Smarts Newsletter Issue 17

  • May 2020
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>> T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E

Intergen has experienced substantial growth over the past few years. Like any growing business, Intergen depends on its internal systems to support, and provide a platform for, our growth strategy. With more than 200 staff across New Zealand and Australia, recently it has been necessary for us to make significant investments in our core business systems.







Microsoft CRM also underpins several other key systems: ERMLive for payroll and other HR requirements, and Neocase Customer Service, a collaborative case management solution built on Microsoft CRM. Being built on Microsoft CRM ensures tight integration with our core client information. Last year we began working with DY Consulting and PIPC to evolve our company strategy and establish a Project Management Office. These key functions and capabilities are now supported by systems. We are using DY

Intergen has grown into a company that delivers a comprehensive range of

Consulting’s SharePoint-based reporting tool to help track management performance and reporting, while PIPC has also helped us implement Microsoft

solutions to clients and our business systems demonstrate that

Project Server to consolidate project management.

capability – we’re walking the talk, as they say. When we embarked on the programme of revamping our business systems, we wanted to not only deliver value to the business, but to also use this experience to deliver better solutions to our customers. Additionally, we wanted to support our trusted partners. We have a large number of projects underway

For our finance system, we recently implemented Microsoft Dynamics NAV to replace our in-house developed finance system. NAV provides us with a great

ActionThis, a Software plus Services solution, across the business to help us get things done. Finally, we recently updated our Microsoft Office SharePointbased intranet, enhancing its search functions while also adding features to integrate it with our everyday systems and information. The work doesn’t stop there. Like any growing business, we will continue to evolve our core systems in the coming months, helping us to understand and expand our business, while giving us further real-world insights into how these solutions are implemented.

platform to support our processes and reporting requirements, and can integrate with Microsoft CRM, which we use for client management.

The great news was announced at Microsoft’s annual Partner Awards on August 14. Tony Stewart says: “The award is a testament to the strength of our team and we are extremely proud to be recognised by Microsoft New Zealand for our contribution to their success.”















[email protected]

< Copyright 2008 Intergen Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of Intergen Limited >


Intergen wins Microsoft Partner of the Year Award

For more granular management of tasks, we’re using

across the business, encompassing most business units – finance, HR, customer management and support.


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Matt Tulloch What do you do? As the General Manager of Dunedin I’m involved in a wide range of activities – project management, business development, office management and more. We’re currently growing the team, and have recently located to bigger and better premises.

How do you make a difference? Since starting with Intergen in March, I’ve introduced a test-driven development process and, as a result, automated unit testing. I believe in continuous improvement, and often say “continuous improvement is better than postponed perfection.”

What do you love about your job? I love the challenge of my role. The ‘general’ in General Manager is very accurate; you end up doing a range of things, which gives me the variety I crave.

A bit about yourself… I was born and bred in Dunedin, but spent most of my working career away. I started out as a RPG II and Progress developer in Dunedin in 1991, having completed a Bachelor of Commerce at Otago. Later, I worked as a Progress contractor in the UK, returning to New Zealand in development, leadership and project management roles. In my spare time I love to spend time with my family and friends, and enjoy Central Otago – the best place on earth.



>> I N T E R G E N I T E N E W S







About the traps – what we’ve been up to With spring (and the much awaited Tech .Ed) now upon us we can reflect on the winter months, which – as you’d imagine – we managed to warm up with more than just a little bit of yellow. And several awards have helped keep life exciting, too!

We were also very pleased to have our commitment to Microsoft Dynamics

As Tony mentioned in his introduction, Intergen has experienced significant growth since you last heard from us. Not only have we added more people, both our Auckland and Dunedin offices have moved to bigger and better locales. Intergen Auckland

outside Sweden and the United Kingdom, which we received at the

recognised when we were awarded President’s Club status at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in July. This is an honour attributed to the top 5% of Dynamics partners, and Intergen was one of only two New Zealand partners to receive this at this year’s conference. Earlier in the year we were also awarded EPiServer Partner of the Year EPiServer Partner Conference. For those of you who are familiar with members of our staff, you’ll know that we’ve got a passionate bunch of IT evangelists who are

is now a mere stone’s throw from Takapuna Beach, while the southerners have moved away from their university roots to accommodate the growth and maturity of the Dunedin team. Our other offices have also continued to evolve. Reception in Wellington has undergone a makeover, while our Christchurch team has settled into their fourth office in four years.

