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I. Identification Direction: Write your answer on the space provided before each number. ______________1. It is the beginning of love. ______________2. They are the one who’s responsible over the biological, emotional, educational, social, vocation needs of children. ______________3. Stage wherein attraction to the opposite sex has been actualized. ______________4. It is just an ordinary meeting in an ordinary time and place. ______________5. A guy who finds difficult to say I love you to the girl he loves. ______________6. It is the most awaited day for the lovers. ______________7. A special contract of permanent union between a man and woman in accordance with the law. ______________8. The feeling to keep each other is mutual but the relationship is not yet publicly revealed. ______________9. The period of emotional involvement or commitment before one has pledge to marry. ______________10. The start of love that is “seen in the eyes” before deeper feeling comes along. II. Multiple Choice Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. It is the most used term for both interpersonal love and love between God and God’s creation in Hebrew. a. Ahava c. Haava b. Avaha d. Avahaa 2. Kind of love considering everyone as brother and sister even they are not blood or affinity related to them. a. Felial c. Universal b. Eros d. Agape 3. Human attraction aided by human reason. a. Caring c. Sharing b. Loving d. Helping 4. A love that satisfies your personal needs. a. Felial c. Universal b. Eros d. Agape 5. It is understanding person’s condition from their perspective. a. Feelings c. Empathy b. Sympathy d. Affinity 6. The nature and chemistry of romantic love divide the experience of love into three partly overlapping stages except: a. Lust c. Attraction b. Sex d. Attachment 7. The feeling of sexual desire. a. Lust b. Sex

c. Attraction d. Attachment

8. Strong feelings of affection or loyalty for someone. a. Lust c. Attraction b. Sex d. attachment 9. The feeling that makes someone romantically or sexually interested with someone. a. Lust c. Attraction b. Sex d. attachment 10. Encompasses feelings of attachment, closeness, connectedness and blondeness. a. Lust c. Attraction b. Sex d. Attachment 11. It is the primary purpose of marriage. a. generation and nurturing of offspring. b. remedy for concupiscence. c. mutual help of spouses. d. unity and husband of wife. 12. It is the union of mind and body of a man and women. a. Cooperation c. Unity b. Peace d. Prosperity 13. The following are considered solemnizing officials except: a. Aircraft pilot c. Tribal leader b. Captain of the ship d. Deck officer 14. Where are the preceding forms of marriage vow taken from? a. Collectio Rituum c. Collectio Ritum b. Collection Rhythm d. Collection Ritum 15. These are the factors that constitute love according to Isaac Michael “Zick” Rubin except a. Attachment c. Caring b. Open-mindedness d. Intimacy 16. The action of marrying, the act of entering into wedlock and the state or condition of being a husband and wife. a. Marriage c. Engagement b. Courtship d. Mutual understanding 17. This kind of model tends to view love as mammalian drive, just like hunger or thirst. a. Psychological basis of falling in love b. Evolutionary basis of falling in love c. Biological basis of falling in love d. Cultural basis of falling in love 18. It is a Sanskrit term , meaning "loving devotion to the Supreme God" . a. Karuna c. Kma b. Bhakti d. Ahava 19. In that culture everything is encompassed by love and all is for love, starting from loving friends and family, husbands and wives, and eventually reaching the divine love that is the ultimate goal in life. a. Persian c. Indian b. Japanese d. Chinese

20. It is a circumstance affecting the individual rendering him/her incapable of getting married validly. a. Marriage commitment c. Bad Marriage b. Marriage understanding d. Marriage impediments

Key to Correction: I. Identification 1. Attraction 2. Parents 3. Courtship 4. Acquitance 5. Torpe guy 6. Wedding day 7. Marriage 8. Mutual understanding 9. Engagement 10. Spark

II. Multiple Choice 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. b 11. a 12. c 13.d 14.a 15.b 16. a 17. c 18. b 19. a 20. d

I.Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. A family environment can change over time depending on its? A. Structure

C. Size

B .Economic condition 2. Based on the Article 159, which is not included in the family relation? A. Between husband and wife.

