Slain In The Spirit

  • April 2020
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SLAIN IN THE SPIRIT In late September in the year 2007, a website visitor sent me a link to the ministry of Cindy Trimm. I was informed that Trimm was a close friend and ministerial colleague of Juanita Bynum. I had never heard of Cindy Trimm so I visited her website. As I watched waves of people fall slain in the spirit just by Trimm's verbal suggestion and command, I replayed the clip several times because I wanted to be sure that I heard her say the following, " We thank you Father that the spirit of the Ashtar is upon each individual." When I searched with the name "Ashtar," I discovered that Ashtar first introduced himself as a UFO in the 50's. In reality, Ashtar is a fallen angel masquarading as what the principalities and powers call themselves among their occult followers, "ascended masters." Christians in denial who watched the video clip stated that Trimm said "Esther" and not "Ashtar." The latter is more understandable because Ashtar is very compatible with Trimm's heavy emphasis on the ministry of angels. The spirit of Esther just made no sense. Anyway, I heard "Ah" and not "Eh." As I continued to study, I learned that Ashtar serves as the right hand demon to yet another ascended master, who masquarades as "the Christ," namely another fallen angel called Jesus Sananda Immanuel. Sananda is a religious demon whom I call "the Fake Jesus." He is the counterfeit demon that many in the churches have been deceived into worshipping and serving for quite some time, with increased visibility over the last 3 or 4 decades. As I began to research the other ascended masters, I learned ofMaitreya, Mother Mary and several others. Maitreya has already made "appearances," promoting himself as "the Christ" of all religions. Eacj ascended master is subordinate to and serves the top fallen angel, they call Sanat Kamura, aska Lucifer,aka Satan. Another significant discovery ofwatching the Cindy Trimm video clip is that when the people began to fall slain, she was speaking in tongues. These two manifestations seem to "work together." Trimm uttered different variations of Raba Shata. In her so called "prayer to the Father," not once did Cindy Trimm make a request. Her entire prayer was filled with "I decree and declare." Besides the spirit of the Ashtar falling upon each individual, one ofthe things that she "decreed and declared" was that "the angels be released to come forth." For those of you who have not seen this video clip and for those who need their memories refreshed, I suggest that you "read on," then scroll back up after you have finished reading and watch the video clip in question by clicking the following link. In its early stage of development, slain in the spirit was enacted by a so-called anointed preacher placing either the fingers or the palm of his or her hand on the forehead of those standing on the other side of the altar rail or on a prayer line. In the 70's and the 80's, ministering in the power of slaying people in the spirit was a much sought after experience among charismatic ministers. Its importance correlated to the general belief that the manifestation served as a sign of spirituality and evidence that the minister was "anointed." In those days and increasingly evident in this decade, "slain in the spirit" appears to be the unofficial and unscriptural 10th gift of the Holy Ghost. It is not my intention to cast dispersion on any individuals who have either moved in this ministry or who have themselves "been slain." Countless belivers have been victimized by the false, deceptive teachings of charismatic leaders for at least half a century. I myself have laid hands on several who fell "slain" and I have been slain a few times at the hands of others. However, I never just "laid there." Both times, I stood immediately to my feet. Once, I felt like I was "pushed down."

