Social Planning V-1 0910

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Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board


Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

HEALTH RESOURCES Considerations: • availability of health facilities • adequacy or accessibility of services • adequacy of health personnel and budget • epidemic occurrence • accessibility of services within 35 km –radius • causes of mortality and morbidity of the population

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Current needs and future requirements shall consider: • area

and location per type of hospital • number of beds per type of hospital • number of personnel per category • facilities and kinds of treatment/function/services per level of health services

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

RHU (Rural Healh Units)  BHS (Barangay Health Station) – is the initial unit which dispenses basic health care. 3-5 KM recommended service zone in consideration of transport availability for both patient and medical staff  serves a minimum population of 5,000  should be centrally located and grouped with other institutional facilities such as chapel, school and parks/playground 

MHC ( Main Health Center) – engages in a broad range of activities covering mostly referrals from the BHS, and the preventive, promotive and curative aspects of health care. 

one MHC regardless of the number of population

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board


(City Health Center) – renders the same service as that of the MHC but under the administrative and technical supervision of the City Health Office. should be located preferably near the commercial section of the municipality/city where public transportation is available  every muncipality/city should have at least one MHC/CHC for every 50,000 population  it should be planned within the context of the poblacion • the use of MHC/CHC will be optimized if the site is close to the market center • should be accessible to major roads and bus routes • should be located in the areas with no obnoxious smells, noise or hazardous traffic conditons • should be free from flood dangers and subsoil condition must be acceptable 

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

HOSPITAL – an institution engaging services on health care. CLASSIFICATION OF HOSPITALS  Government or Private  Government - operated and maintained partially or wholly by the national, provincial, city or municipal government, or other political unit; or by any department, division, board or agency thereof.  Private - privately owned, established and operated with funds through donation, principal, investment, or other means, by any individual, corporation, association, or organization. Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

General or Special  General - provides services for all types of deformity, disease, illness or injury.  Special - primarily engaged in the provision of specific clinical care and management. A primary care hospital, secondary care hospital, tertiary care hospital, or infirmary, may provide special clinical service(s).

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Service Capability  Primary Care Hospital o Non-departmentalized hospital that provides clinical care and management on the prevalent diseases in the locality o Clinical services include general medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery and anesthesia o Provides appropriate administrative and ancillary services (clinical laboratory, radiology, pharmacy o Provides nursing care for patients who require intermediate, moderate o and partial category of supervised care for 24 hours or longer Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Service Capability  Secondary Care Hospital o Departmentalized hospital that provides clinical care and management on the prevalent diseases in the locality, as well as particular forms of treatment, surgical procedure and intensive care o Clinical services provided in the Primary Care Hospital, as well as specialty clinical care o Provides appropriate administrative and ancillary services (clinical laboratory, radiology, pharmacy) o Nursing care provided in the Primary Care Hospital, as well as total and intensive skilled care

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Service Capability  Tertiary Care Hospital o Teaching and training hospital that provides clinical care and management on the prevalent diseases in the locality, as well as specialized and subspecialized forms of treatment, surgical procedure and intensive care o Clinical services provided in the Secondary Care Hospital, as well as sub-specialty clinical care o Provides appropriate administrative and ancillary services (clinical laboratory, radiology, pharmacy) o Nursing care provided in the Secondary Care Hospital, as well as o Continuous and highly specialized critical care Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Service Capability  Infirmary - a health facility that provides emergency treatment and care to the sick and injured, as well as clinical care and management to mothers and newborn babies.  Birthing Home – a health facility that provides maternity service on pre-natal and post-natal care, normal spontaneous delivery, and care of newborn babies.  Acute-Chronic Psychiatric Care Facility – a health facility that provides medical service, nursing care, pharmacological treatment and psychosocial intervention for mentally ill patients.  Custodial Psychiatric Care Facility – a health facility that provides long-term care, including basic human services such as food and shelter, to chronic mentally ill patients. Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

STANDARD AREA PER HOSPITAL / CLINIC Municipal Hospital Provincial Hospital Regional Hospital Medical Center

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1.5 has. 1.5 has. 2.5 has. 3.5 has.

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

CRITERIA FOR ESTABLISHING A NEW HOSPITAL (Government)  the proposed hospital is at least 35 km away from any existing government hospital  accessible as a referral facility to a minimum of three RHU or main health center facilities in the catchment area  the permanent population to be served within the catchment area is at least 75,000 population  in case of island municipalities or inaccessible areas due to mountainous terrain or geographic barriers, the following shall apply:  at least catchment population of 25,000  the area shall be at least 3 hours away by the usual means of transportation Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Standard Hospital Bed to Population Ratio 1 bed : 1000 population

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

DETERMINING THE UNMET HOSPITAL BED NEED  Determine Primary and Secondary catchment population  Primary Catchment Area Level 1 Hospital – municipality/urban district Level 2 Hospital – rural district/ city Level 3 Hospital – province Level 4 Hospital – region  Secondary Catchment Area – are other geographic areas that have access or contiguous to the Primary Catchment Area

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

DETERMINING THE UNMET HOSPITAL BED NEED Determine Existing Hospital beds of Government and Private General Hospitals plus the number of beds being proposed in the area. Hospitals beds being provided by special hospitals, Hospitals under the National Defense, penitentiary hospitals and special research centers shall be excluded from the inventory of hospital beds. 