B. Between parent and children C. Between children and friends. 3. Which of the following statement is true in article 68? A. Where the husband and wife are obliged to live together B. The husband and wife fix the family domicile C. The husband and wife are jointly responsible in different expenses\ 4. Which of the following is a ground on which civil partnership would be void? A. It has not been consummated owing to the incapacity of either party to consume it. B. The necessary formalities have not been complied with. C. The respondent was suffering from a veneral disease in a communative form. 5. Which of the following article is correct and stated briefly? A. Children conceived and born outside a valid marriage are illegitimate. B. Illegitimate children may establish their illegitimate filiations. C. Natural filiations are maybe legitimate or illegitimate 6. This principle states that the preservation of the whole organism is more important that the conversation of a part. A. Principle of Double effect or Indirect voluntary B. Principle of Totality C. Principle of Integral use 7. All the description below are correct that describes family planning except_______. A. Proper spacing of the children. B. Planning to have children and when to indulge in sexual act C. Giving birth every year to have a big family. 8. This principle states that the judgment whether an action is good or evil can be determined by weighing the positive results of the action. A. Principle of Stewardship B. Principle of Doctrine or Proportion C. Principle of Totality 9. It is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman in accordance with law for establishment of conjugal and family life. A. Marriage B. Family

C. Religion

10. This article emphasize that any male or female age of eighteen years or upwards not under any of the impediment mentionedin Article 37 and 38 may control marriage . A. Article 10

B. Article 5

C. Article 38

11. Marriage may be solemnized by? A. Any priest, rabbi , imam , or minister. B. Any ship captain or airplaine chief and military. C. All of the above. 12. Why do people say that Ignorance of the law excuses no one? a. Because law just like any percepts, norm or regulations that must be taught and observed by people. b. Because us we all know that everyone understand that law and mean that the law applies equally to all regardless of weather the individual has knowledge of it or no idea at all. c. Because once a law is law not observed, trouble will surely come 13. What are the importance of the following articles Family Code of the Philippines(1987) a. It gives knowledge with the different aspect of buildings family or raising children that under the norm of regulation of the laws. b. it gives the fulfillment to take advantage the law. c. To build or increase our self - awareness in terms of marriage. 14. This principle states that the good for many prevails over the few. a. Principle of double effect b. Principal of Integral cause c. Principle of doctrine portion 15. This principle states that man is not owner of his life nor his body. a .Principle of Stewardship b. Principle of double effect c. Principle of Integral course 16. It is the principle where the intention of the action plays a very important consideration whether the action is good or bad rather than the accidental effects of the action. a. Principle of Stewardship b. Principle of double effects c. Principal of Integral course

17. The counting of the days of menstrual cycle to identify and avoid the most fertile day. a. Calendar method

d. Monthly Method

b .weekly method 18. Today’s one of the latest method of famil planning. This said to be similar pill but one injection lasts for three months. a. Interauterine Device

c. Injectible s- depo provera

b. Birth control pills 19.Which method of Birth control needs a prescription? a. Birth control pill

c. diaphragm

b. Contraceptive spatch 20. What do male condoms offer that other forms of birth control do not? a. Least chance of failure b. Best protection against STDs c. All of the above

Test II. Matching Type Direction: Match column A to Column and write the letter of correct answer to the space provided. _____1.The way that couple plans of when to have

a. Implantable rods

and to give proper spacing of children.

b. Sterilization

_____2.Commonly known as implanon that has small

c. Family planning

rod shaped devices Implanted under the skin of the upperam

d. vasectory

_____3. Method employ various products and devices

e. artificial method

to avoid pregnancy.

f. Vaginal ring

_____4. A procedure in which the ‘vas deferens”

g. coitus intercepts

Tube through which sperms are transmitted.

h. condom

_____5. Contraceptive ring that is inserted into the vagina.

i. tubal ligations

_____6. Major surgicall procedure iin which the woman


Is put under general anesthesia. ____7. Surgery approach to family planning Which is virtually 100% effective.

_____8. Protective sheath made of rubber or thin Animal skin, which is worn over the penis and vagina. ____9. Refraining from sex during the fertile days of wife. ____10. The husband put out his penis just before ejaculations. Test III. Essay What do you think are the advantages and dis advantages of having a Family Planning. Explain Briefly ( 10pts.) I. Read the statements/questions carefully. Select the best answer among the choices. Write only the letter of the correct answer. _____1. He’s defined that the family is a social group characterized common residence, economic cooperation on reproduction. A. Aristotle B. Ecoden C. Ponopio D. Mundock _____2. It consists of a mother, father and their biological or adoptive descendants. A. B. C. D.