dedicated to their technology pursuits, both inside and outside of work hours. We’ve got a number of staff members who are active within the community, with especially strong interest in CRM and SharePoint user groups. If you’d like to participate in these in any way, or would like to know more about our involvement in the

Across the Tasman, our Sydney and Perth operations continue to make inroads.

wider community, drop us a line at [email protected]. Intergen Auckland on the move: The wheel has come full circle. Our Aucklanders have

The Intergen Twilight and THINK seminars True to form, in the fine spots between inclement moved to 15 Huron Street in Takapuna, with building naming rights, returning to the building where they had their very first office in 2004. continue to attract good audiences – with a weather we’ve had Intergenites up mountains, repeat performance required for our recent SharePoint Tips and Tricks seminar cycling in their traffic-stopping Intergenite cycle gear and preparing for marathons. due to sell-out crowds (although no money changed hands). These seminars And then we’ve had all manner of indoor activities – from netball to soccer, with members of our Christchurch office winning a local competition. We’ve even had virtual foosball – developed as part of the Auckland Development and Integration team mentoring programme. And it hasn’t been quiet on the work front, either. We were absolutely delighted to win the illustrious Microsoft Partner of the Year award – a fantastic recognition of our ongoing and exclusive relationship with Microsoft.

cover a wide range of topics, from the IT-related to subjects of general business interest. If you aren’t yet on our list to receive invitations to these, or if you can think of a colleague who would benefit from them, please email [email protected] today. Don’t forget to check out the Intergen blog – and watch out for changes over the coming months.




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>> U S E R E X P E R I E N C E D E S I G N

Beyond Usability picking the UX trends This year we’ve had the luxury of touring a UX (User Experience) Intergen Twilight seminar nationally and, as with any road show, this gave us the ability to shape and improve the seminar content as we went, based on attendee feedback from each event. By the time the final seminar was delivered in Christchurch, it was clear there are two really hot topics for UX practitioners and specifiers right now. 1) Is usability enough? This year’s highly influential Avenue A Razorfish: 2008 Digital Outlook Report delivered a wealth of brainfood, however there was one statement that really resonated: “Usability – once fetishised – is now merely the price of entry.” The significance of this was not lost on us or seminar attendees. This is fairly dramatic stuff considering the effort and emphasis going into usability practice in New Zealand web circles at this time. It does however reinforce usability guru Peter Morville’s useful contention that UX design has to move beyond the increasing ubiquity of “usability” as an allusable desirable encompassing synonym for quality, rather than valuable being a useful definition or criterion.










Second, this model supports a modular approach to web design. Let's say you want to improve your site but lack the budget, time, or stomach for a complete overhaul. Why not try a targeted redesign, perhaps starting with evaluating and enhancing the credibility of your website? 2) Does the homepage still matter? Only a few years ago a website’s homepage was widely regarded as the most valuable square foot of real estate an organisation owned. Not so today. Search, Search, social networks, blogs and RSS are driving users deep into our sites. Now, the majority of users bypass a site’s homepage completely. According to Razorfish research, the top US sites see 50-75% of their traffic originate somewhere other than the homepage. And for some sites, that’s on the conservative side. Significantly, the report also notes: 56% of consumers use RSS feeds, and 70% or more use search engines or portals to initiate their web experiences.


At, Peter proposes a new, more inclusive take on usability, which he has credible dubbed the UX Honeycomb. With it he attempts to tease out each facet or quality of the user experience. There are two obvious applications for Morville’s honeycomb: first, it's a great tool for advancing the conversation beyond information architecture and usability, and it also helps people understand the need to define priorities. For example: •Is it more important for your website to be desirable or accessible? •And how usable or credible should your website be? The truth is, it depends on your unique balance of context, content and users, and the required tradeoffs are better made explicitly.