There is a difference between being slain in the spirit and being "knocked down." You can be knocked down by either God or man without actually being "slain." To be slain is to be "passive of mind" where you are subject to other supernatural experiences that may be visionary, or even delusional. To be slain is an hypnotic state where you lose your grip on reality. Your mind may go "blank" or you may hear a voice. Some appear as though the Holy Ghost is sovereignly casting out demons from them as they roll about on the floor. You will observe such instances on the Cindy Trimm video clip. From experience, I have learned that the demons are not actually "coming out" but they are simply manifesting. Actually, the experience of being "slain" calls demons inside of a captive to come forth. Clearly, when Trimm "releases the angels," I strongly suspect that she is releasing angels in Satan's army--in other words-DEMONS! I have been "knocked down" before I even saw or heard anything at all about the manifestation. Less than a year after I was born again, there was definitely fruits of a character change in me. Yet, since I was not a student of the word, nor did I have sound counsel from a pastor concerning sin, there were certain sins that I drastically reduced, but had not completely erased. One of them was fornication. At the time I was "knocked down," I was a babe in Christ, sleeping with a man not my husband about once a month after I was born again. Prior to being saved, I had dated Dave, a married man for about a year. One day, as I walked rather fast, going from one end of my living room to another, in a split second, I hit the floor on my back. I was not injured, nor was I "slain" or "unconscious." Nor did I slip on the rug or perhaps an object on the floor. Uninjured, I was pinned to the floor by my arms and legs and I literally could not rise up. As I lay there, I heard a stern voice speak to me, "Pam, stop sleeping with Dave. You are a fornicator. He is an adulterer. " Once the voice ended, I was released and 'allowed to standup.' I am not one who experiences fear easily. Well, if anyone would ask me what was the most frightening day of my life, falling to the floor by an act of God would be at the top of the list. For a few days, I did not even want to leave my house and walk across the street to the corner grocery store in anticipation that I was going to be either struck by lightning or hit by a mac truck that would crush me flat. With that, I stopped fornicating with Dave completely. Our thing was "OVER!!!" lol I didn't fornicate again until the fear of the Lord faded from my remembrance, and when I did have sex while unmarried, it was only a few times. I was literally "frightened out of my sin" as a babe in Christ. Along these same lines, as I review scripture, "falling back" is connected to receiving chastizement and correction from God. There are various incidents where bible characters who were sinning fell backward. Those who fell because they were in the presence of God became "weak in the knees" and just crumbled down to the ground. When Peter cut off the ear of one of the Roman soldiers who came to arrest Jesus, he was able to do so because the soldiers fell backward by the overwhelming magnitude of the Lord's presence. However, when they "got up," they didn't rise spiritually changed. Although Jesus healed and miraculously restored the ear, the soldiers proceeded unmoved by the miracle with the task at hand and arrested Him. From my beginnings as a minister 27 years ago, if I were to pick one word to describe my spiritual walk down to the subjects of the messages that I preached, the word would be POWER. Even before I was saved or involved in the occult, my personality had maintained a "power" element to it from childhood. Men who dated me as a young adult sought a power struggle with me that they all lost. Although attractive by worldly standards, the women who disliked me were more intimidated by my confidence and my boldness than by my outward appearance. While intrigued

by the occult world, I tasted of demonic power on several occasions. Not to glorify it, simply put, I witnessed objects appear, move and disappear, I was transported more than once from one place to another in a split second,---a trip that took at least 30 minutes by car. I was able to predict the future with astrology and other means, demons spoke through me at their own will, I also healed and performed various miracles that I could not explain then, but that I understand NOW. Therefore, it was a natural course of events for me as a Christian to be like Simon the sorcerer in the book of Acts, who wanted the power of the Holy Ghost so badly, that he offered Peter money for it. I didn't offer anyone any money for the manifestation, but I sought after the power to slay others in the spirit almost as much as I wanted to heal and deliver. Actually, once my denominational responsibilities were completed at my own church, I frequently worshipped in word of faith churches where the slain in the spirit phenomena took up at least 50 percent of the service and the entire congregation stood together, speaking in tongues out loud. In the Making of a Prophet, I give an account of a rather interesting experience. Now that I look back at my own words, today I realize that the word of faith ministers actually DID desire me to "PAYTHEM FOR THE POWER," but I just didn't "catch on" at the time. My tithes and offerings were routinely donated to my denominational church and not to the word of faith churches that I visited. Perhaps you can read between the lines for yourself: "I had heard Mason preach on several occasions. I never sensed any anointing when he preached, but he truly ministered to my spirit when he sang. He was a guy with a lot 'of ham', a true performer---a real show stopper...Toward the end of the service, Mason decided to share center stage with visiting pastors, inviting them to the pulpit. Just before they began to minister in the "slain in the spirit" manifestation, Mason decided to make some comments "to someone on the pews," and the only one his comments fit was me. 