Sms Server Tools

  • May 2020
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SMS Server Tools SMS file format Text messages An SMS file is a text file that contains the message and a header. You have to store all SM you want to send in these files in the outgoing directory. The filename does not matter but it has to be unique. You may use the mktemp command to generate unique filenames. Easy example: To: 491721234567 Hello, this is the sms. Write the phone number in international format without the leading +. When you like to send a message to a short number (for example to order a ringtone), then preceed it with an "s". More complex example: From: Stefan To: 491721234567 Flash: yes Alphabet: ISO Hello Stefan, how are you?

You can add as many header lines, as you like. When the program finds an unknown header, it simply ignores that line. You can use the following header lines: From To

Senders name or phone number. This field has currently no function to the software. Receivers phone number in international format without the leading +. When you like to send a message to a short number (for example to order a ringtone), then preceed it with an "s".


Boolean value. If yes, then the message appears directly on the phones display. Most phones support this feature, but not all. Tells the program what character set is used in this sms file. Possible values are ISO Latin Ansi 8 bit character set ISO-8859-1, also called Ansi or Latin-1. If the text is longer than 160 characters, the program can split it automatically. This is the default character set. GSM 7 bit character set, as described in the GSM specification, with one exception: The @ character is represented by the character code 0xB7. If the text is longer than 160 characters, the program can split it automatically.

UCS-2 Chinese Alphabet Unicode 16 bit character set UCS-2 BE, maximum 70 characters per message. The header must be written with an 8 bit character set, and the message text must be written with 16 bit character set. Please checkout the scripts directory, it contains some useful scripts for file format conversion. binary The short message contains 8-bit binary data, no text. Maximum size is 140 bytes per message.

The program checks only the first 3 characters of that parameter and it is not casesensitive, therefore keywords like ISO-8859-1 or BIN are also useable. UDH

Only binary messages: Boolean value, tells if the message data contains a user data header. Default is true.


Only text messages: User data header in hex-dump format. See udh.html and GSM 03.38.


Phone number of the SMSC

Provider Queue

Name of the provider, can be used to override the normal sorting algorithm configured by [provider] and [queues] in the config file. Both keywords do the same.


Boolean value. Controls if a status report is requested for this message. Without this

line, the setting from config file is used. Controls if and how the program splits large text messages. Without this line, the setting from config file is used. The program does not split binary messages, Unicode messages and text messages with UDH. 0 disabled 1 enabled, no part-number Autosplit 2 enabled, text numbers 3 enabled, concatenated format (not supported by some phones)

Note: In case of boolean values you can use true, yes, on or 1 for positive values. All other words are interpreted as negative. Binary data The data begins after the empty line and goes until end of file. No conversion is applied to the data. Data messages are limited to 140 bytes. Example: To: 491721234567 Alphabet: binary UDH: true gs2389gnsakj92"§Z/%$§"($)$(%ÄÖÜ?))((HJHG&(()/&§")(LJUFDZ)=W)==/68 5tgui 3ge^!"§$EGHWZFT&Z%8785ttghjjhdjkgfjsbfjwr793thruewgfh7328hgtwhg87 324hf hwer32873g&%§=)(/&%$%&/(/&%$§%&hdsgrwwq(/&%$fgzw543t43g5jwht934zt 743g Received messages The received SMS are stored in the same format as described above but they have some additional header lines. For example: From: 491721234567 From_SMSC: 491722270333

Sent: 00-02-21 22:26:23 Received: 00-02-21 22:26:29 Subject: modem1 Alphabet: ISO UDH: false This is the Text that I have sent with my mobile phone to the computer. From Senders phone number. From_SMSC The SMS service centre, that sent you this message. Subject

The name of the modem that received this message.


Time when the message was sent.


Time when the message was received by the program.


Tells the character set of the message text.


Boolean value. Tells if the message contains a user data header.

This is the UDH in hex-dump format if the message contains an UDH. See UDH-DATA udh.html and GSM 03.38. The filenames of received messages look like modem1.xyzxyz. They begin with the name of the modem that received the message, followed by a dot, followed by six random characters. Status Reports You can request and receive status reports, if the SMSC and your modem support this feature. Example: From: 491721234567 From_SMSC: 491722270333 Sent: 00-02-21 22:26:23 Received: 00-02-21 22:26:29 Subject: modem1 Alphabet: ISO UDH: false SMS STATUS REPORT Message_id: 117 Discharge_timestamp: 00-02-21 22:27:01 Status: 0,Ok,short message received by the SME This is the ID number of the previously sent message, where this status Message_id report belongs to. The SMSC gives each sent message such a number. You can use eventhandler scripts, if you need to store the ID's of sent messages. Discharge_timestamp This is the time, when the message was successfully delivered or when it

was discarded by the SMSC. Status

The status of the message. Please take a look into the source code src/smsd.c if you need a list of all possible status codes.

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