Given the implicit paradigm shift in site visitor origination, these statistics are unavoidably changing the way we approach both home and content page design and Intergen’s UX design processes will continually evolve to reflect such changes in user behaviour. Eamon O’Rourke is Intergen’s Creative Director : [email protected]

>> NEW INTERACTIVE TALENT Michelle O’Loughlin Michelle has spent the last eight years working for several UK design agencies in Glasgow and London with a range of blue chip clients. In early 2008 she felt it was time to spread her wings and try out life on the other side of the world and found herself here in New Zealand. Michelle specialises in designing beautiful, yet information heavy, interfaces for large corporate and government websites, ensuring compliance with W3C web standards. During her career, she has also gained valuable experience in brand development, Flash banner campaigns, interactive TV, and e-commerce sites.

Raymond Shaw A true aficionado of digital media and visual communication design, Ray joined Intergen Interactive early this year. Since graduating from the Waikato Institute of Technology in 2000, his experience spans several roles that tested his versatility across system design, presentation and back-end development. Far from being a ‘Jack of all Trades,’ Ray has a polished set of digital media skills refined over tenure in design agencies, corporate IT environments and freelance engagements. Amongst other things, he is also an accoladed designer of street advertising and album cover artwork for contemporary music!

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>> 4


Mary Aziz What do you do? I joined the Development and Integration team in Auckland in January as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM developer.

How do you make a difference? By providing our clients with CRM solutions that help them improve their customer management and business processes.


>> N E W T E C H N O L O G Y







Need to empower developers worldwide on SharePoint – who you going call? Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (better known as MOSS) is the fastest selling Microsoft server product ever, selling over 100 million licenses worldwide last year. Down Under the demand for SharePoint is no different, except we have the talent to deliver it! So much talent, in fact, that the SharePoint product team in Redmond turned to Intergen to write them a user guide with accompanying tutorials. While MOSS has been available for over 18 months, the developer tools integrated into Visual Studio have been a little slower to come to the boil. But when these tools reached maturity in early 2008, Microsoft wanted to create a wave of SharePoint

Why do you love your job?

adoption for the general Microsoft .NET developer community around the world. To

The people. At Intergen we have a great team of intelligent individuals who are all focused on delivering the best solutions for our clients. We have fun and enjoy what we do.

create this wave, they knew they would need a great user guide and some well written tutorials to empower developers to pickup SharePoint running, fast. Who you going to call?

I also enjoy new challenges and coming up with solutions that meet or exceed clients’ expectations.

The first call was for a user guide for the Visual Studio Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services. These extensions enable developers to create SharePoint templates and components within Visual Studio and automatically deploy them into SharePoint.




PLATFORM SERVICES Workspaces, Mgmt, Security, Storage, Topology, Site Model


The user guide, written by Intergen, SEARCH CONTENT included walkthroughs, outlines of MANAGEMENT best practices and seven sample projects covering the many SharePoint templates and components. The user guide has been so widely adopted that it has been translated into Japanese, so if a developer is working with SharePoint anywhere around the world there is a good chance they’re learning from us. The next call was to build a collection of tutorials (Hands on Labs, in geek talk) targeted at developers who already know Microsoft .NET but need to get into SharePoint. Collaborating (using SharePoint, of course) across the country and in consultation with the specialists from Microsoft Corporation in the United States, seven Intergen MOSS specialists were tasked with creating five ‘Hands on Labs,’ covering web parts, data lists, page navigation, page branding and web services. Each lab is made up of a manual and sample code and is hosted on virtual machines that anyone in the world can access – see

A bit about yourself… I moved to Christchurch with my family in 1996 from Egypt. I graduated from Canterbury University with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Computer Science. In 2005, I moved to Auckland to start my career in IT. Prior to Intergen, I worked at UCMS Solutions for two years as a Technical Consultant, configuring and developing CRM and contact centre solutions. In my spare time I enjoy listening to music, watching movies and spending time with friends and family.

In recent months we’ve been called on to run (and re-run) a number of packed MOSS Twilight seminars around the country, and interest has been staggering from both prospective and existing SharePoint clients. If you’d like to ask us a question about SharePoint, or would like information about joining a community user group, we’re just a call away (or email). Email [email protected]. Three members of the ever-growing Intergen MOSS Squad.



Above: The MOSS pie depicts the range of capabilities MOSS can deliver organisations.