'There is one of you in here who thinks that because you may be licensed or ordained by a denominational church, that I should have called YOU up here also. Well, I am NOT calling you up here because you don't belong up here. You sit in our services and you want to be like us, but you are not one of us because YOU HAVEN'T PAID YOUR DUES!" You are jealous of us because you want the power that we have. If you want to be invited up here with us to receive OUR anointing, you must humble yourself to OUR ministry in ALL ways, and then maybe one day, we'll call you up here to minister with us, but NOT BEFORE."(pg123-124) Certainly, I was embarassed for truly I DID want the power. As my face was burning, I sat there, hoping that most of those assembled didn't realize that Mason was speaking directly to me. Even though I desired the power, my faith and my confident nature precludes me from jealousy for I have always trusted that the Lord can and will supply my needs without the necessity of taking anything away from others. All these word of faith preachers had to do was pull me aside and speak to me plainly:, "Look Pam. You come to our services so often yet you belong to a dry, dead denomination. Why not join us and put your tithes and offerings into our ministry. Once you join us, we will prepare you to receive the power gifts that you seek." No, hypocrits can't step to a person and "come correct." No, they have to beat around the bush. In those days, if they had laid things on the line, I would have "come up with the cash." Today, I don't continue to defile myself by worshipping among those who "pimp" the gospel that is clearly not the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Actually, my first experience with the phenomena of "slain in the spirit" was not among the ministries of word of faith pastors or even from mega TV preachers. In fact, the first year that I joined a denominational church in 1979, a guest evangelist from Buffalo NY, a pentecostal woman whom I will call the late Pastor Evans, had the entire congregation sprawled out from the pulpit to the door. I was amazed. I didn't even know at the time that I was called to ministry. However, as a healer, I immediately "desired the power." During my pastorate of a second denominational church, Pastor Evans was my first guest speaker in 1994. Most of my members passively protested and stayed home. Anticipating their lack of support, I filled the church with pentcostals and they too were "sprawled out all over the church." I had hopes that Pastor Evan's anointing would fall to me. Perhaps it did, for shortly thereafter, "I too had the power." So finally, after about 15 years of fervent "lusting" for the "slain in the spirit" power to manifest in my ministry, I finally obtained it. I remember that day in the spring of 1995 so clearly, when I ministered after preaching in a regional denominational service, half of those standing at the altar fell when I laid my left hand on them. Although the power had been witnessed among us through pentecostal guest speakers, this phenomena was completely uncommon among the denominational pastors and evangelists. I was the preacher of the hour. This particular meeting was filled with ministers as it was a Fifth Sunday Fellowship of 10 denominational pastors, about 5 evangelists and 10 churches coming together for worship on a Sunday evening. A few of the pastors rejoiced and praised God fervently saying out loud, "Thank you Father that we too now have the power among us." Other ministers stood by looking hostile and suspicious, primarily because as a pastor without a charge, they feared me as a potential rival for their pulpits. So I was suspect of trying to "out do" the other pastors in an effort to attract their members to me. Actually, I was mimicked the very next Sunday publicly, as my own pastor stood before the church and retorted, "Some preachers like to be better than the rest of us as they stand up here and put their hands out and touch folk on the forehead like this." Then he mimicked me and his members started laughing. I knew it was time to go. So once I had myself had "the power", I needed a non-denominational platform where the power would flourish unhindered. Actually once I manifested the power to cause congregants "to fall and swoon," I was confident that now I was "up and coming," on the fast track to Christian fame and success. In truth, I primarily sought the "slain in the spirit" manifestation as a justification or confirmation to the people of my authenticity---- " See for yourself, folk. The power of the Holy Ghost is on me." In the background, the religious demon cleverly encouraged my ambitions by planting various dreams and visions into my soul to strengthen my ambitious lust for fame and acclaim. So it naturally follows that joined the multitudes of ministers who desired a "mega" congregation. Shortly after I returned from the 1983 Kenneth Copeland's East Coast Believer's Convention where for the first time, I was gathered with 16,000 professing born again, spirit filled believers. I envisioned "megadom" long before I heard of Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer or Juanita Bynum. They were not my original role models as my "spiritual mentor" was Kenneth Copeland and Fred Price. In dreams, I saw myself with Copeland, commanding cut off limbs to grow, raising the dead, and pastoring a congregation of 6000 strong. I hoped Copeland to "discover" me and make of me a "Creflo Dollar" at a time when Creflo was unheard of. Well, I had my plans, but the Lord Jesus Christ had "other" plans. Whether YOU believe me or not, I don't send out these newsletters because I am a frustrated

