Smarts Newsletter Issue 16

  • May 2020
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>> T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E








Intergen a best place to work Intergen was placed sixth in the 2007 JRA/Unlimited Best Places to Work survey, Intergen’s first time in the medium to large category. Visit for more information.

The sky is the limit It was really great to attend the awards dinner for the JRA/Unlimited Best Places to Work recently. We were lucky enough to be a finalist again in 2007. On entering the awards the staff complete a comprehensive online survey. The results provide valuable information to help us to identify areas where we are doing well and areas that need improvement.

conferences brimming with new ideas and information to share with their colleagues. We charge each of them with a duty to present their findings and experiences to the wider group at Intergen on their return. There will also be some Twilights in the near future based on content from these conferences. We also took the opportunity to showcase some product developments we have undertaken recently. The first is TextGlow, which you can read about on page 5. The other is a component from our investment in that ensures New Zealand and Australian websites are super fast to access from overseas by reducing the number of “requests” for a browser to open a webpage. Learn more about the Runtime Page Optimizer and sign up for the beta at As with many companies, we are in the process

It is comforting to see that, while we have been growing,

of completing our 2007/08 financial year and putting in place the plans for the next year. We have again experienced strong growth in demand for our services, and

our consistent focus on staff has enabled us to retain our great culture and remain one of the Best Places to Work. We have taken on board the feedback from our 2007 survey and are working towards further success in the 2008 awards. And on that note, we are also finalists in the Dominion Post Gold Awards, which celebrate local success stories. In keeping with our commitment to ongoing learning and development, so far this year we have sent seven Intergen staff to the USA to attend Microsoft conferences. These conferences are a great way for staff working in key areas to get a large dump of knowledge in a short period of time. They return from the

with staff levels now approaching 200 we















are making some minor organisational structure changes to better meet your needs, and our recent customer survey was a great help in identifying what is important to you. We look forward to continuing to add value in our engagements with your organisation. We look forward to working with you in 2008. [email protected]

< Copyright 2008 Intergen Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of Intergen Limited >


Intergen’s Christchurch Office

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>> I N T E R G E N I T E N E W S

What do you do? I am the Auckland Test Lead. I am responsible for QA in Auckland and am currently in the process of setting up Auckland’s first QA team.

It’s hard to keep track of what has been happening, with Intergenites at events around the globe, 10 new grads on board from this year’s graduate intake and many other new starters besides. Not to mention the daily goings-on in each of Intergen’s bustling six offices.





I have been with Intergen since the end of November last year. In that time I have set up QA in Auckland, working on both development complete projects and on projects with developers who are utilising agile software development techniques.

of the Microsoft Regional Directors’ Summer Road Trip, waxing lyrical about what’s new and cool with Windows Server, SQL Server and Visual Studio.We’ve been in cahoots with the NZI Sevens for several

The Intergen Yellow Raptors

years now, and have sponsored this popular event by creating a suitably vibrant website for them – and have, of course, supported them in great voice on the Wellington harbour has been awash with yellow in recent months as the Intergen Yellow Raptors dragonboating team has taken to the water with a

announced finalists in the 2007

vengeance, making the national dragonboating finals.

Work awards and received a silver award with Meridian for the data management tool ‘Business Online’ in the Marketing Association Direct and Interactive Marketing

I love making a difference from both a QA and business perspective. Working with a great team makes it a pleasure to come to work each morning.

We’ve created TextGlow – an exciting and user-friendly web application

A bit about yourself…

that allows users to view Office Open XML documents through a web

I arrived from Kent in the UK 11 years ago, bringing with me two cats, one dog and my purebred Arab endurance horse, and have never looked back. I am currently studying for a Masters of Management at Auckland University Business School, with one last paper to complete this year. In my spare time I like to watch the All Blacks, have dinner with friends, go to the cinema and shows, listen to music, walk, ride, read and write the occasional book review for the NZ Journal of Applied Business Research.

browser, right there on the web without installing any other software.

