Socialist Fight

  • Uploaded by: Gerald J Downing
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 750
  • Pages: 1
Socialist Fight No Platform for All Fascists! No Reliance on State bans, no capitulation to the TU bureaucracy! Only the Independently mobilised strength of the working class can stop the fascists! Against the cross-class Popular Front of UAF! Fight for the United Front of workers’ organisations ONLY! Build a militant anti-fascist organisation!


here is no question that the English Defence League (EDL) is a fascist organisation: the exact degree of links between the EDL and the BNP is unimportant as both organisations use the same brand of racist politics and scapegoating, and are obviously "two sides of the same coin". Socialist Fight agrees with and argues for the "traditional Labour movement response" to fascists, which is that they are allowed No Platform: they may not march, hold public meetings nor distribute their racist, xenophobic filth and we are in favour of the mobilisation of organised workers in alliance with other anti-racists and anti-fascists to ensure that the fascists have no opportunity to gain oxygen.

weeks lobbying the City Council to Ban the EDL who had promised to try and march for a third time this year.... but had their own meeting banned instead by use of the powers that UAF were lobbying in favour of! UAF contains the leadBirmingham Asian youth force the fascists EDL off the erships of most TUC streets AGAIN on 5th September whilst the ‘law abidunions, with affiliation ing’ UAF were appealing to the police and the Council from Trades Councils for protection. The EDL say they will not go back there. and TU Branches and Stewards' Committees. For this reason when workers are on strike, and it is important that militant anti-fascists through the union Branches and Comdo not turn their backs on these mass mittees. Of course this is not so easy, organisations that presumably have the but it has to be very political - taking up ability to mobilise the millions of work- 'social' questions like "jobs" and ers that are TU members. "housing" at the same time as militantly

More important than halting the EDL is the matter of what kind of anti-racist, confronting the fascists. anti-fascist organisation exists now However, it is not possible right now to and what are the problems with it, what mobilise for militant anti-fascism within The Left groups, socialists and revolukind of organisation we need? the TU-dominated UAF, and there does tionaries, Marxists, Trotskyists and Annot seem to be much left of the old AFA archists have the greatest The problems of Unite Against responsibility to see that this Fascism (UAF) are; it is controlled Whoever does not believe in the capacities of the militant anti-fascist organisaworking class, or in the necessity of its liberation by the TU bureaucracy, it lacks tion comes into being, and the internal democracy reflecting the from the yoke of exploitation; in a word, whoever Left groups all go on a lot bureaucratic nature of the unions does not believe in the revolution and is by that about "democracy" (not the (which are the mass organisations very fact against it, will certainly declare the buildvoting once every five years of the workers); it is popular fron- ing of the Fourth International to be ‘Utopian’. On for which capitalist governtist i.e. it seeks alliances with the the other hand, all those who believe... that lost ment rules us!) so should be capitalist class; Tories and battles reveal lessons which enable victory to be able to work it out amongst "celebrities" Lord "you're fired!" ourselves! won one day, these people know that the question Sugar; Tory leader David Cameron of a world revolutionary organisation is posed: the is a member!; further, UAF always We need to build an organisaseek compromise, which again is International—Pierre Broué, French Trotskyist. tion that has its roots in the true of the trade union leaders: anti fascist action mobs, so militant anti communities as well as in the workers' instead of fighting job losses they just -fascists need to build an organisation movement: an organisation that can want to increase redundancy payments! of militant anti-fascism: this has to be take on and smash the fascists, and that democratic from the start and should In Birmingham UAF and their allies (e.g. seek to influence the workers in the Respect Councillor Salma Yaqoob) spent unions at the base, i.e. at picket-lines

has political positions against the union bureaucracy in the workers' movement: A START HAS TO BE MADE!!

Contact: Socialist Fight: PO Box 59188, London, NW2 9LJ. Email: [email protected]

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