Social And Ethical Aspects Of Advertisements

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 21
Social and ethical aspects of advertisement s peter stephen (MSNIMT kollam chavara)

I N T R O D U T I O N peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Ethics in advertisement • Ethics: Moral principles and values that govern the actions of and individual or group.

AAMarketing Marketing or or Promotion PromotionAction Action Not All Issues Can Not All Issues Can Marketers Must Make Appropr Not A AllBe Marketing Issues CanorBe Promotion Regulated Action May May Legal Be Legal but but NotRegarding Consideredthe Ethical May Be Be Legal but Decisions Be Regulated Regulated Not Not Considered Considered Ethical Ethical

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Ø An advertisement is considered as unethical when: • – – – – –

It gives false information. It degrades the rival’s product or substitutes. It is against the national and public interest. It gives misguiding information. It is obscene or immoral.

• peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Unethical advertisement can take any of the following form • Use of sex, especially the use of women as a sex objects • Alcohol &tobacco advertisement • Untruthful claims • Use of testimonials or endorsements • Exaggerated claims • Unverified claims that is ambiguous peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Use of sex, especially the use of women as a sex objects

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

What is your opinion of this ad?

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Alcohol &tobacco advertisement

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Exaggerated claims

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

U se o f te stim o n ia ls o r e n d o rse m e n ts

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

U n ve rifie d cla im s th a t is a m b ig u o u s

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Horliks banned ad

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Many People Found Benetton’s “Death Row” Ad Campaign Offensive

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Advertisements and childern

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Advertisements and childern • Children between ages 2-11 watch on average 21.5 hours of TV per week and may see 22,000 commercials per year. • Television is an important source of information for children about products. • In a study by boddewyn for the international advertising association ,it was noted that decency and sexism appeared to be issues causing less concern in future issues than advertising to children.

• peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI)

Ø Advertising Standards Council of India is a self regulatory voluntary organization of the advertising industry. Ø The main role is to deal with Complaints received from consumers and industry, Ø Against Ads- false, misleading, indecent, illegal, Ø Code for self regulation in advertising. Ø ASCI,1985 is a commitment to honest advertising and to fair competition in the market place.

• peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)


ASCI has one overarching goal: “To maintain and enhance the public's confidence in advertising”. ASCI seeks to ensure that advertisements conform to its Code for Self-Regulation which requires advertisements to be Truthful and fair to consumers and competitors. Within the bounds of generally accepted standards of public decency and propriety. Not used indiscriminately for the promotion of products, hazardous or harmful to society or to individuals. .particularly minors, to a degree unacceptable to society at large.

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

Objectives of ASCI To monitor ,administer and promote standards of advertising practices in India To codify, adopt and modify the code of advertising practices in India and implement, administer and promote and publicize such a code. To give wide publicity to the Code and seek adherence to it of as many as possible of those engaged in advertising. To print and publish pamphlets, leaflets, circulars or other literature or material, that may be considered desirable for the promotion of or carrying out of the objects of the Company.

• peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

REFERENCES • “An Indian perspective advertising management” PK Agarwal • “Advertising management” Manendra Mohan • • •

peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)

T H A N K peter stephen (MSN kollam chavara)


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