"mega wannabee." As a minister with a pastor's heart, my joy comes from deliverance counseling---setting captives free, one soul at a time. I also desire to train those set free to set others free. This is how I "pastor" in this hour. Since I have found that churchgoers have become immune or habituated to traditional sermons with a text and 3 points,I no longer preach in traditional ways. My "spiritual gatherings" are interactive, a question and answer model, where I sit among the people and teach them by answering their questions. Today, I also shun all notoriety which is a very unusual considering the nature of my flesh. I even took every picture of myself DOWN from the website, except those on the book covers. It is an expensive proposition to change a book's cover or I would have removed those pictures also. Not wanting to detract from the purity of the gospel with my flesh, I also am practical and cautious. We live in very dangerous times. With the work that is before me, I need to remain on the "down low." The first adoration I give in prayer when I wake up in the morning these days is "Thank you Lord that you restrained me. Thank you God that there were so few that heard my charismatic errors, that I have damaged no one spiritually." In that, I rejoice EVERY DAY! I relaxed on the picture thing when the Lord showed me that the people needed to see my face. Actually, deception set in for me as soon as I began to actively fellowship with word of faith and pentecostal churches on a regular basis. Having no prior church background, spiritual snobbery set in as word of faith teachings and practices caused me to believe that my denominational colleagues were "powerless." Since the Bishop had not yet appointed me to another church and never did so for the next 10 years "to his credit", I founded my own "word of faith" mission. Believing now that because I too "had the power to slay folk in the spirit," I anticipated that like the newly founded "word" churches in the neighborhood, my ministry would begin to grow by leaps and bounds as well. Once I established my own church in 1996, falling under the power was not hindered. Though not abused, the manifestation was definitely in operation. Nevertheless, like tongues, I could now "watch those who continued to fall" in more intimate ways as their pastor than I could by observing its manifestations among the members of word of faith churches, where I had no intimate knowledge of the people. For example, I remember observing the same people in word of faith assemblies, come to the altar for healing as many as 4 or 5 times in one service when the evangelist called out their condition or "sickness." Each time, they fell slain when touched on the forehead. I would say to myself, "wasn't once ENOUGH? How many times does one person have to fall out this way?" In my own pastorate, I found the same situation---the same members falling every time the manifestation was in operation. I remember one particular man whom I will call "Bob." Bob was an agnostic alcoholic when I met him through my secular contacts. I witnessed to him several times and so after a few years, Bob decided to "come to Jesus" and he joined my congregation. Bob was not a churchgoer so he never witnessed being slain in the spirit before. Therefore, he did not fall slain because of "watching others.". A man slight of build, I barely touched Bob's forehead the first time and he fell down and out, real hard. No catchers! lol As time passed, even if I looked at him strong or simply waved my hand at him, he would fall out and hit the floor on his back. Yet, not only did he NOT stop drinking, but his abuse of alcohol seemed to actually increase. Then one day during a counseling session, Bob confessed to me that he really did not believe that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. So I asked myself again, "well, what was all of that being slain in the spirit all about?"

There's more. A lot more examples. Quite a few of my observations are recorded in "Faces of the Religious Demon." However, there is one person in particular that I will share about, for the sake of illustration. This 85 year old woman's story of being slain in the spirit at an Oral Roberts meeting 60 years ago is an interesting example of how a person can pick up a demon while they lay out on the ground, passively slain in the spirit. This is also a classic example of how tongues and the slain in the spirit phenomena can work together to bring about mental illness: In the assessment stage of deliverance counseling, I discovered a connection between the onset of obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD) and Bertha's account of her baptism in the Holy Ghost with the manifestation of speaking in other tongues. Even though I did not automatically assume that her spiritual experience was a counterfeit, I routinely proceeded to try the spirits to see if they be of God. I found it rather strange that Bertha's mental disorder first became apparent practically simultaneous to her receiving the Holy Ghost AND being slain in the spirit.... Within a few days of speaking in tongues, , Bertha claimed that she fell out so powerfully in the spirit when Oral Roberts laid hands on her 60 years ago, that she had to be carried off the platform. Bertha claimed that she was "out cold" and it took several minutes for strength to return to her body. Bertha based practically her entire religious experience upon that day she was slain. Yet about a week or two latter, she was hospitalized for OCD and has consistently and severely suffered with it for 60 years. Like most word of faith devotees, Bertha refused to even