Soal Try Out Bing 3.docx

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SOAL TRY OUT 3 BAHASA INGGRIS SMP AL-KAUTSAR TAHUN 2019 Read the notice below to answer the questions! THANK YOU FOR HAVING A TICKET BEFORE BOARDING THE TRAIN. YOU HAVE TO PAY TWICE OF THE REGULAR PRICE WHEN YOU ARE CAUGHT OF HAVING NO TICKET IN THE WAGON. 1. Where do you probably read the notice above? a. In a bus station b. In a railway station c. On a train wagon d. In an airplane cabin 2. What will happen if you are caught with no ticket on the wagon? a. You will be returned to the railway station b. You should pay twice of the normal price c. You can be expelled from the wagon d. You must be sent into the jail The text is for the following questions! Together they have found a friendship, raised a family, and built a beautiful marriage. You are most warmly invited by the children of Steve and Miranda Nelson To share in the celebration of their 25th Wedding Anniversary and renewal of their vows. A barbeque will be held on Saturday, 23rd February 2019 at 5 p.m. At the Spring Palm Residence, Beverly Hills New York 3. What is the purpose of the text? a. To celebrate the couple’s anniversary b. To ask people to join a barbeque party c. To announce a couple’s wedding party d. To invite people to an anniversary party 4. From the text we know that Steve and Miranda started their relationship as a… a. Friend b. Family c. Couple d. Children 5. Steve and Miranda had married in… a. 1994 b. 1995 c. 1996 d. 1997 Read the text below to answer the questions! Announcement Due to a new school year, there are many new students around who need to know the school rules. Senior students are expected to help them. Additional information, there will be a welcoming party where the new students’ parents are also invited. Please extend courtesy to them. Thank you. Principal

6. What is the announcement about? a. The new students should know the school rules b. What senior students should do in the new school year c. Many new students who need to know about the school d. There will be a welcoming party for new students’ parents 7. “Please extend courtesy to them” The underlined word refers to… a. The students b. The new students c. The senior students d. The new students’ parents 8. The senior students should help the new students to… a. prepare for the welcoming party b. be familiar with the school environment c. understand the school rules d. master their school lesson Read the text below to answer the questions! My dear daughter, Viviane. Plenty of well whises and big kisses are coming your way! Congratulations on your upcoming little ones and we’re so excited for your growing family! Sending you..twice the laughter & double the love. Twice the joy and a pair of hugs. Love, Mom and Dad Jonathan-Barbara Morris 9. What is the writer’s intention to write the text? a. To wish an upcoming child b. To celebrate the newborn babies c. To congratulate a soon to be mom d. To send plenty wishes and big kisses 10. From the text we know that Viviane… a. Soon to be a grandmother b. Wait to deliver her twin babies c. Excited to see her family growing d. Will have double love from her parents Read the text and answer the questions! Yesterday night was the night of the fair, the following day was holiday. The children at Tim’s school were really excited. They ran down the path out of school as fast as they could. Tim ran all the way home, and changed into his jeans and sneakers. He ate his dinner quickly, and sat at the window waiting for his dad to come. He couldn’t wait for six o’clock when the fair would begin. He had been saving his pocket money for weeks. When Tim and his family arrived at the fair, it had just opened. Already there were crowds of people swarming around food stalls, displays and dozens of rides. “Can I buy some chips and a drink?” asked Tim. “Okay,” said Tim’s dad. “But hang on tightly to your wallet. There are a lot of people around.” “I’ll be fine,” said Tim impatiently. He found a food stall, and ordered his food. When the man brought his chips and drink, without thinking, Tim put his wallet on the counter and picked up his food and drink. When he glanced back, his wallet had vanished! Tim desperately looked around him, but it was no use. All his pocket money was gone.

11. The children at Tim’s school felt excited because… a. Yesterday was holiday b. They would go to the fair c. Their parents came to visit them d. They got new jeans and sneakers 12. The fair started…… a. In the morning b. In the evening c. Yesterday night d. After school hour 13. The purpose of the text is… a. Telling bad experience in holiday b. Describing how the night fair was c. Relate to someone’s experience d. Invite friends to a night fair 14. The main idea of the second paragraph is… a. Tim lost his wallet b. Tim waited for his dad c. Tim arrived at the night fair d. Tim bought chips and drink 15. “When he glanced back, his wallet had vanished!” (3rd paragraph) The underlined word has the closest meaning with… a. Moved b. Stolen c. Taken d. Disappeared The following text is for questions 16-20! My favorite thing is aquarium. It is a place in which aquatic plants and animals, particularly fish, are kept. The term is applied to single tanks for home use in which fishes are kept for their decorative effect and interesting habits, and to public institutions with tanks for exhibitions and scientific study of aquatic life. I make home aquarium to stimulate a natural environment. Aquatic plants supply the oxygen needed by the fish, but often an aerating device is used to furnish additional oxygen. Goldfish enjoy cool water, but the popular tropical fish must have water at a constant temperature of 22ᴼC (72ᴼF) or more. I must keep the water pure and free of algae for long periods by sufficient aeration and by keeping mollusks in the aquarium. A layer of sand or gravel at the bottom of the tank will hold the roots of such important aquatic plants as tape grass, vallisneria spiralis, and aid in the removal of debris. My home aquariums are range in sizes, from small fishbowls holding two or three pets, to huge tanks. 16. A place to keep aquatic plants and animals, called… a. Fish tank b. Fish bowl c. Aquarium d. Aquatic life 17. The text tells us about………. a. How to make an aquarium b. Writer’s aquarium at home c. Describe aquarium in general d. How to keep fishes in the aquarium 18. What is used to give additional oxygen in a home aquarium? a. Aquatic plants b. Aerating device c. Natural environment d. Layer of sand or gravel 19. Which is not needed to stimulate a natural environment in a home aquarium? a. Removing the debris regularly b. Using a suitable aerating device c. Keeping mollusks in the aquarium d. Putting aquatic plants in the aquarium