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>> W O R L D W I D E P A R T N E R C O N F E R E N C E










Views on the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2008 An exhibitor’s perspective

An attendee’s perspective

Learning about Microsoft’s plans for the upcoming year is not the only reason to

Having been to previous WPCs, I was looking forward to seeing how the

Key messages and highlights:

attend the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC). The other reason is

conference had evolved in the four years since I last attended. While good, the

to find partners – and this is why ActionThis exhibited at this year’s event.

previous conferences for me were more about style than substance and on

Software + Services – a major undertaking by Microsoft and something that fits well with Intergen’s capabilities.

Sponsored by Microsoft New Zealand and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, the ‘New Zealand Innovation’ stand showcased the offerings of five New Zealand software companies, including ActionThis, with the goals of raising awareness of New Zealand software and creating new partnership opportunities. The key to this event is its scale – with more than 10,000 attendees, the odds of locating good partners are significantly improved, particularly for those companies who embrace Microsoft’s software and platforms. Unlike other technical Microsoft events such as Tech. Ed, the WPC is focused on the business-oriented partner community. Attendees are Microsoft partners typically seeking partnerships with other companies – effectively pre-qualifying stand visitors for any partnering discussions that may occur. Market size and product margins are topics more likely to be discussed than application development and service pack deployment. Business opportunities are what everyone is seeking.

more than one occasion I left a keynote dazed and a little confused. This was certainly not the case in Houston. The WPC has grown and developed to a point where it delivers real value for partners who engage with Microsoft. The messages from the keynotes were clear and while there was still a degree of gloss it was more relevant to our needs.

Vista Deployment (now is the time) – despite undue media attention, Windows Vista is

WPC for me is about four key areas, all of which delivered:

President’s Club 2008 – Intergen is a 2008 President’s Club for Microsoft Dynamics member which recognises our business performance and high level of sales achievement.

• Keynotes – the opportunity to hear directly from the Microsoft execs on their vision and directions. • Expo – a chance to meet with organisations we already work with as well as potential new partners. Requires serious time and comfortable shoes. • Breakouts/streams – the ability to “deep dive” (from a sales and marketing perspective) into Microsoft activities and product directions. • Networking – a major aspect and focus. There is where you get to meet other partners and gain insights into their markets, businesses and the challenges they face. An important aspect that needs serious attention and usually requires time “out of hours.”

ActionThis promoted two products at the event and was able to talk to a range because there were a number of other software companies and technology providers at the event, opportunities surrounding application integration and technology partnering were also discussed. The four companies sharing the New Zealand stand experienced similar results, ensuring the event was a success for all involved, and laying the foundation for a repeat presence at next year’s event.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 5 and the Launchwave suite (Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 and Visual Studio 2008). Lastly, while business trips of this nature are important, they can be very tiring and it is

[email protected]

[email protected]


New product versions including –

important to have some fun. This was certainly the case and thanks to great hospitality from Microsoft New Zealand, the absolute “fun” highlight was the visit to Mission Control at the Houston Space Centre. A visit I’d certainly recommend to anyone who finds themself in Houston.

of potential reseller partners, both in the United States and Europe. Additionally,

Above: Five New Zealand companies displayed their wares at WPC.

now ready for deployment and this will be a key focus for Microsoft in the coming year.

Above: Steve Ballmer gave a rousing keynote address in front of 12,000 people.

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>> S T R A T E G Y A N D I N N O V A T I O N

think:EVENT Intergen presents an update on IDC’s Top Predictions for 2008

Ullrich Loeffler

Earlier in the year, IDC

to feel the impact of the economic downturn, shifting businesses’ investments

made 10 predictions

towards technologies that directly impact capital and operational expenditures.

for the ICT sector during 2008. We

Productivity remains a “hot topic” in 2008 since the vast majority of New Zealand

to comment on how

businesses face the constant challenge of resource constraints. IT has been

these trends are tracking so far, especially in

recognised as an enabler to overcome these challenges by consolidating,

light of changing economic conditions.

automating and standardising operational processes. Additionally, businesses have put greater emphasis on utilising their key assets, such as people (external

Ullrich also presented at an event Intergen ran with IDC in Auckland in early September.