consider that there might be a connection between her mental illness and her experience of being slain and I had to prematurely close her case because mutual agreement was not possible. When I tried the spirits, it became clear that Bertha had never repented of sin, nor did she have an understanding of the Lord's resurrection. This is a woman that served herself communion every day and prayed several hours a day in her "prayer language." She also has to wash her hands and scrub everything in her home countless times a day and cannot even have company, for fear that someone might "leave their dirt behind." I tried to address this subject as "softly" as I could, to no avail. Bertha was adamant that she was saved because of her slain in the spirit experience, while I strongly believed that for 60 years, she was NOT saved because she never repented of sin. We parted on good terms. Bertha is a sincere, devout woman yet I strongly believe that her faith was not in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but that her charismatic devotion gave Satan place to deceive. Clearly, Bertha worships Jesus Sananda Immanuel or "the Fake Jesus." Then are countless "Bertha's" out there. To read an account of a person that was demonized while slain in the spirit, click here. Those of you who have read my second, third and fourth books, you are aware of the fact that I have acknowledged in writing some rather serious reservations about the organized church, particularly the charismatic, pentecostal and word of faith movement. In this hour, I realize the cause of my reservations. What I discerned years ago through spiritual revelation alone has been confirmed by fact.For example, any watchful Christian who studies the book of Revelation should have heard about the Illuminati. In the next issue, In short, the Illuminati is a secretive multi-faceted occult, political, and financial global organization whose primary goal is to influence and control the masses toward establishing the New World Order. A major goal of the Illuminati has been to destroy the organized church, and from the looks of it, they have been successful.

In my browsing on the Illuminati, I took notes from testimonies provided by former Illuminati whose identities have been hidden for their self protection. What I discovered is that the Illuminati believe strongly in balancing opposing forces in the pull between opposites. They see every world issue as a chess game. Therefore they will use their enormous wealth by funding one side and then funding its opposite, while standing back "mocking the stupid sheep." In the early 80's Eddie Murphy comedy called "Trading Places," a parody portrays the Illuminati style. The turnabout begins with an argument between super-rich siblings, played by Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche: Are captains of industry, they wonder, born or made? To settle the issue, these two billionnaire elitists construct a cruel experiment in social Darwinism. Preppie commodities trader Dan Aykroyd is stripped of all his worldly goods and expelled from the firm, and Murphy's smelly derelict is appointed to take his place, graduating to tailored suits and a world-class harem in record time. However, the Illuminati is no joke. John Todd, another former Illuminati did not protect himself. Once he became "born again" in the 1970's, he initated a very public stand in his denuniciation of the Illuminati. Before he was framed, drugged, imprisoned, and locked up in a mental institution, and then I understand that he mysteriously was killed, Todd held several conferences and seminars aimed at warning Christians about the Illuminati's secret agenda. I listened to the audio of one of John Todd's conferences, where he states that the Illuminati gave millions of dollars to founders of the word of faith, charismatic movement as a subtle, yet pervasive attack against the mainstream denominational churches. Even though the denominational churches were on the road to self destruction with their tolerance of sin and perversion, the rise to prominence of the word of faith movement put a strong nail in the denominational coffin. To tune in to this video, I suggest that you click here. For those who may have a problem with the link, you can copy and paste the URL into your browser. Clearly, John Todd had nothing personal to gain by revealing the inner secrets of the Illuminati, and though he was skillfully discredited in his time, he sounds "very sane to me." As I have shared in previous issues, the Lord has been "purging me" from my charismatic leanings for quite some time. In fact, I received tongues in 1982 in the ministry of one of the founders of the word of faith movement, the late Kenneth Hagin. Besides Hagin, the one I learned the most from is Kenneth Copeland, himself taught by Hagin and Oral Roberts. The work that I have done in these 20 issues have served me well from a personal perspective. My own seeking is now COMPLETE. I will never speak in tongues again. I thank God for people like John Todd, who love put their lives on the line. I suspect that Todd knew that he was placing his own life in jeopardy when he set out to "warn the elect of God." Therefore, I suggest to you that if you are now sitting under the teachings of the word of faith movement for any length of time, if you have been slain in the spirit and if you have sat for hours praying to God "in your prayer" language, you have been groomed, taught and trained within a "church" movement that may have been originally financed by the Illuminati. I repeat to you the words of the Lord written by the Apostle John in Revelation Ch: 18: "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE THAT YOU RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES." .

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