20. “I make home aquarium to stimulate a natural environment.”(2nd paragraph) The underlined word has the closest meaning with… a. Surrounding b. Appearance c. Landscape d. Hometown Read the text to answer the questions! Jakarta, 9th March 2019 Dear Aunt Tia, How’s life? Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week ago I succeeded to join a senior high school competition. Last night my parents promised me to send me to a famous English course in my town. They also promised me if my scores in English are good, they’ll send me to a foreign university. Great, isn’t it?! I’ll work hard. I want to be a good pediatrician like you, Aunty. Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to have news from you. Please give my best regard to Uncle Herman and the little baby, Indira. Love, Debby 21. What is the purpose of the text? Debby wants to.. a. Inform her new school b. Describe her examination c. Retell her experience d. Tell a great news 22. What did Debby’s parents promise her? a. To make her pediatrician b. To send her to an English Course c. To send her to a senior high school d. To make her pass the final examination 23. Aunt Tia is a pediatrician who works in….. a. A school b. A hospital c. A restaurant d. A drug store 24. From the text, we can conclude that Indira is Debby’s…. a. Child b. Cousin c. Niece d. Nephew CAP ELANG EUCALYPTUS OIL AROMATHERAPY GREEN TEA Usage: Helps to relieve flatulence, nausea, wind cold, stomachache, and itches caused by insect bites. Direction: Rubs onto the affected areas evenly until getting warmth and comfort or pour several drops of Eucalyptus Aromatherapy Green Tea into warm water and inhale the penetrating vapors. Storage: Store in cool place and avoid contact from direct sunlight. Composition: Eucalyptus Oil……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..99.75% Fragrance Green Tea……………………………………………………………………………………………………………0.25% 25. What is the purpose of the text? a. To inform the substance of medicine b. To describe how the product cure the illness c. To persuade people to buy certain product d. To get detailed information about the product

26. “Helps to relieve flatulence, nausea ……………………” The underlined word has the closest meaning with… a. Moves b. Changes c. Dilutes d. Remove 27. From the text, we can conclude that… a. We can get the benefits of the products in different ways b. We should keep the product in the refrigerator c. The product relieves itches because of irritation d. The product contains only pure Eucalyptus oil Read the text below! One of the most valuable and widespread plants is bamboo. It is a tall treelike grass. There are more than 350 species. Most grow in Asia and on the islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Although bamboo is a tropical plant, it can grow in a cooler temperate zone. A single root may produce as many as 100 stems. They are hollow, woody, and jointed. The stems are sometimes 3 feet (0.9 meter) around. Sprouts grow fast, at times 1 foot (0.3 meter) or more a day. They may grow to 30, 50 or even 130 feet (9 to 40 meters) in height. Near the top are many branches. Some species do not bloom for 60 years or more. Bamboo products range from food to houses. Asian people usually use the sprouts as vegetables. In East and Southeast Asia, people use the hollow stems for water pipes and for building bridges and houses. Short sections serve as pails and cooking utensils. The stems make for walls, floors, and roofs. Thinner strips are woven into mats, chairs, cages, and curtains. Bamboo fishing rods are made of matched strips glued together. Split bamboo is also used for chopsticks and fan ribs. The inner parts of the stems of several species are made into quality papers. 28. What is the text about? a. Bamboo b. Treelike grass c. Tropical plants d. Bamboo species 29. Which part of the bamboo can be used for building houses? a. Bamboo sprouts b. Hollow stems c. Thinner strips d. Split bamboos 30. How bamboo tree looks like? a. It grows like grass b. It can grow in cooler place c. It is hollow, woody and jointed d. It kinds of tropical plant in Asia 31. How high does a bamboo grow? a. 1 to 3 feet b. 3 to 9 feet c. 9 to 40 feet d. 30 to 130 feet 32. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? a. Bamboo is used for houses only b. Bamboo is really needed by Asian c. Bamboo is a very useful plants for people d. Bamboo is able to be consumed as vegetable

The following text is for questions! END YEAR CLEARANCE SALE EVERYTHING IN OUR WAREHOUSE MUST GO! Don’t miss it: Thursday to Monday, 27th – 31st December 2018 12 a.m. to 12 p.m.