Best Places to Work Awards Evening

Innovation, Chris Auld, has toured the country as part

In recent months we’ve been Unlimited/JRA Best Places to

What do you love about your job?

And in amongst all this, our Director of Strategy and

sideline in yellow attire each year (see page 7 for more on this). And the

Here’s a quick run down of some of our news since the last installment.

How do you make a difference?

Nexus Award.

TextGlow recently launched around the world to great acclaim (see page 5 for more details). We’ve sponsored and attended Webstock, a sell-out web biennial conference held in Wellington (see opposite page for Eamon’s highlights), attended the Microsoft MIX08 event in Las Vegas, the Microsoft Office Development conference in San Jose and the SharePoint conference in Seattle. Peter Morville talks to Wellington staff about Ambient Findability



Where to start? So far 2008 has been a busy one, and judging from the state of the Intergen intranet (SharePoint, of course), that’s not about to change!

Debbie Gillam


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg… As you probably know, we’ve experienced huge growth in the past few years, and there is change afoot within Intergen, with some structural changes happening to reflect and accommodate this growth and best meet your needs. Stay tuned for more on this in the next issue of SMARTS mid-year. The results are in on the recent customer survey. Many thanks to those of you who took part in this; your comments have been invaluable. Don’t forget to check out our website for the 2008 Twilights schedule – we’d love to see you there. And for more on what we’ve been up to and what we’ve been talking about, there’s the Intergen blog: Intergenites at the Recovery Tent at Webstock




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! IEW V E >> U X D E S I G N 8R 0 CK TO S B WE

Getting Unstuck.








Wellington staff and then I got to take the “Father of Information Architecture”

pleased to report that Scott really is a kick

out for dinner. I’m a bit of a fan of his books and judging by our sell-out book

ass public speaker. In fact, he went a long

signing at the Intergen Recovery Tent, it seems I’m not alone. Peter gave us

way to proving that delivery is everything.

some great food for thought and will remain an influence over our User Expectation was running very high. It was always going to be a tough act to follow, with the inaugural 2006 Webstock

Centred Design practice.

Scott Berkun may well be a kick ass public

Luke Wroblewski – Web page hierarchy:

speaker, but he could still seriously learn a

An unexpected treat. So you’re thinking this sounds a bit

what do you do to cap that? Answer: you come back bigger

“Design 101”, and you would be right, but that was

another league. An academic and prolific

and brighter than ever! Once again, the organisers outdid

precisely the point. Hierarchical design and its

columnist who has hit the speaking circuit,

themselves with a festival of the senses for geeks and

importance is something all designers take for granted

this guy takes onstage intellect, wit and

creatives alike.

and consequently all struggle to defend when clients

delivery to a whole new level. His delivery of

inevitably challenge it. Great stuff and I really feel

a satirical analysis of web usability from the

challenged to build a better story around this, in

perspective of a real user was superb. And if

and contention, my standout experiences for 08 were: Kelly Goto – Getting Unstuck. Moving from Web 1.0 to 2.0:

thing or two from Mr Conway. Damian is in

particular, to help my customers understand this

there were an award for the most gratuitous

fundamental visual issue and the impact it has

use of PowerPoint by one speaker, he should

on user experience.

I don’t know that I really appreciated the significance

Amy Hoy – Usability for Evil:

of this until Webstock was over. Looking back at the

As someone with an advertising background, I’ve long

sessions I managed to attend, I wonder if, with a

felt a solitary voice on the matter of applying traditional

also get that accolade. How he made a 400+ slide deck slip past without seeming torturous is truly to be respected. With three streams at times all offering

bit more emphasis, getting unstuck could in fact

consumer behaviour manipulation principles to web strategy

delectable choices, the biggest frustration

have been the theme for the whole event?

and development. Amy did a fine job of combining

was the challenge of which sessions to attend.

traditional doctrine with modern context to build a compelling A simple message, well delivered in Kelly’s inimitable style. Through analogy she challenged us all as delegates and web practitioners to become PHOTOGRAPH: WWW.OSTERHULT.COM

