
  • November 2019
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Snares of Sin (Prov. 6:16-28) 7 Things God hates (Prov. 6:16-19, Isa. 59:2-16) Haughty look (Prov. 6:17, 16:8, Isa. 2:11, Matt. 23:12, Co. 3:9, James 4:6) Pride has been called the first sin (beginning with Satan, Isa. 14:12-15) and the foundation of all other sin Lying (Lev. 19:11, Ps. 19:5 & 9, 20:2, 63:11, Prov. 6:17, 12:22, 18:12, John 4:23, Eph. 4:24-25, Rev. 21:8) The book The Day America Told the Truth says that 91 percent of those surveyed lie routinely about matters they consider trivial, and 36 percent lie about important matters; 86 percent lie regularly to parents, 75 percent to friends, 73 percent to siblings, and 69 percent to spouses. Satan is known as “the father of lies.” (John 8:44) Hands that shed innocent blood (Ex. 21:14, 2 Kings 24:3-4, Ps. 106:37-40, Prov. 6:17) Who are the innocents? Abortion At 18 days after conception the heart beats on its own. At 6 weeks the fetus quickly moves in the womb. Brain waves are present at 8 weeks and child grabs, swims freely, heartbeat measurable. At 12 weeks cries, sucks thumb, sleeps and wakes, All organs and systems function, including mental. The unborn infant can definitely feel pain. From this point on nothing new develops there is just growth and a maturing process. Nearly 1 in 4 pregnancies in the United States ends in abortion. About 1.7 million abortions are done annually, with nearly 1/8th during the 2nd or 3rd-trimester. 93% of the time, there is no "special case" a mother whose life is threatened, a rape or incest victim, or a child with predictions of health problems. William Bennett Heart that Devises Wicked Schemes (Prov. 6:18, Matt. 15:19) Feet that run to mischief (Prov. 1:15-16, 6:18, Contrast: Ps.119:101) False Witness (Ex. 20:16, Prov. 6:19, Matt. 26:59-61) Sowers of Discord (Prov. 6:19, Rom. 16:17, Titus 3:10) How? Pride (Prov. 13:10, 28:25), False Witness, Gossip, Jealousy, Envy, Complaining (Jude 1:16), Lust (James 4:1-4), etc. Why would this be considered the worst of the 7 sins? Sexual Sin

Sexual sin defiles our “spiritual union” with God (Matt. 5:27-30, 1 Cor. 6:18-20, Eph. 5:3-5) Half of all married people will commit adultery during their life time. The Good news: The level of adultery within the church is half what the national average is. The Bad news: 1 in 4 Christians has committed adultery. 1 in 10 pastors have committed adultery. Lust (Prov. 6:25, 1 John 2:15-16) Often called the “hidden sin” Impulsive, perverted, passionate desire for that which is forbidden (Rom 1:25-27) Wars against the soul (Matt. 6:22-23, Rom. 13:12-14, Gal. 5:16-21, Col. 3:5, 1 Pe.2:11, 4:2-3) The typical adolescent now sees an average of 40,000 sexual incidents in one year on prime time TV Porn is a $13 billion business. In 1999 revenues from porn web-sites was 1.2 billion dollars, There are 100,000 porn web sites and 200 new sites pop up everyday. There are more than 10,000 porn movies released every year and over 300 million videos are sold every year. There are more porn outlets than McDonald’s. Over 75% of all internet users on line after 10 o’clock are viewing pornography. A piece of bread (Prov. 6:26) = something to be consumed, i.e. a “meal-ticket” The Hunter of Precious Life Characteristics of the seductress (Prov. 6:10-27) The Ultimate Hunter of Precious Life: Satan

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