Blended Family Extended Family Nuclear Family Single Parent Family

_____3. It is a kind of marriage wherein a man is allowed only to have one wife at a time. A. B. C. D.

Monogamous marriage Polygmy Polygamous marriage Polyandry

_____4. It is the way the couple plans of when to have children and when to indulge in sexual act in order to give proper spacing of their children. A. B. C. D.

Abstinence Family Planning Marriage Natural Method

_____5. John became the oldest male member in Dela Cruz family after their father died and he was given the authority in running their family. The Dela Cruz family belongs to______. A. B. C. D.

Egalitarian Family Matriarchal Family Matricentric Family Patriarchal Family

_____6. Marriage is a special contract of permanent union between a man and woman in accordance with the law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. A. B. C. D.

Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4

_____7. The reckoning of the family according to descendant which the relatives and ancestry of the family are traced on the side of the mother only. A. B. C. D.

Bilateral descent Matrilineal descent Surrogate marriage Patrilineal descent

_____8. A kind of marriage in which one has to find a partner within his/her own clan or race. A. B. C. D.

Endogamy Exogamy Polyandry Plygmy

_____9. It is a kind of family where two or more adults from different generations of a family share in a one household. A. B. C. D.

Blended Family Extended Family Nuclear Family Single Parent Family

_____10. The newlywed couple, Vanessa and Gerald decided to live by themselves in their own house. They can be understood based on their residence as_______. A. B. C. D.

Bilocal Neolocal Matrilocal Patrilocal

_____11. A marriage license shall be issued by the local civil register of the city or Municipality where either contracting party habitually resides, except in marriage where no license is required. A. B. C. D.

Article 7 Article 8 Article 9 Article 10

_____12. Which situation shows that a man performs his role when his wife begets a child? A. The man serves his wife and take care of her for the rest of her life B. The man works hard to gain money and support his offspring

C. The man works hard to be promoted D. The man had a bonding with his relatives _____13. Methods employ various products and devices in order to avoid pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) A. B. C. D.

Artificial Method Cervical Method Natural Method Sexual Method

_____14. It is a small round-shaped foam releases spermicide retricting the movement of sperm. A. B. C. D.

Birth Control Sponges Birth Control Pills Condom or Prophylactic Vaginal Ring

_____15. An Article that states the husband and wife are obliged to live together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity, and render mutual help and support. A. B. C. D.

Article 71 Article 54 Article 68 Article 80

_____16. Marriage between Filipino citizens abroad may be solemnized by a consulgeneral, consul or vice-consul of the Republic of the Philippines. A. B. C. D.

Article 5 Article 6 Article 9 Article 10

_____17. The authority to decide in the family matters are shared by both the father and the mother. The children may only have a consultative voice. A. B. C. D.

Egalitarian Family Egaletarian Family Egatarian Family Egelitarian Family

_____18. The reckoning of the family according to descent which the relatives and ancestry of the family are traced in both sides. This is the most common practice among the Filipino. A. B. C. D.

Bilateral descent Matriarchal Family Matrilinear descent Patriarchal Family

_____19. It is a kind of family wherein the couple had never had a children for a biological reason, old age, sickness or the couple has concentrated on their careers. A. Blended Family

B. Childless Family C. Extended Family D. Nuclear Family _____20. It is a kind of marriage where in the wife marries the brother of the deceased husband. This is also called brother-in-law marriage. A. B. C. D.

Livirate Marriage Livirate Marriage Levirate Marriage Livirate Marriage

II. Identification: Read the sentence carefully. Write your ANSWER on the space provided before each number. FAMILY __________1. It is a group of people who are related to another by bond of blood and who live together. COPPER IUD __________2. It is a type of IUD that release copper ion in small into the uterus. ABORTIVE DRUG

__________3. A kind of drug that induces abortion.


__________4. An individual performs his duties and there shall be no mix-up in order to avoid confusion and legal problems.