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board


Hospital bed need using the bed to population ratio: 1 bed : 1000 population Ex: A population of 6,000,000 has a hospital bed need of 6,000 beds. Determine the UNMET BED NEED by subtracting the existing beds from the Hospital Bed Need. 

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board


Hospital bed need using the bed to population ratio: 1 bed : 1000 population Ex: A population of 6,000,000 has a hospital bed need of 6,000 beds. Determine the UNMET BED NEED by subtracting the existing beds from the Hospital Bed Need. 

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Considerations: availability and accessibility of burial grounds  adequacy of existing burial grounds  present condition  burial practices  approved memorial parks and cemeteries 

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board


Compute for the Crude Death Rate (CDR) CDR = number of deaths x 1,000 population Ex: 2000 population = 20,000 Number of deaths = 500 CDR = 500 x 1,000 20,000 CDR = 25 deaths per 1,000 population

•Crude Death

Rate – is the number of deaths per one thousand (1,000) mid-year population of a given area. Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Using the CDR, project the number of deaths by multiplying it to the number of projected population. Divide the product by 1,000. 


Projected no. of deaths = CDR x Population 1,000 Municipality Projected Pop. = 22,000 Projected no. of deaths = 25 x 22,000 1,000 Projected No. of Deaths = 550 Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Also consider the number of burials within the municipality in projecting the area required for burial grounds. 

Participation Rate (PR) = no. of burial permits x 1,000 no. of deaths Ex: No. of burial permits = 300 No. of deaths = 500 Projected No. of Deaths = 550 Participation Rate = 300 x 1,000 500 PR = 60 % Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Determine the Projected Area Requirement for burial grounds. *minimum plot size of 1.0m x 2.44 m Projected Area Req’t = Projected no. of deaths x Participation Rate x (1.0m x 2.44m) = 550 x 0.60 x(1.0m x 2.44m) = 300 x (1.0m x 2.44m) Projected Area Req’t = 805 sq. m. 

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Get the capacity of the existing cemetery and other private memorial parks to determine if there is a need to identify another burial site. 

Estimate cemetery requirement based on minimum plot size of 1.0m x 2.44m (excluding open spaces, circulation and facility requirements) 

Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

LOCATION CRITERIA / GUIDELINES FOR CEMETERIES As per PD 856 ( Sanitation Code of the Philippines), burial grounds, cemeteries, memorial parks, or any place duly authorized by the government for permanent disposal of the dead should be:  At least 20m distance from any dwelling unit and no house shall be constructed within the same distance.  50m distance from either side of the river or 50m distance from any source of water supply  no burial grounds shall be located in an area of high water table, water recharged aquifers, water bearing rocks or where soil permeability is good  Cemeteries are preferably located on grounds free from hazards  a new cemetery should also be located in an area not distracting the opening of future streets and arterial grounds  cemeteries should be away from watershed of lakes or streams to maintain safe water supply Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Considerations:  Availability, adequacy of existing solid waste management/treatment/disposal methods and facilities (e.g. Material Recovery Facility, Sanitary Landfill, controlled dumpsite, etc.)  sectors involved and institutional structure participation  existing systems and techniques of waste storage, collection, reduction, reuse, recycling treatment and disposal  sources of pollution/contamination affecting the drainage system  existing facilities available for wastewater collection, treatment and disposal, coverage area and treatment efficiency Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

 Determine area needed for solid waste management site. Area = Amount (kg/year) x Residence Time (year) Density (kg/cu. m. Height (m) Sample Computation for land area for sanitary landfill Given: Population = 100,000 Waste Generation = 0.5 kg person/day Waste Density = 330 kg/cu. m. Height = 10 m Residence Time = 10 years Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Waste generation = 100,000 x 0.5 kg/day x 7 days/week x 52 weeks/year = 18,200,000 kg/year Area = Amount (kg/year) x Residence Time (year) Density (kg/cu. m. Height (m) = 18,200,000 kg/year x 10 years 330 kg/cu. m. 10 m = 55,151 sq. m. or 5.5 hectares *Computed land area requirement needs to be increased by 50% to allow daily cover, roads, receiving areas, fencing, etc. Total land area = 5.5 ha x 1.5 = 8.25 ha Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Notes:  Note that the sanitary landfill is at the bottom solid waste management hierarchy, that means it is being done after the waste minimization strategies such as waste reduction at source, recycling, composting, etc. have been conducted. The Ecological Waste Management Act targeted 25% waste reduction for disposal to sanitary landfill after 5 years implementation of the act.  330 kg/cu. m. waste density utilized by the DENR  waste generated should remove fraction to be diverted for composting, recycling, reuse, etc.  Target Service time of the facility. The DENR prescribes that the site should be sufficient for a landfill with a target service life of up to 5 years.  landfill depth = 10 meters Department of Health Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

