. The whole idea of multipurpose equipment is a new concept, patentable and can be successfully implement in real life situations. Abdulrahman at all [4] in this paper The main focus of this system is its Automatic way of sowing the seeds. The seeds are been sowed in a proper sequence which results in proper germination of seeds. Here the wastage of seeds is also been reduced to a greater extent. With the help of a robot the seeds are been dispensed in the soil in a proper sequence hereby reducing the wastage of seeds The planting process of the onion crop only has



implemented by using this Seed Sowing

robot autonomously. The robot can be

designed with chain roller instead of normal wheel.

2.1 Comparision Table Of Litreture Review

Table No. 1 Comparision Of Litreture Review REFEREN








 Minimizing man power


 Automatic de-weeding, Fertilization

Kaur at all

 solar energy used [2]

Prof. Pranil

 Automatic additive of multi hopper


 extended on large scale


 Improving




operations in the farms. [3]

Mangesh Koli at


 Sowed in a proper sequence


 Used for tilling, fertilizing, sowing, level  Used for weed removal purposes ling  Wastage of seeds is also been



Abdulrahman at all

reduced  Automatic way of sowing the seeds 

Equipment can be rearranged or easily assembled with fasteners to required length and specifications


CHAPTER 3 DESIGN PROCEDURE 3.1 NEED OF SEEDS SOWING ROBOT By using this robot, a single seed can be placed in the desired spacing, so that the wastage of the seeds will be reduced. Suitable for all types of seed to seed forming. Low cost, it‘s the lowest priced multipurpose agricultural equipment ever built. Multitasking, Both sowing and fertilizing is done simultaneously. The main focus of this system is its Automatic way of sowing


seeds. Practically our multipurpose agricultural

equipment can be used for tilling, fertilizing, sowing, leveling and also used for weed removal purposes. All the parts are connected in such a way that in every stage of agriculture the equipment can be rearranged or easily assembled with fasteners to required length and specifications of field operation. The whole idea of multipurpose equipment is a new concept, patent-able and can be successfully implement in real life situations. The functioning of the robot is performed by renewable energy like solar energy.

 The main focus of this system is its Automatic way of sowing the seeds. Practically our multipurpose agricultural equipment can be used for tilling, fertilizing, sowing, levelling.

 wastage of the seeds will be reduced. Suitable for all types of seed to seed forming. Low cost, it‘s the lowest priced multipurpose agricultural equipment ever built.

3.2 Idea Generation About half of the total population of our country has chosen agriculture as their chief occupation.As centuries passed, certain modern techniques were invented in agriculture due to the progress in science. These modern techniques included the use of tractors for ploughing the field, etc.To improves the efficiency of the crop produced and also to develop a 13

better Mechanical machine to help the agriculture field which reduces the amount and time of work spent on one crop. Hence in this work of project we decided to design a better mechanical machine which is available to the farmers at a cheaper rate and also which can sow and seed the crop at the same time. This project also can be operated using cell phone, Bluetooth to plough small land holdings, typically found in indian agriculture landscape.The robot come with multiple features such as de-weeding, collection dry leaves,and cutting grass.

At this stage we can convert this machine in fully automated by provided best possible mechanism, linkages, sensors and Software. Innovative seed sowing equipment has grade influence on agriculture by this we can save more time for sowing and It can be made automatic additive of multi hopper can be attached side by side for sawing of layer farm, Planting distance and plant population are crucial factors in maximizing the yields of crops.

3.3 How The Idea Is Different From Existing Solution:  There is no such machine is available in portable size.  The Sowing technique is very good in comparison to Manual,Tractor etc..  This machine minimizes various problems like reduce seeds waste, time, cost etc..

3.4. Component of Automatic seed sowing machine 3.4.1 Material Selection Material selection is a step in the process of designing any physical object. In the context of product design, the main goal of material selection is to minimize cost while meeting product performance goals. Systematic selection of the best material for a given application begins with properties and costs of candidate materials. Cost of materials plays a very significant role in their material. Cost of materials plays a very important role in their selection. We initially considered various materials for building of the PT such as mild steel, aluminium, stainless steel etc. We took in consideration following properties of the material. The performance of an engineering component is limited by the properties of the material of which it is made, and by the shapes to which this material can be formed. Under some 14

circumstances a material can be selected satisfactorily by specifying ranges for individual properties, and then the best material is selected by maximizing one or more ‘performance indices’. Since cost is our most significant priority M.S was selected for the purpose of fabrication of Personal Transport.

3.4.2 Motor Selection Choosing a motor that is suited to the task at hand is one of the most important part of planning a robotics project. There are categories of electric motors that are used in practical application and are easily available for purchase. They are: Conventional DC motors, Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, BLDC. Each of these classes has several variants and each has their advantage and disadvantage. We have selected motor on the basis of torque requirement and the cost. Hence we selected conventional DC motor for the movement of conveyor belt. A stepper motor is an electromechanical device which converts electrical pulses into discrete mechanical movements. The shaft or spindle of a stepper motor rotates in discrete step increments when electrical command pulses are applied to it in the proper sequence. Since stepper motor is very reliable, it has precise positioning and repeatability of movement so we have selected stepper motor for the vacuum pump motion.

3.3.3 Frame The frame is made by welding Cast Iron rectangular pipes. Electric arc welding technique is used for all the manufacturing of frame.