Damian Conway – Web 2.0dium:

( meeting with rapturous acclaim. So

From two days of web standards conjecture, opinion

argument for the manipulative powers of well conceived user experience design. A colourful speaker, Amy pulls no punches I came away in no doubt that this is a portent of the future

that as our industry matures we must be careful not to

and, in fact, dissertations like the Eisenberg brothers’ call to

rest on our laurels, but continue to innovate and deliver

Once the recordings are up on the site ( I can fill in the gaps, but it’s never the same as being there…

and had the audience rolling in the aisles. All laughter aside,

champions for change. A welcome and timely reminder

Can’t wait for Webstock 2010. It won’t come soon enough.

action are only the beginning in this rapidly growing area.

value to both our clients and the end user. Scott Berkun – The Myths of innovation: Peter Morville – Ambient Findability and the Future of Search: Peter was Intergen’s sponsored speaker this year (at our request), so we had the privilege of some bonus time with him. Peter ran an in-house workshop for our

Scott’s website bills him as a “kick ass public speaker”, and being a cynical Kiwi with little inclination to self-promotion, I’d have to admit I went into this session somewhat skeptical about his credibility. Great author ‘n all, but how would that translate on the big stage? I’m Eamon O’Rourke is Intergen’s Creative Director : [email protected]





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>> 4




>> N E W T E C H N O L O G Y

better technologies. The framework is constantly changing, and with it the picture. Here are some of the latest technologies we’ve got our hands on.

I am a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Solution Consultant in Wellington, providing expertise for any Wellington-based NAV projects.

With them we can enhance the picture in the frame.

How do you make a difference?

Intergen has a vision for Microsoft Dynamics CRM4 as a platform for the development line of business applications. CRM4 will help us deliver through much improved programming interfaces and the including of Windows Workflow Foundation.

What do you love about your job? I love to solve problems that actually make a difference to a client’s day to day work. Dynamics NAV is a product that clients will use for up to 90% of their daily work, and therefore it is key to make the processes fit the user.

A bit about yourself… I am a Wellingtonian, born and bred. I completed Psychology and Philosophy degrees and then a Diploma of Business Computing. I worked for Ernst and Young, and in 2003 I moved to London, where I worked and travelled Europe until August last year. I’m happy to be back in Wellington and am looking forward to putting down some roots in my home town.


A quarter of the way in and already 2008 has been a big year for new, bigger,

What do you do?

With over six years’ experience with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, I provide Wellington with a strong base to support new or ongoing NAV projects. I have also been involved in a number of internal process reviews in this area and hope to bring some fresh new ideas to the way we work.






In with the new – the latest technologies in 2008 “It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame.” Marshall McLuhan

Nikolai L’Estrange


Microsoft Dynamics CRM4

While the term is nominally Customer Relationship Management, here at Intergen we’ve deployed CRM across a much broader range of scenarios. For example, we recently deployed CRM to manage the charity registration process for the Charities Commission. CRM4 has been specifically optimised for hosted scenarios. We think that the power of this web-available application, coupled with our high availability data centre, presents customers with the opportunity to improve or replace ageing business applications. .NET 3.5 Released in late 2007, the .NET framework adds several key features that we’re already taking advantage of here at Intergen. The biggest thing for our developers is the new Language Integrated Query. This provides a mapping between the database and programming code - effectively allowing us to query the database directly from our C# or Visual Basic code. Another thing we’re all really excited about is the fact that Microsoft has made the source code to the .NET framework available. They’ve integrated it with Visual Studio, their development tool, so we can literally step into the base class libraries provided by Microsoft.