Housing Housing Types of Housing Housing Backlog Housing Needs and Assessments


Housing What

is housing? Buildings or other shelters in which people live. National Housing Authority:


is housing Backlog? Is the number of dwelling units needed at the beginning of the planning period due to double-up households, displaced units and homeless households. HLURB Guide to Social Sector Study: A Guide to Sectoral Studies in the CLUP Preparation Page 105



are the types of Housing? Economic Housing – a type of housing project provided to moderately low income families with lower interest rates and longer amortization periods. Socialized

Housing – refers to housing programs and projects covering houses and lots only undertaken by government or the private sector for the unprivileged and homeless citizens. Open

Market Housing – Housing constructed and financed by the private sector as a business venture and sold at prevailing market prices and interest. HLURB Guide to Social Sector Study: A Guide to Sectoral Studies in the CLUP Preparation Page 116



Needs and Assessments

Housing Backlog

Needs = Housing Backlog + New Households

Double Occupancy = HTT - DUT Dwelling units which are shared by 2 or more households HTT is Total nos. of households DUT is total nos. of dwelling units Displaced Units Total Displaced Units is the summation of units defined below Units to replace those units: in danger areas, on lands earmarked for government infrastructure Homeless households living in parks, along sidewalk and all those without any form of shelter HUDCC acceptable norm in computing the number of homelessness is as follows: 0.1% of Urban Households 0.001% of Rural Households

Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments


7279 is specifically concerned with the provision of shelter for the unprivileged and the homeless. to ensure allocation of land and services even to the lowest income groups, it is crucial to estimate the total shelter needs of all income groups in the municipality concerned. HLURB Guide to Social Sector Study: A Guide to Sectoral Studies in the CLUP Preparation Page 105

Republic Act No. 7279 An Act to provide for a Comprehensive and Continuing Urban Development and Housing Program: “Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992”

Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Shelter needs are categorized into: New housing units needed to answer the requirements of the future population 

New units to cover for housing backlog as well as upgrading need 

Current Housing Demand




Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Present Housing Needs: New Unit Due to Backlog The

total new units needed due to backlog is derived by adding up the requirements for doubled-up households, displaced units and homeless

Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Doubled-up Households : DHHT= HTT - DUT Doubled-up households Exists when one dwelling is shared by two or more households 

HLURB Guide to Social Sector Study: A Guide to Sectoral Studies in the CLUP Preparation Page 106

The number of households per dwelling unit

The ratio of the households to occupied housing units

HLURB Guide to Social Sector Study: A Guide to Sectoral Studies in the CLUP Preparation Page 106

National Statistics Office:

Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Doubled-up Households: DHHT= HTT - DUT

DHHT – Doubled Up Household in Time HUT – Total Housing Units in Time HTT – Total Number of Households in Time

Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Displaced Units (Relocation Need) To

determine the number of displaced units, simply total the number of housing units in danger zones or other uninhabitable areas, those affected by planned government infrastructure projects and those which are subject of a court for eviction or demolition. An

estimate of displacement due to natural disasters can be added to the total. HLURB Guide to Social Sector Study: A Guide to Sectoral Studies in the CLUP Preparation Page 107

Displaced Units (Relocation Need) Example


Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Homeless  Homeless are individuals or households living in parks, along sidewalks, and all those without any form of shelter. Decentralized Shelter for Urban Development DSUD

The number if homeless persons is the same as the number of homeless households and this need may be better met through improved institutional care. 

HLURB Guide to Social Sector Study: A Guide to Sectoral Studies in the CLUP Preparation Page 108

Computing for Homeless Households and Total Need of Homeless



Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Future Housing Need: Due to Population Growth The number of new housing units that will be required for the future depends largely on the projected size and population increase and the subsequent formation of new households. 

Time Frame The planning period should allow for short (5 years)and longterm (15 years) strategies. However, of issues in terms of data quality, a shorter planning period is preferable.

Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Population Projection the population in a city increases due to births that occur and the influx of migrants from other municipalities in search for employment and for better quality of life. Provisions are made for migrants, an economically prosperous city could be confronted by problems of squatting. 

Housing Housing

Needs and Assessments

Number of New Households a household is a social unit consisting of a person or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement for the preparation and consumption of food. Housing unit is a structurally separate and independent place of abode constructed, converted or arranged for habitation by one household. 

Number of New Households

Estimate Future Housing Needs

The estimated number of households in a given municipality is derived by dividing the total population by the estimated household size

Estimate Future Housing Needs

Estimate Future Housing Needs

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