__________5. The reckoning of the family according to descent which the relatives and ancestry of the family are traced on the side of mother only. ARTICLE 27

__________6. An Article that states the case either or both of the contracting parties are at the point of death, the marriage may be solemnized without the necessity of a marriage license and shall remain valid even if the ailing party subsequently survives. SORROGATE MARRIAGE

__________7. A kind of marriage wherein the husband marries the sister of his deceased wife. POLYANDRY

__________8. Refers to a marriage of one woman to two or more men and lives together under one roof. LAWS OF MARRIAGE

__________9. Make every married person protected and its well being is safeguard.


__________10. It is a rite or ceremony instituted by Jesus, and observed by the church as a means of or visible sign of grace.

III. Essay. (10pts.) 1. Describe a typical Family in the province. (About husband and wife relationship)_______________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

I. Multiple Choice Directions: Read each question and answer carefully. Encircle and choose the best answer. 1. It refers to the hierarchical arrangement of individuals and groups in societies around the world. Sociologists speak of stratification in terms of socioeconomic status (SES). A. Globalization B. Statification C. Global stratification 2. Which are the common symbols use to represent social stratification? A. Triangle and inverted triangle B. Square and rectangle C. Oblong and hexagon 3. “ Tell me who are your friends and I will tell you who you are”. What does this quotation means? A. We are born to help others. B. We are not identified by our friends and through them, people get a picture of our personal characteristics. C. We are identified by our friends and through them, people get a picture of our personal characteristics. 4. Which of the following causes related from life, property and description social order? A. War B. Conflict C. Cooperation 5. They recognize the social stratification society-wide system that makes inequalities apparent. A. Psychologists B. Sociologists C. Physiologists 6. Which of the following is NOT a cause of slavery? A. Stratification B. Debt C. Crime 7. Marx and Weber disagreed on the importance of _______ in determining class. A. prestige B. wealth C. power 8. How do colonialism and neocolonialism contribute to world stratification? A. By allowing a more powerful country to dominate a less developed nation. B. By allowing powerful nations to send their lower classes to other countries. C. By reviving the estate system. 9. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of poverty? A. Poor people have higher rates of divorce and desertion. B. Poor people are more likely to have health insurance. C. Poor people are to be overweight and have nutritional difficulties. 10. What is the key distinction between a caste system and a class system? A. social mobility B. endogamy C. educational opportunity 11.

II. Identification Directions: Read the sentence carefully. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. ____________1. A type of social relation wherein the involved parties or groups are not in good terms. ____________2. An unwanted social relationship that characterized by violent and intense for of conflict.

____________3. This is a way of analyzing social interaction through a series of relationship. ____________4. An act of violating the standard norms and conduct of a given society in a given period of time. ____________5. A special method of settling disputes through a court or tribunal. III. True or False Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. ___________1. Reformist is a group of people seeking to modify scientific types of social change in various areas of life such as politics. ___________2. Revolution is form of social change seeking to drastically change the society through armed struggles. ___________3. War characterized by violent and intense form of conflict which causes life, property, and disrupts social order. ___________4. Amalgamation results from an intermarriage of the ethnic groups. ___________5. Compromise is the giving up by both parties who some of their demands in order to attain a favorable solution. ___________6. Arbitration is a method of setting disputes through a tribunal. ___________7. The third party resolving a conflict is called mediator. ___________8.Social interaction is a basic social process involving exchange of gestures, actions, or words. ___________9. A type of social relation in which one has to surpass the other in order to control and achieve its goal is called competition. ___________10. A form of accommodation wherein both parties take no action against each other in order to maintain their peaceful co-existence and let the time to heal it is called toleration. III. Essay Directions: Write a concise essay and give your thoughts about the given questions below. ( 5pts.)  Define social stratification. In what sense is social stratification is different from social inequality? Explain briefly.