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Only in Ramayana Dept. Store

33. Ramayana Dept. Store held the clearance sale because….. a. It was new year b. It was anniversary c. It was the end of the year d. It was the end of the month 34. People are interested to come to Ramayana Dept. Store in order to… a. Clean the warehouse b. Celebrate the new year c. Get discount for certain items d. Pay the bought items with credit cards 35. You will get 1 free if you buy… a. Stationeries b. Accessories c. Toiletries d. Dairies 36. You bought a leather shoes for IDR 630.000, - on the clearance sale at Ramayana Dept. Store. How much you should pay for the item? a. IDR 190.000 b. IDR 189.000 c. IDR 185.000 d. IDR 180.000 37. “Leather & winter unisex jacket/overcoats…………” The underlined word means that the items are available…. a. For men or women b. In certain sizes c. In various colors d. For every ages Read the text below! One day, a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted to send it to his mother who lived far in another town through a delivery company. Meanwhile, he was looking at a sad young girl who was sitting in front of the flower shop. He asked her what was wrong, and she replied “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother, but my money is not enough.” The man smiled and said, “Come on with me. I’ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl a rose, and he ordered for his own mother flowers too. After buying a rose for the girl, the man offered a ride to her home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” She directed him to a cemetery. The girl placed the rose on her mother’s fresh grave. Knowing the girl’s mother had died, the man realized something. Then, he returned to the flower shop. He cancelled the flower delivery order, picked up the rose flower and drove to reach his mother’s house. 38. The main idea of paragraph one is? a. A man bought a flower for a girl b. A sad girl was thinking of her mother c. A man helped a girl by buying her a flower d. A girl needed a man to deliver to her mother’s home

39. What did the man do after buying the girl a red rose? a. He went to his own home b. He gave her ride to her home c. He placed the rose on his mother’s grave d. He took the girl to her mother’s cemetery 40. From the story above, we can learn that we have to…. a. Buy flowers for our mother b. Send flowers to our mother c. Show our loves to our mother d. Keep the health of our mother Dear Melinda, I have to go to the hospital because my best friend, Sheila, is getting worse after the accident last night. I couldn’t tell Mom about this since my mobile phone’s battery is empty. Tell her later when she comes from office his evening. There are some soups to eat for your lunch on the kitchen’s table. Don’t forget to lock the door while Mom didn’t come yet. I’ll be late, thank you. Riska 41. Riska sends message to Melinda because………. a. She has to go to the hospital immediately b. She couldn’t send a message to her Mom c. She wants to leave her alone d. She will be late 42. Where did Melinda probably find the message? a. In the hospital b. On the front gate c. On the room’s door d. On the kitchen’s table 43. What should Melinda tell her Mom about Riska? a. She forget to lock the door b. She eat the soup for lunch c. She is getting worse after the accident d. She must go to the hospital to see her friend 44. From the text we know that Melinda is…. a. Riska’s mother b. Riska’s sister c. Riska’s class mate d. Riska’s roommate

PASSING THROUGH THE RED LIGHT IS VERY DANGEROUS 45. What is the notice about? a. To stop when the light turns red b. To keep driving when the light turns red c. To be careful when the light is red d. To turn off the machine during the red light 46. Where did we probably find the notice? a. On the road b. On the vehicle c. At the parking lot d. At the pedestrian patch

Read the text below! A Simple Kite Materials:  Two sticks of bamboo (1m long)  Paint  Light but strong string  A sharp knife  A large piece of rice paper  A brush  A pencil  Glue Steps:  Smooth down the two sticks with a knife.  Mark the center of stick A. Place it with its center on stick B.  Tie the two sticks tightly with a piece of string.  Cut a long piece of string. Tie it to each end of the two sticks to make the frame of the kite  Tie a piece of string around one end of stick A. Stretch the string to the other end of the stick and tie it tightly here too. The frame is now finished.  Place the frame on a piece of paper and copy its shape with a pencil. Cut the paper along the shape. Leave about 2cm all around.  Put some glue on the edges of the paper. Fold the edges over the string of the frame and press down to glue the paper to the frame.  Paint and decorate your kite. When the paint is dry, make the bridle of the kite.  Cut a piece of string about 150cm long. Tie one and to the point where the two sticks cross. Then, tie the other end to the bottom of the kite.  Make a tail for the kite from strips of paper and glue it to the bottom of the kite. Finally, tie a piece of string about 100m long to the bridle. This is the string you use to fly the kite. 47. We do not need…… make the frame of the kite. a. Strong string b. Bamboo sticks c. A sharp knife d. A glue 48. Why do we leave about 2cm paper along the frame? a. It will make the kite more attractive b. It will make the kite fly higher c. It makes us easily control the kite d. It will cover along the frame of the kite 49. Where do we tie the string to make the bridle? a. At the center of the sticks cross b. At around of the kite’s frame c. At the bottom of the kite d. At the end of the sticks 50. Where the kite usually be played? a. At the schoolyard b. On the street c. At the open field d. On a high building

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