Windows Server 2008 This is the latest incarnation in the Microsoft range of server operating systems. Within Intergen we have moved quickly to move a number of our core servers to this new platform. We expect to see a significant uptake of Windows Server 2008, both in our Wellington-based data centre and amongst our clients. Virtualisation using Windows Hyper-V will allow server consolidation in a much lower cost path to the sort of higher availability deployments that our very large clients utilise. Windows Server 2008 is the most secure Microsoft platform yet. It borrows extensively from the hard work that Microsoft has put in around security in the last five years. The Intergen Technical Services team will be happy to talk to you about migration strategies for your existing infrastructure and we expect that moving forward the majority of our new developments will be deployed on this fantastic new operating system. EPiServer CMS 5 At first glance, the latest version of EPiServer CMS may not appear to offer much that is new. The intuitive, user friendly interface is still there. And the most prominent new feature that editors will notice may be the extended workflow functionality. Besides adding several new standard publishing workflows, EPiServer CMS 5 brings a new customisable workflow system that can easily be tailored to meet any specific customer requirements. Other new features in EPiServer CMS 5 include improved link management, file system access through Windows Explorer (or any WebDAV client) and an updated, faster and cross compatible web interface. But the biggest changes from EPiServer 4 can’t be seen on the surface. EPiServer CMS 5 has an upgraded back end that uses rich platform technologies from Microsoft, such as Windows Workflow Foundation and Windows Communication Foundation. Several enhancements have been made to ensure that it’s even faster, easier and more pleasant to develop web solutions with EPiServer. Intergen Perth has just completed the Southern Hemisphere’s first EPiServer CMS 5 implementation – – with great results.

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>> T E X T G L O W










Silverlight 2.0 + OOXML = TextGlow A world first – developed right here in NZ by us! TextGlow has received great attention following its international launch in early March, and helps pave the way for the future of online collaboration and documentation. At Intergen we are always looking forward to see how we can use new technology to help customers. In today’s increasingly virtual world it is becoming more and more important that companies have the ability to share documents across multiple platforms. With the incredible growth of Office documents being shared on SharePoint and other websites, one pain point we identified is the process of having to download and open the file locally to view its contents. Using the new Office Open file formats (which open the door to reading, writing and modifying all types of documents) and Microsoft’s new Silverlight platform for creating rich applications on the web, we saw an opportunity to solve this problem, not just James Newton-King , creator of TextGlow


for our customers, but for all and sundry. And that’s where TextGlow comes in. TextGlow allows you to quickly view a Word document on a web page without having Word installed on the local computer, without having to download any files or open any slow applications. You can preview documents with ease as you browse the website.

“Microsoft is delighted to see independent software vendors such as Intergen taking full advantage of Open XML. TextGlow is a great example of how customers can use the rich functionality Open XML offers irrespective of platform or the productivity application

“We’re really excited about the huge potential that TextGlow offers. And we believe

on their desktop.” Jean Paoli, General

applications of this type are just the beginning… We can’t wait to see what other

Manager for Interoperability and XML

great opportunities these technologies will bring!” James Newton-King

Architecture, Microsoft Corporation

[email protected]

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>> INTERGENITE: Chandima Kulathilake What do you do? I am a Enterprise Solutions Architect specialising in Microsoft SharePoint products and technologies and I provide a mix of both business and technical consulting for Collaboration, Knowledge Management, Search and Enterprise Content Management solutions using SharePoint technologies.

How do you make a difference? By providing solutions that are relevant, practical and best of breed. I also help organise and coordinate the local SharePoint user groups every month and share my knowledge in the SharePoint community.

What do you love about your job? The challenges of learning new technologies and coming up with solutions that are achievable, and having fun while doing it. Understanding customer requirements and providing solutions to achieve business outcomes using technology.

A bit about yourself… Before joining Intergen I worked at Fronde Systems/Synergy for six years, then Provoke Solutions for over a year. I enjoy spending time with my partner Nas, and in my spare time I like to go mountain biking and on the occasional run.


>> S T R A T E G Y A N D I N N O V A T I O N







The rise and rise of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) … And a little bit about what we’ve been doing with it

Search capabilities are also hot points in most organisations deploying MOSS.

