Socialist Fight

  • Uploaded by: Gerald J Downing
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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 883
  • Pages: 1
Socialist Fight Internationalism Now! Down with Economic Nationalism, Bj4Bw and No2 EU Europhobia! Build a Rank-and-File organisation that fights the bosses and the class treachery of the TU bureaucracy! G20 summit demonstrates the raT he pidity with which the crisis is unfold-

rapidly on leftist demands. Despite the problems with ing. Whole economies like Iceland and their own capitulation to Ireland are virtually bankrupt, financial trade union bureaucracies meltdown has unleashed economic melt- (why back Faircloth in the down and no one can say where it will Amicus election?) and the end. And the political ramifications for the popular frontism of the UAF, left are equally rapid. The Lindsey Oil etc. their members are deRefinery strikes were the August 4th for manding a real fight now, the British working class. Those like the revolutionists should give SP and CPB who gave them enthusiastic critical support to that. support have now got their reward. The future of the The Stalinists of the CPB, who working class and poor, parhave been the traditional bagmen for the ticularly immigrants, is inclass traitors of the TU bureaucracy, have deed grim and they will be Derek Simpson, the star-struck Morning (and Daily) welcomed the „Trotskyist‟ SP into the fold joined by a vast section of Star’s ‘left-progressive’ Unite joint General Secretary of economic nationalism. Fronted by Bob the middle class who will be demonstrates his contempt for immigrants, women and Crow, with no consultation with his mem- rapidly driven down into their all workers. Fight all bosses for jobs for ALL workers! 2 bers, the new No EU platform is a ranks. A year or so ago every straight British nationalist response which right-wing think-thank in the planet Revolutionary Trotskyists must attempts to steal the votes of the UKIP. trumpeted low taxation, deregulation and provide the answer then by fighting for Like the infamous „foreigners out‟ demon- privatisation as the neo-liberal model that the world revolution. If the Waterford stration in Staythorpe this appalling poleads to robust economic growth. The Crystal occupation becomes fashionable litical treachery has struck fear into every number of millionaires and billionaires then the sacred right of private property, immigrant worker and much of the black has rocketed but this was “necessary” so which underpins all global oppression, will and Asian community. If even ‟lefts‟ like the poor could benefit from some trickle- be raised again as an international tactic. Simpson, Crow, Nellist and the CPB are down, or „crumbs from the master‟s table‟ Only when private property is overthrown prepared to tack so far right for opporas one patronising bigot put it long ago. and collective, effective human rights (not tunist gains how can they fight let alone Today we are encouraged to hate these the UN UDHR) are established and when defeat the BNP? greedy bankers and fat cat finance capiwe produce food and manufactures for talists but not the system itself, which human need, not profit can workers beBut divisions are not really so bad the People‟s Charter assures us is regin the struggle for international socialif they reveal reality in time to fight back. formable. ism. We must sweep away the „muck of The SWP has swung to the left after the ages‟: sexism, homophobia and economic split with Galloway and is now recruiting The anarchist answer is to defend nationalism which leads to racism, wars localism; local communities defend- and rationalises all human oppression. ing jobs and fighting the oppressive state is the only way. What is But we cannot do it effectively wrong with British jobs for British when we collaborate with a TU bureaucworkers, Irish jobs for Irish workers racy which seeks to jail militant Belfast and local jobs for local workers? Airport shop stewards. We cannot do it Down with the EU, back to fortress when we go on marches with Lindsey Oil Britain? But the door is then Refinery strikers who shout „foreigners opened for the far right; economic out‟. Just as we must not capitulate to nationalism is the field of operation the trade union bureaucracy we cannot of the fascists of the BNP, it ties the circumvent them either by „base unions‟, workers to the bosses' system and we must fight and defeat them to reclaim must destroy the very basis the unions as class struggle organs by of working class consciousness, its building a rank-and-file organisation. internationalism and its objective Internationalists will then see their aspineed to produce wealth on the barations as real possibilities: no local ansis of a world planned economy. swers, no trade union bureaucratic sellWorkers are the only true global out deals to save capitalism; occupy, class whose interests can only be organise and strike to unite the working The RMT’s Bob Crow and Dave Nellist of the SP truly served by global planning; we class nationally and internationally, then launch their British chauvinist ‘platform’ in allilive in a global system run by capi- the revolutionary struggles will begin in ance with the Stalinist Morning Star/CPB. It tartalists interested solely in their own earnest. Down with Bj4Bw and No2 EU gets UKIP votes and slates all who fought Bj4Bw greedy short term profits. nationalism, workers of the world unite! as ‘ultra-left’. Workers of the world piss off?

Contact: Socialist Fight: PO Box 59188, London, NW2 9LJ. Email: [email protected]

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