Table 3.1 Specification: 1



Cast Iron 25.4mm x 25.4mm


Dimension of pipe


(Square cross-section pipe)


Thickness of pipe




Centre to Centre Distance :

1000 mm


Manufacturing process

Welding (Electric arc welding)


3.3.4 Seed Tray Seed tray is specific container which is used for holding the seeds before it gets placed in proper planting tray. Seed tray can be of any shape such as circular ,rectangular ,etc , but for it’s convenience in handling in seed sowing machine ,seed tray of following shape is selected ,designed and manufactured.

Table 3.2 Specification : 1.Description 2.Material


0.5 mm thick


Mild Steel, Acrylics

3.Manufacturing Process :

Laser cutting & bending

Fig. 3.1 Seed Tray 16


Fig. 3.2 Seed sowing machine ( By Solid Work)

3.5 WORKING When power supply is given to the Dc motor through solar panel it starts rotating at a finite speed. It also tends the shafts and the gears to rotate at that finite speed as well. The another Dc motor motor which is connected with the transport wheels is for the moving purpose of the project. The furrow opener is attached with the shafts and the seed container. It is used to make furrow far making space for the seeds to plant. As the furrow opener digs the soil for making space for the seeds, simultaneously seeds go down through the seeds container into the lane made by the furrow opener. The furrow opener is attached with the circuitry of the shafts and gears. It works according the movement of the gears and the shafts.


Fig. 3.3 Working Of Seeds And Sowing Robot



Table 3.3 Bill Of Material Sr. No.

Equipment Name

Cost (Rupee)


Sensors, Modem



Solar Panel



Cast Iron Ploughs



Cast Iron Body



4 DC Motor (200rpm)



Battery 12 V



Solenoid Valve







3.7 Factors that Influenced Design  Scientific farming methods  Precision farming  Acceptance for all types of seed to seed farming  Fool proofing  Portability of the equipment: our equipment is completely flexible for easy assembly and disassembly.  Low cost 19

3.8 Scalability Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. About half of the total population of our country has chosen agriculture as their chief occupation. The states like Maharashtra, Punjab, and Kerala, Assam are highly involved in agriculture. As centuries passed, certain modern techniques were invented in agriculture due to the progress in science. These modern techniques included the use of tractors for ploughing the field, production of pesticides, invention of tube-wells etc. Since water is the main necessity in this scenario, techniques were discovered which would help in watering the field easily, consume less water and reduce human effort. Hence in this work of project we decided to design a better mechanical machine which is available to the farmers at a cheaper rate and also which can sow and seed the crop at the same time. This project consists of the better design of the machine which can be used specifically for sowing of soybean, maize, pigeon pea, Bengal gram, groundnut etc.

3.9 The size of the market and its growth potential We are having a large potential in the Indian market because we know that About half of the total population of our country has chosen agriculture as their chief occupation.Suppose we become succeed to decrease in the time frame of farming and reduce the human effort. so automatically sales of framers corps will be increased so automatically our sales will be higher.


CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION The main focus of this system is its Automatic way of sowing the seeds. The seeds are been sowed in a proper sequence which results in proper germination of seeds. This automatic way of sowing seeds using a robot reduces the labour requirement. Here the wastage of seeds is also been reduced to a greater extent. Here with the help of a robot the seeds are been dispensed in the soil in a proper sequence here by reducing the wastage of seeds. This robot will help the farmers to do the farming process efficiently. Thus the design and fabrication of seed sowing machine, which reduce the man power, which is used for ploughing, dribbling, seed sowing. This process the seed sowed in proper depth. It is cost competitive. It is portable in size and can be easily transportable. It is simple in construction. It is easy to maintenance. It can be used small agriculture land.



 Introduction of Cutter in place of drill can be used as grass cutter equipment.  Using remote control machine can be made automatic.  Addition of multi-hopper can be attached side by side for sowing of large farm.  Water dripping unit could be included in seed sowing machine.



 [1] Prof. Pranil V.Sawalakhe, “Solar powered seed sowing Machine” presented in Global Journal of Advanced Research.  [2] Ms. Gaganpreet Kaur, Anushka Upadhyay, Akash Srivastava, Abhishek Yagnik, Abhishek Bhardwaj Solar Powered Seeding and Ploughing Robot-A Review IJRAER.2017  [3] Abdulrahman, Mangesh Koli, Umesh Kori, Ahmadakbar Department of MECHANICAL and Engineering Theem College of Engineering Seed Sowing Robot International Journal of MECHANICAL Trends and Technology (IJMET) – Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar – Apr 2017.  [4] Nitin P. V., Shivprakash,"Multipurpose Agricultural Robot", International Journal Of Engineering Research Vol.5, Issue, 06, PP:1129-1254, 20 May 2016.  [5] Divya C. H. Ramakrishna, H. and Praveena Gowda, Seeding and Fertilization using an Automated Robot International Journal of Current Research Vol.5, Issue, 03, pp.461466, March, 2013.  [6] Amrita Sneha. A, Abirami. E. Ankita. A, Mrs. R. Praveena, Mrs. Srimeena, "Agricultural Robot for Automatic Ploughing and Seeding",2015 IEEE International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR 2015).  [7] Swati D.Sambare, S.S.Belsare," Seed Sowing Using Robotics Technology”, International Journal of scientific research and management (IJSRM), Volume- 3, Issue5, 2015.




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