Smultron Publication's Novels

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 584
  • Pages: 1
Scandinavia’s Heidi Stories sician, who has a secret of her own and she soon teaches him something about love, Scandinavian style. Spanning a century, a concurrent love story unfolds as the parallel plots weave between the past and present, revealing the fascinating folklore of the dark, northern forest and the women n a 1960’s Scandinavian nursing who dwelt there. Suitable for readers from age 14, home a crotchety octogenarian is 398 Pages in Book One. Available singly, or as surprised by a young American cousin. a set of four volumes. Impressed that he speaks the old diaISBN - 13 978-0-9789854-1-7 lect, she reveals the family’s secret of A young woman’s frustration and his great-grandmother’s emigration to America in 1881. Later, she relates manifest determination to overcome and rule those who would rule her the tragedy of her mother, raped by a itinerant pastor, who then denies the child. Without a husband, she struggles against the intolerance of My Enemy’s Child church and community, seeking legitimacy for her illegitimate child, refusorld War II espionage in Scandinavia and ing their demands to reveal the father, Europe spark a race with the Gestapo and fearing retribution, she vows silence leads this adventure to steal a child from the until her rapist confesses before his jaws of a concentration camp. A young Americongregation. But she pays dearly for can, Alex, fights in the Battle of Britain as an her stubborn pride. As his friendship RAF pilot. Months of air combat leave him a grows with the old woman the Ameri- hero near emotional collapse. He’s then recan finds himself involved with her phy- cruited as a spy posing as a neutral, Swedish



airline pilot. The last thing he needs is to fall in love with Greta, a beautiful Nazi spy who has had a child in Hitler’s Lebensborn Project. The child was adopted out earlier; then it’s discovered she has a Jewish father. Now the SS want the child eradicated and Greta rushes to reach the document center before her SS peers and locate her daughter. Unknowing, Alex opens Greta’s last letter and learns she’s gone to search for her child’s adopted parents, intending to steal the child. Weeks pass, hearing nothing from Greta, Alex is distraught. Fearing her injured or dead, he flies into Germany to bring them out. Missing Greta by only days Alex locates the child living with adoptive grandparents. He’s overwhelmed by the kindness of the aging German community who are caring for her. They urge him to smuggle the child back to neutral Sweden and hide her until the war’s end. Finally, in an ancient Mercedes with the child, guided by two old German Bureaucrats, the foursome deceive their way into Denmark and bribe a Norwegian smuggler to carry the pair to Sweden. Arriving at night in a blizzard, the Norwegian has only a small sailboat. With SS flashlights approaching, fearing for their lives, Alex and the child reluctantly board the dingy, hoping to find the sailboat. The adventure begins, with the Gestapo close behind. A beautiful Nazi woman’s struggle, be-


tween duty and conscience, follows Greta throughout wartime Norway and Europe. She witnesses the horror of the Third Reich’s programs toward young women and children as, all around her, the Allies methodically devastate her beloved Germany with air bombardment. Suitable for readers from age 14 612 Pages ISBN - 13 978-0-9789854-0-0

Available soon in Audio Book 800-236-8335 [email protected]

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