Sol Review Revolution

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 879
  • Pages: 6
Name: ______________________________

SOL Review: Revolution

PART A: COLONIAL DISSATISFACTION Read these main ideas and use the information to answer the questions below: Why colonies? o o o

did England want to keep strict control over the American England wanted to stay as powerful as other European countries. England wanted to use the colonies to become wealthy. England had to protect the colonies from other countries and from Native Americans.

How o o o

did England control the American colonies? The king chose governors for each colony. England controlled the colonial legislatures. England taxed the colonies. (To pay for troops and the French and Indian War) Examples: Tea Act, Stamp Act o The Proclamation of 1763 stopped the colonists from moving west of the Appalachians.

1. You are an American colonist who is dissatisfied with English control. Which English action has made you the unhappiest? ________________________________ Explain why you think this action is wrong: __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _ 2. You are King George III. Which English form of control do you think is the most important? _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Explain why. _____________________________________________________________________________ _


1. The colonists became more and more unhappy with English rule. They were especially angry that they were being taxed even though they did not have any representatives in Parliament. Many colonists cried “No __________________ without _____________________!” 2. At the same time, people had some new ideas about government. Some people now believed that having a king with all of the power may not be the best (or most fair) kind of government. John Locke was one of these important thinkers. His idea was that all people have _______________ rights to __________, ________________, and __________________. 3. John Locke also said that government is created to protect the rights of the people. Government only has the powers that the _________________ agree to give it. (This is very different from having a king! Where does a king get his power? _______________________ ) 4. Thomas Paine agreed with these new ideas. He wanted everyone in the colonies to understand them, so he wrote a pamphlet that anyone could understand, called ___________________________. 4. When ___________________________________ wrote the Declaration of Independence he used a lot of John Locke’s ideas.

5. The Declaration of Independence states that people have unalienable _______________ to life, liberty, and ______________________________________________. “Unalienable” means that these rights cannot be taken away. Everyone has them. 6. The Declaration of Independence also says that government gets power from the people. If the government is not protecting people’s rights, they have a right and a duty to __________ it. 7. What is the date of the approval of the Declaration of Independence? _______________ PART C: THE COLONISTS REBEL Word Bank:

First Continental Congress

Boston Massacre

Saratoga Declaration of Independence

Boston Harbor

Concord Treaty of Paris


Yorktown Independence

Tea Act

France Spain 1. Colonists in Boston were shot for taunting British soldiers during the _________________________________________. 2. Sam Adams and Paul Revere led the patriots to throw tea into the _________________________________ to protest the __________________. 3. Delegates from all of the colonies met to discuss the problems they were having with England. This meeting is called the _______________________________________________. 4. The colonists began to gather weapons in case they needed to fight. The British heard about some weapons stored at Lexington and ________________,

two small towns in the colony of ______________________. The British soldiers came to confiscate the weapons and these towns became the site of the first armed conflict of the Revolution. 5. The colonists decided that they must break away from England. Representatives from the colonies approved the ________________________________________. 6. The turning point of the Revolution was the Battle of __________________ in New York. After this battle, the Americans had help from the countries of _____________ and _________. 7. Lord Cornwallis finally surrendered at _____________________, Virginia. This was the end of the war. 8. The Americans won the war! When they signed the __________________________, Britain had to finally recognize American __________________________. PART D: Chronological Order Place the following events in chronological order: Yorktown

Boston Massacre

Stamp Act

French and Indian War


Lexington and Concord

Treaty of Paris Declaration of Independence 1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________

First Continental Congress

4. ______________________________________ 5. ______________________________________ 6. ______________________________________ 7. ______________________________________ 8. ______________________________________ 9. ______________________________________ PART E: A NEW GOVERNMENT During the Revolutionary War, the colonists planned for a new government. They couldn’t wait to get rid of the king! They never wanted to have a government with that much power again. They planned a new government called the _____________________________________. They wanted this government to be weak. It couldn’t even ___________________________! And it only had one branch, the ___________________________ branch. PART F: PEOPLE Match each person with his or her role in the Revolution. 1. Lord Cornwallis

A. Commander of the Continental

2. Phillis Wheatley


3. Patrick Henry

B. Author of Common Sense.

4. King George III

C. surrendered at Yorktown

5. Paul Revere

D. a former slave who wrote poems

6. Thomas Jefferson

E. “Give me liberty or give me

7. John Adams


8. Thomas Paine

F. King of England

9. George Washington

G. 2nd president, worked for


I. wrote the Declaration of

H. warned colonists of British arrival


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