It’s challenging to provide a general statement on how the New Zealand market is tracking in relation to global trends. New Zealand businesses are early adopters and innovators of a number of technology trends, including payment solutions, agriculture and healthcare technologies. Other industries or technologies, on

start of the year been tracking as the year

the other hand, show New Zealand businesses trailing international adoption

has progressed?

by 6-12 months.

IDC published the Top 10 Predictions for

Intergen periodically runs events that analyse the technical and business

2008 in December last year discussing a

challenges facing organisations. To keep informed and secure your space

broad range of trends and challenges across

at these events, email [email protected].

predictions we have seen different levels of progress throughout the first half of 2008. We believe the general IT market is starting


How closely does New Zealand reflect what is happening overseas?

How have the predictions IDC made at the

the New Zealand ICT sector. Across these





Tired of slow websites? Fast website performance is the goal of everyone designing websites, especially for those accessed by international audiences. The challenge: creating high performance sites can be difficult, requiring labour-intensive manual optimisations, or expensive additional hardware. ActionThis, a service offering from Intergen, wanted to deliver an optimal experience to its customers, the majority of which are located outside of New Zealand. To do this, the team developed several techniques to optimise the delivery of web pages. These techniques have been incorporated into a separate product, able to be used on many ASP.NETbased customer websites.

and internal), information and existing investments.

research unit and analyses the market for information management solutions.


What are the key challenges facing businesses today, and how is IT helping?

asked Ullrich Loeffler

Ullrich is Program Manager for IDC’s software


Called the Runtime Page Optimizer (RPO), the product is a software component that significantly improves the performance of websites that use ASP.NET, with support for both Microsoft SharePoint and EPiServer. The RPO optimises web pages to deliver significant speed increases with no extra development or operations effort. The product uses a patent-pending process for combining images, scripts and style sheets at runtime, when a page is accessed from the web server. Web pages are optimised to ensure web browsers make fewer requests. The result: significantly faster page load times. Caching and compression techniques are also employed, further reducing data traffic costs and speeding up page load times. Sites using RPO have improved performance by as much as 400%, particularly when accessing a New Zealand-hosted site from overseas. For more information on the Runtime Page Optimizer, go to or contact your Intergen BDM.

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>> K N O W L E D G E M A N A G E M E N T










In the know about Knowledge Management

>> INTERGENITE: Sally Jansen van Vuuren What do you do?

2008 heralds an exciting new journey for Intergen as it evolves to offer management consultancy services… with Knowledge Management the first item on the menu.

Where does it come from and where is it going?

What does Knowledge Management really mean?

We predict that while the term KM may be replaced with something less

The term KM was first coined in 1995 and evolved from the impact of global economic changes as well as continually emerging technological opportunities. KM has faced some key challenges, but has survived to grow as both an important business approach and thriving academic discipline.

I am Intergen’s Principal Management Consultant. My focus is to create leading edge knowledge management programmes for organisations; and be part of growing Intergen’s management consultancy services from the ground up.

How do I make a difference? KM is not a business tool, not an IT system and not a fad – it is a systematic approach to business designed to meet the challenges of the continually changing world in which today’s organisations operate. Siloed approaches to problem solving are no longer popular. Incorporating KM into your business lets you focus on all its aspects, from people and culture through to processes and technology.

pretentious, the concept will continue to thrive and become further embedded in the organisational psyche. Our approach We have some fundamental principles that drive the way we think about organisations. Firstly, it’s all about you – by building knowledge partnerships we ensure that when a project ends, our expertise remains with you,

What is the single unique and inimitable asset that has the ability to set you apart from all other organisations? Simple, it’s knowledge. Knowledge is embedded in everyday processes and practices, in the systems and technology that support your organisation, the skills and experience of staff, decision making processes and much more. In short, knowledge is an organisation’s most strategic asset.

embedded in your staff, systems and processes. We also believe that every business is unique … so KM at Intergen comes in a range of flavours to suit your individual appetite – we won’t be prescribing one size fits all solutions. We use a blend of contemporary tools and techniques to work with you from initial capability assessments through to strategy development and implementation.