In the past year we’ve witnessed a huge uptake of SharePoint in its many

One major focus in the current New Zealand market is providing training for

manifestations, and the number of MOSS deployments are ever increasing. We’re finding that MOSS is a hot topic with many of our customers, and on a number of to do lists. And now that we’ve got significant experience with this relatively new technology – and staff constantly upskilling on the latest and greatest – we’re also finding that the reach and relevance of MOSS is far greater than we initially thought.

MOSS deployments. This comes in light of the fact that there is great demand for SharePoint expertise across development and integration. What great new uses will you be putting MOSS to this year? We have a few large scale MOSS deployments underway that use its collaboration and search and social networking capabilities within organisations. MOSS is also one of the chosen technologies that will provide a strategic architecture platform

Watch out for the next issue of SMARTS, where we’ll have a run down from staff on the recent SharePoint conference in Seattle.

for a number of local government organisations in meeting documents and

Chan Kulathilake, the newest member of Intergen’s Business

growth in the use of MOSS as a business enabling platform.

records management requirements. So I think this year we will see tremendous

Analysis and Consulting team, gives us an update. Tell us about a couple of recent MOSS highlights. MOSS has had tremendous growth over the last year,

The top 10 benefits of MOSS 1. Provides a simple, familiar and consistent user experience

both locally and internationally. Microsoft and

2. Boosts employee productivity by simplifying everyday business activities

independent industry analysts such as Gartner and

3. Helps meet regulatory requirements through comprehensive control over content

Forrester have named SharePoint as one of the strategic

4. Effectively manages and repurposes content to gain increased business value

products CIOs should view as a true business enabling platform. The recent work we have done for TEC and

5. Simplifies organisation-wide access to both structured and unstructured information across disparate systems

a number of our other key clients is testament to

6. Connects people with information and expertise


7. Accelerates shared business processes across organisational boundaries

What are some key hot points/areas of interest for clients regarding SharePoint? There is a tremendous amount of interest in adopting SharePoint as a platform for business enablement. This is driven by its key capabilities of delivering value by enabling business application deployments. Enterprise Intranets and Enterprise

Chandima Kulathilake



8. Shares business data without divulging sensitive information 9. Enables people to make better informed decisions by presenting business-critical information in one central location 10. Provides a single, integrated platform to manage intranet, extranet and internet applications across the enterprise To find out more about how your organisation can leverage the many benefits of MOSS, email [email protected]

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>> S T A F F N E W S


Intergen comes to the party for the NZI Sevens

Swedes down under

Every year the NZI Sevens is the country’s biggest rugby entertainment event, and undisputedly the biggest dress up party on the Wellington calendar. “The fans are the heroes,” says NZI Sevens General Manager, Steve Walters, and the web is the crux of it all, raising awareness, generating hype and capturing the excitement, build up and party atmosphere that defines the IRB Sevens World Series. For three years, Intergen has come to the party – quite literally – and designed the site in support of the local event. For the past three years Wellington Rugby and Positively Wellington look to Intergen to up the ante and ‘bring the party to the web’. Steve Walters says: “We want to constantly extend our interaction with fans so we need to be fresh and innovative all the time. Intergen steps up to the challenge each year – they’re willing to give it their best shot each time, coming up with creative elements that add a new dimension to the site, so fans see and experience something new.” Recent elements on the site include a countdown clock and a click and drag album of party shots capturing fans in all their glory, from nurses to priests to the infamous Borat look-alikes. The fans like what they see, with site traffic hitting new records each year. And Intergen really gets into the spirit of the Sevens – not just in creating the website – with a giant group of yellow supporters attending each year.



As an EPiServer premium partner and New Zealand’s sole provider of this Scandinavian CMS solution, Intergen found itself with a pleasant dilemma. Due to EPiServer’s popularity in the New Zealand market, Intergen needed more EPiServer specialists to keep up with demand.