Direction: Read the following carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the spaces provided before each number. _______1. It is concerned with the activities of man related to the production, consumption, and distribution of goods. A. Economics

B. Business

C. Social Life

_______2. it is the study of pattern of power, authority, dominance, and subordination among the members of society. A. Politics

B. Political Science

C. Economics

_______3. It covers the physical, cultural, and social anthropology. A. Social Anthropology

B. Anthropology

C. Social

______4. Mainly interested in human behavior and mental processes. A. Anthropology

B. Sociology

C. Psychology

______5. Primarily a written chronology of significant past events in relation to the political, economic, social, and cultural activities of the people. A. Theory

B. History

C. Anthropology

______6. This theory was proposed by Herbert Spencer. A. Conflict Theory

B. Evolutionary Theory

C. Exchange Theory

______7. In this theory, the society is in mutual expectation with men and that there is an equal reciprocation. A. Structural-Functional Theory B. Evolutionary Theory

C. Exchange Theory

______8. This theory believed that society has several, interrelated, and interdependent parts and each part has a certain function. A. Structural-Functional Theory Theory

B. Interaction Theory

C. Evolutionary

______9. This theory argued that society is reflected in every socialized individual and that is external forms and structure are reflected through social among individuals. A. Exchange Theory Conflict Theory

B. Interaction Theory


_____10. In this theory, it is said that society is in continues struggle. A. Conflict Theory Theory

B. Exchange Theory

C. Interaction

_____11. The primary and smallest social organization in the community. A. Population

B. Family

C. Government

_____12. A kind of family that is composed of parents and their children living-together, related by blood or by virtue of adoption. A. Nuclear Family correct

B. Extended Family

C. Both A and B are

_____13. A family that shares a single household and mutually cooperating economically, socially, culturally, morally, and spiritually. A. Nuclear Family Both A and B are correct

B. Extended Family


_____14. A social institution that plays a very important role in nurturing and nourishing the spiritual life of the people. A. Education C. Religion

B. Family

_____15. The art and practice of government. A. Politician C. Government

B. Politics

_____16. It is a requirement in every state to have a machinery of political authority and administration. A. Government C. Law

B. Politics

_____17. The independence of the state from the foreign powers. A. Government C. Sovereignty

B. Territory

_____18. The art of governance and this concept involves a leader and the governed. A. Politics C. Politician

B. Government

_____19. It is considered as the fourth estate in the society. A. Government C. Media

B. Politics

_____20. It is most commonly referred to as the news, either radio broadcast or television. A. Government C. Media

B. Social Media

Direction: Read the sentence carefully. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. Choose your answer on the box below.

__________1. It is an allocation of scare resources. __________2. Is a general abstract of facts that has been carefully studied but still news more validation and re-investigation. __________3. The subject of all studies of social sciences and also the object of the study. __________4. He argued that society is like a biological organism. __________5. Is a process of understanding other social settings and cultural patterns away from our personal experiences and perspective. __________6. Look at the cause of the human behavior originating from the inner self of man. __________7. Primarily concerned with what people do as members of society. __________8. Deals intensively with human relationship within a social system. __________9. It is a major components of the society. __________10. The moral aspect of a person. Social Imagination Man

Anthropologist Sociology


Social Institution

Max Direction:Karl Write T if the statement is TRUE and writeSociologist F if the statement is FALSE Economics _________1. Sociologists are primarily concerned with what people do as members of Religion society. Herbert Spencer Theory _________2. The Gobernador y Captain Heneral was the head of the crown colony of the spain. _________3. Nuclear family is a kind of family which is composed of a nuclear family with another nuclear family or with the presence of another relatives in a single household.

_________5. Religion is a universal phenomenon which is intertwined with the social and cultural life of the people. _________6. The key concept of the politics is authority, popularity and power. _________7. The media most commonly referred to as the news media, either radio broadcast or television; the print journalism or the press, and the photographers. _________8. The elements of the state are people government and sovereignty. _________9. The main interest of anthropology is to understand the culture of the people in the given place. _________10. Psychology is mainly interested in human behavior and mental processes. KEY TO CORRECTION:


1. A

11. A

2. B

12. A

3. B

13. B

4. C

14. C

5. B

15. B

6. C

16. A

7. A

17. C

8. A

18. A

9. B

19. C

10. A

20. C

IDENTIFICATION: 1. Economics 2. Theory 3. Man 4. Herbert Spencer 5. Social Imagination 6. Psychologist

7. Sociologist 8. Sociology 9. Social Institution 10. Religion

TRUE OR FALSE 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. T

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