There has been a lot of hype and misinformation about Knowledge Management and its benefits. Let us be clear – any organisation that wants to:

How does this fit with Intergen’s portfolio? Intergen has established a strong reputation in the marketplace for savvy technology development and delivery – and will

• Enhance service delivery

continue to do so. But we believe by extending our service

• Improve organisational performance

capability to offer clients innovative, leading edge KM services

• Be more innovative and creative

we can do even better.

• Enhance collaboration and sharing • Grow organisational learning, capability and flexibility …needs Knowledge Management, regardless of whether or not that’s what they call it.

For more information about Knowledge Management and how Intergen can help your organisation, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Alex Natelli and Sally Jansen van Vuuren – Intergen’s Knowledge Management team.


I have both strong practical and academic experience in KM. I am active within the New Zealand knowledge management community and have several published papers. Most importantly, KM is multidisciplinary and needs understanding from a range of perspectives from organisational development through to IT – so it fits my background perfectly.

What do I love about my job? The challenge and opportunity of working with individuals and organisations who strive to be the best.

A bit about yourself… I am a Pom, married to a South African, living in New Zealand – and I love it. I have degrees in IT and Commerce and look forward to becoming Dr Jansen van Vuuren later this year. Before joining Intergen I led Crown Law’s knowledge management programme.

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>> C A S E S T U D I E S

carboNZero gets the Green Light to go global







Hyper-V propels hosting to the extreme edge MedRecruit likes to seize any opportunity to be at the cutting edge. When

New Zealand’s leading solution for greenhouse emissions measurement is taking its expertise to the world. carboNZero offers a unique internet-based greenhouse gas inventory tool, E-Manage, which enables emissions to be calculated and managed by an organisation.

Intergen began talking to MedRecruit founder, Dr Sam Hazledine, about a new breed of Microsoft infrastructure hosting that would provide a virtualised server computing environment, at a fraction of the usual hosting cost, MedRecruit liked the diagnosis. Their homegrown hosting capabilities hadn’t kept pace with their technology ambitions, so it was time to look for a solution with security and scalability.

Developed by Landcare Research, E-Manage provides an audit trail for a company to benchmark itself against ongoing performance and progress towards emissions reduction.

“We’re passionate about always looking to advance our service, and innovation in the resources we use is a huge part of that picture. It made sense for us to pursue the best hosting infrastructure. Hyper-V has clearly established a new benchmark.” Dr Sam Hazledine, Managing Director, MedRecruit.

The tool to date had done its work admirably, but had become outdated. As carboNZero emerged as a world class programme, E-Manage was limited by its isolation from its other calculators and tools and provided limited reporting. Customer self service online was also a key part of the strategy. Therefore a new platform had to be capable of delivering a secure and scalable customer-facing extranet site.


Microsoft Hyper-V is a virtualised server computing environment using technology that is part of the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 operating system. It eliminates the need for multiple physical servers, which swallow up rackspace, generate heat and come with considerable operating costs. By reducing the total cost of ownership of server infrastructure for a company, and by delivering high availability, all sitting securely behind a dedicated firewall, Hyper-V brings a lot to the market. SharePoint also provides out of the box document management, which caters for any supporting documents to be stored in readiness for audits. Intergen also enhanced the SharePoint platform with a number of other components that would provide even better business process automation, reducing the time

carboNZero Business Manager, Mike Tournier, says: “To take us forward we engaged Intergen to design the most effective and appropriate solution possible using integrated Microsoft technologies that would allow us to bring carboNZero to a diverse audience worldwide.”

requirements of carboNZero staff to perform various procedural tasks.

Microsoft SharePoint was chosen as the platform for the internal and external presentation layer and to deliver the customer-facing portals.

E-Manage now provides an unrivalled technology solution that captures quantifiable and auditable evidence, to assist organisations in taking action against carbon emissions.

It’s not just about costs, either – the virtual servers are greener, too, using less power than physical servers. The verdict? Dr Sam Hazledine says: “This is a solution that really flies.”

Two-way authentication and automated account creation between Microsoft CRM and SharePoint enables the customer to manage their own details in a secure manner. Flexibility to adjust referencing criteria was also important. As carbon emission research continually evolves, the platform needed to be able to perform calculations based on the most up to date research.

A New Zealand-bred resource has now become a resource for the world.

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT INTERGEN: Auckland: Wellington: Christchurch: Dunedin Sydney: Perth:

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