Social Games Design Workshop

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  • Words: 892
  • Pages: 73
Workshop: Game Design for Social Networks @ MindTrek, Oct 2nd, 2009 Aki Järvinen, PhD / IT University of Copenhagen

Aki’s Background Resume at

The focus: 50 million active monthly users

Concept design process for the day

Idea production: Quantity breeds quality

From Idea evaluation to Concept design & iteration

Design template to structure your concept design task

Takeaway: High level documentation to communicate your idea

Concept presentation: Articulating your design & reflecting on your decisions

•  10.00: Introduction to workshop and participants


•  10.15 Lecture: The Design and Business of Networked Play

•  11.00 break •  11.15 Exercise: Brainstorming social network game mechanics

•  11.45 Exercise debrief & Introduction to design templates

•  12.00 Lunch Break


•  •  •  •  •  •  • 

12.30 Introduction: Design Drivers & Patterns for Social Games 13.00 Exercise: Social Game Design 13.30 Exercise: Designing the Service Aspect 14.00 Coffee break 14.30 Iterating the Game Concept & Preparing game concept presentations 15.00 Concept presentations & Evaluations 15.45 Workshop debrief & closing

Concept design process for the day

Let’s get it done

The Design and Business of Networked Play

Focus of the day

•  Not: the ‘games people play’ in social networks

•  Yes: Game applications for social networks

•  In particular: Facebook

Business of ‘social games’

•  Zynga, the market leader in social game development, aims at 1 million $ revenue per day

•  Reportedly they are half way there

Success factors

•  For a social game, he said

success is driven by by virality, engagement, and monetization. “Each of these variables you can effect over time. None of them are fixed [variables].” - PlayFish COO

Top Applications 2009-09-30

Top Games Applications 2009-09-30

Top Game Application Developers 2009-09-30

Social Networks

There are also other big fish in the sea

Zynga’s recipe for success

•  A company’s success on

Facebook revolves around three factors:

•  ability to maximize viral

channels (to drive new users),

•  the ability to create an

effective internal engagement loop within an application, and

•  access to an open

communication channel with Facebook’s platform people.

Networked Play Motivations, Qualities, Design

What is ‘Game Design’, anyway?

•  ‘game design’ is ‘the process of designing the content and rules of a game.

•  also used to describe both the game design embodied in an actual game as well as documentation that describes such a design.

•  This is indeed what the

workshop is about, but...

Social Game Design goes beyond game design as we know it

•  Into the realm of Interaction design:

•  ‘Interaction design is the art of facilitating interactions between humans through products and services.’ (Dan Saffer)

•  And, furthermore...

Social Game Design goes beyond game design as we know it

•  Into the realm of Service Design:

•  ‘A service is a chain of activities that form a process and have value for the end user.’

•  service design focuses on

context, i.e. ‘the entire system of use’.

Motivations for social media use (Benkler)

•  Social connectedness, •  Psychological well-being, •  Gratification, •  Material gain •  All these can be facilitated

through designing play, and games

Four motivations for contributing in online communities

•  Peter Kollock (1999) has

defined four motivations for contributing in online communities:

•  Reciprocity, •  Reputation, •  Increased sense of efficacy, and •  Attachment to and need of a group.

Designing opportunities for players to express their motives

•  = designing social game

mechanics as means of interaction that allow players to express their motives

Playful qualities of network use (adapted from Rao)

•  Inherent Sociability •  Spontaneity •  Symbolic Physicality •  Narrativity •  Asynchronicity

Inherent sociability


Symbolic Physicality



Social Game Design Framework

Designing Networked, Social Play: Beyond game design

Design: Breakdown

Design: Breakdown

Design: Breakdown

Design: Breakdown

Design: Breakdown

Design: Breakdown

Designing Social Game Concepts Getting it done

Exercise #1

Add description of your game mechanic here

Design: Breakdown

Identifying motivations-> designing mechanics in a way that allows them to become ways for players to express and enact their motivations

VNA gives you starting points for designing your mechanics

Social game mechanics: Designing interaction loops where players use verbs towards goals, and the network responds

Exercise #1

Add description of your game mechanic here

Exercise #2 Designing for the network, for the casual mindset, and how it is virally engaged into play – even how do you copywrite your notifications might matter substantially

Design: Breakdown

Design: Breakdown

Design: Breakdown

1-click accessibility to support spontaneity

Rescue Princess  Press the bu*on to rescue  the princess. 

Daniel Cook

Compressing complex sequences of events into 1 click

Daniel Cook

Social Game Design Patterns Pattern: Feed propagation

Social Game Design Patterns Feed propagation, case example from FarmVille

Appealing to players’ empathy

Feed propagation supports discussion

Social Game Design Patterns Pattern: Chain letter quests

Service / Propagation Design Patterns Pattern: Notifications

Service / Propagation Design Patterns: Anti-Pattern: Request Flood

LinkedIn: The Quest

Design: Breakdown

Exercise #1 debrief

•  Activity is more important than actual result

•  We aim at Quality through quantity

Social Game Design Framework

Exercise #3 Social networks shift playtesting towards metric-driven feature optimization and constant deployment loop

Design: Breakdown

Design: Breakdown

Day’s process & results

Feedback & Contact

•  Aki Järvinen, Ph.D. •  +358 40 504 1367 •  [email protected] •  Twitter: @aquito • •

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