Henrik and Magnus have fitted in to Intergen seamlessly, and were put straight to work on EPiServer projects. A couple of months in and they haven’t looked back. When they manage to find time, they are both enjoying the New Zealand lifestyle, and both see a number of similarities between Swedish and New Zealand culture, as well as

But what do you do when you already employ New Zealand’s only EPiServer gurus? Answer: you recruit on the other side of the world and cross your fingers you’ll find candidates who are willing to relocate. And so an overseas recruitment campaign was born, with ads in Swedish and English.

a several differences – including the prevailing love of rugby and New Zealanders’ penchant for extreme sports – and they are both looking forward to seeing the sights when friends and family join them from Sweden. If you’d like to hear more about

Before long, two stand-out contenders emerged,

EPiServer (or Sweden), you can

and not long after that, Henrik Nystrom and

reach Henrik and Magnus at

Magnus Osterhult joined the Wellington office,

[email protected] and

fresh from CMS roles in Sweden.

[email protected]

Henrik Nystrom and Magnus Osterhult


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>> C A S E S T U D I E S

Microsoft Dynamics NAV makes a flying start for Loyalty NZ







Maritime New Zealand charts new waters with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) has a far reaching responsibility to ensure that the maritime environment is safe and serves a wide range of customers ranging from large

Loyalty New Zealand Limited manages Fly Buys, the largest loyalty rewards programme in New Zealand with over 2.7 million Fly Buys cardholders. Fly Buys launched in 1996 and now has 80% penetration in NZ households.

bulk carriers to recreational craft, yachties, adventure tourism operators and more. The scope of customer interactions is vast, and MNZ needed a system to cope with this. Deciding to part with its 10 year-old legacy systems and make a strategic investment in the organisation’s IT landscape, MNZ chose Intergen to work with them on the appropriately named “Poseidon programme”. A core requirement was to put a strong CRM platform in place to provide an

Loyalty NZ was constrained by an

shadowing exercises to understand their business practices. We then designed

accurate and robust customer database. Microsoft Dynamics CRM was selected

existing legacy accounting application

improved business processes that delivered better efficiencies across financial

as a package that could provide an immediate platform, with the capability of

that was not robust or scalable, was

administrations tasks, provided smarter tools for budget holders to increase their

delivering broader customer functionality in the future.

prohibitive to maintain and delivered little reporting functionality. Desiring a multi-dimensional view of their financial processes and more dynamic reporting tools, Loyalty NZ went to the market and selected Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Loyalty NZ Finance Manager, Stephen

accountability, and provided more flexible and strategic reporting and data mining. It was all about improving business performance to increase the level of service to Loyalty NZ’s business participants.” Implemented within a 10-week window, Microsoft Dynamics NAV has made a flying start, bringing a whole magnitude of financial accounting and reporting tools to the table for Loyalty NZ. Stephen Bayley comments: “We definitely have a new ability to slice and dice

they were able to demonstrate in-depth

information in a more strategic manner, and that will give more independence

knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics NAV

to business groups to manage their cost centres more effectively. We’ve been able

by showing - OK, here’s how we

to tighten up on processing at the front end, and we’ll start to see some real

understand this customer’s business

gains in administrative processing times. We’ve got 100% data capture, quality

environment and here’s how we can add

reporting and a richer environment to work with. Some wins are immediate, but

measurable business value.”

the real intention was creating a robust platform that will provide what we need in the future, by bolting on more capabilities as required. Long-term, we expect

Lloyd O’Keefe, Project Manager for Intergen, says: “As part of our project methodology, we first undertook


MNZ the advantage of analysing and interrogating information in a much more dynamic manner. As such, it supports a vast array of MNZ’s business contact points, including, for example, the registration of ships, seafaring qualifications, vessel management, ships inspections and search and rescue. Hundreds of customer interactions occur on a daily basis, and timely and accurate data is essential. With Microsoft CRM now in place, it will be a launching point

Bayley, says: “Intergen stood out as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, and

As a single consolidated customer database, Microsoft Dynamics CRM has given

further benefits.”

to assist MNZ in undertaking more predictive business analysis in the future.

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT INTERGEN: Auckland: Wellington: Christchurch: Dunedin Sydney: Perth:

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[email protected]

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